The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 16, 1916, Image 6

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    Printing in All its Branches Neatly and
Promptly Executed at the Loup City
mii.nn t’.urJVJFi htjt :—u »: ■ ■. - •* t*1—■ • t- ■—» c- rr: : r~—:—
“ I.
—Model 8 shows what should now be expected of a
typewriKr' fFiFiwfwa
Ball Bearing j Long Wearing
The success of the L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriters has 1
■ been due to the fact that the wants of the user have
L dictated its construction. The user has decided in favor I
| of certain improvements now incorporated in Model 8.
Among them are:
Silence of Operation—The most silent running efficient
typewriter ever placed on the market. Absolute silence
has been very nearly attained.
Decimal Tabulator—A help in billing and tabulating.
There is no extra charge for this convenience.
Variable Line Spacer—Enables the operator to start on a
given line and space from point of starting; also to write
on ruled lines whose spacing varies from typewriter spac
ing. A great help in card work.
Faster Ribbon Feed—Insures new place of impact for each
Choice of Carriage Return—Upon special order the new
left hand carriage return will be furnished in place of the
right hand return.
If All the important features of previous models have been retained
-— ball bearing carriage, typebars and capital shift, back spacer,
key-controlled ribbon, removable platen, protected type, flexible
paper feed and automatic ribbon reverse.
Write for New Catalog of Model 8. It will explain why the
L. C. Smith 3C Bros. Typewriter is a synonym for superior service.
Factory and Home Office, SYRACUSE, N. Y., U. S. A.
1819 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
ill m
B ■
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The political wise-acres are in that
condition which comes after election,
where in the figures given out by the
victors redound greatly to the credit
of the lucky guessers. For those who
guessed wrong and lost, there is only
the solace that in time people are
apt to forget all things.
I will sell at Public auction on the
S. M. Smalley farm, six and one-half
miles south and west of Loup City
and 2 miles west of Austin, on Wed
nesday, November 29. commencing at
1 o’clock p. m., the following described
12 head of horses, consisting of 1
black mare, smooth mouth, weight
1,050 lbs.; 1 black horse. 9 years old,
weight 1.050 lbs.; 1 sorrel mare,
smooth mouth, weight 1,150 lbs.; 1
gray mare, smooth mouth, weight 950
lbs.; 1 Stay horse, smooth mouth,
weight 1,505 lbs.; 1 suckling mule; 4
suckling colts; team of 4-year olds,
weight about 2,200.
Two head of cattle, cow and calf.
Eighteen head of hogs.
Farm machinery, etc., one corn
sheller 1 wagon and rack, 1 walking
cultivator, 1 lister. 1 hay rake, 1 cul
tivator, 1 disc, 1 feed grinder, 3 bug
gies in good condition cook stove,
.heating stove. Lay-by ^0-devil.
atr do*eu-chickens «ww
household goodss and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms of sale: All sums of $10
and under, cash. Over that amount
a credit of 8 months time will be
given on approved notes bearing 10
per cent interest from date. No prop
erty to be removed from premises un
til settled for.
W. F. MASON, Clerk.
Commissioner appointed to vacate
that part of Road No. 313, laying on
the section line between sections 9
and 16, Township 14, Range 14, in
Sherman County, Nebraska, has re
ported in favor of the vacation there
of, and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in
the County Clerk’s office on or before
noon of the 13th day of January, 1917,
or such road will be vacated without
reference thereto.
L. B. POLSKI, County Clerk.
By S. H. RICHMOND, Deputy.
A healthy mind is conductive to a
healthy body. 'A healthy body pro
duces energy and the ability to ac
complish things. Start with the mind.
Life is full of joys, sorrows, and
stomach aches.
David Esaacson Hopes in Prison
to Invent Something for
Had Premonition of Fate ana Feels
He Will Still Be of Some Use
—Believes in Uphold
ing Law.
Atlanta. Ga.—David Esaacson. bowed
bv age and troubles, poor as a church
mouse, inventor, alchemist, d~eamer
swindler, on his way to the federal
prison here, hoarded the steamship
City of Columbus at her pier in New
York city. Searching out Captain
Diehl of the steamer. Esaacson an
nounced himself as a United States of
ficer, charged with taking a prisoner
to Atlanta.
"And where is the prisoner?’’ asked
Captain Diehl.
‘‘I am the prisoner," Esaacson re
plied to the astonished captain. “1
am at once prisoner on parole and my
own guard, for I have given my word
that I will deliver myself."
Esaacson, sixty years old, was con
victed in the federal court in New
York city of having used the United
States mails to swindle many persons
through a manufacturing company, of
which he was president. Esaacson
was sentenced to imprisonment of a
year and a day in the federal prison
here and to pay a fine of $200.
Passengers Ignorant.
Not knowing who he was. Esaac
son's fellow passengers were delighted
with him; his conversation proved him
a man of the world: the seascapes ho
painted delighted the other voyagers.
Landing at Savannah. Esaacson” dal
lied there a day or two. then came
here and relieved himself of his duty
as a deputy United States marshal; he
delivered himself to the warden of the
Jail. Esaacson said:
“Marshal McCarthy is one of the
best of God's noblemen. He said to
me: 'Esaacson. I am going to let you
take yourself to Atlanta, not because
I am partial to you—for I would do
this for any man in whom I had con
fidence—but because your case has
appealed very strongly to me.’ Such
kindness from a man accustomed to
handling prisoners penetrated the very
core of my being.”
Esaacson claims to have rediscov
ered an art which the ancient Etrus
cans practiced—that of enameling a
“I Am the Prisoner.”
pebble so that it resembles exactly a ’
precious stone: only an expert can de- 1
tect a false stone. He has not com- j
pleted his experiments in this direc- J
tion. He added to the correspondent: !
Felt It Was Coming.
"It was the saddest moment of my
whole life the day I left New York. !
I never felt so crushed in spirit, but I
am going to bear it philosophically.
For, believe it or not, this series of
experiences was preordained. Years
ago 1 had a premonition that certain
events would occur in my life; I could
almost see the future and discern
their nature.”
Esaacson derided the accusation
that he had bled his dupes for $500,
“A few thousand, a few thousand,’*'
he said, "of which I have not a
centime now.
"Old as I am, I have not completed
my work, my honest work, by a great
deal,” he concluded. "While in At
lanta I shall continue that work, pur
sue my discoveries, and, together with
my painting, I shall keep busy. Some
day—and I can see it as clearly as I
see the light now—I shall invent
something that will be of use to the
United States government, in the en
forcement of whose laws I believe
thoroughly. My experience will be
one that in years to come will bring
some benefit, and if I can devote my
self while in Atlanta toward the in
vention of something that will be of
service to Uncle Sam, I shall not
count my time as having been spent in
Drives Nails Bowls Over Men,
Makes Children Speechless
and Burns Clothes.
Frederick, Md.—Three persons lost
their speech for a quarter of an hour,
two were knocked unconscious and
one was stunned early the other morn
ing when a bolt of lightning struck
the home of Preston Gernand, Myers
ville, this county.
The same bolt burned holes in bed
clothing, drove nails in the kitchen
cabinet as neatly as if they had been
driven with a hammer and completely
demolished the furnishings of two
f 111- 1 I I I r ""H
Bowled Gernand Into the Yard.
rooms, one a bed chamber and the oth
er a kitchen. Those rendered uncon
Mrs. Henry Gernand, Tallahassee,
Fla., professional vocalist, and sister
in-law of Preston Gernand; Preston
Gernand, owner of the property. Mrs.
Preston Gernand was stunned.
Two hours after the bolt had struck
the home the entire family had fully
recovered from the shock. The light
ning did not fire the residence.
The lightning struck the chimney
of the Gernand home, passed through
the bedroom of the three Gernand
children, burning the bed clothing and
rendering the children speechless.
From the bed chamber the bolt
passed through the floor into the
kitchen. There Mrs. Gernand and her
6ister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Gernand,
were seated waiting for the storm to
pass over. On the outside of the build
ing sat Gernand on a chair. The light
ning extinguished the light, knocked
the two women to the kitchen floor
and bowled Gernand from his chair
Into the back yard half a dozen feet
away, where he lay unconscious.
Mrs. Gernand recovered and lighted
a lamp. Her sister-in-law was uncon
scious, and she found her husband
lying on the ground in the yard. Mrs. :
Gernand summoned a farm hand anC
sent him for a physician several miles j
away. The family had partly rec<*» ]
ered when tbs physician arrived.
I- I
For the first time in twenty years a
white deer has come down from the
Adirondaeks and the lucky shot which
killed it was fired by Miss Marion Bea
trice Fuller of Boston and she is
mighty proud of her achievement. The
picture shows Miss Fuller and one of
ner trophies of the chase.
In a learned discourse, an exchange
tells us why hair falls out. We note
with regret, however, that it fails to
tell us how to fall it back again.
The only disagreeable feature of
great wealth is in finding a way to
dodge the tax assessor.
Try Chase’s first.
Kansas Collie Is Still Hoping for
the Return of His
Animal Each Day Makes Rounds They
So Often Traveled Together, Then
Trots to New Grave in
Buckner, Mo.—Pete is only a dog.
Just a collie dog with the gentle, ex
pressive eyes of his kind and a good
deal of gray about his muzzle. Folks
In Buckner, Mo., say that they can no
tice the gray the last three weeks or
so. but they may be mistaken in that.
Pete, being only a dog, is not expect
ed to know the depths of emotion that
persons feel. He is not supposed to
understand about death and sorrow and
utter loneliness and that sort df thing.
He was a smart dog, people said, and
had been a faithful companion to his
master, William Hudspeth, who lived
on a farm near Buckner.
But when Mr. Hudspeth died three
weeks ago, everyone forgot about Pete.
There were so many things to be
looked after that the grief-stricken
family left him to his own devices.
Beyond a Dog’s Understanding.
It had been a strange day for Pete.
Early in the morning the people who
came to the house had routed him out
of his place in front of the door where
he had lain during the two weeks his
master w-as in bed.
They wouldn’t let him in where hie
master was, not even in the house, al
though he tried to get in several times
And then finally they brought his mas
ter out in a big box and everybody
went down the road with him. Pete
went along, of course.
They went on across the railroad
tracks and up the rock road.
He stopped with the rest of them at
the place where the white stones stood
about in the grass and watched them
all go over to a big hole in the ground.
But his master wasn’t amongst them.
Perhaps he wasn’t in the big box after
all. He’d probably stopped in town as
he always did, and Pete, foolish dog,
hadn’t noticed it. It was much more
likely than that his master was in that
box they were putting down in the
So Pete started back. The loungers
on the bank steps called to him as he
stopped there but he paid no attention
to them. They watched him trot on
I -
Pete Was Never Missed a Day at the
down the street and stop for a moment
at each store his master had used to
visit. Then he disappeared out the
road to the farm.
Waiting in Cemetery.
The sexton, working late that night,
heard a whining among the graves.
When he came to the newest one he
found Pete. The dog lay on the grass
at the side of the headstone and would
not come away when he sexton left.
The next morning he was still there.
Since then Pete has never missed
a day at the graveyard. When he
turns in from the road he goes straight
to the Hudspeth lot and stays there for
hours at a time. The sexton has no
ticed his restlessness. He haunts
around among the stones only to re
turn to his master's grave. Finally
he goes back to town and makes once
more the round of the stores.
Sometimes he goes out to the farm
then. Sometimes he goes back to the
graveyard and the sexton finds him in 1
the morning whining at the mound of j
earth. Always he has a restless,
troubled air as he searches for some
one who cannot be found.
And there he sits at his master’s
If you simply must open your
mouth, whistle. The noise will not be
so distressing to other people.
Daily sells for less.
i _
Professional Hunters Are Reaping Big
Harvest Under New Scalp
Bounty Law.
Austin, Tex.—Although many thou
sands of wolves have been killed since
the new scalp bounty law went into
effect last June, there is still enough
money in the fund appropriated for
the purpose to last several more
Many professional hunters are mak
ing considerable money killing wolves,
both of the lobo and coyote varieties.
An investigation of the predatory wild
animals pest was made by represen
tatives of the United States depart
ment of agriculture, and ranchmen
and farmers have been provided with
a formula for killing, poisoning and
hunting wolves, as follows:
"The stock killed by wolves is main
ly cattle. Calves and yearlings are
j generally selected, but if these are
not available, cows and even full
grown steers are killed They are
usually attacked from behind and lit
erally eaten alive. Occasionally an
animal will escape the wolf with a
great piece torn out of its ham, while
the wolf goes on to catch and kill
Secretary Wilson of Department of La
bor Pleased With His Employ
ment Bureau.
Washington.—The federal employ
ment bureau is a success, declares Sec
retary of Labor Wilson.
“We started in a small way.” he
said today, but the work has pro
gressed far enough to show the pos
sibilities of this line of endeavor. We
have furnished jobs to about 33 per
cent of those who have applied for
work. Our aim is to link together
in one big chain a'l the state and muni
cipal agencies for the unemployed.
Some progress has been made along
this line already.
“The bureau does not merely place
unskilled labor; it has applications
from many men of training in vari
ous industrial fields and has found
employment for a large number. We
are constantly receiving application?
for jobs and from the employers or
ders to fill their employment wants.
We act precisely as a clearing house
for labor.”
Mailed to Postmaster in Nebraska
Town as First-Class Parcel* at
Cost of 47 Cents.
Ewing, Neb. — The four-year-old
twins of Postmaster Waugh and wife
were visiting 1 the country about
seventeen miles out from Ewing and
suddenly becoming homesick they
wished to return home.
Mr. Waugh being unable to go after
the young scions, telephoned for their |
return by parcels post, and according
ly Perry Saiser, who runs route No. 2,
brought the youngsters home safe and
sound to anxious, waiting parents.
The twins weigh 37 and 38 pounds
respectively, and their safe transit
home cost the trifling sum of only 23
and 24 cents, on each, a total of 47
I try to imwjine my
mersitJ work.
Is really my idet. cf fun
And I mi^kt v? well like
it not for of course
I know tkfci its $ot
"to ke done
A great many people fondly imagine
that if they are honest, pay their
debts, and do not speak disparaging
ly of other people they are among the
mainstays of the town. But such is
not always the case. Honesty and
a careful mouth are much to be com
mended. but this town needs more
than that. It needs citizens who will
go out of their way to do something
for the town, who will labor to bet
ter local conditions, who will go their
length to bring new industries and
new people to our community. Such
people as these are in reality the
mainstays of a town. And we need
a few mainstays.
Of course there will be a lot of dead
carcasses lying around after the elec
tion, but the lure of the public crib
will bring them back to life again.
The bark of a dog or the grunt of
a pig is sublime music to the growl
of the chronic grouch.
With some men a good wife is
respected and admired, while the af
finity gets the coin.
Skating on thin ice in the game of
life is full of zest, until the ice breaks
and you take the fatal plunge.
The fellow who haggles over little
things seldom reaches the big ones.
Convention Is Thrilled by Clever
Stunt Pulled by Famous
Lifts Timepiece From President’s
Pocket Right Before His Very
Eyes—Is Found on An
other Official.
The great detective had Just con
cluded his stirring speech. "Thieves
had best have a care," be had said,
"for the jewelers are now protected
against them quite as fully as are the
Applause filled the room in tha
Grand Central palace, where the mem
bers of the American National Retail
Jewelers' association had assembled
for their annual meeting.
"We now have just time”—began
President Tinley L. Combs of Omaha,
Neb., but he went no further. In
place of the watch he had started to
consult was a void—an aching void,
if one might judge from the expres
sion on Mr. Combs’ face. The watch
was gone.
“Gentlemen,” said the president, "if
this is a joke, one might say it was
a timely one. My watch is gone. A
great detective is here. Perhaps he
can put into actual operation some
of the things he has just been tell
ing us.”
Detective on the Job.
A breathless silence filled the great
room. All eyes were upon the detec
Quite unabashed by the attention ha
was receiving, he hastily rose from
his chair. “Let the doors be closed,”
he shouted. "Time flies, but not so
this timer.
“The watch is somewhere in this
room. I will personally search every
one present If there Is anyone who
Just Like That—So Easy.
objects he may bring the watch to
me and the matter will be considered
a closed incident.''
No one stirred.
“Very well, then. I’ll proceed with,
the searching."
From the very first pocket into
which he thrust his trained fingers
came forth a watch.
"Ah, here is a watch,” said the de
tective, exultantly. “I scarce expect
ed to meet with success quite as soon.
Here is a watch for you. Mr. Combs,"
he said, and promptly sat down.
"Thanks," said Mr. Combs, "mine
was only silver, but this gold one wilt
Finds the Watch.
Had the situation been less serioua
the laugh that followed mignt have
been more hearty. Hastily the watch
was returned to its rightful owner.
Then the detective continued his
A moment laier a very guilty look
ing silver watch was extracted from,
the waistcoat pocket of one of the,
members of the executive commit
"This is your property, is it not*
Mr. Combs?" demanded the detective.
It was.
“I knew it," said William J. Burns,
the detective. “You see, i put it
there myself. 1 thought it would bo
a good stunt."
Then the meeting proceeded.
The professionel politician is a
queer animal. He says lots, means
little, and does less.
When walking in the shadow of
death it is wise to hunt the sunny
side of the road.
Life begins with a wail and ends '
with a kick, and there’s a dose of
both sandwitched in between.
Wisdom is a valuable asset, when
one has horse sense enough to ap
ply it
Try Chase's first,
• i