320 Acre Farm and Stock J will sell at public auction at my farm C% miles east and 2% north of Arcadia. on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Land Sale at 10 a. m. Free Lunch at Noon. Stock Sale at 1 p. m. The Stock. Grain and Implements Consist ot 19 Horses and Mules 19 2 brown mares 10 and 13 years old, wt., 2.S00; 1 team bays, mare and gelding, f. and € years old. wt.. 2.600; 1 team bay geldings 5 years old, wt, 2,100; 1 sor : -4 gelding 3 years old. wt., 1.050; 4 colts coming 3 years old; 3 colts coming 2 •«rs old; 1 saddle horse smooth mouth, 4 mules—1 team extra good 5 and 6 years old. wt. 2.500 / 36 Head of Cattle 36 1 Polled Durham bull, a good one. 10 head good milch cows; 8 coming two > ear old heifers; 11 coming one year old steers and heifers, 6 head yong calves. 55 Head of Hogs 55 20 brood sows; 35 stock pigs. Farm Machinery Etc. 1 gram binder, 1 < < KODAK FINISHING. LOWEST prices. Strictly professional work. Prompt service. Send for price list.— W. F. Mohler, Fremont. Neb. if SEED CORN. PURE SILVER MINE AND S H Charles White (Red Cob.) Carefullv selected. Tipped, butted and shelled. $2.00 per bushel.—L. E. Larsen, S' Paul, Neb.,’ 5-11 PIANOS. PIANO AT A BARGAIN. CUSTOMS near Loup City, Nebraska, is unab; to finish payments on piano contra< • We will turn piano over to first sati factory party who will pay balani ■ either cash or five dollars per monU . Write Schmoeller & Mueller Piano Co . Omaha. Nebraska. HOMESTEAD OR FARM LANDS. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Co., Grant Lands. Title to same re vested in United States by act of coi gress dated June 9, 1916. Two miltio i three hundred thousand acres to b • opened for settlement and sale. Powe • Site. Timber and Agricultural Land Containing some of the best land lei’ in United States. Now is the oppo tune time. Large sectional map and description of soil, climate, rainfa! . elevations, etc. Postpaid one dolla ■. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 61‘ Portland, Oregon. 6-1:? * i Special Prices for the Week Below We Quote Prices as Follows jj _ ! GROCERY DEPARTMENT. 1100 lb. Sack Granulated Sugar.$7.35 1 Barrel Best Michigan Salt.2.00 1 Bushel Box Jonathan Apples. 1.85 1 Bushel Box Roman Beauty Apples 1.75 1 Bushel Box Wagner Apples. 1.75 4 Boxes Egg-O-See Com Flakes.25 1 Gallon Pail Best Com Syrup.50 5 lbs. Jap Rice.25 6 Bars Flake White Laundry Soap.. .25 7 Bars White Russian Soap.25 2 Cans No. 21 Size Tomatoes.25 2 Cans Good Sifted Peas. .25 1 Gallon Coal Oil.10 ! 5 Gallons Coal Oil.50 1 Sack Guaranteed Flour. 2.50 2 lbs., Best Santa Clare, Cal. Pmnes .25 2 lbs., Good Dried Poaches.25 | 1 Can Council Oak Pork and Beans .07 1 Can No. 2 Council Oak Pork and Beans .10 1 Can No. 3 Council Oak Pork and Beans . 18 LADIES’ CLOAKS AT HALF PRICE. BOYS AND MEN’S SUITS. Boys Suits at less than manufacturers price. No. 5161 Boys Black and White mix ed Suits. This suit is made in the latest style. Price only.$2.98 No. 78017 Boys novelty mixed suit. An extra good value. Ages 8-10 12-14. Price.:.•• 3.48 No. 11367. A good heavy winter suit. Pants lined throughout. Price... 4.48 No. 6345 Boys heavy blue twilled serge. Ages 7-10-11. Price.3.98 Little Gents Chinchilla Overcoats. No. 11707 Little Gents Gray Overcoats Age 7 . 3.98 No. 6016 Little Gents Gray Overcoat Ages 6 and 7. 4.98 No. 6011011 Boys Blue Chinchilla Overcoats. Ages 5-6-7-8. 4.98 Men’s Mackinaws and Sheep Lined Coats will go at 15 per cent discount. All overshoes will go at 15 per cent dis count. We have One Mens’ China Fog Fur Coat left. This coat was sold at regular price, $29.00. Will go in this sale at.$22 50 _ v | LOUP CITY MERCANTILE CO. j