The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 14, 1916, Image 2

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    of Sherman County Lands Will be
Sold at Public Auction in Loup
City, Nebraska, on
Auctioneer, and Holder of
the world's record for real
estate sales.
tf]T SALE will be held at the Southwest corner of the Court House square in Loup City, Nebraska, at
^ 1 o’clock P. M. The land will be sold in four separate tracts as described below, and on all de
ferred payments purchaser will be given the privilege of paying $ 1 00 on any multiple thereof on any
pay day before maturity.
^JT PROSPECTIVE purchasers can examine farm No. 1 from Litchfield and livery from Litchfield will
be refunded them, and upon notification we will meet prospective purchasers at Loup City and
show them farms Nos. 2, 3 and 4.
Tract No. 1,240 Acres
No. 1.—Improved stock and grain farm of 240 acres 1 3-4 miles south of Litch
field, being the Southeast Quarter and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of
Section 4, Township 13, Range 16, West of the 6th P. M. in Sherman County, Ne
braska. There is an almost new frame house of 4 rooms, frame barn with hay mow
and room for 8 horses, chicken house, well, windmill and tank. Abundance of pure
water. Small grove, 80 acres in cultivation. Small field of alfalfa, balance best
of grass and pasture land. All fenced and cross fenced. Black loam soil with clay
subsoil. Terms: 10 per cent of purchase price to be paid on day of sale, 20 per
cent on March 1st, 1917, when possession will be given, balance to be secured by
mortgage on premises due March 1, 1922, and drawing 6 per cent interest from
March 1, 1917.
Tract No. 2,320 Acres
No. 2.—320 acres 7 miles southwest of Loup City, being all of the South Half
of Section 30, Township 15, Range 15. Soil is a black loam underlaid with a clay
subsoil and the quality is universally good. The entire tract is now in native grass
and is excellent for either hay or pasture. About one-half of the tract when bro
ken out will be excellent farm land, and taken altogether it will make an ideal stock
farm. There is a well and windmill now on the land. Abundance of pure water.
It is all fenced. No other improvements. Terms: 10 per cent of purchase price on
day of sale, 20 per cent of purchase price March 1,1917, when possession is given.
Balance March 1,1922, with interest at 6 per cent per annum from March 1,1917, and
secured by first mortgage on premises.
Prospective purchasers will be furnished further information by addressing W. F. Mason, Loup City, Neb.
COL. E. WALTERS and E. A. KEELER, Auctioneers.
■ i
Tract No. 3,320 Acres
No. 3.—Improved farm of 320 acres 3£ miles southwest of Loup City, being
the East Half of Section 35, Township 15, Range 15. Soil is a good quality black
loam underlaid with clay subsoil. Improvements consist of new frame house 16
by 24, frame barn with hay mow, 16 by 24, room for 8 horses. Good well, abund
ance of pure water. 100 acres in cultivation. Balance in pasture. Farm all fenced
and cross fenced. This farm is desirably located and will make an excellent com
bination stock and grain farm. Terms: 10 per cent of purchase price in cash on day
of sale, 20 per cent March 1, 1917, balance to be secured by first mortgage on premi
ses payable March 1, 1922, and drawing interest at 6 per cent per anunm from
March 1, 1917.
Tract No. 4,40 Acres
No. 4.—An Improved 40 acre farm 2\ miles southwest of Loup City, being
the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 15,
Range 15. Cement block house of 4 rooms. Frame barn, 20 by 32, good chicken
house, cow shed, well and windmill. Abundance of pure water. Other small build
ings. About one-half of the place is in cultivation, part of which is in alfalfa.
The balance is excellent blue grass pasture with plenty of timber for fuel and
other uses. The soil is deep black loam with clay subsoil. An ideal small farm
home. Terms: $500 in cash on day of sale. $1,000 March 1, 1917, balance secured
by first mortgage due March 1, 1922, with interest at 6 per cent per annum from
March 1, 1917.
W. F. MASON, Clerk
E. A. KEELER, Auctioneer.