The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 16, 1916, Image 3

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    X>iefe 2lbtcilung tft fiir £>te |
5«miltencdteber, tr>eld?e am
| liebftcn £)eutfd? Icfen. '
2?cm Sdiaiqjlatic
bed curoufliidicn
2c*)r sutref feub unb umfidjtig
fdjtlbert cm j£>err G. G. o', in cincm
nufcrer SJedjfclbldtter bie xiage
mif ben uerfdjiebenen firiego*
fdjaxtpld^en in Guropa. 9t'ad) itjnt
if: ber ftrieg in fein brittes Stabiunt
getreten unb Iioffentltd) trie er mit
Siedjt berncrft in fein Ic^tcS. Xas
erfte Stabium umfQfjte in ritnbeit
iSeitabfdjnitlcn bte grofjett £ffeufio
betoegungen ber beittfdjen Jvuijrnng.
£n biefem ijaljre, bem erftcn, tour
bett bie £tellungett in neinbeolattb
genommen, bie fpdter, im 3tt>eitcn
£tabium, 3ttfdflig audi im jtreiten
Arieggjabre, bag xBolliocrf bilbcn
ioflten, an bcm bie geinbe fid) bie
Aopfc blutig laufen mtb fid) erjdjd
pfen foUten.
Xettt 3rccitcn Stabinm, in bem et
ne £djtrddjung ber geinbe auf alien
&rontcn untcr grofetmoglidjer Spa
rung an 'JWeitfdien anf beutfdjer Sei
te crreidit totirbe. folgte naturgemag
bag britte Stabium, bag 23icbcrer
teadjen ber beutfdjen £ffenfiobe»e
flungen auf alien Sronten unb, in
ben letjten Xagen bic eigentlidjc
tSlebr alg einmal ift an bieier
£ telle, namentlia) in bett iagett, ba
Xeutfdjlcnbg geinbe mit fait iiber
menfdjlidjcn ftrufteit iiber iljrett ge
meinfamett aber unbeugfamen ©eg
ncr Ijerfielctt, barauf Ijingetpiefen
morbett, bag man, mn flar feben 311
fbttnen, bett Arieg alg gattjes, bie
cittjelttcn £d)Iadjten aber mtr alg,
irinjtge Jcile beg grofjen ©attjcn
betradjten bari. 23er be,t itrieg ooit
biefem Staubpunfte non Slufang be
tradjtet bat, trcr bie 'Xcriobe tttib bett
ejrred ber grofjen beutjdjen Offenfi
bett poritanb unb bie fpatere Xefcn
fiue ait aUe.i Jvronten 3U beutett tcufj
te, bem fonnteu nie unb itimmer
.Bmeiiel iiber ben totfidjeren5luc>gang
fceo Ariegeg, ben pollen unb enbgiil
tigen £ieg Xeutfdjlanbg unb ieiner
2,'erbiirtbeten fommen. Gr ift tat
fddjlidj unoermeiblidj getoorben.
Xiefe oielleiajt ettoa* fiil)ne i'e
Ijauptung fluid ftdj anf bag oben gc
fagtc, baft ndmlidi ber Aricg ben oon
ben beutfdjen Sitljrem getooQten
Slant nimmt. flur im Aletnen toaren
Slettberungen in ber Xurdjfiiljruug
ber ©cneralibee nottoettbig.
Xie tSanblung, bcr Ucbergang
bom jtoeiten 311m britten £iabui:tt
beo i'triegcs fam nidjt lirpldglidj, tcie
and; ber Ucbergang 00m erftett 3um
jtoeiten £tabium nidjt nrpld§lidj
fam. '.'lad; ?1 bfcfjlufj ber grofjen £f
fenfioett gegen grattfreidj, bie ben
beutfdjen bte Ijeute nod) gelialtenen
£trflungen einbradjte, unb gegen
Diufjlattb folgteit fleittcre £ffenfio
beroegungen gegen£crbien ttnb IDlott
tenegro, unb felbft auf bett £aupp
frieggfdjauplafcen ging man nidjt
Pi del id) 3ttr Xefeufioe iiber. Xie
SSintcrfdbladjt bei Soiffong unb bie
lirufjiatirgfampfe bei §)pcrn ficlen
ftfiott in bie licit ber Xefettfioe, toenit
gleidj fie £ffenfiobetocgtmgen toaren.
Xa* iOtlb ijt peute nicbt cnber§.
©aljrenb man auf eingelnen i'unf*
ten an bec dftlidtjcn grout 3ur teit=
toeifen unb imSiiboftcn auf ber gan
3en grout gut PoUftenCffenfioe tiber
gegangen ift, befcbrdnft man ficb im
©often gumeift nocb auf bie iBertei*
bigung, toenngleid) bie ?!ngriff*bc
tocgungen, bit feit bem 1. !guni gait3
aufgebbrt batten, in ben lenten ©o
d)ert immer baufiger toerben.
Xcr ftdrffte '-Betoei* fiir ben Uebcr=
gang gur Cffenfioe licfcrt ber fiibbft
Iicbe StriegSfdjaupIab, too ffiumdnien
ficb itn aSer3toeifluitg§fampfe gegen
feme gcinbe befinbet.
geibtnarfdjafl D. itUadenfen bat bie
Offer.fiDe in ber Xobrnbidja crgrif*
fen unb stoar fofort auf ber gotten
grotn. Xugla, ber toidjtige ^>afen
am ^djnxtrgett flReer, ift genommen
toorben, unb an ber Xonau brangen
bie beutfebeu SBerbiinbeten in bic
^auptfteflungen be3 @egner3 ein.
Sm Corbett, an ben ©rcitgeu non
Siebeubiirgen, baben fid) galfcn
bapito Xruppen bur* bie nad) SJumd.
nien fiibreuben g3affc burcbjefdinpft
nub fteben liberal! auf runtdnifdjen
Xie grimme Xrobung Xcutfd)
Ianb§ atn 29. Sfuguft (ale SBufareft
ben ilrieg erfldrte), bajj bic Stampfe
auf nmtdnifdtem S'obett ftattfinben
toiirben, beginttt fief) in fiir 'Jtuma*
nien febredlieber ©eife 311 beroabrbei
Xie an unb fiir fid) nidjt groffe ru
rnanifebe Srmee, bie bereitS mcl)r
al§ 25 fprogent ibrer Stdrfe einge
biigt bat, ift iiberafl auf bie IBertei
bigung befcbrdnft toorben. £ubltd)
non ber fBufotoina befinbett fie fid)
auf bent Stiidgug. unb an bent Xage,
ba bie bentfdjen, bie im ©t)tne§*)BaB
fteben, bie 23abn non fBufareft nad)
Xoroboiu erreicben, faHt ber niirb
Iidifte fjSunft ber rumanifd)en gront
toic cine reife fftflaume in bie £dnbe
be3 Sieger*. 9turnanen unb SRuffen
toerben au*einanber geriffen unb ber
gauge gelb3ug*plan toirb 3erftcrt
3fn ber ruffifdjen gront tnadjen
fid) bie golgctt ber toabnfinnigen
'i)ienfd)citoerfd)toenbimg auf ruffifdjer
Seiie fcemerfbar.' Slnftatt, trie fie gc*
bofft, in ber £ffenftoe ju fcin, finb
bie Stiffen in bie Xcfcnftoe gebriingt
toorbcn. Stiicf fiir Stiicf itjrer ntit
furcbtbaren £pfern erfauften Steb
lungen geljt iljncn toieber Oerlorett
•gtt ben iilarpathen liegt, trie ^|?e
trograb melbet, tiefer Scpncc. tie
for Sdmee lag and) in ben norblicpcr
ftarpatben . ©affen, als bie ruffi*
fcbeti i'lecre bes ©orfabres fid) „auj
bent Si'ege nad) 5?ubapeft" nerbiute
Odt ber bonbon ■ „‘times" prabli
ber militarise gadjmann biefes
©lattes baniit, baa bie ©ritett ben
teutfeben an ber Somme, toas 3ab
len anbetrifft, merfad) iiberlegen
finb. Xer Gngldnber, ber bas fdjrieb,
bat bamit itber fcin eigeneg £anb baS
Sdrfftc llrteil ausgefprodjcn, bas
nod) je gegen Gnglanb gefallen ift.
£ie Sdjarfe biefes Urteils tritt noct
flarer beroor, toentt ntait bebenft,
bafe bie non ben ©riten gebaltene
gront an ber Somme in ben lefcten
SSodjett immer fitter getoorben ift,
toaljrenb bie gransofen ibre gront
immer toeitcr nad) SR or ben binau
Perliingern mufjten.
3n ©egintt ber Cffenftoe bielten
bie ©riten bie gront non tljicpoal
bis 3tir Somme, bente balten fie nut
bie gront Pou Zbiepoal bis 2es
©oeufs, mit anberen Shorten: toab
renb fie fritter 3toci Xrittel bet
Somme . gront bielten, balten fit
bente nur nod) ein Xrittel berfclben,
ndbrcub bie gratojofeu fe^t stoei
Xrittel balten.
Xie ©ebeutung biefer SSanblung
ift obue 3toeifel libetaus toeitragenb.
Sic ift cine g[drt3enbc ©eftatigung
fiir bie ©erliner SlRelbimgen, monad
bie ©ritea mebr als bic codlfte ibret
felbbienftfdbigeu Slrntec oerlorcn ba*
ben. grattfreid) mustc fS toieber
cpfern, mus fid) fiir fetnen ©erbiin.
bcteit oerbluten.
Ofalicn fteljt Dor Vungcrsnot.
9i o in. trine StegierungsDcrorb
nung befagt, bafj alle Strafeenlater
nett unb ebenfo alle fiicbter in fidben,
hotels unb slaffees uni 10y2 LUu
abends ausjuiufcben finb. £ie» ifi
eiu meitcrer Sdjritt auf bent 25cge
| jur 2urd)nifjrung nntionaler Spar
: famfeit. Sic erfte fWafjnalime mat
bie Grbbbung be! Strifes fiir 3ucfet
am 25 Genta ba* Sfunb nnb bas
Serbot bca Serfaufa Don 3uder gut
.perueHung Don Sonbotts unb attbe
rcn Siif’.igfeiten.
Xtc. 'Jiegierung fiifirt and) eiiten
jvelbjug gegen bie Spcfulanten in
^abrungsmittcln unb rHeibungsftiif
feu. .vjalbamtlid) tit eitte SSamung
erlaiien morben, in' ber c§ beibt, bet
Jvrieben tdge nod) in meiter germ
nnb jcbcr ©efcbdftsmann, roeldjer ge
geutoartig eineit aUgugrogcit ?iu{jeii
aus feinen SSarcn jdge, fei ein Scr
rater an feinern Saterlanbe.
Stdnner-, oranen. unb ftinber :
fd)itbe merben sunt Sreife Don $6 bis
?9 bas Saar Derfaurt. S?oIlenc unb |
anberp SHeibungsgegenftdnbe finb
boppelt im Sreife geftiegen. 2ie in
Stalien probujierten 2iabrungamittel j
finb in ben ,§dnben Don Spefulan. I
Son filntf tritt juriid.
£er feinerjeit bnrd) feinen glan
jenben Sormarfd) auf Saris beriibmi
gemorbette ©cneralfelbmarfcball Don
ftlttcf ift auf fein eigenea ©efud)
in ben iftubeftanb Derfcfct morben.
oielbmaridiall Don ftlurf unb feine
Slrmee batten beirn bcutfbben Sor
marfd) auf Sari3 itnSeptember 1914
einc roiebtige 'Jtofle gefpielt. Sein
Sormarfd) roar 30 Stolen oor bet
iranjdfifd)cu Sauptftabt jum <Steben
gefommen nnb feine ifrmee itt ber
Sd)Iad)t an ber Siarne juriicfgetrie
ben morben.
Son Slud mar am 20. Stai 1846
in SJiinfter, 23eftpbalen, geboren
unb im Sabre 18G5 ala fieutnant in
bie 31 mice eingetreten. Seim 2Ius
brud) bea Sriegeg bcfcbligte er bal
oftpreufetfdie 31rmeeforpa in fidnig§.
berg. Gr batte an bem Sriege gegen
Cefterreid) in 1S66, fomie am fran
jofifdjcn Stricge im Sabre 1870 teil
~ie 5. bcutfrfje Sricgs . ?lnlcilje rise
'•Suite. 3lnlcilje.
Berlin, brabt!o§. Siie gefamte
bcutfdie ^rcffe erflart anlafelicb be§
glanjenben sJiefuItat§ ber fiinften
beutfdjen Striegsanlcibe, biefe fei
cbenfo .roie bie friiberen bier SInlei*
ben eine ioabre Solteanleibe unb be- j
tneife bon neuem bie S3ereitfcbaft bet
ganjen illation, ben Srieg auf bem
Sdjladbtfelbc, ebenfo toie ben tout
fcbaftlidien Stambf ju einem fiegrei
d)en Gitbe au fubren.
2ie genauen Ginjelangaben iiber
bie Seidjnungen fiir bie fiinfte beui
fcbe slriegSanleibe ergeben iibrigenS,
bag bie fleinen Seiner toieber im
bebeutenben Slfafj aum Grfolg beige*
tragen boben. finb 1,794,000
Seidjmingen bon toeniger al§ 200
2J!arf unb 681,000 atnifcfjcn 200 unb
500 SKarf eingegangeu. _
Nov. 21-23 — farmers’ Co-operative
State Grain and Live Stock Ship- j
ping ass’n vonvention at Omaha.
November 23—State Federation of
Musical Clubs conference at Lincbln.
Nov. 27 to Dec. 2—Annual Poultry
Show at Omaha.
Dec. 4 to 9—Annual Poultry and Pet
Live Stock Show at Beatrice.
Dec. 6-7-8—State Irrigation associa
tion annual convention at Bridge
Dec. 12 to 14.—State Convention of
County Commissioners and Clerks
at Alliance.
Dec. 12-14—Nebraska Farmers Con
gress at Omaha.
December 20-21—National Farmers'
Equity Convention at Olnaha.
January 1 to 6—State Poultry Show at
January 15-20—State Improved Live
Stock association meeting at Lin
January 16-17-18—Annual convention
of Nebraska Volunteer Firemen at j
January 16-19—Winter Apple, Floral
and Potato Show at Lincoln.
A number of farmers in Gage coun
ty have finished gathering their corn
crop and in most cases the yields are
better than expected. Alpha Graf, a
farmer living northeast of Beatrice,
says that his corn averaged about fif
ty bushels to the acre.
Fort Omaha has been designated as
I the location for the U. S. army ba
| loon school. Estimates are that about
250 officers and men will be attached
j to the post. It will be the instruction
station of the United States aviation
I corps.
A. Jamieson, an old resident of
j Beatrice, has received word to the
1 effect that his cousin, P. G. Clark
! Duff, who enlisted in a company
! from Toronto, Canada, had been kill
ed in action in a heavy battle on the
Somme front.
A home talent play was staged at
the Paddock opera house, Beatrice, to
a large audience, the proceeds of
which will be used in preparing a din
ner for Company C of that place,
which is now on the border, on
Thanksgiving day.
xiansni liavis, pioneer nomesieaoer
in the Loup Valiev, died of apoplexy
at his farm home near North Loup,
while doing the chores. He was the
father of Horace M. Davis, pastmas
ter and editor of the Ord Journal.
Walter, the 12year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Umbert Oechin. who resides
northeast of Fremont, died from an at
tack of lockjaw after suffering for
several days. The boy stepped on a
nail and tetanus developed.
Jerry Kean, a farmer living near ;
Stella, lost six horsps within a week, j
death being due, it is believpd, to
poison from forage All of his horses
were afflicted witli the disease, and
only one recovered.
Burglars entered the hardware
store of F. W. Scholz at Duncan and :
carried away merchandise amounting I
to more than $100. This is the second
time within two weeks that the store
has been entered.
Charles W. Burrows. 23 years old,
democrat, who won over G. W. Stein
tneyer as representative from Gage
county, will undoubtedly be the
youngest member of the Nebraska
legislature at the session this winter.
The annual corn and poultry exhibit
of the Beatrice Poultry and Pet
Stock association, will be held the
second week in December and pros- ;
pects point to a big exhibit.
Wdrk is to.commence about Janu
ary 1 on a new drainage ditch in dis
trict No. 3 Nemaha county, which will
run from near Auburn south east to
the county line.
Hon. Silas R. Barton, a member of
the Sixty-third congress, representing
the Fifth Nebraska district, and the
republican candidate for election to
the same office in competition with
Congressman Ashton C. Shallenberger,
died suddenly at Grand Island of
heart trouble, election day.
Before the new asphalt paved
streets at Superior were turned over
to traffic a municipal dance on the
thoroughfares was given, attended by
a large crowd. The Superior band
furnished the music and the proceeds
were donated to charity.
The Aurora Y. M. - C. A. has ar
ranged for an eight-number winter
lecture course to commence December
1. The first and third Fridays of the
five winter months will be given over
to the lectures. The university au
thorities are to co-operate in the
The Nebraska-Iowa Fruit Jobbers’
association has been permitted by the
interstate commerce commission^ to
intervene in the case of the Nebraska
state grange against the Union Pa
cific, involving the right of producers
to sell food stuffs from open car.
An animal, claimed by naturalists
to be a Canadian lynx, was killed by
Fred Leaffler near Lindsay several
days ago, and the people in the com
munity are at a loss as to where it
came from, as no other similar one has
ever been seen in this part of the
The sixty-third wedding anniversary
of their marriage was celebrated by
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Corless of Hooper
last week.
The Masonic lodge at Auburn is
contemplating the erecting of a new
building for its members.
Alex Lundgren, aged 35, was in
stantly killed and his 6-year-old son
fatally injured when an automobile in
which they were riding,'was struck
by a Union Pacific passenger train
near North Platte.
One dollar and fifty-one cents a
bushel was paid for a car load of Box
Butte county potatoes at Alliance a
few days ago, which is said to be the
highest price ever paid a farmer for
spuds in -history.
Two thousand catfish were depos
ited in the. Blue river at Wymore a
few days ay^
The Union Pacific Railroad Co.
filed suit in federal court at Omaha
to test the constitutionality of the
eight-hour law. recently passed by
congress, and known as the Adamson
law. Thomas S. Allen, United States
district attorney, and four Union
Pacific trainmen, representing the
different railroad brotherhoods, are
made parties defendant. The bill of
complaint alleges that the law is un
constitutional because it is not a
proper regulation of interstate com
merce, because it violates the guar
antees of the Fifth amendment to the
federal constitution, and because it is
unworkable as applied to existing con
ditions under which the trainmen are
operating. The bill of complaint is
a printed document of considerable
size and contains copies of all the
schedules under which the trainmen
With the opening of the extension
to rural route No. 2 in Lincoln county,
that route was nearly doubled in
length and daily mail service is given
to the inland town of Bignell, eleven
miles east of North Platte, and to sev
enty families in the surrounding terri
tory. The route, which was formerly
thirty-eight miles long, is now fifty
two miles in length. Bignell formerly
had a three-times a week mail service
from Maxwell, while the farmers of
the neighborhood were not served at
Mrs. S. Aldrich of Elmwood, who
writes under the name of Margaret
Dean Stevens, has for some time been
a contributor to the leading eastern
magazines, and some of her stories
have been highly commended by some
of the best judges of good literature.
One of her short stories, “The Light
of Day,” appears in the November
Woman's Home Companion, and in
the October Delineator appears anoth
er one, ”The Cat Is On the Mat.”
A committee lias been named by
the Commercial club of Superior to
raise the sum of $30,000 for the pur
pose of building a new hotel for the
town. A New York financier has of
fered $20,000 towards the project,
which is expected to cost, when com
pleted, about $50,000. Ten thousand
dollars has already been subscribed
by Superior citizens.
Fire destroyed a barn containing
four tons of hay, and a corn crib with
three hundred bushels of corn, be
longing to Ed Stone, who lives two
and one-half miles southwest of York.
John Jones has been appointed chief
of police of North Platte, filling the va
cancy caused by the death of H. L.
Baker. Jones was formerly night pa
Announcement has been made by
the Seventh Day Adventists from the
headquarters at Washington, D. C.,
that members of the church contribu
ted $3,407,298.17 for evangelistic pur
poses during the last year. The Ad
ventists have a large center in Col
lege View, near Lincoln, where the
leading educational institution in the
world is located.
Many suggestions are being offered
as to what Hastings will do with her
brewery after May 1 next year, when
state-wide prohibition becomes effect
ive. The Commercial club suggests a
condensory or cold storage plant,
while some of the dry boosters think
the beer factory would make a good
flour mill.
How the University of Nebrasca can
co- perate with the Nebraska manu
facturers, and be of material assist
ance to them, will be explained to tho
Nebraska association, by Chancellor
Avery at the annual convention in
Omaha November 21 and 22.
Prospects look very favorable for a
new federal building at O'Neill. Con
gressman Kinkaid, who resides in the
town, has sent word that an appro
priation has been made to buy the
A monster mass meeting was held
at Columbus last week to arrange for
bringing a canning factory to that
city, located at another point, and
financing it on a larger scale.
Gage county's mortgage record for
the month of October is as^follows:
Number of farm mortgages filed, 19;
amount, $69,976; number of farm
mortgages released, 26; amount,
$79,150; number of city mortgages
filed, 35; amount. $37,670.80; number
of city mortgages released, 25;
amount, $18,841.57.
tanners in me territory norm or
the North Platte river are circulating
petitions asking the establishing of a
rural route into that district to be
thirty-two miles long and to serve
ninety families.
Holdrege has been made a transfer
point on the Burlington for high line
freight, which means that all freight
intended for the high line will be re
worked there by a night gang, thereby
saving much time on switching and
economizing on operating expense by
increasing the load.
Burlington railroad officials have
ordered removed a blockade of two
boxcars plaoed in such a way as to
prevent the Union Pacific from dou
ble-tracking across the former’s right
of-way in Hastings. The blockade
was placed in August, 1912.
Fire originating from oil beneath an
automobile undergoing repairs, caused
the destruction of a barn owned by
Ray Nye at Fremont, entailing a loss
estimated at $15,000, with insurance
of $5,000.
A Gypsie tribe passed through Stel- j
la a few days ago with no signs of
the covered wagon. They were equip
ped with three six-cylinder automo
biles and were heading for California.
The Leonard’s church at Madison,
one of the finest in Nebraska, recent
lv dedicated it’s splendid new pipe
The new Odd Fellows building at
Broken Bow, built at a cost of $20,000,
was formally dedicated last Friday.
The building includes the Lyric thea
ter. It is a two-story structure and
ranks among the fine lodge buildings
of Nebraska.
Protestant churches of Fairbury
have decided to hold a union revival
meeting to commence Sunday, Novem
ber 19.
The Nebraska Manufacturers’ asso
ciation will hold its annual convention
in Omaha on November 21 and 22. A
large delegation is expected.
Thi* new group photograph of the Supreme court of the Putted States shows that tribunal with its two new
members. Front row left to right: Justice Day: Justice McKenna; Chief Justice White; Justice Holmes;; Justice
Van Decanter. Back row left to right: Justice Brandies; Justice Pitney; Justice Mclieynolds; Justice Clarke.
The United States battleship Oklahoma, sister ship of the Nevada, ou a reeent demonstration trip for the navy
department, when she developed a speed of 20.5 knots an hour. Her displace lient is 27,500, and she cost nearly
SG.000,000 to build. Slit* carries ten 14-inch guns.
Lady Mawson and Patricia, the “snow baby," photographed in Sail Fran
cisco on their way from Australia to London, where Lady Mawson will join
her husband. Sir Douglas Mawson, for another trip to the polar regions.
.. ill- w—
The new marriage chapel in the municipal building. New York city. The
city has gone into the marriage business. After you get your license you step
Into a comfortable little room a few fe;-t away. The room is generally filled
with flowers. The city clerk stands behind a table and joins lovers in wed
lock*. No time is lost, no expense incurred. The photograph shows the first
couple to be married in the new chapel.
Old Sampson, an Indian, Is dead at
one hundred and six, in Delta, Cal.
Hongkong reports a shortage in car
bonic acid gas.
Many ostriches in South Africa are
hatched in incubators.
China yearly imports S4.000.000
worth of various kinds of leather.
The last 15 children born in Cheat
Neck. AV. A'a., were girls.
Dallas, Tex., has 148 buildings de
voted to the automobile industry.
More than 13.600 workmen are em
ployed in and about the mines of Ar
The Venezuelan government has de
cided to build a highway across the .re
public that will be 083 miles long.
A Frenchman has mounted a bicycle
frame on a sled to drive it over ice or
snow with an aerial propeller.
To make canoeing safer there has
been invented an air-tight locker to
add to a craft’s buoyancy and at the
same time afford storage space for ar
tlcleg that are to be kept dry.
Margaret Draper, daughter of the
late Ambassador and Mrs. W. F. Dra
per of Massachusetts, photographed in
her bridal gown immediately after her
marriage to Prince Boncompagni in
\\ ashington. Princess Boncompagni
will come into full control of half the
large Draper fortune at the age of
twenty-five, two years hence. The for
tune was built up through her father's
inventive genius in the textile indus
try. Margaret was born in Italy, where
her father was ambassador during the
first McKinley administration. The
Dowager Queen Margherita of Italy
was her godmother. Prince* Bon
corapagni is descended from a noted
family, is thirty-two years of age, and
an officer in a crack Italian cavalry
regiment. He Is now on leave, after
having been severely wounded a year
il go.
“Here’s a man wants to join this up
lift literary club who hasn't done any
thing more helpful to the community
than raising pigs.”
“He’ll,pass on that. He’s making
his living by his pen.”
A Blow.
Author—Sir, I think when you use
this article of mine, it should be
Editor—What for? Isn’t It heavy
enough as it is?
Important Point.
Sentimental Daughter—He was over
come with emotion, pa. Every fea
ture in his face was working when he
asked me to marry him.
Practical Pa—That’s all right, but
I want to see his hands do some of
the working.
Quite Different.
Miss Oldgirl (simpering)—That nice
young man said I was quite a mural
decoration of the occasion.
Miss Pert—Ee meant you were a,
wall flower, all right.