Diefe 2Ibteilung ift fiir bte ^amilienglieber, trdd?e am liebften Dcutfd? lefen. SBom 8d)QiH)lfllic sc? curoflaifdicti $olferfriegc3 2ic iurufung $iabenburg’«. ,.5air tpiag", eiite befannte ameri= fanifc^e aSod)enfd)rift, toeldje Don ncutralem C^eifte getragen ift, urteilt in einem Hfrtifel „£be SaE for s?in benburg" iiber bie &rteg§Iage, trie folgt: §inbenburg babe immer bie Slnfidjt pertreten, bafj toeiiere Offcn fiDftoge tn granfreid) unb SBelgicn als foldje, bie fid) abfolut uotnxmbig crtrcifen, Seutfdjlanb nidE)t populdrcr madyn toiirben. Sag bagegen ein iiberroaltigenber 2lngriff gegen 9hxg= Ianb unb eine SefenfiD ftampagne ^gen granfreid) unb Cmglanb bie 2nfid]ten ber neutralen SBelt iiber ben ftrieg geiinbert baben tpiirbe. $?inbenburg balte bal fiir gute 2trc icgie. §n fotoeit aid ed in feiner f SDJadji lag, babe er bad Seinige ge* tan. Grr babe bie flaoifcben $orben trie erne 2?iebberbe 3u ibren eigenen Sagem 3uriidgetrieben. £iubenburg toiirbe feine Serbutt Sampagne ge= fiibrt baben. Sicfer lefctere Sab mag mobl feine 23cred;tigung baben, ob aber and) bie Porbergebenbe ^ebanptung, bad ift bod) nod) jn b«3t®eifcln. (fin abfolut paffifies SSerbalten an ber SBcftfroiii enifpricbt jebenfalld nid)t benSinbem burgifd)cn ©eifte, ber bie fid)eriid) ricbtige t'lnfidji pertritt, bag ber riid* fidjtelofefte unb fiir3efte Strieg ber barmberjigfte ift. Sen ^auptgegner £eutfd)lanb», bad- perfibe fllbieit. tpiirbc er barum tpobl nidit fo gan3 ungefeboren laffen fontten, toenn er anbererfeitd feine eigene Sluffaffung ttabr mad)cn roollte. lie pon „gair ffjlap" ausgefprodjene 5lnfid)t mod) teit trir barum bafun erlautern, bag $inbeitburg bad $itt- unb £er Don ber Cit* nad) ber SBeftfront unb urn gefebrt, bebaueri. (rd fdjeint und, bag er bie einmal iirt grofjen 2?iag* ftabc begonnene unb ntit gutent iir folge auogefiibrte Stampagne gegeit bie 9fuffen suerft 311 einem eittfcbei* benben ?lbfd)lug gefiihrt babett mbd) ie, bepor fid) Seutfdtlattbd 2tor,frait $ lofalen SSorftdijen att bcrilSeftfrent xerfplittert. rlugemem roar man ]a urerraicru, ale- im norigen Jabre Sic a Lice iiber r rennenbe iUjalaur ber 3entralmdd)te im £ften fo plirolid) jum fbaiten fam, oljnc 3. '-8. cinen entftfjeibenbenScblag gegen 9liga gefiibrt 311 baben. i'ian fudjte biefe 2aifadie mlt bem Giutre ten ungirnftiger SSittemng 511 erfld* ren. 9fad) obiger Stngabe 311 urtci len, roiire bagegen einc gcroiiie Itn beftanbigfeit ber oberfren foecreslei lung ncranrroortiid) 311 madjen, rod dje bae tpauptgcteidit auf ben roeftii d)cn firiegeidiauplab oerlegte, obnc oljne auf ben oftlicben 311 einem not toenbigen JlbfdjluB gefommen 3u 1'ein. ^ntereifant ift ferner bie 23e bauptnng, baf] »inbenburg bie 23cr bun Sfampagne nid)t unternommen baben toiirbc. HU bem ntuffen roir enigegen balten, ban aud) cin $in* benburg nidjt unfcblbar ift, inbem roir an feinen 8usfprud) erinnern, ttonad) bie IRuffen fid) in Sabren nidit non ben erbaltcnen Sd)ldgen trljolen fonnten, rodbrenb fie bod) fd)on im ndcbften $abre :nit iiberra* fd)enber 2?Jacf)t unb immerfjin fiir bie 3entralmad)te fiitjlbarcn Grfolgen berangeftiirmt ftnb. . 8m Sdjlufj feineg Hrtifcte gibt „Jfair flSIatj" cine and) bon anberer £eite fdjen aufgeftellte 23enrteilung ber siriegsfituation am 23alfan unb am ber rufftfdjen Sront. Xae 23latt fd)reibt: ^inbenbnrg unb fein f)ilf* reidjer Jrcunb fUiaienfen, finb burdp aits imftanbc ibre £beorie in bie'$ra* ^rie umsufeben. Gs finb 3UDieIe gaf ' loren cor ber SSclt berborgen, al3 H baB tbir mit abjoluter Sidjerbeit an geben fonnten, roeldjes if)r nad)fte§ fjiel ift. £cd) bereits je$t ift erfidjt Iid), baB fie bie ruffifdjen unb rurna nifdjcit Slrmeen fjaben ungetjinbert Porriidcn Iaffen, um bann it»re teun* berbolle ^balanr 31; benu^eu, um bie £aufenbe bon SRuffen abjufd)neiben burd) Ueberfcbreitung ber (ffrcnje groifdien ber 2>onau unb bemSdjroar* jen 'JJJeere. So tea re es ibnen mit §ilfe ber bulgarifcben unb tiirfifeben SLmppen mbglieb, ben ©egner, bilb* lid) gejprocben, in bie See 311 treiben. 9Jad) all ben Grcigniffeit ift c§ un* teabrftbeinlid). bafe ber neuc ©eneral. ftabg - Gbef cine abtoartenbe £aliung einnebmen tetrb. Siumaniene ©ier unb ein eingcfd)ud)tcrte§ ©riedjen* Ianb mogen fiir einige 3eit bie 23a* lance in ber Sdjteebe balten. SIber roir feben feinen ©runb 311 einer ®c* fabr fiir £eutfd)Ianb unb feine 23er biinbeten, teenn fie ber fdjroierigen Stage nod) fiir einige SPionate ftanb* jubalten bermogen." Stuf ber Siiboftfrout finb offen* fidjtlid) dufjerft teid)tigcGreigniffe im ©ange, teel(be bie SBeantroortung ber lange fd>roebenbeit Stage: „23as toirb fWadenfen tun?" fe^t flar unb jleutlid) geben. 9fumdnien3 Serrat i ben Stein ins ffioCcn georadjt • unb iKadenfm’s 9tuf biirgt unS ba f fiir, Safe bie Sentralmacbte in biefem 53etirennen ben ©ieg babontragen toerben. SUbion mill bra 25eltbanbel befjerr* fdjcn. SBafbington. Sie interna tienale Situation erfd)eint jiemlid; famolijicrt. USdbrenb bie englifdfe iScbinberung bee amerifanifd)cuie>an= bels ftctig junimmt, mirb bae Ber*, langen it ad) Bergetiungg ■ SRajjnaf) mcn ber ameritanifdjcn fRegierung immer Iauter. 3Iber bies Derlautet mis beutfdjen CueHen, bag bcrtige ^nbuftrieHe — ttabrfdjeinlid) auf Snorbnung ibrer SRegierung bie 2ln* nabme bon SSaren, toeldjc auf ameri fanifdje BeftcIIung crjeugt nmrben, fontraftlid) Perlangen. STgenten amerifanifcber girmen in f£eutfd)= tanb, beren 23erbinblid)feiten fid) in bie SRiHiorten belaufen, Ijaben an ben 23otfd)after ©erarb urn Unterftiifcimg appelliert. Severer bat bie Xatfa <±je ben Staatsbepartenient gefabelt. 2)a§ StaatS • Separiemeni bat enbgiiltig befdjloffen, feine ber fiirj* lid) Pom fiongrefc ermad)tigten Ber* geltungemaBnabmen in Slnmenbung ju bringen, bi§ nidjt aHe btplomati fcbcn 2Rittet erfdjbpft finb. 25 a f b i n g t o n, 2). G. (Fine (rinteilung frember Rationcn in 6fo= moniftbe Scftionen, toeldbe burd) Sislmaucrn getrennt unb alg aHiier te beg britifdfen IReidjeg, freunblicbe Rcutrale, unireunblidjeReutrale unb I feinblidje Xidnber flaffifijiert roerben i follen, toirb Don ber fionboner .pan | belsfammer in einent Brogramm fiit britifdje Dominierung bc= SSeltban- j dels nad) bem ilricge cmpfoblen. $,n cinem Spejial * Bcricbt airb iiber* { bice bie Stiinbigung alter iReiftbe- i giinftignngs * Bcrtrdge, einfdjliefelicf) jencr mil ben tier. Stcaten, befiir roortet. Xcr ^rcibanbel, Gnglanbs biebc rige fjiftorifdje Bol:tif, miirbc gemdf; | biefem tUaite ber tganbelsfammcr aufgegebcn unb einc 9Jeibe fntfen rocifer unter (rrtrdgung bet icpigen Striegg * ©ruppierung bei Rationcn cingcfiibrt ffierben. 3tfle teile bee britifdjen Rcidjcg unb feint Jtlliierten merben nur bie niebrig j iteit 3alte jdblen; ireunblicbe Rem j tralc, uu'ldic Gnglanb jReiftbegiinfti gung geroabren, ttiirden bag Xoppel j tc jablen; atle anbern Reutralen. bie i anberir ARadilcu Borjug gebeti, miif 1 [ fen nod) bobere 3bltc jablen: ben ! leiitblidjcn Sdnbern fdifiefjlidj loer I ben Rtcrimaljolle aufcrlegt. Xiefer Uebcrgang pom jUeibanbel •um SdjubjOlI biirftc ber Rcgierung fdbrticb $375,000,000 Ginfiinftc j einbringen. 3lnbcrc Borfdildgc betreffen nod; Stcorganifation bee Honfular * Xien flee-, Bilbung eines .sgandels-iRinme riuniv. ©riinbmtg ciner 3entral j itrebit Banf, ferncr Seftimmungcn, tt>dd)E bas SSobnen unb .vanboltrei ben Don Unterianen fcinblicber Xian her in (rnglanb roefentlid) einfdjran fen. ■^fnitt 3Modnbt gegen Gnglanb. 2 o it b o n. ^ii enter Xepefcbe ai; Berlin an bie Xailg 9}ero* fagt Dim lebge 3tuiberforb: „Xeuifd)lanb Ljai 5efcf)loffen, xiber Gnglanb cine tBlocfabe 3u ncrbdngen, bie mit bem 1. Mannar in it raft tre ten foil. 3n biejem 3®ede roirb ci ne miid)tige glotte non Xaudjbooten tcrtiggeftcELt, unb Platte roerben au»= gearbeitet, urn bie SSIodabe ju etner wirffatnen 3u geftalteit. Xie Seme gang ber Xaucbbootc roirb bi§ ju ci nem geroiffcit ©rabe bnrd) hotbflie- j genbe Seppeline geleiict roerben. Xie-; je foroie bie Xaucbbooie roerben mit ■ befonbers empfmblidjen brafitlofen j ftpparaten au»geriiftet roerben. Gin | bober Sfeamter ber iliarinccerroal »ung erflarte in biefer ^ejieijung: „©egen Gnbe bes ^abtcS unb Pietteid)t noth etroas friiber teirb Xcutfd&lanb oOO befonbers roirffame Xaudjboote in fampfmdgiger 23crfaf fnng baben, unb feinem Sdjiffe, bae Munition ober Cebensmittel trdgt, roirb geftattei roerben,Gnglanb 3U er rcidjen. llnfere SBIodabe toirb eine teirflidje unb feme gefefetribrige fein. roie fie Gnglanb iiber Xeutfdjlaitb 3u Perbangen berfud)t bat-, „9Mnn roirb fid) f)icr iiber bie 2Bie berbelebung be§ Xaudbbootfriege* niebt bie geringften ©etoiffenbiffe niacben, rocil Gnglanb burd) bie 2luf bebung ber 2ottboner Grflarung Xcntfdilanb ben bem ben 53er. Staa ten gegebenen 23erfprcd)en entbunfien bat" Gin guter 9lnfnng. 211? einen 2fft ber SSiebcrbergel tung gegen bie englifdjen SBebriidun gen bes amerifanifd)en £anbel£ ba ben in SRodjefter, im Staate 3leto 2)orf, girnten bcutfdjen UrfprungS an aHe Xeutfdjen ber Stabi bie 3tuf forberung erlaffen, if)re mit engli fdjen ©efellftbaftcn abgeftbloffenen SSerfidjerungen auf amerifanifdje ©c fcHfdjaften 3U iibertragen. Gine Gr> flarung ber San granci§coer .§an belsfammer berfolgt ben glcidjen Steed unb bat fdjon gute griidjte ge* tragen. 2ln ber gansen ’JSacificfufte baben bie englifdjen SSerfidjerungSge feEfd)aften einen ftarfen SRudgang jutoeraeidbnen. WRECK OF A ZEPPELIN SHOT DOWN NEAR LONDON The wreckage of the Zeppelin brought down by Lieut. Leete Robinson near Cuffle. England. The encounter j between the great Zeppelin and the aeroplane took place about 12 mile* from London. Lieutenant Robinson in his aircraft boldly assailed the invader with machine guu and fire bombs and sent it crashing to the earth. The crew of the airship were buried with full military honors. Lieutenant Robinson received the Victoria Cross for his dar ing exploit. STEAMER CONGRESS ON FIRE OFF OREGON COAST First photograph received showing the steamer Congr, ss of the Pacific Coast Steamship company bay, Oregon. The vessel was crowded with passengers, bit all of them and the crew were rescued, was a total loss. . on fire off Coos The steamship AFTER TWO YEARS ON PAPAL THRONE This photograph of Benedict XV was taken September ;; on the second anniversary of his elevation to the papal throne. SUPPORTS FAMILY WITH ODD EQUIPAGE J.iie high cost of living (loos not pinch John W. Kell of Washington, owner of a fine pair of goats and a six-wheel wagon and trailer, which has a capacity of from 500 to 000 pounds. He hauls everything, from trash to family furniture, and on Sunday sells Sunday newspapers from his wagon. He has a wife and three children, and the goats support them all, the animals subsisting for the most part on rubbish nibbled here and there on their trips BRIEF INFORMATION Spain has 992 plants for public elec tric lighting and 978 for private use. There has not been a case of yel low fever in the United States since 1905. A revolving steel barrel tests the relative durability of different paving bricks. On some lines the Prussian state railways are using storage-battery cars at less expense than steam loco motives or gasoline electric cars. i The two-edged wenpons are found among the earliest specimens of Jap anese metal workings. Ireland has 84,869 landholders, hav ing plots not exceeding an acre, 67,730 who hold more than one acre and not more than five acres; 153.299 under 15, and 136,058 not exceeding 30. Of a staff of 2,700, 752 clerks of the British railway clearing house have enlisted and 432 have attested under the Derby scheme. In the post office 75,000 of a possible 85,000 have enlist ed or attested. CHARLES D. MAHAFFIE Charles D. Mahaffie of Portland, Ore., has arrived in Washington and has been sworn in as solicitor of the interior department. He Is knows throughout his native state as a prom inent attorney and a good mixer. CONDENSATIONS London’s inhabitants include 471,000 flat dwellers. A diver’s boots weigh 20 pounds each and the helmet 40. In addition, he is otherwise weighted. Pearls are, steadily increasing in value; they are now worth three times as much as they were ten years ago. The whole number of women em ployed In munition making in France, according to the secretary of muni tions. is 109,300. Of these 20,293 are in state factories. The fossil coral of the Fiji islands is said to be the best building stone i in the world. ^fhen first cut It is almost as soft as cheese, but it solidi fies in the air until it is as hard as granite. One of the toughtest jobs is that of deckhand on a submarine. Rabbit fur is said to be supplanting wool in felt hat making in Austra lia. The fur Is regarded as much su perior to the finest merino for this purpose, and millions of rabbit skins are used annually. In the bill of fare of New York city the most costly item of food is meat, which costs annually something like $200,000,000: daily consumption of meat a person is about half a pound. If all tthis were beef, it would require more than 3,000 cattle to supply Nmr York every day. THE EUROPEAN WAR A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK October 8, 1915. Hinderrburg made progress to ward Dvinsk. Teutons attacked Belgrade. General Ivanoff advanced in Galicia, driving the Austrians. Italian aeroplane squadrons bombarded several Austrian po sitions. October 10, 1915. - Teutonic allies under Macken sen captured Belgrade. Entente allies rushed troops to aid of Serbians. Serbians retreating along the Danube. October 11, 1915. German right wing forced back across the Drina with heavy loss. Main invading force of Teu tons pushed on in Serbia. Bulgarians crossed Serbian frontier. Semendria captured by Teu tons. Ivanoff broke Austro-German line on the Strypa. October 12, 1915. Teutons completed crossing of Danube in force. Greek government declined to help Serbia. Italians won victory in Carnia. Edith Caveil, English nurse, executed by Germans in Brus sels. October 13, 1915. Bulgarians attacked Serbia at three points. Russians repulsed Teutons near Dvinsk and in Galicia. Furious German bombardment forced French back near Sou chez. British submarines sank Ger man steamers in the Baltic. Zeppelins made night raid on London, killing 55. French Foreign Minister Del casse resigned. October 14, 1915. Russians strengthened posi tions in Dvinsk region and Gali cia. Serbians repulsed Bulgarians on River Nischavat British captured trenches near Loos and most of Hohenzollern redoubt. Bulgaria foi-mally declared war on Serbia. Pozar;vatz stormed by Teu tons. ' October 15, 1915. Great Britain declared war on Bulgaria. Russians drove back Teutons west of Tamopol. Russians held offensive south and southwest of Dvinsk. British submarines sank Ger man destroyer and torpedo boat near entrance to the Baltic. TAKEN FROM EXCHANGES Under the auspices of the British meteorological office a professorsliip of meteorology has been established for the purpose of giving instruction and conducting researches in that science in the interests of the royal flying corps of the British army. The incumbent of this post is G. L Taylor, late Shuster render in meteorology at the University of Cambridge, who receives the temporary rnnk of major by virtue of his new duties. Though a battleship is a “she," an airship is a “he.” After some discus sion the English war office settled the the sex of the Zeppelin. Hereafter the war office will refer to the German dirigible as “he” or “him” in official statements. New York state has 3,000,000 aliens. What is believed to be the only mul berry forest in the world is in India, covering about 10,000 acres and being used only for fuel and timber. Gladys Palmer of Oak Park, 111., who recently set an official record for wom en by throwing a baseball 217 feet 0 inches, has unofficially heaved the spheroid 240 feet, it is said. To one end of a new pocket knife Is fastened an opener for bottle caps. Cuba has the largest orange grove in the. world, covering 2,000 acres. What is claimed to be a satisfactory method for plating aluminum upon Iron has been invented in France. Mayors’ salaries in the United States ■vary between the $100 a year paid to the mayor of Flint, Mich., to the $18, 000 received by the mayor of Chicago, who is the highest paid municipal offi cial in the world. An adjustably mounted lens has been invented to be attached to cam eras to enlarge the images seen in the finders. A powerful machine has been built in Germany for compressing scrap metal into more easily handled bales. Nigeria has been added to the lands in which valuable deposits of coal have been discovered in recent years. Arrangements are being made for a direct steamship service between ports in South Africa and South America. A Burlington (N. J.) Baptist church has celebrated its one hundred and fif teenth anniversary. European bacteriologists think they have discovered the bacillus of whoop ing cough. Producers of aniline dyes in JapaD have formed a trust to control the market More than 70 per cent of the exports of Jamaica come to the United States. Uruguay has an area of 72,173 square miles and 1,639 miles a( railroad. THE HIGHEST QUALITY MACARONI 36 Fbg Recipe Book Free SKINNER MFG.C0.. OMAHA. U.5A LARGEST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA Nebraska Directory THE PAXTON HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from SI.00 up single, 75 cents up double. CAFE PRICES REASONABLE TOWNSEND GUN CO. Sporting Goods, j Athletic Supplies, Guns, Ammunition j 1314 FARNAM ST. OMAHA. NED. UUCIUK9 MACH A MACH DENTISTS 3rd Floor Paxton Block ^ISthE Farnam Sts..Omaha Best equipped Dtnul Ofllees in Omaha. Keaeerabla prices Special discount M all people living oute. ie af Osaka. Hotel Ca^lS »s£Ss*tts. R°w*vt’c^o> M**'* fred fubM VXX ^ ttirous^ ^ror°Hol>t.y LIVE STOCK COMMISSION Satisfactory sales. Prompt returns. If you want your stock sold on its merits and sold well, we invite you to ship to us. FEEDER ORDERS carefully filled. Get in touch WITH US for results. South Omaha, Nebraska RHEUMATISM Successfully treated with Serum, it is the only positive treatment known which will eradicate the tissue destroying germs from the system A successful treatment guaranteed Call or writ* for lull particulars. Dr. W. W. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. Omaha, Neb MID-WEST ELECTRIC CO. 1307 Harney St. Omaha. Neb. 7011 Cherry St. Des Moines, la. ELECTRICAL JOBBERS Iti.iributors for General Klectri. Co.: American Klectric U>., Teiepbun.C. A. Wow, Preserver Co. V3~ A good stock of general supplier both cities. Hotel Loyal, Omaha Take Dodge Street Car From Stations ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF PatAci $100 tip without bath. AlatXo y $1.50 np with bath. The Hotel With a Reputation R. E. BRYANT Proprietors—O. E. CARNEY TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE LEARN BARBER TRADE to where they make Barbers. Electric massage. 1 Hydraulic chairs. Low rate tuition. Wages p&Td. I Tools given. Call or write for freecata og and infor mation. 1184 ltaeglM Bt., Oweha, er 1018k gt.. liateia, .Nek. Trade Supplied bv THE KING COLE CO.. OMAHA I*av id Cole. owner FISH.OTSTERS CELER7 POULT*! WHOLESALE ONLY your Poultry to us We pay Casa for live poultry KODAK FINISHING and supplies. Largest house in the west. All Eastman goods. We pay re turn postage on finishing. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. 1813 Farnam Strati Eastman Kodak Co. Omaha. Neb. DIRECT —Save all Agents* Commission and Losses Send for tags and our special offer for new customers. WATERLOO CREAMERY CO. OMAHA, NEB. DAWT PC Live6tock O V WW JLlJElO Commission Co. 6KIPMEHTS SECURED BT $100,000.00 caf{™ld lrroclL BEST PRICES AITD FILLS. South Omaha Chicago Kas. City McKenney Dentists riviuw aln Ala l Ob jAnt Best 23k Gold Crowns . BOO Bridge Work, per Tooth . HM Best Silrer Fillings . . 60c Wonder Plates I6.U0,18.00, S1O.U0 Cleaning Teeth .... 60c 1334FARNAMST.,cor.l4th,Q||j^|^ ||j£g Over U. P. Ticket Office TAQG BROS. & MOORHEAD '$£0 Inc., LIVESTOCK ' COMMISSION AGENTS Unlcn Stock Tinls Oaahi, Hob. Moving Picture Machine Bargains Powers, Simplex, Motiograph second-band ma chines at bargain prices. Send for our special payment plan proposition and catalogs. For Movie Merchandise—See ‘'Van* WESTERN SUPPLY COMPANY, Inc. 13th and Haney 8U., Omaha, Ncbfe