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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1916)
Where will You Be at 65 j - ^ It Is up to you DO YOU REALIZE that out of 100 average healthy men at the age of 25 36—will die before reaching the ago of 65 5—will be wealthy 5—will be supporting themselves by work 54—will be dependent upon friends, relatives or charity. We can help you THIS CHART represents man’s ac cumulating period from 30 to 50 years of age. Either success or failure is settled. At 20 Everything to gain and nothing to lose. This is the egotistical period — the age son thinks he knows more than his father. This space repre sents the young man's self-sufficiency. Age of * indiscretion. 4 At 30 The boy at this age is changing his mind and concludes he doesn't know as much as he thought for. He now considers the father a man of judgment. At 35 the son realizes th5t life is a reality, and he is not so smart as he onpe thought. His fa ther was a man of master mind. At 40 • 75 per cent of men at this age meet with re verses and lose their entire accumulation. NOW OR NEVER At 45 At 50 . At 60 90 per cent have lost all by this This is the age of caution. At sixty, 95 per cent of men age. A man must not speculate, for are dependent upon their daily he has all to lose and nothing to earnings or on their children k gain. He must look for securi- for support. r tv—not high rates of interest. Will you be one of them or one Only one man in 5000 can after of the 5 per cent with a compe this age recover his financial tence? footing. Solution: Spend less than you earn Start a bank account First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska Look! Look! t | December -25th IS NEAR Come in while the assortment is com plete. Xmas gifts for Men, Young Men and ! Boys The Right Goods at the Right Price L. G. LOFHOLM ,TURKEYS WANTED We will pay you 18c for turkeys, old gobblers 15c, ducks 11c, geese 10c. These special prices are good until Dec. 18th. We are always in the market for chickens and cream. Call us up. , Ravenna Creamery Co. TRY THE NORTHWESTERN AD SERVICE—IT PAYS Daily sells for less. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. World feature plays to start pla> |ing at the Garland Theatre the firs week in January. E. A. Miner returned Monday ever ing from Central City, where he ha been on business. — A .B. Outhouse returned Tuesda morning from Arcadia, where he hai ! been on business. John Eggars went to Grand Island I Monday, to attend the burial of hi brother who died here last week. Arthur Hunt returned home Moi: day evening from Ravena. where h had spent several days with friend; Arthur Deininger visited over Sur day at the Fiebig home. He returne to his home at St. Paul. Monday morr ing. Hulsey Hansel returned to hi school duties at St. Paul. Monday, a: ter spending Thanksgiving with hom folks. Get your Christmas presents whil our stock is complete and get a te per cent discount.—Henry if Elsnei Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Nelson returne to their home at Boelus, Tuesday noo after having visited here several day jwith friends and relatives. _ . Don’t fail to see the next Blue Bir | photo play featuring the Smalley's i the Hop." Saturday night at the Ga’ land Theatre. 10 and 15 cents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson retume home Monday evening from Lincoli where they had been the past wee spending Thansgiving with friends. The Misses Grace and Mable Laa returned home Monday evening fror Lincoln, where they had been spem ing Thanksgiving with home folks. G. L. Butterfield of Aracdia, passe' through our city, Tuesday, enroute t the Old Soldiers home at Grand I; land. Mrs. Norton Lambert and son visite with relatives and friends at St. Pau and Palmer last week. They returne< home Saturday. J. G, Pageler returned home Mor day evening from Cedar Bluffs, wher he has been for several days visitin and business combined. Mr. and Mrs. D. Holmberg wer passengers to Plattsmouth. Neb., o; Tuesday morning to attend the funei al of Mr. Holmberg’s brother. Miss Frances Hansel came in Mor day evening from Kimball, where sh has been working for some time. Sh brought her little neice with her. Miss Myrtle Johns of Arcadia, wa !in our city, Monday spending the da visiting at the S. E. Thrasher homt returning home on the evening pas senger. Mrs. Joseph Thompsen went t Grand Island, Tuesday noon to a tend the funeral of her sister-in-lav Mrs. Bud O'Bryan, who died at he home, Monday. Mrs. Lawrence Costello returned t her home at Grand Island. Tuesda; after having visited here a shoi time with her parents. Mr. and Mr M. C. Mulick. Mrs. L. B. Polski and bab ' returned home Monday evening froi . Ashton, where they had been visi ' ing with Mr. Polaki's parents. M i and Mrs. L M. Polski. I I BACK AGAIN I Doing Shoe Repairing at Dar Grow’s 1 Variety Store.—P. O. REED. I § Daily sells tor less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis faction guaranteed. i Theo Currier visited at Rockville with friends last Fridav. ; _ Pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock i cockerals for sale.—R. L. Arthur. “The Diamond from the Sky.” six •reels Thursday nights. 10 and 15c. John Sorenson came up from Boc lus last Friday evening on business. Miss Faye Callaway went to St. Paul last Saturday and spent Sunday I visiting with friends. Miss Opal Smith, who has been here visiting with her friend. Miss Ruth iEnderlee, returned to her home at St. Paul. Saturday noon. Dressmaking. Sewing of all kinds. Prices reasonable. At Pratt's resi dence.—Mrs. H. R. Snider. Ed. Sharp returned home last Fri day evening from York, where he has been the past summer, working Want to buy 100 head of mules. Sucklings, yearlings and twos. Call Sam Fletcher, at Rockville. Phone No. 4202 51-3. Miss Carrie Cole returned last Fri day evening from Central City, where she had been the past week visiting with relatives. | Turkeys ISc, old gobblers 15c, j ducks lie, geese 10c. These special: prices good until December IS.—Rav enna Creamery Co. D. N. Bitner, who has been here visiting with his son. C. U. Bitner. and family, returned to his home in Hastings. Saturday noon. ; Mrs. Lula Burke and son, Donald, came up from their home at Austin. Saturday, and done some shopping, re i turning home the same day. !! - - Mrs. Susan Tockey and Mrs. O. L. I Tockey visited with relatives and . friends at Boelus last Saturday, re turning home in the evening. Mrs. Minnie Hansel and Mrs. George Brill were eastbound passengers to Omaha. Monday morning for a couple of weeks’ visit with relatives. t _ Miss Elsie Sharp arrived home last Friday evening from her hom-i ' stead at Manville. Wyo.. for an ex- J 1 tended visit with her parents. Mrs. Cora Johnson, who has bee'll ' here visiting with relatives and 1 friends the past week, returned to her home at York. Friday morning. ’ j J. A. Baugh of Grand Island, came ' up Saturday evening and spent Sun-1 day visiting with Miss Minnie Hiddle^; | son. He returned Monday morning. j ? Miss Leda Reed came over from Greeley last Thursday and spent the day visiting with her brother. A. E. , Reed, and family, and other friends. Oscar Beehthold went to Grand Is land last Saturday noon to spend a . few days visiting with his sisters and ' - friends. He returned home Monday. - I Tuesday night, Dec. 12th, Wm. Fox j presents Nance O’Neil, Theda Bara 3 and Wm. Shay in, "Krentzer Sonata” j|at the Garland Theatre. 10 and 15c. Roscoe Owens came up from Grand Island last Friday evening and visited j with home folks several days, return ing to his school duties Monday noon. 3 Mrs. Mouncil Milburn and baby re turned to their home at Arcadia last , Saturday evening after spending the day visiting at the W. D. Garner home. Miss Edith Grassmueck came up j from Lincoln, Saturday evening and spent several days visiting with her ’ brother. H. L. Gra .smueck. She re ' turned to Lincoln, Tuesday morning. r Remember Henry M. Eisner, the ’ Jeweler, is giving a ten per cent dis count on every purchase, during De-! cember only.—Henry M. Eisner, the j Jeweler. 1 Miss Mary Culbertson came up from Aurora last Friday evening and visited several days at the M. A. Phillips home. She returned home Tuesday j morning. Mrs. D. L. Adamson returned last Friday evening from Seward, where she has been visiting with her hus . band and sons, who are working at j that place. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Magnuson. who have been here visiting at the J. Mag a nuson home over Thanksgiving, re j turned to their home at Marquette.! . Monday morning. You will be very much interested . if you see the Smalleys’ in the nest ; Blue Bird photo play, “The Hop” or ; the “Devil's Brew," Saturday night at | the Garland Theatre. 3 J. C. Minshull and wife, who have been here visiting at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. W. F. Mason, the past week, left last Saturday morning for Meadow Grove, Va., to visit with Mr. Minshull’s parents. ' ___ ' I The Independent Garage has a full •{line of Ford repairs just received r from the factory, and they are equip ped to repair all makes of cars with 0! guaranteed satisfaction. Come in . ;and look over their nicely equipped ^ {garage. . i -- 1 Mrs. J. A. Danielson and mother, i ; Mrs. Mary Lynch, left Monday moru y ;ing for Red Oak, Iowa, for an extended n ; visit. Miss Dessie Danielson went as t- far as Council Bluffs with them. She r. will visit there for some time with relatives. Try Chase s first—it pays. World feature plays coming soon, at the Garland Theatre. For Sale—Duroc Jersey male hogs —Ben Kiimper. phone 7511. Chapters 22-23-24 of "The Diamou from the Sky' Thursday night. G reek Read the Garland Theatres week:; program. It is printed elsewhere this issue. No pictures to be shown at th' Garland Theatre on Monday and Fr day nights. Miss Wilma Chase of Mason City has been here visiting at the A. E. Chase home the past week. Mrs. Harve O'Bryan went to Grand Island last Friday to have an opera tion performed on a felon on her thumb. Read the Ravenna Creamery Co.’s ad this week. They are paying good prices for turkeys and all Kinds of poultry. Floyd Mason spent the day visiting with Mrs. Thomas Dinsdale at Palmer, last Saturday, returning home in the evening. Mrs. E. W. Wagner of Arcadia, passed through our city last Friday enroute to Grand Island, to visit with relatives. Miss Lucille Taylor went to St. Paul last Friday morning and spent the day visiting with relatives, returning home on the evening passenger. The party will return the Bull Dog to the Frederick hotel dead or alive and save costs, as we have you dead to rights.—Frederick hotel. Now is the time to buy that watch or jewelry you have been wanting, at a reduction of ten cents on every dol lar.—Henry M. Eisner, Jeweler. Mrs. J. S. Caddy and son, David, left Monday noon for York to see their son and brother. Earl, who was hurt last week while riding a horse. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith autoed over from Greeley last Thursday and spent Thanksgiving with relatives, and visiting with their many friends. The big stars in Fox's feature Tues day night, Dec. 12th. Nance O'Neil. Theda Bara and Win. Shay, at the Garland Theatre. Don't miss seeing them. For Sale: One Fairbanks two-horse power gasoline engine. One new feed grinder. Also one fine Hereford bull. —Lars P. Nielson. Loup City. Route 2, Box 47. _ Miss Edna Deininger. who has been ; here visiting at the Albert and Bert j Fiebig homes over Thanksgiving, re j turned to her home at St. Paul. Mon-1 day noon. Loyd Bulger was a westbound pa^ ; senger for Arcadia last Thursday to i visit with his parents, returning the j next morning. Mr. and Mrs. James Grow of Ar-! cadia, were visiting in our city last Thursday, returning to their home the same evening. Mrs. A. E. Houser, who has been : here visiting with her sister. Miss Elizabeth Leininger. for some time, j returned to her home at Aurora, last i Friday morning. Mrs. Ward Ver Valin and son. Hugh, who have been in Hatsings visiting over Thanksgiving with their daugh ter and sister. Miss Opal, returned home Saturday evening. Mrs. M. J. Sundstrom. who has been here visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Homer Hultz. and family over Thanks giving. returned to her home at Rock- j ville, last Friday noon. Sell your old iron for cash. We want a thousand ton of mixed iron such as old binders, mowers, cast stoves, etc.. Will pay cash for same. Taylor's Elevator. The Misses Lucille and Myrtle Bul ger of Arcadia, were in our city last Saturday visiting with their sister. Mrs. Elba Smalley, and family. They returned home in the evening. Mrs. Anton Tapolski of Schaupps. and daughter. Miss Victoria, of Oma ha. came up Saturday evening for a few days’ visit with their son and bro ther, Frank Tapolski, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mcllravy left oa Tuesday morning for Gilfiier. where they will visit with relatives. Mr. Mc llravy will go from there to Grand Island where he expects to work. Roy Leininger and family, Wm. Leininger and family, and Mrs. D. W. Leininger, all of Arcadia, were in our city last Saturday visiting at the J. ! P. Leininger home. They all returned home on the evening passenger. Mrs. Vaughn Anstine of Arcadia, was in our city last Saturday visiting at the Alfred Andersen home. She re turned home in the evening. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson who visited several days. The Campfire girls had a fudge and popcorn party at the home of their guardian, Miss Elizabeth Leininger. Monday evening. The evening was spent in games of various kinds and a late hour all departed for their homes reporting a good time. If you're going to have good health, feel well, enjoy winter, you've got to j keep your bowels regular. Winter's indoor life, heavy foods, clogs them up. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea cleans them out, and does it quick. It’s to make you well and keep you well. 35 cents. Tea or tablets.—Gr&efe Pharmacy. JllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIII!H,|iil|||llll!lllllllimi||!ll||||||£ - runrwuki u<nirWi/(VrutAUL lavtunfeoeewiiitt | | NOTHING IS BETTER EDUCATION THAT THE POSSESSION = | OF MONEY. IF YOUR CHILD HAS A BANK ACCOUNT HE WILL | | TAKE AN INTEREST IN ARITHMETIC; IT WILL CREATE IN 1 | HIM AN INTEREST “IN” HIS MONEY MORE VALUABLE | | THAN THE INTEREST “ON” HIS MONEY. HE WILL LEARN = | THE VAFUE OF MONEY AND TIME, AND LEARN TO LOOK | 1 OUT FOR HIMSELF. 1 GIVE HIM A BANK ACCOUNT. | BANK WITH US. | 1 Loup City State Bankl To fr y | Customers ( = Only two more weeks from Saturday when I will give away three prizes. § | First Prize__$53 Set of Flarness 1 1 Second Prize__$18 Shot Gun | | Third Prize.. $6 Coaster Wagon 1 S In spite of a big advance on all the goods, I am going to continue to sell at the same i old price during the next two weeks, with E the exception of some leather goods which = = I have bought at the present prices. I would like to have each one of yon have | | just as many tickets as possible, and would = also like to have a good, big crowd on the § = 23rd of December at 3 o’clock p. m. See § = the lucky man. | I JAMES BARTUNEK ) Your Hardware and Harness Man Loup City Cash Store I __9_ j My Prices are A Iways Right 8 You will save money by coming in and convincing yourself Sauer Kraut Just received a shipment of fresh sauer kraut in half barrels, contain ing 13 gallons. In Bulk or by the barrel. The price is right. WM. LEWANDOWSKI, Proprietor