The Universal Car * The 1917 Model *i i i I i F. O. B. Detroit ' Distributor for Loup City Territory ASHTON NEWS. A. B. Outhouse was a business vis itor here Tuesday. Mrs. J. J. Slominski and children, of Loup City, visited here Tuesday. Mrs. Kate Stelmach came down from Loup City and visited here Saturdav. Mrs. Kapla, of Omaha, sister to Mrs. Bob Swanek, is at present visiting here. Mrs. John Rapp, Jr., visited her sisters, near Farwell, several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zvila went to St. Paul, Friday morning, returning on the passenger. Mrs. William Gibson, of Farwell, was here Tuesday visiting with the Vincent families. Walter Borowski was a business vis itor to St. Paul, Friday, returning home on the passenger. Ernest Masin came up from Mar quette, Friday, and visited here, re turning Monday morning. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meus, on Monday, August 7, a fine baby boy. Congratulations. John Calvin, Andy Dilla and Floyd Ault came up from Farwell, Friday, via auto, and spent the day here. Mrs. Joe Lewandowski came down from her Loup City home and spent Tuesday here, returning home on the passenger. Mrs. Dr. A. E. Wanek and son. Fred, who have been visiting in Lincoln the past week, returned to their home here, Saturday. Mrs. Boudney departed for Omaha, Monday morning. She had been here the past week visiting with the Miefski families. Mrs. John Rewolinski and son, Louis, . .. .. .1 .... left here Tuesday morning for Pleas anton, Nebraska, where they will visit for a short time. Oh, joy, its a boy at Ed Jamrog's on August 5th. Mother and babe are get ting along fine, and papa, Ed, is wear ing the big smile. Mrs. Stanley Nowicki and little daughter went down to Farwell, Tues day morning to visit with her parents and other relatives. A dance was given in the opera house, Tuesday night, and quite a big crowd attended. Music was supplied by the Ashton orchestra. A carload of lumber was unloadea here Tuesday, and hauled out by the farmers for the erection of a new school house on Davis Creek. Mrs. Matt Jayzenka and children, who have been visiting here the past three weeks, left on Monday morning ; for their home in South Omaha. Mrs. Joseph Pokoski and children, who have been visiting relatives here the past week, returned to their home in South Omaha, Saturday morning. Mis Annie Grabowski was a pas senger to Farwell, Friday, where she spent several days with relatives and friends, returning home Monday even ing. Rev. Jarka came down from Loup City in his new Ford run-about, and accompanied by Father Ratka, they autoed to Posen to visit with Rev. Jarzyenski. Mrs. Rose Haremza and two little sons, who have been visiting here the past few weeks, returned to their home in Minneapolis, Minn., Satur day morning. I Mrs. Frank Wardyn, Sr., and grand j daughter, Gracie Galczenski, went up to Loup City, Monday evening to ! spend a few days with her daughter, -1 The Loup City Tailor Shop South Side of the Square We have in our new fall and winter woolens and can sell you Tailored Suits at from $15 to $25 Come in and see them and get a perfect fit. We will also do you quick and satisfactory alter ing, mending and refitting. Cleaning and Pressing at very reasonable prices. /. C. SMITH, Proprietor || Mrs. J. J. Jezewski. Joseph Roznuarek went to Omaha, Monday morning, where he is taking treatment for a severe case of stomach trouble. All of Joe’s friends hope to hear of his speedy recovery. The Isadore picnic held in Thomas Mein’s grove, Sunday, wms a grand success. An ideal day for a picnic. A big crowd went out from Ashton, and all who attended were very well pleased with the good time they had. We understand a deal has been made between Henry Ojendyke and John Krijeweski and Mike Bukowski in which the latter gentlemen bought out the former’s implement business, and we understand they will also go into the blacksmith and garage business. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jamrog and George and Miss Clara Polski autoed to Wolbach, Sunday in George's big, new car, and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sawicki. Miss Manda Jamrog accompanied them home from Wolbach, where she had been visiting the past week. The furnace for the public school arrived Monday, and will, in a short time, be installed in the concrete basement made for it. The addition will be completed in the near future, as they are rushing the work along in order to have it completed by the time school starts. The addition will be a big improvement to the building. HAZARD NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Donolioe went to . Ravenna, Sunday. Jack Brewer and Joe Erazim went to Ravenna. Monday. Hiyo Aden was a business caller at | Loup City, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Reed were Ra venna callers, Monday. Pete Rasmussen went to Grand Is land, Thursday for medical treatment. ) Mrs. Andrew Wande and two chib ! dren went to Grand Island last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Trumble and children were callers in Kearney, Sun day. Mrs. Christie and Mrs. Jim Peter son went to Grand Island, Thursday of last week. Miss Anna Dorman and Mrs. J. O. Ward went to Ravenna the middle part of last week. O. J. Walthers took Jim Creeks and family to Grand Island last Thursday to attend the circus. Fred Anderson and Fred Copellan made a business trip to Fremont, Mon day, returning Tuesday. Born, at the home of John Jenny, a ten pound baby girl. Dr. Johnson was the attending physician. Mr. and Mrs. Shipley went to Mason City, Saturday, to visit with their son, Charley Shipley, and family. Rev. Smidt, of Blackhill, Basin, preached here Sunday at three o’clock. Rev. Smidt is the same minister. Everyone enjoyed the light rain, which fell Sunday evening, and also the cool weather which followed. Mr. David Brown, of Hooper, Neb., was in Hazard and vicinity the 2nd looking after the interest of his farms. Miss Lila McNulty, of Loup City, arrived Saturday night. She will visit with Mrs. John Benson and friends *. few days. < There was a small attendance at tine Grier & Hatfield show. The entertain ment was appreciated by those who attended. i Stewart Brewer returned from Hast ings. Saturday morning, where he has been working in the harvest fields, for a visit over Sunday. Everett Cunningham and familv. of Oakdale, Neb., arrived Thursday of last week. He visited with his brother, V. E. Cunningham, and family. Frank Webber, who has been mak ing his home with Jim Reed, went to Lincoln, Thursday, and from there ha will go to Illinois and visit friends. The Snedeker theater company played “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine,” Friday night to a fair sized au dience. The entertainment was high class. Frank Wagner made a business trip to Loup City, Wednesday of last week. His wife and three children accom panied him and visited with Miss Klea McNulty and friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Robinson went to Litchfield, Saturday night. They will attend the Chautauqua there Satur day and Sunday, returning Monday. Their daughter, Vira, went Friday night. The Commercial club met in the O. J. Walther's hall. August 1st. A com mittee was appointed to see in regard to the painting the posts between Haz ard and Pleasanton, so that people traveling in cars may not be misled. Chas. Bass and R. H. Mathew, of Loup City, arrived in Hazard, Mon day. They were working to secure signers for a petition to build a new court house as soon as the funds ire available. We are glad of the interest the people manifest toward getting a new court house. LITCHFIELD EVENTS. Lee Vanwinkle was a passenger east on 40 Saturday morning. Special through stock trains from the west are a daily occurrence now. Mrs. Chris Eberly and son. Aaron, were passengers east on 40 Monday morning. Joe Spelts was a passenger to Grand Island on 40, Monday morning, to at tend the horse sale. Nelson Powell came down from Thedford on 40. He reports plenty of rain in the sand hills. Miss Martha Kenyon was a passen ger to Broken Bow, where she goes to attend Institute and Chautauqua. Mr. L. N. Bolton, now of York, Neb., is here looking after his interests He owns a good farm east of town. Mrs. August Fergusen was a pas senger on 43. west, for a visit with her sister, Mrs. William Kelsey, of Casper, Wyoming. Mrs. G. H. Rogers, a sister of Mrs. Dr. Rydberg, came in on 39 Friday evening for a week's visit with the Rydberg's. The Spelts Bros, and Mat Robinson shipped two cars (49 head) from Haz ard to the Grand Island horse market last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robinson came up from Hazard last Saturday to spend Sunday and attend the Chautauqua, returning on 40 Monday. Dad Vian dropped off 43, Monday morning. He has been out to Fort Mor gan with his brother. He reports hot and dry weather out there. Mr. Gunnerson. the Aurora land man. came up on 43. Sunday, with parties who were interested in renting some of his land that he owns here. Mrs. M. S. Taffe and daughters. Frankie and Edna, were passengers on 40 Thursday morning for Grand Is land. They returned on 39, Friday. Miss Ima Harris and her two neices, Misses Iona and Pauline Demmett, went to Broken Bow last week to visit their brother and cousin, R. G. Harris. Moses Farnsworth seems to be get ting as much real enjoyment out of the Ford he purchased off Geo. Lang last week, as anyone I know of, and I am glad to see him get it. The masons have the walls of our new school house up to the top of the last story finished, and ready for the carpenters, and are laying off waiting' for them to lay the joists. F. G. Purcell, our jeweler, left on 39 Thursday night for Broken Bow. and returned on 40, Saturday morning. He looked like he had not only seen the circus, but had not seen the bed. Mrs. F. O. Price was a passenger to Grand Island on 40 Thursday. Her brother, who has been visiting with them for some time, returned home on the same train. Mrs. Price returned on 39. Joe Kabsier and Arthur Minshull re turned from their trip to Omaha wltii cattle. Mr. Kabiser sold his steers foi $7.75 and his cows for $6.35. Some price off grass. Mr. Minshull sold his steers for $7.10. L. A. Williams and Dar Grow were in our burg on business last week, but incidentally seemed to be taking a good deal of pleasure. By the way, Lou has a pleasant way of doing un pleasant business. August Miller left on 43, Saturday evening for New York state, where he goes to visit his daughter, Mrs. Ellen Betts. Quite a change. August, you will enjoy it, and also learn some things. Votch a leedleout. . Fred de Bruler came down from the Scotts Bluff country for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred de Bruler. He reports everything lovely, but has been dry on low irrigated lands, but hav had good rains lately. Herb McCosh and wife came in on Tuesday from Utah. They autoed all the way, coming slow on account of the heavy roads. They were two weeks on the road. One day coming over the mountains they only made 30 miles. Mrs. Everett Morse and her mother, Mrs. W. W. Engleman, left on 10, Tuesday morning for Omaha for a visit with their sister and daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Taffee, and also to enable Mrs. W. W. to take medical treatment. Kenneth Work, son of George Work, who has made his home at Goose Lake. | Oregon, for the last few years, dropped ^Illllllllllll||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||t|||||||||||llllllllllllillllll!lllll' “J = When better automobiles = j | are built, Buick to ill | build them | 1 To Have Automobile Satisfaction \ B is to own a Buick-Ready, with its wonderful Valve-in-IIead Motor, controlled by a B touch, ready with rhythmic motion—velvety smoothness of running — instant re E spouse to the starter—immediate stop. = When you own a Buick you own the Best that Money Will Buy. = FOUR CYLINDER 35 H. P. $665. SIX CYLINDER 45 H. P. $1020 E F- O. B. Flint, Michigan. :: I GRASSMUECK & MAUS I I LOUP CITY, NEB. Phone No. 134 %• 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1! Ill >111111!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111m1111111111111111111 i 11 i 11111:! r ~ off 44, Saturday evening. His appear ance is certainly a good advertise nient for the healthfulness of that country. The Ford car, everybody ridicules, but they all buy it. George Lang re ceived another carload of them last week, and they are all sold, nine of them sold in two days. Oh, the little tin wagon, she rambles right along, and so does Ford and his salesmen. A. L. Fletcher left in his auto for the tractor show at Fremont, Tuesday morning about five o’clock. Henry Shultz accompanied him. Wm. j. Heapy and Wm. Miller were expected to have gone, but were unable to get away. They expect to be home by Sat urday morning. George McKenzie and wife and daughter, Margurite, in their car. John Anderson and family in theirs, and John Burt and family in theirs, left Tuesday morning for an outing in the mountains of Colorado. We all envy them this pleasure and wish them a pleasant trip and safe return. I have since heard that Mr. and Mrs. Stouffer also went along in their car. George Myers, his wife, father, and Will Engleman, a cousin of the older Engleman’s, motored into town about one o’clock Tuesday afternoon from Petersburg, Ind., in a little old Ford that rambled right along. George did not run out of gas at any time, ani from the way it ran when he struck town, he seemed to have as much as when he left town, nine years ago. AUSTIN SIDELIGHTS. The thrashing machine is kept busy at Austin. Nora Couton took dinner at Mrs. Hartwell’s, Sunday. Mrs. Will Fletcher visited between trains at Boelus, Friday. Mable McFadden spent the past week at Mrs. Hartwell’s. Miss Anna Couton spent Sunday at Mrs. E. Throckmorton’s. John Needham, of Loup City, was down to his farm Monday. Jessie and Carrie Hile took dinner with Mrs. Hartwell, Friday. ■Christian endeavor Sunday evening, Consecration of Friendship.” Sixty of the “Wigglers" picnicked on the Austin side last Friday. Margaret, McFadden made a busi ness trip to Rockville, Friday. Willie and Nilla Couton spent Sun day at the Alonzo Daddaw home. Mr. and Mrs. Bell and family, of Loup City, spent Sunday at A. It. Jacks. The Ladies' Industrial society will meet with Mrs. Florence Daddow, Thursday, August 24th. Mrs. Throckmorton and Mrs. Burke called at the Pritchard and Vaude grift home, last Friday afternoon. Mr. Jim Couton and daughter, Frieda, of Montana, and Mrs. Edwards, of Boelus, visited at the Couton home the past week. Mrs. Will Fletcher returned home from the bedside of her sister at St. Joe. We are very sorry to hear that her sister is not recovering very fast. A surprise party was given on An drew Tompson, Saturday evening. Many of the Austin people attended and report a very pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paige and family leave this week for Colorado for a two weeks visit. They intend to visit Mr. Paige's parents and relatives at Fort Collins, and are going to view the sights of Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Daddow and . children. Mrs. Talbot and son, Willie. J Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McFadden and I family, Mrs. Lula Burke and son, Donald, and Chris Larson ate ice cream and cake at the home of Mr. , and Mrs. Park Paige. Mrs. Ray Hankin and baby from i Columbus and Mrs. Ray Sheridan and baby from Council Bluffs arrived here Wednesday for a few days visit with their brother, Charley, Briggs, and family. ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Dangerous in Louo City. Do the right thing at the right tim« Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger Doan’> Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of Loup City evidence of th-• ir worth. Mrs. D. L. Adamson. Loup Cit; . says: "For the past ten years have used Doan's Kidney Pills in o; home and they have always done ju. as represented. I have been a suffer from my kidneys for a long time an 1 many weeks was laid up so that l couldn’t do a thing. My feet and ankles were swollen and my sight b came affected. Backache made n. • nervous, stiff and lame. After usin’ Doan’s Kidney Pills, which ! got a the Rexall Pharmacy, I received relic:. Price 50c, at al dealers. Don': simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Adamson had. Foster-Milbur i Co., Props, Buffalo, X. Y. Wm. Simpson made a business trio St. Paul, Thursday. __» Cool Colorado Invitss You Out in the heart of the Rockies, the weather is cool, the air invigorating; fishing was never better. Now is the time to get away from your work for a few weeks. You will return fitted better to take up your duties. REDUCED enable you to make the trip at little FARES cost; the profits of such a vacation are great. Union Pacific will take you to Colorado quickly and comfortably over a roadbed that is double tracked, gravel bal lasted and protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety SignalB. Booklets, "Colorado For The Tourist" and “Rocky Mountain National Park” may be had free upon ap plication to Union Pacific Agent or by addressing W. S. BASINGER, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. £mimimmMiimmimHmmmmMimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiii!iiiMiiifimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii||||||,mm|||||||||||„||r | SPECIAL SALE | Furniture, Rugs and Stoves I f 20 per cent discount | 1 on fleets j [ Gang Plows at cost at this sale I I Sale closes Saturday, Aug. 19 | | D. T. PLANTS & SON I riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|l||||||||,„|„lll|||||||||||||||p