The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 31, 1916, Image 3

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    £>iefe 2tbteilung ift fur bte
^amilicnglteber, n?eld?e am
liebften Dcutfcf? lefen.
$om 8diauulat>c
iw eurouaifdicn
£in £eil bee Scutfdi - iilmerifaner
fciirfte bie gegentcartigc ©ffenfine
ber 2ICiierten an beibeu gronten
jalfdj beurteileu. iPtan bori unb
lieft ba folgenbe* Urteil iiber bie mi
litarifdje 2age: „gcft ftebt I>eute( bafe
bie erfte unb befte SioBfraft bet
i£>eere bet SlUiierten ben beutfdjen
©per mail nirgenbs burdjbrecbcn
lannte. £ie Grftbbpfung ber au
friinnenben itruppen ift im ©tiUer
merben bet $ampfe auf mandjen
grcntteilen auffaHig."....
Crg liejje fid} bentnad) auf einen
gerciffen iUhserfoIg fcijliefecn, lucnn
jid)cr ftanbe, bafj ^offte unb bie cer
bunbclen ^eete ben '.plan gebabi, ei
uen rafdjen 2>urd)brucb ber beutfdjen
iiiniv ju erjroingen.
©er eine unb anberc dJJiltldrfriti
fer fdjcint bie§ PoraitS'jufeBcn, inbem
et friiberc ©ffenfirwerfudjc auf bet
Seftfront unb bas Sorftofeen bet
djuffen in ben lefcien 23od)en Dor Slu
gen bat unb barauS ben ©djluB
?,iebt, baB bie StHiierten auf alien
grenten biefelbe Saftif an^uroeuben
allctn bie Sbergaltmi'c be§ 5Rau*
meg uni barum amp ber iPerfdian*
autigen finb im Often unb SJeften
nidji biefelben. Sort bnrfte ruffi
icberfeit» ein rafcber Xurcpbrud) ri-:
ficrt roerbcn, bier abcr not ber fran*
obfifdje 5>erfud) in ber Gliampagne
1915 unb ber beurige beutfdje bei
Serbun jur Qieniige gc^eigt, tea?
moglitf) ober unmoglicb ift. 2ie
franjofifdjen unb englifdieit £cer
iiibrer ttxircn mit 2?Iinbbcit gefcpla
gen geroefen. batten fie fidi fdpou fur
bie erften Xage ibred llntcmcbmcni:'
eincn Xurdtbrud) Perfprodien.
Csn mafegebcnbcn franjiiftfdtcn
ftreifen roar man frit SKonaten einer
gar.5 anbcren Slnfidjt, unb man bat
aud) nicbt unterlaffeu, bag 2SoIf ba*
mit Pcrtraut ju madicu, uni unjciti
yen ^Ilxifionen Porjubcugen.
23ir madien nur auf eincn einji
gen biesbejiiglidien Slrtifel im fran*
rbfifdicm „SWatiti" aufmerffam. 2a
et mit bent 2feginn ber Often*
fiPe 3ufammenfielr nndb benor
bie erften Snmmunigued iiber
biefe cingetroffen, unb {omit
auf bie fommcnbeu (ireiguiffe rrorju
bereiten patte, roirb iptn eine offisieje
?arbc faum abjufprecpen feitt.
<fr bctitclt ficb „8’offenfiPe mebet*
nc", gicbt einen Ueberblid iiber bie
bi§pcrigeit OffenfroPerfudje unb er
flrirt, bag e» fief) nun nicbt um einen
,.'|?ercee", eincn Xurcbbrud), fonbern
um cine „fpefee", einenXrurf, panble.
llngeodpltc Sofalangriffe roerbeu fidi
apne febe lleberftiirsung folgen, bie
ben (Segner ba unb bort fdirittroeife
aurudjubrangen unb uad) unb nad)
ju ermiiben futben. 2a£ aber fei
eine „Oeuore be patience", eine ®e
Xarnadi finb bie bermaligen (fr
folge ber granjofen unb Crnglanber
unfereg grad)tcn§ ein3ufdiiipen unb
nicbt nad) einer Xurdjbnidjc-btipctbe
fe; unb in jenem Sittne aufgefaBt,
tnerben teir begreifen, bat bie Sor
ftofee, befonberS ber Sranjofen, roel
d)e ftellenrocife bie jroerie beutfdbe 8i
nie erreidjt baben, bie Erroartnngcn
bcr SlUiiertert erfiiUt baben.
tueroen furore unb Idngcrc
3ttriicf)enpaufen eintrclen, unb an bet
einen unb anbern grontftefle hrirb
fid) ein £in- unb •'oerirogen jdgen.
ttrfi nod) Iangeren 2Sod)cn (ober
SRonaten) rtirb tiermutlid) ein llr
ieil iiber ba-3 ©nbrefultat gefallt mcr*
ben fonnen. 2Bte ©rant bat- §eer
iiees, fo ©oUen bie SlUiiprlen im
Seften bie Oeutfcbcn itad) unb nad)
erbruden. Ob ibnen ba§ gelingcn
ttrirb, ift fine anbere grage. Sic
S)eutfd)en biirften ben deitpunft Gb
loarten, tnann bei ben granjofen unb
IRupen bie (rnttaufdnmg eintriti
iiber bie geringen (rrfolge, bie fie mii
fo grofsen Opfern su erfampfen ge
jKmngen toaren. 2ann toirb einc
neue Offenfine eingcleitct trerben,
benn bag bie Oeutjdjen auf biefe
bouernb ocrgid)ten teerben, glouben
roir nid)t. 3^e gegemoartige abmar
ienbe SCafiif beroeift iibrigens, baf)
fie mii einer Iangeren £ricg§bauer
Son ber ©rfd&opfitng to beuife^en
3rmceforper fann gar nid)i bie 9tebe
fein. ©in 2cil bcr gcmaltigen SHe
femen, iiber bie £-eutfd}Ianb perfiigt
unb infolge be§ bid)t auSgebauicn
Qrifenbabnnefces in fiirgeftcr 3eit nad)
irgenb einem ©unite ber grant biri
giert trerben fonnen, bai ldngfi ben
tceftlidien flrieg§fd)aupla$ erreidjt.
3©ei frifdje beutfdje 3Irmeeforp§ fte
ben su beiben Seiten ber Strafje, bie
Don ber grant nad) ©apaume fiitjrl.
unb baben an biefer befonbcrS ge
fabrbeten Stelle bem ©orbrittgen bcr
Sriten nid)t nur ©inbalt geboten.
fonbern fie fognr nad) erbittertem
If?ampfe geroorfen. Ob nod) ttcitcre
©erfiarfungen berangegogen finb, ift
nid)t befannt, mie ja iiberbaupt iiber
bie Stfirfe ber beutfd)en SIrmccn uni1
ibre ©etoegungen au» militarifdjcr
©riinben toenig ober gar nidita per
Iautet. $ie Sabi ber im $eutfd)en
*teid)e sur 3eit biSponiblen SRefetPen
itJutbc »oc ituraem nod) auf 30 Sir*
meeforps cngegeben, aUerbingi nidjt
Don amtlicfeer Seite, aber bocf) au$
jtcmlid) jiioerlaffigcr CucQe. $ie?e
3of)I erfcbeint ciuf ben erften Slid fo
bod), bafe man an iJjrer Slic^tigfeit
bcrccfetigten Stoeifel Ijegen miifete,
benn ba§ bebeutei mit anberen ©or*
ten, bafe 2euifdjlanb noth eine bollig
intafte Steferoe Don 1,200,000 SJiann
im Snnern beS SScidjsgcbieieS fteben
bat. Eine teilmeife ©eftatigung er-.
bait bicfe Slngabe inbcffcn aus man
d)en prnaten SWitteilungen, benen ju
entnebmcn ift, bafe Seutfcfelanb beu
te innerhalb feiner (Srenjen mebr
©hlitar bat* tr»ie 311 griebcnsjeiten.
??id)t nnr alle ftafernen finb DoIIig
belegt, fonbern ein 2eil bee SDIann
fefeaften ift and) in fogenannten ©iir
aerquarticren uniergebrad)t. ©tele
Stdbte unb ©rtfdjafien baben jefet
grofeere (Sarnifoncn, mie nor bem
ftriege nnb 3tDar nid)t nur fene ©lot
3e, bie in nadjfier fftabe beg Sbriegs
fd]auplatjc§ Iiegcn, fonbern and) oicle
Stable im jjnncm best ©eicbex'. Sic
grofecn Stdbte, mie ©erlin 5. ©.,
ttimmeln Don gelbgrauen, roonmter
fidi aflerbing* rcobl biele llrlauber
befinben merbeu. Gin meitercr unb
nod) iiberjeugetiberer ©emeis, bafe
Seuijdjlanb nod) iiber gans gemalii
gc ©eferben Derfiigen tnufe, bat bie
SReitbSregierung fclbft baburd) gege
ben, bafe fie ctle ©iannfdiaften, bie
bax> 45. ^abr erreiebt batten, Dor
menigen ©tonaten nad) .^aufc fdjicf
te. Siefe ©tannfdiaften batten, menn
man fie nidjt mebr an bet gront bc
baltcn roollte, bod) nod) febr gut alv
©adjmannpoften Dertrenbet toerben
fbnnen, moburefe gaits bebeutenbe
Sruppeuteile, bie jefet biefeit Sienfr
Derfebcn, flir ben gelbbienft frei ge
toorben miiren. ?Iber e£ lag offen
bar feine ©otmenbigfeit doc, bieir
Seutc nod) Idngcc bei ber galjne ju
bebaltcn, nub ba-3 ift toobl ber fidier
fte ©emeif, bafe Seutfcfelanb mebr
alg geniigenbe Sieferoen fiir atte
3mede bat. 2a-5 DoHige Grlofdicn
bee CifenfiDC an ber ©eftfront ift in
furjep 3cit ju ermarien. llitb menu
ber geinb bort crfdjbpft ift, fo ift
c£ febr mob! nioglid), bafe bie Scut
idien bort geniigenbe ©ejeroen beran
gejogen baben, urn ben Spiefe urn*
:>nbrebcu. Seutfdilaitb’S militiiri
fdje roic mirtfdiaftliidje Shwft fdieint
mirHid) uncrfcbopflid) 311 fein itnb
bao beutfdhe ©olf bat alien Gfrunb,
citter. cntfdieibcnbcn Sicg in biefem
Stricflc mit 3uDcrfid)t 311 ermarten.
cmnpo.thir burd) £ugru ftTcgt.
3te A'en) porter „2inics" fagt:
„Tte ©ebulb, mit iceldjcr amcrifam*
idle burger bic bciufigen Sergeioai
iigitngen direr 9ied)te burd) ©rof)
britannien crtragen baben, ift ber
trcitoerbreiteten Srnnpatbic juju
frfiretben, iDeldtc bet tins flit bieics
2anb unb finite ?Wiierten beftcfjt".
v\tt biefer 3t)mpatfiic liegt bie grofje
2?erirrung be5 arnerifanifeben 5>oI
fe», incltbc con foldjen ^eitungen,
trie bie SJett) 3)orfer „3:ime»" gefor
bert trorben in. SPei einer rid)tigen
SPeurtcilung Imttc gertau bas ©egen
teil ber Soil fein tniiffen. 2er grofe
1c SSorttmrf, ber eine Nation treffen
famt, beftebt barin, iDenti fie eineit
Strieg obne ©runb begiimt. 2a3 ift
aber nidjt Don Sciten £cutfd)Ianb»
gefibcbcn. £iefe§ ift Don ben 311
liertcn iiberfallcn trorben, nacbbem
fie fid) fieben Sabre long attf einen
firieg porbereitet batten, unb ber
©etneggrunb biefeg lleberfallo, ber
both fo flar &u £age liegt, ift fo ber
banimcn-ntert, trie fid) ba§ nur ben
fen laf>t. fttufjlanb liotte e» auf ben
SPcfiu Don Sionftantinopel abgefebcn
unb Don aHiierter eeite ift augeftan
ben trorben, bos ibm biefeS lange
Dor 3luebrud) beg Sriege§ sugefton
ben trorben ift. 9tadntbem IroHte
c§ ©alijicn, ®o5nien unb bie ^erje
gotrina nebmen. Sronfreid) ffioltte
(flfaB - fioibringen 3uriiderlangen
unb ©nglattb einen £anbel§ - ffti
Dalcn au§ bem SSege rdumen. Side
biefe offettfunbigen £atfad)cn baben
3eitungen trie bie „2:imes" unter
fcriicft unb ba§ amcrifanifdjc SBolf
nit ben grobften unb unfinnigften
llntrabrbeiten gcfaufdji.
SJirjifo »on neucr {Repolution 6e
g I fi a f o, £er. SSic Oberft
Mariano lamej, Ser Gorranja tote
2?tlla gcbient bat mittcilt, ficfjt SJle
jifo Dor etncr neuen JRcooIution, fjitt
tcr ber bieSmal bie Segalifta • Car
tel ftebt, ju ber bie woblfjabenbe
Clafie beg £anbe3 jafjlt, unb bie ba5
alie Xiag Regime suriiritttmnfdjt.
Earmnsa’s Stur3 ift bag ijddjfte
'Boflrn ?!ntcrifa toirber anpmnprn.
e tv ?) o r f. 2ie C'rganifierunrj
bcr neuen gompann, urn ftranfreid)
eine SInleibe Don S100,000,OPO in
biefem Sanbe ju Ocrfdjaffen, ift Don
3. ip. SKorgcm & go. unb 23rottm
'Bro§. & go. befanntgegeben tuorben.
Xie Corporation nenni fief) American
foreign Securities go., I)at cin 2ff
tien - Capital Don $10,000,000 unb
cIS ^Prdfibent fungicrt Robert S3acon
cin cbemaligcr nmerifaniftf)er 23ot
fcfjafter fiir
- i
August 28, 1915.
Austrians in southeastern Ga
licia pierced Russian line in two
French artillery silenced Ger
man guns at four points in the
French aviators drove off six
German aeroplanes that at
tacked Paris.
Allied aeroplanes shelled Ger
man positions on Belgian coast.
Count Bernstorff promised full
satisfaction for the Arabic.
August 29, 1915.
Hindenburg pushed on toward
Violent artillery struggle in
the Argonne.
Heavy bombardment of Ger
man lines on west front began.
August 30, 1915.
Von Mackensen started a turn
ing movement in the south.
Russians won big victory on
the Strypa in Galicia.
Italians renewed their attack
on Tolmino.
August 31, 1915.
Russians cheoked Teutonic al
lies in Galicia.
Russians captured 7,000 pris
oners near Lutsk.
Germany stated British had
lost 50,000 men in Dardanelles
since August 6.
September 1, 1915.
Austrians captured Russian
fortress of Lutsk.
General Alexieff made chief
of staff of Russian army.
Allies in command of Buvuk
Anafarta valley on Gallipoli
Germany promised America to
sink no more liners without
wa rning.
September 2, 1915.
Russians evacuated Grodno
fortress and retired to right
bank of the Niemen.
Four Turkish transports sunk
by British submarines in the
Heavy fighting in the Isonzo
September 3, 1915.
Germans stormed bridgehead
at Friedrichstadt on the Dvina.
Italians repulsed by Austrians
at Tolmino.
German submarines sank Brit
ish steamers Roumanie and
The huge revolving light which has
been placed at the lighthouse on the
Island of Heligoland, in the North sea,
is perhaps the most powerful flash
light in the world. It is equal to 4tt.
000,000 candlepower, and in calm
weather can be seen for a distance of
JO miles. The tower in which the
light is stationed is 272 feet above the
sea leveL It costs $8,000 a year to
maintain the light.
Shears for trimming grass, mount
ed on wheels and with the handles
so extended that they can be used by
a person standing upright, have been
patented by a Canadian woman.
According to the naval critic, Hector
C. Bywater, so far as building ways
and construction plans are concerned,
there is no reason why Germany could
not have 25 battleships or battle
cruisers under construction at one
time. Though he admits that this fig
ure may be astonishing, he shows that
an examination of the various yards,
governmental and private, in Germany,
justifies the estimate. In fact, he says
that, simultaneously, a program includ
ing light cruisers, destroyers and sub
marines, could be put through, since
there are many German yards which,
although they cannot build capital
ships, are well equipped to produce
the lighter craft. He estimates the
total working force in all these yards
at 100,000 men.
Far off the coast of Maine Is n
lagged ledge of rock, known as Sad
dleback island, on which the only
means of landing is by derrick to
which a sort of chair is attached. A
l lighthouse is maintained on this ledge,
managed by a keeper and two assist
ants with ten men on duty at all
Holland's mines are now producing
tool at a rate of about 2,000,000 tons
a year.
It is estimated that 30,400 plants of
Easter lilies, representing a value of
more than 524,000, were sold In Se
attle, Wash., on last Easter Sunday,
and that the Easter price of lilies in
that city averaged about V-k cents less
a blossom than in any other city of the
United States.
The first street railway in the Unit
'd States was built in New York city
in Fourth avenue, between Prince
street and Harlem, in 1842, and horse
•ars were Introduced into the principal
American cities between then and
I 1881. when the use of electricity was
A stove for campers that can be
folded and carried like a suitcase,
which it much resembles, has been in«
Chile will send an official commis
sion to the United States to make a
thorough study ot agricultural and fch
dustrial hydraulics.
Good coffee is produced in Porto
Rico, Mexico, and Central America,
that of Honduras being especially sat
isfying to epicures. Cuba is also a
coffee producer.
Kate Casey has retired on pension
after 37 years as mutron of the Union
station, Columbus, O.
Fresh Air and Pure Water
Will Keep the Doctor Away
Commissioner of Health, Cleveland, Ohio.
If everyone would drink as much pure water as they ought and
breathe as much fresh air as they think they do, no one would have to
think about a doctor.
Air is the first necessity of life. It is more important than good
food—it is even more important than water. We can live days without
food, a considerable time without water, but we cannot do without air
more than a few minutes.
Air that is good for breathing purposes should be fresh, cool, have
motion and the proper degree of humidity. Drafts signify danger to
most people. Yet a gentle draft is one of man’s best friends.
Colds do not come from drafts. They are various forms of catarrhal
disease and are caused by germs. Of course too strong a draft will chill
some portion of the body so much as to lower its resistance to these germs,
but as a general rule air currents do more goad than harm.
The proper way to get good ventilation in a house is to have a cross
current of air. To do this you must have an entrance for fresh air and
an open window or door on the opposite side of the room for the used air
to go out by.
When this is not practical, circulation of air can be secured by having
a window open both top and bottom.
Stagnant air is almost as bad as no air at all. If impossible to
obtain this natural motion of air, artificial means should be employed.
Electric fans are good. Hand fans help. American men could well adopt
the custom of the Jap, who goes to his business with a fan in his hand.
In this country there arc 35,000 deaths annually from typhoid
fever—most (if the cases being caused by infected drinking water.
In European cities where for many years especial care has been taken
to provide safe water supplies, the annual death rate from typhoid fever
seldom exceeds 10 per 100,000 people, while often the rates are lower than
5 per 100,000.
The water we drink should be wholesome, absolutely clean, and free
from an excessive amount of minerals.
Anita Stewart.
Movie star who recently has built !
a magnificent country home near New
York, out of some of her earnings on
the silent stage.
All Around the World.
Electrical machinery has been In- j
stalled in the world's richest Iron mine,
which is in Lapland.
T. E. Wilson, once an office boy, |
now draws $200,000 a year as head of
a New Vork corporation.
The records of the American con
sulate at Grenoble, France, show ship
ments of women’s cloves to the United
States during 1915 to the value of
S1.16S,819, compared with $1,875,185 in
According to a French scientist, di
gestion proceeds more swiftly when
persons are recumbent than when erect
because In the process of evolution the
stomach has not advanced as rapid
ly as other organs.
Belgium's Queen a Worker.
Carmen Sylvia was not the only
queen capable of earning her own liv
ing if necessity drove her to such a
course. The queen of the Belgians
hns taken a medical degree at Leip
zig, and prior to her marriage assisted
her father, Duke Charles Theodore of
Bavaria, In his practice as an oculist.
She is, however, a skilled motor driv
er, and in the days before the war,
used to make a point of doing all the
minor repairs to her cars. Another
versatile sovereign is Queen Maud of
Norway, who paints admirably, trims
liats In a style that would insure her
a good salary from any high-class mil
liner, and is a bookbinder of more
than average skill.—London Chronicle.
Old-Time Parlor Has Gone
Into the Discard; Living
Room Has Taken Its Place.
That we are becoming a pariorless na
tion is one of the interesting develop
ments in modern domestic architec
ture. This disappearance of the par
lor and the evolution of the living
room is typical of the new sociui feel
ing and marks the change from the
conventional and superficial to the
more informal and intimate inter
course of the present day.
This movement, begun in the apart
ment house and developed in the bun
galow, was probably brought about by
the limitations of space, as well as by
the increased cost of building a house.
The praiseworthy desire of simplifying
the house mny have contributed also
to the result. But. whatever the cause,
the fact surely remains that, however
large the house or numerous the
rooms, there seems to be no place for
the parlor.
So the parlor, which was once the
most Important room in the house. Is
now crowded out or else relegated to
a corner of the hall, with two chairs
and a paltn.
The living room Is all that its name
suggests. Comfortably furnished, well
lighted and with no useless ornaments
to be sidestepped or knocked down. It
belongs to the man quite ns much as
to the woman, which is, perhaps, the
finest thing about it.
Creating "Atmosphere"
“Did I under
I stand you to say
> that you have been
rusticating in the
“Not in the coun
try,” answered the
flat dweller. “I’ve
simply been sitting
around home,
smoking a corncob
. pipe and rending a
farm magazine.”
Questioning His Motives.
“Dubwaite seems to be a public
spirited citizen.”
“He’s always writing letters to the
editor ol his local paper, criticizing
the city authorities."
“Well, I don’t want to do Dubwaite
an injustice, but I happen to remem
ber that he was an alderman before
the commission form of government
was adopted.”
A Wasted Lesson.
“My friend,” said the reformer to
the youth who was smoking a ciga
rette, “do you realize that you are
courting destruction?”
“Whaddy yer mean?”
“Why, that cigarette.”
“G’wan. There ain’t no gunpowder
around here that I know of, an’ I’m
fully 20 feet from th’ nearest gaso
line tank.”
Things You May Not Know.
The fishermen of the Gold coast of
Africa devote each Tuesday to the sea
god, doing no fishing, but utilizing the
time to mend their nets.
Sugur is extracted from 16 varieties
of palms which grow in Ceylon.
Under normal conditions, France
makes 26.000,000 pairs of gloves per
Pearls are steadily increasing in
value; they are now worth three times
as much' as they were ten years ago.
Biblical mention is made of 19
lifferent precious stones, G metals, 104
trees and plants, 35 animals, 39 birds,
0 fishes, 11 reptiles, 20 insects and
other small creatures.
A rifle bail covers 1,200 yards in two
The divers boots weigh 20 ponnds
each and the helmet 40. In addition he
is otherwise weighted.
The two-edged weapons are found
among the earlier specimens of Jap
anese metal working.
The first lighthouse on the conti
nent was built in 1715, at the entrance
of Boston harbor, by the province of
Massachusetts, and was supported by
light dues on all incoming and outgo
ing vessels, except coasters. Several
other lighthouses were built by the
The Merlin fires 800 rounds of fiery
hall In 60 seconds.
London’s Inhabitants include 417,000
flat dwellers.
It is said that a lion will not attack
a trainer who has perfumed himself
with lavender.
Making Photograph on a Leaf.
A photograph on a leaf Is an inter
esting curiosity easily made as fol
lows, from the Scientific American:
Fasten a negative with strong con
trasts to a very smooth, thin, hairless
growing leaf—such as the Indian
cress, scarlet runner or nasturtium,
and leave it exposed to strong sun
light%or several hours. Then cut the
leaf from the plant, steep it in boiling
water for half a minute, then immerse
it in warm 80 per cent alcohol. After
a little time the leaf, now white, is im
mersed in a dilute tincture of iodine.
The result is a positive photograph,
often of surprising sharpness.
Sudden fright and excitement at
once tells on the egg crop. Never
allow strange dogs about where the
hens are.
Don't relax the care of the chicks.
They will become inactive and dis
Market the broilers and all the roost
ers that you don’t want to keep for
breeding purposes.
Uniform products command the best
prices. Purebred fowls produce uni
form products.
When selling the eggs to the coun
try merchant or cash buyer, insist that
the transaction be on a quality basis.
After one lot of chickens is fe
moved from the brooder house, clean
thoroughly and spray with a disin
Clean up the incubator; use a good
disinfectant; empty the oil and throw
the wick away. Allow the macb'he to
dry thoroughly before closin-j the
door np tight.
Regularity of feeding means much.
Those who feed spasmodically are
likely either to injure the fowls 4>y
overfeeding or not give enough, per
haps both. The birds should have their
feed regularly.
Eggs are easily affected by bad
odors. Do not keep in a musty grain
bin, or In the vegetable cellar, or
where they can absorb the odors of
kerosene and gasoline.
Marketing must be done at the right
time and in the right manner. This
is very important for it will be the
Anal test of profitable poultry raising.
There should be method in marketing.
Not only should feeding be regular,
but the quantitiy should be ample. It
would be waste of feed to give too
much, but enough should be given and
just enough. Surely this requires
Method has much to do with poul
try raising even where farmers have
small flocks. Just as method is re
sponsible for much in general farm
ing so is it important in raising poul
Mexican Cactus, at Once a
Pest and a Joy, Is One of
Most Curious of All Plants.
Of all the curious plants in the
world’s vast array of vegetation,
there is none around which center so
many different beliefs, so many con
flicting opinions and so many degrees
of appreciation as the cactus of Mex
ico, whose names are legion and whose
varieties number into the thousands.
This peculiar plant is at once con
sidered a pest and a joy, for it Is the
hane of the traveler, the eyesore to
the ranchman and the treasure of the
peon, to whom it is a source of liveli
hood, a food and drink.
Mexico is particularly rich in its
range of cactus plants. Owing to its
climatic and soil conditions it has
countless varieties of al! sizes and
shapes and all colors of flowers and
The peou is concerned chiefly with
the species qf the cactus or prickly
pear that is edible, and this he culti
vates and harvests in precisely the
same fashion today as his ancient Az
tec forbears did before Cortez
marched his conquering hosts across
Montezuma’s domains and set up the
standard of Spain upon the royal pal
ace to proclaim his conquest.
Not Vindictive
“Doing anything to your car these
dnys?” asked the man who was giving
his “flivver” a rub-down.
“Jfo,” answered the amateur motor
ist, with a pained look. “My nature
is not vindictive. If it were I certain
ly would try to retaliate for some of
the things my car has done to me.”
Spoiling His Day.
An i vutuvat
ing your mind, 1
see.” remarked the
cheerful bore.
“What makes
you think so?”
“Why — er — the
book in your
“Crnph I This
book contains the
latest statistics on
the high cost of
living as compared
with prices in my
grandfather’s day.
What Tm cultivnt
ing at the present moment Is a
Hardships of Travel.
“Boss, could yer give a dime to a
flood sufferer?” asked the tramp.
“How could the floods have injured
you?” said the cautious philanthropist.
“I dare say you had no property to be
“No, sir. But 1 wuz on me way up
nort’ an’ freight trains has been so
delayed by de high water dat dey ain’t
no tellin’ when I’ll reach me destina
tion.” j
Defying Public Opinion.
“I see. Colonel Jogsby seated on his
front veranda and ostentatiously sip
ping a mint julep.”
“Who's the person In the street
tearing his hair?”
“That’s a militant prohibitionist.
He’s foiled because the law allows
Colonel Jagsby to order two quarts
of liquor every two weeks.”
"No, I can never love another.” said
the young man in the parlor scene, in
a tone that savored of the undraped
“Oh, that will be all right,” rejoined
the fair maid on the other end of the
sofa. “Mamma will be satisfied if you
only treat her white. She doesn’t ex
pect you to love her so she can notice
Strong for Peace.
“What view do you take of the Eu
ropean war?”
“Everybody’s” answered the man
who hates an argument “I have dis
covered lhut by saying ‘yes’ at the
psychological moment I can save my
self a great deal of trouble.”
To Lydia E. Pinkfaam Medi
cine Co,
Women who are well often ask "Are
the letters which the Lydia £. Pinkham
Medicine Co. are continually publishing,
genuine?” ‘‘Are they truthful?”
" Why do women write such letters ? ”
In answer we say that never have we
published a fictitious letter or name.
Never, knowingly, have we published
an untruthful letter, or one without the
full and written consent of the woman
who wrote it. ' .
The reason that thousands of women
from all parts of the country write such
grateful letters to the Lydia E. Pink
ham Medicine Co. is that Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound has brought
health and happiness into their lives,
once burdened with pain and suffering.
It has relieved women from some of
the worst forms of female ilia, from dis
placements. inflammation, ulceration,
irregularities, nervousness, weakness,
stomach troubles and from the blues.
It is impossible for any woman who
is wen o u nuu
has never suffered
to realize how these
poor, suffering wo
men feel when re
stored to h ealth;
their keen desire to
help other women
who are suffering as
they did.
Why Not?
“Why did you strike this man?”
asked the judge sternly.
“Ee called me a liar, your honor,”
replied the accused.
“Is that true?” said the judge, turn
ing to the man with the mnssed-up
“Sure it's true,” said the accuser. “I
called him a liar, because he is one,
and I can prove it.”
“What have you to say to that?”
asked the judge of the defendant.
“It's got nothing to do with the case,
your honor,” was the unexpected re
ply. “Even If I am a liar I guess I've
got a right to be sensitive about it,
ain’t I?”
Treat Your Scalp With Cuticura and
Prevent Hair Falling. Trial Free.
For dandruff, itching, burning scalp,
the cause of dry', thin and falling hair,
Cuticura Soap and Ointment are most
effective. Touch spots of dandruff and
itching with Cuticura Ointment. Then
shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot
water. No treatment more successful.
Free sample each by mail with Book.
Address postcard, Cuticura. Dept. I*
Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. •
One woman can call another
“dearie” and make it sound like a
swear word.
If all tombstones told the truth tils
satanic majesty would have n fire sale
and go out of business.
Housework Is a Burden
It's hard enough to keep house if
in perfect lieulth, but a woman who
is weak, tired and suffering from an
aching back has a heavy burden.
Any woman in this condition has
good cause to suspect kidney trou
ble, especially If the kidney action
seems disordered.
Doan’s Kidney Pills have cured
thousands of suffering women. It’s
the best recommended special kid
ney remedy.
A Nebraska Case
~Ix*ry FU. i
tun Tills s J
Airs, uirriei
Stump. McLean
usd 17th Sts.,
■ Falls City. Neb
says: "For years
my kidneys were
(disordered and the
pain affected my
back and sides.
The trouble kept
retting worse and
my limbs swelled
badly. Doan’s Kid
ney Pills cured me
and I have never
had any signs of
iviuiicy BiULU.
Gat Doan’* at Any Store, 50c a Baa
Dissolved in water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia E.
Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
sore throat and sore ayes. Economical,
Gives Prompt and Poaltlve Belief In Beery ,
Caae. Sold by Drujrrista. Price U.0Q.
Trial Package by Mail 10c.
WILLIAMS MF8. CO, Props. Cleitiaai, 0.;
Is no more necessary
than Smallpox. Army
eapfieace has demonstrates
the almost miraculous etfL.
Cscy, sad hamlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccinatloa.
Be vmedasted NOW by your physician, you and
your tastily. It is mote vital than house lnstuance.
Ask your physician, druggist, or send for Kara
yso had Typholdf" telltag of Typhoid Vaccine,
resuits from use, and danger from Typhoid Carriers.
PrediMlsi Vies in u and Strum sndar U. t. U tears
Tbs Cattsr Lshorstsry. Beritlty, Csl.. Chicago. I1L
A toils* preparation of merit.
Helps to eradicate dandruff.
_ For Restorm* Color end
Bounty to Gray or Faded Hair,
60c. and t UQ at Druggists.
If tod hare been threatened or hare GALLSTONES,
INDIGBSTION. GAS or pains in the right rorP
side write for v aluable Book of Information i nCk
‘ W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 35-1916.