The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, December 28, 1916, Image 5

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President Cashier. Ass t Cashier.
Our New Year Greetings
Our thoughts go out
at this
holiday season
to each of our friends
and patons, to wish them
in their undertakings.
Wisdom for the work,
Peace for the pathway,
for the fireside
and Strength to the last.
The First National Bank
of Loup City, Nebraska
All reputable makes of cars are built for
a 1 : g life of service, PK< )YTDED they are
k*-pl in the right repair.
Hu; a Jaek-of All-Trades can't repair a
car PH' 1PEHLY.
Any -light disorder of the mechanism
may r.--ult in serious damage tc your car if
n<*t corrected by an expert.
< *ur reputation is l>ekind all of our work.
• d all z ■ -d- - *Id under a “Money Back’’
Don't lake chances, bring that car to us
V. r pa.r overvtliiug in cars and sell
«- • r\ '; in acc- '-ories at prices that
satisfy even you.
Phone Black 134
\ accuum Goodyear
Cyimder On Tires & Tubes
j "
FOR -—
—— SEE
Hansen Lumber Co.
1 _
— ——— —i—.I. ■ - ■ i■ 11..
When looking for a good lunch or short order
drop in at the
We carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten
tion given to all special orders.
Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small tin foil
cake*. In stock at all times.
Daily sells for less.
Coming soon. "The Eternal City.” 9
Mrs. R. M. Hiddleson is among thore
reported on the sick list.
Murray Alexander was a business
visitor in our city Tuesday.
Some good barred Plymouth rock
roosters for sale. Phone Red 71.
H. J. Johansen
Miss Helena Janulewicz was a pass
enger to Ashton Tuesday to visit a few
days with relatives.
Harry McMichael, of Arcadia, was
visiting in our city Monday with his
brother. Ray, and wife.
Miss Grace Conger was a westbound
passenger to Arcadia. Monday to at
tend a dance at that place.
J. L. Dunn left Thursday morning
for Cairo. N’eb.. where he will spend
ten days in special meetings.
Mrs. Clara Cox was a westbound
passenger to Arcadia. Tuesday ever,
ing to visit a few days with relatives.
Annie Grudzenski came up from
Ashton. Tuesday evening for a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewandowski
Mr and Mrs. Ray McMichael were
westbound passengers for Arcadia.
Tuesday evening for a visit with ran
Mrs. Milt Rentfmw came up from
Austin. Saturday, to do some shojv
ping, returning again on the noon pas
Mrs. Victor Johnson came up from
Harvard. Tuesday evening for a visit i
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Me Eaughl tax.
Miss Grace Tracy, who is teaching
at Elm Creek, arrived here Saturday
evening to spend Christmas with rela
tives and friends.
Miss Opal VerValin, who is attend
ing school at Hastings, came up Sat-1
urday evening to spend her vacation
with her parents.
Miss Ciopper. teacher of the third
grade in our public schools, went to
her home at Liberty, to spend Christ
mas vacation at home.
The Misses Bertha and Lula Loph
olm were passengers to Dennison
Iowa. Tuesday morning to visit witti
relatives during vacation.
Archie and Mac Brown, who are at-!
tendng school at Hastings, came up
last Saturday evening to spend Xmas
with the E. G. Taylor family.
J. W. Conger is confined to his bed;
this week with a bad case of the'
grippe. Mrs. Conger is driving his
route for him during his illness.
Atholbert and Lucienne Chase came
home last Friday from their schools
over near Litchfield and Mason City,
to spend Christmas vacation at home.
Mrs. Edith Hoadly went Tuesday to
Phillips to attend the funeral of her
grandmother. She was accompanied
from Schaupps by her brother. Fred
Clifford Rein came up Saturday,
evening from Lincoln to spend Christ
mas with his mother. Mrs. L. Rein.
: He returned to Lincoln Tuesday,
j on the passenger.
Daily sells tor less.
Try Chase’s first—It pays.
Henry M. Eisner for glasses.
Remember Saturday nights are Blut
Bird nights.
C. C. Carlsen made a business trij
to Ord Tuesday.
Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis
faction guaranteed.
Read the Garland Theatres weekly
program printed elsewhere in this
Some good barred Plymouth root
roosters for sale. Phone Red 71.
H. J. Johansen
Pictures shown at the Theatre only
on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday
Miss Lila McNulty came dowu from
Comstock. Saturday morning to spend
Christmas vacation at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lewandowsk;
visited with relatives at Ashton. Mon
day returning in the evening.
Fred Travis, who has been here
for some time visiting with relatives,
returned to Aurora. Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Templin went
to Hastings. Saturday, to visit over
Christmas week with her parents.
Mr. and Sirs. L. G. Arnold were
passengers to Regan, last Saturday to
visit over Christmas with relatives.
Miss Edith Ward was a passenger
to Pleasanton. Tuesday to visit a
short time with her grandmother.
Jack Amic-k and Miss Helen Hunt
met the Union Pacific train Christ
mas evening and rode around the "Y."
Read the book. “The Eternal City”
then see it in pictures some time In
January at the Garland Theatre. Nine
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Jacoby and fam
ily went on last Saturday, to Aurora,
where they spent Christmas with rel
Mrs. Win. Dolling and children were
passengers to Grand Island. Saturday
to spend Christmas with relatives and
Ray Clark went to his home at Paw
nee City, last Saturday morning to
spend his Christmas vacation with his
Miss Emma Fowler drove to Raven
na. Sunday and took the train to Au
rora. where she spent Christmas with
Clifford Hale went to Grand Island.
Saturday, to spend a few days visit
ing with relatives. He returned here
Tuesday evening.
• Be sure and see J. Warren Kerrigan
in "The Gay Lord Waring" a Bluebird
photoplay in five acts at the Garland
Theatre Saturday night.
Don’t forget the Masquerade Ball
New Years night at the Garland
Theatre given by the Germania Verein.
Everybody cordially invited.
Mrs. Charles Briggs and little
daughter went to St. Paul. Monday
morning to visit with her sister. Mrs.
Harve O’Bryan, who is sick.
Montague Worlock went to Kear
ney Saturday noon to visit over
Christmas with his parents. He ex
pects to return Wednesday.
Mrs. E. J. Dolling returned home
Monday from Rochester. Minnesota,
where she had been with her mother,
who is in the hospital there for medi
cal treatments.
Miss Mabel Hunt returned to her
school duties near Omaha. Tuesday
after having spent her Christmas va
cation at home.
The Misses Cecille and Gladys
Ling came up from Aurora last Sat
urday evening to spend their Christ
mas vacation with home folks.
Thursday night. January 4th, the
Garland Theatre shows their first
World picture. Alice Brady in. "Then
I’ll Come Back to You.” World plays
every Thursday night.
The Misses Alma and Ruth Enderiee
went down to St. Paul. Monday noon
and spent the day visiting with the
Nelson Smith family. They returned
on the evening train.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barnes arrived
here last Friday evening from -their
home at Chappell, to spend Christmas
with the latter's father, E. A. Smith,
and other relatives.
Mrs. D. M. Thompson of Grand Is
land. came up last Saturday and re
mained in our city between trains en
route to Arcadia to visit over Christ
mas with relatives.
Mrs. G. P. Callaham and son. Wal
ter drove to Ravenna Tuesday, to take
the train for their home in Parnum
Neb., and Torrington. Wyo.. after hav
ing attended the funeral of their fa
ther and grandfather. Walter Moon.
Chris. Oltjenbruns was a business
passenger to Central City. Tuesday.
Miss Clara Anderson went up to
Arcadia Monday and spent the night
with relatives. She returned home
Tuesday morning.
Get acquainted with the Mutual
Stars at the Garland Theatre every
Tuesday night. This coming Tuesday
a big Muto&l Masterpiece. Tuesday.
January 9th. Kolb and Dill in a five
act comedy drama. "A Million, for
If you’re going to have good health,
feel well, enjoy winter, you've got to
keep your bowels regular. Winter's
indoor life, heavy foods, clogs them
up. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea
cleans them out. and does it quick.
It's to make you well and keep you
well. 35 cents. Tea or tablets.—Graefe
Try Chase'* first—it pays.
Ward VerValin was a business visi
tor at Rockville. Friday.
For Sale—Duroc Jersey male hogs
—Ben Klimper. phone 7511.
"The Millionaire Baby” Thursda-.
night. December 2Sth. six reels.
Carl Amick was a passenger to St.
Paul. Monday, returning in the even
I ing
Sheriff L. A. Wiliams was a busi
i ness passenger to Hastings. Tuesday
Charles Irwin came up from Mur
! phy. Monday evening for a short visi.
j here with friends.
Dressmaking. Sewing of al! kind'
Prices reasonable. At Pratt’s res.
dence.—Mrs. H. R. Snider.
Miss Thressa Dzngle came home
ifrom. Omaha. Saturday to spend
Christmas with home folks.
Floyd Janulewicz and family spent
1 Christmas day with relatives at Ash
1 ton. returning the same day.
John Turrentine came up from St.
: Paul, last Saturday and spent Christ
j mas with Miss Faye Gallaway.
W. D. Zimmerman returned home
Saturday evening from Grand Island,
where he had been on business.
Sheriff Sutton returned to his home
at Ord. Monday, after a short visit
here with the A. E. Chase family.
The Misses Thressa and Christena
Dymak went to Rockville. Saturday to
visit over Christmas with relatives.
For Sale:—One new feed grinder.
Also one fine Hereford bull.—Lars P.
Nielson. Loup City. Route 2. box 47.
Mrs. Car! Scherzberg and baby
went to Grand Island. Saturday, to
spend a week visiting with her folks.
"The Millionaire Baby" a Selig Red
Seal play in six reels at the Garland
Theatre Thursday night. Pet-ember
Miss Retta Gasteyer came over from
her school near Litchfield, last Sat
urday to spend Christmas with home
Miss Pearle Xeedham spent the
day visiting with friends at Rockville,
j Monday, returning on the evening pas
Miss Marcia YerYalin. who teaches
at Farnum. arrived home Saturday
evening to visit over the holidays with
home folks.
Mrs. J. H. Stull returned to her home
j in Waterloo. Iowa. Tuesday after hav
ing attended the funeral of her brother
Walter Moon.
Mrs. J. X. Fisher and daughter.
Bessie, were St. Paul visitors. Mon
' day noon. They expect to be gone a
I couple of weeks.
Miss Xellie Stanczyk returned home
Monday evening from Ashton, where
; she spent the day visiting with rela
j tives and friends.
Miss Elizabeth Leininger went to
Aurora. Monday morning to spend a
few days visiting with her sister.
Mrs. A. E. Houser.
After January 1. 1917. the Loup
I City Mercantile Co., will discontinue
issuing coupon books at a discount.—
Loup City Mer. Co.
Bluebird rhotoplays present J. War
rer. Kerrigan in. “The Gay Lord War
ing" at the Garland Theatre Saturday
night. 10 and 15 cents.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Polski and baby
returned home Monday evening from
Ashton, where they had spent several
days visiting with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Oilman and little
daughter, spent Christmas day with
Ed. Oltman and wife at Ashton, re
turning home in the evening.
E. F. Bell and wife and W. r>.
j French and family. visitedChristma«
day with relatives at Ashton. They
returned on the evening passenger.
Mrs. D. W. Travis, who ’ as been
here visiting with her son. Bert G.
Travis, and family, returned to her
home in Aurora. Monday morning.
Miss Adeline Leiiunger arrived on
last Saturday evening from Cma. Col
■ orado.. where she is teaching, to spend
■ her Christmas vacation with her par
Ients- v
Lost.—A large, brown shawl, be
tween Synak’s and Brill’s places. Find
er please leave at the Northwestern
office and receive reward. Mrs. Mary
Watch the Garland's program for
January and February. Something in
teresting in pictures for you every
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday
. “Wanted—Men who desire to earn
: over J12;.,00 per month write us today
, for position as salesman: every oppor
■ tunity for advancement.—Central Pe
| troleum Co.. Cleveland. Ohio.
Miss Zoe Leeper. arrive here Sat
urday evening from Bushnell. Nebr.
where she is teaching, for a short visit
with her friend. Miss Vida Cowling.
I and other friends.
Miss Yernie Kwiatkowski came up
from Ashton. Monday evening and
| visited over night with her friend.
Miss Nellie Stanczyk. She returned
on the passenger Tuesday morning.
Mrs. W. L. Marey is now able to be
do*.t stairs after seven weeks con
finement to her bed and room. Little
Mary has recovered from her severe
attack of grippe and is able to be up
Walter Callaham arrived here last
Saturday noon from Farnuin. where he
is foreman of the Foster Lumber Com
pany. to spend Christmas, and attend
the funeral of his grandfather. Walter
| Our Best Wishes
I for You—
l With the passing of the old year—with
its joys and its sorrows, its good and its
ill fortunes—we are moved to “strike -i
balance,” and we find that the good has
largely predominated. For this we are
largely indebted to the support and en
couragement of our patrons and friends.
To all who have in any way contributed
toward the material or moral support of
our business we tender the assurance of
grateful hearts.
Trusting that the coming years may hold
for you much that is good and as little as
possible that is evil, we shall ever remain
Gratefully -Yours,
Loup City State Bank
For Past and Future
Among the many blessings for which we
have to be thankful during this glad holi
day season, the confidence and support of
our loyal friends and customers stands out
before us as the greatest. And the fact that
we have striven hard to merit this confi
dence in no way detracts from the pleasure
of knowing that is has been accorded us.
In entering upon another year of service
to our community our earnest hope is that a
kind Providence may bring to one and all
its richest gifts, and that the cordial rela
tions heretofore existing between you and
us may be materially strengthened as the
months go by. -. - - t
Yours for a Happy and
Prosperous Neu)
Your Hardware and Harness Man
Which is the Right Road?
That Depends on Where
You Are Going
If you are in search of the freshest,
cleanest and best line of
The right road is the one that leads
straight to our store. You will find here
just what you are looking for. It is our
constant endeavor to supply our customers
with the cream of the market in all lines.
Come straight to
General Merchandise