The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 15, 1917, Image 5
REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' N-braska at the of business on March 5. 1917. RESOURCES. Loan* ., ...J302.62S.89 To*»i . J302.628.S9 < trendr. ■ • • ur« . . 913.11 !* S !>: • t< • . .3 -at par value, . 7.000.00 Total - - 7.000.00 Secure- - r tlu.c ' i* bonds mot including -4,*. a » .• . u: • -sit-. 1 3.500.36 3.500.36 e k of Federal Reserve Bank . LSI unil*er.-d . 8.708.61 8.708.61 Higlli • ’ • ur* ■ . 1.87,3 7" Vet am, !r<-n a; ; - ,v..j r- serve agents in New 7. 4" 47 Net at*. >.. ■ • ■ . *- n approve*! reserve agents in other P»- . 117.140.1* 122.628.61 (Kher • • . - .:. !..i? * - the same ity or town as re gwtwc bank . 1,997.43 t»wtt U • asb tents .... 6.96S.44 a*.-*. . . !.•- 234.09 . 'a. ■ - r"*- i-- u 1. erve Hank 34.595.37 ited«*j v • S Treasurer and due from S . 350.00 7 .'a -v $492,757.63 LIABILITIES. .: 4 $ 25,000.09 Sarpiu* 25.000.00 $ 4.168.07 .e--* - ••• . tax-- pa;u 2.62504 1.543.03 - . - u-- ■ .• . • v . 7.000.00 ' . • • ha: r .... . Oar *- r . 17.319.90 k 207.230.57 :• -- • nap days 59.664.13 - • s;,! 75 * * - - r subject t 99 days ■! more notice*: . s- 150.000.0* 7 ,.<tal of ’itti* dejs.wi-.* ... 150.000.00 $492,757.63 State o' N. • -..ska. < unty of Sbentan. ss: :.allied do solemnly swear that the ■ * - ‘ : n ■■■ kip-wiedge and belief. L. HANSEN, Cashier - - - - . • me this 14th day of March. 1917. M 4. R H MATHEW. Notary Public. My aaa n expire*- February 7. 1918 C arret t—Attest F Mu- W T Chase. A. B Out bouse. Directors. I Electrified Homes E tic:- .. dw fast superceding old methods in WtBaj depart: ..-. home. The modern home—the COldPORTABLE home—now has Electric Heaters Electric Irons Electric Lights . j . ! I . u . .abcr saving and cost saving appliances. It ..... . ... ::rce—no q ngcr. no annoyance, no failure. Yc . h. If ti. enjoyment of life if your home is i.o* c-d. Le: as w .re your house for lights. Y. :.uf : - Aimo Li hting systems for farm homes. Cal -ad kt us en plain them to you. LOUP CITY LIGHT AND POWER CO. Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—It pays. V. L. Johns was a business caller at i Boelus. Tuesday. Bob Moore was a passenger to Grand Island. Saturday morning. - j A. B. Outhouse was a business cal ler at Rockville last Fridav. __ For sale—Pure Bred S. C. Rhode! Red setting eggs.—-O. L. Swanson. j A. G. Hunt was a business passenger ! to Grand Island. Wednesday morning. | Lamont L. Stephens was a business : passenger to Comstock. Tuesday even- j ing. — Floyd Janulewioz was an eastbound passenger to Omaha. Tuesday morning on business. Mrs. J. W. Amiok was a Grand Is land passenger last Friday, returning home in the evening. Farmers bring in your plows and discs now and be ready for spring' work.—Emil J. Schoening. 7 tf Miss Maggie Christensen was a pas senger to Grand Island last Saturday morning to consult the doctor. Mrs. Christina Gregg returned to her home in St. Joe. Mo., last Thursday, after a short visit here with relatives * ■■ Clarence Sweetland was a passen ger to Ashton last Thursday morning, where he had some plumbing work to do. E.. G. Taylor returned home last Friday from Omaha and other points, where he had been for some time on business. Mrs. George Zeiglef and daughter. Miss Faye, were Dannebrog callers, Tuesday morning to have some dental work done. Miss Lettie Cunningham returned home last Thursday from Hazard, where she ha^ been visiting with friends several days. Mr and Mrs. John Dietz and baby returned to their home at Rockviile. Monday after an over Sunday visit at the John Stanczyk home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor came up from Lincoln last Friday evening for several days’ visit here at the J. W. Long home, and with many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Carlsen returned to their home at Dannebroe last Fri day. after several days' visit here with their son. C. C. Carlsen. and family. Mrs. Agnes Kosmieki returned to her home at Ashton last Thursday morning after visiting a couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewandowski. Clifford Hale returned home from Sargent last Friday morning, where he has been wiring for electric lights, for an over Sunday visit. He returned again Monday evening. Central City girls basket ball team came over last Friday and played a fast game with our home team. The game was exciting all the way through and at the end the score stood 22 to II in Loup City's favor. — Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Lambert are the proud parents of a daughter, born j Sunday. March 11, The little Miss j weighs 101i pounds. The Lamberts ; will soon move to a farm near Dan nebrog. being detained in Loup City because of this important event. SPRING OPENING' The ladies of Loup City and Sherman county are invited to call and in spect my new and com plete line of Spring and Summer Millinery Friday ^Saturday March 16 and 17 A complete line of Chil dren’s, Misses and La dies’ Hats. POPULAR PRICES Mrs. R. N. Pritchard Try Chase's first—it pays. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Rev. Father Jarka was a passenger :o St. Paul. Monday. John Jezewski was a passenger to \shton. Wednesday morning. H. S. Conger, of Arcadia, came down Monday and looked over business af fairs. For Sale—New four room house Water, electric lights—Hansen Lun. her Co. Clarence Arnett was an eastbound passenger to Omaha. Tuesday morn ing on business. An advertisement in The Northwect srn will be read by many hundreds pf people in Sherman County. Mrs. Lula Burke and Mrs. J. H. Mc Call and daughter came up from Aus tin. Saturday to do some shopping. Mrs. Joe Lewandowski was a passen ger to Ashton. Tuesday morning to spend the day visiting with relatives. Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching 50c per 15. Two blocks west of the old Dr. Jones place.—Mrs. Henry Miller. 12-4 Mrs. M. E. Galczenski visited with ■elatives and friends at Ashton. Mon lay, returning on the evening passen ger. Miss Faye Bond came up from her tome at Gresham. Tuesday evening for i visit with her sister. Mrs. C. H. Ryan. »nd family. Henry Ohlsen came over from his home at David City. Monday evening for a short visit with many friends tnd relatives. Mrs. Frank Critel was an eastbound passenger to Bradshaw. Saturday morning to visit a week or so with relatives and frienids. D. C. Doner, who has been here visit ing at the W. H. Doner home for the past week, returned to his home in Columbus. Monday morning. Forest arsen returned home Satur iay evening from Omaha and other eastern points, where he has been the past two weeks on a sightseeing trip. Robert Kwiatkowski came up from lis home at Schaupps last Thursday tnd visited until Friday at the John Stanczvk home, returning home Fri lay morning. — Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wise were west pound passengers to Arcadia on last rhursdav for a short visit and from here they will return to their home n Crested Butte. Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Doty and children went to Grand Island. Tuesday and from there Mrs. Doty and children will go to Seattle. Wash., for an extended visit with relatives and friends. John McCall left for Wyoming Mon day. where he will locate on a home stead if he can find anything that suits him. Rumor has it that John is soon to be married, a Loup City girl being the contracting party. A petition was circulated this week asking that the name of Seth H. Richmond be placed on the ballot for city clerk at the coming municipal election. Peter Rowe, present city clerk is a candidate for re-election. 320 acres all in native grass. 275 acres can be broke out easily if not more. All under fence except 160 rods on west side. 1-4 of mile to school. Lo cated- in good neighborhood. Seven miles from Loup City. For sale cheap. Inquire of August Jaeschka. 12- tf Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miner and son, Verdon, went to Grand Island last Saturday, where they will make their home in the future. The Miners made many friends during their four years’ residence here, who wish them happi ness and prosperity in their new location. Dan Garner will hold a public sale at the farm one mile north of Loup City on Wednesday. March 28. Sale commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Six head of horses, seventy-five head of cattle, eleven head of hogs. 100 S. C. white Leghorn chickens and a lot of good farm machinery will be sold. Daily sells tor less. —— Easter Sunday comes on April 8. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis faction guaranteed. . Henry Sehuman was a passenger tr, Boelus. Monday monring. If you want to sell your land, list , it with W. D. Zimmerman. John Warrick was au eastbound pas j senger to Omaha. Monday. J. H. Welty was a passenger to Grand Island. Tuesday on business. C. C. Outhouse shipped a car load of hogs to the Omaha market on las; Friday. Miss Mary Parteka went to St Paul. Tuesday, to visit with her brother a few days. For eaves trough, tin work, solder ing and all kind of repair work call on L. H. Spahr. O. A. Woods was a passenger to Dannehrog. Tuesday morning, return ing in the evening. Rhea Rentfrow came up from her school duties and spent several days visiting in our city. L. H. Spahr cleans and repairs all kinds of sewing machines at Jas. Bar tunek's. Call at once. W. F. Mason was a business cal ler at Palmer last Thursday morning, returning home the same day. For Sale:—Five room house and' seven lots in Loup City for sale.— j Enquire at Jung's restaurant. Mrs. Lou Schwaner and children ] went to Ord. Tuesday, to visit with her parents and friettds for some time. Henry Dunker came up from Rock ville Tuesday and remained till Wed nesday. returning on the passenger. Miss Winnie Outhouse came over from her school at Ravenna. Monday for several days' visit with home folks. A. Sutton and Master Billy Johnson ] came over from Ord. Monday evening for a visit at the W. S. Waite home Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Snider went to Gothenburg. Saturday morning to visit over Sunday with relatives and many friends. J. A. Reiman. Harry Gardner and Carl Bauman were Ashton passengers last Friday morning, where they are working. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snyder and daughter were eastbound passengers to Omaha. Tuesday morning to con sult the doctor. Robert Hunter, who spent several | days visiting here at the A. G. Hunt home, returned to his home at Pleas anton. Saturday. Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman and daugh ters. Mrs. W. B. Owen and Mrs. R. H Mathew, were shopping in Grand Is : land, last Saturday. Ray McMichael returned home Mon- i day morning from Arcadia, where he j had been visiting with relatives and friends over Sunday. E. J. Maus returned home last week Thursday from Lincoln, where he had been the past ten days on business . and pleasure combined. Afc J. Farnham 'returned home on last Friday from David Citiy. where he had been for several days on busi ness and pleasure combined. Mrs. B. J. Swanson, who has been here visiting with her daughter. Mrs. i John M. O'Bryan, returned to her home | at Ulysses. Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ziola and baby were passengers to St. Paul on last Thursday to visit with relatives. Thev returned home Saturday evening. _ Mrs. R. P. Prichard and baby and Mrs. A. E. McCullough and children were westbound passengers to. Com stock. Saturday evening to spend Sun- j day with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McNulty and children returned home Saturday even ing from Kansas, where they had been called to the bedside of Mr. McNulty’s : father who is very ill. Mrs. L. Bechthold returned home from Grand Island, last Thursday evening, where she had been visiting with her daughters and getting ac-1 quainted with her new grandson. Mrs. Tillie Bowman gave a birth day dinner for her son. William, at the family home last Sunday. All of the relatives were present and the occasion was a memoriable and en joyable one. In a circular letter to school boards County Superintendent L. H. Currier suggests that school be dismissed dur ing the week of March 28, in order to enable the teachers to attend the Central Nebraska Teachers’ associa tion 'to be held at Hastings. The pro gram committee has engaged the fol lowing out of the state people to ap pear upon the program: Judge Ben Lindsey, of Denver, a man who has studied the delinquent boy for years, and is. perhaps, one of the greatest authorities on that subject, will lec ture to the teachers. Wednesday even ing. March 28. Mrs. Julia Fried Walk er. of Indiana, who appeared before the State Teachers' Association, will ! be with us all day Thursday. March : 29. and will lecture in the evening, i Mrs. Hattie Moore Mtchell, from ] Kansas, will be with us on Friday. The following educators in our state, will appear on our program: Chancel lor Avery .of University of Nebraska. President Dick, of Kearney Normal, and State Superintendent Clemmons. : Y^jave for- sornp? j -Egood I • \ The Starting Month March again marks the beginning of another season of farming activities. There is every reason to hope for an exceptional growing season and bounteous crop returns for everv farmer in this community. # Our interest in the farmers of this community is more than a selfish interest, though our success doe?, to a great extent, depend upon the success of our customers who follow agriculture as a profession. We are ever ready to assume our part in advancing the best business and financial interests of those farm ers whom we appreciatively call customers. Loup City State Bank Loup City, Nebraska L_ _______ O. S. MASON Implements. Hardware. Farm Seeds. Machine Oils. Windmills, Pumps, Pipps Plumbing and Heating a Specialty 4 5 to 65 DOLLARS \ . Will buy one of the best and oldest makes of cream separators made, guaranteed to you and will last longer, do better work than any 75.00 to 100.00 Dollar Machine Gome in and take out one of our machines on our guarantee and free trial plan. It will not cost you a cent if not as we claim for it. Notice These are high grade machines bought at the old prices O. S. MASON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA » f Our Regular Prices ■ Fancy Peaberry Coffee, per lb.25c Good Santas Coffee, per lb.22c 1 Gal Karo Corn Syrup.55c 4 Gal. Karo Coni Syrup.30c 1 Gal. Karo White Syrup .60c 4 Gal. Karo White Syrup.^.350 4 Boxes Corn Flakes.25c California Dried Peaches, per lb.11c Atlas Oatmeal.25c Saxson Oatmeal .20c 10 lb Kegs Herring.-.1.00 Santa Clara Prunes.12ic Pancake flour, 5 lb. size.22c WM. LEWANDOWSKI General Merchandise QUALITY RIGHT PRICES SERVICE j - * When looking for a good lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS We carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten tion given to all special orders. Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small tin foil cakes. In stock at all times. \