No climate affects it for the package protects it. WMGLEY’S goes to all parts of the world—in all seasons, to all classes. Fresh, clean, wholesome and delicious always. It aids appetite and di gestion, quenches thirst, keeps the teeth clean and breath sweet. Three “After every meal” The Flavor Lasts ■ — —i WWAPPSD IN Explanation. « hat's the tu.-nn ng •*! this tbey rail the Pap-Albertam poUtfT" “Jmet like a a ••man a stupidity to aat »Uih a «ju--st:«iu. Aioertouax are getting panned all right. ami -he> T' FRECKLES %+m to (to Tton# i« bn IU «f 1 brw t ft* *pmt* Ttrft f M *.#** lb* » .cr*r !i*Kl of 1m-to# Mir n c/f >4'-' fr«ck *> lb* 4»s. ’ * • — ii » ► :«4 t f ' *• C44i*i... f xft|tlR»r •'T'AC’i "«• )«Mtf afd ft MClto «f it ts^t : ft*wdl Tr,wr«!i&* ftr^d you to.4 ftm f lift * •*«% .to- ft arftf ?r . ki*-* to»* ► »** ctoftw *- ft. ■.- »r* u«tit-r oft** fcA - -s .r- - 1* !• ft.dotn tto* aftwr* *to£ oft cttftr* ig >o-«4td u runs * ft**ftT *r e ftft.ft a:.J ftfti-’ ft t>*ftUtlful caftftr - a*flrt)« ■ft onto u» ft** * r •• t *- • - r r ft-** •#**.• ft * KJ - (uar«ci«* of ■Eta. • * ttu-fe ST It !» • i# mwi* f«*ftric in#— U« Faint Pra>ae. ‘Hat he tn&sy !>xd habit"* T’ -He sttur latte All thai I et.r hear -£ hint i» that he * age*? pr.ivider.”— Ik mat Pr**e I*r—* s Not Alone. M dear.” said Mr. Jagshy to the partner of his Joys aDd sorrows, who had finally succeeded in steering him to t*ed. " 'morrer lnornin’ I'll 'splain I was in the office all th' time.” “You needn't bother to explain." an -wered Mrs. Jagshy. “If you were really in the office. I call see from your condition tlmt you hud u quart of whisky to keep you company.” Pimple*, boil*, carbuncles, dry up and disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden M- : al Discovery. In tablet* or liquid. —Adv. High Ccst of Snowbailing. Six young buy- standing on the main -’re. - of a suburban city, about to -\.rr a snowball fight, in the vicinity ”i two or thro- sto-e- with large win dow s. <* e o! ’he youngsters : “Aw. wait a ni.tiute. Let s go over t<» a side street TV — window- cost $lOd apiece.—Bos* tun Transcript. Sv n Frandaco has -Kid jitney drivers. | Koofing I ie *W rAem • tTj>» , • noc-” It is anitai/lr I Imm aato hUT.leaa tm^j^C^mprrjmrcr.-.^ CEKTAIK iioir -£ - ■ voysuriCBi.tai:' ■tar) uflrrmwcui It »>.! M Crf Mt osock ets when he is asleep. May Quit Making Beer. Copenhagen.—It is said that the suspension of all beer brewing in northern Germany is imminent. This action is due to the desire to save ! maize for bread and matt. No Funds for the Inquiry. Washington.—Lock of funds will prevent the federal trade commission from undertaking the food cost inves tigation ordered by President Wilson. Failure of congress to give the com mission $50,000 asked as a deficiency appropriation is the cause. Dry Legislation at An End. St. Paul.—The Minnesota honse in definitely postponed action on the An derson statutory prohibition law. Tha vote killed any chance for further leg islation at this session. Catarrh for Years Three I No Relief k Bottles J PERUNA ? Made Me Well. Mr. Eli Lefevre. Jr., 8?4 Brush St.. Detroit, Mich., writes: "I had been troubled with catarrh for a num ber of years, and had been taking medicine for it, but they did me no good. In reading one of Dr Hart man's books entitled 'Winter Catarrh.’ I discovered that Peruna was good for catarrh. After I had taken only three bottles of Peruna I was cured of the catarrh. I now advise every body troubled with catarrh to take Dr. Hartman's Peruna, as it is a sure cure for catarrh. ‘•Friends to whom I recommend Pe runa tell me that it is also good for headache, dizziness, and pain in the stomach." Those who object to liquid medi cines can now procure Peruna Tab lets. DR. KNOLLENBERG’S D. C. SANITARIUM If You Suffer With ACUTE AND CHROMIC DISEASES, iDientigrate Dr. Rnt»l Ifnbfrjr'n New DrualenM I'reatmenl. FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY %N*D HEART TROl RLE. My Guarantee for Special Treatment—\ on Don'i Pay If 1 Fall. If you remain in my sanitarium under my care and treatmem. I hese treatments not only benefit, but eradicate poisonous accumula tions from the system. Office and Sanitarium 24th and Farnam St». Phone I>oug. 7295. Omaha. Neb. Inilureu ilo many things they shouldn't, hut s<* do grownups. < • 1 i i l ( “Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes—Time it! You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad—or an uncertain one—or a harmful one—your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in giving relief; its harmless ness: its certain unfailing action in regulating sick. sour, gafesy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home—keep it handy—get a large fifty-cent case from any dealer and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if , what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes head ache. dizziness and nausea: eructa tions of acid and undigested food— remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its prompt- • ness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a reve lation to those who try it-—Adv. But for the limelight many a the atrical star would cease to shine. t Merely a Truce. "It doe- rne good to see Demoerafs itid Republicans burying their differ ■nces in this; national crisis." said the iptitnistic citizen. "Don't fool yourself," grumbled the lessimist. "They are not burying heir differences so deep they won't •e able to dig them up again in short irder." HIGH COST OF LIVING This is u serious mutter with house keepers as food prices are constantly toiug up. To overcome this, cut out he high priced meat dishes and serve our family more Skinner’s Macaroni ind Spaghetti, the cheapest, most de icious and most nutritious of ail foods. Trite the Skinner Mfg. Co.,*Omaha. "Is he running the place on the Euro l*e«n piau?” "Sure. There's fighting among the different nationalities every day.” YOU MAY TRY CUTICURA FREE That’s the Rule—Free Samples to Any one Anywhere. We have so much confidence in the wonderful soothing and healing proper ties of Cuticura Ointment for all skin troubles supplemented by hot baths with Cuticura Soap that we are ready to send samples on request. They are ideal for the toilet. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard. Cuticura. IVpt. L Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. Sneer not at the 'imperfections of others. It is doubly cruel to beat a cripple with his own crutch. When it comes to coddling imagin ary wrongs the average man is a faithful nurse. In the Four Hundred. Caller—Is my wife home? Maid—Who may I say called?—Piu-k I Green’s [August Flower! When the stomach and liver are in good working order, in ninety-nine cases out of every hundred general good health prevails. Green’s August Rower has proven a blessing and has been used all over the civilized world during the last fifty odd years. It is a universal remedy for weak stomach, constipation and nerv ous indigestion. A dull headache, bad taste in the mouth in the morning, or that “tired feeling” are nature's warn ings that something is wrong in the digestive apparatus. At such times Green's August Flower will quickly correct the difficulty and establish a normal condition. At all druggist!' l dealers', 35c and 75c bottles. I Green’s | August Flower, BjtTFIITQ W»t»on E. Co «ruhb. |N| Lll I O Patent Lawyer Wa " " W D C. Advice and * ik* trwr Kkte* reasonable Highest references ajivum Diet, Exercise or Death! An eminent medical authority writes that most of our city folks die of a thick ening of the arteries or of kidney dis ease. The kidneys become clogged and do not filter the poisons from the blood, and one trouble follows another, high blood pressure damages the heart, arteries and kidneys. Usually its danger signals are backache, pain here or there, swollen feet or ankles, rheumatic twinges or spots appearing before the eyes. “The veiy best remedy is this: Eat meat but once a day, or not at all. Plenty of outdoor exercise, and drink pure water frequently. Before meals take a little An uric, the great uric acid neu tralizer that is easily obtained at the drug store. When you. have dizziness, chills or sweating, worry, or dragging pains in back, try this wonderful enemy to uric acid, which Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y., discovered and named Anuric. An uric, more potent than lithia, dissolves ■ric acid as hot water does sugar.” HEALTHY CHILDREN cojne from i a*lthy A moihers. , Ai>d raotner^ ntn certainly be healthy If they’ll ta e Dr. Pierce’s 5 avor itePrescr. .tioiu Nothing can equal It it build ing up a wont in regulating and assisting ailhcr natural functions, and in patting iw perfect order every part of the female system. It lessens the pains and bur dens, supports and strengthen? weak, nursing mothers. It’s an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and bracing nervine. Castor oil is good for children or aduita, and .especially good for aged people. A pleasant form of a vegetable laxative that is to be had at any drug store, was in vented by Dr. Pierce, who put together May -appie (podophyliin), aloes,*jJap. Ask at any drug store for'Pleasant iVl lets,” and they can be had for little They contain no calomel and are of v(»t able constituents, therefore harmless.