The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 21, 1916, Image 9

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Save R
the shoe that holds ITS SHAPE"
$3.50 $4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 aJSSVSSim
loney by Wearing W. L Douala/
■n,. r. . vr- inoe dealers.
Kx'ov™ Shoe* **» the World.
^}e retail pace is stamped on the bot
tom of all shoes at the factory. The valueh^ranteed md
the wearer protected against high price, for mU shoT^The
ntail prices are the same everywhere. They emt no more in SaS
5S^fc'*2.,b“N~Y“t ti-r
L.Dou«M* Prodwi a gurutatd by mote
supervision of experienced men, all working with as honor
dttermjjiaoon to make the best .hoes for foe price that money
A»k Tonr ibM dealer for W. I_ Donglae shoe#.
not lUDDlT ▼on with the 1,1_a_.
»a«e. Write for Intereettnc booklet explaining how to
return mail, poitap free*
LOOK FOR W. L> Dou|Ias
name and the retail price
•tamped on the bottom.
Boys* She
Bast in the Wtritf
Prealdent^— $3.00 $2.50 t $2.00
W. L. DootUi Shoe Co,, Brockton. Miu.
Story of Man Who Turned From His
Wickedness Ended in Somewhat
Unexpected Manner.
The late John Philip Quinn, the re
formed gambler, who for 20 years trav
eled all over America exposing the ele
trie roulette wheel and other cheating
devices, had a reform story that he
would tell while exhibiting his queer
7 paraphernalia in his private car.
“Don’t be afraid of reform," he said.
“Help every poor devil who wants to
reform. The way most people act,
you'd think they all believed religiously
in the reform story.
’You stopped smoking because she
asked you to?’ was the question put to
a solemn-looking chap.
“ ‘Yep.’
“ ‘And you stopped drinking because
she asked yon to?’
“ ‘Yep.’
“ ‘And you gave up four poker par
ties and went into refined, serious so
ciety for the same reason?’
“ ‘Yep, yep, yep.’
“ ‘And then, I suppose, you married
“ ‘Well, yon see, after I'd reformed
like that, I found I could do better.’ ”
He Won’t Lose.
“Brunswick offered to bet me a hun
dred dollars that he could beat me j
playing billiards, and I took him up.”
“You’re a fool. Why, that man is an
“That’s all right. I’m not going to
give him a chance to prove it. No date
has been set for the match, and, be
lieve me, there isn’t going to be any.”
“A man may change his opinions.”
“Yes.” replied Miss Cayenne. “But
a man who changes them too often
needn’t have troubled himself to have
any In the first place.”
Foreign Substance.
Doctor—There’s the original pre
scription. I can’t imagine how you
made that mistake in putting it up!
Druggist—Humph ! I must have
mixed your signature in with the
>ther ingredients.
Babies Thrive Best on Sunlight.
“Sunlight and sanitation, not silks !
and satins, make better babies.”
This maxim is contained in the lat- |
est official statement of the surgeon
general of the public health service,
who directs the forces of the United '
States against the army of General
Disease, just issued from his “war”
office here.
The rearing of children in dark, un
kept homes is given as one of the
chief causes of the continued success
of the army of General Disease.
The surgeon general announces that
the enemy now claims 1,200,000 Amer
icans a year.
Heart disease, pneumonia and tu
berculosis are the strongest units of
General Disease's army, claiming 30 ,
per cent of the annual number of
The surgeon general renews the ad- j
monition to let no fly go unswatted.
He points out that every female fly !
lays eggs at the rate of 120 at a time j
—meaning that many more soldiers i
for the army of Disease.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CA8TOR1A, a safe and aure remedy for
infanta and children, and aee that it
Beara the
Signature of i
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Caatoria
“My boy is always taking things !
apart to see how they are made, but ;
he is never able to put them together
again. I don’t know what to make of j
“That’s easy. He has just the right
temperament for a critic.”
Unreasonable Assumption.
“N'ero fiddled while Rome burned.”
“I don’t believe it. No violinist
would permit a pyrotechnic display on j
the same program with himself.”
“Making Hay.”
Madge—Did you have anything to !
talk about at the club meeting?
Marjorie—Lots! On account of the i
storm there were only three of us pres- !
TO hold “its place in the sun,” is the avowed purpose
of a great nation’s conflict. To hold “its place in
the sun,” is the object of every business in the great
fight for industrial and commercial supremacy.
To be able to hold “its place in the sun,” is the supreme
test of an asphalt roof. It is the sun, not rain or snow,
that plays havoc with a roof. If it can resist the drying
out process of the sun beating down upon it, day after
day, the rain or snow will not affect it except to wash
it clean and keep it sanitary.
takes “its place in the sun” and holds it longer
than other similar roofing, because it is made
of the very best quality roofing felt, thoroughly
saturated with the correct blend of soft asphalts,
and coated with a blend of harder asphalts.
This outer coating keeps the inner saturation
soft, and prevents the drying out process so
destructive to the ordinary roof.
The blend of asphalts used by “The General"
is the result of long experience. It produces
a roofing more pliable than those which have
less saturation, and which are, therefore,
harder and drier.
At each of the General's big mills, expert
chemists are constantly employed to refine,
test and blend the asphalts used; also to experi
• ment for possible improvements. Their constant
endeavor is to make the best roofing still better.
The quality of CERTAIN-TEED is such that
it is guaranteed for 5,10 or 15 years, according
to thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply). Experience proves
that it lasts longer. Behind this guarantee is the
responsibility of the world's largest manufac
turer of roofings and building papers.
The General makes
one third of Ameri
ca's supply of as
phalt roll roofing. His
facilities are unequal
ed, and he is able to
produce the highest
quality roofing at the
lowest manufactur
ing cost.
is made in rolls; also
in slate covered shin
gles.There isatype of
for every kind of
building, with flat or
pitched roofs, from
the largest sky-scrap
er to the smallest
residence or out
sold by responsible
dealers all over the
world, at reasonable
prices. Investigate It
before you decide on
any type oi root
General Roofing Manufacturing Company
World’a Largest Manufacturer of Roofings and Bailding Papers
NowYork City Chicut PhiUd.lphi. StU>u Bo.tcn CUreUnd
PitubBfb Detroit _ Surrucuco L« Alftlu
Now Oriaoss
■ —r--—- Milwaukee
___ 5settle KaaaaaOoo
Do. Moioo. Houtoo Duluth _
Oopjrif Med 1916, General Boo fins Msnulacturing Co.
We ere wholesale distributors of Certain-teed Products.
us for prices sod information.
Dealers should write
Carpenter Paper Company, Omaha, Neb.
Granting Every Whim of Child Brings Trouble Later.
WTien she asks for a gift not fitting her needs, be true and just.
It la you who breaks the thread in the
She plucks the fruit that is made of
Haven’t you often heard a wife de
clare with pride: “I have the best
husband In the world. He has never
yet refused his daughters anything
they wanted, not even when they were
Instead of admiring such a parent,
we mentally rebuke him for bringing
trouble to the men who will become
the husbands of those girls. It is wis
dom to gratify the inexpensive wish of
a child now and then, but it’s alarming
if a parent has not force of character
and a mind to know when to refuse.
When you see a young girl wanting
about everything she sees, you may
well imagine there is trouble ahead for
her. If her bosom friend has a lover
whom she craves, she will have few
if any scruples about winning him
away from her. When she weds she
will want a home fully as fine as her
neighbor’s. Whether they can afford it
or not will make no difference to her.
She will want to live at a twenty-thou
sand-dollar rate on his salary of mod
est two or five thousand per annum. It
will take jewels, fine clothes, servants
and an automobile to gratify her
Such women look upon husbands as
money-making machines whose sole
duty it Is to grind out dollars to fling
here and there as a wife’s fancy dic
tates. There is no let-up to the ex
travagances of such a woman. In
truth, she Is more to be pitied than
blamed. From childhood up, no rein
has been put upon her wants. It is
a grave matter to attempt to educate
her at the expense of the husband’s
peace of mind.
During courting days a man should
be able to study pretty thoroughly the
disposition of his sweetheart If she
pouts because he Is not spending
money on her pleasure every evening
of the week in one way or another, he
may be pretty sure she will not turn
over a new leaf after the wedding
bells have rung. Loving her with all
his heart, he is apt to firmly believe
lie has influence enough with her to
show her it will not be a hardship not
to have all of her whims gratified, but
he who marries a woman to reform her
; in this direction finds out to his cost
the hopelessness of the herculean task
he has set for himself. Her parents
have spoiled her—have bent the twig
in the way it grew.
Only the most powerful loving couid
counteract or uproot the misguided
influence of the past. Many a hus
band has gone bankrupt—and indeed
landed himself behind prison bars—to
satisfy the extravagant, unreasonable
whims of the woman he adored too
well. No daughter—or son, either, for
that matter—should be allowed to
imagine his or her will is law to dot
ing parents. All extravagance should
| be sternly put down, instantly refused,
i Home training sets its stamp indelibly
j upon youthful minds. If you wish to
wreck the after happiness of your
children, grant them all of their fool
ish whims.
Great Pitcher of the Phillies Probably i
Owes His Wonderful Physique to
Boyhood Work on the Farm.
Grover Cleveland Alexander, who
this season, as for several years past,
has been the mainstay of the Philadel
phia National league’s pitching staff,
is a product of the western plains. He
Grover Cleveland Alexander.
Was born in St. Paul. Neb., February
26, 1887. of a Democratic family, both
politically, as his name would indicate,
and otherwise.
His parents were “settlers” in Ne
braska during the Indian times, and
“Alex” was born in a hut, miles and
miles from nowhere. His early exist
ence was one of hardship, he being
of a race which could not shirk work
of the hardest kind. Probably his won
derful physique was built by his boy
hood work, but at any rate when
“Alex” first thought of baseball it was
as a means of providing a vacation,
not a living. In 1909 he heard of a
chance to pitch for a professional club
in Galesburg, 111., and being offered
enough to pay his expenses and have
a little over, he accepted. This pro
vided his start in the national pastime,
and began the career of the man who
now is ranked the premier pitcher of
the country, and the reason pro and
con for the success of the Phillies. He
was drafted from Galesburg by In
dianapolis in the autumn of 1909, but
unfortunately for this club he was not
even tried out, being shipped to Syra
cuse, of iTie New York State league,
which team sold him, Alexander, the
greatest pitcher, to the Phillies in 1910
for $750. Somebody in Syracuse has
been kicking himself ever since, for
the first year with the Phillies Alex
ander won 28 games, and since then
has been considered far the most val
uable man in the club.
Poultry Pointers
If your chicks arc not doing well
something is wrong. Look out for lice
and for worms in the intestines.
Two-year-old hens had better be
sent to the market. They seldom pay
for their feed if kept over a third sea
Grit and oyster shell should be in
cluded in the ration for both young
and oid. To neglect this would be
poor economy.
1 oung stock will do better if not
compelled to pick their living with the
old. There will also be less trouble
from lice.
Shade is one of the most important
essentials during the hot months. Get
tlie chicks into the orchard and corn
field. It is not too late to plant sun
A growing chick will not thrive on
short rations. If the right kind of
food is fed, there is little danger of
overfeeding, especially if they are
given plenty of range.
Supplement the regular feeds with
a wet mash—fed crumbly. Feed all
the chicks will clean up before going
to roost, but none should be left in
the trough, for it will sour.
Mark the pullets this fall so that
you will know just how old your hens
are. A leg band on the right leg one
year and on the left leg the next will
assist in culling the flock. A hog ring
will serve the purpose.
Lived Under Six Sovereigns.
After posing for his picture on his
one hundred and fifth birthday anni
versary, Levi \\. Richardson, said to
be the oldest man in New Brunswick,
died before lie had fairly started his
one hundred and sixth year. lie bad
been ill for only about ten days.
Mr. Richardson ascribed his long
life and remarkable preservation of
his faculties to going to bed early and
being active. He had followed the
operations of the war with the most
careful attention, and his own ambi
tion for the last year, says the Mutual
Star, had been to live long enough to
see Great Britain and its allies suc
cessful, for he had lived under six
sovereigns and had watched with in
terest the expansion of the empire.
More than 80 children, grandchildren
and great-grandchildren survive him.
Care of Shoes Important
One of the most important things in
the proper care of shoes is to have a
form to insert in them when not in
use. It is a safe assertion to make
that if shoe-trees are used, the life of a
shoe is prolonged 50 per cent and their
appenrance will be likewise improved.
Damp shoes should never be dried sud
denly near a hot stove or a radiator,
as the leather will stiffen and finally
crack. Keep the leather soft by apply
ing animal oil to it. The best oil for
most lenthers is neat’s foot oil, which
is refined from the fatty contents of the
hoof of an animal. When the surface
of the leather is nicked, it should be
carefully mended by using pastes of
vegetable or animal oils, followed by
n compound of wax, which should be
rubbed to a polish. Shoes should be
cleaned and polished daily with a guar
anteed shoe paste.
Things That Are New.
New in the line of contractors’ ma
chinery Is a hand-operated concrete
mixer that can be run by one man.
Experiments with the use of granu
lated glass as a preservative for wood
surfaces are being trieAin England.
A St. Louis inventor has equipped
the legs of a life preserver with metal
webs to help a wearer move in water.
Oysters can be kept in filtered wa
ter for two weeks without injury or
loss of weight, according to a French
That it will last indefinitely and re
sist the elements and vermin is the
claim made for a recently patented
clay burial casket.
To warn when the liquid in fire pails
becomes low a New Jersey inventor
has patented an electric alarm, oper
ated by a float
Slabs of natural cork expanded to
more than twice their normal size have
been invented in England for cold stor
age insulation.
To pick up fallen fruit rapidly, a
Californian has invented a machine re
sembling a lawn mower, the work be
ing done by a pronged roller.
Phonograph as a Clock.
A music-loving inventor has lately
ntilized the phonograph as a means of
announcing the hours in place of the
striking of a clock. A collection of
records are placed so that a short air
is played every 15. 30 and 45 minutes.
"Idle a longer selection marks the full
hour. Simple m, jhanical arrange
ments shift these records under the
needle at the proper minute and re
move them after they have been
played. The records can be changed
as desired. The phonograph clock
consists of three parts, the mechanism
operating the phonograph, the case
above It containing the records, and
the clock itself, the face of which is
on the front of the machine, while the
mechanism in the rear connects with
that v hich operates the phonograph.
Motortruck in Warfare.
Motortrucks equipped with search
lights have played an important role
in the world war. They have multi
plied in number until now hundreds are
employed by each of the warring na
A Few Smiles
More Trying StilL
“It is painful to hear a man and his
wife quarreling in tones audible to all
the neighbors.”
“True, but It might be even more
painful to the feminine part of the
“How so?”
“The quarrel might be heard bj
them and still not be quite loud enough
to enable them to find out what it is
Rather Dull.
“I understand your town is establish
ing a record for law and order.”
“Yes,” replied the thoughtful citi
zen. “And it's rather hard on our
local reformers.”
“How is that?”
“They haven’t had an excuse to call
a mass meeting and pass resolutions
in more than six months.”
Not Used to It
“Is it true that
Twobble and Dub |
waite are no longei ,
Ion speaking
terras ?'
“Yes. But th« !
quarrel is so recent i
that they still find
it rather difficult tc j
ignore ench other." J
A Risky Investment.
“Has your son decided to enter bust
“Yes,” replied Mr. Cobbles, “but I'm
not encouraging him any.”
“That’s strange. Why not?”
“I can't afford to buy mahogany fur
niture and oriental rugs for an office
he doesn’t expect to stay in more than
two or three hours a day.”
Going Too Far.
“It is shocking the way young worn
en here put on bathing suits at home
and then walk through the streets tc
the beach," said a visitor at a seashore
“Oh, we’re used to that,” replied the
resident, “and don’t mind, so long as
they go direct from their homes to the
beach, but if one of them should tarrj
for an ice cream soda or yield to the
temptation to drop into a movie show,
I dare say it would cause a sensation.”
Cool Consolation.
ing there?” asked
the alleged funny
chap, as a hobo
picked up a hunk of
ice from the side
walk and hid it
away In a mysteri
ous recess of his
“Jist takin’ it
kind uv cool, pard,”
replied the free
lunch epicure.
“Ain’t dat de prop
er t ing ter do Ois
hot weather?”
“Ice suppose so,” answered the com- i
lc individual with a fiendish chuckie.
Boy Constructs a Phonograph
Out Of an Ordinary Shingle.
A phonograph recently constructed .
by a high school boy has as its repro
ducing part nothing more pretentious
than an ordinary shingle, with the
point of a darning-needle securelj
fastened in one corner. A steel knit
ting-needle, clamped in a laboratorj
ringstand is thrust through a hole in
the shingle to support it as it is car
ried over the record. The record is
mounted upon a wooden turntable con
structed as follows:
A disk made of three-quarter inch
wood, with a groove in the edge, is
mounted on the hub and axle of an old
bicycle wheel, so that it can turn easl
ly. This is connected with an ordinary
battery motor by means of a cord belt
Pressure of the thumb and finger on
the shaft of the motor regulates the
speed of the disk. Records can be
played backward simply by twisting
the belt.—From the Popular Science
Wise and Otherwise.
Sooner or later every man bumps
into his stone wall.
Some men succeed by ability and
some rely on their nerve.
The meek will of necessity have to
inherit the earth if they ever get It.
The feminine idea of a popular worn
an is one who has an interesting se
cret to tell.
Some men make fortunes out of old
things and others starve while trying
to invent new things.
Women would soon tire of men if
men were as good as the women think
they should be.
A woman dislikes to find her first
gray hair almost as badly as a man
dislikes to part with his last one.
It '* the rankest kind of folly for
a man to expect the world to grow bet
ter until he begins to notice improve
ment in himself.
Photographing Whole People.
An order to photograph the entire
population of a large district of Po
land has recently been given by the
German government. A regular army .
of photographers are busy now upon
this wholesale order. They are travel
ing from town to town taking pictures,
while a force of 300 men and women
are at work in studios In different
towns developing and printing the pic
tures. Orthodox Jews and Polish peas
ants are averse to having their pic
tures taken, so an escort of police or
soldiers accompany the photographers
in every town. The photographs are
necessary for passports which are be
ing issued in large numbers to enable
the people of this region to pass back
and forth into adjoining countries.
Masonic Lodge 900 Years Old.
A Glasgow paper says there is an
association which has existed almost
900 years. Such is the length of days
achieved by Glasgow SL John Masonic
lodge. It received n charter of incor
poration from Malcolm II, king of Scot
land, as far back as the early part of
the eleventh century.
Agent Uses Auto and Electric Lights
to Draw Customers to Buy
the Good Book.
An automobile strung with electric
lights until it looks like a mammoth
firefly, a moving picture machine and
a high-power searchlight would hardly
seem the correct equipment to aid in '
selling books, but J. L. McLaughlin of !
Manila, agent for the American Bible
society, sold 300,000 copies of the Bible
in the Philippines in the last two years
with just such gear, aided by his own
Yankee salesmanship.
Selling Bibles, says Mr. McLaughlin,
is like selling any other article—it
takes salesmanship and ingenuity. The
lighted automobile is his own scheme,
and through it he made a record sale
of 1,800 Bibles in one evening.
“I drive this automobile through the
country in the early evening and as
soon as it gets dark I turn on a power
ful magneto that I have geared to the
engine. It gives me enough current for
100 ordinary electric lights, and I have
them strung all over the machine.
“I also operate a searchlight and
turn the beam in every direction up
and down and across the country.
Then when I reach a village 1 have
a procession of natives behind me like
the tail of a comet, attracted by the
electric display.
“In the village I turn the machine
so that a moving picture machine can
play upon a blank wall and run off a
reel or two. Then I tell the crowd
there Is a better show inside and it
always flocks in.
“The price of admission is a ten
cent copy of the Bible. A dollar book
lets ten in and other prices in propor
Dangerous Question.
“In court-martial trials in our army,”
says an officer, “the attorneys are se
lected from the officers at the post
without reference to their legal train
ing or their ability to handle a case.
“A young surgeon, whose ignorance
af law was complete, found himself
appointed counsel for the defense at
his new post, and when he entered the
court his only legal knowledge was
that he had a right to ‘object’ to the
tactics of the other side. When, there
fore, one of his witnesses was placed
under cross-examination, the lawyer
surgeon sprang to his feet and shouted
lustily: ‘I object!’
“‘On what grounds?’ demanded the
prosecuting attorney.
“‘On what grounds?’ repeated the
surgeon. ‘On very good grounds. Why,
if my witness tells the truth when he
answers that question, it will ruin my
case!’ ”—Case and Comment.
Quickly Soothed and Healed by
Cuticura. Trial Free.
Bathe with hot water and Cuticura
Soap. If there is any irritation anoint
gently with Cuticura Ointment on end
of finger. Refreshing slumber for rest
less, fretful babies usually follows the
use of these super-creamy emollients.
They are a boon to tired mothers.
Free sample each by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L,
Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv.
Personal Appreciation.
He had been telling her in a frank,
straightforward way about what an
athlete, business man and all-around
great fellow he was. .
“By the way,” he asked, “who is
rour favorite character in fiction?”
She looked at him with gentle in
tensity and answered, “You are."
Martinique wants an American bank.
It’s Foolish to Suffer
You may be brave enough to
stand backache, or headache, or
dizziness. But If, in addition, ur
ination is disordered, look out!
If you don’t try to flx your sick
kidneys, you may fall into the
clutches of kidney trouble before
you know it. But if you live more
eurefully and help your kidneys
with Doan’s Kidney Pills, you can
stop the pains you have and avoid
future danger as well.
A Nebraska Case
Samuel Bixler, Gor
don, Neb., says: “Four
years’ service In the
army left me with a
chronic case of kidney
complaint. I had to
get up at night to
pass the kidney secre
tions and my whole
body ached. My Joints
swelled and X had
fainting spells. Doan’s
Kidney Pills have
corrected these ali
ments and I can't be
too grateful.”
Get Dsan’a at Any Store. SOc a Bos
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
—act surely and
gently on the
liver. Cure
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
Gives Prompt and Positive Belief In Beery
Case. Sold by Druggists. Price 11.00.
Trial Package by Hall 10c.
WILLIAMS MFC. CO., Props. Cletelaad, 1
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 38-1916.
Largest Lily Pond.
Near the city of Washington, says
the Woman's Home Companion, is the
largest commercial water lily garden
in this country, and it is managed by
a woman, Mrs. Helen Fowler.
Mrs. Fowler ships 250 water lilies
every morning in mid-summer, and se
lects every flower herself, for she can
tell you just how many times each
tightly closed bud will open, and she
sends out nothing but the freshest and
the best.
At hybridizing Mrs. Fowler is an ex
pert, and one of her new varieties is
a beautiful lily called Suffragette.
“Look here, neighbor. That dog of
yours domes in here every day and
digs up my flower beds, and I want
you to put a stop to it.”
“Suppose I don’t! What then?”
•Til plant so many flowers that your
darned old dog will wear himself to a
frazzle trying to keep them dug up.”
Beauty Adorned.
"You can’t paint the lily.”
“No? Then I’m subject to hallucin
ations as I pass along our public thorn
oughfares.”—Louisville Courier-Jour
yt woman'&
How to Feel Well During Middle
Life Told by Three Women Who
Learned from Experience.
The Change of Life is a most critical period of 'a
woman’s existence, and neglect of health at this time invites
disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember
that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will
so successfully carry women through this trying period as
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from
native roots and herbs. Read these letters:—
Philadelphia, Pa.—“I started the Change at life
five years ago. I always had a headache and back
ache with bearing down pains and I would have
heat flashes very bad at times with dizzy spells and
nervous feelings. After taking Lydia E. Pmkham’s
Vegetable Compound I feel like a new person and
am in better health and no more troubled with
the aches and pains I had before I took your won
derful remedy. I recommend it to my mends for I
cannot praise it enough.”—Mrs. Grass
man, 759 K Ringgold St, Philadelphia, Pa.
Beverly, Mass.—“I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound, for nervousness and dyspepsia, -when I was
going through the Change of Life. I found it veryhelpful and I
have always spoken of it to other women who suffer as I did and
un»o iiu.u Lucm iry it, ana mey aiso nave received
good results from it.”—Mrs. George A. Dxjnbab,
17 Roundy St, Beverly, Mass.
Erie, Pa.—“I was in poor health 'when the
Change of Life started with me and I took Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, or I think I
should not have got over it as easy as I did. Even
now if I do not feel good I take the Compound
and it restores me in a short time. I will praise
your remedies to every woman for it may help
them as it has me.”—Mrs. £L Kissling, 931 East
21th St, Erie, Pa.
No other medicine has been so successful in relieving woman’s
suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.*
Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia
E. Pintham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Such letters are received,
and answered by women only and held in strict confidence. >