The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 14, 1916, Image 12

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    New Fall Garments
New Models
in Suits
are arriving daily,
giving you a
chance to see fcr
yourself the new
est, and what style
k becomes you best.
■ Complete line of
silk and wool
dresses of latest
style *and materi
Please come in and
try them on
OapyMfM lit* T»« H. BlMk Ofc
Harve Chapman returned from the
fair on No. 39, Friday.
Ben Robinson painted the McCosh
school house last week.
Thomas Chamberlain came home on
No. 43 Friday from the fair.
Fin Peck shiped a car of hogs to
South Omaha Monday on No. 46.
Mrs. W. D. Fisher was a passenger
to Lincoln last Thursday evening.
John Weber and wife visited with
Joe Kabieson south of town Sunday.
The windmill on the C. Lewis place
was blown down by the wind Satur
George Dickinson shipped a load of
cattle to the Omaha market on Sun
Joe Kabieson had a cattle shed
blown down by the wind and rain Sat
Ernest Huntington, of Corydon, Ind,
a friend of the Lang family, was here
visiting last week.
Rev. Troy left on No. 40 for Hast
ings, where he goes to attend the
Methodist conference.
Mrs. A. M. Reimery returned from
Halsey last Friday where she had been
visiting her daughter.
J. F. Walters, of Sargent, was here
looking over our country with a view
of locating here, last week.
A. M. Benett was on our streets the
other evening. He brought over his
daughter, Mrs. Joe Cording.
Dr. Rydberg took No. 44 for Lincoln
Saturday night to be present at the
operation of Mrs. Ira Douglas.
Earl Welden, who as been spending
his vacation with his sister in Colo
rado, returned Sunday evening.
Irvin Keufield left on No. 40 for Lin
coln, Tuesday, where he will take a
course in the Agricultural college.
The farmers cooperative associa
tion have their scales in and a large
lumber shed in course of construc
George Slote and wife returned on
Tuesday from a four days’ sojourn at
Lincoln, taking in the fair in their
new eight cylinder Oldsmobile which
he traded his Buick for. Some car, be
lieve me.
The rain that fell Saturday came
nicely, all going into the ground, soak
ing it up in good shape for fall plow
ing and wheat seeding. The rain we
had Saturday afternoon was a hard,
dashing rain that mostly all ran off.
Arthur Engleman and family with
Mr. and Mrs. Den Engleman, rolled
in from their western trip on Friday
and reported a very enjoyable time.
Art says young sage hens beat prai
rie chicken, but they failed to take ad
vantage of the good trout fishing along
their way. They went from here to
Mitchell west of Scotts Bluffs and
visited with Mrs. Mary Torey, Den’s
granddaughter, then to Cheyenne and
Steamboat Springs, but lost their
way and went to Tye Siding and Cher
okee Park. Art said they were glad
they did for the scenery paid for it.
They returned twenty miles and
landed at Craig west of Steamboat
Springs, where he found his brothers,
Everett and Joe and cousin, Ed. hard
at work. After a few days’ visit they
went to Denver, and Estes Park, then
to Juplesburg and Kearney via the
Lincoln Highway and home. No
punctures and one blow-out was the
only mishap.
Edward Larson will attend school
at York.
T. A. Donahoe was a Ravenna visi
tor Monday.
O. A. Larson and four sons were in
Ravenna last week.
Vera Robinson returned from Litch
field Thursday morning.
Tom Schoopman visited Andy Wade
and his sister last week.
H. Swinson and O. J. Walthers
went to Grand Island Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wade went to
Cairo, Wednesday of last week.
Rev. Schmidt, of Black Hill Basin,
preached at three o’clock Sunday.
Myers Peterson, Walter and H. L.
Weist went to Ravena last Wednesday
Ray Criffield and John Cumming3
attended < the carnival at Ravenna
last week.
Toby Reinerston and Jewell Nelson
will attend school at Decorah, Iowa
this winter.
Wm. Olson and family started to
Gering Monday, where they will make
their home.
Mrs. Erazim'8 mother returned to
her home in Cairo Saturday after a
few days’ visit here.
N. F. Jensen returned from Hastings
the middle part of last week where he
had been helping thrash.
Mrs. Donahoe, Mrs. Lew Henis, Mrs.
J. O. Ward, and Victoria Evans went
to Ravena last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Graham were
in Ravena Thursday night. Fred Ca
pellan took them in his car.
Wm. Boecking and sons are filling
their new oil tanks on the old M. S.
Taffee lot where the Commercial
hotel stood.
Mrs. Floyd Graham returned home
from a protracted visit with her par
ents and friends at Graffon, Juantia
and Kearney.
Ira Douglas came in on No. 39 from
Lincoln. His wife was operated on
Sunday, and is doing as well as could
be expected.
Adam Kabortz reports his wife as
getting along nicely after the opera
tion. She is in the St. Joseph’s hos
pital at Omaha.
W. T. Chase and his nephew, Athol
bert Chase, were here last week. Al
tholbert will teach the James Lang
school this term.
Mr. and Mrs. Erickson came down
from Bayard for a few days’ visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wiseman, the
end of last week.
The Speltz Bros, and Robinson
Bros, shipped three loads of horses
to Grand Island Sunday. The boys
are sure buying some horses.
Mr. and Mrs. George Van came home
on No. 39 Monday, from a week’s
visit with their daughter, Mrs. Low
ery, at Lincoln, during the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wetzel, of David
City, a nephew of I. A. Bowzer, came
in on No. 39 Thursday for a few days’
visit with the Bowzer family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mead returned
from Lincoln on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whitmore re
turned home with them in their car.
Moses Farnsworth returned from
Lincoln without any mishap. Thos
Chamberlain, who went down with
him, returned on No. 43 Friday morn
Mrs. Patchin, mother of Charles
Patchin, visited her son last week.
Mrs. Patchin lives near Seneca.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Olson removed
from Ravena to Natrick where Mr. Ol
son will work for the Burlington.
Rudolph English, of Pleasanton,
visited his uncle, Gus Lade, and other
friends. He returned home Friday.
R. H. Hane returned home from
Atock where he has been working
and will go to schol this winter at
this place.
Mrs. George Reed returned from
Lincoln Wednesday, where she had
been visiting her parents and friends
for several days.
Victor Evans, Mrs. Erazim, Mrs.
Ward, Eli Criffield, Willard Frink,
and Clarence Criffield, were Ravenna
callers Saturday.
George Burge went to Lincoln last
Wednesday. Mr. Burge has rented
his farm and will make Lincoln his
home for a while.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robinson, of
Omaha, are visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Robinson, and friends.
They arrived here Friday.
Pauline Miller, two-year old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, died
Tuesday morning. The funeral was
held Wednesday at 2:30 o’clock.
T. W. O. Wolfe of Loup City, is
surveying the streets and getting the
grades for Hazard. We are hoping to
have some sidewalks for this winter.
Misses Mary and Emma Erazim,
_ • - V-'. r.' • •>$. - :" *7 ••• ’ ’j* ■ ■1
Moses Farnsworth accompanied by
his granddaughter, Miss Esther Farns
worth, returned from their auto trip
to Kansas and report a very enjoyable
Dr. Gregg, our horse doctor, returned
from Gillett, Wyo., last week where
he had taken his two brothers to take
land near his. I understand they do
not like it out there.
E. H. Myers went to Lincoln Wed
nesday morning to enter the Wesley
an University. Mrs. M. B. Myers and
daughters left the next day where the
girls will attend high schol.
W. F. Gray steped off No. 39 Friday
evening on his way home from the
fair for a few days’ visit with his j
father-in-law, Alfred De Bruler. Bill !
looks Just as he always looks.
Edith CrifTield, Alveus Peterson, Mrs.
Clair Roberts, Walter Capellan and
Arthur Peterson, attend the carnival
at Ravenna last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lovitt and
two daughters, Helen and Blanche,
with Max Frink as driver, are making
a tour through points in Colorado
and western Nebraska. They started
Friday and will be gone about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hand went to
Brewster last Friday. Fred Capellan
took them in his car. Their son,
Clarence, returned with them. Clar
ence is on the sick list and will prob
ably have to go to Grand Island for
medical treatment.
Church Notes.
Sixty attended Sunday school.
There was a large crowd at Chris
tian Endeavor. George Bent was the
Rev. Troy filled his appointment on
Sunday morning. Mrs. Troy and chil
dren accompanied him.
mother. He informs us that he won
the trophy and $15 on one of his
Hampshire gilts and 4th money at
state fair.
Sheriff Williams, of Loup City, was
here Friday.
Mike Platek, of Farwell, was here
on business Saturday.
Miss Frances Pechota was a passen
ger to Omaha Tuesday morning.
John Sekutera from north of Loup
City, was here Friday on business.
Mrs. Nagorski was a passenger to
Farwell Wednesday morning.
Mrs. D. Montgomery, of Schaupps,
is visiting at the present time at Red
Cloud, Neb.,
Chris Domgard went to Loup City
Saturday evening to spend Sunday
with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sowicki, who re
side north of Farwell, were shopping
in Ashton Tuesday.
Ed. Oltmann returned Friday even
ing from Lincoln, where he had been
attending the fair.
Mrs. P. Jezew’ski and little daugh
ter, went up to Loup City Monday
to visit wuth relatives.
Stanley Kontor and wife, who live
north of Schaupps, spent Sunday here
with Mr. Kontor’s mother.
Harry Williams has been chief en
gineer at the electric light plant dur
ing Ed. Janulewicz’s absence.
Too wet for thrashers this week.
John Sekutera was in Ashton last
This week started in with another
fine rain.
Mrs. Steve Dymek was on the sick
list Sunday.
Joe Steel is hauling wheat to Loup
City this week.
Frank MeCarville and family were
in Ord Saturday.
Tom Sekutera was in Loup City
Saturday evening.
Fred Jack and family moved on the
John Howe place.
Fred Jensen accompanied his aunt
to Boelus Saturday.
Some farmers are starting to sow
wheat this last week.
Charley Quartz and family autoed
to Loup City Sunday.
Nelson Fisher and family autoed to
Loup City Saturday evening.
Miss Katie Augustyn started to work
for Win. Dolling Wednesday.
Stanley Zaworksi and family visited
the Charles Stickney home Sunday.
Mrs. W. R. Stickney was calling at
the Augustyn home Wednesday morn
Miss Clara and Edie Dymek spent
the afternoon at W. R. Stickney’s on
Mrs. Ollie Whitford. of Ord, is here
visiting with her brother, Andy
The dance at John Sekutera’s was
well attended and everyone reported
a fine time.
Stanley Zaworski and family and
Miss Nina Stickney autoed to Loup
City Saturday.
Guy and Violet Stickney, of Litch
field. visited with the W. R. Stickney
family Sunday.
E. A. Keeler. John Augustyn and
Mr. Keeler’s mother and sister,
Pearle, are visiting in the eastern part
of the state.
A few Rockville people were down
at Boelus Friday and Saturday of
last week taking in the carnival at
that place.
Carl Jensen, Rasmus Rasmussen.
Niels Jensen and John Paulsen,
autoed up to Loup City Wednesday
on business.
Gray & Olson, the Rockville live i
stock buyers, shipped a carload oi
hogs to the South Omaha markets
last Monday.
The Misses Evedyn Nielson and
Myrtle Dwehus and D. W. Sherman
autoed to Boelus in the latter’s car
last Sunday, to visit.
George Coulter, Clarence Coulter,
E. Dwehus. and Wm. Jakobs, Sr.,
autoed to Loup City Wednesday of
this week on business.
The Kensington club girls met at
the Bushhousen home last Tuesday
even ing for the purpose of choosing
a regular date for choosing purposes.
W. R. Henkens, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Cords, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dwehus, Olga
Schurzburg and Alice Dwehus autoed
over to Ravenna in the former’s car
Sunday afternoon.
The Rockville junior ball team
journeyed to Ashton and crossed bats
with that team last Sunday. The
Rockville boys met with defeat. We
did not learn what the score was.
Frank Kuhn returned from the fair
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parsley were
state fair visitors.
Henry Kuhl thrashed for W. F.
Spencer, Thursday.
School began in the Shettler dis
trict last Tuesday.
G. A. Richmond was a Loup City
caller last Thursday.
Mrs. W. F. Spencer is in Lincoln
visiting two of her sisters.
T. C. Chamberlain returned from
the state fair Thursday evening.
Frank Lamers hauled his thrashing
outfit out to Henry Reed’s Monday.
Mrs. Bowser has a nephew from
David City visiting them this week.
Sam Hill and wife, of Huxley, were
visiting Mrs. W. H. Hill Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Whitmore at
tended the fair in Lincoln last week.
Mrs. J. H. Burton visited with her
son, Harvey, and family in Litchfield
a few days.
Miss Erma Towrey teaches the
young idlers how to shoot in the
Lone Elm district.
There was a nice rain fell Monday.
It will put the ground in fine shape
for fall wheat and rye.
Loup City People Will do Well to
Heed Them.
Many bad cases of kidney trouble
resuls from a cold or chill. Con
gested kidneys fall behind in filter
ing the poison-laden blood and back
ache, headache, dizziness and disor
dered kidney action follow. Don't
neglect a cold. Use Doan’s Kidney
Pills at the first sign of kidney
trouble. Follow this Loup City resi
dent’s example.
Mrs. Mary Lofliolm, Loup City,
says: ‘‘I had been having some
trouble from my kidneys and oc
casional attacks of backache. Every
little cold I caught seemed to settle
on my kidneys and make me worse.
Two boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills,
which 1 got at Swanson’s Drug Store,
ended the trouble and I haven’t been
bothered since.”
Price 50 eeits at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. Lofholm had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Thomas Wall returned to his home
at Farwell after spending a few days
here with his son on the farm.
Ira Hatahaway. with the railroad
bridge builders here, went to Cushing
Saturday to visit with relatives.
Harry Obermiller and wife, of
Schaupps, passed through here Satur
day in their auto, bound for Boelus.
Ed. Janulewicz went to Loup City
Monday morning and from there he
went to Arcadia with the Loup City
band. (
Mrs. J. J. Dilla and Mrs. Stanley Ba
dura left Thursday for Omaha where
they will visit with relatives for about
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Blumer and daugh
ters autoed to Boelus Saturday and
attended the reunion and carnival at
that place.
Mrs. Stanley Dymek returned on
Tuesday from Loup City, where she
had been visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. Floyd Janulewicz.
Mrs. John Jezewski and children
came down from their Loup City home
Friday and spent the day here with
relatives, returning home in the
evening. ^
Clair Kettle and Frank Manchester
went to Ravena Monday evening via
auto and from there took the train
to Colorado after a car of fruit, po
tatoes, and cabbage which they will
have for sale on the tracks in a short
Mrs. Jack Hruby and Mrs. Wm.
Krutzen, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Grabowski, who arrived here
about two weeks ago to attend the
Pechota-Wieserski wedding, returned
to their homes Tuesday morning, the
former at Lincoln and the latter at
Bentley, Iowa.
Emil Cords went to Mullen last
Sunday via Ravenna, on business.
Leo Celmers purchased a new Ford
car from Kozel & Sorensen one day
last week.
Sofus Olson went to Grand Island
last Monday to have some dental
work done.
Mrs. Jens Anderson, of Nysted, is
visiting for a few days this week at
the Dwehus home.
W. A. Jakobs is taking F. C. Sund
strom’s place in the barber shop
while Frank is absent.
Miss Lillian Bartunek is now clerk
ing in the Chris Nielson store. She
took Irma Nielson's place.
M. Norseen, of St. Paul, was in
this town last Sunday for the pur
pose of organizing a Sunday school.
Miss Irma Nielson went to Kear
ney last Saturday to attend the state
normal at that place the coming year.
Alton Woten went to Loup City on
last Monday to attend the Loup City
high school the coming school term.
F. C. Sundstrom left Monday morn
ing for the western part of the state,
where he went to look at some land.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mead returned
from Lincoln where they had been in
attendance at the state fair.
The young folks surprised Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Garnett Friday evening.
The evening was spent in games and
eating watermelon.
Mr. and Mrs. Christie Peterson and
Thos. Eastabrook and family, and S.
C. Eastabrook and family, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. James Hager Sunday.
Mrs. S. C. Eastabrook and Miss
Martha Burtner attended missionary
meeting of the Ladies’ Aid society of
the M. E. Church at Litchfletd Wed
Mrs. Wm. Kohls, one of the old
settlers of Clear Creek, passed away
Wednesday morning. She had been
sick since last March with cancer of
the stomach.
A. D. Jones returned home from the
fair Sunday. He stopped off at Beaver
Crossing to visit his father and
On September 25 the school board
of District No. 1 will receive sealed
bids for the sale of the old outbuild
ings on all school sites, same to be re
moved within one week from date of
purchase, all holes filled and the
ground left in a neat condition. The
board reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
A well improved farm of 240 acres
five and one-half miles from Loup
City. Good buildings, good soil, new
frame house, barn, double corn crib
and granary, good well and windmill,
and other small buildings. 80 acres
in pasture, balance alfalfa and plow
land. 70 acres of winter wheat goes
with the farm. If you want to buy a
good home farm within a reasonable
distance of Loup City call at our of
fice for further information.
the world
' ~*'-''''-'-'KZWt4t’M.V4VSS*/S4MttS*A/»Z)WSSSS/*K4*
Keeping up with the procession is not enough for the General—he
^,ead he does —in volume, quality and price.’
I he General s leadership is due to the enormous resources at
his command —the five m’s of modern manufacturing — men,
money, mills, machinery and materials.
Men who have learned the roofing business
through years of practical experience are in
charge of every department of the business.
Men who have made a life study of the
blending of asphalt^ comprise-the General’s
Board of Expert Chemists.
Money the means to promote efficiency,
increase out-put, reduce cost, prevent waste
is at the General’s call in abundance.
Mills—the largest roofing mills in the world
are the General s. They are advantageously
/located at points where cost of fuel, access
to raw materials and quick distribution of
of finished products are most favorable.
Machinery — the most modern known to
the roofing business, equips each of the
General s enormous mills. Not a dollar is
left unspent which would speed up produc
tion, increase quality or lower costs.
Materials the food of the mills—is bought
by the General in enormous quantities,and
stored. This means the pick of the market
and favorable buying, and no loss from idle
machinery, due to shortage of materials.
Thus the success of CERTAIN-TEED
Roofing is no secret, but is due to a combin
ation of . resources and experience without
parallel in the roofing business.
CERTAIN-TEED is made of the best
quality roofing ielt, thoroughly saturated
with a scientific blend of soft asphalts, the
formula of the General^ board of expert
chemists. It is then coated with a blend of
harder, asphalts, which keeps the inner
saturation soft and prevents the drying-out
so destructive to the ordinary roof.
CERTAIN-TEED is guaranteed for 5, 10
or 15 years, according to ply (1, 2 or 3).
Experience proves that it lasts longer.
CERTAIN-TEED is made in rolls; also in
slate-surfaced shingles. There is a type of
CERTAIN-TEED for every kind of'build
ing, with flat or pitched roof, from sky
scraper to small residence or out-building.
CERTAIN-TEED is sold by responsible
dealers all over the world, at reasonable
prices. Investigate it before you decide on
any type of roof.
General Roofing Manufacturing Company
World's Largest Manufacturer of Roofings and Building Papers
N*W City Chicago Philadelphia St. Louis Boston Cleveland Pittsburgh Detroit San Francisco Los Angeles Milwaukee CinrSnott 9
New Orleans Minneapolis Seattle Kansas City Indianapolis * Atlanta Richmond Des Moines Houston Duluth London SydneT
Copyrighted 1916, General Roofing Manufacturing Co.
Certain-teed Products Sold by the Keystone Lumber Company
August 30—
Delbert W. Hunt, Riverton, Neb.
Miss Ada Lambert, Riverton, Neb.
September 2—
James A. Fulmer, North Loup, Neb.
Miss Mary B. Hull, North Loup,
September 6—
Benedict S. Badura, Ashton, Neb.
Miss Martha Fredrick, Ashton. Neb.
September 9—
Mark C. Root, Fairmont, Neb.
Mil s Nancy C. Harrod, Loup City,
The first three couples were mar
ried by County Judge Smith. Mr.
Root and Miss Harrod were married
by Rev. E. M. Steen.
Open Monday With Greatly In
creased Enrollment.
School opened last Monday with
Superintendent C. U. Bitner at the
helm, and he will also have charge
of the teachers’ training and normal
training. J. W. Davidson, principal,
will teach science and have charge of
athletics. Miss Le Masters. Assist
ant principal, will teach English and
have charge of the girls’ gymnasium.
Miss Grierson, mathematics and his
tory; Mrs. Owen, music and library;
Miss -McNulty, eighth grade; Miss
Holmes, seventh grade.
At the old building, Miss Smith is,
principal and teaches the sixth grada;
Mrs. Foster, fifth grade; Miss Steen’
fourth grade; Miss Clopper, third
grade; Miss Mable Lang, second
grade; Miss Daddow, first grade; Miss
Grace Lang, kindergarten.
The enrollment generally showed
a considerable increase over last
year. In the freshman class 44 are
enrolled. In the other classes about
the sayie as last year, bringing up
the enrollment to 128 in the high
school. The seventh and eighth
grades show enrollment of sixty and
in the grades building an enrollment
of 239 with others to be added in a
day or two.
School began in nice shape and
the students are settling down to good
honest work.
The following general rules were
adopted that are to be followed this
year. Parents and pupils will kindly
keep them in mind:
First bell at 8:30; second bell at
8:55. and a tap at 9 o’clock. After
the tap at 9 o’clock school begins
and students not thgre at the tap are
Bells at noon as follows: 12:55,
first bell, 1:10; second bell and tap
at 1:15. Students not in their seats
and ready for work at 1:15 are count
ed tardy.
Pupils will be required to have 75
per cent as a passing grade and 30
credit points to graduate.
Parents having children in the
kindergarten please note that those
going in the forenoon the first semest
er will have them report in the after
noon the last semester.
Parents are invited and urged to
visit the school as it is a help and
inspiration to both pupils and teach
G. \V. Collipriest. C. F. Beushausen,
Wm. Larson and Wilbert Morris
autoed to Mira Valley Wednesday
evening to attend the Presbytery of
this district.