The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 14, 1916, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
District No. 12 has quite a few new
pupils this year.
Ignatz Kalkowski is helping Stanley
Dymek harvest hay this wTeek.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koch went to
Rockville last Sunday and spent the
Tony Bonczynski and Leon Lubasli
spent Sunday with the Stanley No
wicki family.
Misses Minie and Freda Plambeck
helped Mrs. Ignatz Haremza cook for
thrashers last week.
^ Vincent Johns, of Loup City, was in
this vicinity last week buying horses
for the eastern zone.
A number of folks attended the
Wieserski-Pieehota wedding dance on
last Monday evening.
Miss Agnes Maciejewski resigned
her position working for Elmer Koch
and began school again.
The Economy man. of Loup City,
was on the Creek last Monday filling
several tanks of gasoline.
Miss Curley Zocohl. of Ashton, was
helping her sister. Mrs. Harry ID
ciejewski. cook for thrashers.
Leon F. Lubash resigned his posi
tion at Plambeek's and returned to
the Kearney Normal Monday.
wheres he will begin working for Dr.
O. A. Grothan.
A shower of rain fell on the creek
last Monday which helped a little for
the crops, and also keeping the dust
from flying around.
John Bonczynski has replaced a
new windmill in place of the one that
was blown down two weeks ago in
the great wind storm.
F. A. Maciejewski had a misfortune
last Sunday. He lost two head of
cattle due to eating too much green
corn. Hard luck. John.
Last Saturday was a bad day for
the farmers who have been stacking
hay. A strong wind storm blew the
hay all over the country.
Martin Bvdalek closed a deal with
John Krvski. of Columbus, in buying
a 160 acre tract farm north of hi«
farm. Consideration. $10,000.
A barn dance was given Sunday of
last week at the home of Tony Kroli
kowski. A fair crowd was present
and all reported a god time.
A barn dance was given at the F.
Wardyn home last Sunday. A lar-'.j
crowd was present and all had a good
time. The Maschka Bros, furnished
the music.
John Krvski. of Columbus, arrived
on the passenger last Saturday to
look after business matters and to
visit with relatives, returning home
the first of the week.
B. H. Lorenz and Stanley Nowicki
were among those who were busy the
past week hauling wheat to Ashton.
O. C. Noyes, of Loup City, has been
in this part of the Creek selling the
J. R. Watkins remedies, spices, etc.
Miss Aggate Seabeck arrived from
Benson. Neb., last week to visit with
relatives and friends for a few days.
Earl Taylor, of Loup Cty, came
out to Ignatz Haremza’s last wees
when they were thrashing on his
A large crowd went to Boelus last
Friday and Saturday to attend the
carnival. They reported a splendid
Miss Dora Carsten is now attend
ing the Rockville high school as she
graduated from District No. 12 last
Martin Bydalek was a passenger to
Columbus last Wednesday where he
is looking for some land, returning on
We understand that St. Nowicki
sold one of his horses to V. L. Johns,
of Loup City which he is taking to the
war zone.
Miss Ida Peters was an eastbound
passenger to St. Paul last Monday
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Maschka. Mr.
and Mrs. Louie Jamrog. of Ashton.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seabeck. and
Miss Aggie Seabeck. were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stobe Sunday.
Last Monday our carrier was not
on the route. He must have laid off
on account of the strike but the next
day he was on again. It was Labor
day so the one day strike did not do
very much remonstrance.
Those who entertained at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bydalek Sun
day w'ere: Mr. and Mrs. Auguct Mas
chka. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Luba.h
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woite
lew’icz. of Oak Creek. Martha Fred
rick and Ben Badura.
The Deer Creek tigers out-slugged
the Paplin Browns at Paplin Sunda;
afternoon to the tune of 14 to 9. Tiie
game went nip to top. Goretski
started in the mound for the Browns
and was released by Tesmer in the
sixth. Maschka tossed for the Tigers
and Mac-iejewski released him in the
sixth and allowing only one hit. Cm
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i WHAT5 [
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pire Schroll was square on both sides
so no rag chewing was necessary .
J. W. Peters had the misfortune one
day last week of losing a 40x40 barn
which was struck by lightning on
his farm in Holt county which is oc
cupied by his son. Stanley. The loss'
inside was seven tons of hay. two
sets of harness, one single harness,
one saddle and one horse which was
owned by a traveling man. The other
horse got loose in some way and was
saved. Insurance covered more than
Roosevelt's ‘‘strong support" for
Hughes' “undiluted Americanism.”
makes a combination such as no na
tional campaign has seen for years.
Consideration for others squeezes
out the thought that this is fine wea
ther for loafing.
The Burlington railroad announces
that in conjunction with the Great
Northern Pacific S. S Co., a new and
improved service to Honolulu—"The
Paradise of the Pacific"—on the S. S.
Great Northern—“The Palace of the
I Pacific” will be inaugurated from San
Francisco this fall. This is the lux
! urious greyhound that broke the
record last year, and makes the trip
with but four nights at sea. She will
make eight round trips this season,
| leaving San Francisco on November
7th and about every twenty days
thereafter to and including April 3rd.
The vanity of some people is
equalled only by their vanity, and
you can always spot them in aay
Try Chase's first—it pays.
The commissioner appointed to va
cate a road commencing on the line
between sections 32-15-15 and sections
5-14-15 Sherman County, Nebraska, and i
I running thence in a southerly and
westerly direction and terminating!
where it connects with road running
north and south or road No. 78, has
reported in favor of the vacation j
thereof, and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in !
the County Clerk's office on or before
noon of the 4th day of November. A. j
D. 1916, or such road will be vacated ;
without reference thereto.
Dated this 21st day of August, 1916.1
(SEAL) County Clerk.
The new revenue bill was passed i
in the senate Tuesday of last week
It then required the approval of the
house on changes made and then it
was ready for the president’s signa
It is the last big measure of the ad
ministration and it contains many
features of unusual interest. In its
passage in the senate, five republicans
joined in voting for it in connection
with all the democratic senators. The
republican senators were: Cummins
and Kenyon of Iowa: LaFollette of
Wisconsin: Norris of Nebraska, and
Clapp of Minnesota.
This revenue bill lays emphasis on
taxes on inheritance; owners of great
wealth have their estate subject to
an inheritance tax increasing in pro
portion according to the largeness of
the estate. Increases are also made
in this bill on the income tax but the
minimum is left as it has been here
tofore. The incomes of the very rich
are taxed higher in the new measure
than they were in the old one. A
tax on war munitions is another fea
ture new in the revenue bill. One of
the most important features carried
in the passage of the measure is the
creating of a tariff commission. This
will be hailed with unusual satisfac
tion by all except those whose inter
ests are tied up with special interests
that have been given such tariffs
heretofore that all competition was
destroyed. The great rank and file
of the people will be glad to have the
tariff put in the hands of the com
mission so that every subject can be
tested on its merits and given such
protection as required, doing away
with the politics and the trades that
have characterized the passage of
tariff bills direct by congress. In
recognition of the fact that this coun
try was at the mercy of foreign manu
facturers in all dye stuffs used here,
the new revenue measure puts a di
rect protective tariff on dye stuffs so
that they can be manufactured at
home and given protection so that the
business can be made profitable. An
other feature of the bill is a proviso
for protecting American manufactur ,
ers from "dumping” all the end of
the war when it is felt that European !
countries will attempt to flood this ]
Two amendments were added to
the bill by the senate that give this i
government power to retaliate against;
trade black lists and against inter
ference with the mails in connection
with foreign business. The amend
Sherman County Fair
Larger Premiums—Better Attractions
Something for Everyone
Friday, September 22, School Children’s Day
FIRST DAY—Entrance day, and no admission fee will be
charged. All entries must be made on this day.
SECOND DAY—Arcadia and Ashton ball game. Both of
these teams are fast and the game will be a good one.
THIRD DAY—The Loup City and Rockville teams will
play ball and will strengthen their teams so the game is sure to
be an interesting one.
Concerts by the Loup City band every day.
Keith Neville, Democratic candidate for Governor, will
speak on the second day and on the last day Judge Sutton, the
Republican candidate for Governor, will speak on the political
issues of the day.
The Whang Doodle Comedy Four, a colored company that
were at the State Fair, will give a performance each day.
Georgie Abbott, the boy wonder, who weighs only 102 lbs., will
will be a feature, offering $25 to anyone who can lift him from
the floor. The merry-go-round will also be present.
Bring Your Dinners and Help Make Every Day a Gala Day
Entries Close Wednesday Evening C. J. TRACY, Secretary
ments authorize the president of the
United States to deny the use of
mails and other methods of communi
cation in this country to citizens of
any beligerent nation which does not
accord equal facilities to American
citizens or corporations. Power is
given the government to hold clear
ances from vessels in American ports
which are subjecting citizens of the
United States at home or abroad to
any undue discrimination in regard to
transportation of freight or passeu
These provisions have been incor
porated in the new revenue law to
give this country power to stop il
legal interference with its mails and
to stop any system of blackmail such
as the English government has recent
ly attempted to enforce. The new
tariff commission under this act will
consist of six members to whom all
questions relating to the operation of
the tariff laws or the tariff relations
between this gevernment and foreign
countries, will be referred. This com
mission will investigate and report
to the committees of congress what
ever changes and modifiactions arc*
In the many constructive measures
that have recently been put upon the
statute books, of the many measures
looking to the settlement of questions
of large interest, the new revenue
law is one of the most complete and
far reaching of any of them and it
promises to not only raise the reve
nue required, but to raise it in the
least objectionable way and with the
least hardship to those who pay. At
the same time, it is a measure that
clears the atmosphere along tariff
lines and along inheritance and in
come tax lines so that these features
for raising revenue will be on a more
permanent basis.—Trade Review.
Buy a 50c bottle of Farris Heal
ing Remedy, add to it a pint of Lin
seed Oil to make a healing oil, or add
vaseline to make an ointment. You
will then have sixteen ounces of the
Healing Remedy for harness and
saddle gall. barbed wire cuts,
scratches, or any hurt or sore whore
the skin is broken. Positive guar
anteed the best made. Make it at
home. By so doing you have $2.00
worth for 50c—J. J. SlominskL
Henry M. Eisner for glasses.