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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1916)
The Ruse That Worked Stories of the Greatest Cases in the Career of Thomas Furlong, the Fa mous Railroad Detective, Told by Himself Copyright bv W. G. Chapman I_J ‘•WOULD YOU MIND MY STANDING BY YOUR BOILER TO GET WARMED?” The ruse which I am about to de scribe was perpetrated by me at the time when I was chief of police of Oil City, Pa., and resulted in the appre hension of an anonymous letter-writer. The case was more serious than that, however, for the property of a number of men, valued at several hundred thousand dollars, and the lives of an entire city as well, were imperiled. One cold winter morning in the month of February I received a visit from a gentleman named Sam Ackert. Mr. Ackert was well known in the dis trict, being the owner of a large oil lease, on the Towles farm, as it was called, situated upon the Plummer road, to the northeast of Oil City, and in Venango county. Mr. Ackert was considered to be at that time one of the largest oil oper ators in the district. He was operat ing from twelve to fifteen oil wells, all of which were producing large quan tities of oil. Some of it was being pumped while others were flowing wells. One of the latter kind was producing as much as four hundred barrels a day. and at that time crude oil was selling at the well for about eight dollars a barrel. Ackert employed a large number of n.en to attend to the wells and to look mfter his general interests. Some of these men were employed as en gineers, being generally known in the oil regions as pumpers. To operate each well two of these pumpers were required, each man working for 12 hours at a stretch. Their work was divided into watches, and men who were so employed usually lived in houses or shanties adjacent to the wells at which they were employed. The cause of Mr. Ackert's visit to me was that some months previously he had received a threatening letter in his mail. It stated that unless he wonld discharge his superintendent, a man named Joseph sullivan, and thor oughly competent and trustworthy, the property would be destroyed by fire or by other methods. Mr. Ackert paid no attention to this letter, which was followed in the course of time by three others of the same threatening character, each one being anonymous, and each demanding the discharge of the superintendent, Sullivan. The three letters followed each other at intervals of four or five days. As Sul llvfn was not only a competent man but thoroughly reliable and of good character as well, Mr. Ackert paid no attention to these letters, but laid them aside In his desk. A short time after the receipt of the last anonymous letter one of Mr. Ack ert’s oil tanks, containing at the time from four to five hundred barrels of crude oil, was emptied one night, at a time between midnight and daylight, by seme person who had gone to the tank and opening what was known as the lower faucet. This faucet, which was two inches in diameter, entered the tank at a point about six inches above the bottom. It was placed there for the purpose of drawing oil the salt water at the bottom of the olL All oil wells In that locality which <id not flow but were operated by pump in* npodnrmt a certain nercentaae ol I*—** *• * **•“- - •-*??T - -T '.. I settled to the bottom of the tank, and for this reason, when the tank had become nearly filled with the mixture, it was the duty of the men employed as pumpers to open the salt water faucet at the bottom of the tank and let the salt water escape through it. the oil thus settling down and making room for a fresh influx above. On the night when this tank was emptied in the manner described, there was about three feet of snow on the ground. The weather was cold, and the snow had been heaped up around the tank by the wind, so that it was piled about four feet above the salt water faucet at the bottom. The constant drawing off of the salt water had thoroughly saturated the ground for a space of two or three square feet under the faucet, and the ground was soft and muddy, since the satu rated earth would not freeze on ac count of the large quantities of salt which had intermingled with the dirt. Salt and snow form a muddy slush which does not harden. When the faucet was opened the salt water ran out, followed by the total contents of oil within the tank, amounting, as has been stated, to four or five hundred barrels. This oil. which was highly inflammable, even in its crude state, ran down into a ravine, which was thickly dotted w-ith oil wells, partly belonging to Mr. Ack ert and partly to other producers, for the distance of more than a mile. Had this stream, in the course of its jour ney, reached any of the fires that were under the boilers of the pump ing stations, it would instantly have been converted into a fiery river, car rying destruction all along the mile of its course, destroying hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property, and probably sacrificing many lives. Mr. Ackert called upon me on the morning after this occurrence. “I have not the slightest idea who was dastardly enough to commit this malicious act,” he said. "I am not aware that I have an enemy on earth.” He begged me to use all possible ef forts to discover who the person was and to bring him to justice. He then told of having received the anonymous letters, which he laid before me. 1 at once perceived that they were all writ ten upon the same brand of paper, in a legible and penmanlike manner, and evidently by the same hand and pen. By the end of the third day of my investigations, I had hit upon a clue. Joseph Sullivan, the superintendent, had employed two engineers whose names were George and Henry Book. George was a young man, married, and living in a cottage on the leased property, near the well. Henry, his brother, was single, and lived with George and his wife. They were both employed on the same well as pump ers. George, who was employed on the day watch, waB considered a very good engineer and a reliable man, while his younger brother, Henry, though known to be competent and en ergetic, was not nearly so reliable. He had been found asleep while on duty by Superintendent Sullivan on various occasions, fot which he was '"i"' ... ” Ackert had received the first of the anonymous letters. In addition to the attempt to destroy property or, at any rate, to the drain ing off of Mr. Ackert’s tank, there had been the theft of oil well tools and other material on the Ackert and ad jacent leases. This corroborated the supposition that the perpetrator of these acts was familiar with that por tion of the oil territory. In fact, every thing pointed to Henry Book as the guilty man. Being familiar with the manner in which oil leases were operated, I donned the suit of an oil driller, con sisting of overalls spattered over with sand pumpings, which gives the wear er the general appearance of a bill poster. Thus equipped, I set forth on a cold night in February, the ther mometer at the time standing below zero. My objective was the pumping house of a well where I knew George Book would be on duty until midnight, when he would retire, to be succeeded by the man who had taken the posi tion formerly held by his brother, Henry. Before making my way from Oil City to Ihe Ackert property, I visited a meat market in the town, where I asked for five cents' worth of liver. “'There's a pet cat that seems tD have adopted me." I explained to the meat market owner. "She stays round my place and cries for food regularly at meal times, and so I guess it's up to me to see that she gets it.” Having planked down my nickel, I received the chunk of liver which the proprietor cut off and wrapped up in a piece of paper. I took it around the corner, where I made further in roads into it with my jackknife. A small slice I placed in the hollow of my right hand. I then cut a thin piece and spread it on the back of the same hand, which I afterward tightly bandaged with a piece of white mus lin. The liver soiled the tightly drawn bandage, which gave the ap pearance of a wound extremely in flamed and sore. I then tied two hand kerchiefs together and improvised n sling in which I could put my right hand at the right time. So equipped I left Oil City, passing unrecognized through the streets by reason of my costume, and walked through the dark ness and bitter cold to the pumping house on the Ackert property, where I arrived a few minutes after nine in the evening. ■ Inside the pumping house George Hook was seated alone in a large easy chair, close to the boiler, which was fired and well lighted with natural gas, and was kept warm and neat. He was reading a novei when I en tered. The engine house was located only a few feet off the main road that ran between Oil City and the neighboring town of Plummer, and it was not an unusual thing for oil men, or any other men for the matter of that, to stop at the door while passing, to get a drink or to warm themselves, espe cially on a February night with zero temperature. Book, looking up from his book, was consequently not in the least surprised to see another of his fraternity—as he imagined me to be —standing at the door at that hour in the evening. “Would you mind my standing by your boiler to get warmed?” I asked. “Not a bit,” responded George Book. “It's mighty cold outside, and I'll be glad of your company. Where do you work?” he continued, eyeing me closely, and a little suspiciously at first. “I have been working on the Foster farm,” I replied, naming a property which was situated on the Allegheny river, about fifteen miles southwest of Oil City. “How did you get hurt?" asked Book immediately afterward, observ ing the bandaged hand, which I had slipped into the sling just before en tering the pumping house. I muttered something inaudibly and stood nearer to the boiler. After a period of silence I said in a slow manner, as a man uses who is about to reveal a confidence: "You have been mighty kind in al lowing me to get warm in front of your boiler, and you look to me like you would not get a fellow into trouble by giving him away, so I will tell you all about it. You see,” I continued, “I am a driller, and I was working under a superintendent. We had some trouble over a girl, and he had a gun. He shot me through the hand.” With that I pulled my hand out of the sling and showed him the hand age, to which the liver, adhering, had given a hideously stained appearance, while the liver itself looked like a chunk of raw and quivering flesh. “Gracious! You’ve got an awful hand there,” said George Book, look ing at the liver and the bandage and shuddering. “You ought to it attended to at once.” “I’m going to have it attended to when I reach Petroleum Center,” I answered. “I don't want to stop on the way, either, because of the other fellow. I shot him, but I don’t know whether he is dead or not; in fact, I didn't wait to see. I left immediately he dropped, and have walked the en tire distance, only stopping long enough to get a cup of coffee at the eating house in the Oil City depot.” Book’s sympathy* was now fully aroused, for he was really a good hearted fellow. “You must be awful hungry,” he said "Not very,” I answered. “I have some good friends at Petroleum Cen ter who will feed me and look after me. and keep me under cover while the police are searching for me; and I guess they will get a doctor, too. What is worrying me most just now is that I cannot write with my left hand, and I want to write a letter. You see, my folks live at Fort Erie, Canada, which is just across the Ni agara river, opposite Buffalo. I have been saving my money and sending it to my people at Fort Erie, and they have it all deposited in a bank at Buffalo, to my credit. I have several hundred dollars there, and if I could only write a letter tonight and mail it on the early morning train tomor row morning, it would reach Fort Erie tomorrow night. My friends could then send me ail the money I need, which I would receive the day after tomorrow at Petroleum Center.” George Book was thoroughly taken off guard. “I am a pretty good penman and would be glad to write the letter for you,” he answered. This, as a matter of fact I knew already, for I had learned that George Book was a good scholar, having been a country school teacher some years before in his na tive county, Crawford county, Pennsyl vania. He was also considered an ex tra good penman. At the same time, it was on Henry and not on George that the suspicion had naturally fallen. George Book excused himself and went to his house, which stood near by, returning in a few minutes with letter paper, envelopes and a big lunch for two, including a pot of coffee. We ate the lunch together, and then I produced cigars from my pocket, and we lit up. After we had finished George Book started to write the let ter at my dictation. In dictating this I used as many words as I could which had been used in the anony mous letters, with whose contents 1 of course thoroughly familiarized my self. I at once perceived that George Book was using the same quality of paper as that upon which all the anonymous letters had been written and, in consequence, did not make my letter very long. I also perceived, before three lines had been set down, that he used the same handwriting, the same kind of ink and, in all prob ability, the samo pen as had been used previously. It was uow obvious that the letters had been written by George. Whether or not he had drawn the oil out of the tank had still to be shown, and that was the more serious offense, by far. When the letter had been written Book addressed the envelope, inclosed the missive, and sealed and stamped It. Apparently profusely grateful, I thanked him and departed in the di rection of Petroleum Center, but in reality toward Oil City, which I reached early the following morning after I had set out. During the course of the forenoon I submitted the dictated letter, which It developed then t*mt both fhe brothers were in the ti.nnp:racy, the one having written the teeter? and the other having acted upon tar threat contained in them. Unooubtedl? George Book had been more or less a tool in ills brother’s hands, Mr with a wife and a good position he au.1 no reason to feel a grudge aga.iut his employer on account of the superin tendent. I at once procured a warrant for the arrest of the Book brothers, end that night returned to the Ackert lease, this was a sleigh and accom panied by two officers. Arriving about It o'clock I found George Book in the ^Uhiping house on duty, as he EACH DEMANDED THE DISCHARGE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. I had taken away, as though to post it, togther with the anonymous let ters which had been sent to Mr. Ack ert, to a writing expert who was con nected with the First National bank of Oil City. He compared the four and said without hesitation that they had all been written by the same person. That afternoon I went back to the Ackert lease, knowing that George Book would be off duty and in bed, and that, in consequence, there would be no probability of my meeting him. Approaching the emptied tank, I care fully shoveled the snow from around the salt water faucet and, when I got down to the muddy ground, I found very distinct traces of a No. 8 boot. The boots had been very recently half soled, and the shoemaker who had made the repairs had placed three nails in a row across the center of the half sole, as his trade mark and sign manual. Returning to Oil City, I made dili gent inquiries among the shoemakers of the town. There was not a large number of inbn who did repair work of the rough and ready type which was required by the men employed in the oil leases, and after a short in vestigation the man who had soled the shoes was discovered. He at once remembered having repaired a pair of shoes for Henry Book a couple of days before the oil tank had been emptied. had been the night before, and at once arrested him. I then proceeded to George’s house, where I found his brother Henry in bed and arrested him also. After this the house, which was a one story building with an attic, was thoroughly searched, and wagon loads of loot were found, all of it taken from the Ackert and adjacent leases. This was afterward identified by the owners as having disappeared from time to time. After a preliminary hearing the Book brothers were committed to thfe county jail in default of bail. Henry Book soon confessed to the emptying of the oil tank and George to the writing of the anonymous let ters. There seemed no doubt of their conviction. However, about a w’eek before the trial was to have begun there was a jail delivery from the county jail at Franklin, Pa., fifteen or more prisoners making their escape, among them being the Book brothers. They boarded a northbound freight train on the A. & G. W. rail road, now known as the Erie. When at a point about twenty miles north of Franklin this freight train collided with another train and in the wreck Henry Bock was killed instantly, while George was so badly hurt that be died the following day. Thi3 was the ending of the Book (•ase, which occupied in all only six days of my time. SEAS NOT LIKELY TO DRY UP Scientist Points Out Why Such a Thing Is Beyond the Realm of Possibility. Will the seas ever be displaced from their areas on the surface of the globe? The question is dealt with in a paper by L. do Launay, reprinted in I he annual report of the Smithsonian Institution. He writes: “it is not likely that the seas can evef be lacking on the earth, at least not until the day when the earth be comes only an extinct and frozen globe. It does not seem, in fact, that the loss in water could be very great at the surface. Granting that to a certain deptli there surely do not exist empty cavities in whicli this water could be engulfed, it can disappear only through chemical reaction by yielding it? oxygen to the oxidation of rocks, while the hydrogen escapes into the heights of the atmosphere. “But this is a much-re3tricted phe nomenon compared with the immense volume of the seas which, if spread all over the earth, would form a mantle of water three kilometers thick, and which even now covers three-quarters of the land. The oxidations, to be ef fectual, must become more and more limited by the fact that the region of the crust where they act would not exceed 60 kilometers. On the con trary, it is even very possible that vol canism and certain thermal springs may furnish at the surface some new water, fresh, never having seen the light.” With Spats, Sir. Wd like to see an elderly man, or a professional “dresser,” walking along * ,f» irrenronehnhle snats. Pleased we wondered who Invented spats, who was the first man to sport them. The name of the hero that first used the umbrella and that of the one kho first donned a plug hat are on a me morial tablet in the vast hall of fame. The dictionary informs us that “spat” Is an abbreviation of “spatter-dash." end gives the date, 1802, as that of the first appearance of “spat’ 'in litera ture. But here comes a writer who, beginning his story, “One of those things not generally known,” says that the wearing of spats originated as a compliment to the kilted regiments who wore them in the Indian mutiny. “The glorious deeds of the Highland ers in that campaign made thine popu lar heroes, and the public adopted many things in dress in imitation of the Scotch uniform. Among these things were spats, and they have never been out of fashion among smart people since the days of Sir Colin Campbell.”—Boston Herald. Conversational Diplomacy. “11 ho is your favorite composer?’' “Wagner,” replied Mr. Cumrox. “Ycu must be a student of music!" “No. I mention Wagner for the suite of relieving myself of conversa tional strain. If the other man doesn’t like Wagner, he won’t want to hear me fay another word.” “And If he does?” “He’ll want to do all the talking himself.” An Agreement at Last. Silas fled before his Irate wife, and seeking the first shelter that presented Itself, crept under the bed, from whence after a short time, he peered cautiously out. Seeing his wife standrtin near by, with an uplifted broom, he shouted: “Mirandy, 1 think it’s about time BETTER ROADS IN MICHIGAN Improvement of Right Kind Making Profit of 125 Per Cent in Wayne County—Upkeep Is Less. Money spent in road improvement of the right kind is making a profit of 125 per cent a year in Wayne county Michigan. The county spent $2,000,000 on con struction and maintenance during the eight years from 1906 to 1914, inclu sive, and in this period the assessed valuation of property in the county, outside of the city of Detroit, in creased from $02,707,000 to $114,548, 120, or 82.6 per cent. Of this increase 35 per cent, or $22, 000,000, is credited to road improve ment, because the assessed valuation of Detroit increased only 47.7 per cent. The increase in county valuation above the rate of increase in the city was eleven times the cost of road work, or 1,000 per cent profit in eight years on the total investment in im proved roads. More than 125 miles of concrete road have been put down by the Wayne county commissioners since the county, system was adopted in 1900 and the roads built with the $2,000,000 bond Issue are still in good condition and give every promise of more thaD outliving the bonds. The commissioners state in their ninth annual report for last year that they never have had to take up and replace a single 25-foot section since Good Roads in Michigan. they have been developing this type of road, although some of the roads have been down more than seven years. Every mile of durable roads laid is cutting down the cost of upkeep. Lust year the commissioners had 45 miles more roadway to care for than the year before, yet they spent $5,178 less for maintenance, notwithstanding they have supervision over 1,245 miles of other types of road, such as macadam and gravel, outside of incorporated cities and villages. It is estimated that 90 per cent of the traffic in the county is carried on 20 per cent of the road mileage and thnt concrete construction should 1>e continued until there are about 350 miles of such roads. LOCATION IS OF IMPORTANCE Most Farmers Would Rather Live Six Miles on Hard Road Than Three on Muddy One. From a study of 050 farms in John son county of that state thp Missouri experiment station concludes that lo cation is more important than crop yield as a factor in land values. Here nre the figures: Seventy-nine farms within two miles of market averaged In value $78.80 per acre; 183 farms, two to four miles from market, $70.20 per acre; 126 farms, four to six miles from market, $60.90; 113 farms, sir to eight miles from market, $53.20, and 149 farms, over eight miles from mar ket, averaged $55.90 per acre. An an mentioned but Important factor is con dition of the road. Were these farms located on hard roads or on dirt roads inclined to be heavy in wret seasons? Most folk would rather live six miles out cn a permanent hard road than only half as far on a muddy road. Let us have more light on this Interesting question.—Farmers’ Review. Attehtlsn New Road. When a pieot of permanent road Is finished it Is a big mistake tt> iet it go without frequent attention. It be gins at once to deteriorate through wear and weather, and if neglected it will oe only u few years before it will require an expensive rebuilding. It is economy to employ a “road builder’ * hose duty it is to give the roads a weekly mending Makes Good Road Booster. 1 he make:; a kicker into a good booster. Shorten Distance to Market. A good road shortens the distance to market. Other things being equal, 1 farm near a market is worth more than one farther out. But establish ing a good road past the farm into town overcomes much of this handi cap. If the long haul is made easy iuul certain the season through, the farmer five or ten miles out can com pete with the man next to town on i little better footing. -Tfi ninl’a frrwwl hnffAi. U __