The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 05, 1917, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Lotus Kadasrod. the . •nfessed slav
• r of A! • Park •* arht * - aped from
*d at Oru early Tue*4a: mom mg was
ra .<-4 to the barn on Pa: Braden's
arm loan* • • m >-•- northeast of Loup
I'tty earn Wed-.rsday morning by the
•here of Vali-' • >unty and a posse
of tamo -»
Mr P-ad-* d;~ . vered the man in
:.e ban. shortly iwfore the sheriff
• th the v ««d hound* appeared on the
ha’ the hound* were hot on the
tra •? : murderer and tiad Iren hut
a *! rt 'a r behind him all night
Th* alarm »i- given at <>>!<e and very
- • - ter "<•*■ men. about half of them
* ■ t am d were ,n th* - -n*- Katn
• *»■: g<>5 :• of the bant ami went ta'o
t.ere he was Boon di«
' -red and ordered to surrender,
h 1- • -lu'-d to do util answer-d
■’ *ht*< ■ r at the po*se lie wa> lo
.’d * • r - a rafter on the ea*t
-so* of *n* *h*-d to who t several shots
»* re d ;^d at.d he was soon brought
i’i»t from h;s fe-rvh thouch it ts be
*ved tha* t.t - shot that proved fata!
“as self ■ ‘*-d a* he was wounded
and see rig that he ottld not - * ate
immtrted *u: ole rather than sur
render to the officers of the law
T !ai the hla. test murder ever
re rded r» this part of th*- «*ate been
. ?t - 'tide, d for-uttate that
tifi one wa- : ;*t • r kill- d • the pur
'Jit of Kan • *ad a- he was : rnted and
a* desperate There is t • doubt thaf
- wa* a**.- - : r hi- e* ape from the
•td Jail at d f *he guilty parties are
1 ?•-*-!.• • -d :t w:;! go mighty hard
trth them
V K 1 'ioftt for u good Tiiti Amer
*>- 'Tf --i> n returned home from
< itnaiia Tuesday
fa" 'V - *a* a t»a--*neer to Grand
inland Wednesday
W P Vi. 'tui** T>'«e«! a load of
■ ar.* to Omaha Sunday
Km-*” Vo- e h*« our hated the
S 1* ’ - >n re-dert property.
T » * * :■*!.* s :d ■ hoe* to
r *■ .V «*•• ha : ' Monday.
Ve It •• t at »;■ - a*
Grand i-att-i ’•'.*-•!• .--da' on business
j, hi :••--* »■*. u t--j-e*-r *n Grand
’-land " ■ -.j’ rerun nr in "he even
!>» ' •' >n • •'!»•!, from Baird
~"ia ■ * <**■ k afr-r bus:t:- -- mat
? ■ ar- wen! *o Omaha, on
*: d»» t.* v>- : hi* brother for a few
J • r He*? .r e d »wi> f—,m Hvannfs
' r a f.-w da' - ' - • w ith Fred and
'"as - ■*-i"r£ a: <1 son* ;,-e unload
■nw •» J l rase traftora today
Mar*' ■ re ®r,d V R Fasiabrook
frori their trip to the sand
hiH» *bi* week
G F ■-•'» of He»dersr» who ha
— •). ' • !.£- Jifob Shirley. returned
home Thursday
\!r- ‘’hefer* who i* an invalid
»a» *o G-and i*!mnd. Sunday, bv
ber son. r ha pel
r a'v’.r- *’j*-‘ of*. Neb. a
■ro'her ■ of Ira Moler. <ame ir
'* *-dav eve* irt
' r 'be i- rreo&rfn* t
- • e ■ '(!:*•• b*-:!di- e it has to
moeed hr r r.- tenth
1 her •«*. h 1 t'tw-d a ear of
■ at 7 O-t a Ho ket » j d of <-at’ie
-he Or ha, markets Tuesday
t ■ er l ' - .*..-j c <ar of
or. T . f> -it,a Th*jr.jjgv r F A<her
‘ * h is’-"' I.-*«-d a ear of hoes
’ - I t St-* srir of tw--| ri*v. a no
Mr ttnri M's Roby
* ’ t :• Bo* -Thursday.
Ha*ve' r u*ma* who has been
' ' - ' ’ ■ r ... ■ 1 ot her relatives
• mine.
A f " - . 1 ■ j. hi* goods, im
;■>»*•'• : - - * - Vo.,If Point
ear er v •*» *: -d lu< k to vou
T - * ■- - i are to-'-i ,-e their fij.
•e nil1 l tie-* 1*1 to I *r Golf’s
• - pt t**r *1 e their new brick
i:» re:nr tie*
' ’ " .i hold hi* annual
' -’ ’ Hamt Ire sale it
' 1 ’ ’ -’ ’'I' He had t** da:*
■* :-* sa ahead — pet a date
v * ’ ’ Mrt \ T> :*’ irlmr Ost ar
I " “
and younger brother, fame in from
Ord on 3b It keeps them busy run
ning from one store to the other
There is a petition out and to be
f 'U!.d at the state bank, asking the B.
a M u> make 43 and 44 regular stops
: - ,el of flag. Everyone call and sign.
1 N Auusin of the state bank, is
tal : c lessons driving his new car
wf h he purchased from A. L. Fletc-h
■ • H-- is under the able tutor. Everett
Thomas Simonton. son-in-law of A
J Wilson, and brother-in-law of Mr.
nd Mrs John Heapv. who has been
■ r»- visiting, returned to his home at
Purdham. Friday
Frank L. Scott of Shelby, who has
been visiting with his sons and look
■ s nfter h:s land interests here, was
a passenger east. Wednesday. He ex
pects to return this week.
Mrs W W Engleman and Mrs.
Maud Lu key went to Omaha to be
j I"- sent »;th Mrs. r.ert Taffee. who
underwent an operation for appendi
'i- She is reported as doing fine.
The Spelts Bros., shipped a load of
- i[ to the Grand Island market on
Monday Joe Spelts, who has had a
• ry -.-vere attai k of pneumonia, we
:iri clad to say is getting along line.
A D. J u es sold a Hampshire fall
boar ’o W H Ellers of Roca. N’eb In
mentioning the sale of A. D. Jones’
j ladled bull last week. It was described
- a polled durham and it should have
!>een a red polled.
Mrs Taffee and daughter. Edna,
! were passengers west on 43. which
-• ipped on flag for them. They are
co : g Pi Baird to visit with the Farns
worth family. We understand Mrs M.
> is going to visit her son at Hill Oitv.
F L Arnett and son have purchased
he north half of the Potter building
>-'id w ill move their g-oods over as soon
as Th<- exTensive improvements are
'nished We T'nderstand there is to
a full glass front on our side of
The street.
Albert Moxlev. nephew of the Mox
• v who bought the George Swealey
tarn. now owned by McC’une. in Pleas
• ; Valley, was a passenger to his
• me a* Otis. Colorado, where he
'WT.s a half section of land He was
• -> To aTTend the funeral of his uncle.
I. ’ Fuse- our poular barber, who
‘ as been assisting James Gill for some
’■•mo long enough t . capture one of
li:r m 's' popular and worthy young
~ -v:«s Amy Williamson, who
■ will nel v impanied him to
in,;, a where hs folks will meet them
attend the wedding ceremony.
'Me will m:-s Miss Amy and the best
u hep of all who know both parties
‘.I go wuh them Lone may thev
live and happy may thev be. Mrs.
' » a-c La’ g a ompamed them as far
as Grand Island
Mr Jacob C. Bone and Miss Ethel
' a Hunt were united in marriage
R* v Vincent R. B»ebe at the Meth
t'.f«onage in Loup City. Wednes
1 afternoon April 4th. 1917 at two
<•< V: Thev were attended by Terry
• t and Clara Hunt, brother and sis
*r of the bride.
The br:de is the daughter of Mr and
Mr O C Hunt most estimable peo
!e who live six miles west of Loup
•v She la a young iadv of most ex
•nt qualities who has grown o
womanhood in this vicinity. Tic
re- m is the son of Mr and Mrs. J
; Bone whose home is three miles
* rthwest of Loup Citv. He is a young
" : w !u> is steady and industrious
i ' nmmands the confidence of those
re acquainted with him. The two
-Hu lies represented in this union are
iml.ered among the well-to-do higli
-- re-;e>ct»-d people of Sherman c-oun
The bride wore a lovely wedding
irt -s of white silk poplin. After the
erenionv the young couple drove by
*uto to tlie home of the bride's par
- « hi-rc a feast of good things was
t read for forty guests. The next dav
■ noon a big dinner was served to in
:■ d gu- ts at the hom< of the groom’s
'Jr and Mrs Bone will immediately
■■" to farming four miles northwest
■ f Loup ( tty. This happy young couple
have the congratulations of their many
triends, who join in wishing them hap
•cte-- and prosperity in their new
The city election Tuesday was a
quiet affair. Only 226 votes were re
corded. more than 100 less than the
vote at the spring election last year.
W. T. Gibson was elected mayor with
a majority of twenty-seven votes. The
surprise of the election was the vote
on pool halls, pool fiaii* being voted
out by 45 votes. Pete Rowe was re
elected city clerk. Following is the
1st 2nd Total Maj.
Ward Ward
; G. W. Collipriest 42 55 97
jW. T. Gibson SI 43 124 27
Pete Rowe 70 44 114 3
!Seth Richmond 54 57 111
L. Hansen 120 94 214 214
Edwin Ohlsen 39 43 82
T. W. O. Wolfe 85 56 141 59
E.T. Beushausen 40
Oscar Bechthold 83 43
Wm Graefe 47
James Bartunek 50 3
Xo 73 61 134 45
Yes 51 38 S9
Dailv sells for less.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
J. B. O’Bryan was an eastbound
passenger to Lincoln. Monday morn
Mrs. Joe Lewandowski visited with
relatives and friends at Ashton. Tues
Mrs R. S. Young went to Central
City. Monday for a. visit with rela
Dr. Carrie L. Bowman was an east
bound passenger to Lincoln Tuesday
Miss Delma Nielson went to St.
Paul last Saturday to spend a few
days visiting.
Dwight Willis went to Omaha. Sun
dav via Ravenna, returning again on
Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs S. A. Pratt, of Pleas
anton. were in our city Monday visit
ing with relatives.
Miss Lila McNulty spent Saturday
with home folks, returning to Com
: stock that evening.
Carl Amick came up Saturday from
♦he University to spend his vacation
; with his parents and friends.
George Lesrhinsky came up from
Lincoln. Saturday evening to spend his
spring vacation with home folks.
Mrs. A. R. Purvine went to Aurora
Monday morning to spend the ween
visiting with relatives and friends.
A. E. Chast returned home Satur
day evening from Ord. where he had
been on business the past few days.
Miss Florence Leininger came in
Saturday evening from Fremont to
spend a few days with home folks.
Albert Magnuson. who is attending
the University at Lincoln, came home
Monday evening for a short spring
Mrs. Joe Zaworski went to Ashton
Monday morning to spend the day
visiting. She returned home on the
= -™il
The New Edison
“The Phonograph with a Soul”
is conceded by the music critics of more than
three hundred of America’s principal news
papers to be incomparably superior to all other devices
for the reproduction of sound. This remarkable new
musical invention brings into your home a literally true
presentation of the art of the world’s great musical ar
tists. After you have heard the New Edison you
•) could scarcely be contented with a talking machine. • In
our locality A. C. Ogle is licensed by Mr. Edison to
armor. ■ .*»- trhis new instrument. You will not be importuned to buy.
Visit the new garage and hear this wonderful invention. A
large number of records on hand.
The New Edison sells for $100 and up
_ V
\Y J. McMullen, came up from
Grand Island Sunday via auto to help
out at the Times independent office
this week.
Asa J. Farnham went to Centr. 1
City. Monday morning to meet his
wife and baby. They arrived here -n
the evening.
Mrs. Harve O'Bryan and daughter
i came up from St. Paul. Saturday and
visited between trains with her father.
O. Bensehoter.
Paul Schumac returned home Satur
day evening from Ashton, where he
had spent the past few days visiting
with relatives.
The Misses Bessie and Alice Con
ger went to Arcadia, Saturday even
ing to spend Sunday with the H. S.
Conger family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Lee and chil
dren were westbound passengers to
Sargent last Saturday evening for a
tew days visit.
An ideal home wedding took place
Wednesday. April 4. 1917. at the farm
residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. J Clark.
I six miles southwest of Litchfield. Xe
| braska. At five o'clock in the afternoon
Miss Nora Alice Clark was united in
; marriage to Mr. Roy C. Plants. While
the happy young couple stood beneath
a beautiful alcove of smilax. arranged
; in the parlor. Rev. Vincent R. Beebe
of the Loup City Methodist church
read the marriatre #:nes. using the
beautiful and impressive ring service,
thus uniting two happy hearts for life
] Only immediate relatives witnessed
the ceremony. After congratulations
; the guests were ushered into the din
j ing room where a sumptuous wedding
dinner of three courses was served.
Numerous and beautiful gifts were
presented by relatives and friends.
The bride is a daughter of Mr and
! Mrs. E. J. Clark, who have been liv
i ng near Litctofield for a numbpr of
j years and are among our progressive
| and prosperous farmer folks. She is
| one of the choice,young ladies of
I Sherman county, gracious and talent
ed. and ha= been teaching school near
her home. She was becomingly gowned
in a wedding dress of white messaline
trimmed with white silver lace.
The groom is a member of the Loup
City business firm of I>. T. Plants «v
! Son and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P.
T. Plants of Loup City. Nebraska. He
is a young man of sterling character,
winsome personality, and business
ability, who with his father is enjoying
a generous patronage in the hardware,
furniture and implement business. He
has the good will and respect of all
who know him
Mr. and Mrs. Plan’s come from two
of the finest families in Sherman conn
ty. Future success awaits them. They
have the best wishs of many friends
for a long and happy life together
They are taking a wedding trip by
auto to Omaha. Lincoln, and relatives
in York county. They will he at home
in Loup City after May first.
The entertainment given by Bess
Gearhart Morrison was one of the best
ever given here. Very often an ent"r
taiment given by a reader, alone. 1 e
comes tiresome on account of its lack
of variety, hut Miss Morrison has such
an extensive repertoire and changes
so completely from one character to
another that from the first number to
the closing she held her audience in
tensely interested— Julesburg (Colo.)
The people of Loup City and vicini
ty are indeed fortunate in being able
to hear Bess Gearhart Morrison at
the opera honse on Monday evening.
April 16. Mrs. Morrison has occnpied
the Chautauqua and lecture stage for
years and will appear here under the
auspices of the Central Faith Home at i
Broken Bow. having generously do j
nated her sen-ires for one week to this j
very worthy institution to help them !
raise some money to carry on their
noble work. Evejv one should attend
this splendid entertainment and assist
Mrs. Morrison in helping this worthy
cause. Admission. Adults 35 cents,
children 15 cents. This admission price
is much cheaper than ever charged for
her entertainments at chautauqiias.
The county convention of the Mod
ern Woodmen of America was held in
their hall in Loup City April 4. The
convention was called to order by
Clerk C. C. Cooper. R. D. Hendrickson
was elected chairman of the conven
tion. Loup City. Rockville. Ashton.
Hazard and Litchfield were well repre
sented. The first important matter be
| fore the convention was the election of
a delegate to the state convention
t which will be held at Norfolk May 2. A
i lively contest was on at once between
j pete Rowe and Hivo Aden. After the
dead lock was broken Hivo Aden
proved to be too heavy for Pete and
I be got skinned by c. small margin.
I Mr. Rowe was then elected alternate
! by acclamation. Convention then ad
! journed. *
Bess Gearhart Morrison will be in
I Loup City at the opera house on Mon
day evening. April 16. She tours the
middle Loup valley under the auspices
of the Central Nebraska Faith Home
i a charity organization located at Bro
ken Bow. Neb., giving entertainments
; of one night each at the following
I places: Loup City. Arcadia. Comstock
I ^argent. Waiworth and Milburn. All
proceeds, above expenses go to this
I work.
I Broken Bow had Mrs. Morrison on
their lyceum course last winter and
would be glad to have her again, but
her contract with the lyceum people
’ prevents her being used by the Faith
Home people on that line of road at
this time.
August Bechthold died at his home
here last night at about 12 o’clock, af
ter several months of suffering. The
funeral will be held at the Baptist
church Saturday afternoon. Obituarv
will be published next week.
Tony Bonczynski is working for hi
i'ather this summer.
Thos. Lubash hauled hogs to Ash
ton market Monday.
Xowicki Bros., spent Sunday aftei
| noon with Paul Kryski.
Cyrus Bvdalek quit school last week
on account of spring work.
A few from here attended church at
Ashton last Friday afternoon.
Peter Glinsman has been in Grand
Island the past week on business.
Peter Glinsman has been in Omaha
the past week with a car of cattle.
Mrs. Josephine Lubash sold a load
of coni to Paul Kryski last Wednes
Mrs. Paul Kryski was a passenger
cast. Tuesday to visit with her par
John Heins has been hauling hay
from the Chris Hansen place the past
I week.
Tony Sotbbe has been in Loup City
the past week attending assessors
It is reported that Mrs. Josephine
Lubash is quite low with pneumonia
this week.
Carsten Eris., have been sowing
spring wheat in their corn stalks the
past week.
Farmers are sowing their oats this
week and some are sowing in their
wheat fields.
Ignatz Goc hauled a load of hay to
his place from the Stanley Smedra
farm. Monday.
Tophiel Bonczynski took Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bonczynski to Farwell via
auto. Sunday.
Did anyone get an April fool joke
on you last Sunday? A few jokes were
pulled off here.
Ignatz Haremza lost a valuable
yearling calf last Sunday due to the
corn stalk disease.
Mr. Deherski of Oak Creek, bought
a stack of hay from Stanley Dymek
of Ashton, last week.
Farmers are planning to plant corn
•his spring in their wheat crop
the fields have dried out.
Mrs. Thos. Lubash. ^who has been
quite low for some time, has recover
ed and is in new life again.
Joe Peters of Ashton, is now taking j
are of the George Dymek Ford since ;
George has injured his hand.
Dr. Dickerson of Ravenna was cal- 1
led to see Mrs. Luhash last week who |
is very sick with pjneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Maciejewski
visited with the latter's mother. Mis.
Josephine Luhash. last Sunday.
We understand that Mike Lubash
returned from Lincoln, where he had
been attending the auto school.
Misses Irene Rapp, Freda Piumbe- k
and f’lara Xowicki went to Ashton
last Friday to take piano lessons.
John Warden of Papfin, has been
out to Paul Kryski's farm the^ past
week with the intention of buying it ;
The Mike Slobuoczvski children be i
can school Monday after being absen* ‘
for the past six weeks with the meas j
Mr. and Mrs. John Woitasczewski 1
were called to the bedside of the la; j
ter's mother. Mrs. Josephine Lubash
who is very low.
Miss Thretssa Xowicki has been in I
Farwell the past week visiting with !
her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs" M S
Platek. and family.
Miss Bessie Fisher, teacher in Dist.
Xo. 6. was a passenger to Loup City i
last Friday evening to visit with her
parents over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lubash moved
their household goods to Grand Island
j —
last Monday, where they expect to
make their future home. •
Jce Got- came up from St. Paul
last Friday to visit with his patents
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goc. He returned
to school Monday morning.
Roman Demhowski came down from
Loup City via auto last Saturday to
visit with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and
Mrs Frank A. llaciejewski.
Leon F Lubash arrived from Kear
ney. Tuesday, where he is attending
the normal college, to be at the bed
side of his mother who is very low.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jezewski and
baby of Ashton, visited with the lat
ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. August
Maschka. and family. Sunday after
Mr. and Mrs Frank Bonezynskj. Jr.,
and family autoed to Farwell last Sun
day to visit with the latter's par
ents. Mrs. Xigorski. They returned the
same day.
Last Friday was the warmest day
this year. It made a fellow think that
spring was here but the next day it
looked like and felt like winter was
here again.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Platek and baby
autoed up from Farwell last Sunday
to visit witb the former’s sister. Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Xowicki. returning
home in the evening.
Miss Maggie Peters came up from
Farwell last Saturday, where she is
employed at the B V. Maschka store,
to visit with her mother, returning
again Monday morning.
The bodies of Edward Parker, eigh
teen years old and Bernice Berck. six
teen years old. were found in I stra .v
stack four miles southwest of St. Paul
at noon Wednesday, a revolver con
taining two exploded cartridges lay
beside the bodies. A bullet had passed
into the right temple of the boy and
the girl.
The two disappeared March 28. The
girl dropped out of sight while on the
way home from church. Her parents
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Berck. thought she
had been kidnapped and had started
a search for her through the newspa
pers. She was an only daughter.
Parker was a Telephone lineman and
had been going with Miss Berck. The
boy and gir! were very much attached
It was said that Mr. and Mrs. Berck
had objected to Parker's attendance
because of their daughter's youth.
It was supposed for a time that the
couple had eloped. Mr. and Mrs. Berck
scouted this theory because their
daughter was lightly dressed and took
no baggage She had made no prepara
tion whatever to leave home. Both she
ind the young man had money in the
bank at St Paul. Neither drew any
nut and this aroused suspicion that
hev hud met with foul play of some
From the appearance of the bodies
hey had been dead since very short
' after liter disappearance. The re
mains were brought to St. Paul The
funeral services were held Thursday.
Lonnie Woods will hold another
combination sale at his livery and
feed barn in Loup City on Saturday.
April 7. This will probably be his last
sale of the season. Horses, cattle, farm
machinery, household goods and many
'"her articles will%be offered for sale,
rhose having anything that they wish
:o put up for sale should have it on
he grounds by 2 o'clock Saturday af
ernoon. This sale promises to be the
biggest of them all. so come out as
many articles will probably be on sale
hat you may want.
The Central Nebraska teachers' as
sociation held their annual convention
| in Hastings March 28-2&-30. There
i were thirty-three teachers in attend
ji.nce from Sherman eonutv. twelve of
these from the Loup City schools and
four from Rockville.
The Sherman county attendance was
second largest there. Sherman coupty
had never been m attendance before.
The opening session Wednesday night
was held at the opera house. Music and
physical culture program by the Hast
ings high school girls and a speech by
Mrs. Walker were the main features.
Mrs. Walker's talk was upon the sul>
ject of "Making our Worlds.”
The opening meeting on Thursdav
i was held in the M. E. church. The chief
address was given by Ex-Supt. A. O.
Thomas, who talked upon school con
ditions in the State of Nebraska. He
knows school conditions and has a
live interest in Nebraska schools.
The afternoon sessions were held in
the high school building. All the dif
ferent sessions were well attended
Friday morning at general session
Chancelor Fulmer gave an excellent ad
dress to the teachers. Mr. Fulmer
needs no introduction to teachers in
the state as he is well known in edu
cational circles as a man on the right
side of every question. His address re
eeived the hearty approval of all who
heard him speak.
Friday afternoon sesions were as us
ual. held in the high school building.
At the close of the afternoon session
the Chamber of Commerce took the
teat hers in automobiles to the various
parts of the city. The teachers num
bered more than 700 and it took quite
a line of automobiles 10 accommodate
Friday evening occured the Nebras
ka Central District Declamatory con
est. There were twelve contestants
and each ones work was good.
Aurora. Silver Creek and Sutton car
ried off the first prizes. Excellent mush
was furnished throughout by the Hast
ings college glee club.
Some of the school men from the
north side of the Platte used their in
fluence to bring the meeting to the
north side next year. Next year's meet
ing will be held at Grand Island. Supt.
A. J. Dunlap of Central City, was elect
ed president of the association and
Supt .Leach of Sargent. Secretary and
Treasurer, for the coming year It is
to be hoped that the teachers from
this section will attend in larger num
bers nex’t year.
1 his was the first year that the local
j teachers have attended the District
The Northwestern intended giving
a complete list of all Sherman county
teachers attending, but could not *e
cure the names of all. and have the
following: County Superintendent L.
H. Currier. C. V. Bitner. Ray Clark. J.
W. Davrdson. Alice LeMasters. Nellie
Grierson. Mrs. Beth Owen. Klea Me
Nultv. Lena Smith. Mrs. Lettie Fos
ter Ida Steen. Anna Clopper. Mable
Daddow. J. W. Markin. Elida Lund.
Alice Tangerman, Margaret McFad
den. Retta Gasteyer. Garra Hill. Karl
Gasteyer. Chris Hansen. Amelia Han
sen. Mason Phillips, Maggie Christen
sen. Beth Sharp. Blanche Fisher. Han
nah Anderson, and Emma Rowe.
Our friend. Mrs. Bottomley. the
fashion expert, has contributed a chat
on springtime frills and furbelows
that ought to interest every lady who
reads The Northwestern. Her article
1 is in this issue of the paper
marks the awakening of nature from
its long winter’s sleep, the reclothing of
the somber fields and forests in be
coming raiment.
are but a reflection of this natural and universal im
pulse. They mark the casting off of Winter s cum
bersome restrictions in the matter of dress.
should be selected in the spirit of the Easter tradition;
should be seasonable in the matter of style but irreproach
able from the standpoint of good taste.
Adler Collegian Clothes
have long been recognized as the standard of selection in the ready-to-wear
clothing field. The new spring Collegian styles now on display in our store
' are all absolutely correct as to design. The choice is merely a matter of
your personal preference. We will be delighted to assist with our expert
knowledge of clothing values.