The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 29, 1917, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern
_____ ■: .. — ■■ " 1 ■ ■" - '■■■ ■ ~ =--■■■■ 1 , .. .. .
I' J 4a i« »«>ti Unt two valuable
> alv«s this W eek
lUeUt B- • ■■* U Suit if with
the Ma< .ejew*k; Brt».
.\o«!.u drug spent Sunday after
noon with the if vlaiek Bros.
August <-*%;• n quit s • yool last"
at unt <"»f early wo V
Alton*, t.... .4 Ashton, vi tiled with
• * Mas x Bros last Sunday
J W I • -S has been tlie first farm
er ot. I* V to s -w hi- oats
Ignat *1 t.aaied fits corn from the
Jake Mai - .e w ski larm last week
Farmers ar*» fearing about the wheat
r< :i are don't get a rain soon
- u.»ki viatted with Mr
. Mr- Istf Dymek last Sunday
- Ka .k w - t »'*. a Team of fcorse
. Loup l'.' la»t w-s. and «old them
Henry I • .-t- of Sihaupps. viaited
-to J <h:. W-.s* family Sundae.
Mits i c.taa Peter* ha- been werk
Uf for Thos Lut*a*h the past wee*
Jt«ur h ta*»/ew ski low a valuable
■rst -i.r .a\ last week due to lung
Paul Stnedra pur. based a new top
ucgy fr m T: - Jas:r«g a Son last
■ B' - shipped six .ar* of
i■ Ut h r- at.d sh—yp to <»ti>jiia last
Head* are drying up fast and soon
the ran will *>• going" ms they were
Mr* Th - Luba*!:. who has aeon
u,-e :t * • • • j..*• -k is improving
J an U •- news*. - children have
- . *>,. fii-r we..-k with the
the .klea
i • . irht two bogs of
J .* v. k four Farweli one day
iaat week
A!-*'k took one of his
mules -• L mp City in-' week and sold,
it at a *akr
Frars S* ■ 1'- ard igmn Got- hauled
alfalfa ! <r George Pymek a* he is un- .
able to work
i ■ P ir be s wa- a passenger to I
lira* a r-■ . - dy> la-t week on tm- ’
portaal fcMdMM.
Fanners are «*!• .n the fields diar
. ■ -«r ■ " ■ •<;- and getting ready
for a UufL.e-r crop
F J Mt .'jewsi .tight two more;
young raivea from G H Lorenz of
Aahton ia»* week
Wm •: f i. > svilie bought a
*!.| ' " • S "1 Is- fn To 1 S
KnBtownki last Friday
* Anton George France* and Sophia:
i *
measles the pa** week
Ti * Th'- Lx: bash children started to
s ■ at after an ahsen e of three
week* w;:ti the measles
The George Iivmek children have:
la-: * with the measles the past
week hut m*e out again
A number of tarr.cj- atiei.ded th
T j1 Mi.* .4 John Paulsen's south of;
K« kv-.ile last Wednesday.
y.:»* Lire Weiss has Wn boar!
tig at •'* * J W Pe*ers h< me as they:
have si ki e-s in her borne
Mr and Mrs John Woltasczewskl
• - -ed witt, Vr at d Mrs Thos Lu
hash last Fnday afternoon.
J ? Item.: ur i'» a! acent. is
• eev bu.-t • da-- - soli- ltir.g among j
the farm.-r* at i near Ashton.
Mrs J *ej• * • e Lubash has lie*-!,
s • r.g tr.e pa»t we«-k w ith her daugh
let Mr J he \Voita*<z«-uski.
" - V - ■ Vat.-f-.k-, returned frotu
Farweli la-- Ta<- day evening where.
• :.a* :. tor ai exte-.ded visit.
Ail c :.} «tal--k :* workiug for Geo.
'«*- a- G-o is unable I)
«l mu- • iie gt-t h.s hand injured
Mr a: V'- Lc Ikirviak visited
with the -a- * - - par.'-:!-, Mr and Mr*
-' - »ei .. - a-of family Sunday
An a: t for • Great Western
rtem.- a. lat.:jla firing Go . of Grand
islai.4 • - on the ( reek. Tuesdav
Iir : <f 1. . k lie has been
ailed : - Th< - Lubash home three
■ ti: • -■ re ■"are sick with the
L Roberts of Si Paul acent for
• S F Baker medicines, extracts.
a* t set. -.ii the Creek the past
few days
J * G ante up frim St. Paul la..t
1 - * :.-re he < attending college.
to visit « th his parents He returned
Monday morning
Mr at:d Mrs. Stanley Nowicki and
aln went to Farwell via auto las! Fri
Uv to visit with her parents Mr. and
Mr* M S. Platek.
Edn .nd Maschka was a passenger
■ Farwell last Wednesday to visit
wit:, his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Ben
nett Maschka. and family.
G- -ge Dvmek is around now days
his hand wrapped and hanging
:: a sling from the result of gening
r. seil w hile cranking his Ford.
August Maschka. overseer in Dist.
\ ■ IS. began with a force of men week to work on the roads near
>hn Dangel and Harry Maciejewski's
Mrs F J Maciejewski was a pas
• lue-r to St Paul last Friday morn
tig to visit with the Roman Luckevicz
family returning home in the evening.
M J Vincent, the mail carrier, in
• m c<i this writer that on the ?.lst dav
f th * month he will have completed
hit h successful year as mail ear
Mr* Mike Luhash returned from
Far» 1 hist week where she has been
v - •:: g with her sister. She is now
staying with her sister. Mrs. Joe Lu
Jo- Jasnok Jr . has been in Grand
1-iai d the past week buying some
t:!u!*t paving $4"0 for a team. Thev
• ave both d:-d since he brought them
here Tough luck
The Deer Creek baseball team hail
a lit* • practice last Sunday on the
lo.-al '..amend They expect to organize
g si team and will challenge any
•-am fifteen miles square.
Word was received here one dav
,a*t week from Atkinson. Neb., that
J W l’-’ee- had sold his :'.20 acre farm
a' at: auction sale to a Mr. O'Brien of
• .a me consideration being $15.
A box social was held last Friday
at the Brammer school in Howard
>u: v a good crowd was present and
•tie baskets sold high. The proceeds
».-e Turned over to the benefit of the
Our mail carrier. M. J Vincent, left
Monday morning for Chappell. Deuel
out tv. fiw a weeks' visit with his
Jam< * and Davis. During his
absence his brother. W. Vincent, is
at lire; as mail carrier
Did you notice the difference last
We inesday morning, it being the first
dav of spring The sun has crossed the
• ■ iatc*r on its way northward and old
ma' Winter passed painlessly and
quietly into the great beyond and there
wasn't enough of him left for one to
say. doesn't he look natural
Nellie Kaminski was visiting the Vic
• iry school Thursday afternoon.
Peter Kaminski was a passenger to
Daii'ii-broe on business last Thursday.
Peer Kaminski was quite busy haul
• g hay Monday, which he hauled three
Ignai Kaminski was visiting with
Mike Mendyk and family. Tuesday
Mis* Eva Goodwin is home again
after a few weeks absence at working
in Loup City
Anton Mendyk and sister. Helen,
vi-::ed with John and Annetta Peter
son last Sunday evening.
Miss Nellie Kaminski was visiting
with her cousin. Mrs. Ed. Roschynial
ski. Wednesday afternoon.
Ignai Kaminski. Tony Mendyk ami
Ellen Mendyk were visiting with Peter and family. Sunday evening.
The Army and Navy appropriation
bill*: and the special measure be
tore the late congress, intended to
- u ld up and maintain the army and
navy establishments of the United
States, amounted to practically $1.
<>00 "00.000 Some of these were not
enacted into law before the adjourn
ment of congress; but they will be
taken up and passed during the early
part of the special session.
V u will find prices at Schwaner 4
that will surprise you.
Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis
faction guaranteed.
For Sale—New four room house
Water, electric lights—Hansen Lum
ber Co.
A. W. Boecking. of Litchfield, was
in our city the first of the week shak
ing hands with many friends.
Arthur Minshull. who has been here
visiting with the Alfred Minshull fam
ily. returned to his home at Litchfield.
Monday morning.
Notice the Ravenna Creamery ad in
this issue. They are paving 18c a
pound for hens, which we believe is
about the highest price ever paid here.
Mrs. J. F. Oxley, who has been here
the past ten days visiting with her
son. C. W. Bu i, and family, returned
to her home at Clay Center. Monday
The cornerstone of the new public
library at Arcadia was laid with appro
priate ceremonies last Saturday. A
number of Loup City people were in at
Nexa Tuesday the city election will
be held. Several stink-pots have been
stirred up but it is thought that the
gentle spring breezes will soon drive
the odor away.
Miss Gladys Dunn went to Grand
Island. Wednesday morning to join
her mother and father. Rev. and Mrs.
J L. Dunn, who are attending assem
bly at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cooper returned
Lome last Friday evening from Ex
celsior Springs. Ark., where they have
been for some time in hopes of bene
fitting Mrs. Coper's health.
Mrs. S. E. Galiawav and daughters.
Faye and Harriett, were westbound
passengers to Arcadia, last Friday
evening to visit and attend the laying
of the cornerstone on the new library.
Ed Raddiffe went to Sidney. Neb
raska last Friday, where he has sev
eral contracts of carpenter work to
complete. Mr. Raddiffe turned over
his unfinished work here to A. N. Cook
Piano—player, piano tuning, regu
lating and repairing. Work guaran
teed. 1 will be in Loup City during
the week of April 9. Leave orders at
Daily Furniture Store—Art J. Floyd.
Broken Bow. 15-2
The Hustlers Sunday School class of
the Presbyterian church gave a fare
well party at the home of Mrs. A. H.
Hansel Wednesday evening in honor
of W. C. Copeland, who leaves Loup
City tomorrow.
Mrs. Anna Copellan left Monday for
Kansas City to visit with her daughter
and other relatives. Her daughter.
Mrs. Clarence Wilson, accompanied
her as far as St. Paul, where she will
visit several days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P McLaughlin and
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Doner and Miss
Verla Fowler autoed to Murphy last
Saturday evening and spent Sunday
visiting with relatives. They returned
home Sunday night.
For Sale:—Everbearing strawberry
plants, either Progressive or Superb
200 for $1.75; Senator Dunlaps $3.00
per thousand; shade trees, two to five
feet high. $1.00 per 100.—Wickham
Berry Farm. Salem. Neb. 15-2
The Industrial Society of the Pres
byterian church will give a play “The
Old Peabody Pew" preceded by “Liv
ing Pictures" by the young people Fri
day evening. March 30. at 8 o'clock.
Admission 15 and 25 cents.
Two new state hanks have been
granted chapters to do business at
Sutherland. This will make three
The New Edison
‘'The Phonograph with a Soul”
is conceded by the music critics of more than
three hundred of America's principal news
papers to be incomparably superior to all other devices
for the reproduction of sound. This remarkable new
musical invention brings into your home a literally true
presentation of the art of the world’s great musical ar
tists. After you have heard the New Edison you
could scarcely be contented with a talking machine. In
our locality A. C. Ogle is licensed by Mr. Edison to
demomirate this new instrument. You will not be importuned to buy.
Visit the new garage and hear this wonderful invention. A
large number of records on hand.
The New Edison sells for $100 and up
state banks for that town. W. I.
Root, formerly of Loup City will ne
cashier of one of the new banks.
Mrs S. E. Galloway and daughters.
Misses aFye and Harriet visited with
friends at Arcadia over Sunday. Miss
Faye furnished music at the cere
monies attending the laying of the cor
nerstone of the new public library.
A. B. Young and daughter Oral, vi
ited with friends in Loup City over
Sunday. Mr. Young recently disposed
of his moving picture show at Schuy
ler and is looking for a new location.
He will probably locate at Central
Mrs. Wm. Critel and daughter Tr»s
sa. and baby, went to Lushton. last
Thursday morning to visit with rela
tives. Mrs. Critel and baby returned
Monday evening while her daughter
remained to take care of her grand
Miss Jeannette Taylor, who has been
here visiting the past six weeks with
relatives and friends, left Monday for
Omaha and Curits. Neb., where she:
i will spend several weeks visiting who
relatives before returning to her homo |
in Everett. Wash.
W. L. Copeland severed his con
nections with the Rexall store last Sa:
urday and will return to Washington.
Iowa, tomorrow to take his old posi 1
tion in a drug store there. Mr Cope ;
land has made many friends during his
short stay in Loup City who regret to j
see him leave.
A surprise party was held on Miss
Hazel Brandt Wednesday evening ..t
the home of her sister. Mrs. I>avid
Davidson, the occasion being her six
teenth birthday. A supper was served
and the evening -was very pleasantly
spent. We wish Miss Hazel many more
happy birthdays.
Loup City people will have an oppor
tunity to hear a first class musical en
tertainment at the opera house. Mor
day evening. April 2. “The Wesleyan
Glee Club” of from 20 to 24 of the
most talented musicians in Wesleyan
University, given under the auspices
rf Troop No. 1 Boy Scouts of Ameri
ca. everyone come.
320 acres all in native grass. 275
acres can he broke out easily if not
more. All under fence except 160 rods
on west side. 1-4 of mile to school. Lo
cated in good neighborhood. Seven
miles from Loup City. For sale cheap
Inquire of August Jaeschka. 12- tf
Wille P Minne and Miss Pearl F.
Brown, both of Arcadia were married
in Loup City by Rev. J. L. Dunn on
Monday. March 26. The parent?
of the young people and other rela
tives wete here to attend the wedding.
Mr. Minne was employed at one of th?
local garages some time ago and i?
well and favorably known by many or‘
our people. Mr. and Mrs. Minne de-1
parted on the noon train for Pine |
Bluffs. Wyo.. where Mr. Minne is ern
ployed in a garage.
The city election will he held next 1
Tuesday. April 3. A number of can- I
didates have been put on the hallo*
by petition. A petition was circulated
and filed asking that the name of
Cash Preihard he put on the ballot for
police judge for a term of two years,
as Police Judges are elected every two
years at biennial election and this is
the year to elect that official. Follow
ing are the candidates for the various
city offices:
For Mayor:
G. W. Collipriest
W, T. Gibson
For City Treasurer:
L Hansen.
For City Clerk:
Pete Rowe.
?. H. Richmond.
For City Engineer:
T W. O. Wolfe.
Edwin Ohleen.
For Councilman first ward:
E. T. Beushausen.
Oscar Bechthold.
For Councilman second ward:
Wm. Graefe.
James Bartunek.
For Police Judge. Two years:
Cash Prichard.
For or against issuance of Poll hall
Last Saturday afternoon County
Assessor Peterson and all the town
ship assessors of the county held a
meeting at the court house to fix the
levies and get in readiness to com
mence their work for this year. The
township assessors afr as follows:
Wm. Hancock.Loup City
Chas. Biehl .r.Logan
J. C. Wall .Harrison
James Hurvta .Bristol
Barney Gappa .Oak Creek
J. J. Dilla .Ashton
J. H. Lee .Webster
C. C. Cooper .City of Loup City
John Whuler .Elm
O. A. Larsen .Hazard
Arthur Minshull .Scott
A C. Stobbe .Rockville
Ira Daddow .. Clay
J. D. Burns .Washington
A large number of Sherman county
j teachers are attending the teachers'
| convention at Hastings this week, the
, schools of the county being dismissed
! to enable the teachers to attend. The
; Northwestern will publish the com
plete list of Loup City teachers at
tending in next week’s paper. County
Superintendent L. H. Currier and the
following teachers are in attendance:
Hannah Anderson. Amelia and Chris
Hansen. Beth Sharp. Maggie Christen
sen. Henry Horseman. Lena Smith.
Lettie Foster. Mahle Daddow. Emma
Rowe. Elanche Fisher. Karl Gastever,
: Mason Phillipps. Ida Steen. Anna Clop
per. Mrs. Beth Owen. C. IT. Bitner.
I Ray Clark. J. W. Davidson. J. B.
| O'Bryan. Klea McNulty, Alice LeMa«t
[ ers and Nelamae Grierson.
j L. H. Spahr cleans and repairs all
! kinds of sewing machines at Jas Bar
| tunek's. Call at once.
Harry Taylor is working on Joh.
Thrailkill's house.
Clyde McCormick lost a cow Satur
day by dry marrin.
James Lang Jr., shipped a ar of
cows to Omaha. Wednesday.
H W. Whitmore shipped a load of
cattle to Omaha. Wednesday.
Harve Chapman is building an addi
tion to his house on the farm.
Arthur Hughes shipped a car of hogs
to the Omaha market. Wednesday.
John Thrailkill and John Weller
were passengers to Ravenna. Tuesday.
Jobe Ward informs me that he ha*
a freak calf without either eyes or ta.'i.
A. L. Fletcher, who has the agency
for the Chevrolet car. sold one to our
new banker. Mr. Austin.
Arthur Minshull came home Tues
day from Loup City, after visiting
and attending to business affairs.
Cort Lang shipped a load of hog*
to Omaha. Tuesday and Chas. Givens
shipped a load of mixed cattle and
l>r. Tingling operated on a cow for
C. J. Whitmore last week and from
all probabilities saving her for she still
I! A. Hilbert, who recently sold his
farm to Wm. Cornford. left on Monday
for Henderson and from there to Holt
Mrs. Jenkens and daughter of Lin
coln. are visiting with her parents. the
Fisher family. They arrived Monday
K. K. Freisen came up with his fa
ther on business and to look after
their land interests here. K. K. is liv
ing at Hampton now.
H. J. Eastabrook and Harry Alkire.
wer passengers to Seneca. Wednesday
H. J. will probably look after his fa
ther’s land west of Seneca
Wm. Albers has purchased the old
Lady Roberts resident property ad
joining the Mrs. W. D. Fisher property
and will move in the near future.
Rev. Wagner left on Tuesday for
Amhurst via the i\ P. This time it is
a wedding. The Rev. must be a very
popular man over there, or they think ]
he is the only man who can tie a knot
that will stay.
Fred Tent of Halsey, came down
Monday on business. Fred owns a good
ranch adjoining Halsey. He used to
farm at the mouth of Black Hill
Creek and will be remembered as an
expert hog feeder.
Quite a large delegation from the
different churches of Litchfield, went
to Hazard Sunday to attend the coun
ty Sunday school convention. 1 under
stand it was well attended considering
the bad state of roads.
John Duncan, wife and son. Glen
left Thursday for Los Angeles. Calif
They will be greatly missed here as
they are old settlers, in fact Mrs. Dun
can was born and raised here. John
will be mtssed as a sto<k and f<=. i
buyer as he has made a success of that
A. D. Jones, who is raising Hamp
shire hogs and registered Polled Dur
hams, sold a very fine yearling bull
of this breed last week to X. G. A. Nel
son of Osceola. He delivered it to hi*
brother, O. G. Nelson, who lives six
miles west of Litchfield. A. D. has two
more of this kind for sale. Anyone
breeding this kind of cattle will do
well to call on hint
A “silo, dairy r.: 1 live stock” special
train, carrying a strong corps of speak- :
ers; who will be the best obtainable. 1
will be here on Thursday. May 10. The
train will arrive here about six o’clock
in the evening and will remain here
all night.
This special will be furnshed by the
Nebraska Agricultural College, the t'n
ion Pacific railroad and the agricul
tural extension department of the In
ternationa! Harvester company, on a
campaigft for the raising of more and
better live stock, more dairving and
improved methods of diversified farm
It will be of great benefit to our
community and it is hoped that a
large number of farmers, their wives
and children will attend the meetings
held there that evening.
A central meeting will he held for
the men. a meeting will he held for the
children at the high school auditorium
and the women’s meeting will he held
a: one of the churches. A meeting will
also be held at Wiggle Creek school
house the same evening
Spencer M. Brooks, tariff inspector.
1’nion Pacific Railroad Co., was here
Monday afternoon and at a meeting of
the business men heid in Society hall
that afternoon explained about the
special train, the purpose of the train,
etc., and asked the cooperation of the
citizens of Loup City, which was read
ily promised and it is thought that
the coming of these many speakers
and educated men will result in much
good. The Northwestern will give a
more detailed description of this great
special train in future issues.
The annual county Sunday school
convention met at Hazard last Satur
day and Sunday. Owing to the condi
tion of the roads only four people
from Loup City were in attendan *♦»
but those from the west side turned
out so well that a rousing time was
had. The program which was in charge
of Margaret Ellen Brown and XV. H.
Kimberly, was a splendid one and no
doubt those in attendance received
much benefit. The following officers
were elected to serve for the ensuing
President, Mrs. E. H. Robinson.
Vice President. A. W. Boecking.
Sec'y-Treas.. Mrs. C. J. ’Whitmore.
Supt. E!em. Piv.. Mrs. C. W Gibson ...
Secondary. Mrs. G. W. Lang.
Adult. Ward VerValin.Loup City
Home Dept.. Mrs. J. W. Conger.
.Loup City
Visitation. Harriett Hay-hurst.
.Loup City 1
Teache*-:' Training. Mrs. E. G.
Dudley . Litchfield
nastors. Rev E. M Steen.Loup City
Missionary. Mrs. Ed. Angier.
.Loup City
Temperance. A. L. Zimmerman.
.Loup City
Superintendents. J. W. Burt.
^lace next years convention. Litch
The cemetery board held their an
nual meeting Monday. The old offi
cers. C. J. Tracy. Pres., John W. Long.
Sec., and Mrs. A. H. Hansel. Mgr., were
re-elected for the ensuing year. Mr
Thornton was employed a? sexton for
another year.
Heretofore all expenses have been
met by the sale of lots, but as nearly
all residents have lots future ex
penses will have to be met by an as
sessment on lot owners, and it is hoped
that everyone will gladly help.
R. D. Sutton was an Ord visitor on
Frances Gearing is on the sick list
this week.
Donald Badura is on the sick list
this week.
Victoria Tapolski was an Ashton cal
ler. Thursday.
Joe Goc of Ashton, returned to St.
Paul. Monday.
Leo Testner was an eastbound pas
senger Monday.
Dr. Wanek was an eastbound pas
senger. Saturday.
Mr. Brown of Lincoln, was here on
business. Monday.
Mongel Vincent was an eastbound
passenger Monday.
Henry Toller was a Grand Island
passenger Tuesday.
Julius Dilla of Ashton, visited in
Loup City. Saturday.
Maggie Peters of Farwell. visited in
Ashton over Sunday.
Peter Gappa of Ashton, was a Loup
City caller. Saturday.
Ed. Rozmarek of Ashton, returned
from St. Paul. Friday.
Louie Schuman of Schaupps. was an
Ashton visitor. Monday.
Louise Jamrog and baby, Norbit,
are both sick this week.
Lottie Shalda of St. Paul, was an
Ashton visitor. Thursday.
Mrs. Joe Lewandowski of Loup City,
visited in Ashton, Tuesday.
Francis Corning of Loup City, re
turned to Ashton. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Polski of Ashton,
spent Sunday at Loup City.
Alfonso Beza of St. Paul, spent Sun
day with his parents at Ashton.
Mrs. Oliver of Marquette, visited
with relatives at Ashton. Sunday.
Henry Pope of Ashton, visited at
Farwell, Sunday, returning Monday
Harry Maciejewski of Ashton, was
a St. Paul visitor one day last week
Martin Vincent was a passenger to
St. Paul. Sunday going via auto route.
Cud Williams, who is working at
Boelus. was an Ashton visitor. Mon
Rev. Father Radka. who has been in
Kansas the past week, returned Satur
day. *
Frank Lukasczewski of Ashton, was
in Loup City. Monday, returning on
Tuesday. +
Mrs. Thos. Lewandowski of near
Schaupps. was visiting at Ashton, on
Mrs. Dick Williams and Mr. and ,
Mrs. John Peter of Schaupps. were in
Ashton, Sunday.
Mrs. Taylor of Omaha, who was
visiting at Ashton the past week, re
turned home Thursday.
Mrs. Nagorski and Mrs. Sobiesczyk
and Mrs. Kalkowski. of Ashton, visit
ed at St. Paul. Tuesday.
5ft.acres of improved property one
half mile south of Loup City. Alfalfa
field that will raise from seventy-five
to one hundred tons of alfalfa each
year. Plenty of good timber for shade
and fire wood. Good pasture.—John
Eggars. 14-3
On the A. B. Outhouse farm nine
miles northwest of Loup City, two
red sows, weight about 150 pounds
each. Owner can have same by prov
ing property and paying for feed bill
and advertising.—E. M. Marvel. 15-.
Subscribe for The Northwestern.
marks the awakening of nature from
its long winter’s sleep, the reclothing of
> the somber fields and forests in be
coming raiment.
are but a reflection of this natural and universal im
pulse. They mark the casting off of Winter’s cum
bersome restrictions in the matter of dress.
should be selected in the spirit of the Easter tradition;
should be seasonable in the matter of style but irreproach
able from the standpoint of good taste.
| *' Adler Collegian Clothes
have long been recognized as the standard of selection in the ready-to-wear
clothing field. The new spring Collegian styles now on display in our store
are all absolutely correct as to design. The choice is merely a matter of
your personal preference. We will be delighted to assist with our expert
knowledge of clothing values.