The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 01, 1917, Image 5

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    Electrified Homes
Electric:*v is now fast superceding old methods in
.v departments of the home. The modern home—the
COMFORTABLE heme—now has
Electric Heaters
Electric Irons
Electric Lights
.r.d many other i .bcr _aving and cost saving appliances,
it . * •_ ideal force—no danger, no annoyance, no failure.
Yo. • i mg half the enjoyment of life if your home is
nr*. ■ tncided Let us wire your house for lights.
V,*e handle the Almo Lighting systems for farm homes.
Call and let us explain them to you.
A Timely Hint
1* »j going to buy harness now is the time,
tor- f .rt’ • i advances will Jae made. Come in and
talk it over w ith us.
Bring in Your Harness
F >r repairing and oiling—bring in one or tw o sets
| at a tune and avoid the rush.
1' ~
01 rree Homesteads in Wyoming
You Can Make Application Now!
C«*R*C'r£R C.F land: (1 *a*s-<over**d grazing lands in Wyoming north oi
• r 1'U • • r an I . „t 1 the Big Horn Mountains.
"OR REACHED . Burlington's Central Wyoming main line via
-f - - ' -■■ ■ a id also by the Burlington's Alliance-Sheri
dan ma n tin* N't*r t. .< ptern Wyoming.
"OR TO jET TITLE «rp' residence required with five months' va
-* mpruvements to the value of $1.25 per men
Final proof » •:. five years. Residence taken up within six
wm.ttm of the date of filing
when to GO Go e«r. Spring if possible; yet the area is large and will
i f*r au e* ell-rit choke as late as the Summer.
infop vat ion :*-jdi!y furn.pned applicants either by the Unite!
a • _:.j offices at Douglas. Sundance and Buffalo. Wyo, oi
:..* >• in! at on- e for our circular of information and guidance
It te .p you * tartly what to do
S. B HOWARD. Immigration Agent, C. B. 4 Q. R. R. Co.,
_ 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Daily sells for less,
Try Chase's first—it pays.
Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis-!
j faction guaranteed.
L. B. Polski was a passenger to Ash
ton. Wednesday morning.
M. Levy came up from Hastings, on
Monday evening on a business trip.
Mrs. Joe Lewandowski spent the day
visiting with relatives at Ashton, Tues
j day.
Mrs. Lula Burke came up from her
home at Austin last Saturday to do i
some shopping.
Good four year old bay gelding for
sale. wt. 1400. sound. Robert Fulliton.
Phone No. 9720. 11-2*
Miss Klea McNulty was a Grand Is
land passenger Saturday morning re
turning the same day.
Miss Annie Mostek went to Palmer,
Tuesday morning to spend a few days
visiting with relatives.
“Windmills of Holland" at opera
house Friday, March 2. Given by the
High School choruses.
If you need prairie hay call at Tav-1
lor's elevator. We are shipping in i
I choice hav.—E. G. Taylor.
Farmers bring in your plows and J
1 discs now and be ready for spring J
i work.—Emil J. Schoening. 7 tf
L. A. Bangs returned home Tuesday
| evening from Aurora, where he has
: ben for some time working.
C. R. Sweetland was an eastbourd
j passenger to Lincoln last Friday on
business and pleasure combined.
R. F. Campbell returned home last
Friday from Inland, where he had been
several days transacting business.
Lou Schwaner returned home Mon
day from Omaha, where he had been
' in attendance at the jewelers' conveu
! -
Don Charlton returned home. Tues
' day. from Omaha, where he has been
the past week visiting and on busi
j ness.
Joe Freeman was an eastbound pas
senger to Lincoln. Wednesday morning 1
for a short visit and business com
I bined.
H. E. Willis and E. T. Beushausen
left Saturday via Ravenna for Omaha
I to attend the auto show and visit over <
Clifford Hale returned last Friday
from Sargeant. where he had been
I the past two weeks wiring for elec- i
: trie lights. t
Mrs. Mary Viges came in Tuesday
evening from Pierce. Neb., for a visit i
; with her mother, Mrs. Dan Bauman 1
and family. s
- i
A. G. Hunt returned home last Fri
day from St. Paul and Omaha, where
he had been on business the past tne i
past ten days. S
- ;
Ed Lundy returned home Saturday i
evening from St. Paul, where he had
been for several days on business and
pleasure combined. I
- i
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schweitzer re- j ]
turned home Monday evening from an i
extended visit with relatives and many
friends in the east.
—-- • I
i Mrs. Nettie Briggs, who has been
here visiting her son. Charles Briggs, i
and family, returned to her home at
i Columbus, Monday.
Wm. Dolling and Henry Schumann
were eastbound passengers to Omaha.
Tuesday morning where they will at
! tend the auto show.
For Sale:—All kinds of lumber for
sale at Schaupps. Off the old E. G.
Talor elevator. Prices reasonable.—
See T. A. Gzehoviah. 10-1
Mrs. J. P. Ford of Arcadia, passed
through our city Wednesday enrou'e
to North Platte to visit with her I 1
| daughter a short while.
, Lamont L. Stephens returned home
! last Thursday evening from Grand
Island, here he had been to look after
some business interests.
Harold Burt returned home Monday
evening from Lincoln, where he had
been the past few days visiting with
his brother. Claude Burt.
Mrs. M. C. Mulick went to Grand
Island last Friday to spend Sunday
with her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Cos
tello. She returned Monday.
Mrs. Mable Cole arrived here last
Saturday evening from Red Cloud for
a short visit with Miss Carrie Cole.
She returned home Tuesday.
The Misses Florence Dalby and Lola
Dewitt returned to their homes at Ar
cadia. Saturday evening, after spend
ing the day shopping in our city.
Mrs. C. M. Stevens wras here in i
attendance at the funeral of her sister,;
| Mrs. T. D. Wilson, returned to her1
: home at Ames. Lowa. Tuesday.
Don’t miss seeing Kolb and Dill in
, their big comedy hit, at the Garland |
Theatre next Tuesday night. A good
laugh for you if you come out and see
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, who t
have been here visiting at the E. Q.
; Taylor home the past ten days, left
last Thursday for their home at Sheri
dan. Wyo.
W. J. Root came in last Friday noon
from Alliance and visited until Satur
day, returning home on the noon pas
, senger. Mr. Root was formerly of
■ Loup City.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Henry M. Eisner for glasses.
Jack Pageler was a business callei
to Dannebrog. Tuesday morning.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Felix Kowal
ewski. west of Ashton. Feb. 21, a girl
Wm. Ogle returned to Austin. Mon
day. after a short stay here with rela
For Sale—New four room house
Water, electric lights—Hansen Lum
her Co.
Wm. Benschoter was a passenger tn
Dannebrog last Thursday morning, re
turning the same day.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dins
dale on Friday. Feb. 23. a son. Mother
and child doing nicely.
Thursday night at the Garland Thea
tre. a World photoplay, "The Senator."
A drama of political strife.
Mrs. Larnont L. Stephens went to
Clysses, Wednesday morning for a
short visit with her parents.
Harold Burt was an eastbound pas
senger to Lincoln last Friday morning
to visit his brother. Claude.
Bon Moore was a westbound passen
ger to Arcadia last Friday evening to
visit with relatives and friends a few
For Sale.:—Ford car in good condi
tion. Has been run about 10,000 miles.
For information call at Tlie North west
?rn office.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Peterson, of
Rockville, was in our city Tuesday on
pusiness. They returned on the noon
C. F. Beushausen was an easthound
passenger to Lincoln last Thursday
norning on business. He returned on
Friday evening.
Herman Johansen returned home on
ast Friday from David City, where be
ittended a hog sale. He purchased
some stock while there.
Mrs. J. W Amick went to St. Paul
ast Friday morning to have some den
tal work done. She returned home
>n the noon passenger.
Mrs. L. B. Milligan and Miss Faye
'eigler went to Dannebrog last Sat
lrday to have some dental work done,
rhey returned in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Pritchard return
ed home last Thursday evening from
irand Island, where they had spent
the day shopping and visiting.
Mrs. John Cowling returned home on
ruesdav evening from Elm Creek,
rhere she has been the past two or
hree weeks visiting with her daughter.
Mrs. Fritz Bichel and Mrs. Henry
Jbermiller were passengers to Grand
stand Saturday morning to do some
hopping. They returned in the eveni
Mrs. Jennie True and daughter. Min
tie returned to their homes at Arcadia
aturday evening, after visiting here
everal days at the O. Benschoter
Mrs. Jerry Petska returned to her
ome in Ord. Monday morning, after
.n over Sunday visit here with her
>arents. Mr. and Mrs. James Bartunek.
md family.
“The Silent Battle" is a charming
3luebird photoplay featuring J. Warren
Kerrigan in five gripping acts of a
ireat moral play. At the Garland Thea
tre Saturday night.
is extreme in style, or
has a conservative tone,
whichever is best liked
by the wearer.
Gus Lorentz
Daily sells for less.
M. Bieiuond shipped two ears of hogs
to the Onhaha market last Friday.
' Mrs. Kate Kozak went to Duncan, on j
Monday, to visit with relatives a short
Mrs. J. X. Fisher went to Dannebrog.
Monday morning to have some dental
work done.
Mrs. Sarah Fowler left Saturday for
Dannebrog where she intends to make
her future home.
O. F. Peterson was a Grand Island
j passenger last Friday on business and
; pleasure combined.
| .Wanted:—Married man with' small j
family to work on farm.—L. X. Smirirt
j Loup City. Route 3. 10 r I
| Dr. C. E. Watkins was a business j
passenger to Rockville last Friday re- I
j turning the same day.
“Windmills of Holland" at opera \
house Friday. March 2. Given ty the
High School choiuses.
Mrs. R. L. Arthur left Monday for !
St. Joe. where she will purchase her ;
i spring and summer dry gods.
For Sale:—Five room house and
■ seven lots in Loup City for sale.—
j Enquire at Jung's restaurant.
Our dear old American Eagle isn't,
j doing any screaming, but he’s blink- ]
ing his eves like the dickens.
.Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reasland came up 1
■ front Rockville, Tuesday on business j
returning on the noon passenger i;
Mrs. Joe Lewandowski spent the day
visiting with relatives at Ashton la^t I
Thursday, returning in the evening.
O. T. Miller came in last Saturday '
from his home in Iowa for a short stay
and visit here with his many friends.
J. W. Long was a business passen-!
I ger to Palmer last Friday morning. |
j returning on the evening passenger. ]
Miss Lila McNulty, who is teaching
i atComstock. spent Saturday with hen
parents, returning on the evening pas-1
| senger.
Miss Victroia Taplski came up from j
Schaupps. Tuesday evening to visit a
few days with her brother. Frank Ta
Carl and Ernest Bauman returned
, home Tuesday evening from Norfolk,
where they have been the past week
Gus Lorentz returned home la~t .
i Thursday from Omaha where he had
| been in attendance at the clothiers
Remember the shows at the Garland
Theatre now start at 8:00. Just the
one show and two reels of the second
each evening.
Mrs. C. P. McLaughlin returned on
Monday evening from Aurora, where
she has been the past ten days visit \
ing with relatives.
Mrs. A. N. Conklin returned to her J
home at St. Paul last Thursday morn- I
ing after several days’ visit with the j
E. G. Taylor family.
Mrs. Louie Bly was a passenger to ‘
Dannebrog. Tuesday morning to have ;
some dental work done. She returned ;
home in the evening.
Mrs. Kate Stellmock returned home 1
: last Friday evening from Ashton where j,
she had spent the day visiting witn
relatives and friends.
Miss Goldie Kilpatrick came up from j
Rockville last Friday evening to spend
; Sunday with home folks. She teaches
j school near that place.
Xellie Kiolbasa. who has been here
visiting with relatives and friends for
; some time, returned to her home at
| Silver Creek. Tuesdav.
, A. F. Eisner was an eastbound pas
senger to Omaha. Monday to attend
the automobile show. Mrs. Eisner went
as far as Grand Island.
Stanley Goc. who has been here for
some time visiting with relatives and
friends, returned to his home at Co
lumbus. Monday morning
Melvin Lee was a Grand Island pas
senger last Saturday to visit over Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs Earl Mcllravy.
He returned home Monday.
Miss Alice LeMasters returned here
Saturday evening to resume her school
duties after visiting with her parents
! at St. Paul, a couple of davs.
Mrs. Ida Ogle and sister. Mrs. Eva :
| Griffin, came up from Austin. Tues- j
day and did some shopping in our I
; city, returning the same day.
Mrs. Albert Anderstrom and baby, of J
' Ashton, came up Saturday evening for j
a short visit with her parents. Mr. and
■ Mrs. E. B. Corning, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cook came up
1 from St. Paul. Saturday evening to
spend several days visiting with many
i friends. They returned home Tuesday.
Starting March 9, (Friday) we wilt
show our Bluebird photoplays on Fri
day nights instead of Saturdays. No
shows on Thursday nights after March '
Henry M. Eisner returned home last j
Friday from Omaha, where he had
been to attend the jewelers’ convention
which was in session at that place i
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Seamonds and j
family returned home last Saturday 1
evening from their extended visit with
relatives and friends in Iowa. They i
! will remain here until March when j
they will move unto a farm south of i
Loup City.
! The Loup City State Bank welcomes you ;
» to this community. <
| And while you are becoming settled in *
: your new home you will find many ways in ;
j which we can he of service to you. »
j Bo not hesitate to call and allow us to help
: you in any way we can or if it is inconvenient 5
; for you to call—use your ‘phone or the K. F.
j D. man whenever we can be of assistance. !
! This is a safe, strong bank—under state
I supervision and we will be pleased to offer
i ■
! you the use of our excellent banking facili
! ties at all times. !
t i
Loup City State Bank
1 I
mplements. Hardware, Farm Seeds. Machine Oils. Windmills. Pumps, Pip*>s
Plumbing and Heating a Specialty
45 to 65 DOLLARS
Will buy one of the best and oldest makes
of cream separators made, guaranteed to
you and will last longer, do better work
than any
75.00 to' 100.00 Dollar
Come in and take out one of our machines
on our guarantee and free trial plan. It
will not cost you a cent if not as we claim
for it.
These are high grade machines bought
at the old prices
0. 5. MASON
Our Regular Prices
Fancy Peaberry Coffee, per lb.25c 1
Good Santos Coffee, per lb.22c
1 Gal Karo Corn Syrup.55c
i Gal. Karo Corn Syrup.30c
1 Gal. Karo "White Syrup .60c
' 4 Gal. Karo White Syrup.35c
4 Boxes Corn Flakes.25c
California Dried Peaches, per lb.11c
Atlas Oatmeal.25c
Saxson Oatmeal .20c
10 lb Kegs Herring.1.00 ;
Santa Clara Prunes.12\c
Pancake Hour, 5 lb. size.22c i
General Merchandise
. " .. %
When looking for a good lunch or short order
drop in at the
We carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten
tion given to all special orders.
Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small tin foil
cakes. In stock at all times.