The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 30, 1916, Image 1

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    i Loup City Northwestern
Mrs. Brewer went to Grand Island,
Sunday morning on No. 40.
Dr. J. E. Bowman of Loup City, was
here on our streets, Thursday.
C. E. Achenback shipped out a load
of hogs to South Omaha on Friday.
Mrs. M. S. Taffee was a passenger
to Grand Island. Wednesday morning.
Mr. Schaffer went to Omaha on No.
40, Tuesday morning for an operation.
WTm. Weller went to Ravenna on
No. 40, Sunday to see his future wife.
John Anderson was a passenger to
Grand Island, Sunday morning on^No.
Kamito Ladegard and wife were pas
sengers to Hazard on Sunday, to spend
ftte day.
Jdr. and Mrs. Gaskill were passen
gers to York. Sunday morning on No.
Wheat that was shipped from
Litchfield one day last week topped
the Omaha wheat market.
Foster Jackson has at last arrived to
move the old school house on A. L.
Flejeher’s lots on main street.
Tane Roby went to Grand Island on
No. 40, Tuesday, to meet hs brother
and attend the horse sale there.
The Howard Bros, and the Spelts
Bros., each shipped a car of cattle to
South Omaha on Wednesday.
Earl Weldon came down from Sen
eca on Saturday, to visit his folks, re
turning on No. 39, in the evening.
Eugene Myers, who has been home
for a few days, returned to hs school
at Lincoln on No. 40, Tuesday morn
Len Wolf was a passenger east on
No. 40, Wednesday morning. He goes
to Gibbon to help his uncle get out
his corn.
E. A. Barnett, Henry Boslie and
Carl Halbeisen each shipped a car of
hogs to the South Omaha market on
Jack Rightenour and baby were
visiting in Loup City, a few days this
week and Jack was “by grabbing”
The Farmers Elevator Co., received
two cars of coal the other day aggre
gating 110 tons. This will help out
some if it is poor quality.
% Mr. and Mrs. Lars Holdt dropped off
of No. 40, Tuesday morning on their
way home from Mason City, to visit
the McCosh famly.
The Schmidt Bros, of the Black
Hill Basin came to town Sunday morn
ing. They brought their brother,
Hans, who went to Utica.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gray and Fred
DeBruler came down on No. 40. last
Thursday from Baird to attend the
funeral of Mrs. George DeBruler.
Miss Edna Taffee was a passenger
to Grand Island on No. 40, Friday
morning to have some dental work
done. She returned on No. 39, Satur
The body of Mrs. Allison was
brought in on No. 39, Sunday, from
Grand Junction, for interment by the
side of her husband who is buried at
Beulah Chapel.
Guy Funkhousen of Shelby, came up
on No. 39, Thursday to look after his
farm here. He is well satisfied with
his renters. He returned home Friday
Frank Hoagland came down from
Montana on No. 40, Tuesday morning.
Frank has taken him a homestead up
there and will move back with Mrs.
Hoagland in the spring.
The new » residence built by the
' Fishers, *opf>osite the Presbyterian
church is the finest and most modern
in our town. It is about completed
Chas. Bnevale is dong the inside
John Kissling. Sr., who has been in
the St. Francis Hospital at Grand Is
land, the last two weeks, came home
on No. 39. Tuesday evening looking
much better. The doctor came with
Guy Dimett and family and Mr6.
Henry Harris and family were passen
gers to Ravenna on No. 40, Sunday
morning to eat dinner with Wm.
Craven and family. Wm. is leaving
for the west.
H. Haycraft came down from the
North Platte country west of Scotts
Bluff on No. 44, Friday evening. He
has taken a half section homestead in
Sioux county and bought an eighty
acre tract under the ditch.
E. L. Dudley, who has been laid up
for a few days with rheumatism, was
able to be around and go down to
Lincoln and meet the body of his sis
ter, Mrs. Allison, who buried at the
Beulah Chapel cemetery.
Mrs. Allison, whose husband died a
abort time ago, and sister of C. L.
Dudley, died suddenly at Grand Junc
tion, Colo., where she had gone to re
side with her son-tn-law. The body is
expected to arrive here Sunday even
ing. It will be interred by the side of
her husband in the Bulaha Chapel
Florence Crinne Halbelsen was bom
at Fremont, Ohio, January 31, 1884 and
departed this life at the Mason City
Hospital on Nov. 21, 1916, at the age
of 32 years, 9 months and 21 days.
She came west at the age of seven
years and settled near York, Neb.
About twelve years ago she came to
Litchfield, where she resided at the
time of her death. She was married to
George *C. DeBruler on January 1,
1907. To this union were bora five chil
dren, three boys and two girls. Of the
children two, Helen Grace and Charles
Alfred, who have gone on before her.
She leaves to mourn her departure,
a husband, and three chldren, a mo
ther, six brothers and six sisters. The
funeral services were held at the M.
E. Church on Friday, Nov. 24. con
ducted by the Rev. Charles Troy and
the body was laid to rest in the Litch
field cemtery. The bereaved ones have
the sympathy of the entire communi
Carl Rasmussen was a Ravenna cal
ler. Saturday.
Rev. Langseth went to Grand Is
land, Monday.
T. A. Donahoe went to Grand Is
land, Tuesday.
L. H. Currier and son were Hazard
callers. Monday.
Andrew Anderson was a Ravenna
caller, Tuesday.
Mrs. Ole Oleson returned from
Omaha, Thursday.
T. A. Donahoe was a business caller
at Ravenna last Thursday.
Mrs. Erazim and R. Russell were
Ravenna callers last Monday.
M. R. Scribner of Pleasanton, was
in Hazard transacting business, Mon
The Hazard literary program was
enjoyed by a large crowd, Thursday
Mrs. Andrew Wade and two children
went to Cairo. Saturday to visit with
Aiax r rmfc reiurueu iruiu uefiug.
where he has been working for seve
ral weeks.
Clarence Jacobson made a business
trip to York. Saturday and returned
home Monday.
Mrs. Harvey Nelson of Litchfield,
attended the Norwegian Ladies Aid.
last Thursday.
Mr. Gilmore, of York, and Mr. Brown
of Waco, were business callers In
Hazard. Monday.
Ray Ward visited his parents, Sun
day, and returned to work Sunday
evening at Mason City.
Mrs. A. Johnson, sister of Miss Up
shoff. visited with Mrs. Johnson and
family for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Taten. who live four
miles south of town, went to Kearney,
Monday, to visit relatives.
Miss Foglesong of Lincoln, and sis
ter of Ravenna, sisters of Mr6. Glass,
are visiting her this week.
Mrs. Nissens went to Genoa, Tues
day. She will spend Thanksgiving
with her mother and relatives.
Alvena Peterson was a Grand Is
land caller last Wednesday. Miss Al
venna is taking instrumental music
Dr. A. Johnson and family took Mrs.
J hnson’s sister home to Deshler. and
visited Monday and Tuesday with
O. J. Walthers is putting electric
lights in his garage and hall which
will add greatly to the appearance and
August Miller and wife of Palmer,
visited Mr. Wm. Otte and family from
Saturday until Monday. Mr. Miller is
a brother of Mrs. Otte.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church
will hold their annual bazaar on Dec.
2nd. at the Walthers hall. Supper
served from 5:30 to 8:00 o'clock. 25
Mr. and Mrs. Humrick of Sheridan,
County, Kas., have been visiting with
their son, Chas. and family, west cf
town. Mr. and Mrs. Humrick went to
Aurora to visit with relatives.
Church Note*.
There were sixtv-three in attend
ance at Sunday school.
Mrs. E. H. Robinson led Christian
Endeavor, Sunday night.
Ed. Manchester took hogs to Ash
ton last Friday.
Ed. Stillman and son, Joe, were in
North Loup last Friday.
Quite a crowd from here attended
the wedding last Tuesday.
John Orent was hauling hay for
Frank Manchester, Saturday.
Orin Manchester took a load of pop
corn to North Loup, Monday.
John Pelanowski went up to Loup
City, Sunday, returning Monday.
Lewis Stillman of near North Loup,
lost one of his finest heifers last week.
Miss Helen Kaminski has entered
the Polish Academy in Ashton for this
Frank Manchester bought some fine
shoats from Tony Orent one day last
The county superintendent was here
visiting the Davis Creek schools last
District No. 24 are planning a nice
program for in the near future. Watch
for the date.
Gladys and Clarence Manchester
were absent from school the latter
part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Orent and Mike
Kaminski, were in Ashton last Friday
and Saturday with poultry.
Frank Manchester purchased a fine
hog from John Pelanowski which he
will butcher the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trump and Mr.
and Mrs. Tony Zaruba vsited with
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hassel, Sunday.
Wm. Wright and wife have moved
up near North Loup and expect to
work for Wardy Green the coming
season. t
There was a fine dance at the Pete
Kowalski home last week.. A good at
tendance was present and all had a
good time.
Orin Conway and Cash Pencowski
who have been thrashing alfalfa seed I
for E. F. Paddock, pulled the machine j
home, Monday.
E. F. Paddock had two loads of hogs
on the Ashton market last Saturday.
Morris Hassel also had a load of hogs
on the market.
There was a fine dance given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pau
dock last Saturday night. A very nice
time was had by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stillman are
the proud parents of a bouncing baby
boy who arrived at their home. Mrs.
Stillman and baby are doing nicely.
Little Steven Zaruba started to
school last Tuesday. This is his first
day this term as he has been quite
sick for some time which confined
him to his bed but we are glad to see
his smiling face again.
C. J. Whitmore is on the sick list.
Mr. Barnett's children are on the
sick list.
Sarnie Hill is helping Mr. Barnett
for a few days.
Charlie Vian is gathering com for
G. A. Richmond.
Wm. Beck is working the road near
C. D. Brookshier's place.
Ruth Kohls, who was operated on
for appendicitis, is getting along fine.
O. A. Clark is somewhat under the
weather, having wrenched his back.
George Kintzler wears a two-by-four
smile. It is a girl, born Saturday, Nov.
G. A. Richmond and family visited
with Rev. C. O. Troy at Litchfield.
Miss Retta Gasteyer will spend her
Thanksgiving with her folks at Loup
Mrs. W. T. Spencer and Mrs. T. C.
Chamberlain drove to Litchfield. Fri
Mrs. W. H. Hill butchered a porker.
O. A. Clark is hauling wheat to the
Litchfield market.
A good many are through picking
com. Most everyone will finish if the
snow stays off another week.
The ladies of the M. E. Church will
hold their annual supper in the base
ment of the M. E. Church on Dec. 2d.
Everybody come.
Mrs. S. C. Allison was brought to
Litchfield, Sunday, and buried in the
cemetery north of town beside her
husband, who was burie$ the last
The Malm family visited at Almor
Fagen’s place last Sunday.
Ed. Welty visited at Vincent Fa
gen's place last Tuesday evening.
Almor and Katie Fagen and Haden
Bums visited at Malm's Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson
visited at the G. W. Anderson home,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purvine visited
with the Grant Rogers family last
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans and fam
ily visited at the E. E. Erickson place
last Sunday.
Mrs. J. D. Burns and daughter,
Hazel, visited at the A. C. Hagey place
last Sunday.
Edith Malm and Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Darrow visited at Wm. Anderson's on
last Friday night.
A birthday party was given at the
John Nordstrom home on last Thurs
day evening in honor of their son,
I will not be responsible for any
debts coutracted by Mrs. Walter
Gregg now or hereafter.—Jefferson
Gregg. 50-3
Colorado boxed apples, $1.70 to $2
a box, at Farmers’ Union.
Attention Everybody
A Big Saving on Every Purchase
To give everybody a chance and a fair deal we are going to give a ten per
cent discount on every purchase from now until January 1,1917.
Remember our stock is all new and up-to-date and marked at the very low
est possible prices. /
Come in and look over our line of Jewelry, Watches, Cut Glass and Hand
Painted China, Dinnerware.
You will see what you want.
The Leading Jeweler.
Mrs. S. Daddow and Mrs. S. May
visited school Wednesday morning
We are always glad to have Mrs.
Owen with us on Wednesday morn
ing because she always gives us a
musical program. The following pro
gram was given this Wednesday:
Talk on German Literature by Mr.
The German song. Die Lore lie, was
suug by Frieda Dieterichs and
Katherine Owens.
Volin selection by Cecil Draper with
piano accompaniment Lois Henry.
Miss Alberta Authouse, now home
from Lincoln, where she is attending
the state university, visited school
Wednesday morning.
The 12th English are taking up dra
matic work.
Elma Enderle taught the kinder
garten and Myrtle White the second
grade, Wednesday.
A large number of the , students
were represented at the game last
Friday. Eight cars went down. The
score was 40 in 0 in their favor.
The Seniors are stAying Hygrome
try in their Phvsc work.
Having finished up our second per
iod of school work, both teachers and
pupils will sure appreciate a vaca
When Woodrow Wilson became
president of the United States, it was
very generously advertised that he
would attend the “Church of the
Presidents.” because that institution
happened to be of Mr. Wilson’s creed.
For some reason best known to him
self. the president passed by the edi
fice where Lincoln worshipped, and
where the original Lincoln pew re
mains in tact.
The pastor of this particular church
on a recent occasion startled his con
gregation by his utterances on “Eter
nal Punishment." Answering the ques
tion “Is there a Hell?” the minister de
clared: “This question is one not to
be answered by desire or fear,
by maw-kish sentiment or presump
tious logic but by Divine revelation. I
am not disturbed by what you think
God ougfet to be or do, but by what he
says. In heaven itself praise is sung
of the “wrath of the Lamb.”
The pastor declared that hell is not
a place where physical agony is in
flicted but he argued it is an exclu
sion from heaven. “It is restriction
of liberty and privilege; it is the deg
radation of utter darkness; it is por
dition of awful memory and remorse;
it is eternal companionship with the
devil and his angels.
By reason of the great prominence
of the church, this old-fashioned doc
trine. though somewhat modified from
the way in which it was preached half
a century ago, attracted a lot of in
terest in the capital.
August Jaeschka is circulating a
petition to raise funds to send to the
German Red Cross society. He has
asked all who desire to contribute to
leave the money with him or at The
Northwestern office. Help some
wounded soldier enjoy the Christmas
The contributors:
August Jaeschka.$5.00
John Lass . 3.00
C. O. Waggoner.. 1.00
Mrs. Jung . 1.00
Edith Schwaderer . 1.00
Lizzie Miller . 1.00
W. S. Fletcher . 1.00
C. F. Beushausen... 1.^0
W. D. Zimmerman. 1.00
John Haesler . 1.00
Henry Dolling . 1.00
George Eggars died on Friday morn
ing at 6:30. About a month ago he
caught cold which settled on his lungs
and developed into pneumonia. He
has been seriously ill since Wednes
day. Mr. Eggars was about 74 years
old. Obituary will be printed next
The more you kick the more you
find to kick about and the less ef
fect it has upon others. Don't do it.
Sunday Evening, December 3rd, at
the First Presbyterian Church.
Prelude by Hayes .Mrs. B. Morris
Song ..„No. 135
Prayer ...E. G. Taylor
Address of Welcome.
.Evangeline Waite
Instrumental, “II Trovatore”.
. Katherine Curtis
Christian Endeavor, Topic. Rev. 3:
14-32.Miss Keeler
Vocal Duet “Calm as the Night".
.Misses Leininger and Depew
Reading, Selection .Mr. Bitner
Vocal Solo, “Billows Rocking".'....
.Lois Steen
Brief Talk .H. L. Grassmueck
Pianalogue, “Bushwood" .
....Miss Needham
Anthem, “Praise The Lord”.
.Girls Choms
Reading, “The Sign of The Cross”
.Miss Edith Grassmueck
Instrmental Duet “Qui Vtvi".
.Misses Owens and Chase
Vocal Solo “The Dream of Paradise"
. Rev. Steen
Song .No. 192
Postlude, by Goereler.
..Mrs B. Morris
Everybody cordially invited. No ad
mission charge.
Ushers: Collipriest and Peterson.
A very interesting and instructive
musical entertainment was given at
the opera house Friday by the grade
children, grades one to six inclusive.
Mrs. Owen deserves credit and praise
for her work along the musical line.
She was very ably assisted by the
teachers of each grade for each grade
had to be well managed in order to
give each student a part in the pro
The program was carried out well
in every detail. The kindergarten giv
ing as their selection the work they
have every day. Their selections were
well rendered and much appreciated,
by the audience. Those who had lead
ing parts in the remainder of the pro
gram did their work well.
The patrons who attended were well
pleased with the program. Those who
did not attend missed a treat in music
line. Patrons should feel interested in
these activities in order to apprci
ate and get an insight into school life
and work.
The next musc-al number will be a
presentation of Hiawathia by the
seventh and eighth grades. Watch for
the date and come.
Loup> City council met in ad
journed regular session of Nov. 10
Cooper, Collipriest and Ohlsen pres
ent. Meeting was called to order by
Mayor R. H. Mathew in the chair. The
matter coming before the council at
this meeting was to consider the
granting of the request of the Hydrau
lie. Engineering and Machinery Co.,
of Lincoln for an advance of $300 on
material used in construction of our
new well. After careful invoice of the
material, the request was granted
and by motion allowed.
As the present well point is not
what is needed in the new well, the
Mayor was appointed as a committee
of one to proceed and carry out to
completion the well point proposition.
By motion council adjourned till
next regular meeting.
PETE ROWE City Clerk.
Winter Pruning Against Apple Blotch.
The value of pruning may be in
creased by giving some attention to
the removal of apple blotch cankers,
says the agrcultural botany Nebras
ka department of the Nebraska Ex
periment Station.
The blotch fungus has made its ap
pearance in southeastern Nebraska
and its eradication will require intelli
gent attention. In addition to summer
spraying the removal of the blotch
cankers on the smaller branches is
to be recommended. These cankers
may continue to enlarge for several
years, a new crop of spores being pro
duced each spring upon the newly in
vaded region. Removal of such cank
ered limbs may be combined with
pruning to improve the shape of the
tree and to increase fruit production.
Hay for sale, baled or loose. De
ivered or on ground by C. H. Biehl.
James Bartunek is in St. Joe this
week on business.
Gus Lorentz and family are spend
ing Thanksgiving with relatives at
But, then, people who laugh at their
own jokes are seldom annoyed by the
silence of others.
The wise man who makes himself
| ridiculous promptly makes the other
fellow more so.
Miss Retta Gasteyer came over
from her school at Litchfield to spend
Thanksgiving at home.
Mr. Cook, of The Nebraska Tele
phone Co., was a business passenger
to St. Paul. Wednesday.
Reports come from the bedsde of
Walter Moon are that he is very low
and his recovery very doubtful.
Mr. and Mrs. Chares Minshull of
Washington, are here visiting with
their many relatives and friends.
Wm. Graefe is reported as being
much improved and will probably be
able to be out within a few days.
Miss Hilda Larsen was a passenger
to Arcadia, Wednesday evening to
visit with relatives a few days.
R. P. Prichard was a westbound
passenger for Sargent, Wednesday,
to spend Thanksgiving with relatives.
Mrs. Josephine Todd returned to
her home at Comstock. Wednesday,
after visiting here with relatives a
short while.
Mrs. G. W. Mitchell arrived here on
Wednesday, from Bradshaw, to visit
over Thanksgiving with her sister,
Mrs. F. B. Martin, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Decker and family
were westbound passengers to Ar
cadia. Wednesday evening to spend
Thanksgiving with relatives.
Mrs. Peter Jezewski and children
came up from Ashton. Wednesday, to
visit at the Stellmock home. They
returned home Thursday morning.
S. N. Criss went to Omaha the first
of the week where he will undergo
an operation for appendicitis. He was
accompanied by Dr. O. E. Longacre.
Mrs. M. J. Sundstrom came up from
Rockville, Wednesday evening to visit
and spend Thanksgiving with her
daughter. Mrs. Homer Hultz, and fam
Miss Katie Janulewicz left on Wed
nesday morning for York, where she
spent Thanksgiving with her sister,
Emma, who is attending school at
that place.
Word was received here from Mrs.
Viva Gilbert, who is in a hospital at
Kansas City, is that she is getting
along nicely after her illness and will
soon be able to return to Loup City.
Mrs. O. F. Peterson and Mrs. Louise
Solms expect to leave the latter part
of this week for Arizona and Califor
nia, where they expect to visit this
winter. Otto Peterson. Jr., will accom
pany them.
The new well at the city pumping
staton was finished last week and the
workmen returned to their homes in
the central part of the state. The well
is about helf full of water and will
soon be equipped to supply water.
A. M. Bennet returned home the
first of the week from Rochester, Min
nesota. where he has been with Mrs.
Bennett, who is in the hospital there.
She was operated on for goiter last
week and is getting along nicely.
The Independent Garage, Grass
mueck & Maus. proprietors, have a
new electric sign that can be seen for
several blocks and makes the east
end of main street loom up in good
shape. Electric signs are a great help
in improving the appearance of a
street, and also in advertising the
business they represent.
The Northwestern is a little late
this week because the Electric Com
pany shut off the power Thursday at
about eleven o’clock, a. m. We were
caught with the paper not quite print
ed. If notice had been given us a little
extra effort would have been made
and the paper would have been gotten
out before the power was shut off. As
it is the paper was delayed.
The man who will at such a time as
this corner the egg supply of the
country in order to fatten his own
poeketbook at the expense of the poor
is himself a bad and dangerous egg in
the community. He should be
“candled” and thrown out by the gov
ernment as utterly unwholesome.—•
Aurora Sun.
The Loup City High School football
team defeated the Greely High School
team here yesterday afternoon by a 24
to 0 score. Loup City missed four goal
kicks. The home team was too fast
for the visitors. Forrest Larsen was
forced to retire from the game early
in the first quarter because of a bro
ken nose. He was the only player in
jured. This was the last game of the
Notre Dame University football
team defeated the University of Ne
braska team yesterday, 20 to 0.
Ira LaFavette Hiddleson was born
at Rockville, Nebraska, July 30. 1897
and departed this life at Grand Island
on November 23, 1916, aged 19 years,
3 months and 23 days. He came to
Loup City with his parents at the age
of eight years and has grown to man
hood in this vicinity.
Ira was a general favorite with his
young friends and was of a happy and
cheerful dsposition. In the winter of
1915 lie united with the Presbyterian
church at Loup City.
On November ninth he was taken
down with an attack of appendicitis
and on the following Wednesday was
taken to a hospital at Grand Island
where he was operated upon the next
day. For a time it was believed that
he would recover, but later develoD
ments proved that the disease was
too deep rooted to be overcome.
The last morning of his illness was
spent mostly in prayer. Prayer for all
suffering mankind, and especally for
the warring nations, being foregetful
of himself and his sufferings, in the
thought of others that God might
bless them.
“I* was a prayer never to be for
gotten by his mother. Before he left
his earthly home, he had a vision of
that beautiful home above, with Je-,
sus standing at the Heavenly Portals
to welcome him home. And it is his
mother’s wish and desire that all his
friends and associates may also see
that beautiful vision.
“Almost in his last moments he
isked to have that old familar song.
‘Home Sweet Home,” sung which his
mother sang for him.
“He desired to thank all his friends
for the flowers, and their kindly in
terest during his illness.”
He leaves, besides his parents, four
brothers, Rufus. Lee and Lester of
Loup City and Merle of Lincoln, and
one sister. Ada. to mourn his loss, be
sides a host of sorrowing relatives
md friends.
Funeral services were held at the
Presbyterian church Sunday morning.
Rev. E. M. Steen preached the funeral
sermon. Interment was made in the
Evergreen cemetery.
The sorrdwing parents and relatives
have the sympathy of all in their sad
Probably the most annoying, exas
perating and altogether despicable
characters with which we mortals
have to contend is the shirk—the man
who shunts his responsibilities onto
another’s shoulders.
The shirk is the original “get some
thing for nothing” artist. He is an
adept at,"using” his friends. He is
an expert at the “con" game.
The shirk is frequently found asso
ciated with important undertakings.
How he ever got there is a mystery.
How he manages to retain his place
is still a greater mystery. He never
voluntarily does a stroke of work
which he can by any hook or crook
persuade some credulous associate
to perform. He is forever devising
schemes by which to roll his own re
sponsibilities onto other shoulders.
He is utterly devoid of a sense of
shame at his own deficiency and al
ways has a ready excuse for his dere
However, in most cases he has one
redeeming quality—he is possessed of
unlimited good humor. He has the
faculty of imposing on you till you
rise up in revolt, when he at once pro
ceeds to “jolly” you into a good hu
mor and into submitting to more of
his tyranny. He always professes to
believe in “bearing one another’s bur
dens,” but is generally preoccupied
with his own affairs when your bur
den begins to chafe.
He is, in short, a cumberer of the
earth and occupies the room that a
good man should fill.
Every time we are thrown into close
touch with one of this gentry we are
disposed to doubt if the problem of
human slavery was rightly decided.
My. how we should like to have the
directing of his activites for just a
short while.
But as that is out of the question,
we just go on quietly submitting to
his impositions.
How long will we continue to do so.
It ought not be difficult to lessen the
car-shortage trouble, at least to the
extent that the shortage is due to the
use of cars for storage at terminals. A
good, stiff demurrage charge, which
will compel the car user to pay a liber
al rent for the use of the car while
waiting to be emptied will induce him
to set it free as quickly as possible. A
car can be just as idle when it is full
as when it is empty. The moving car
is the only busy car.
The deficit in the United States
Treasury was $78,000,000 on Novem
ber 4, the Saturday before election,
as compared with a deficit of half that
amount on the same date a year pre
vious. Yet there were some millions
of people who voted confidence in the
administration that has been the most
extravagant in American history.
The first issue of *The Beaver,” a 3G
page magazine gotten out by the Loup
City High School" appeared this week.
“The Beaver” is full of school notes
and doings and is a very interesting
paper. The first issue is the school
board and faculty number.
80-acre farm for rent, adjoining
town on the east. Good house, good
well and bam.—Inquire of August
Jaeeckke. SO-*