The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 22, 1917, Image 7

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I r- .. Iv to joiii tlit* undersea boats of the kaiser’s navy in the latest campaign
l*f rjftkhhmur**
.~4£i. SSSSSStaSt. &&Z V....:■.Sc. ^?&S&yd!StSESi£Z8^#£%::.w. x:.;...
r ennsTtute a hoar ! to Inspect and test the existing types ot
* • or more m"U-is for use by the Cnited States army. The members of
* *■"'-■ t o Trio > C. I •.••!;son. Lieut. Steptien C. Rowan. Col. Henry D.
• I ' apt Edv.-.rd P. Cole. R. M. W. Hanson. Col. Joseph E. Hickman
' • "i* H f'ren* :i. Jr., (eltnirnmn).
. T- ..
£,...-■ ~*** rsTwss t
• h*n- ' *en tog* tlier. In the foreground is a hydroplane; near it rests a
•eri« ■ boat destroyers, and to the left, darting across the water, is a unit of
ru' ‘ miles’ radius, with the enlarged Sandy
11.--*. *u<f new 1: ■ hav..... j» fortresses. show the combined area protected
te the that pan that will make a new Gibraltar of New York. It Is be
l:e--- > • — def.-ns*-' !l make tin* metropolis invincible from land as well
a* from the nea.
4 'Jrrgee N«»r«ay. is to have a school
for chauffeurs.
Electric street car service was hejtun
bxa Matanzas and Cardenas on Decem
ber 17.
A Colombian merchant is in the mar
ket for machinery for making mosaic
ami floor tile.
The annual consumption of potatoes
in New York exceeds 750,000.000
F rench engineers have completed
plans for making the city of Brest a
deep-water port.
Great Britain has now prohibited
the importation of all jewelry other
than watches and watch cases except
under license.
Miss Itayinonde Coudert Glaenzer, a
directress of the AppuF Beige, one of
the foremost relief organizations of
women in the French and Belgian war
zones, who has just arrived in the
United States. She says she has not
come to this country to talk “gloom,”
but that she brings a message of cheer,
founded on the hope for the future.
1 he United States has heard a lot
about the sufferings of the men in the
trenches, and of the women and chil
dren who have been driven from their
homes,” she says, “but I want to tell
of the regeneration that is taking
place: how we are helping people to
find themselves for the future and how
they are preparing for the new life
after the war is over.”
■IL- M » *« M
A view of the mortar pits at I'ort Hamilton, one of the forts guarding New York harbor.
Students of Norwich university, in New Hampshire, practicing military maneuvers on suowshoes.
These are a few of the sailors of the American navy njw stationed at Guantanamo, Cuba.
New photograph of Muj. Gen. Hugh
L. Scott chief of staff of the general
staff of the United States army.
Sun Yat Sen a Christian.
Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the great Chinese
commoner, was baptized in Hongkong
in 18S4, by Rev. C. R. Hager, then oi
the A. B. C. F. M. So writes Rev
C. A. Colman. a Presbyterian mission
ary to the Chinese, now at Winnipeg
Man., correcting the statement made
by a current periodical that Doctoi
Sun “sympathizes* witli missions but
has never openly avowed Christian
Hussion tieitl lieadquaners in Poland after The Genuaus determined the
correct range. This is an actual war photograph showing plenty of action.
The Gentians after getting the range poured their Mg explosive shells into
the headquarters oatup and set the place afire. The soldiers are shown pack
ing up preparing for a hurried evacuation.
Thievery is rare in Sweden.
The United States coast guard last
year saved 1.507 lives.
The first crematory in the Nether
lands was in Amsterdam.
France apj>ears to have been the
birthplace of the modern picture post
It is reported that an English syndi
cate will exploit the marble quarries of
Ireland. Modern methods of quarrying
win be introduced.
The muscles of the human jaw ex
ert a force of 534 pounds.
The lantern-fly of South America is
said to be by far the most brilliant of
ail luminous insects.
The average pressure to crush the
shell of a brown egg is 155 pounds, and
that required to crush a white egg 112.5
ATsingle machine gun, with a crew of
four men, is equivalent to 40 infantry
armed with the modern magazine ritie,
and is capable of throwing a hotter
concentrated fire upon a given spot.
Gently cleanse your liver and
sluggish bowels while
you sleep.
Get a 10-cent box.
Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi
ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul
breath—always trace them to torpid
liver; delayed, fermenting food in the
bowels or sour, gassy stomach.
Poisonous matter clogged in the in
testines, instead of being cast out
of the system is re-absorbed into the
blood. When this poison reaches the
delicate brain tissue it causes con
gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick
ening headache.
Cascarets immediately cleanse the
stomach, remove the sour, undigested
food and foul gases, take the excess
bile from the liver and carry out all
the constipated waste matter and
poisons in the bowels.
A Cascaret to-night will surely
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep—a 10-cent box
from your druggist means your head
clear, stomach sweet and your liver
and bowels regular for months. Adv.
Extreme Caution.
“Jenks’ fad is insisting that every
thing in his life must have flavor.”
“Yes. he will not even sit down to
a table unless sure the wood is sea
They Invested Some of Their
Spare Money in Canadian
S. Joseph & Sons, of Des Moines,
Iowa, are looked upon as being shrewd,
careful business men. Having some
spare money on Land, and looking for
a suitable investment, they decided to
purchase Canadian lands, and farm it.
With the assistance of the Canadian
Government Agent, at. Des Moines,
Iowa, they made selection near Cham
pion. Alberta. They put 240 acres of
land in wheat, and in writing to Mr.
Hewitt, the Canadian Government
Agent at Des Moines, one of the mem
bers of the firm says: .
•I have much pleasure in advising
you that on our farm five miles east
of Champion, in the Province of Al
berta. Canada, this year {1910 we har
vested and threshed 10,600 bushels of
wheat from 240 acres, this being an
average of 44 bushels and 10 pounds
to the acre. A considerable portion
of the wheat was No. 1 Northern,
worth at Champion approximately
$1.85 per bushel, making a total return
of $19,610. or an average of $81.70 per
acre gross yields. Needless to say. we
are extremely well pleased with our
It might not be uninteresting to read
the report of C. A. Wright of Milo,
Iowa, who bought 160 acres at Cham
pion. Alberta, for $3,300 in December,
1915. He stubbled in the whole lot of
it. and threshed 4.487 bushels Grade
No. 2 Northern.
Mr. Wright, being a thorough busi
ness man. gives the cost of work, and
the amount realized. These figures
show that after paying for his land
and cost of operation he had $2,472.67
4,487 bushels, worth $1.55 at
Champion .$6.95-1.83
Threshing bill, 11c
per bushel.$ 493.57
Seed at 95c. 144.00
Drilling . 160.00
Cutting . 160.00
Twine . 50.00
Shocking . 40.00
Hauling to town, 3c. 134.61
Total cost .$1,182.18
Cost of land. 3,300.00
$4,482.18 $4,482.18
Net profit after paying for
farm and all cost of opera
tion .$2,472.67
Man Who Knows.
"The doctor says I am working too
“I’d put more faith in that diag
nosis if it came from your boss.”
Twenty Years Experience With
This Kidney Remedy
Some twenty-five or thirty years ago
I began to sell Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root
and I am satisfied that there is not a
superior kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine on the market. I enjoy a steady and
satisfactory sale on the remedy and my
customers have nothing but praises in be
half of the merits of Swamp-Root. 1 am
so favorably impressed with the prepara
tion that I recommend it to those in need
of such a medicine because 1 firmly be
lieve it is a valuable and reliable propri
Very truly yours.
C. M. COBB, Druggist.
2008 South 10th St.
Sept. 21, 1916. Lincoln, Neb.
Prove Whit Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y-. for a sample size bot
tle. It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor
mation. telling about the kidneys and blad
der. When writing. t>e sure and mention
this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottles for sale at all drug
Sure Enough.
"The doctor says I'm eating too much
sweef stuff. Says sugar makes you
lazy„ Think it does?"
“Loaf sugar might.”
A well known actress gives the follow
ing recipe for gray hair: To half pint of
water add 1 oz. Bay Rum, a small box of
Barbo Compound, and 14 oz. of glycerine.
Aay druggist can put this up or you can
mix It at home at very little coat. Full
directions for making and use come in
each box of Barbo Compound. It will
gradually darken streaked, faded gray
hair, and make it soft and glossy. It will
not color the scalp, is not sticky or
greasy, and does not rub oft. Adv.
Disciple of Jefferson.
She—Why have you never married?
He—I am opposed to entangling al
liances.—Boston Evening Transcript,
i ouuouiue tor tut) t'toruiwestern.