Cneffied QncleOte AUTHOR OF “THE FIGHTER" “CALEB CON OVER." “SYRIA FROM THE SADDLE." ETC. NOVELIZED FROM PATHE PHOTO PLAY OF THE SAME NAME BY WILL M. RITCHEY. mrtawin it miut *a**on iuhinij FIRST INSTALLMENT NEVERMORE! "If »oa !*H a craving to call me bam*-* Mas Lamar used to say. "call m* a breaethicf or a mental error or ***s a dose of peace But. unless >m want to man trouble, don't call me a defective I'm not a detective 1 am a crime spec .ai 1st He bad served for year* on the rtty* crack central office detective *0«*i Then ahiie be was un dor thin*, be bad 'aid down enough money ant bud up enough reputation to have the force and go into b .st ars i- for himself Is hi* office sat Lamar, ose spring man -4 trying to raa* a sulky cigar into good behavior and. bet seen pu3s. dirt—ag a letter to Edith Hayes, hi* ateougrapher A clerk burned in from the ante Posm laid a special delivery letter on hi* ■ harf • de*k and vanished again into U«* on a domain. At sight of the •avriupr • hand* nung soar of the laziaews left Lamar* la.-e and manner At a glance do*u the single affinal short of paper a* he ripped K from the envelope the very last trace of indolence *as gone. "Mis* Hayes " he said, the ball gaae- to da) will lack u* most ardent fan And never aad naishtng that louer 111 have to get out ol here «a 'joiiif at h * «atf*T a a* n ice t® tOO» when he %** is rvun "It * true • he answered • Liates to this' M* packed up the aot« sad read -i.—e • "Mr Mu Lamar. CrPn* Spn. shat My Dear Mu X'trrl* Jin. Bu rden C°t> fre. seals at bur today Since jrva n, -r.-i ; r *;• prat; La - so one fsirr itaar with the method* of th-a master crook. I lease keep an eve os hi* RANDOLPH AUJE3E, ‘ Chief of P«ik-e “I-I do*t undent and " sail the •t-MCrsphrr '"If you t- ie hus^r-sa tm younelf. shy should the chief of peh. e he cities yea order* "He fan t He a e: • *u« me a chaste A that'* he knows I'd V- ». -.c to pay for with a couple c: mj ey * teeth. rr,.. ..J Me Muaned the Ted Through This Opening. That • why he wrote to ei*- Old •Ctrrie Jim a my quarry 1»« landed him throe fanes tor the chief, and It looks as if 1 were going to make it a floors-af Ja caa't keep out of Jail. Bsiaiue ho cant keep oat of crime. And he raa t keep out of crime ou amount at the Red Circle " The Red Circle.- she echoed. ~A arrie of surctiHi *' -Ko * ctrrie of J x Borden s A circle am the hack of his right hand. A circle he gets his aickn&me from. A red birthmark like s hoop or ring w the fleeh of the hand Sometimes R hardly shows Sometimes it blares -But whst has a birthmark got to lo with hw hetag a criminal—* asked the parried girt *1 dos t see—" «•her do 1 Bat it's true. 1 re hoard some sort of a rigmarole about this birthmark running through hie family eser so far hack and that when ever it appears t * s sign of a rrlmi aa! All ttaaowaae perhaps I don't fchow But 1 do know that old Circle JUB Borden is one of the craftiest meat fsvecerate rrimiaais in this state. A«d if kes ou* of prtsaa H means trouble to the whale community TVerr war a yarn at headqaariers that the old lot has a hiding place some where in town that no outsider was ever tbie to find. It may be worth bunting for. He has a sou. too. knock ing around the city. A cheap tough, of the cigarette-eating type. I sup pose he's arranged to meet him. He'll bear watching, too. now that his old mac's out " • •••••• Max Lamar was not the prison's only I voluntary guest that noon. The grim old archway leading to hopelessness was graced by the presence of two women who were frequent and wel come visitors to the place—June Travis and her sweet-faced mother. June >h i girl of rare beauty, both of soul and of face. Impatient at the die. futile life of the girls in her own walk of life, she hud chosen tc change m uch of h* r comfortable leisure into toil i b» half of released prisoners. Today June had heard that "Circle" | J a Borden’s sentence *as to expire -it n So noon found her and her c •!.■ r in the wardens office, await ng t - nvlet's apisearance. The door of the wardens office op. • I A keeper stepped into the ri*om ishering in a square-built man of fifty. The man with the keeper was clad :n an ill-fitting suit of gray, bearing in its every badly cut line the unmis takab.e sign of "prisonmade." Yet. in that heavy face were marks of inr I’ect character, power At v.uht of him. June's heart gave a ■ ■ r little throb. She did not know why. The warden rose to his feet smil r.jr an 1 stretching out his hand to the newcomer "Good-by. Jim." he said, pieasantly. 1 hope you're going to take a brace this lime You can do it. if you try'. Ti ere s plenty of chance for you yet. j if—'‘ His professionally cheerful voice gradually died away, and his out *tr t . 1 band dropped to his side as re saw the sullen contempt in the convict's sunken eyes Circle Jim said no word in reply, tie made -jo move to accent the pref aced land. Then, as the warden • -el t>> «p-ak the man turned to • leave the room. d n. Jim interposed the war ti- This > »ung lady wants to speak to y ou “ V _ are going to let me help you." ■ 1 •» pleaded “You are going to let me be ,‘f use to you—to be your friend" ■ Friend" grimly repeated Borden, ti *' p-.-,a rasp" making his deep voice si :-.d as though it needed oil : r Friend7 Hell'" ‘ :t I war.t to heip you'" she urr--i. unda unted I want you to Bu.i; a man -f yourself. It is not too la'.e If not f>r your own sake, then for your wife's—” \ spasm of yum twisted the heavy f-at ur»- But at once he regained control of himself My he said, shortly, "is dead." i h I m so sorry to sorry ' said une -n quick sympathy. "But—but -urety you have someone — some dauch' r or son—for whose sake you an 'ive honestly Some son. perhaps, for whom you car. sot a splendid ex ample of manhood—of—" Circle' Jim shook away her gentle hand, in e violent shudder. Then he 1 .ted from the room, pushing past th • keeper who. a*t?r an inquiring c : tire r.t the warden, let him go. You see bow it is. Miss Travis ' i began the w arden. But June was r.o* there She had i sp-d after the retreating convict. Mrs Travis, worried at her daughter s imptfuj-s pursuit of such a hopeless *i UTMQJBTIOX. li AS or paias la tto nr hi COCF MawrihatoTTalaablaBooAotlMtorahnon iwt* V a i.wu aarz. wa.sua aataana«..«*«»»