The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 21, 1916, Image 3

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CBy 8. T. SIMPSON. Missouri College of
"Use purebred sires,” is the slogan
by workers at the Missouri college of
agriculture as a partial reply to stock
mens’ questions as to how they can
make profits on increasingly expensive
land, labor and stock and efficiency of
the methods used must be correspond
ingly improved if the live stock indus
try Is to survive.
The slogan of the purebred sire is
being sounded by Dean F. B. Mumford
and others of the agricultural experi
ment station and college in the field
and feed lot, from the Chautauqua
platform and on farm to farm trips
through various counties.
For use in these campaigns a ’'red
headed" poster bulletin has been print
ed. That head says in red type, “Use
Purebred Sires,” and beneath this head
are brief statements of the careful
tests of the experiment station and
the common experience cf Missouri
farmers which agree absolutely on this
point. The station got much bigger
profits by using a fair purebred mut
ton ram such as any farm sheep-raiser
could afford instead of a scrub ram.
They were used on western ewes
which were equally good so far as the
best judges could tell. From’ such a
ewe the fairly good purebred mutton
ram got a good lamb which weighed
80 pounds and sold for -S7.35 when
three months old, but the scrub ram
got from a similar ewe a poor lamb
which weighed 56 pounds aud sold for
54.50 when four months old. Fletcher
Smart of Harrisonville, Mo., used a
good purebred boar on some average
sows and got 60 good pigs which
reached an average weight of 270
pounds and topped the Kansas City
market at eight months.
Purebred Sire Mean*:
L Uniformity.
2. Individual superiority.
8. Early maturity.
4. More marketable stock.
5. More money for your feed.
6. Credit to the owner.
7. Bigger profits.
Scrub Sire Mean*:
1. Lack of uniformity.
2. Mongrels and misfits.
8. Late maturity.
4. Poor market demand.
5. Less money for your feed.
6. Discredit to the owner.
7. Loss and dissatisfaction.
These are some of the facts indicat
ed by the poster which explains why
a survey of the live stock producers
shows that those who are producing
the good stock are the ones who stay
in business when so many others are
dropping out.
From the breeding standpoint the
important steps are-(l) the use of
tried purebred sires. (2) proper feed
ing of breeding animals. (3) careful
culling of barren and poor-breeding
females, and (4) replacing culls with
the ho't females in each season's pro
Since it costs little or no more
profits to produce an eight-oent steer
than it does to produce a five-ceut
steer, the profits to be derived from
producing live stock on corn belt farms
is limited by the quality of the ani
mals. Good sires must be secured and
the herd must be carefully culled.
Last but not least, the marketing
problem must be carefully handled.
Co-operation with neighbors is often
essential if purchases and sales are
to be made to the best advantage.
Many Farmers Have Never
Thought of Real Advantages
of That Kind.
(By C. A. BURNS. Dairy Department.
Oklahoma A. and M. College, Still
Those who are not accustomed to
using a covered top milk pail have
probably never stopped to think of
what real advantage such a pail may
be in the production of clean milk.
By a covered top pail is meant a milk
pail so constructed that it has only a
small opening in the top, the rest of
the top being covered with metal of
which the pail is made.
The object of such a pall is that of
preventing dirt and hair from falling
Into the milk. As the old saying goes,
“An ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure.” This is surely one
place where the saying holds true.
Dirt and hair mean bacteria in the
milk, and bacteria cannot be strained
or filtered out. Bacteria are always
more or less injurious tc the quality
of the milk and to all milk products.
This means a lower price for the milk,
and eventually a lower price for the
milk products. But this is not all.
Dirty, bacteria-laden milk products
oftentimes are quite injurious to
health, and especially the health of
Of course a great deal depends upon
the milker as to whether or not the
milk is clean or dirty, but under aver
age conditions, other factors being
similar, a covered milk pail with an
opening six Inches in diameter stands
only one chance in four of catching a
hair or other foreign material that a
pail 12 inches in diameter would. In
other words, a pail with a six-inch
diameter will catch only about one
Sourth as much dirt and hair as a pail
with a 12-inch diameter.
Destroy Caterpillar Nests.
Destroy tent caterpillar nests by
drawing through them a wet rag sat
urated with kerosene. Another way is
to load a shot gun with a heavy charge
of powde», eliminating the shot, and
■boot It into the nest.
Wheel Hoe Is Big Help.
A wheel hoe is a great help, but it
really is the work of a man or stout
boy to run it. With one at least five
times the ground may be worked over
In the same time as with a common
Cultivated Orchard More Profit
able Than Neglected One—
Fillers Are Favored.
A cultivated orchard is more produc*
' tive and consequently more profitable
than the average orchard which is neg
lected or in which grass or hay Is
“In the young orchard a judiciffus
j system of intercropping may be prac
I ticed without causing injury to the
I trees and at the same time profitable
j crops will be produced in the waste
I space between the rows,” says F. S.
; Merrill of the Kansas State Agricul
| tural college. “Sufficient space should
be left on each side of the tree to per
mit thorough cultivation of the tree
rows. As a general rule, the roots of
the tree extend beyond the outer ends
of the limbs. A strip may be left pro
portionate in width to the spread of
the branches.
“One of the most familiar types of
intercropping can be found in planting
fillers between the permanent trees,
and often between the rows. The peach
or some type of early maturing apple
can be used for this purpose, but in
most cases the grower will not remove
the fillers until they have attained such
size as to have interfered with the
permanent trees.”
Total Amount of Butter Fat Produced
During Year That Dairymen Gets
Paid For.
All dairymen should weigh the milk
of each cow at each milking and test
for butter fat at certain set intervals.
It is the total amount of fat produced
during a year, not the average per
cent fat the milk tests, that the dairy
man gets paid for.
Distance Between Plants.
The usual distance between tomato
plants Is four feet, but in the small
garden this is a waste of space. By
training the vines on trellises or mere
ly tying them to stakes they may be
set two feet apart.
Oats and Peas for Feed.
After the oats and peas which were
sown for green feeding have begun to
harden. If they are cut and cured like
hay the stock will eat them in cold
weather very heartily. Plenty of good
ness in-them.
Measuring Cup Should Always Be
Used, Unless One Is Especially
Gifted—Other Things It Is
Well to Remember.
The measuring cup is the first aid to
the amateur cake baker. Nowadays
most professional cooks weigh and
measure with great care. To be sure
there are still old southern mammies
and gifted New England housewives
who can put a cake together without
the help of any measuring apparatus
save a scoop and their own good eye.
A glass measuring cup—better than
a tin one because it 1s easier to get
exact fractions of a cup in one that
is transparent—better also because it
is easier to keep it thoroughly clean
and dry—a teaspoon, a tablespoon—
not a soup spoon nor a dessert spoon
nor one of those huge metal spoons
used for mixing batters and basting
meats—should be part of the equip
ment of every cake baker. A pair of
scales is also useful, if they are re
liable. It is difficult, however, in some
places to buy good scales. Although
flour varies In weight and quality it
is usually safe to allow four even
cupfuls of sifted flour to the pound.
Two cupfuls of granulated sugar
weigh a pound. Butter has the same
weight, so that two ounces measure a
quarter of a cupful.
With these equations it is easy to
translate weights into measures.
Never grease cake pans with but
ter. as this has a very low burning
tempearture. Lard has a higher burn
ing temperature, and hence cake in a
larded pan does not burn on the bot
tom so easily as cake in a buttered
Keep a small panful of water in
the oven in which cake is baked. The
steam thus generated keeps the tem
perature of the oven even and helps
to make the baking slow and even.
Don’t stand the pan of water direct
ly under the cake, as this sometimes
causes part of the underside of the
cake to be less baked than the rest.
Place a wire rack in the oven under
the cake pans, and be sure to keep the
oven cool enough at the top to prevent
burning. These precautions are espe
cially necessary in a gas oven, which
is usually hot.
Breakage of Jars in Canning.
When breakage of jars occurs it is
due to such causes as—
Overpacking jars. Corn, pumpkin,
peas, lima beans and sweet potatoes
swell or expand in processing. Do not
fill the jars quite full of these prod
Placing cold jars in hot water, or
vice versa. As soon as the jars are
filled with hot sirup or hot water, place
immediately in the canner.
If top cracks during sterilization the
wire bail was too tight.
In steam canner, having too much
water iti the canner. Water should
not come above the platform.
Allowing cold draft to strike the jars
when they are removed from the can
Having wire bail too tight, thus
breaking the jars or glass tops when
lever is forced down.
Cream Tomatoes.
Half a dozen tomatoes, one table
spoonful of flour, half pint of milk
(toiling), seasoning to taste; one
ounce of grated cheese.
Halve the tomatoes and fry them
lightly, skin side downward, in the
butter, and three tahlespoonfuls of
boiling water, and cook until tender.
Remove the tomatoes to a hot dish
and stir the flour in with the butter.
When it browns slightly, pour in the
milk, seasoning and cheese. Cook the
sauce for two or three minutes, stir
ring all the time, then pour it over
the tomatoes.
Plum Preserves.
Weigh fruit and use the same of
sugar; to each part of sugar use one
teacupful of water. Stir well and add
white of one egg slightly beaten, stir
and boil. When it boils pour in a gill
of cold water and set off the fire;
after standing five minutes skim or
strain. When you bring to boiling
point again drop in the plums and cook
one hour. This Is for sour plums.
Peaches and pears are nice made the
same way. only using three-fourths as
much sugar.
Glazed Sweet Potatoes.
Spread one tablespoonful of butter
over the bottom of a baking pan.
Spinkle with sugar, cover with a layer
of sliced cold baked or boiled sweet
potatoes. Add another spoonful of
butter, and sugar and another layer of
potatoes. Butter and sugar, add hot
water to nearly cover, or until water
Is absorbed and potatoes glazed. Use
more butter and sugar to make it
Marshmallow Pudding.
Soak two dozen marshmallows four
hours in cream flavored with one-half
cupful of caramelized sugar. Cut an
gel cake in halves crossways. Spread
the lower half of cake, put on upper
half and cover with the rest of the
Cover whole of cake or heap on top
only, sweetened and flavored whipped
cream. Garnish with cherries.
Perserve for Meats.
Peel and quarter four large oranges
and take out the seeds. Add two pints
of red raspberries, two-thirds pounds
of seedless raisins and one quart of
currents. Mis together, add the same
amount of sugar and cook until thick.
Put in glasses.
Hair Mattresses.
The hair mattresses which are filled
with black hair are. much better than
those filled with white hair, because
the latter has generally been bleached
nd is deprived of its springiness.
For Lumpy Starch.
Beat with an egg-beater. This an
swers the same purpose ns straining
and Is much quicker.
“Far away,” said Daddy, “there
lived a Family of Guaeharos." .
“What?” shouted both the Children
! at once.
i "Are they Bird, Fish, Flesh, Flow
( ers or what?” asked Nick.
“Such a name!” said Nancy.
“Well, I told you,” said Daddy,
, “that they live far away from here
and so that is why their name is not
| familiar to us.”
“Not familiar, Daddy,” said Nancy,
“why it’s the funniest, strangest
name I’ve ever heard of in all my
life. I should say it was not fa
miliar,” and Nancy laughed hard.
“These Birds,” continued Daddy,
i “So they’re Birds, are they?” asked
I Nick. “You didn't tell us that”
"You hardly gave me a chance,”
i smiled Daddy.
| “That’s so,” said Nancy, “and we're
i wasting all Daddy’s time from the
1 Story. Now we'll keep quiet and
! listen!” And the Children didn’t say
i another word.
“The Guaeharos are Birds and they
! are like Barn Owls though they wear
t Whiskers of which they are very
; proud. They are supposed to be use
ful for the oil that they give and for
; that reason, in the Country where
nrrr*"s < V T
‘•But, Why Are You Sad?"
they live they are thought well of. If
it were not for that, they wouldn't !v
liked, for every morning bright and
early they begin to wail and moan
and cry.
"Daddy Guacharo—whom I am go
ing to tell you about—had a fine
Home in a dark Cave. The whole
Family liked a dark Home and they
loved the night. Daddy Guacharo
always told the plump, little Birds a
story before it was time for them to
go to sleep.
“How they enjoyed sleeping and
telling Stories and talking and chat
tering—everything that happened in
the night, and how they did love their
home in the cool, dark Cave 1
"But every morning just at dawn,
they all began to Cry. and no one
knew the reason why. They all
seemed to be well- and certainly the
Children couldn’t have been a worry.
They were as plump and healthy as
any little Birds could hope to be. In
fact they were really fatter than their
Parents for they hadn't cried so many
‘“Good afternoon. I>sddy Guacharo.’
said Fairy Fleet-of-Wing when she ar
rived at the Cave. ‘Tou seem to be in
good spirits. Are you till well?’
“ ‘Yes. thank you,’ said Daddy
Guacharo. ‘we are all in fine spirits
and good health and we’re looking
forward to night time.’
“ ‘That’s good,’ said Fairy Fleet-of
Wing, and as she didn’t want to ask
any more questions, off she went.
“She spent the night very near the
Cave Home of the Guacharo Family,
and just at dawn she was awakened
by their long, mournful Cries. ‘I
must go and find out why they are un
happy,’ she said.
“She went to the Cave and there
saw Daddy and Mother Guacharo and
all the little Guacharos crying for all
they- were worth. One would give a
long wailing cry and then all the oth
ers would following suit.
“ ‘I hope you don’t think this is a
Concert, do you?’ asked Fairy Fleet
of-Wing. ‘From the way you are ail
joining in the “Crying Chorus” I
might think so.’
“ ‘Ah, no,’ moaned Daddy Guacha
ro, ‘we Cry because we are so sad.’
“*But why are you sad?’ asked
Fairy Fleet-of-Wing. ‘I can see your
nice breakfast of soft fruits there
waiting for you, and you have had a (
nice night’s rest and have heard, or
told, pleasant stories. Why then are
you sad?1
“ ‘Oh, Fairy Fleet-of-Wing,’ said
Daddy Guacharo, ‘I know we have all
you say. Our breakfast will be ready
when we are through Crying—but we
won’t be through for some time yet,’
and Daddy Guacharo looked very sad.
‘You see,’ he continued, ‘we are so
fond of the night that we cannot bear
to see the day arrive. That’s why
we Cry. And even though we know
our beloved night-time will come soon,
we Cry because we miss it so and
hate to see the dawn. And now you
are the only one who knows why we
Cry.’ ”
Conserve Your Enthusiasm.
Every girl has a capacity for enthusi
asm. Some waste it on things of trivial
importance, which is a pity. Nobody’s
store of enthusiasm is inexhaustible
and the girl who uses up her supply
on clothes and parties has nothing left
for the big things of life. Conserve
your enthusiasm. Be sure it does not
go to waste over trifles.—Girl’s Com
Develop Self-Control.
Self-control may be developed in pre
cisely the same manner as we tone up
a weak muscle—by little exercises day
by day.—William George Jordan.
No Place for Com.
On what toe does a corn never
come? The mistletoe.
President Wilson signing the child labor bill in the presence of officials of the department of labor and of the
National Child Labor committee. At the left of the picture is Dr. A. J. McKelway, Southern secretary of the child
labor committee; next to him Mrs. Constance Leupp Todd of the National Consumers league; reading to the right
Miss Helen L Sumner and Miss Julia C. Lathrop, assistant chief and chief, respectively, of the children's bureau of
the department of labor. At the right of the picture (with gray head) is Secretary of Labor Wilson and next to
him, directly behind the president. Representative Keating of Colorado, author of the bill.
vT:-'- • •: ■.■y.-~- -7r-.JS'Jl
This photograph, taken during an action on the western front, shows a division of German infantry fhflrging
the enemy. In the background is a cycle corps.
Svi Aiy/^vvivtvXixv^; ■K^»jy.:¥>ajiv vi
if the British have captured or destroyed the German commercial submarine Bremen, they refuse to admit it
officially and the fate of the vessel is a mystery. This photograph of the Bremen was made in the Weser river just
before the boat started for America. *
The execution of Captain Fryatt by
the Germans enraged the British
troops almost as much as did the kill
ing of Miss Cavell. Since the event
many a big shell has been sent in
scribed as Is the one here photo
Deep Breathing.
Deep breathing, sensible breathing,
every-day breathing—long life depends
upon it, good looks always. Yet nine
tenths of the world’s creatures hate to
breathe, and young folks especially are
as niggardly in the matter of filling
their lungs with clean, wholesome air
as if they thought they were dealing
with poison. Twenty long breaths
night and morning will quickly im
prove the looks of a girl who has be
gun to go down with study and care
lessness, and surely there is no beaud
fler cheaper than washing the lungs
out with clean, fresh air.
They Are So Short Now.
In a divorce suit tried recently be
fore Judge Moll of the superior court
a middle-aged woman was seeking a
divorce. One of the witnesses called
to testify as to how long the plaintiff
had lived in Marion county.
“I have known her ever since she
wore short dresses.” answered the wit
“That doesn’t enlighten the cotflfj
any.” Interrupted Judge MolL “Thrti
may have been six weeks ago or 3u
years for ail I can telL”—Indianapolis
In a row of quaint little white cottages built on land the title of which,
dates back to Revolutionary times, young women are now plying the needle,
patching, felling, quilting. There are some 20 women and girls who are earn
ing their living making the same kinds of quilts and coverlets their great-,
grandmothers used to make. As tills Is the twentieth century, they have put
a few modern touches to the industry, the most notable of which are their
rigid eight-hour working law, and a regulation earning wage. The quilting bee,
as the little cottage factory is named, was established three years ago to givdi
congenial employment to the women nnd girls of Rye, N. Y„ who needed it
and to revive the art of quilting. It was Incorporated last year and now had
become self-supporting.
Take a Sane Vacation.
W. H. Sullivan of Cleveland the
1 other day remarked: “If anything
really Is the matter with a railroad
man a two-week vacation is of no good
to him. He usually has to work a
couple of weeks to rest up from his
It isn’t necessary to discuss this
saying in its bearing on the railroad
man specifically to get the nub of the
matter, which is that the strenuous
vacation is no vacation at all.
Nor is the idling vacation any bet
Those who turn from their accus
tomed endeavors to a vacation full of!
energy consuming efforts and dissipa
tions and those who resign themselves
to utter indolence make the same mis
take of failing to grasp the opportunity
for recuperation offered in the vaca
Take your vacation sanely. Get out
In the open. Exert yourself freely.
Don’t overdo or underdo. Don’t dls<
sipate. Recreate. Gather energy. ^
lot of benefit can be won In two weeks
of natural, unforced living.—Detroit
Free Press.
Birmingham, Ala., Is suffering from
depredations of burglars making a
specialty of robbing homes of public
Japan Is becoming Interested in
sheep raising. The Imperial stock farm
Jdo has bought animals In
Dr. W. B. Crumpton of Birmingham
Ala, Is raising money for missionary
work b; advertising In Alabama pa
A Californian Is the Inventor of •
tonjrta glass hood for automobiles that
permits a man to watch his engine
while his car Is running.
A flame with higher temperature
than oxyacetylene has been produced
by a Swedish scientist who has in
vented a burner employing powdered
aluminum and oxygen.
A buoyant material for lining bath
ing suits has been Invented in Ger
many to make the suits serve as life
preservers without Interfering with
the movements of wesnt'-a.