The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 01, 1917, Image 2
Cne^cd GrcleOte AUTHOR OF “THE FIGHTER ” “CALEB CON OVER” “SYRIA FROM THE SADDLE” ETC. NOVELIZED FROM PATHE PHOTO PLAY OF THE SAME NAME BY WILL M. RITCHEY. iCOTYfcJCHT. *•!». BY AlifIT PAY»ON TIKMINtj SYNOPSIS. nr > J.ra" IWr l- naif : ?r>>m a re. Hrtt r Mi 11* :. • -•!. a* K-rrad hli third p- iw-n i*fe >■ - n> . a- .» II jrdn araafv^a. Ilswi a rr:n -:al. has borni Oka Kk ( It is Burk. J.: . *.n<i Ills so: fWd are the only knva•> living of l!i< ftMkii Mai tailed i» l cep an eve on Jim. June Travil mad her •iai".<« m- -I Jim as lie U n leu-1 J in -1 Ted are killed. Nev Ik) laser are* I lie Red Orel* Ml a worn •a * hand -mural a aria n- i automahile June sarked wih the KeJ Cirvle. rob: (leant, a lama »r .rk Mary June s nurse few O' • rs her t '* *rj irils her al.a Is •t'l: •« lira'*" duu. . t r. i,.ui. Mrs Trai * <1<*» t.o» kr. a Mary trn ka I-a aimr larur vis ta "Smiling Sam." Jim': •M crime partner g> nt t» Surft -n b> dmiEng Kara .vlran (at Kali* robs tin rue*!. «t a ball Mary print* her out tt Lamar * .o : •*» her na -k to loan sap’.er. > bar w tit the >■-»•;.. and goes af tar gen’ll!1C para On the edge tt a cllfl goer and i pills ..*1 < Ilk’lie In 'leadIV aranhl iJiidj*. a fugttiv r- m ues La fear and J ui»* in turn aa l -nlon frn ana! Hauling Harr. no the Red Chela *n June a hand. TENTH INSTALLMENT EXCESS BAGGAGE Leaning agninat a rock, near thr sat a entrar.'-e. "Stalling Sam" rabbet! a big. knotted han't over the bristly at -fcb.e an tta eLin "A Red Orel- on Jtiae Travis hand!" he matter el over til over "How in bla-es cau that be* What— r* He crept tr:'in the proterti’.n cf t!.« caver-. a.«u'.l and peer * around tin •dge of the Jutting r 1: nearer ts Mary and June Their excited ccr. rmaiioa «u carried . a in big! pitched uraea that easily reached ti t hidden listener s ears Of all tbe queer things that kee; happening!" Mary mat raving impa tieatly "1 do declare It gets on s body* nerves." "If you let It get at your nerves.” laughed June, "it’s rather fun—any thing i.jrteriods is fun ' "Loo* ■" Jure raise! ner right hand ant! pointed down the beach. "la that a tea., carrying a casket sr do my eyes de< • ire tee?" Expert::.!- an indignant retert ar.: rwcmviLg non# at all. made her glar.c* roctuahiy. from the corner of he: ayaa She found Mary s horrihel gaze hand on her raised hand. The llgfci left her face suddenly "la It there?" she asked. dreadi"f to look Mary took hold of the cold fcngei ape and pressed the cartel Land against her breast ‘ Yea. it's there ” she answered aa ’ ty "Wan. daughter cf -Circle Jim what new mischief are y:u planning sow* Scalug Sam” uttered a quick gaspmg sound and ducked behind tl < rack aa the two w'tnea lcohei in his direction. CroucLM tt ere. gripping the smoothly worn surface tor sup port, he grinned. Circle Jim!" June Travis "Circle Jims" child' They turned and start* 1 to walk ap the beach toward the Travis cot Inge ' Smiling Saw" crept stealthily from behind the huge pile of rrcks and looked around for possible pur * “Now Lock Me In!" Men Ftndirg the coast clear, he looped boldly Into the open and fol lowed them as rapidly as he cc'sid •red rurodtrt At Jan* neared the second rocky point kt called to her. "Sam’ Sam Eagan' ’ she gasp*d. etmckiLg Mary s am. “What dees ha not me fer?" By this tune "Smiling Sam” was ■tacdtng before them lie tewed over eowrteously. When he steed erect, there was a strangs light ia his toady aye* "Saia"' June !e-g?.r -eprcachfully, 'after all ycur 5 mdses to r_e! After Whafva 1 done. Miss Travis?” he whiaed "What have you dene?- repeated Jure moving a step nearer him. "Don't t - ' •' least bit of shame, stand | mg there, before me. and asking me that?” Sam threw back his head and roared aloud with genuine laughter. Mar) ran to June and put her arms around her. He stepped before them and blocked | their way. Then he pointed a stubby ! gray-smirched forefinger at June's lightly clasped hards. "Net so quick!” he repeated sharp ly. "I've got your pedigree, and iff a peach. ’ Col l fr-ar crept into June s heart She made a spasmodic attempt to hide her har.Js behind her back. San laug* ed triumj hantiy. "Who would 'a' thought it.” he purred at her. "Miss Jure Travis— prison worker, savor of souls, a little angel of the cells—a crook—daughtei cf ‘Circle Jim,' the slickest thing 1 ever chummed with.” "Coir e tc the house with me! ” Man in plored pitt-eusiy. "Didn’t I tell you not so quick, old lady? She air't going to the house wit! you and leave ne cold. Get me?' I he snarled. 'What do you want?” asked June , It eking straight into his vicious little eyes. "Oh. going to be nasty about it eh’ Well, now look here, you—cul l it. They're after me. And ’Circle ’ Jim's' daughter will get me food and protection, rr 111 squeal good anc pi ».ty ar.-l trade her secret to the po | lice, see?" Jur e shrank into Mary's arms—all her l ravado g.-ne. "Oh. maybe ma would like to know th-i glad tews"' he sneered. "Well here goes.” "Step!" June caught at his dirty wrinkled ccat sleeve. “Hide! Hide quickly, befere they see you' Tc right I'll l“ave a basket of food foi v.u at the corner of our garage—yot know the place! Now. hide!” Sam < ast a last threatening lcok al th- two figures in the distance, then dr-lgej deftly behind a convenient towlJer Ju: c- swayed toward Mary. "Your mother is coming, lamb,” she warned. "She mustn't know—she mustn't suspect. Pull yourself togeth er. And keep vour hand hidden.” June nodded wearily. T will." she said. “She won't know I wor.'t let her knew.” ' ' Have you found any trace of it?’ Mrs. Travis called to her. a minute later. "Not a trace. Mary and I have locked all over this part of the beach.' Once inside her room June and Mary dropped pretense. “You ought to hate me. dear.' June said at last. “Your life is a misery t. you new Eut you must know that I wouldn't cause you sorrow or worry, if I could help it—don't you know it. Mary? When these spells come on. I1-” There, there!” interrupted the old ' woman, drawing her into the circle of I her arms. "Hate you? I love you bet ter than anything in this wide world. And I'm going to stay by and shield y u as long as there's life in me. Now, j w<> wor.'t say any mere about that— ; ever. What we’ve got to think of new is this late st danger. We have to get away from Surfton, dear—right away. Tell ycur mother you want to go back to the city.” “I don't think it will work, but I'll try.” she said meekly. Her courage ebbed even further when she entered the library a mo ment later and saw the expression of I impatience cn her mother’s usually smooth trow. Evidently the irrita | tion of the stolen lunch had not worn off. June went up to her chair and put 1 h"r arms over her mother's shoulders. Mrs. Travis looked up. The touch was not that of impetuous June at all. It was unnaturally meek and gen tie. A look at the wan face alarmed her. “V/hat is it—what is it. darling?” she asked hurriedlv. “Do you feel ill?" June nodded. "Yes.” sh6 said, shuddering slightly as the thought of “Smiling 3am'’ came hack tc her. “I teel ill. Mother. 1 want to go home—tc the city—I mean. I want to g) tonight, mother.” June had worked herself up to the verge of nervous hysteria. Mrs. Travis saw. with alarm, that she was u. der some great mental strain. “But I think you will get well so touch more quickly down here, dear.” Her determination was weakening. June felt it. It gave her new cour i age "So many queer things have hap pened since we've been here,’’ Mary put in quickly. "The child’s nerves have teen upset fcr several days. She didn’t want tc worry you, so she hasn’t ■mid scything abrut it. But I’ve known, and it has stared me.” “Dc v.u think It’s as good for her in the city as it is here?” Mrs. Travis asked, in surprise. “1 think the best place for her, Just r.-'w is the place she wants to be.” said Mary quickly. “All right. If you think it’s advia able, we’ll try It, although It's Very much against my will.” "And we can go this evening?” June asked eagerly. “Yes,” answered Mrs. Travis with some reluctance. The girl jumped up from her chair and hugged her rapturously. "Oh. I’m so glad! Thank you so ; much, mother dear. You'll see how i quickly I get well in the city. Come on, Mary.” Upstairs. June was throwing arm fuls of fluffy petticoats and dance frocks from the depths of a clothes closet, faster than MtTT could pile them up on the bed. There wus a subdued knock at the door. Mary opened it. Yama stood in the ball. He had the two trunks | on a small hand truck. "Put them anywhere,” June sang out, “and open them.” June's face clouded suddenly. She came close to Mary and spoke in a whisper. "We will have dinner early tonight and we start for the city in the car .right after. We have to manage to get that basket of food to Sam, Mary. I'm afraid net to. Afraid!” “Oh. I'll arrange that all right,” | soothed the old nurse. "I’ll have the basket fixed long before. Then right after wo ve finished dinner you and I can slip out on some pretext or other ] and put it at the side of the garage." I • ■•*••• At seven o'clock that evening a bulky, crouching figure slid along in the shadow of ths hedge skirting the Travis grounds. It made for a small gate, looked cautiously to the left and right, then darted through, toward the rear of the garage. A huge touring car. rolled half through the open doorway, reflected the light of a low moon from its high ly polished hoed. Tie man sneaked around in the shadows, saw and dodged back, fear ful lest there might be someone in it. He peered around the corner of the garage ar.d grinned mockingly as he saw Mary ard June steal down the steps of the little lack porch and run down the driveway in his direction. Sam crept along the outside of the garage, keeping well within the shadow. The fierce hunger that gnawed within him almost overcame his caution. As the two women drew near he darted toward them, snatched basket and stuffed them into his greasy trouser pockets, kicked the basket outside the grounds and started for the back of the house. Then, step by step, he crept toward a long open window, from which a yellow band of light streamed out across the lawn. Having reached it, he tried to stifle his rapid breathing. Inside there was a clink of china and tableware. He saw Yama pick up a small carv ing set and open a shallow drawer in the buffet. But beforo the little Jap had a chance to put the knife and work away June called to him from the hall. Instantaneously obedient, Yama dropped the implements on the table ard started for the door, where he col lided with June as she ran in swathed in chiffon veils and motor coat. “Oh, there you are!” She smiled at his evident embarrassment. "Yama, here’s the key of my large trunk—the one with the trays, ycu know. It’s so jammed full we can’t close it. 'Will you close and lock it after we’ve gone? The baggageman will be here soon.” “Of a certain. Miss June,” assented the grave little man. “Thank you. Now will you come out and tuck us in the car? There's no me wrho can fix an automobile rol>e as snugly as you can, Yama, Somehow or other it always stays put.” Flattened against the house, Sam heard Mrs. Travis give final instruc tions about locking up the place. Then June’s musical young voice called out: “Don’t forget to give the express man the right address, Yama.” A dull rage burned in Eagan's heart; the malignant, virulent rage of the duped crook who has never before doubted his owr. craft. Braving the light, the possibility of capture—every thing—he stepped boldly through the open window and walked to th9 center of the room. His hand closed on the ugly knife lying on the table, with a savageness that was foreign to his usual suave methods. Overhead he heard the floor respond almost imperceptibly to Yama's light steps. That must be the room the trunks were in. he decided. He bent down and crept along the floor, so that his body could not be seen from the outside. Once in the darkened hall, he stood erect and felt his way to the stairs. They creaked faintly under his bulky weight—too faintly to attract atten “I've Got Your Pedigree, and It's a Peach.” the basket from Mary's arm, and plunged an eager, dirty hand into it. “Go out of the grounds and eat it, please!" begged June. “Someone may come at any minute.” June tried to force him around the garage. "Say, quit pushing me!” he grum bled indignantly. “There ain't a soul here. I don't see what you're get ting all fussed up about." "I tell you. someone may come any minute." Mary looked toward the house. A shadow crossed a ligated winaow. She added her entreaties to June's. “If you expect to be fed and pro tected you’ll have to do as we say." ‘ Say, you people alk like you were doing me a favor!’ he observed in heavy sarcasm, “when all the time it’s me that's keeping ‘Circle Jim’s’ daughter from a little uniform and a tin. cup!" “Oh. hush, hush!" June's voice was shrill with terror. “All I ask you to do is to leave the grounds. Now will you go, or won't you?” “Oh, well, when you're decent about it, like that, I suppose I’ll go," and “Smiling Sam” allowed himself to be urged around the garage into the dark ness. He reached the rear gate, still munching. And then a thought struck him. Those two women had seemed desperately anxious to be rid of him. A heavy step crunched the gravel cf ths driveway. Sam dropped into tha shad'w and waited. He saw the chauffeur approach the car. carrying an armful cf motor robes and two heavy suitcases. He heard ths thud as they were slid along the floor of the tonneau. Then there "Vas a sud den snorting, a whir ar.d a sharp lit tle explosion, as the car shot forward and rolled down the drive toward the house. In the protection of the shrub bery, “Smiling Sam" groaned out a string of oaths. Double crossed! So ttat was the!? game. Well he’d show them. He took handfuls of sandwiches from the | tion. In the upper corridor a half opened door showed a lighted room. Yama. his back toward the door, was trying to persuade a bulging truck that his slight weight was sufficient to end the argument. "Smiling Sam” slowly ar.d silently opened the door. Intent upon the stubborn job before him, Yama heard nothing—sensed nothing. Sam stood over him. brandishing the knife, snarling, swearing, threatening. The delirious fright of the little man before him fired his blood. "Take the trays out of that trunk and dump the things in that closet over there,” he commanded. “You're going to lock me in, ship me to the city as baggage and keep your gab muzzled. If you breathe a word, to anybody,”—here Sam drew au aero planic road map with his knife—“I’ll run this little lawn mower down your throat, cut out your vocal cords and string ’em on my zither! Get me? Now lock me in!” The ashen, shaken Jap clicked the key in the lock and adjusted the straps. Downstairs, he heard the bag gageman tramp up on the back porch and kr.cck loudly ou the door. Yama led the two men back into the room and showed them the trunks. Between them they hoisted the trunk containing “Smiling Sam" and carried it downstairs. In his office, surrounded by his stuffy old records and science bocks. Lamar had been struggling all day to rid him self of the vision cf a pair of challeng ing eyes, laughing lips and a crown of adorable curls. In utter disgust he slammed down a bock cn "The Defective Cerebel lum," tcck his hat and cane from the rack, and strolled over to the office of the chief of police. The chief came out to greet him. “Hello—what's up?" he inquired tersely, at first sight of him. "Look all gone to pieces. What is it? Stomacn, liver—or heart?" “Oh, I’m worked out!" explained Max impatiently. "These 'Red Circle’ cases have got me going. They make me see what a dub I am.” "I don’t want to speak to you about the ‘Red Circle,' ’ Allen told him. "Come on intc the office and have a smoke. I want you to drop these cases for a while and go to work on the Gordo*, affair. The Farwell cor poration will pay heavy blood money to get him back. You’re the man I want on it.” i a nue to ao anything you ask me to, chief,” he declared, sincerely, "but I can't handle this Gordon case. Because I'm going to stick to the •Red Circle' until I solve it.” There was a knock at the door. The chief’s secretary came in from the outside office. "The two men you sent down to Surfton on the Gordon case are out side. They’d like to see you at once —very important.” Lamar reached for bis hat. The chief interposed. “No, I want you to stay and hear what they have to say. Maybe it will arouse your interest sufficiently to i make you change your mind. Send them in, Harry.” The two detectives rushed into the' doorway, each desperately anxious to tell the exciting story. "Didn't get a trace of him down at Surfton,” Boyle, the taller of the two, burst out as he crossed the threshold. "Must have had a pal down there who warned him.” "And we were coming back to town, disgusted with our luck,” intercepted ; Jacobs, "when all of a sudden I look ; out of the window and see this fellow j Gordon, standing plumb on the side- j walk, as bold as you please. Of course j Bill and I get off that car in double- ! quick time; but before we could steal up on him Gordon sightea us and—” “And made for an alleyway,” the first detective broke in. jealously. ‘‘We chased him down the alleyway—it was one running alongside a lumber yard. We got a patrolman to stand guard over the entrance to the yard while we investigated farther down the alley—but nothing doing.” "Did you search the yard?” asked Lamar quietly. “Aw, how can you search a lumber yard?” scoffed Jacobs. “A guy could have you playing hide-and-seek all week in one of those things. We put the patrolman there so he couldn’t make a getaway.” The chief looked at Lamar. "Well.” he asked slyly, “does it change ycur mind?” Max shook his head. "Sorry. But it doesn't. Good-by. I'm not going back to the office just yet. I'm going to take a brisk walk. | Maybe when I get back some of these ] cobwebs will be cleared out of my head. I'm not going to walk past any lumber yards, either,” he added as a parting shot. The four men—all interested in the man hunt for the little embezzler, Gor don—laughed heartily. If only one of them had looked out of the window of the chief's office at that minute he 'would have seen a weary, bedraggled creature holding a small, white card in his hand, wander past, looking for an address. The weary, bedraggled creature was Charles Gordon, fugitive attorney, who, after a night spent on a damp park lawn, was seeking Max Lamar to throw himself on his mercy. The sight of a blue uniform with brass buttons on the street corner ahead of him made him dodge rapidly into a convenient doorway. Heavy, regular footsteps approached his hid ing place—the measured pacing of the patrolman on his beat, known so well to evaders of embarrassing situations. The blue, well-fed figure got abreast ; of the spot—passed it, unseeing. The coast was clear. Gordon jumped from the doorway, skirted the building, keeping close to : the wall, and turned the corner. There he drew a free breath and pushed his • hat back on his forehead. Tlie second large doorway from the corner had "Elack Building” carved 1 in the stone up over the arch. Gordon looked at the card in his hand. I The penciled line under Lamar’s name read. "512 Black Building." He walked through the huge glass door < and started to mount the stairs. A man sneaking from the law's hands does not trust himself to elevators— t or rather people who run them. i At the top of the fourth flight he turned down the hallway to his left I and looked for the door with that 1 number on it. He found it—the door 1 slightly ajar. Very cautiously Gordon pushed it ' wider. ! A graceful woman, prettily gowned, ; was seated in a chair beside the desk, < with her back to him. The click of ‘ the closing door made her jump up and face him. t Gordon gasped. It was June Travis! 1 “Mr. Gordon!" she exclaimed, look- 1 ing around nervously. “Why did you < come here? How foolish of you to take the chance! You had such a < splendid opportunely to get away! Why didn’t you take advantage of it?” 1 "Get away?” Gordon laughed bit- 1 terly. "Miss Travis, everyone thinks that ‘getting away’ is mere child’s ! play until they try to do it. There is f nothing so difficult. There is nothing t iu the torture line that can come up t to It—this dodging the police when t you don't know hew. I’m tired and t cold and hungry. I’ve spent the night £ on a lawn in the park. I haven't had t a morsel of food. I'm sick and dis- i couraged—ready to give up. Mr. La- a mar is my last hope. I thought I’d try him. If he turns me down it's all t over.’ c “Maybe, if you can tell somebody k what has happened, it will make it a easier for you," said June. v The telephone on the desk, at June's i elbow, tinkled ( "1 wonder if that’s a call.” she whis pered, dimpling with mischief. “If it is, I’m going to answer it. Suppose it’s some big crime case? A murder! Wouldn’t it be exciting?” She took the receiver from the hook. “Hello,” she said, as brief and busi nesslike as could be "Hello,” came back over the wire, in a short, frightened gasp. “Mr. La mar?” There w-as a sharp click, a buzzing, then utter silence. June moved the hook up and down impatiently. There “Why Did You Come Here?” was no answer. She became quite ex cited about it—and persisted. Sud denly a bored voice broke in: “Number, please?” “You cut me off!" June answered sharply. “What number were you talking to?” “I don’t know. They called me." “If I can locate the party. I’ll call you again. Hang up, please.” “Oh btther!” June put the received back on the hook and turned to Gordon. “The reason I'm so put out and irri tated about it,” she explained, “is be cause I thought it sounded like my nurse's voice. It was so like hers— as though she were terribly fright ened! It couldn’t have been, though.’ she added meditatively. “She didn't know I was coming here—I didn't want t er to. And she hadn't any reason tc call up Mr. Lamar. In fact I know she'd avoid him. I suppose it was only my imagination.” ******* At the Travis house Mary shrank iwav from the telephone and covered iier face with her hands, in terror lune at Lamar's office! Why? And secretly, too. Horrors were piling up It had teen a wild, unreasoning feat that drew her to the telephone tc communicate with Lamar. A sense ol iesperation and complete helpless aess. She knew, as soon as the cen :ral repeated the number after her, :hat she had done a foolish thing. And :hen June had answered! Mary crept to the foot of the stair way leading up to the attic and lis ened. She thought she heard a slow, measured breathing. Then the sound )f something heavy being dragged ovei he floor made her fly to her own room in instant terror. There, sitting erect and tense in the comfortable old chair where she was meustomed to take her afternoon nap ;he went over the happenings of the cast hour. Hour! Had it been only an hour! t was incredible to suppose that sc nuch disaster could accumulate in lixty short minutes. She looked at th« ittle silver boudoir clock, one ol rune's gifts. Just an hour since, she lad looked from the window to see fama coming up the walk, carrying lis suitcase. Only an hour since he had put the ;rip on the front porch and handed ier the key to June’s big trunk. Mary icked off the dreadful events in a sorl >f morbid tabulation—the events that lad followed: When she had gone into June’s room o get the rest of the unpacking fin shed Yama had followed her closely, lis face must have been unnaturally :hastly at the time. She had not no iced until afterward, when its pallor vas hideous. Then the trunk! A slight difficulty n opening it. on account of the key ticking—the lid flying up suddenly, -nd a squat, ugly, grinning face, with racked lips parted over ugly snags -f teeth, shoved close to her own! Mary now caught her reflection in he mirror over the bureau of her com. There were blue hollows around er eyes and a pinched, starved look lung about her nostrils. “Smiling Sam's” threat rang in her ars. , “Thought you'd shake me, eh? Well, ou’ve got to hide me now. or by ’ll—” She had hidden him — aided by ama—the coward who had made this earsoTr.o situation possible. Together hey had urged Sam up the steps into ho attic. He had gone, snarling at hem. mouthing gutter oaths and dire hreats. Just before he had closed the ttic door he had flourished a knife -ith a menacing gesture. It was an adelible warning to Mary, as she sat lone, recalling the scene. Suddenly, with a smothered scream, lie old woman jumped to her feet and aught at the edge of the bureau to eep from falling. Upstairs from the ttic there was a crash that shook the falls of the room, then a stifled man! END OP TENTH INSTALLMENT.) HOW EZRA MOVED HIS WELL It Wasn't Pulled Up Nor Sawed Up, But Without Doubt It Did Change Place. There Is an old ptory abort the man wh» pulled up a wrtl and finds it to a ■ore denlrulde location and anoth**i abvtrt the man who took up a well Km""] It Into -wrtJon* and used one ol the «..< !! .o* for a land roller, says Tooth s romputdoa. They were exag |eratl«n<, l»ut the experleus* of Exra Tetlow proves that a well cannot al ways he classed as a permanent fix ture. Ezra had a well in front of his house. It had never been a success as a well. Ezra wanted it filled up. One way would have been to haul stones or earth and use the material to fill It. Hut Ezra had no team. So he went at it with a shovel. Work ing on the side of the well next to the road he began to dig and to throw the dirt into the well, which was not a diffi cult job as the well was rather shal low. But when the task seemed finished Ezra found that he had made a new hole by the side of the one he had been filling. There was but one thing to do —he proceeded to fill It in the same manner. Of course this resulted in still another excavation, which in turn re ceived similar treatment As all of Ezra’s digging has been on the side of the well nearest the road the result was that the hole in the ground was finally moved out to the highway. Judson Tolliver was commenting on wiiiiwiwn—wirwi jiwmwwwMWII—tftWiivwvMni n« «=>b the exploit one day down at the cor ners. “Queer thing Ezra did,” he re marked. “You know that old well that stood in his front yard? Well, sir, he moved It 30 feet from where it was— moved it clear out into the road 1” “flow'd he do it?” inquired another i representative citizen. “You’ll have to ask Ezra,” replied Judson. “But he did it sure enough. I saw the well in the road yesterday, and I saw the track he made moving it The thing plowed a furrow four leet wide all the way.” Old, but New to Someone. A farmer of Madison once went to town to buy n horse and on meeting a ranchman said: “Do you know where I can buy a good hoss?” “I have a horse I'll sell for S3S.56 cash, sir,” replied the ranchman. “Will she plow corn?” Inquired the farmer. “You’d be surprised to see that horse plow corn,” the man answered. The farmer thought this a great bar gain and bought it. The next morning he took the “hoss” _. -_____:_:_ out and hitched her to the plow. She wouldn't budge, willingly nor by force, so, after trying for fully five hours in the sun, he took her back to the ranchman. “I thought you said this hoss would plow corn,” growled the farmer. “No, I didn't,” returned the rancher. “I said you would be surprised to see her plow, and I bet you would, too.”_ Indianapolis News. Natives of southwestern Europe are said to esteem earthworms as a diet A FRIEND’S ! ADVICE i ■ - Woman Saved From a Seri ous Surgical Operation. i Louisville, Ky.—“For four years I suffered from female troubles, head aches. and nervousness. I coaid not | sleep, had no appetite and it hurt me to walk. If l tried to do any work, I would have to lie down before it wa9 1 finished. The doc tors 3aia i wouia have to be opera ted on and I simply broke down. A friend advised ina to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Com pound, and the result is I feel like anew wom an. 1 am well and , , strong, ao an my 1---—-1 own house work and have an eight pound baby girl. I know Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Com pound saved me from an operation which every woman dreads.” — Mrs. Nellie Fishback, 1021 Christy Ave., Louisvilie, Ky. Everyone naturally dreads the sur geon’s knife. Sometimes nothing else will do. but many times Lydia E. rink ham’s Vegetable Compound has saved the patient and made an operation un necessary. If you nave any symptom about which you would like to know, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free. The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. Purely vegetable —act surely and gently on the A liver. Cure Biliousness, 4am Head- W* ache, L) 1ZZ1- ” - ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature It's surprising how quickly u man recovers from what he imagined was a fatal attack of love. Weigh some men and you’ll find them wanting in everything—except weight. Anurio cures Backache. Lumbago, Rheumatism. Send 10c. Dr. V. M. 1‘itreo, Buffalo, X. Y., for large trial package.— Adv. The Cubes. “Is he addicted to cubist art?" "In a way. Spends most of his time shaking dice.” You can cure that cold in a day. Take— CASCAl^A © QU S NINE The old family remedy—in tablet form—safe, sure, easy to take. No opiates—no unpleasant after effects. Cures colds in 24 hours—Grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. Get bos With Red Top ana Mr. HU1 s picture on it—25 cents. At Any Dray Star* I Green’s I [August Flower, When the stomach and liver are in good working order, in ninety-nine f cases out of every hundred general good health prevails* Green’s August Flower has proven a blessing and has been used all over the civilized world during the last fifty odd years. It is a universal remedy for weak stomach, constipation and nerv i ous indigestion. A dull headache, bad taste in the mouth in the morning, or that “tired feeling” are nature’s w arn ings that something is wrong in the digestive apparatus. At such times Green’s August Flower will quickly correct the difficulty and establish a normal condition. At all druggists* or dealers’, 25c and 75c bottles. r 11 " ——i ... Green’s [August Flowerj NEBRASKA NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY LINCOLN. NEBRASKA Fire, tornado and hail Insurance, farm town property, automobile and threshing ma chinery. Policyholders and agents participate in the profits of this company. Agents wanted in open territory. lUfc y«r. Iacwponttd Ju 4. UM HI losses surely pretenteb DLAUV ft*™" irestu reliable; MO^I preferred by western stock men, because they F protect where other 1 >£3 . . vaccines fall. 10-don pkg.Blackleg Pint, *1.00 50-dsn pkg. Blackleg PI!!*. $4.00 T Use any injector, but Cutter's simplest acdstroajesL The superiority of Cutter products is due to ot« IS years of specializing in VACCIN1S AND serums only. Insist ON Ceram's. 11 unobtsioaUe, order direct. inontiruwfitwr.m. Rats Are Dangerous & Kill Their* By Using STEARNS’ ELECTRIC PASTE ^ Government Buys It SOLD EVERYWHERE — JSc and »uxi PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Help# to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair __60c. and 11.00 at Druggist#. RUPTURE CORED in a fair day* I nUriUnC without pain or a iur gfcal operation. No pay until mod. Writ* OK. WRAK, 806 Bet Bid?.. Omtba. N»b. ^ W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 8M917: