The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 17, 1916, Image 5

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    r I ''O hold “its place in the sun,” is the avowed purpose
of a great nation’s conflict. To hold “its plaee in
the sun,” is the object of every business in the great
fight for industrial and commercial supremacy.
To be able to hold “its place in the sun,”is the supreme
test of an asphalt roof. It is the sun, not rain or snow,
that plays havoc with a roof. If it can resist the drying
out process of the sun beating down upon it, day after
day, the rain or snow will not affect it except to wash
it clean and keep it sanitary.
h- takes ‘‘its place in the sun” and holds it longer
than other similar roofing, because it is made
of the very best quality roofing felt, thoroughly
saturated with the correct blend of soft asphalts,
3$d coated with a blend cf harder asphalts.
This outer coating keeps the inner saturation
soft, and prevents the drying out process so
destructive to the ordinary roof.
The blend of asphalts used by ‘‘The General*
is the result cf long experience. It produces
a roofing more pliable than those which have
less saturation, and which are, therefore,
harder and drier.
At each of the General’s big mills, expert
chemists are constantly employed to refine,
test and blend the asphalts used; also to experi
ment forp ssibie improvements. Their constant
endeavor .s t^. male the beet roofing still better.
The quality o: CERTAIN-TEED is such that
it is guaranteed for 5,10 or 15 years, according
to thickness (1, 2 or 3 ply). Experience proves
that it lasts joe ,-er. Behind this guarantee is the
responsibility of the world’s largest manufac
turer cf roofings and building papers.
The General make*
one third of Ameri
ca's supply of as
phalt roll roofing. His
facilities arc unequal
ed, and he is able to
produce the highest
quality roofing at the
lowest manufactur
ing cost.
is made in rolls; also
in slate covered shin
gles.There isatype of
for every kind of
buUdirv, with flat or
pitched roofs, from
the largest sky-scrap
er to the smallest
residence or out
so:’ by responsible
dealers all over tbe
world, at reasonable
prices. Investigate it
belore you decide on
any type of root.
General Roofing Manufacturing Company
World s Lcrgeci Manufacturer of Roofing: and Building Paper*
Htrv ' - ■- CUcuco FhiUcsichia Si. Lotus Boat on Cleveland
ritt'AC;,;. ire -oil _ £<12: Francisco Laa Afiocx-r. Miiwaukae Cincinnati
f*rw C ns MiBa. npoJii Se«ttk* ienrvsae City lodionopoMa
- Lichncn.i D&s Moin«; r-ou/ton Durath London Sydney
i'ciijriarhu:lwo. i» n< ; llooHne Manufacture Co.
1 Loup City Mill & Light Co.
! Furnishes all the light and povrer and also makes the
best of Hour. Handled bv ail Merchants.
Hard and Soft Coal
I Quality Pianos and Player Pianos
Now offered and sold direct from
I Factory to Home.
NY ONE intending, to purchase a
Piano or Player Piano within the next
year should not fail to take advantage of
our special proposition to first buyers in
your community, for it means a round
saving of at least $100 to you.
Schmoller & Moeller Instruments are Mechanically Correct
and contain a sweet mellow rich tone—a quality that lingers in the memory
in vivid contrast to instruments ordinarily sold on the Special Sales Plan.
Our 57 years of continued success in the piano business gives you the advantage
of our experience and our 25 year guarantee, backed by our eutire Capital and Resources
of over $1,000,000.00, affords you absolute protection.
We deliver our instruments free to your home and arrange terms to suit your
convenience, 3 to 5 years to pay.
Beautiful new designs in GRANDS, UPRIGHTS and PLAYERS.
Largest Retailers cf Pianos in the World.
F 165 1311-13 Farnam St., - OMAHA, NEBR.
Mail Thia Coupon To-day ior Catalog, and Information of our Free Trial Offer in your
This information is told plainly in
a special illustrated article which is
printed in this issue of The North
western. Perhaps the knowledge
hlping you arn some extra money.
Read it. anyway. We think it is well
worth while.
Read The Northwestern every week
When the scorching sun of summer
days sends us scampering for the
shade we think only of the comfort
that is to greet us when we reach
the goal.
Our brains relax, our minds become
drowsy, and the hours pass into his
torv without anything of value being
And that is where we fail to grasp
one of our golden opportunities—
where opportunity passes us by with
out a beckoning hand from us.
We reach the shade and it feels
good, and our thoughts refuse to
wander into other and more profitable j
fields. We are killing time, and time !
once dead is never revived.
The relaxation we need and should ,
have, but the hours spent in the ;
shade might be turned to good ad
vantage by devoting at least a portion I
of the time to the working out of some
of the many complex problems of ltusi
ness that present themselves in fhe
journey of life.
When we are at work our minds
should be centered wholly upon that
work if it is to be successfully accom
plished. There is no room for other '
thought or action.
But while in the shade in the sum
mer time there is abundant opportu- i
nitv for devising ways and means of
putting the coming hours to more
profitable use.
He who wastes his time squander'
the greatest substance of life, but the
man who devotes his idle moments to
planning for the busy ones to come is
like unto the honey bee that hoards
his substance against the day when
there is none to be found.
Hunt the shade on the scorching
days, but think while you rest. The
results will more than compensate for
the effort.
According to a press dispatch from
Washington congress, the state gov
ernments. counties and townships
will spend $250,000,000 a year for the
next five years on the improvement
and maintenance of the roads of the
That statement in itself is of
absorbing interest to every citizen 01
these United States.
But a question of still more vita! in
terest to us locally and personally id.
“How much do we get?”
The people of our community of
course can decide what we ourselves
are to expend in good roads, but when
it comes to the expenditure by the
federal and state governments we are !
much of the opinion that the early
bird will get the biggest worm.
In other and plainer words the fed
eral government allots a certain S
amount of money to each state for im
proving its roads. Then comes the
question of where and how that money
is to be spent.
We do not know just what policy i
will be pursued in this state, but we
do know that it will be clearly to our
interest to get out in force and hustle
for a good slice of this amount for
road improvement in our own terri
The Lord knows we need road im
provement. but He will not aid us in
the getting if we are not alive to our
own opportunities.
Everybody hereabouts wants good I
roads and is quite willing to profit -
personally from their construction. ;
But how many, think you. are willing
to devote the necessary time and en
ergy to securing the allotment to |
which which we are entitled?
How much do we get? Or. better
still, do we get anything?
Several years ago acumbersome con
trivance on two wheels made its ap
pearance and created a furore of ridi
cule. laughter and Jeers. It was the
bicycle. It was called a rich man’s
toy and a mollycoddle's plaything and
a short life was predicted. But the
prophets were at fault, the bicycle be
came the greatest craze of its day,
and now is in general use as a practi
cal necessity for people who find it
necessary to cover ground hurriedly
and yet can not afford the .more ex
pensive means.
A few years later another ugly
looking monster puffed and snorted
and rattled its way into public notice,
leaving in its wake a streak of smoke
and foul smelling odors. It was the
automobile, and it, too. was greeted
with wild shouts and grimaces of ridi
cule. The wise and the unwise both
predicted its failure as a practical ve
hicle of motive power. Yet the mil
lions in use today testify to the false
ness of the greatest of our prophets
A few weeks ago there appeared ir.
one of our Atlantic coast ports a great ,
and powerful merchant submarine. !t
came from Germany and had nosed its
way beneath the surface into neutral
waters despite the watchfulness of
the tvarships of the allies. Another
furore was created and the news
papers were filled with accounts of
the wonderful craft that had made its
way across the Atlantic with a cargo
of goods. Again the prophets see
failure ahead, but there are those
believe the Deutschland to be but the
harbinger of a great fleet of under
w-ater craft capable of conducting
commercial relations with other conn
tries irrespective of blockades or
enemy ships of war.
These few instances but illustrate |
the fact that the ingenuity of man is
yet in its infancy, that the surface of
scientific discovery has scarcely been
scratched, and that our children and
our children's children will look back
upon 1916 as we think of the dark
ages, when the mind of man was
sleeping in its cradle of lethargy.
The State Superintendent has called
a special examination for Saturday.
August 19, one day only. Only county
certificate subjects will be offered.
No reading circle examination. All
forenoon subjects will be given Satur
day’ forenoon, and all afternoon sub
jects will be given Saturday afternoon.
County Superintendent.
That fellow who dropped in the
other day from the north pole can
probably give us an accurate descrip
tion of the fires of hell.
Cattle Karkel Steady to Lcv.xr;
Heavy Receipts
Lambs Still On the Decline. Packers
Fill Orders at 15,225c Reductions.
Steady Trade for Sheep. Killers
Able to Get Only a Few—Good Ewes
Bring $6.55. Feeders Steady to
Strong—More Than One Load at
Union Stock Yards, South Omaha,
Nebr., August 15, 1916.—The week
opened with the heaviest cattle run
since January. Tr.ere were 428 cars,
or about 11,000 head. Com fed cattle
made up a small proportion of Mon
day's receipts, and the quality of the
limited offerings was only fair.
Dressed beef men apparently wanted
the natives, however, and anything at
all desirable went at about ttie same
figures as last week. Very good med
ium and heavy cattle sold around
$9.65f39.75, and common to fair 1,000
to 1.250-pound beeves brought $8,752
Quotations on cattle: Good to
choice yearlings, $0.75# 10.15; fair to
good yearlings, $8.75@9.50; common
to fair yearlings, $6.50# 8.50; good :o
choice beeves. $9.65@10.05; fair to
good teoves. $9.00#'9.60; common to
fair beeves. $7.75@8.75; good to
choice heifers. $6.75@7.50; good to
choice cows, $6.50# 7.25; fair to good
cows, $6.00#6.40; canners and cut
ters. $4.00# 5.75; veal calves, $9/>0#
11.00; bologna bulls, $5.75@6.15; beef
bulls, $G.00@7.25.
Just an ordinary run of hogs show
ed up for Monday, arrivals being es
timated at 101 cars, or 6,700 head
Shippers took about the same propor
tion of the offerings as they did on
most days last week at about 10c low
er prices. A good share of the hog
sold at a spread of $0.45#9.65, with
the top as high as $10.10.
Monday’s receipts of sheep and
lambs were not overly heavy, some
50 cars, or about 13.500 head belli
reported in. The packers bought a
few odd loads of lambs in good sea
son at prices that were not consider
ed more than 10# 15c lower, however,
on the bulk of the offerings they bid
a quarter or more lower right from
’he start The bulk of the good iambs
brought $10.60, and with the fair to
decent kinds on down to $10.35.
There was very few old sheep ofiered
and they brought steady figures. A
couple of bunches of ewes brought
as high as $6.55.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, $10.35#
10.60; lambs, fair to good, $10.00#
10.35; lambs, feeders, $9.25 @10.00:
yearlings, good to choice, $7.00# 7.25;
yearlings, fair to good. $6.50#7.00;
yearlings, feeders, $6.50@7.50; weth
ers, fair to choice, $6.25#7.00; ewes,
good to choice, $6,351(6.75; ewes, fair
to good, $5.75#'6.35; ewes, plain to
culls, $4.00# 5.75; ewes, feeders, $4.50
#6.10; ewes, breeders, all ages, $6.25
# 9.00.
Engine trouble can be traced to one
or more of the following reasons. a;>
cording to the Department of Agri
culture Engineering of the College of
Poor compression, caused by a
leaky spark plug, leaky valve cap,
leaky valve, leaks past the piston, \
tappet arms adjusted too closely,
sticky valve stem, and broken valve ;
spring or valve.
Poor ignition, caused by a broken
spark plug, points on spark plug too
close or far apart, poor batteries, poor,
insulation, poor contact points, and 1
weak magnets on magneto.
Poor carburetion. caused by water !
in the gasoline, carburetor out of ad j
justment, leaky manifold, clogging of i
gasoline pipe, and carburetor too cold. j
Overheated motor, caused by poor
compression, carbon, too late igni
tion. and poor water circulation.
The dealings of the Adminis- g ■
tration with Mexico constitute a p
confused chapter of blunders, g i
VVe have not helped Mexico. She g
lies prostrate, impoverished,
famlne-6tricken, overwhelmed
with the woes and outrages of
internecine strife, the helpless
victim of a condition of anarchy
which the course of the Admin
istration only served to promote.
For ourselves, we have wit
nessed the murder of our citi
zens and the destruction of their
property. We have made ene
mies. not friends. Instead of
commanding respect and de
serving good will by sincerity,
firmness, and consistency, we
provoked misapprehension and
deep resentment In the light
of the conduct of the Admin- Y
istration no one could under- p
stand its professions. Decrying g
interference, we Interfered most g
exasperatingly. We have not Y
even kept out of actual con- o
filet, and the soli of Mexico is g
stained with the blood of our y
soldiers. We have resorted to
physical invasion, only to retire
without gaining the professed
object. It Is a record which
cannot be examined without a
profound sense of humiliation.—
Prom Mr. Hughes’ speech of
acceptance. . _
Sunshine is healthy, but the shady
spot of a tree is darned comfortable on
a hot day.
There’s a lot of good sound horse
sense in this town, but we’d like to
see it galloping around at a livelier
Sells for less and pays the freight
Liggett & Platt Spiral Spring
These springs are the
products of two of the
largest exclusive bed
spring factories in the
world. Guaranteed for life at a price within
the reach of all.
We also have a complete line of brass and
steel beds, steel couches and cots.
Come in and inspect our rugs and linoleums.
We carry a complete line of all grades.
Get our special prices on porch and lawn
Your money’s worth or your money hack
How Much Is Now Left of the Bal
timore Platform?
The President had boldly signed the
Pork River and Harbor bill, and his
facile pen Is dripping with ink eager
to attach itself to a Pork Public
Buildings bill.
The friendliest apologists of the
President's part in the profligate
waste of money wrung from the peo
ple by oppressive taxation have noth
ing better to say for him than that
it Is hardly fair to expect & man to
say "I forbid!” in this Presidential
year when he is a candidate.
The foregoing words describing the
profligate waste of the people’s money
with Executive approvad are taken
without change from a plank of the
platform on which Woodrow Wilson
was elected in 1912:
"We denounce the profligate waste
at money wrung from the people b>
oppressive taxation through the
lavish appropriations of recent Re
publican Congresses, which have
kept taxes high and reduced the
purchasing power of the people’s
toiL We demand a return to that
simplicity and economy which be
fits a democratic government.”
How much is now left of the prin
eiples declared and the promises reg
istered at Baltimore as inducements
to citizens to vote for Wilson.
Possibly it is because he and his
party have been such reckless, such
wholesale repudlators of the pledges
of 1912 that few people remember or
care to remember what pledges were
made in his behalf about forty days
ago at St. Louis.—New York Sun.
We demand adequate national
defense: adequate protection on
both our Western and Eastern ..
coasts. We demand thorough- £
ness and efficiency In both arms
of the service. It seems to be
plain that our regular army is
too small. We are too great
a country to require of our citi
zens who are engaged in peace
ful vocations the sort of mili
tary service to which they are
now called. As well Insist that
our citizens In this metropolis
be summoned to put out fires
and police the streets. We do
not count it Inconsistent with
our liberties, or with our demo
cratic idea’s, to have an ade
quate police force. With a pop
ulation of nearly one hundred
millions we need to be surer
of ourselves than sto become
alarmed at the prospect of hav
tng a regular army which can
reasonably protect our border
and perform such other military
serviee as may be required, i-i
the absence of a grave emcr
gency. I believe, further, that
there should be not only a rea
sonable increase in the regular
army, but that the first citizen
reserve subject to call should
be enlisted as a Federal army
and trained under Federal au
thority. — From Mr. Hughes’
speech of acceptance.
Death is not worrying us, but to be
forgotten after doatn induces us to
Business and professional Guide 1
Licensed Embalmer and
Funeral Director
With Daily Furniture Co.
Loup City, - . . Nebraska
Plumber & Electrician
For good, clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Come and Get My Prices
Plumbing and Heating.
Loup City, . . . Nebraska
Dray and Transfer
Call Lumber Yards or Taylor’s
Phone Brown 43
J. E. Bowman, M. D.
Carrie L. Bowman, M. D.
Physicians and Surgeons
°hone 114
Office Upstairs in the New State
Bank Building
Office: East Side Public Square
Phone Brown 116
Licensed Embalmer
Funeral Director
Former Governor Hanlv of Indiana
has been placed by the prohibitionists
among the notables who have been
notified of their notability. He sur
vived the shock.
“Most people act natural while
asdeep,” avers an ‘exchange. Includ
Counting chickens before they are
hatched is a pleasant pastime, pro
vided they do not croak in the pip
We are frank to admit that dead
men tell no tales, but a lot of tales
are told about them after they are