Business and professional Guide j --— BOBT. P. STARR Attorney at I^iw LOUR CITY .... NEBRASKA R. H. MATHEW _ Attorney at Law And Bonded Apotractor LOUR CITY .... NEBRASKA , AARON WALL Lawyer .. -■ Rracticea In All Court* LOUR CITY .... NEBRASKA 'l LAMONT L. STEPHENS Lawyer Rlrat National Bank Building LOUR CITY .... NEBRASKA ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Only Set of A Detract Book* In County LOUR CITY .... NEBRASKA 0. E. LONGACRE Physician and Surgeon OFFICE. OVER NEW BANK Telephone Call No. 39 'I A. J. KEARNS Physician and Surgeon -.— -.— Pt»one 30—Office at Residence Two Doors Cast of Te»epone Central LOUR CITY .... NEBRASKA A. S. MAIN Physician and Surgeon LOUR CITY .... NEBRASKA Office at Residence Teleoone Connection J. H. O’CALLAGHAN Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director With Daily Furniture Co. Loup City, ... Nebraska C. R. SWEETLAND Plumber & Electrician For good, clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and Get My Prices ALFRED MINSHULL Painting and Papering Give me a trial Phone Red 1a LOUP CITY NEBRASKA WALTER THORNTON Dray aud Transfer Call Lumber Yards or Taylor's Elevator Phone Brown 43 J. E. Bowman, M. D. Carrie L. Bowman, M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN Physicians and Surgeons Phone 114 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA S. A. ALLEN Dentist Office Upstairs In the New State Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA W. L. MARCY Dentist Office: East Side Public Square Phone Brown 116 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA E. T. BEUSHAUSEN Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Fanners Mutual Insurance Company of Neb. POINTS EMPHASIZING INDIVIDUALITY: — Hulk) needs no Identification, Explanation or Argument. Twenty -,x Years Steady. Strong. Healthy Growth. Eire LightnitiK Wind-iorm. Cyclone and Tornado Insurance at Actual C ost. t)ver One Million Ikdlar- Saved to Policy holders Since Organization. Can help You Save Money. Best of Farm Prop* rtv Only, in the State of Nebraska Only. Absolutely Limit- the Liability of its Members. AdjU't- and Pays It Losses Fairly. Promptly and in Full. Forced Stm k Compani* s to Lower Their Kates on Farm Property. W. G. TUCKER, Local Agent tan's Labor Saver Iiaecuonai v icwj This Washer Furnished Free I with bi sysp^i^ im Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to have the only I Separator whose bowl can be washed clean, ? ■ sterilized and dried in less than five minutes ? jjj j Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to have the only £ Separator that is truly sanitary from top to bottom? Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to have the only Separator that retains these qualities after the t® tenth year, the same as after the first or fifth $ years ? # -| The mere turning of a crank cleans the U.S. sanitary 1 nickel silver skimmer (found in no other separator) — so § easy a child can do it. See if you can find such superb cleaning and sanitary |,t equipment in any other Cream Separator. If you cannot, then buy a U.S.—the World’s Record close skimming L separator. a Complete demonstration gladly given. J. J. SLOMINSKI, Loup City I WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown spent Sunday in Arcadia. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fa gen, March 17, a son. A1 Fagen visited at Vincent Fagen's place last Sunday. Walter Mahalski visited at the F. MiUarvel home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Purvine visited at the G. W. Anderson home last Sun day. Adam Knapnowski is working for G. W. Anderson a couple of days this week. Zoez Fagen and Enoe Camp took dinner with Adam Knapnowski, Sun day. Frank and Chas. McGarvel visited at the Archie Purvine home home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Camp and Mrs. Ida Camp visited at Mrs. Bridget Fagen’s place last Sunday. Emil and Joe Malm left Thursday for Stromsburg, which is Joe's home. Emil went down to visit with his mo ther. Frank Henderson and sons moved % j Here are New Clothes that Will Not Make You Feel “Conscious” • 9 1WTEN feel at 1V1 home in— I HtefARrCiOTHis MADS BY 3TROU3R * BROTHERS. INC.. BALTIMORE, MB. just as soon as they slip into them. A very good reason for this valuable . . attribute is that they are truly masculine in design and perfectly balanced in fit. Their tailoring is assurance of their retaining their original lines long past the period in which a suit might be termed “new.” Young men will find a great variety of models, many quite radical; men of years will find models designed precisely for them and so will men of stout and slim proportions. Quality considered, “High Art” suits are in expensive. LORENTZ —---i onto their farm which they bought | north of Arcadia. We hate to lose I these good neighbors but our loss is j the other fellows gain. This vicinity was struck by an old time blizzard last Friday. It was sure i an awful storm as the snow drifts are ' so big in many places that the roads ' are blocked up in great style. Our friend and neighbor, J. H. Wel ty, disappeared from hence a couple of days last week and his whereabouts during his absence seems to be a mys tery, but if reports are true. John must have made the “Kaiser" a visit.! Last Saturday morning when St. i Patrick’s day was still in its infancy, “ye scribe" looked over south and to j his surprise he saw' the snow flying in every direction, and on investigation I he saw Geo. Dunkle’s smiling face on i the other side of the snow bank. As 1 was very anxious to s*» the roads bri klo 1 volunteered to help him through Before we had scooped much snow William Malm appeared on the scene and Bill is a good hand with a scoop so the snow disappeared quick. By hard work and taking down enough fences we managed to get as far as Robert McClarey’s. We suddenly heard a feminine voice who had come to our rescue and it was Mrs. McClarev who said she had prepared a lunch for us which we gladly accepted. She called it a lunch but if you had seen some of us eat you would have de dared that it was the squarest meal you had ever seen anyone devour. We then went on our way feeling much better and we all declared that if we were ever to scoop snow again we will sure clear the road past McClarey’s first and let the remainder of the snow “melt.” DAVIS CREEK NEWS. Frank Trump was in Ashton, Sat urday. John Lewandowski was hauling hay Monday. x Frank Manchester was in Ashton, Saturday. John Pelanowski lost a calf one day last week. The Baker Medicine man was on the Creek last week. John Garvel spent Thursday night with John Pelanowski. Frank Manchester finished moving his hogs last Wednesday. Frank Palu and Walter Kaminski were in Schaupps,. Saturday. Miss Nettie Barnett and brother. ! Jess, were in North Loup. Tuesday. St. Patrick’s day was sure a stormy one Saturday and could not be cele brated. Orin Manchester visited at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Mary Sperling, Sunday. Frank Palu called Frank Manchest er to do some veterinary work for him Saturday. John Pelanowski and daughter, were in Ashton. Monday to have some dent al work done. Walter Nelson was out with his cou sin Saturday, taking the pictures of the snow shovelers. A gang of men were very busy last Saturday shoveling snow on the Ed. Maciejewski road. Clarence Manchester was absent from school Monday on account of a bad cold and sore throat. Ed. Manchester made a flying trip ; to Loup City. Tuesday. Wonder what made Ed. in such a hurry. John Pelanowski and daughter, Hary, were in Loup City last week j to attend the Johnson sale. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewandowski and ' the latter’s mother. Mrs. Mike Kamin-I ski, were shopping at North Loup Inst i week. Mrs. Lorence Garvel and daughter, Anna, and son, John, attended the I I funeral of Mrs. Lukasczewski, which was held last Thursday. We were sure glad to see Mrs. Net tie Doner’s name in the paper as the Buick winner and she has our con gratulations for the same for she did good work. Ralph, the little two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Manchester, while running with his brother, fell against an iron railing and cut quite a gash just above the eye. He is some better at present. The farmers were busy Saturday morning opening up the roads for the mail man as the snow drifts were as high as the mail wragon itself in some places. The trains were blocked and there \vas no mail until late Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kowalski and family and T. Kaminski and Max Bu giuski. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kaminski Monday and on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kaminski visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Le wandowrski. One of the worst blizzards of the season came across the country last Friday. Thursday evening it began to thunder and lightning and the wind blew all day Friday and the roads were all blocked up. No mail was car tied that day. We hope this is the last snow this winter. Subscribe for The Northwestern. ■ ——A _ Classified Advertising SEED CORN. PURE SILVER MINE AND ST. Charles White (Red Cob.) Carefully selected. Tipped, butted and shelled. £3.00 per bushel.—L. E. Larsen. St. Paul, Neb., 5-li FOR SALE. FOR SALE: — MY EIGHT ROOM house and six lots. Also six lots in •berry and plum trees. A tract of 4!-z icres of land and other tract of 3% teres all in alfalfa and fenced chicken i.ght.—Alfred Anderson. HOMESTEAD OR FARM LANDS. jREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Co.. Grant Lands. Title to same re rested in United States by act of con gress dated June 0. 1916. Two million T.ree hundred thousand acres to be ipened for settlement and sale. Power -lite. Timber and Agricultural Lands. Containing some of the best land left n United States. Now is the oppor une time. Large sectional map and lescription of soil, climate, rai: ' PI, derations, etc. Postpaid one d Par. ■ rant Lands Locating Co., Box Portland. Oregon. ti-,.3 \ —■ BUILDING TIME Whether you are going to build a fence or a home, we have the material you want and at the right prices. FIGURE WITH US Let Us Help You Plan Your Wants LUMBER FENCE PAINTS j iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Hansen Lumber Co. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TOURS The season of 191(1 brought to the Rocky Mountain' tie* greatest patronage yet recorded. Estes Park, Colo., and a nun her of ranches in the Big Horn Mountains were forced to tui tourists away. Many mountain localities and ranch resort' a: now increasing their capacity preparing for tin* coming Sun mer’s volume. Every prospect now indicates a greater tourist volume i the mountains this coming Summer than ever before. Tourists will view Yellowstone Park by automobile; the magnified Rockies with their three National Parks:—Rocky Mountain-E tes. Yellowstone and Glacier are luring Easterners fr!. ai to understand it. In due time, descriptive publications of Sui mer tours will be available. If you expect to join the inouuta Summer throng, especially if you desire accommodations some particular place, it would be well to make early plans. Let me know the region in which you are ir ••! ••' ed, that I may list your name for information m publication. J. A. DANIELSON, Ticket Agent. L. V7. WAKELEY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. I Am Going Out of Business at Loup City and for the next ten days BEGINNING FRIDAY, MAR. 23 j I —■ V I am going to offer Jewelry, J Clocks, Watches, Silver Ware, Cut Glass, Pianos and every thing in my store at prices never ^^^^befor^rfferedjr^youwity^^^^^t^^^ Everything Goes Except Dinner Ware At Prices That You Cannot t Afford to Overlook ] LOU SCHWANER JEWELER