The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 29, 1917, Image 4

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    ' ' ' 1 -— — -' ————
Columbia Grafonolas at The Rexall Drug Store. Come in and hear the new records.
Asa J. Farnham — :=
Watered at the Loup City Postoffice
far transmimlon through the
as second class matter.
Iautaacrtctiue >■ regarded as an
apes aooswut Tbs nauo-s -f subscribers
* •:> r-i • ed f* n. our m
ltd Im4. at tie rapit*’ i»n of l.itt* paid fief.
If uiii..saro ita- be notified, wihrrwlir
tto subscript :cm will remain in force at
ine deaifi . ’-d subsrripnor* price. Kv*ry
mut Tnr-rt n .at it deratand that then*
fanSitiet are made a part of tbe con
tract between pui.uaS-r and subscriber.
Ihsplay advertisement*. 12*- cents
per inch, for annual contracts, where
apace la used every week in tlii year.
15 cents per inch for a six mouth*
contract. 2» cent* per inch for irregu
lar and orca»K>nal advertisers. 24
tenia per Inch discount where plates
are famished. Local notices, a cents
per liar, each insertion Black face l<e
cats. Id cents per line, each tn*ert wi
Heading notices, over 2t» lines. 25 cents
per inch Minimum charge for local
woe Ire or ad. 15 cents per week.
Marc h 20. 1917.
County Board of Supervisors met
this afternoon with all members pres
M mates of last meeting read and on
motion approved as read
Piper road laid on condition that
< human!* do not appeal from the a!
iowanre of damages which follow
i A Johnson 125.00
Joseph ko» slew ski 12.5t‘
J, lie Mullen ... JJ 54
R l> Piper 7$N
F Knersen...-. TS.tW
T r. 4 'hamberlain - -- ST S'*
Hughes vacation on motion allowed
Request of Count c Superintendent on
motion laid over till the next meeting
kurteor cm mot:on iqptjuc ted to
plat fund Xo ( between section 25 and
Apples', -n of David Ormsbe and
Moses Farnsworth fur admission to the
Soldiers home was acted upon and re
quest on motion granted
Board on motion adjourned till 9 A.
M tomorrow.
March 21. 1917
Board met this morning with all
members present
Morning session spent in auditing
claims and discussions
Adjourn* d for dinner
Met after dinner
Request of the commercial c lub for
a site on the square on which to place
a underground toilet was on motion
duly made seconded and carried,
granted Same to be placed in the
northwest XIV corner of the square,
the present site of the hosehous*-.
County Surveyor was on motion
given authority to pay c haiuman $2 5
per day.
County Clerk BMtructed to (any salar
ies of County Superilendent. Sheriff,
and Clerk monthly and salaries of
County Attorney and Clerk of I »lstrict
Court quarterly.
It was moved and seconded and duly
earned to reconsider action on request
of County Superintendent County Su
perintendent on motion, duly madp. se
conded and carried, allowed $15c> per
year for traveling expenses beginning
> with January I. 1917.
Bridge committee authorized to let
contrac t for new and repair work af- ^
ter they have inspected bridges.
County Treasurer ordered to invest,
56 per rent of court house fund in
registered warrants of this county.
Claims committee reported that
rh> \ had allowed all claims stamped
with the exception of deductions made
for delinquent taxes, which report was
on motion accepted and the County
Clerk ordered to issue warrant on the
respective funds.
General Fund.
First National hank, rent.$ &7.00
J H. YVelty. supervisor. 5.50
l)an McDonald. supervisor. 4.80
University Publishing Co., sup
plies . 1.02
Klopp .v Bartlett, supplies. 3.10
A Anderstrom. vital statistics 2.00
S K. Sorensen, vital statistics .!5
L. K Dickinson, vital statistics 2.50
G. W. Gibson, vital statistics. 2.50
A S Main, vital statistics. 9.25
Hansen Lumber Co., coal . 8.35
Hammond A: Stephens Co. sup
plies . 31.00
W 11 Kigbtenour. printing. 1.00
Loup City Light & Power Co..
current . 5.15
A J Kearns, board of insanity 8.00
Aaron Wall, hoard of insanity 3.00
('has Bass. board of insanity 8.00
Klopp a- Bartlett, supplies. 91.92
State Journal Co., supplies . 90.74
Wm. Graefe. supplies . 6.13
Cniversitv Publishing Co. sup
. 8.39
K Q Taylor, cool, etc. 61.65
Bert Fiebig. drayage. 2.50
Hammond A- Stephens, supplies .40
Loup City Light & Power Co.
current . 14.69
C. L. McDonald, drayage. 5.75
O S Mason, well supplies. 21.55
C. F. Beushausen, stamped en
velopes . 44.30
Loup City Northwestern, sup
plies . 40.61
D. C. Grow. Co. Treas., office
.. 26.20
Mat Janulewicz. labor . 33.25
'has Bass. Clerk District Court 122.50
V 11 Norling. supplies for S.
Wilaoi. 36.44
(' A Potter, supplies for S.
Wilson ... 10.50
' A Rydberg, professional ser
. 13 56
Yrnett A- Son. supplies Sher
man Wilson . 1.95
Waterbury a Achenbach. sup
!>:.■ - r Shi man Wilson. 2.10
Anastasia Chudziski. labor for
Sh -rrnan Wilson . 10.20
(Ui.a- Hoage. milk for Sherman
Wilson . 7 ;
; Y L. Fletcher, supplies for
Sherman YY'ilson . 15.50
Hoc king a- Sons, supplies for
Sherman YY'ilson . 1.55
I M C. Taylor. Ashton, supplies
for L Brass . 3.70
I (• N c-oii supplies for L. Brass 2.05
1 >\*tone Lumber Co., lumber,
etc. 95.75
! K. F Kozel, supervisor . 15.00
I Sherman County Times, sup
. 61.21
|J A Arnett a Son. supplies for
poor . 58.77
j A S M;. > . professional services 4.65
; .’t L. Arthur, supplies. 21.85
Hayhurst a Callaway, supplies
. 27.27
17 A Smith, County Judge. 88.46
J. K Bowman, professional ser
. 1.50
11 R H YY'llliams. fees. State
vs. Odendahl . 6.40
ilam- Johnson, supervisor. 14.00
F T R: iimond. supervisor. 15.00
G* o Brammer supervisor . 15.60
YY' T Gibson, supervisor. 24.00
YYVnzel Rewolinski. supervisor 14.00
YY'. O. Brown, supervisor . 20.40
Lamont L. Stephens, Co. Att'y 218.00
L. B. Polski, Co. Clerk. 412.50
L. B. Polski. Co. Clerk, office ex
pense. 20.20
L. H. Currier. Co. Supt. 345.5G
L. A. Williams, Sheriff. 233.G3
Bridge Fund.
E. M. Johnson, bolts . 2.50
Keystone Lbr. Co., lumber . 2.80
Kozel & Sorensen, nails, bolts
etc. 12.50
E. F. Kozel, supervisor . 2.00
F. T. Richmond, supervisor . 8.80
<1. W. Brammer, supervisor. 3.00
W. T. Gibson, supervisor. 4.00
Wenzel Rewolinski, supervisor 21.00
Alex Lewandowski, bridge work 11.25
Frank Rewolinski, bridge work 11.25
Lewis Waskowiak, bridge work 7.75
Road Fund.
E. B. Corning. Surveyor . 23.00
Board on motion adjourned till June
11. 1917.
L. B. POLSKI, County Clerk.
J. D. Burns was a Loup City visitor
last Saturday.
Miss Anna Nohls visited with Edith
Malm Sunday evening.
Mrs. Ray Smith visited at the J. D.
Burns home last Friday.
Adam I&vapnowski is working for
Arnold Johnson this week.
Emil and A. P. Malm visited John
Anderson last Sunday evening.
Ed. Welty visited at the Robert Lein
inger home one day last week.
How are the roads? Well, there are
no roads, they are mostly “chuck
Mrs. J. W. Darrow and son, Vaughn,
visited at Palmer a couple of days
last week.
Miss Brown, of Arcadia, visited at
the Wm. Minne home a couple of days
last week.
Hans Pederson and Axel Hendrick
son visited at G. W. Anderson's place
one day last week.
Mrs. Swanson of Hamilton county,
visited with her nephew', E. E. Erick
son. a couple of days last week.
The snow is nearly all gone and we
have not heard anyone complain about
it yet. so it must be that “Absence
makes the heart grow fonder.” is true.
A goodly number of the young peo
ple of this vicinity attended the dance
at Emil Malm's place on Clear Creek
last Saturday night and all reported a
good time.
A. G. Hagey purchased a fine span
of mules last week. We did not hear
the exact price paid but if he bought
them for less than $400 he got them
too cheap.
We have been told that some of Cole
Creek’s most ambitious farmers have
started to plow. Well, if they have
they are rushing the season and be
sides they are in great danger of frost
ing their feet by w’alking on the froz
en ground.
Inoculation for alfalfa may best be
accomplished by scattering over the
area to be seeded surface soil taken to
the depth of 4 or 5 inches from an
other field upon which the crop has
bpen previously successfully grown.
The soil should be broadcasted, at the
rate of from 250 to 500 pounds per
acre, and harrowed in immediately.
The spreading should take place in a
cloudy day or late in the afternoon, as
the sun's rays are destructive to the
germs. Soil from the roots of sweet
clover plants also will inoculate alfalfa.
Care should be taken to avoid introduc
ing noxious weeds or fungous diseases.
Subscribe for The Northwestern.
riow About You ?
TPKAT we are exult
A ant over what we
are certain is the most
comprehensive and bril
liant assortment of new
spring styles for men and
young men in the city
does not prove anything.
Your opinion is the de
ciding factor and since »
| we have never pursued
a policy cf exaggeration,
we know that you who
seek new spring togs
with style such as holds
sway in the big metro
politan centers, will at
least pass judgment on
them—then we are san
guine your views and
our views will coincide.
Every type of build—
every fancy must surely
be met in this vast array
of models and fabrics
that we have so pains
takingly arranged for
the spring season.
are of such high standard
that the mere incident of
your seeing them stands
between their being our
property or yours.
Sunday morning at 10:30 will be
our Quareterly Communion service.
Every member of the church is urged
to be present. An opportunity will be
given to parents who wish to have
their children dedicated to the Lord
in baptism. The session will be con
vened at 10:00 o'clock to receive any
who may wish to become members of
this church.
“The Quiet Ways of God's Provi
dence” will be the subject for Chris
tian Endeavor Sunday evening. Bert G.
Travis will be the leader.
The district conference at Lexington
was one of the best we ever attended.
There was a large attendance. Mr.
Long extended an invitation to the con
ference to meet at Loup City next year.
This invitation was extended by the
vote of the official board of this church
It was unanimously accepted. It will
bring to our city Bishop Homer C.
Stuntz. one of the outstanding leaders
of American Methodism, and some of
the most prominent pulpit men of our
church, as well as many delegates
from over the district. Loup City can
entertain this conference right royally
and will do so.
The group meeting in this church on
Tuesday of this week was a complete
success. Dr. Hollingshead. one of the
speakers from the east, said it was the
best of the meetings on this district.
Dr. Isham said we had the largest at
tendance of any of the meetings. That
means we beat Kearney and Broken
Bow. The pastor wishes to thank the
folks for the very fine interest taken
by our people in attending, entertain
ing delegates, etc. Now for the practi
cal application of plan to the work as
signed us. We have a fine organi
zation of teams perfectly capable of
getting the needed results. The sup
plies wall be here shortly and perhaps
next week the teams will be able to
visit their groups. Be sure, leaders, to
ask God to help you in the great work
to which you have given yourselves,
otherwise you will not win.
Easter will soon be here and our
Sunday School will be ready with a
stood program. We had 21fi at Sunday
School last Sunday. Miss Effie Cun
ningham. contest secretary, reports
that in the league contest Miss Calla
Cole's side is now 73 points in the
lead. Only two more Sundays. Work
hard or you may have to clean the
church. Evening hours of worship
change next Sunday. Epworth League
at 7 o'clock, preaching at 8. We want
all our folks present next Sunday at
10:30. Matters of importance. Miss
Jennie Cole leads the league, subject,
"Are We Fooling Ourselves?"
Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts of America
are bringing to our city the Weslevah
Glee Club consisting of about 24 young
men. the most talented musicians in
Nebraska Wesleyan University. It is
seldom that our people have an oppor
tunity to hear this class and character
of entertainment and all should avail
themselves of this special opportunitv
to be given at the Opera House Mon-1
day. April 2nd. at 8:13 p. m. Get vour I
tickets now of the Scouts or at Swan
son's drug store.
In reply to Mr. Hans Johnson’s let-1
ter of March 19th. The question he ask
ed me was: “that a statement had been
made in regard to his roadwork and he
claimed he had been fair.” He says in I
his letter the road funds were left in |
his hands to use as he saw fit, so it I
The tow'nship assessing was alscHn-!
trusted to me. and when I came to
place a value on his property last
spring he told me he wanted to be used
just like everybody else, now all I atn
asking is that he uses everybodv else
just like himself. There is a main
traveled road running diagonally
across Logan Township and what
seems strange to me is that the lower
one-third of it is kept up so much
better than the upper two-thirds, when
all of the land along it is of the same
grade and assessed at the same price.
In regard to the grading, part of it
was done in 1913 and has had noth
ing done since except dragging and is
worn down 18 inches in places. He
regrades his road but not the rest,
this is plain for the public to see.
In regard to our friendship I con
sidered Mr. Johnson as one of my best
friends, until he tried to make a scape
goat out of me by saying it was my
fault that our roads were in such a con
dition, that I would not drag them,
thereby shielding himself.. The fact
of the matter at that time was that
there wras only Ik* miles in shape to
drag and that was in four patches.
In regard to him not speaking dis
respectful of me, I have proof that he
has and the party he told will face him
in it any place and if he had not made
this statement I would not have writ
te this letter.
I am willing to go with any one and
view these roads to see whether I have
told the truth. *
This is my last.
(Adv) R. R. BAUHARD.
Among the countless evidences of
increased and growing prosperity in
Nebraska none is more marked than
the improvement noticeable in prac
tically all of the country newspapers.
No longer ago than a year or two a
large proportion of the country press
lid no credit to the state. Many a
town was nourishing one or two local
papers that were no credit to it. They
were miserably printed and generally
poorly gotten up. It was not unusual
for an exchange editor to find many
that simply could not be read, and
there were many more the reading of
which would not pay anybody's time
Mid effort.
It has been within the past year
that there has been a refreshing re
habilitation of the country press. It
is now a positive pleasure to encount
er most of the papers, which a year
ago excited commiseration. Why the
change has come is only inferentially
apparent. It must be attributed to the
general betterment of conditions
among the readers of home papers.
These improvements have been af
fected also while prices of "print pa
per and all that goes toward the sub
tenances of a newspaper have been
mounting to altitudes that have at
times seemed just short of prohibi
tive. To some these prices were pro
hibitive, and a Jew papers blinked out.
rhe remarkable improvement of those
that hung on is a tribute both to the
industry and sagacity of their pub
lishers and t<T the liberality of the
prosperous communities which thev
This is extremely gratifying to
every observant person, for there is no
more unerring reflection of local con
ditions in communities than the local
papers that speak for them.—Lincoln
Their Unceasing Work Keeps Up
Strong and Healthy.
All the blood in the body passes
through the kidneys once every three
minutes. The kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and day. When heal
thy they remove about 500 grains of
impure matter, daily when unhealthy
some part of this impure matter is left
in the blood. This brings on many dis
eases and symptoms—which vary
widely but may include pain in the
back, headache, nervousness, hot. dry
skin, rheumatic pains, gout, gravel, dis
orders of the eyesight and hearing, diz
ziness. irregular heart, debility, drowsi
ness, dropsy, deposits in the urine, etc.
But if you keep the filters right the
danger is overcome. Doan's Kidney
Pills have proven an effective kidney
James Johansen, Loup City, says:
"I was in pretty bad shape with my
back and couldn’t stoop or straight
en up without being in misery. Sharp
pains often seized me and I dropped to
the ground. As soon as I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the
Swanson Drug store. I could tell that
I was being helped. They have never
since failed me.”
Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney- remedy—get
Doan's Kidney Pills — the same that
Mr. Johansen had. Foster-Milburn. Co..
Props., Buffalo. N. Y.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Peti
tion For Settlement of Account.
In the County Court of Sherman Coun
I ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Sherman Coun
ty. ss.
To the heirs, legatees, devisees and
all persons interested in the esta*e
of Christian Hansen, Sr., deceased.
On reading the petition of Christian
Hansen. Jr., praying a final settlement
and allowance of his account filed in
this court on the 9th day of Mr.r h,
1917, and for order or distribution >;id
settlement of said estate. It is h< v
ordered that you and all person in
terested in said matter may, and do.
appear at the County Court to be he’d
in and for said county, on the 6th dav
of April A. D.. 1917. at 10 o’clo-k V.
M. to show cause, if any there be. why
the prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publish
ing a copy- of this order in the Loup
City Northwestern, a weekly- newspa
per printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to day of hear
Witness my hand and seal this 9tu
day of March. 1917. 13-3
E. A. SMITH, County Judge.
manufacturers of
JACOB R1T7.J Rockville,Nebr.
Good Lumber
===== at —
Lowest Prices
Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia
iLeColumbia Grafonola
by musicians the world over as
the standard and first in the judg
ment of experts at the World’s
p Fairs cad Expositions is now on
I exhibition and for sale in your
5, home town. A complete stock
9 of these Matchless Instruments
OS -.veil as the Columbia Line
'= of unexcelled Records, for
K eig-J and domestic, can be seen
and ei.jeyed whenever it suits
jj your convenience.
I Table Machines at
5 015,025,$35,$50
;.1 —;3 at
■ 7 S.SBb.i 00S110
end up to the price of the style 350, the Columbia Grafonola Baby Grand,
the last word in phonograph construction, The A.cme of Dcrfcctiun.
START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT— Bring music and happiness
to your family--- call at our store and order a Columbia Grafonola to
vour horn' Convenient payments if desired.
Asa J. Farnham, Loup City
Representatives for the Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company
Exclusive Wholesale Distributors for Nebraska, Iowa arid South Dakota
Sells for less and pays the freight
- I
That is the value you get
for every
you spend at this store. Our
goods are honestly bought
and honestly sold. We have
no ambition to get rich quick.
Just a reasonable profit satis
fies us.
Come in! Come now. See
For Yourself!