W F MASON, President. L. HANSEN, Cashier. C H RYAN. Assistant Cashier. Should I Pay by Check? BECAUSE Y< jr rlufk automatically becomes a re nt. Y<*u can tliu- pay a bill to the exact ■ u -j.. it the bother of making change. • If > u Iom- vour check book there’s no -an: ■: ■ •. If you lose cash, you’re usual ly "up against it.” In a word, it is safe, >ure and simple. Electrified Homes Electricity :: now fast superceding old methods in .. —rtments of the home. The modern home—the COMFORTABLE home—now has Electric Heaters Electric Irons Electric Lights : d n.any other labor saving and cost saving appliances. I*, is the .deal force—no danger, no annoyance, no failure. Yc_ losing half the enjoyment of life if your home is not e.- ctr.ciued. Let us wire your house for lights. Wt handle fr.e Almo Lighting systems for farm homes. Call and let us explain them to you. LOUP CITY LIGHT AND POWER CO. A Timely Hint It you are going to buy harness now is the time, t* -re further ad\ances will be made. Come in* and talk it over with us. Bring in Your Harness AH AD IN THE NORTHWESTERN GETS RESULTS Daily sells for lees. Kreso Dip at Swanson's. — Try Chase’s first—It pays. Pete Rowe was a Rockville caller last Thursday. V. L. Johns was a business caller at Austin last Thursday. Wm. Henderson was a Rockville caller. Wednesday morning. Loup City Merc. Co., surely have a full line of coats this spring. For sale—Pure Bred S. C. Rhode Red setting eggs.—O. L. Swanson. Rev. E. M. Steen went to Kearney, Monday morning to attend Presbytery. John Golus was an eastbound pas senger to Oconto last Thursday morn ing. Dr. C. E. Watkins was a business passenger to Ashton. Monday morn ing. Judge Aaron Wall was an east bound pasenger to Lincoln. Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fever, of Ar cadia. were in our city Tuesday, on business. . E. G. Taylor was a business cai ler at Ashton. Tuesday, returning in the evening. For eaves trough, tin work, solder ing and all kind of repair work call | on L. H. Spahr. — Good Duroc Jersey brood sows for sale at Woods' barn on Saturday. Mar. 24.—S. J. lossi. E ' A. G. Hunt returned home the latter part of last week from a business trip to Grand Island. H. A. Jung and son. of Arcadia, were in our city. Monday, returning oo the passenger. J. W. Long was a passenger to Lex ington. Tuesday morning to attend the district conference. O. A. Woods was a business pas senger to Dannebrog. Tuesday, re turning in the evening. Mrs. Milton Rentfrow came up from Austin. Tuesday to do some shopping, j returning the same day. — Mrs. Seth Richmond and sister. Miss Ann Van. were Grand Island cal lers Wednesday morning. Farmers bring in your plows and i discs now and be ready for spring i work.—Emil J. Schoening. T tf I - Paul Lewandowski visited his bro ; thers in Loup City last wek. returning home Friday—Ashton Herald. Robert Dinsdale made a business , trip to Palmer last Thursday morn ! ing, returning in the evening. A. J. Johnson went to Lexington, ' Monday, where he will be in attend 1 ant e at the district conference. t _ Mr and Mrs. C. A. Christensen were f westbound passengers to Sargent. Monday evening for a visit with rela ! tives. — Mrs. Lamont L. Stephens returned home last Saturday night from her ex tended visit with relatives and friends in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McMichael left Monday morning for Rochester. Minn.. ■ where Mrs. McMichael will take medi cal treatment. Mr. and Mrs. John Oltmann were eastbound passengers to Omaha. Wed nesday morning for a weeks' visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Obermiller left on Wednesday morning for Rochester, Minnesota, where the latter goes for medical treatment. Mrs. E. B. Corning was a passenger to Ashton, Tuesday morning to visit with her daughter. Mrs. Albert Ander strom. and family. Miss Jeanette Taylor returned on Tuesday evening from Broken Bow, where she has been v\iting with friends for some time. Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor, who visiting the past week with the C. W hiser home returned to their home at Sargent, Monday evening. Frank Amick, who has been here visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Amick. for some time, returned to St. Joe. Missouri, Wednesday. E. W. Thompson was a passenger to Hot Springs. S. D.. last Saturday. : where he will enter the Battle Moun tain Sanitarium for medical treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, passed through our city Tuesday evening from Kansas, where they have been for some time, enroute to their home at Arcadia. Mrs. Ward VerValin was an east bound passenger to Hastings and Farnham to visit with her daughters, who are teaching and attending school j at these places. Mrs. M. Nicol, who has been here 1 visitingthe past week with the C. W. Fletcher family, went to Boelus, Mon day for a few days' visit before return ing to her home in Iowa. J. W. Lundy has shipped machinery from Loup City for use in his Doris water power electric plant. The old water mill wheels have ben removed - from the race preparatory to putting in the new machinery.—Broken Bow >, Chief. Grocery Specials for the Week We handle the North Yakima. Wash ington box apples at a low price for this time of the year. 1 Box Jonathans .$1.S5 1 Box Roman Beauties. 1.S5 1 Doz. fine oranges size 2' 2 at, per dozen,,.. 2C 1 Doz. larger size Oranges.30 l 1 Doz. larger Oranges.40 5 lb. bag Peaberry coffee secial. . 1.25 1 Can Saur Kraut.10 1 Can Tomatoes .10 2 Cans Corn for.25 i 2 lbs. 50 to 60 Santa Clare Prunes .25 2 lbs California Dried peaches . .25 4 Boxes E. C. Corn Flakes.25 6 Bars Flake White Soap.25 7 Bars White Russian Soap.25 Loup City Mercantile Co. Try Chase's first—it pays. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Mound City Paints at Swanson's. Ladies' spring coats just in at the ; Loup City Merc. Co. T W. O. Wolfe made a business I trip to Austin last Thursday — Ed. Magnuson was an eastbound passenger to Omaha. Monday. L. A. Williams was a business pas ! senger to Rockville. Wednesday. Edward Sharp was an eastbound passenger to York. Wednesday mom | ing. Alton Woten spent Monday evening and Tuesday with his parents at Rock ville. — For Sale—N'ew four room home Water, electric lights—Hansen Lum ber Co. Frank Tapolski was an Ashton cal ler last Thursday morning, returning in the evening. Alvin Iiaddow returned to his home at Austin. Tuesday after a short visit here with relatives. C. J. Tracy is in attendance at dis trict conference at Lexington this week, going Monday noon Miss Mable Jensen returned home Monday from Boelus. where she had been visiting with relatives. Miss Lila McNulty cam down from her school duties at Comstock and sent the day with home folks. Mrs. Jake Synak went to Ashton on last Thursday morning to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lukasczewski. Lou Schwaner returned home Tues day noon from a two weeks business trip in Chicago and Wisconsin. Theo Wilson of Loup City arrived here Saturday to visit with relatives for a short time.—Ashton Herald. Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. 50c per 15. Two blocks west of the old Dr. Jones place.—Mrs. Henrv Miller. 12-4 F. S. Janulewicz of Loup City, was in Ashton Wednesday on business con nected with his oil business here.— Ashton Herald. W. A. TePoel rode to Loup City Sat urday afternoon with Jas Carmody and returned to Sargent Tuesday night.— Sargent Leader. Mrs. Pokorski. who has been here visiting with relatives and friends, re turned to her home at Ashton last Thursday morning. -! Mr. and Mrs. Felix Dzingle were Ashton callers last Thursday morning, where they attended the funeral ot Mrs. Lukasczewski. Mrs. L. Schwaner and children re turned home Monday noon from Ord. where they have ben the past few days visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hodgson of Ar cadia. passed through our city Mon day enroute to Burwell, where they will make their future home. 1 Sargent is thinking of electing a po lice judge this spring so that the mon ey collected in fines will go to the school fund instead of the county. Mrs. Marvin Lee returned home on on the late train Saturday night from her two weeks’ visit with relatives in Rosendale. Mo., and Sterling and Te cumseh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Larsen and chil dren left Wednesday morning for Hampton, where they will attend the wedding of the former’s brother. Har ry Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stickney and two children went to Ravenna. Wed nesday morning to visit with her daughter and where they are building a big stock barn. t -- There has been three new cases of scarlet fever reported at Ravenna late Iv and it has become necessary to close the schools to prevent the fur ther spread of the disease. Come one. come all. and hear the great musical attraction. “Wesleyan Glee Club” consisting of 20 to 24 young college men in a varied pro gramme of music and fun. Under aus pices and management of Troop No 1 Boy Scouts of America. Dally sells lor less. Wall paper at Swanson's. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis j faction guaranteed. > ---- ! j Wm. Fletcher came up from Austin. I Monday on busines. j Pianos at wholesale at Sehwaners for the next ten days. If you want to sell your land, list it with W. D. Zimmerman. Dr. Mary A. K. Hendrickson was at Ashton on business. Tuesday. E. J. Maus was a business passer; ger to Lincoln. Wednesday morning Murray Alexander, of Grand Island, was in our city Tuesday on business. Mrs. C. C. Outhouse was a St. Paul visitor Monday, returning in the even ing. Plenty of new horseradish prepared. Robert Fulliton. Phone 9720. Austin. | N'eh 14-17 Mrs. Dr. C. E. Bowman was a busi i ness caller at Grand Island last Thursdav. | - Say Dora. 1 saw your coat down at the Merc. Co., yesterday and it surely is a dandy. Mr. and Mrs. John Stanczvk attend ed the funeral of a friend at Ashton, last Thursday. John Jezewski of Loup City was a | business visitor to Ashton Wednesday, i —Ashton Herald Geo. Woten. Geo. Brammer. A1 Gray | and E. F. Kozel of Rockville, were in | our city. Tuesday. You can't afford to overlook the cut prices closing out sale at Schwaners for the next ten days. L. H. Spahr cleans and repairs all kinds of sewing machines at Jas Bar tunek’s. Call at once. Rev. Smithberg was an eastbound passenger to Lincoln, Tuesday morn ing to atend conference. J. S. Pedler was a pasenger to Lin coln. Wednesday morning to look af- j ter some business affairs. — Sidney Thrasher was in our city a short while Tuesday evening, going to Sargent on the pasenger. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dumek were ■ Ashton callers last Thursday morning i for a short visit with friends. For Sale:—Five room house and i seven lots in Loup City for sale.— Enquire at Jung's restaurant. Clark Whitaker was a passenger to Philadelphia. Tuesday morning to at tend to some business affairs. - ! Rev. Vincent R. Beebe was an east- | bound passenger to Lexington. Mon- j day to attend district conference. E. G. Taylor was a business passen | ger to Murphy last Thursday, where I he is having a new elevator erected ; _ Miss Victoria Tapolski came up from her home at Schaupps. Tues day evening for a short visit here with relatives. Miss A Vandegrift and Mrs W. H. Prichard came up from Austin. Mon day to do some shopping, returning the same day. Mrs. A. L. Watson returned to her home at Wood River. Wednesday, af ter a short visit here with the Harry Gardner family. Mrs. L. Jezewski. Sr. came homo from Loup City. Saturday, after visit ing with relatives there several days. I —Ashton Herald. Clarence Arnett returned home last Thursday evening from Omaha, where he had been on business matters and pleasure combined. The services of the Episcopal church will be held in the German church on next Munday, March 26 at 8 p. m. All are cordially invited. Mrs. John Jezewski returned home last Thursday evening from Kansas City, where she had been the past week visiting with relatives. Mrs. A. L. Baliman. who has been here visiting at the Sam Daddow home for some time, returned to her home at St. Paul. Monday morning. Mrs. Mary Chisholm, who has been here visiting with her son. Clyde Chisholm, and wife, returned to her home at Giltner. Tuesday morning. As I am going out of business. 1 would appreciate if all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to me would please call and settle.—Lou Schwaner. C. A. Chamberlin of Litchfield, was in our city. Tuesday on business and while here paid The Northwestern a very pleasat visit. Come again Mr. Chamberlin. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Christensen and children, of Sargent, passed through our city enroute to Hastings, where they will attend the wedding of the latter's brother. Because they cut off a cat's tail, two Mason City young men are under sur veillance by the authorities who pro mise to make it warm for them should the offense be repeated.—Ex. Mrs. J. P. Leininger’s and Miss Le Master's Sunday school classes enter tained the Boy Scouts at a St. Patrick’s party at the M. E. church last Satur day evening. A large crowd was pres ent and all those present reported a fine time. # I I I_ I » * I I I O. S. MASON • Implements. Hardware. Farm Seeds. Machine Oils, Windmills, Pumps, Pipes Plumbing and Heating a Specialty SIX REASONS FOR AVERY TRACTOR SUCCESS 1. The price of Avery tractors are from $200 to $500 cheaper than any other makes due to the company having bought their materials for 1017 in the advance of the^last raise in prices. 2. Sliding frame, two speed, double transmission. 3. Extra large crank shaft. Xo owner ever broke one. i 4. Removable inner cylinder walls. ! 5. Xo pumps, fan or outside lubricator. 6. Avery makes six sizes of tractors, one for every size farm. Call and let us explain this tractor to you and get a catalogue. 0. 5. MASON jj: LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA *jr ^ % 1 Our Regular Prices t Fancy Peaberry Coffee, per lb.25c S; I Good Santos Coffee, per lb.22c f 1 Gal Karo Corn Syrup.55c 4 Gal. Karo Corn Syrup.30c I 1 Gal. Karo White Syrup .60c | 4 Gal. Karo White Syrup.35c 4 Boxes Corn Flakes.25c . California Dried Peaches, per lb.11c f Atlas Oatmeal.25c | Saxson Oatmeal .20c a 10 lb Kegs Herring.1.00 | Santa Clara Prunes...121c ; Pancake flour, 5 lb. size.22c 6 oz. Can Milk.05c j 10 oz. Can Milk.10c Please come in and see our Men’s Suits at $12.50. Also we have a nice line of Men’s trousers and Boy’s Suits. WM. LEWANDOWSKI General Merchandise QUALITY RIGHT PRICES SERVICE I