HAZARD NEWS Wm. Erazim went to Ravenna Mon day. Mrs. Boldt returned from Grand Is land, Sunday evening. Rev. Langseth returned from Broken Bow and Hemmingsford, Monday. Mr. Gould, of Waterloo, Neb., was a business caller at Hazard, Monday. Mrs. James Peterson went to Sweet water to visit her siste»\ Mrs. Olson. Mrs. Charles Graham went to Ans ley Sunday evening to visit with her daughter. Miss Vera Robinson and Mrs. Clar ence Jacobson went to Litchfield last Wednesday. J. O. Walthers and C. W. Trumble were business callers in Grand Island last Friday. C. W. Trumble took Mr. Gellispife, of Lincoln, to Loup City, Wednesday of last week. E. B. Corning, of Loup City, the county surveyor, is working in and around Hazard. Ed. Shipley and wfe, of Litchfield, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shipley, Sunday. Clyde Peterson of Creston, Iowa, visited with the George Bent family at Hazard, last week. Myers Peterson went to Excelsior Springs, Mo., last Tuesday. He will take medical treatment. Pete Peterson is offering $5.00 re ward for anyone who will tell him the whereabouts of his dog. Mrs. Wm. Peterson and son, Ernest, have been in t|Omaha for a while visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. E. H. Robinson went to Mason City Sunday evening to visit with her • brother, Charles Shipley, and family. Mrs. J. O. Ward and son, Guy, re turned Thursday from Kansas, where they had been visiting Mrs. Ward's daughter. James and Ester Miller, children of John Miller, of Mema, visited their cousins and friends from Saturday un til Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Robin son, on Wednesday, October 4, a nine pound baby boy. Dr. Johnson was at tending physician. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fogleson re turned home last Wednesday to their home at Truro, Iowa. They visited with their daughter and family, Mrs. Charles Glass, of near Hazard. Mrs. Glass accompanied them as far as Omaha. Mr. Glass also went to Oma ha the middle part of the week and both returned home Sunday morning. Church Notes. There were seventy attended Sun day school. Rev. Troy preached Sunday morn ing. Miss Windfield was leader at Chris tian Endetavor Sunday evening. Mrs. Lew Simonson will entertain the Ladies' Aid at Mrs. O. J. Wal thers, Thursday. The sidewalk work is delayed on ac count of being out' of cement. CLEAR CREEK SAND. Jdt Kraus is hauling his oats this week. John Rainforth is building a cattle shed. O. A. Clark thrashed his grain, Sat urday. S. Eastabrook thrashed his grain on Monday. Walter Shettler is thrashing his wheat crop. G. A. Richmond brought his cattle home Saturday. John Rainforth bought some calves from Mrs. Hill. Paul Hickman bought some shoats from Mrs. W. Hill. Lew Haller is putting down a well for W. F. Spencer. Henry Bichel thrashed for J. E. Rainforth, Wednesday. Ora Moore has a sister from Dlysses, vsiting them this week. The Ladies association met with Mrs. Ed. Shipley, Thursday afternoon. Some corn is being picked to feed and seems to be a pretty good quali ty Mrs. M. J. Gellispie, of David City, is visiting friends on Clear Creek this week. John Weber went to Arlington as a delegate to the German Lutheran church. Mrs. Ben Spelts returned home Sun day from her visit at Ulysses with her mother. Mrs. Frank Kuhn and Mrs. George Hager visited with Mrs. G. A. Curry last Thursday. Mrs. Trandeau, who teaches in the Shettler district, was unable to teach last Thursday. The Epworth League of the M. E. Church gave an entertainment last Thursday evening. H. J. Burtner and son thrashed their grain Tuesday an farm. Joe Lubash, -overseer in district 13, has put a new culvert between Jurgen i Carsten's and A. E. Lorenzls, last week. August Maschka has put up a new 12x16 garage on his place as he ex pects to buy a Chevrolet car next week. For overseer in district No. 19, it will be a fight between Martin Ras mussen, Paul Kryski and Tony Wrob Iewski. Wallace Haremza is a proud pos sessor of a new Chevrolet car which he purchased of the Haremza Bros., last week. James Anderson is busy building an addition to his barn this week. - arpenters from Farwell are holding the contract. j Bans have been announced at the 1 Ashton Catholic church of the first call for Joseph Jasnok and Miss Ma- j1 thilda Cores. i1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lubash, Mike Lu-jj bash and Sophia Rockowiak autoed , to Loup City last Wednesday on a . business mission. Mr. Platek from Rochester, Penn., iccompanied by his brother, Henry, risited with their sister, Mrs. St. No vicki, and old time friends. Paul Kryski and wife visited with Martin Bydalek, Wednesday evening. 1 J. W, Peters and daughter, Emma, ! nade a trip to the county seat last i Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goc and family and Mrs. Frank Wardyn and family, I went to Loup City overland to attend .the surprise party given to Mrs. John Jezewski. j A public sale was held at B. H. ; Lorenz’s on the former W. C. Die | terich farm. Tuesday. Everything went good. He will move to Ashton where he will work for the Standard Oil company. F. A. Maciejewski helped his luo ther-in-law, Mrs. Josephine Lubash, shingle her chicken house last week. Henry Kaiser, Jr., is erecting a new 40x40 barn on his place here. He expects to have it completed in a wt-eic and then we hops for a dance. Miss Agnes Maiefski, who is bm The writer of this column made a trip to the live county seat last Sat urday and it is sure a fine business city with many new improvements, and also called on the live newspaper of that city which is sure carrying on a good business. Last Wednesday Mike Lubash and Miss Sophia Rockowiek secretly stole away to Loup City and were united in marrige by Judge Smith, which sur prised their relatives and friends. They will go to housekeeping east of Rockville. The Northwestern wishes them a happy and long life. notice to AUTO DRIVERS. 4 Numerous violations of the city laws have been noted of late, such as fast driving, no lights, carelessness in keeping to proper side of street, unnecessary use of the cut out, caus ing unnecessary noise and smoke. These violations are going to be rigidly watched and the law enforced in the future. The speed law is 12 miles per hour within the city limits and six miles per hour over crossings, and all vio lators of these ordinances can look for arrest and prosecution. These laws will be enforced in the residence districts the same as in the down town section. By Order of the City Council. CARD OF THANKS. Iia\ ing discontinued my generaf Merchandise business in Loup City, I wish to thank the people of Loup ,y Sherman county for the splendid patronage'accorded me dur ng the several years I was in busi less here. I am leaving Loup City to ingage in the mercantile business at durphy, Nebraska. While greatly re Tetting to leave Loup City, I have de eded to do so owing to the greater idvantages offered in my line in my iew location. Very truly yours, VIC SWANSON. i (:.harles Wallmeroth! who comes veil recommended as a piano tuner v 11 be in Loup City soon. Those vishing to have their piano put in mod condition should leave orders at he Wharton Hotel. Phone Brown 64