The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 14, 1916, Image 9

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    I First National Bank {'
! of Loup City. |
| A Short Trial ]
- of the checking system will convince you of these E
E two points: E
E It is a time saver. i *; ~
E It is a money saver. =
E TIME and MONEY are your two most valuable =
^ assets. Why not conserve both of them by immediate =
E opening a check account at this bank. It will cost E
5 you nothing. =
President. Cashier. Ass’t Cashier. =
Hats Hats Hats
Hats for school,
for autoing, for
i dress, for the
little ones, the misses, the
matrons an d the grand- |
mothers. All new, all stylish.
I will fit you becomingly if
you come to me for your hat.
All moderately priced, too.
Busy Bee Hat Shop
Daily sells for less. Daily sells for less.
- i -
Try Chase's first—it pays. j Try Chase's first—it pays.
Mrs. E. G. Taylor was a passenger Change of program every night a.
to Grand Island Monday morning. the °Pera house-_
... McCormick and Deering sickle see
Shirts made to measure, satisfaction i tions j100 per box.—E. J. Sehoening.
guaranteed. See Gus Lorentz. j _
-- ! Ira Close went to Grand Island on
Chris Domgard made a business | Wednesday to take in the Hall coun
trip to Ashton Monday morning. j ty fair.
Jimmie Thompson went to Rock- Lee Hiddleson left Monday morning
ville last Friday to spend a few days for Hastings where he will again at
with relatives. j tend college.
Daily Bells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Salt, $1.85 per barrel, at Arthur’s.
Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis
faction guaranteed.
John Cowling visited over Sunday
with friends at Arcadia.
Miss Edythe Olson went to Omaha
Monday where she will attend college
this year.
Mrs. C. J. Tracy went to Comstock
last Friday evening to visit with her
son, Milford, and wife.
Mrs. C. E. Decatur, of Harvard, ar
rived in our city Saturday evening for
and Mable Hansen.
R. M. Hiddleson returned home
on last Thursday from St. Paul, where
he had visited a few days.
Don Boehm, of the Grand Island In
dependent. was in the city on busi
ness last Thursday evening.
O. Benschoter went to St. Paul Sat
urday to spend rhe day with his
daughter. Mrs. Harve O'Bryan.
Miss Elizabeth Newhouser. of Au
rora, arrived here last Thursday for
a visit with relatives and friends.
>lr. and Mrs. C. A. Tiffany, of Grand
Island, came up last Thursday to visit
their son. B F. Tiffany, and family.
Floyd Mason, who has been in Pa!
mer visiting with relatives the past
few days, returned home Friday even
Miss Minnie Gilbert came in from
Omaha Saturday to visit with her
sister. Miss Marcia Gilbert, a few
Mrs. O. H. Gish, of Lincoln, came in
Saturday evening to visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Lamont L. Stephens a few
Misses Florence Depew and Eva
Watts left last Saturday for Kearney,
where they will attend the Kearney
Misses Ruth McFadden and Evan
geline Waite were passengers to St.
Paul Saturday, returning home the
same day.
Miss Vernie Stanezyk went to Rock
ville last Saturday for a few days’
visit with her sister. Mrs. John Dietz,
and family.
Miss Dessie Danielson left on Sat
urday morning for Omaha and Iowa,
where she will visit for some time
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Burt and Miss
Alice McBeth returned on last Friday
evening from Lincoln, where they had
attended the fair.
Misses Grace Conger and Amy
Christensen were passengers to Boe
lus Saturday to attend the carnival
and visit a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Thompson and !
family went to Boelus Saturday to at
tend the carnival and visit a few
days with relatives.
The Misses Orpha Outhouse and
Florence Leininger left last Friday
for Fremont, where they intend to
teach school this year.
David Morrow and Ed. Sharp, who
have been working in York the past
summer, came home Saturday even
ing to resume their school duties.
Mrs. Harry Miller and little daugh
ter. who have been here visiting with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Daily,
returned to their home at Scotia last
Mrs. Julius Sorensen, of Cairo, came
oyer last Thursday for a few days’
visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
John Oltmann. She returned to her
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, who
have been here visiting with the j
former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hans
Johnson, returned to their home in!
Omaha Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johansen.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johansen, Mr.!
and Mrs. Louis Bly, and Mr. and Mrs. j
James Johnson, returned home last!
Thursday from Lincoln, where they
attended the state fair.
When in Loup City at the Fair, be sure to visit the salesroom of Grassmueck & Maus, just north of the
First National Bank• You are cordially invited to come and make yourself at home.
Distributors for Buick Motor Cars in
Sherman and Howard Counties
Phone 134 Loup City, Nebraska
and shoes at Vic Swanson’s. Only
two weeks more to close out my en
tire line of high grade merchandise.
I have a lot of Ladies' winter coats
at less than cost. Get your winter
dress goods now at less than whole
sale prices. All good fast colors. Now
is the time to save money as every
thing must sell regardless of cost.
Ed. John and Joe Eurick attend the
ball tournament at Arcadia Tuesday.
Merlin White went to York Tues
day. where he will attend school this
Mrs. John Peterson went to St.
Paul Tuesday to take medical treat
Miss Elizabeth Parker went to St.
Mary. Tuesday to visit for some time
with relatives.
Rosc-oe Owens left Wednesday for
Grand Island, where he will again
attend college.
Mrs. Elnora Johnson went to Gilt
ner Wednesday for a few days’ visit
with relatives.
Miss Emma Janulewicz left on last
Thursday morning for York, where
she will atend college.
Ray Sweetland took a load of Loup
City people up to Arcadia Tuesday to
attend the ball tournament.
Mrs. Verna Jezewski came up from
Ashton Monday to visiti a few days !
at the Frank Tapolski home.
Miss Lula Scott went to Aurora on
Wednesday morning, where she will
visit with relatives a few days.
Miss Alberta Outhouse left Wed
nesday for Lincoln, where she will at
tend the state university this year.
Albert Magnuson was an eastbound
passenger for Lincoln Wednesday to
attend the state university this vear.
Mrs. Milford Tracy returned to her
home in Comstock. Monday, after
having spent a few days at the C. J.
Tracy home.
Miss Opal Ver Valin left Monday
for Hastings, where she will attend
college this year. She was accom
panied by her mother. Mrs. Ward Ver
Mrs. James Grow and little son
came down from Arcadia last Friday
and spent the day visiting with rela
tivse. She returned home on the pas
Mrs. D. C. Primrose, of Primrose.
Xeb_ arrived in Loup City Monday
for a short visit with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. S. X. Sweetland and
other relatives.
Mrs. Elba Smalley and baby were
westbound passengers to Arcadia on
Monday evening to visit with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bulger,
and take in the baseball tournament.
Mrs. Frank Rossa came up from
Ashton Monday and visited over at
the James Bartunek home. She ac
companied her sister. Miss Louise,
to Grand Island Tuesday to do some
C. S. Reynolds. Carl Dieterich, J. H.
Lee, Theodore Gasteyer, Raymond
Outhouse. Cornell Brown. Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin Lee. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Mcllravev. and Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Foster, were among those from here
attending the state fair at Lincoln, re
turning home Saturday evening.
The Loup City township library
board announce that plans have at
last been approved for our library by
the Carneigie corporation of New
York and that Secretary Allen has
instructed the architects to arrange
for the job being submitted to con
tractors for bids. It is the intention
that work on the building shall be
gin just as soon as possible. The
building is to cost $S,000 complete
with furniture and book stacks.
Daily sells tor less.
Try Chase’s first—It pays.
Change of program every night at
the opera house.
Henry Johansen went to Falls City.
Thursday, where he will visit a short
Katie Stellmock went to St. Paul
Thursday, where she will have some
dental work done.
I still hare a few good Duroc Jer
sev boars for sale at $10 each if
sold soon.—Charles Biehl.
B. J. Swanson, of Ulysses, has beer
here visiting his son and daughter, O
L. Swanson and Mrs. John O'Bryai#
Charles and Nell Perry, of Peoria
111., tame in Wednesday to visit a*
the Eisner homes for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aufrecht came
to Loup City Wednesday, where they
will make their home on Mr. Au
frecht's farm.
Miss Anna Leschinsky was a west
bound passenger to Arcadia. Wednes
day evening. She took in the dance
while there.
A Fair Dinner will be given by the
Catholic Ladies' society, Thursday,
September 21st at Gzehoviak's hall.
All are most cordially invited.
O. L. Swanson returned from Oma
ha Wednesday, where he had been
buying his holiday goods. He also at
tended the state fair on his return
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dinsdale and
family autoed to Giltner last Friday
to visit with Mrs. Dinsdale's sister,
Mrs. Alice Schrock. They returned
home Saturday.
“The Thoroughbred.” A vital
drama of vindication in five gripping
acts, featuring the popular stars. Wm.
Russel and Charlotte Burton. Opera
house Saturday night.
George Coulter. Clarence Coulter,
Wm. Jakobs and E. Dwehus. of Rock
ville. were Loup City visitors Wed
nesday, being here to attend a ses
sion of district court.
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Cunningham
and family moved here from Hazard
Monday. Mr. Cunningham has ac
cepted a position in the Hayhurst &
Galloway Hardware store.
Captain “Bob” McAllister, of Com
pany M. of the Grand Island National
Guard, was in the city last Friday
morning, giving the boys a talk on the
Mexican situation. Mr. McAllister
just recently returned from Mexico.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Root left Wed
nesday morning for Scotts Bluffs,
where they will make their future
home. The Northwestern joins with
their many friends in wishing them
much happiness and prosperity.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Waite and fam
ily returned home last Friday even
ing from Lincoln, where they attended
the state fair. They were accom
panied home by the Misses Grace and
Mabel Lang, who will teach school
here this term.
Rev. J. L. Dunn returned home from
Boone. Iowa. Wednesday, where he
has been spending his vacation. It
was so muddy that he left his car
there for Mrs. Dunn and Oliver Mil
ler to bring home later on.
We write $1,000 insurance on grain,
insuring against fire and lightning for
a period of three months for only $4.00.
Can you afford to take any chances.
Phone us and we will write the policy,
no application is necessary.—First
Trust Company.
“The Avenging Conscience.” pro
duced by W. D. Griffith. A screen
version of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The
Telltale Heart." “Annabel Lee.” The
cast. Henry B. Walthall. Blanche
Sweet, Spattiswood Aitken. George
Sugmann and Ralph Lewis, at opera
house next Tuesday.
What is the best preparedness
against sickness and disease? Athoro
cleansing, prifying herb laxative
taken occasionally, say once a week,
is the safest, surest way to health
and happiness. Hollister’s Rocky
Mountain Tea will “prepare the way.”
—Graefe’s Pharmacy.
Mrs. John Knight, of Strawberry
Point. Iowa, and Mrs. Frank Mercer,
of Lonpoc. California, who have been
here visiting at the C. R. Sweetland j
and Ed. Angier homes for some time,
returned to their home Thursday.
Mrs. Knight was accompanied by
Mrs. C. C. Cooper and Walter Moon.
The Ladies’ Industrail society of the j
Presbyterian church will be enter- j
tained by Mesdames Starr and Earl
Thompson at the home of Mrs.
Thompson on Wednesday. September
27. This meeting of the society was
postponed one week on account of the
Sherman county fair dates being in
Last Sunday afternoon the Polish
society of White Eagles held a picnic
at the old fair grounds. The society
invited many of its friends and all
who attended had a most enjoyable
time. Dancing was indulged in until
a late hour. This organization con
templates building a hall of its own
some time in the future and will hold
entertainments therein several times
a year.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doner, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Willlis. John Cowling.
Miss Hattie Froehlich, Misses Emma
and Verla Fowler. Carrie Cole, Mable
Depew. J. S. Pedler. J. W. Long. A.
Wall, R. P. Starr, Herman Johansen.
S. E. Gallaway. Glen Fletcher, Ronald
Rowe, L. G. Lofholm. MisBes Amy Mc
Ilravey, Leona May, Bessie Owens,
L. L. Stephens, O. A. Woods, I. L.
Conger, Louis Spahr. H. G. Hosier,
| A. C. Ogle, V. L. Chipman, Harry Jen
ner, W. J. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs J.
N. Fisher, Mrs. J. S. Caddy, Mrs. S. E.
Smalley, J. A. Mcllravey, and L. A.
Williams, O. F. Peterson, Mrs. Chris
Peterson, Earl Taylor and George
Lepchinsky, were among thase from
here who atended the festival and car
nival at Arcadia Tuesday.
| NO.
| Loup City State Bank \
| Three Big Premiums ]
= I suppose you all are aware by now that I am giving =
E away these prizes. For the next two months preceding =
E the awarding of the prizes, I am making special prices =
E on my entire line of hardware. My harness goods will =
E be sold at the same old prices. =
E If you buy your harness now, you will save from $3 =
| to $10 on a set, considering prices you will undoubtedly =
E have to pay next spring. =
E Following is a small list of the many articles that will =
= be found in my store. :
E Heating Stoves. piece guaranteed by the Wyeth r
E Two best washing machines Hardware Co. Money refunded ;
— on the market, regular price, 'f goods not entirely satisfac- ;
= $12.00 now $10.45. tory. =
Boilers. Dishpans. Kettles. Guns and Ammunition. :
= All kinds of Enamel ware. -
= Milk pails, and all kinds of Milk 1 also have the celebrated :
= cans Richards & Wilcox bam door ;
E Spades. Forks. Post Hole Dig' han9ers andttraek' The best =
E oers. Scoops, Shovels, Axes. on the market
E Saws, Hammers. Nails. Staples. All kinds of rope from one- :
~ All kinds of bolts. fourth of an inch to one inch. :
S All kinds of Wyeth Cuttery, Also a large line of shelf ;
E Pocket knives. Knives and hardware which cannot be listed j
E Forks, Spoons, Scissors. Every here. :
Save Your Coupons
S On every dollar’s worth of goods you buy you will re
5 ceive coupons. I wish all those who are indebted to me
= would call and pay their account and receive coupons
= on the same.
= I thank you for your treatment in the past and also
= wish to thank you in advance for your cooperation in
= making this the best business year of the seven which
= I have been among you, and on the 23rd day of Decem
= ber at 3:00 o’clock p. m., I hope to see all those who have
= coupons here in my store so everyone will have an oppor
= tunity to see the lucky ones.
| The Harness and Hardware Man
Bargains at the Loup City
Cash Store
Work shirts."T.50c
Overalls .1.00
Big bargains in house dresses.1.25
Cookies, per lb.15 and 20c
10-lb Can Sanitary Jelly .55c
Krumbles, lOe Pkg. for.9c
Com Flakes, 4 Pkg. for.25c
Fancy Head Rice.7c
Soda Crackers, per lb.7^c
Prunes . ;loc I
Karo Syrup, per gal.45c
Pure Cider Vinegar, per gal.25c
Loup City Cash Store
WM. LEWANDOWSK1, Proprietor