The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 14, 1916, Image 4

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The Universal Car
The 1917 Model
F.O.B. Detroit |
Distributor for Loup City Territory ||
1 A National |
I Institution f
ifiT, Why, sir, the Union may be preserved
/> om dismemberment by this proposed rail
road.”—Joseph R. Underwoodin the United
gfei States Senate, February 19. 1853.
fe. *' The road has been built through an S?
ISr Indian country <uiith all the tribes banded S3
fSS together and hostile.” — General G. M. 5$
jsSS Dodge in Congress, 1868. w
I half a century |
^ or more — ever since the
first locomotive poked its nose west of the
^ Missouri River—this railroad has worked
continuously for the development of the 1
territory which it serves, and for the im- |
provement of the property.
H Hundreds of thousands travelers and for safety
of dollars are spent every and expedition in the
SSI year in telling the people passage of freight. w
of the East about the
■ wonderful opportunities Success has justified this ^
of the West. Prosperous P°bcy of efficiency, but
cities and towns, thriv- the full measure of sue- ^
ing industries and fertile ces3 bus been attained ^
farms mark fifty years of on^y by the confidence
notable progress. The and support of the people ^
Union Pacific Systemhas who live in the Union ^
led among western rail- Pacific country, and to
roads in keeping its lines them this advertisement
at the highest standard; is directed in a spirit of ^
^ whetherbusinessisgood Erateful appreciation. ^
| °.r ba.d* adequate provi- The Union padfic g |
sion is always made for ^
maintenance of the Bou- m 13 P!jouf °.f ltS tem' ^
levard of Steel which t0*7 .f0*1 of the people ^
§§ links the East with the who hve in it3 territory, ^
^ West. The Union Pacific and in turn is worthy of ^
^ Systemhasalsobeenfirst the pride with which it ^
^ with practically every ia regarded by the peo
device which makes for pie it serves as a great w
^ security and comfort of national institution.
!Rv Joins Fast and West with a Boulevard of Steel S§j
il W. S. BASINGER |!
| General Passenger Agent |
Omaha, Nebraska cs73>
• I7M.-M Mhal hm mm -J
Cattle Market Steady to Low
er; Large Supply
Fat Lambs About Steady; High Price
Hits $11.00. Bulk Sells Upward
From $10.60—Some Under ThaL
Muttons Fully Steady—Ewes Bring
$7.00—Feeders Uneven—Some Ear.
ly Strong, Later Trade Rather Slow.
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
Nebr., September 12, 1916.—The week
opened with the largest cattle run so
far this year. A total of 540 loads or
about 13,500 head, showed up. Mon
day’s liberal supply included but a
very few corn-fed steers, and It looked
as if dressed beef men needed a few
natives, and they paid about steady
prices for the desirable offerings, al
though the trade was rather slow and
uncertain on the short fed and grassy
stuff that came in direct competition
with the Western rangers. Some right
good yearlings sold at $10.25, and
other sales looked steady with the
close of last week. There were be
tween forty and fifty loads of cows
and heifers on Monday’s markeL
Quotations on cattle; Good to choice
beeves, $10.00010.75; fair to good
beeves, $9.0009.75; common to fair
beeves, $6.7508.75; good to choice
heifers, $6.7507.25; good to choice
cows, $6.50 0 7.00; fair to good cows,
$5.8506.40; canners and cutters, $4.50
©5.75; veal calves, $8.00011.00; bo
logna bulls, $5.2505.85; beef bulls,
Receipts of hogs for Monday were
larger than for any one day of la3t
week, arrivals being estimated at sev
enty-one cars or 4.800 head. Owing to
the limited shipping orders and a real
heavy run of hogs at Chicago, another
break was in order for Monday’s hog
market. What hogs order buyers
bought they paid prices that were
around 10c lower than last week.
Packers also bought their hogs at
prices that were at least a dime lower
and In some cases 15c off. Bulk of the
killer hogs brought *10.25@10.40,
while both shippers and packers paid
as high as *10.70 for a good kind of
mixed hogs.
Sheep and lamb reecipts got back
to something like normal for Monday,
arrivals counting out 122 cars or in
the neighborhood of 33,000 head. A
great deal of the offerings were of
feeder class, and while killing stuff
was fairly plentiful, packers who
wanted lambs badly took hold readily,
and most of the fat grades changed
bands in the first couple of hours.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, *10.75 @11.00;
lambs, fair to good, *10.25@10.65;
lambs, feeders, *9.50@10.40; year
lings, good to choice, *7.00 @7.50; year
lings, fair to good. *6.60 @7.00; year
lings. feeders, *6.50@8.00; wethers,
fair to choice, *6.25 @7.25; ewes, good
to choice, *6.50@6.75; ewes, fair to
good, *6.00@6.50; ewes, plain to culls,
*4.00@6.75; ewes, feeding, *5.00@
6.25; ewes, breeders, all ages, *6.25@
You have always bought the bulky
stock food and given to your stock
as a medicine. Why not buy only
the medicine and furnish your own
food? The medicine will be much
more certain. In fact B. A. Thomas
Stock Remedy is so certain to
give the right results that we sell
it on the money back plan. If it
doesn’t straighten up your horse or
cow or sheep, we give your money
back.—J. J. Slominski.
“Getting there” is a commendable
trait in any man, but the road to be
traveled should be scrutinized with
a careful eye.
That American inventors who claim
to have harnessed the sun can always
make the excuse that the harness
If you would know something of the
inner workings of your neighbor’s
home, just note the attitude of his dog
and cat. Their actions tell the story.
That fellow who owes us four bucks
on subscription and paid fifty cents on
account last week will be thrice wel
come if he makes It a dollar the next
Made to measure shirts that are
guaranteed to give satisfaction. Call
and see samples.—Gus Lorentz.
. -.-__~___
Henry Goodwin is sporting a new
Otto Henning hauled wheat for John
Gallaway Monday.
Don't forget to attend the county
fair. 20. 21 and 22.
E. M. Johnson sold his farm on
route two last week.
Hans Obermiller and V. T. Wes
cott thrashed last week.
Mike Mendyke bought a new press
drill while in Ashton last week.
Mrs. Margaret Davenport has been
quite poorly the past two weeks.
Ira Daddow fixed a culvert south
of Frank Casteel’s place Monday.
Miss Daisy Fletcher went to Kear
ney to attend the Kearney normal.
H. A. Woody was repairing V. W.
Alleman’s corn crib the past week.
Mrs. Simon lossi is visiting in the
eastern part of the state this week.
Miss E. Anderson, of, Aurora,, Neb.,
is visiting at the home of E. W. John
Next Monday school is expected to
start in the new Wiggle Creek high
Mrs. N. P. Nielson was out on two
visiting at the Davenport home last
Hay McFadden, John Kociemba. W.
O. Brown and John Haesler thrashed
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Grow visited
at the home of J. C. Gallaway one
day last week.
Lew Haller and Lew Sadler and a
few others autoed to Loup City from
Litchfield, Saturday.
Dr. Bowman put up a new mill on
his farm just west of Henry Kuhl's
place the past week.
All the schools on route two are
now running full blast except the
Wiggle Creek school.
Miss Alice McBeth returned home
from Lincoln last week, where she
had attended the fair.
One of S. M. Watson's boys has
been drilling wheat in the corn stalks
for F. G. Costeel this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Obermiller re
turned from Lincoln last week where
they had attended the fair.
Emmet McLaughlin got liis foot
badly sprained last week while
bringing cattle from the pasture.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Burt and son.
Floyd, returned from their trip to
the state fair in Lincoln last Friday
Clarence McLaughlin hauled a load
of gasoline out to Kay McFadden’s
for the Economy Oil company last
Carrier's son. Harry, had his ad
noids and tonsils taken out at the
Bowman hospital last Friday. He is
getting along ok.
Homer Ogle thrashed for John Cal
laway this week. Homer has a new
separator and has a big run of busi
ness. Homer has a jolly bunch work
ing for him.
Wash Peters had his corn hailed
out again this year. The storm of
last Monday night did the job. Seve
ral other farmers on Cole Creek were
also hailed out.
E. M. Marville was up from Hamil
ton county on business last Friday.
Mr. Marville told the carrier that he
had rented A. B. Outhouse’s fine place
nine miles up the valley. Mr. Marville
is lucky to get this farm for it is
one of the best farms and sto<-k
ranches in the county.
Mrs. Davenport, of Tarkio, Mo.,
visited with her son. Wm.. on route
two last week. She also visited at
the Dubry home at Loup City while
here. Mrs. Davenport formerly lived
here on route one about ten years
Friday the Wiggle Creek neighbor
hood will dedicate their new high
school building. This is the only
high school building on route two.
There are ten grades in the school.
Several have already asked and been
granted permission to let their chil
dren go to this school instead of send
ing them to Loup City, this way they
are home every night and the farmers
can get some help from the boys and
girls after school hours. The school
is heated by a furnace.
Route two was visited by a heavy
rain Saturday night. This time the
entire route was covered. It was
very heavy from John Sheehan's in a
northeasterly direction past the Wm.
Hawk school house. The wind tore
Mr. Hawk’s windmill down and broke
it to pieces, pulled up the anchor
posts and also blew the dining room
door open of his home and threw
the table across the room. Their
little boy fell down cellar but fortun
ately he was not hurt. The Brown
creek was out of its banks. From
one to two inches of rain fell in less
thn fifteen minutes. At Wm. Miller’s
place the wind blew his barn to pieces
also a new cattle shed, a corn crib and
his wheat stacks, hay stacks and al
falfa stacks were cut in two. At the
Henry Obermiller place it blew down
two granaries with a good many
bushels of oats. His chicken coon
and windmill were also wrecked. It
also blew the chimney off his house.
Henry and wife were in Ravenna at
this time. At the Fritz Bichel home
it took the wheel off from his mill
and picked the mill up and driving
it clear through the roof of the big
barn. High board fences were blown
in all directions. All alfalfa, wheat
and hay stacks were cut from one
third to two-thirds in two. The corn
fields in the distance look like hail
had been heavy. The cyelonek wind
twisted the com in every direction
leaving only a few leaves on the
the stalks. The storm took a j
northeasterly course straight for
Loup City but had spent itself most
ly before reaching that place. The
cyclone took the same track that the
one did a few years ago that did so
much damage for Mr. Bichel. Others
that had damage did to them during
last Saturday night's twister were, j
Wm. Behrens. Ed. Obermiller, Wm. J
Henderson, Ray McFadden, John \
Peterson. Tons upon tons of hay j
were completely blown away. Trees j
were scattered everywhere.
...... __ _____4
A. C. Hagey and family visited at
the McClarey home Sunday.
Miss Edith Malm visited at Wilford
Anderson’s place one day last week.
Miss Emily Wilson is visiting rela
tives and friends in this part of tlie
.Mr. and Mrs. Willis Cadwell. of Polk
county, are visiting at the Win. Lein
inger home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Darrow took
supper at the J. H. Welty home last
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Adele Malm, of Stromshurg,
visited a few days last week among
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Anderson
visited at the John Shroeder place
east of Arcadia last Thursday.
East Monday evening during the big
storm. E. E. Erickson's house was
struck by lightning doing some dam
Mr. and Mrs. George Pearl, of Cen
tral City, visited a couple of days
with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Sinclair.
Frank Manchester took hogs to the
Ashton market Monday.
Frank Manchester and son, were in
Ashton one day last week.
Ed. Manchester and family took
in the state fair at Lincoln.
John Pelanowski and brother,
Frank, were in Ashton Tuesday.
John Orent and Frank Zaruba were
in Ashton one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zaruba visited
at the latter’s parents Sunday.
Frank Trump has rented the Mike
Pruss place for next year and is put
ting in the fall wheat.
Frank Manchester, Frank Trump
and Clair Kettle autoed to St. Paul
last Wednesday on business.
Ernest Paddock lost one of liis fine
grey mares one day last week. Dr.
Kettle was called and did all he could
for the animal but it died.
Thieves were reported sneaking
around this part of the country Sat
urday night. They had a Ford car
and while near the Ernest Paddock
farm, they got stuck in a mud hole
and went to his barn and helped them
selves to a team to 4mII them out bur
failed, so they left the harness in the
car and took the horses and skipp 'd
off. With help. Ernest pushed the
car on his premises until he could
locate the whereabouts of his horses
which were good ones. The Ford car
was a new one and was from Ord and
if it had not of been for the rain the
thief would perhaps went on with the
car, but he found out he couldn't make
his getaway and thinking that walk
ing was too cheap, helped himself to
the horse and away he went. Later
reports are that the car belonged to
a land agent of Ord and was stolen on
last Friday night by this unknown
party. Mr. Paddock notified the
North Loup sheriff and the owner of
the car came in to North Loup and
bad Mr. Paddock drive the car to
town. Orin Conway, who makes his
home with Paddock started out Sun
day with Frank Trump and tracked
the horse that was taken and found it
in a pasture north of North Loup. It
is supposed that the would-be robber
took the motor-for Ord. A horse
blanket taken from Ed. Stillman’s was
used for this someone to ride 011.
Just Received
We have just unloaded a number of cars
of some of the finest LUMBER ever seen
in Loup City. Clean, Bright, New Stock.
Call and look this LUMBER over as it is
bound to please you.
We Serve You Right
varnishes Hansen Lumber Co. gates
i Quality Pianos and Player Pianos
Now offered and sold direct from Tj
Factory to Home.
A NY ONE intending to purchase a
*- Piano or Player Piano within the next
year should not fail to take advantage of
our special proposition to first buyers in
your community, for it means a round
saving of at least $100 to you.
Schmoller & Mueller Instruments are Mechanically Correct
and contain a sweet mellow rich tone —a quality that lingers in the memory
in vivid contrast to instruments ordinarily sold on the Special Sales Plan.
Our 57 years of continued success in the piano business gives you the advantage
of our experience and our 25 year guarantee, backed by our entire Capital and Resources
of over $1,000,000.00, affords you absolute protection.
We deliver our instruments free to your home and arrange terms to suit your
convenience, 3 to 5 years to pay.
Beautiful new designs in GRANDS, UPRIGHTS and PLAYERS.
Largest Retailers of Pianos in the World.
I F 165 1311-13 Farnam St., - OMAHA, NEBR.
B Mail This Coupon To-day for Catalogs and Information of our Free Trial Offer in your Home. P
Calls attended night and day. Resi
dence Phone Black 5. Office
at Wood's livery barn.
Loup City, Neb.
My eight room house. Good ban
and outbuildings with twelve lots it
cherry and plum trees. Also 4% acre:
of land and another tract of 3*£ aero:
all in alfalfa and fenced chicken tight
Nearly new two seated spring wage’
and a Jersey red sow with six pigs.#
Alfred Anderson.
Whenever we have a great national
strike, be it railroad or otherwise, the
common people are always the goats
and their bleats of distress are con
sistently ignored by both sides.
Change of program every night at
the opera house.
For Light and Heavy Hauling
Loup City, Nebraska
Liggett & Platt Spiral Spring
These springs are the
products of two of the
largest exclusive bed
spring factories in the
world. Guaranteed for life at a price within
the reach of all.
We also have a complete line of brass and
steel beds, steel couches and cots.
Come in and inspect our rugs and linoleums.
We carry a complete line of all grades.
Get our special prices on porch and lawn
Your money's worth or your money back
Sells for less and pays the freight