The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 22, 1917, Image 1
Loup City Northwestern % A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN vou ME XXXVI LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917 NUMBER 10 LOUP CITY NEWS NOTES. Andrew Srrfrayda was a Rockville rmiler Wednesday Herman Johansen went to David' City Wednesday, to attend a hoe sale. ! _—. I t Otises returned to ('hadron on j Monday after a abort visit here with bis parents Mrs Seaneth Richmond i-ame over tr :: t-'.e.d last Saturday everinr fair a few days visit at the S H Rich mood borne Mrs C E Watkins was an Ashton - s er Wednesday morn.a* return nn ” in the evening Mrs Ma ogle and sister. Mr* Eva t, nflit ame up from Austin and did «*>. shopping returning on the noon tram Mrs W F Mason was a westbound passenger to Arcadia Tuesday even :n« to t Isit with the Otto Rettenmeyer family for a while Dma He wit’ who has been here the 1 past few days ntuting at the John Ohl home returned to hi* home at Itai.d ( tty Tuesday Bortnaj. For ftaloX-Mew tour room hou'-e Water. elertri. iirht* Hausen Lute her Co. F S C tlus of Timor Nebraska is beer vtaitiu* with hi* brother. J. J Colas and family Wanted Married mat with small fas: » to work on farm —L X 8mi*h Lous City, Route 3. 10-2 Fur Sale —Five room house and seven lota in Loup City for sale.— ill. tt.rv at Jung's restaurant The Misses Faye Callaway and Fran <er Hansel visited at Eunice Chase's •<%!«>: at S- haupp*. Wednesday. inetrs t < ourt will convene here next Tu» -day The docket as usual is short and will not take much time to clean it up Va“-le Hansen returned home tram Hastings Wednesday evening and other points, where she has been viai'.sg far Mime time kt-- Jerrr re*ska came over from lo-r home at Ord Wednesday evening la r:»*t with her parents. Mr. and M-s James Bartunek and family. L* pur--hared a new six cy linder Oakland ■ ar last week, the car he ng delivered Saturday The car was pur ia---d from the local deal*. A C. Ogle C :.s habit trouble is being ex pe* etc ed wr}*h the new city well on et reserv oir hill The well may have t» la abandoned and another hole sunk Joe Go!as look his wife to the Loeptia! at Columbus Monday, where »he v3! go an operation. Mike i*k!U aid John Coin* accompanied them A big coyote hunt covering five miles square it being held north of town today We will let you know what lack the hunters had in next week*9 Northwesters. N Fisher bought a pure bred Po j b- e China sow at the sale in Grand i Island Monday which was an extra ttouA owe A sister of the sow' he bought aid a: the same sale for 1150 1 A «*•»«.'* hunt was held in Valley ewunty la-' Monday Four covote. were k:\ed and twenty one got through the Sine* Vise j*.it ini k rabbits were bagged The burners had a big feed and a great time 1 ate pu* based two Polled Here ford Pt. Is a :’h twenty and seventeen rru • *•**» <■t polled blood and will sell vuy two old bulls which have polled hlaod only n their sires side for |1<*0 and IIS® See John Howe. 10-1 August Be- t hold was brought back from Rwehes'er Minm. this week, ar rteiag here Wednesday evening. Mr Kettboli »a- taken to Rochester’ for medical treatment and received no bsneflt He is in a <-ritual conition. Mr and Mrs Henry Williams ar rived here last Friday noon, and are * :tmg with Mrs Williams' mother. Mr* Henry levlt and other relatives AH wer.t out and took dinner with Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Bly. Sunday Mrs Biy n Mrs Lewis' daughter Last week L N Smith installed an Aime electru light plant at hi# farm home east of town The plant was in stalled by the Loup City Light a. Power Co who are ih« local agents. These small rdectnc plu'i» are proving io be a line thing for the farmer. The ifflcials of the Union Pacific la ruts city have received word that only mar;sen per tent of their cars ate ka wae on the system. Over 100.040 <mrs u» held in the east under load Tbs* is cbe cause of the ear shortage in this state and in many other states. The dates on many of the sub scribers papers have not been chang ed and M will probably be sever*! weeks before all the corrections w*ll Be made cm the mailing list. If you have paid for your paper and the date has not yet been changed on vonr label, it will be done soon. A program and basket social will be given at the school house in Dis; 25 March 2. under the management of Misses Gara Hill and Retta Gasteyer. teachers. All are cordially invited to i me with well filled baskets and help make this a jolly social occasion. Re member the date. Friday. March 2. The basket social and dance given by the young people of St. Joseph's Catholic church at Society hall on Monday evening was a great success both socially and financially. Over (CO 00 was realized from the sale of baskets and over $00.00 was the re < eipts of the evening. l*r S A Allen and family ffTurned to Loup City last Friday. The doctor met Mrs. Allen and the children in Omaha upon his returning from New York where he had spent two weeks on business. Mrs. Allen and the ch.l dren visited with relatives in the east ern part of the state while he was in New York. Man is a queer animal This week a local business man told us of a fel low who had been running a bill at his place of business for some time, eiving him all of his credit business stid spending his cash elsewhere Ra ther a raw deal, we should say. but ne that the average business man ex periences often. The Argentine harvest is showing a large de rease in the crop for this >ear compared with one year ago. The wheat crop in Argentine this year was 77.6020.000 bushels while one year ago the wheat harvest totaled 172.415.000 bushels These new facts of the wheat rop harvested, emphasizes the .:! shortage that was pronounced after the harvest in this country. High prices for wheat promise to be main tained owing to shortage regardless of crop conditions. York's central high school building valued at S60.000, was destroed by : re Tuesday night The origin, as us ual in such cases. Is unknown. The janitor, who is supposed to have been the only person in the building after school closed at 3:45. is unable to throw any light upon it. The firemen were handicapped in their efforts by weak water pressure, being unable to throw a stream beyond the second - cry. The building was erected it but was remodeled and en urged 11 years ago. It was insured for *40.000. Tbe members of the Rustlers' class entertained their wives in the social pari >r» of the Presbyterian church .as: Friday evening. A delightful time was had; many old and new game, games being played and many stunts ceing played and many stunts be .:ig performed proving that a little nonsense now and then is enjoyed b\ all. even grown up men. Refresn ments were served most gracefully and many compliments were heard as to the excellency of the cooking as well as the entertainment. A goid plated automobile, valued at *;; ■ '!<" . will be the individual feature of the Omaha Automobile show. Feb. 26 to March 3. This car will be shipped fr >tn Chicago, where it was the cetner of attraction and will be ready for iu spe tion when the show opens. The car has attracted international atten tion because of the luxuriousness of :is appointment. Every metal part is plated with solid gold, twenty-four hun dred ounces being required to properly piate the car. The upholstering is in -ilk. The car is the property of the Studebaker Company. In order that vis itors may experience the least diffi culty and annoyance in Omaha during the show. Secretary Powell and Police Commissioner Kugel are arranging for a traffic information bureau in the Auditorium. This will be in charge of two traffic officers, who will be on band at all times to give information regarding the traffic laws of the city. Charted information and diagrams of the city will be prominently displayed so that visitors who drive their cars in • an see at a glance what the traffic regulations are. BIG WOLF HUNT Another big wolf hunt will be held Monday. Feb. 26. the drive starting at 11:00 a. m. sharp. The territory to be covered is Washington townsh'p and three miles in Elm and Webster townships. The south line being straight west from the south Loup City bridge to the west side of Eln township. There is to be a captain for each mile and each captain to have ten men. Nothing heavier than BB shot to be used, no riflas. Everybody come an.l bring everybody else. The west line is requested to hold the cen^- back to allow those of the east end to get past the corners so •that tbe coyotes cannot escape. NOTICE. The Fanners Union will hold an ele vator meeting on Saturday, February 24. at 2 o’clock p. m. All who are interested are request ed to attend this meeting. By Order of Committee. HANS JOHNSON. STANDING OF CONTESTANTS Mrs. Nettie Doner_750,000 J. J. Golus...718,500 S T. Richmond- 625,000 I blame~tk7war | Tartr-rj,. «Dig» - T - 1~ r r —I I— i ■■■■ mm\ _ 3 Cjyiris7\ a l$ypffi»wfr»ej WPRlP wr it? / a YOU Stt W ^ ^ Attowr of A Jjn <rtt W* ^ fl/W£ 10 AOVAHtf | yj^ /WWlKaai — .. J V_ “ upvnsrt.) HAZARD NEWS. Fred Fuller has purchased the Lew Simonson farm. Rev. Langseth was a Sweetwater caller last Thursday. Rev. Troy filled his appointment at church Sunday evening. — O. J. Walthers made a business tr-'p to Grand Island. Tuesday. A good attendance was at Christian Endeavor. Estelle Hane was leader. Antone Buddiee returned home after visiting home folks for about a week. John Olson and daughter, Ada. and Joe Miller went to Ravenna. Monday. Charles Reynolds went to Antioch. Tuesday morning, where he will work Charles Glass is hauling some hav out of the car that he had shipped here. Robertson Bros, shipped one car of hogs and a car of cattle to Omaha. Sunday. E. H. Robinson went to Litchfield. Sunday in interest of the Sundey school. T. A. Donahoe made a business tr*p ■o Broken Bow Sunday and returned Monday. * Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ward were Ra venna callers last Thursday to see i.he dentist. Mrs. Fred Fuller returned from Lin col, Saturday evening, after visiting .riends and relatives several days. Mrs. John Hand. Mrs. Lew Olson. Miss Marie Hennis and Leuella John son. were passengers to Ravenna. Sat urday morning. Mrs. Anderson has her house com pleted and will soon move to town. Fred Anderson has been working here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Heins of David City, visited John Weber and family from Friday until Tuesday. Mrs. Heins is Mrs. WTeber’s sister. Mr. and Mrs. Prston Heater of An selmo, were here visiting. Mr. Heater stopped at Hazard and Mrs. Heater visited her sister in Sweetwater. Mrs. Sam Robinson and Mrs. Arthur Engleman of Litchfield, and Mrs. Syd ney Harold of Council Bluffs, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Robinson. Friday. Mrs. Harold is Mr. Robinson’s neice. Adam Rhoer returned from Hick man, Lincoln and other places. Tues day. where he has been»visiting wiih friends and relatives. His brother, Fred, came home with him. Mrs. Hans Peterson returned from Omaha the middle part of last week. She had been there to see her neice. Miss Clara Spangsberg, who is tak ing medical treatments. Miss Clara is getting along nicely. Mr. Welsh of Anslev was in Sweet water, Thursday to assist with the grange. He was in Hazard Friday af ternoon and completed the organiza tion of the grange with thirty-two members to begin with. x Mrs. John Dennis and two daugh ters started to their new home in the eastern part of Iowa, last week. They stopped at Fairfield, Iowa, to visit with friends for a few days. Mr. Dennie and son started a few days before with two emigrant cars. There was a very large attendance at the Harve Hoffman sale last Thurs day. one mile south of Sweetwater. The things brought good prices. One pair of black mares brought $424; two gray mare, brought $352; one set of harness brought $58. Other articles sold in proportion. At noon there were 88 cars on the grounds. George Slote was auctioneer. CARO OF THANKS We desire to thank all who were so kind to as daring the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. T. D. Wilson and Family. OBITUARY. Again death has invaded the rank, of our community and claimed anothe of our most respected citizens in the person of Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Wilson She was the fourth child of Mr. ami Mrs. Abraham Carns of Shawneetown Wis., where she was born on Feb. 12 1S56 and where 'her girlhood days were spent. On Oct. 21. 1874 she was united :i marriage to T. D. Wilson of George town. Wis. The following spring the; moved to Williams. Iowa, where the> resided until 1880. when they came tc Sherman County. Nebraska, near Ash ton. settled on a farm on which the> remainedfor thirt; .»»rrs. In 1910 they moved to Rockville Neb., and remained for two years j when they moved to Loup City, where ) the remainder of her days were spent When 12 years of age she united with the Christian church at George town. Wis. In 1891 she became a j charter member of the Presbyteriai church of Ashton, where she remained a member until April 14 1212. whet ! she transfered her membership to the First Presbyterian Church of Loup j City where she remained a consistent member until her death. Mrs. Wilson has been in failing health for a number of years, having had several attacks of sickness which came near being fatal. Her last illness was of some twelve weeks duration, in which she suffered a great deal yet she bore it with fortitude and pati ence. Mrs. Wilson was always interested i in the welfare of other people, willing to sacrifice her own personal pleas ure in order to be of service to some one else. In sickneBs and time of need, she was always one of the first to offer her service. Several days before she died she’ realized that she would not get well.j and called her loved ones to her side and calmly made the arrangements for her departure, down to the last de tail. She had absolutely no fears of death. To her the sting had heen re moved. for she trusted explicitly in Jesus. She is survived by her husband, three children, Mrs. Eva Sutton. Ash-1 *on. Neb.; Mrs. Myrtle Page, Morril. Neb.; and Theo Clyde Wilson. Ash ton. Neb.; one daughter. Mrs. Anna M. Currier, having preceded her in death).An aged mother. Mrs. Ann Carns, of Ames. Iowa.; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Jane Brandon. Fallsbrook, Cal.; Mrs. Margaret L. Stevens. Moun tain Home, Idaho.; and Mrs. Kate Stevens. Ames. Iowa.; four brothers, Wm. A. Cams, Halladay. N. D.; Jas. F. Carns, Mountain Home. Idaho,; Abra ham L. Cants. Fouchet. Wash,; and John A. Carns, Pendleton. Ore. Thir teen grandchildren, besides a host of sorrowing friends. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good clean stock of merchandisr in Loup City. Will consider land am if necessary will pay difference. The stock must be disposed of this week Inquire at the Northwestern office. AUSTIN SIDELIGHTS. Cecil McCall visited school Wednes day. Nil la Couton took Sunday dinner with her chum. Helen Ogie. Arthur and Anna Couton spent Sun day with the H. L. Hartwell family. Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg spent the ! week end with the latter's parents at | Rockville. Mrs. Throckmorton and Mrs. N. " j ■ >addow spent PTiday with their sister I Mrs. May, at Loup City. J. W. Carpenter went to Sargent o: | Monday to visit with his son. Rev. \\ S. Carpenter, for a few days. J W. Carpenter went up to visit h. j :on. Wesley Carpenter, returning . i he Mrs. Ida Ogie home Saturday. Mrs. Ida Ogle and Mrs. Eva Grifli. went to Loup City on the noon trar j ast Friday, returning the same da. t Mrs. Eva Griffin and two sons. Floy, and Vernon, went to Rockville. Frida .o visit for a few days with relative and friends. Miss Cole's room enjoyed a “Val entine box" Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Burke's room came in to see the attie folks' fun. Mrs. Dan Carpentfer and son, Hom er. Mrs. Ethel Throckmorton and sou. Arthur, visited Miss Cole's room. Wed nesday afternoon. M rs. W. S. Fletcher returned home from Hastings, Wednesday evening, where she had been taking treat- j ment for rheumatism. Mrs. Lula Burke entertained the sev enth. eighth, ninth and tenth grades at her home, Saturday evening. All present had a most enjoyable time. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carpenter ran a sewing machine ned die through one of his fingers last Thursday while playing with the sew ing machine. About 140 attended literary at Austin last Thursday evening. The next meet- j ing will be Feb. 22. A gooff program ! is being prepared. The following ques-; tion will be deboted. Resolved: That women have done more for civilization ,han men. Affirmative. Miss Cole. Mrs. Burke, Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. Florence Daddow. Negative. Arthur Couton. Mr. Wm. Fletcher, Jess Fletcher, and Mr. McDonald. Everybody invited. ROCKVILLE HAPPENINGS. E. F. Kozel was on the sick list a few days last week. E. Dwehus was a Dannebrog visitor on business. Monday of this week. Mrs. Jens Rasmussen was a Danne brog visitor a few days last week. Art Strom sold a team of horses to Vincent Johns. Thursday of last week. Frovln Rasmussen went to Danne brog last Wednesday for a few days visit. W. D. Zimmerman of Loup City, was in town on business. Wednesday of last week. Daniel Bushhousen of Grand Island, was in town on business, Tuesday uf ernoon of this week. Phillip Moritz purchased a new Stu debaker car from Kozel & Sorenson. Saturday of last week. Pete Jensen of Boelus. was a Rock ville visitor on business between trains on Wenesday of last week. The members of the teachers read ing circle work met at the home of Prof. Markin last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Louie Hansen has been sick with tonsilitis for a few days -but is reported as some better at this writ ing. Chas. Grim went to Loup City on business on the noon train, Wednesday of last week, returning on the after noon freight. The band dance which was given at the opera house last Saturday even ing was quite well attended and the boys came out some to the good. The report was out Saturday even ing that President Wilson had been assassinated. The culprit in whose brain such reports originate ought to be prosecuted if found out. E. J. Culver. M. D. of Friend, this state, will locate at Rockville March the first. Leave your calls at the drug store or call 18 after that date. We wish Dr. Culver the best of success and prosperity in his new location. Denis Christensen held his sale on Tuesday of this week. The day was ideal and everything sold very high making a very good sale all around. Denis is going to quit farming for him self for a year or so at least and go out and work by the day. There will be a masquerade ball given at the opera house for children under 15 years of age on Saturday, Feb. 24. This is given for the kiddies only so let them come and have a good time. Spectators will be allowed in the hall providing they have payed the required tax. At eleven o'clock the masks will be dropped and a “jitney dance given for the older people who are present. Come out and watch the children mask. LOUP CITY SCHOOL NOTES Next week will be examination week. ' , The Physics class are taking up an entirely new subject now. electricity. The Normal trainers class did their observation work in the third grade Tuesday. Thursday night we play Ravenna. We are looking for a real fast game. Don't miss it. Mrs. Owen played several pieces on the victrolia. Wednesday morning a* assembly period. The following were high school visi tors last Thursday; Mrs. Mulick, Mrs. Cox. Caroline Johnson. Ruth Minor, and Grace Conger The civics class debated on the question. "Should the railroads be owned by the government..’’ The af firmative side won. The seniors held a party at the home of Katie Janulewicz, Tuesday night. The evening was spent in games after which a two course lunch was served. Everyone reported a good time. The following Normal trainers taught Thursday: Carl Hansen, pri mary; Helma Jung, second grade; Lu cille Bartunek. third grade; Dora ' Ohlsen, fourth grade; Leona May. the ! fifth and Myrtle White, eighth. The Cairo teams played Loup City last Friday night. Both teams won by the scores of. boys 27 to 7 and girls 15 to t>. The game all the way through kus terribly one sided. After the game Rev. Beebe entertained the teams in 1 the Methodist church. Salad, pickles. ! sandwitches. coffee and cake were served. - F. E. BREWER DEAD I F. E. Brewer died February 20. 1917. i it the home of his sister. Mrs. O. E. Briggs, at Zephryshill, Florida, after ] in illness of several months. He was born in Ogle county. Illinois, i August 31, 1S57. When five years ot age his parents moved to Iowa where ae grew to manhood, coming to Loup , City in 1SS3. Here he has lived for j more than thirty years until last De cember when he went to Florida hop- t ng that balmy climate might improve lis health. Frank was one of a family of eight children, three of whom have passed an before. One in childhood, a broth er Charles who was once a resident af Loup City and a sister. Mrs. J. W. lones. of Loup City. Those still living 1 ire: Mrs. O. E. Briggs. Zephryshill. 1 Florida; Harvey E Brewer, Salt Lake City; Ida May Brewer. Evanston, 111.; ind Mrs. C. J. Tracy, Loup City. When first coming to Loup City he 1 engaged in the restaurant business continuing for several years. Later he ' took up insurance and nursery work which gave him a wide acquaintance Dver the county. Frank Brewer was well known for bis sturdy Christian principles, his up right manly character, his rigid views of right and wrong. He helped to build the M E. Churen here, has always been a faithful at tendant and supporter of the church. In his last hours he was comforted and strengthened by his faith in the Christian religion. In his death the family lose a gener ous true hearted brother, the communi ty. a faithful loyal citizen. WINDMILLS OF HOLLAND. An operetta to be given by members of the boys' and girls’ choruses of the high school, at the opera house, Fri day evening, March 2. This is some thing everyone will eftjoy. The colorful and quaint costumes are attractive, and the melodies are catchy and clever. The story: Herto ?enboach, with his family and friends, las been living in comfort and con- I entment until Bob Yankee, an Amen an salesman, endeavors to introduce modern machinery into Holland to displace the picturesque windmills. He gains the confidence of the old farmer, but the Hollanders love for their mills finally prevails, and Bob Yankee is outdone. Admission 15-25 and 35 cents. ! Subscribe for The Northwestern. LITCHFIELD EVENTS. Miss Hickman came in on 39, Fri day evening. Herb McCosh is down with a severe attack.of lumbago. Henry Badey was a passenger to Lincoln, Wednesday. Chas Givens shipped a load of cattle to South Omaha, Sunday. Mrs W. D. Fisher went to Lincoln on 40, Wednesday morning. Mrs. Thos.Chamberlain came home on 39. Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Thompson were passengers to Cairo. Monday. Mr. Tilden of Wyoming, husband of Miss Grace Work, came in on No. 40, Friday. L. B. Hickman wras a passenger east to Butler county on business. Wednes day morning. Mrs. Sennet Richmond was a pas senger to Grand Island on No. 40. on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Purcell of Bro ken Bow. visited with the Purcell fam ily, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Achenbach were passengers to Grand Island on No. 40, Sunday morning. C. H. Achenbach and John Kissling each shipped a load of hogs to Omaha. Tuesday morning. Mrs. Badey left on 40, for Cario. on Tuesday. Mr. Badey's father is very sick at that place. Homer Hocket went to Grand Island on 40. Tuesday morning to attend the horse market sale. Miss Edna Taffee was visiing with friends at Palmer this week, return ing on 39. Tuesday. Mrs. Ruth Harte and baby of Coun cil Bluffs, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robinson. Elmer Slote shipped two Poland China bred sows and Frank Goff one to Phil Dorsen of Grand Island. A. D. Jones shipped one of his thor oughbred Hampshire (bred) sows to B. L. Manders of Virgil. S. D., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rumery visited in Ma son over Sunday, leaving here on 39, Saturday and returning on 40. Mon day. Miss Edna Taffee went to Mason on Friday evening on 39. to take 44 for Palmer, via Aurora, to visit friends a few days. Alfred Hull has been here trying to buy some horses and mules but left without any. He has bought horses here before. Mrs. Ruth Harte and baby returned Tuesday morning for her home in Council Bluffs, after visiting here witn her parents. Mrs. Arthur Engleman, Mrs. John Thrailkill and Mrs. Ruth Harte. were passengers to Hazard on No. 40. Fri day morning. W. F. Howard is shipping out his emigrant goods and stock to Glen Rock. Wvo. Dr. W. S. Nicholas is here testing his stock for tuberculosis. George Dickerson and daughter with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Chas. Duncan, and Mrs. Drew Engleman, were pas sengers to Grand Island Sunday morn ing. The Spelts Bros, shipped a load of horses to Grand Island on Sunday. They also sold eleven head of horses to a Grand Island man who is buying for the English. Ben Spelts bought forty-six head of cattle at a sale north of Mason on last Friday. Among the number there were some fresh cows. Any or all of them are for sale. See Ben. Mr. and Mrs. John McCune of Ra venna. returned home on 40, Monday, after a short visit with the Marsh '. Mrs. McCune will be remembered as Miss Pavey. a sister of Mrs. Marsh. Richard T. Wilson of St. Edwards, father of Sherman Wilson, who has been down with typhoid fever for the past few weeks, came in on Wednes day to see his son. They took him to the hospital at Grand Island. Fri day morning. Mrs. W. F. Sanders came in on 33. Tuesday evening. Mr. Sanders is the cashier of the State bank. They have rented the Geo. McKenzie property and are now at Ansley preparing to ship their household goods. Quite an excitement was caused in our village by a message over both the telephone and telegraph wires, that our president had been shot bat did not know how seriously, but about 9^)'clock we were relieved by a mess age that the report was a fake. State Bank of Litchfield using a Iio eral and aggressive policy, is growing rapidly. Place your banking business with us. F. N. AUSTIN, Pres. C. A. RYDBERG. V. Pres. W. F. SANDERS, Cashier A program and basket social will be given at the school house in Dist 2".. March 2. under the management of Misses Gara Hill and Retta Gasteyer. teachers. All are cordially invited t«» come with well filled baskets and help make this a jolly social occasion. Re member the date. Friday, March 2. FARMERS, FRIENDS and BREEDERS Chris L. Knoepfel, a prominent pure bred Duroc Jersy hog raiser, two and one-half miles west and one half mile south of Ashton depot, is back from his annual trip to the eastern part of the state, and has bought brood sow material of the latest strains in differ ent parts of the state to make good tcx supply your wants the coming season, in that line.