The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 08, 1917, Image 1

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    Loup City North western
Mrs Elmer Hetrn k visited at C.
' 1’ Hetrick's Tuesday
J H Bums and family visited at A.
r. Hagey's place last Sunday.
Mr and Mrs E E Erickson visi'
ed at John Carlson’s last Sunday.
Mr and Mr? G W Anderson visited
at A K Purwine’a place on Sunday.
W H Doner of Eoup City was a
• a? res* visitor m this v< initv lust
Ala tr ar.d Katie Fagen and Mr.
and Mrs A C. Hagev autoed to Hast
• ge one day last week.
Mr and Mr*. R P McClarv and
r miL Marie and Bettie Mahu visited
at A P. Mahti's pace Sunday.
Fred Carlson of I'tica. Kas . and
Mr*. Fr- 1 Swanson and I>ave Carlson
of Hamilton county are visiting at the
John Carlson home a tew days.
KP M>-Clary is among the auto
owners now i>ut Robert did not join
the "Foidites." He procured for him
self a fann-a- Hodre Bros., little
wagon, fully equipped
Have you moved vet? Is the one of
the tram questions asked around here
iatrlv Nearly everybody has moved
and tho-o- that have not are talking
a* tf they w .1 !>rfore fall
Lest Monday evening about fifty of
t .- friend* and neighbors of the John
Nordstrom family dropped in and
j e*?.Lt - . surprised O* -ar Nordstrom,
it being a farewell party as Oscar
Wye* one day tins week for Wyo
East Fumy as J >hn Carlson was
going to take come ruedi< ine he by
as.r'a*e took a small quantity of
< arboli a- id Immediate medical
at'etit. n smb brought Mr. Carlson
t ut of danger and it is retorted that he
t* cow gemng along very nicely.
There wa* a real "wild man" scare
in t! i» vicinity lately. Ye Scribe has
not yet learned the -wild man’s" name
neither vh> he came from, but it is
reported tha’ he is in safe keeping
and he ?ure belongs there as it is re
ported that he was a queer acting
fid Man- heater and son shelled
i ora one day last week.
Mr? Peter Ueuiaud has be^-n on the
?.- k list the past few days.
Mr Wnrht ar.d sons took a load of
•» to Anitus h-.-t Tuesdav
Gerald Manchester was selling some
fine po?« <ards last Saturday.
E»rec.t White took a load of hogs
to Ashton the first of the week.
Jus So w ok mo* was in Eoup City
t d Ashton a couple of days last week.
John Pelanowski was in Ashton on
las: Sa'urday with a load of wheat.
T. ny Orent was an over night visit
or w.tfc Frank Manchester. Saturdav.
Frank Manchester helped Joe Sir
wok.nos brand his cattle last Thurs
Tony Orem and Frank Manchester
drove to Ashton last Friday on busi
•* -a- sk: had the misfoi*
tire to lo>e three head of cattle last
Mr and Mrs Ed Manchester and
children autoed to North Loup Iasi
John Palu has been moving his
farm machinery from his father's place
to his new farm.
Jess Barnett and Norman Hulbersor
were in Ashton last Friday. Jess hac
hogs on the market.
Morris Hassel finished hauling his
corn last Friday which he purchased
from Tony Frederick.
Glen Trump was hauling corn from
the old place to the one where his
parents live, last week.
Mr and Mrs. E. F. Paddock and
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reuand were in
North Ixiup last Friday.
K F. Paddock drove his bull trac
tor and saw to Charles Glauss’ and
buzzed up his wood last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zaruba visited
with the latter's parents in Valle)
; county. Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Lorence White was shopping
in North Loup last Friday. She called
on Mrs. F. Manchester in the evening
Homer. Ernest and Roy Williams of
I North Loup, autoed to Trump's place
last Wednesday and transacted busi
There was a fine dance given at the
home of Mr and Mrs. E. F. Paddock.
Saturday evening. All report a good
! time.
V ss Julia Orent has been visiting
her sister. Mrs. Tony Zaruba. a few
davs. This young lady expects to leave
for Cedar Rapids. Iowa. In the near
It was thought that we were threat
ened with a hizzard last Wednesday
as it beean to snow, but the first of
March came in very nice the next
it has been reported that Joe Wolie
of Deuel county, has sold his engine
and tractor and has gone into the
hardware business at Chappel. Good
: luck Joe.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zaruba and chil
dren and Mr and Mrs. George Barnett
a:.d daughter. Miss Nettie, spent one
day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ris Hassel. at cards.
Tony Koslii ki of Ashton, passed to
the great beyond at his home ast Wed
nesday.. He has been a sufferer for
a l ing time. The bereaved familv
have the heartfelt sympathy of the en
'ire community in this, their hour of
Frank Manchester. E. F. Paddock.
Lorence Spotanski and several others
helped Peter Reuland haul his house
1. dd goods to North Loup, Monday,
where Mr. Reuland billed them for
Chappell We wish Mr. Reuland and
family all kinds of good luck.
We see by The Ashton Herald that
our mail carrier, John Rapp, has a
i harming little Miss who arrived at
his home last Tuesday. He felt so -big
and proud over it that his wagon was
not big enough for him so he had
Tony Grabowski substitute for him
Congratulations to papa, mama and
the baby.
We still exchange flour for wheat at
the elevator. Also make special prices
on flour in 500 pound lots. Also handle
all kinds of food and oil meal.
E. G. Taylor'6 Elevator.
Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Neb.
■' ':••'! i Id.-: i:? at ion. Explanation or Argument.
Tv. V-. - > ad'. Strong. Healthy Growth.
- i ug Y e and Tornado Insurance at Actual
■ • " liars Saved to Policy holders Since Organization.
Can h» • You Save Money.
r»M Only in the State of Nebraska Only.
At - jteiv Limits the Liability of its Members.
■aril t .1 - Its Losses Fairly. Promptly and in Full.
‘ • "t»n:{. : ies to Lower Their Rates on Farm Property.
W. G. TUCKER, Local Agent
; The First Consideration
in making purchases for your
spring shirts is, “where can I get
shirts that will wear and stand
the acid in laundering, and hold
the color. Try the Ideal shirts
and be convinced. Spnng line
now ready for your inspection.
- __— ■
Will Be Glad To Show You at
- - — ■ _
George Ritz sold a fine cow last
Miss Thressa NowicH lias been on
the sick list
Edward Bydalek has been quite
sick the past week.
Ed. Bydalek has been laid up this
week with the measles.
Alfonso Bydalek was sick the past
week with a sore throat.
The John Bazman children are sick
with the whooping cough.
Wallace Haremza sold four hogs to
Ignatz Haremza last week.
Ed. Carsten quit school last week on
account of the early work.
Mr. and Mrs. John Krvski arrived
from Columbus last Friday.
Andrew Bonczynski shelled corn for
Jurgen Carsten last Monday.
Ignatz Haremza helped W. A. Sei
fert shell corn last Saturday.
Stanley Nowicki has been hauling
j hay from Andrew Bonezyski’s.
Mrs. Matt Hansen was quite low last
week but is improved a little.
Paul Krvski has been hauling hay
from Ashton the past week.
Ralph and Edmond Maschka spent
Sunday with the. Maschka Bros.
Ed. Carsten was chore boy for Har
ry Lemberg. Saturday and Sunday.
Adam and Rudolph Peters autoed to
Sc-haupps last Monday* on business.
Dan Stobbe hauled a few* loads o?
fine fat porkers to Ashton last week.
The George Ritz children w*ere re
ported as being sick with the measles.
Tony Stobbe bought a load of corn
from M. J. Maciejewski last Tuesday*.
Tony Stobbe and Staney Smedra
helped Thed Smedra move, last week.
George Ritz purchased a new player
piano from Mr. Mars of Grand Island.
The George Ritz family have been
quite sick with the grippe the past
August Maschka purchased a new
Great Western manure spreader last
iiaiiv .uacieje wski purcuasea a new
2M horse power gasoline engine re
Henry and Daniel Bydalek spent
Sunday evening with the Maschka
Plambeck Bros, shelled corn with
their tractor for W. A. Seifert, last
Tophiel Bydalek and Paul Kryski
helped Stanley Xowicki haul hay the
past week.
Marie Plambeck came up last week
from Rockville, for a short visit with
her mother.
The »yrunk Maciejewski children
have been sick the past week with
the measles.
The doctor from Rockville has been
on Deer Creek the past few days aid
ing the sick.
Ignatz Haremza helped his brother.
Walace. move to Keith county one
day last week.
Paul Kryski bought two tons of bal
ed hay from Mongul Vincent, of Asn
ton. ast week. m
We understand that. Henry Peters
will hold a public sale at Ashton in
the near future.
Jurgen Carsten sold two loads of
corn to Albert Sundstrom near Rock
ville, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Maciejewski visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. St. Dvmak. Sr., j
at Ashton, Sunday.
A few from here attended the funer- j
al of Mrs. Paulsen, who died at Rock-1
ville last Tuesday.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. St.
Xowicki has been very sick the past
week with the grippe.
This Lubash and Mike Slobasczew
ski’s children are quite sick with
the measles this week.
St. Dymaek autoed to Ravenna last
Monday on some important business,
returning the same day.
Jurgen Carsten hauled a few loads
of corn to Rorkville last Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday.
Paul Smedra has been quite sick
with the measles, but is showing im
provement at this time.
Carsten Bros, have been busy the
first part of this week hauling hay
from the Carl Treffer farm.
Miss Emma Peters was an eastbound
passenger to St. Paul. Wednesday, to
have some dental work done.
Mrs. Cela Krvski and Curley Zochol
of Ashton, visited with their sister.
Mrs. Harry Maciejewski. Sunday.
Alfonso Bvdalek has been helping
his cousin. Sal Bvdalek. on Oak Creek
haul alfalfa last Thursday and Fridav.
Lizzie Weiss, teacher in school Dist.
No. 12, is sick w’ith the measles. Her
brother, Antone is taking her place.
J. W. Peters and son. Adam, autoed
to Loup City last Wednesday on im
portant business, returning the same
Art Strom moved his stock, ma
chinery. etc., from the John Hehnke
farm to a farm near Loup City last
R. Lemberg of near Farwell, has
took a few loads of hav from his son.
Harry’s place near Rockville the past
Stanley Smedra moved his stock
machinery, etc., on the Jacob Macie
jewski farm recently vacated by Ig
natz Goc.
Mrs. Ruddlph John arrived here
from Loup City last week to visit with
her daughter, Mrs. I. S. Kalkowski, a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Poch and Ed.:
Haedler and wife of west Ashton,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lor
enz, Sunday.
Mrs. Wieserski. who has been con
fined ii\ bed for the past two months
is very much imphoved and will soon
be out again.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hollst and baby
and Herman f-v
tan. Neb., for a visit with Mrs. M
Plambeck and family.
The Paul Kryski children resumed
their school duties Monday, after be
ing absent for the past two weeks on
account of sickness.
Mike Lubash departed for Lincoln
this week, where he will attend the
automobile school there this year.
Success to you Mike.
Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Corsten wen
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lemberg
near Farwell and help them celebrate
their silver wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bydalek and
son. Tophiel. autoed to Columbus, on
Tuesday, where they attended the
funeral of a relative.
Martin Rasmussen painted his top
buggy red, last week hoping it will
bring him a great fortune some day
We hope so too. Martin.
Clemens Maciejewski came up from
St. Paul last Friday to visit with his
parents over Sunday. He returned to
his school duties Monday.
A literary was held at the Bratn
mer school last Friday. As this was
the last one a large crowd was pres
ent to witness the program.
Thed Smedra moved his stock ma
chinery from the Joe Bendekowski
farm to the Mike Wiezorek farm which
was vacated by Mike Lubash.
Mrs. Frank Wardyn of Ashton, who
underwent an operation at Grand Is
land a few weeks ago for cancer, is
now staying at the Frank Goc home.
Jake Ritz of Rockville, agent for
the PeLaval cream searator, has been
on Deer Creek tahe past few days de
livering a separator to Stanley No
Mrs. M. Plambec k and family, Joe
Hollst and wife and baby, Herman
Kuhn and Jake Ritz visited with Mr.
and ^Irs. George Ritz and family last
Joe Goc came up from St. Paul last
Friday where he is attending the nor
mal school, to visit with his parents
over Sunday, returning again Monday
Ignatz Goc moved his stock, ma
chinery. etc., from the Jake Maciejew
ski farm to the Jake Kosmicki farm
which has been recently vacated by
Wallace Haremza.
Charles Carsten autoed to Ravenna
last Wednesday. From there he left
for Kimbell county, where he goes to
look for some land. We hope he finds
a good location to suit him.
Mr. and Mrs. «C-*rl Bntmmer were
passengers to Loup City one day
last week to visit with Mrs. W. C.
Dieterich. also to make settlement
for the farm which he bought a few
months ago.
Emil Carsten, who has been here
visiting at the home of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Carsten, left
for Palmer. Monday to visit with rela
tives and from there to Grand Island
and on to his home at Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Karrv Lemberg went
to visit with the former’s parents
near Boeolus last Saturday and Sun
day. They went near to Farwel! to
celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lem
berg’s silver wedding, returning on
i ony refers ana Harry fcfydalCK
who departed for Kansas City last
week, where they intended to take a
course in the auto school, did not even
reach the city as their minds chanc
ed in Omaha and they returned -the
next day.
Joe Lubash. while in Rockville one
day last week, met the Buck dealer
from Loup City and" he called for a
race with Joe's little tin can. Thev
both started out together, the tin can
making most of the hills on high and
won the race. Who says Tin Cans
can't roll.
The Northwestern's Btiick auto con
test closes Saturday evening at eignt
o'clock. There are only a few more
days in which to get the votes, and
one day's work may win the car. The
standing of the contestants and winner
of the car will be announced in next
week's paper.
Loup City township annual meeting
was held in society hall Tuesday af
ernoon. and was attended by a large
number of voters. A mill and a half
levy was voted for library purposes.
is the hen that pays. If she does not
lay. kill her, but before you kill her
give her B. A. Thomas' Poultry Rem
edy twice a day for a week, and then
you wrill not kill her for she will he
paying you a profit. It not only makes
hens lay but it is a remedy for Chol
era. Roup, and Gapes. Wre guarantee
it to cure or we refund your money.- -
I J. Slominski. Loup City, Neb.
J. J. Mendenhall left on Friday for
; Palmer.
J. J. Mendenhall came home on
Monday evening.
| fort Lang shipped a car of fat cat
tle to Omaha. Tuesday,
j Ih\ C. E. Paul returned from Omn
ha on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. August Furgusen came in on.
40. from the Bov.-. Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Linden were
passengers east on 40. Saturday morn
! ing.
Mrs. Joe Krouse was a passenger
| east on 40. Thusrday morning to Dun
Frank Bush of St. Michael, is un
loading a car of emigrant goods, this
j week.
Mrs. Sennett Richmond is visiting
i her father and brother at Falls Citiy,
| this week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Goen were pas
t sengers to Grand Island op 40. Wed
! nesdav morning.
Sam Brown of Pleasanton, is here
j visiting his daughter, Mrs. Andy j
i Doon. this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller re- i
' turned from their wedding trip on 40.
; Saturday evening.
Aaron Eberly has a position with ;
j the national refining company. He will j
! travel out of Crawford.
The Spelts Bros, sold a car of horses I
to Fuller, one of the Grand Island }
horse men. Wednesday morning.
Howard Bros, and Homer Wright
shipped hogs to market. Tuesday. John
Mead aso shipped a load. Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCormick
were passengers to Columbus on 40, |
Wednesday morning, via Grand Island. I
Corda Hoagland left on 43, Satur- ]
day morning for Miles City, Mont., j
after a short visit here with his par- |
The Spelts Bros, shipped in a load of
good horses from Hyannis and then
loaded one car from here to Grand Is
Otto Spahn. wife and family, came
down last Friday from their sand hiil
home to consult the doctor about one
of his children.
John Duncan was down town today
for the first time since his seige of ty
phoid fever. He is looking thinner buP
is convalescing nicely.
Henry Schultz has sold his bull
tractor engine and wood saw to Wes
Heapy. Henry is going into the drav
business in Litchfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oakley of
Pleasant Valley came in on Monday
morning to meet theSr neice. Miss El
len Oakley of Bushnel.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes McKenney of
Ravenna .who have been visiting here
with friends the past few days, re
turned to their home Monday.
Mrs. Elder, „ of Hebron, sister of
Mrs. W. D. Fisher, who has been here
visiting for the past week, returned
to her home Wednesday morning.
W. A. Trueson of the Drovers Jour
nal stock man, was up to look after
I the interests of their paper and the
selling of John Duncan's stock farm
and stock.
t orda Hoagland came in on 39. \\ ed- 1
nesday. He is living at Miles City.
Mont., and is on his way back from
Chicago. He will visit with his par
ents a few days.
Mrs. John Ernst and children, who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
Vian and her cousins the Elrods, left
on 40, Friday for Red Cloud, where
they are moving.
Lewis Rutler of Stanton, Neb., who
has been Visiting with the Sheehan's
for a few days and looking after his
land interests, left for home on 40.
Saturday morning.
The entertainment given at the Gray
school house was very successful and
enjoyed by all. The programe was
good and the boxes were well sold by
Col. R. A.. Stoker. $55 was netted.
Afred Defenbaugh and Myrtle Corn
ford took No. 40 to Grand Island and
were married on Thursday. They have
not returned yet from their honeymoon
but never mind the boys will wait.
Dr. C. A. and Mrs. Rydberg motor
ed to Ravenna on the first of the month
and took 42 to York and 41. back to
Ravenna and motored home on the
night Dr.'s father was very ill with
Mr. and Mrs. Norling returned to
their home in Ord after attending to i
their business interests here. I under- J
stand Mr. Norling will move here in
the near future and have his business
all under one roof.
Lile Howard, brother-in-law of John
Pritchard, and cousin of the Howard
Bros., came down from Hyannis to at
tend the Pritchard sale and visit a
few days. He is one of the old settlers
of this neighborhood.
Cleon Litzenberger, who has been !
staying with his sister. Mrs. Cal Wills,
returned home Monday morning. He
expects to return in the near future to
complete the fencing of their tract t f
land and summer a bunch of cattle.
W. O. Cook, who recently moved on
to a farm east of town, came in on 33.
Monday. He brought with him his aged
mother who is paralyzed and has to
be wheeled in a chair. It is no disgraee
to be old but awfully inconvenient.
Miss Marie Duncan returned to Cali- j
fomia one day last week where she J
goes for her health, but came home on
account of her brother’s severe illness.
Sirs. Dilhean and Mrs. Fred Bet's
went as far as Grand Island with
J. .F. Walters came in on Saturday
from Sargent and his nephew, Edgar
Cochran, came with him. J. F. has J
rented the Ed. Kentzler farm west j
of town and Edgar Cochran has rent- j
tha .1
west of town. They are unloading their
car today, (Tuesday.)
A few of the silver tips, old neign
bors of Harve Chapman paid thei re
spect to him an(\ Mrs. Chapman on
Tuesday evening. Harve hiked him
self to Illinois and brought home one
of his old school mates, as a wife. WY
were cordially welcomed by him and
his bride and after getting acquainted
w-e concluded he was to be congratu
lated. Cigars, apples and the drinks
(a bottle of pop) circulated freely. Af
ter spending a pleasant hoar and leav
ing a rocking chair as a slight token
of their good wishes, the rowd depart
ed for home.
Mr. Albert H. Cunningham and Miss
Carrie J. Anderson were united in the
bonds of holy wedlock Wednesday,
March 7, 1917 at 2 o'clock. Rev. Vin
cent R. Beebe of the Methodist church
officiating. The ceremony was per
formed at the home of the groom's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil E. Cun
ningham. in Loup City. Only immedi
ate relatives witnessed the marriage
service. Immediately after the cere
mony a fine wedding dinner was en
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
Mary Anderson of Hazard. Nebraska.
She has grown to young womanhood
in that vicinity where she is well and
very favorable known as a young lady
of most excellent and womanly quali
ties. The groom is a steady young man
of thrift and industry who has been
working as head man for Fuller .fc
Fuller near Hazard, for the past five
years. The bride was gowned in a
beautiful wedding dress of white mos
saline. trimmed in white embroidered
lace. The groom wore the convention
al back. Miss Lettie Cunningham, sis
ter of the bride, served as bridesmaid.
She was attired in a lovely gown of
flesh colored georgette crepe. Mr. An
drew Anderson, brother of the bride,
was best man. The flowers worn were
pink and white carnations.
Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham come from
most worthy families and are deserv
ing of continued success. They will go
to farming about ten miles south of
Loup City. May happiness and prosper
ity attend them is the wish of their
many friends.
To the taxpayers of Sherman coun
ty. If the 1916 axes are not paid by the
20th of this month I will have to issue
distress warrants for the same. So
please come and pay them and save
D. C. GROW. Co. Treas.
Statistics show there is in circula
tion at the present time in the United
States $4,024,095,762. about half of
which is in gold. This is enough to
give every man. woman and child
$39.28. We wish the party who has our
share would bring it in.
Japan intimated that she would
“swallow us whole" if congress pas
sed that immigration bill. The bill be
comes a law. and now its up to the
Oriental swallower. We're here.
Subscribe for The Northwestern.
The Boy Scouts go to Ravenna Fri
day t(5 play the Boy Scouts there.
Violet Wise oi Colorado, has been
visiting the high school this week.
The basket ball girls play Central
City here Friday night at s o’clock.
J. R. Bitner, who is attending Hay
ings college, visited school Monday.
Cloice Sides from the Hastings
high school registered in the eleventh
grade, Monday. j
Pedagogy class did observataion
work in the 1st grade Tuesday mom
! ing. '
Miss LeMasters re-started her gyr.i
\ r.asium class Monday, which had been
• closed on account of pupils needing ex
tra practice in the operetta.
“Windmills of Holland” the high
| school operetta was given at the open*
I house last Friday night. It was certain
i ly good. The costumes were fine and
I each one had their part well. The cast.
J was supported by a chorus of thiry-five
j voices.
The following taught in the grades,
j Thursday: Dora Ohlsen, primary;
{Myrtle White, primary; Katherine
Curits, 2nd; Gladys Warrick, 1st; Elsie
! Oltjenbruns, 3rd;'Dora Ohlsen. 4th.
Leona May, 5th; Lucille Bartunek. toil,
and Carl Hansen, 7th.
The seniors gave a semi-sentennal
program, celebrating the fiftieth year
since the admission to the union of
Nebraska as a state. It is as follows:
Governor of Neb.Dora Ohlsen
Nebr. rank among states.
j . Katherine Curtis
Nebr. education, schools, colleges,
.Leona May
501 things in Nebraska....Helma Jung
| -—
Henry Rensiek was born Nov. 2, 1849
in Missouri and died March 6. 1917.
i aged 6S years. 10 months and 4 days.
| He moved with his parents when just
'■ a small child to Muscatine county, la.,
where he resided until he grew into
; manhood. At the age of 22 he was con
| verted and united with the Baptist
j church at Muscatine, la. Four years
later was united in marriage to Miss
i Barbara Ann Holmes, after which the
j young couple moved to Nebraska, set
tling on a farm in Sherman county.
Iten miles west of Loup City where
they lived except four years which they
■ spent in Loup City. Since no children
| came to their home. Mrs. Rensiek is
left alone, there being no near relatives
i living in the state. Mr. Rensiek leaves
j besides his wife, two brothers and
| three sisters. Wm. Rensiek of Denver.
| Colo.. John Rensiek of Chicago. Ill .
Mrs. Hannah Bruntick. Muscatine. Ia..
Mrs. Mary Reesick of Frederick. Okl.i
i me XvsassarilurtdemberBaho.iMnKe
The funeral services will be held ar
the Baptist, church, conducted bv R> v.
J. L. Dunn. Remains were laid to rest
in Evergreen cemetery.
We never will forget what the peo
ple in Rockville and community did for
us in every way during my wife’s
j sickness, operation, death and funeral.
Please accept my most heartfelt thanks
manufacturers of
JACOB RITZ, Rockville, Nebr.
| You should be very careful in selecting your
| - Rubber Goods |
| When you buy a hot water bottle, an ice bag, a |
| bath spray or other rubber articles, you should be 1
| careful to choose a brand that represents the very §
= best of material if you intend to get long service for =
| your money. =
The rubber goods which we feature are guaran- =
| teen both by the manufacturer and by ourselves and 1
| we know that having seen the splendid quality offered I
= in our various articles in rubber you will decide to |
| make your selection here.
E This week we are displaying a nationally popular line of E
1 rubber goods and we invite you to inspect our complete stock.