The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 03, 1916, Image 9
In Four Staples Alone the Farm ers of Western Canada Pro duced 40S Million Dol lars in 1915. The Calgary (Alberta) printers have house organ, called "The Magnet,” and in its columns a few weeks ago appeared an article entitled "Who’s Got the money:" It was cleverly written, and blit for its length, the writer would give been pleased to have copied the ar ticle in its entirety. The purpose for which this article is published, how ever. that of letting the readers of the paper know of the great progress that is being made in agriculture in West ern Canada, will be served by copying a portion of the article. Many of the readers of this paper doubtless have t riends in one of the three provinces— Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta, ■and they will he interested in feeling that their friends are enjoying a portion of the wealth That has come to Western Canada farmers as a re sult of careful tilling of a soil prodi gal in everything that goes to make ( good grain, cattle, horses, hogs and sheep. Reproducing from the article: The Government does not produce money. It can stamp "One Dollar” on a slip of white paper, and tve accept it at a dollar’s worth, but neither the paper nor the printing arc worth a copper. What gives it value is the promise of the people of Canada which <;ands behind the printed slip, and our faith in that promise. Now do you know who's got the money? Let us put it into figures. The farm ers of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba last year raised 342,948,000 bushels of wheat. If we take for an average So cents a bushel,in Manitoba. M cents in Saskatchewan, and 79 cents m Alberta tiie season's wheat crop was worth $280,029,000, Add to this nu oat crop of 334,840.000 bushels, worth $9.7,457,000; a barley crop of 35. 2.74.200 bushels, worth $15.37L00o. and h liax crop of 10.539.000 liusliels wortli $17,843,000, and you find tiiat on these four staples alone the farmers of West ern Canada produced a wealth of $407,800,000. I’iease note that this wealth is in money, it is not in real estate at in tuited values, industrial stocks that are half water and the rest air. fictitious goodwills or_ unsaleable merchandise. It is in hard cash, or—which is better —hard wheat. These figures are only for the staple grain productions. They do not in ■ itide the millions of dollars represent ed by the live stock and dairying indus tries, or the additional millions includ ed in the root, fruit, and garden crops. The creameries of Saskatchewan, for instance produced more buttermilk and ice cream last year than their total production amounted to six years ago. The milk, butter, and cheese pro duction of Alberta for 1915 was valued at over eleven million dollars. The p.e tato crop of the three provinces was wortli five’ millions and a half. Corn and alfalfa—comparatively new crops, charged with tremendous possibilities —amounted to over a round million. Even honey—you didn't know we raised honey (the bee kind) in this country, did you? Manitoba produced 10.7.000 jKtunds in 1915. and there isn’t a bee in the province rluit doesn't swear he’s a better honey-sorter than anything in California or Washington. That's where the money is; in the jeans of our honest friend the farmer, who was too slow to get into the cities when the rest of us saw short-cuts to wealth: who hadn't Imagination enough ;o think a mail can make money with out earning it, and w ho was too dull to know that hard work is foolish. Well, he has the laugh now. Likewise the money.—Advertisement. Enterprising. Visitor—Can I see that motorist who was brought here an hour ago? Nurse—He hasn't come to his senses yet! Visitor—Oh. tluit's all right I only wanted to sell him another car. Judge. Every time a man's wife buys him a tie his vanity gets it in the neck. WOMAN HAD NERVOUS TBOOBLE Lydia EL Pinkham s Vegeta* ble Compound Helped Her. West Danby, N. Y.—“I have had nervous trouble all nay life until I took HIM.L^„„n;»rrmLydia E. Pinkh&m’s VegetaDie t/om pound for nerves and for female trou bles and it straight ened me out in good shape. I work nearly all the time, as we live on a farm and I have four girls. Ido all my sewing and other work with Stheir help, so it shows that I stand it real well. I took the Compound when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lot. I have also had my oldest girl take it and it did her lots of good. I keep it in the house all the time and recommend it.”—Mrs. Dewitt Sincebaugh, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen sations, all point to female derange ments which may be overcome by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and in vigorator of the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. THE EUROPEAN WAR A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK I — I July 31. 1915. ! Austrians occupied Lublin. Russian troops began evacuat ing Warsaw. Leyland liner Iberian sunk by | ; German submarine. Eight British trawlers sunk by * submarines. ! _ _ August 1, 1915. Von Mackensen took Cholm. Hindenburg checked Russians - in the north. Germans held on Bionie line west of Warsaw. British regained some of trenches at Hooge. Italians in general offensive I on the Tyrol, Trentino and Car nia fronts. August 2, 1915. Germans took Mitau from Rus sians. Warsaw battered by 42-centi I meter guns. Germans won fight at Hill 213 in the Argonne. Australasians won victory on Gallipoli peninsula. British notes upholding block ade and German note on Frye case received. August 3, 1915. Germans forced Narew line near Ostrolenka and the Bionie line. Prince Leopold of Bavaria leading attack on Warsaw. Italians continue advance in the Trentino. August 4, 1915. Austro-Germans attacking fortress of Warsaw, Russians falling back tu outer lines. French repulsed German at tacks in the Argonne. French prize court confirmed ccizure of American cotton steamer Dacia. August 5, 1915. Warsaw captured by Austro Germans. Germans in north within ten miles of Riga. Furious artillery fighting in the western Argonne. August 6. 1915. Austro-Germans occupied Ivan gorod. Russians evacuated almost en tire line of the Vistula. Artillery duels in Artois and Forest of Apremont. British forces land at Suvla bay on Gallipoli. italians captured summit of Monte San Michele, dominating Goritz. Italian dirgibles bombarded Austrian encampment. TAKEN FROM EXCHANGES A Philadelphia electrician is ilie in ventor of a portable motor-driven pipe-tlireadinj*' machine which is sup i plied with current by the storage bat teries of an automobile. One of Brazil's most important rail roads is being equipped with oilburn ing locomotives and expects eventually to dispense with coal. The government of Uruguay has ef fected an important saving by substi tuting petroleum for coal in its Mon tevideo electric powerhouse. Because of the shortage of coal the govern ment is aiming at further economy by converting two river steamboats and 50 locomotives on one of the gov ernment railways into petroleum burn ers. It is estimated that the number ox Jews in the world at the beginning of 1915 was 10,431,829, of whom near ly one-half were residents in Russia, 1,994,378 were in Austria-Hungary, i and 1,1364240 in the United States. About 500,000 Jews are fighting in the present war, 20,000 being with the British forces. The report of the first census is con tained in an octavo volume of 56 pages. Nowadays in a decade the census bu reau issues ten or more quarto vol umes with more than 400,000 pages. More than 100,000 operatives are now employed in American silk manu facturing mills. This is exclusive of those employed in dependent indus tries. The thistle and the caterpillar have been eliminated from New Zealand by the English sparrow. Locomotives of the United States used more than 3,G00,000 barrels of oil for fuel last year, the greatest amount on record, and a gain of about 18 per cent from the year before. In a smoke consumer of European invention for factories the smoke is driven by fans into a porous receptacle over which petroleum flows, and is Converted into a combustible gas. Russia maintains at Moscow an ex periment station for the study of flax cultivation and manufacture. According to a British scientist X rays are the most extreme rays at the ultraviolet end of the spectrum. Plans to introduce reindeer in the Peace River valley have failed. The animals could not stand the attacks of the bull flies. According to archeologists eleva tors were used in the imperial palace in Rome 2,000 years ago, probably op erateddby slave power. Rubber-covered canvas disks that prevent slipping are attached to the soles of new shoes for very young children. Experiments by German scientists have proved the truth of the old theory that tightening a man’s belt lessens hunger. | USE SIRES OF ONE MERITORIOUS BREED"* Steers Which Won First Prise at Internationa! Show. (By FRANK T,. THOMSON.) It is surprising to observe liovv many stock farmers have been inclined, after having bred grade cattle for a con siderable number of years, usually of Shorthorn blood, to use upon these females a cross of some other breed. The writer has known a number of in stances of herds having been graded up in Shorthorn blood for a period of 10 to 25 years, and then all of these years’ effort abandoned by the intro duction of a sire of another breed. In some cases, the lirst cross on such a foundation 'gpnears entirely satisfac tory, t>t:t the later crosses are less reliable and in a large percentage of cast's prove a disappointment. It takes years to grade up a herd, and when this is done by the continu ous use of regis tered sires of any breed the results show si steady improve ment. assuming the sires used to be of a higher standard titan tlie founda tion females. After a few such crosses are made, the herd becomes for all practical purposes us useful as a full blood herd; lint when a cross of an other breed is introduced, further im provement becomes uncertain. It op poses an established law of heredity and that breeder is doomed to disap pointment who runs counter to this law. It is unfortunate that this practice lias been morb or less frequent. Yet. experience teaches that tlie breeder of grade herds who expects to make prog ress has only one practical course open and that is the use of sires of one breed and of meritorious ancestry and individuality. Itemarkahle results have been obtained in the British isles where many high-grade herds of Short horns are maintained both for dairy and beef purposes that compare fa vorably in individual excellence with tlie standard a the registered herds. This has been accomplished by the careful and continuous selection of Shorthorn sires and the gradual elim ination of the undesirable blood. WHY GROW SHEEP? They will thrive and do well on the rough hillsides, better than any other of our farm ani mals. They are the cheapest means of eradicating weeds on the farm. They are more economical to feed than any other farm ani mals. They do not require much la bor and bring good returns. They add fertility to the farm, acting as nature's manure spreader. The prospect of the foreign demand for sheep and wool caused by the European situa tion will make the business even more profitable. PUBLIC TROUGH IS MENACE TO HORSES Quite Certain That This Is Most Common Means of Spreading Disease to Animals. (By H. S. EAKINS. Colorado Agricul tural Station. Fort Collins, Colo.) The public watering trough is a nuisance that should be abolished. It , is easy to comprehend the necessity which compels the doing away with the public roller-towel, the bar of soap and public drinking cup and the same arguments for abolishing the public watering trough are applicable, save that they apply to horse and not man. It is common knowledge that some of the worst diseases of horses, such as glanders and strangles, are trans mitted in this way. Some of the transportation companies place notices in their establishments to the effect that teamsters are not to water at public watering troughs, under pen alty of dismissal. It is quite certain that this is the most common means of spreading strangles (distemper) among horses and the public water ing trough should be legally abolished. ARGUMENT FOR LIVE 1 STOCK AND ALFALFA -- Contained in the Farm Survey Made by ihe Wisconsin Ex periment Station. A strong argument for llvp stock and alfalfa Is contained in the farm profit survey made by the Wisconsin experiment station. It brought out that 44 farmers, who were keeping double the number of live stock and twice the average acre age of alfalfa were making practically double the profits of the average farm. The growing and feeding of alfalfa I is increasing in popularity throughout the United States every year . The crop can be grown profitably when the soil is well drained, a firm seedbed prepared, the soil sweetened with lime, when necessary, and fertilizers and manures used to give the crop a quick start and enable it to make a strong growth. Earmark of Good Habit. The bank lends to the farmer who has acquired the good habit of get ting good crops; care of his tools is an earmark of this habit. Cow That Pays. The cow should produce at least 200 1 pounds of butter fat a year in order to pay for her feed, care, interest and other expenses. Tie Wet Tails. Don’t begin to milk a cow with a wet tail until you have tied it FEED SPRING PIGS GOOD FORAGE CROPS Make Five Times Greater Profit Than Those Fed in Dry Lots— Alfalfa Favored. (By R. A. GATETVOOP. Kansas Experi ment Station.) Spring pigs fed on good forage crops will make live times as much protit as those fed on dry lots. The cost of 100 pounds of gain on young pigs with corn at CO cents a bushel and such forage crops as al falfa, rape and clover, runs frem $2.86 to $3.96; with older hogs from $4.23 to $5.31. The accredited gain in pork to an acre of forage varies, depending upon the crop, age of the hog and the amount of grain fed. An acre of sweet clover with corn at 50 cents and hogs at $5 a hundred pounds netted $52.07; rai>e, $37.50; alfalfa, $05.90. and a eomhinution of oats, peas and rape, $04.60. Of all forage crops, alfalfa is the great permanent crop, while rape is the emergency crop, and green rye the fall and early spring crop. The ideal forage crop should show adaptability to soil and climate, permanency, paln tability, reasonable cost of% planting and good pasture at any time during the growing season. Alfalfa, clover and rape have most of these qualities. There is no better opportunity for the Kunsas farmer to make cheap pork production than by fattening spring pigs on forage crops. SIMPLE METHOD OF INOCULATING SOILS _« Ordinary Furniture Glue Has Been Found Effective by Coun ty Agents in Illinois. Coating the seed of legumes with in oculated soil before planting is a sim ple method of insuring soil inocula tion at slight cost. County agents in Illinois have found ordinary furniture glue effective in holding particles of inoculated soil to the seeds. This method gives each individual seed some of the particles of inoculated soil whidta it carries with it when it is planted. The scheme requires hut a small amount of inoculated soil and costs but a few cents an acre. The method Is described in Farmers’ Bul letin 704 of the United States depart ment of agriculture. Dissolve two handfuls of furniture glue for every gallon of boiling water and allow’ the solution to cool. Put the seed in a washtub and then sprin kle enough of the solution on the need to moisten, but not to wet it (one quart per bushel is sufficient) and 8tir the mixture thoroughly until all the seed are moistened. Secure the inoeulated soil from a place where the same kind of plants as the seed are growing, making sure that the roots have a vigorous develop ment of nodules. Dry the soil in the shade, preferably in the barn or basement, and pulverize it thoroughly into a dust. Seatter this dust over the moistened seed, mixing thoroughly un til the seed no longer stieks together. Keeps Man on the Job. Dairying keeps a man right on the job the greater part of his time, hut no more so than any successfully con ducted business. Unsafe Articles of Food. Milk from unhealthy cows is not a safe article of food, even though there is no visible dirt in it. Develop Milk Organa. The milking organs of the heifers must be well developed if she makes a good cow. FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved ic water for douches stop* pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflazn ! motion. Recommended by Lydia E. Pir.kfccm lifted. Co. for ten years. A healing wonder for natal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hat extraordinary desiring and germicidal prvweT. Sample Free. 50c. &U drjgRBti* cr postpaid by . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toi'et preparation of merit. Ktil? to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and k Beauty toGray or Faded Hair. bOt. and Slot, at In-urtnetb. Making Quick Time. Small Nellie had been to an “Uncle Toni's Cabin” mutt nee. After the show was over she said: “Maiuma. does little Eva play again to-night?” “Yes, dear, 1 suppose so," replied the I mother. “Well,” continued Nellie, after a mo ment's thought. "I don’t see how she can die and go to heaven at four o'clock and get back in time ;■ die again at eight.” IF YOU OE ANY FRIEND Suffer with Rheumati.-:.: or Neuritis, acute or chronic, write for my FREE BOOK on Rheuma tism—Itr. Cause and Cure. Most wonderful book ever -written, it’s absolutely FREE. Jesat; A. Case, Dept. C. W., Brockton, Mass.—Adv For a man to make a woman happy during courtship is much e; -ier than it is for him to make good after mar riage. ■H THE HIGH Q'JA'.iTVSEWiHG MA5HIKE j NOT SOLD UmD:R ABV OTHER NAME Write tor free bonldel'T 'titc tobecoosUered before 1 pn: chasing a Sewing Mat bine." Learn U.e fci-.-w THE NEW HOWE SEWING MACHINE C0.,0RANCE,W' SS. Kill All Flies! "SJZZT Ualsy Fly Kilter Solti by tteakr. nr # mm<t by bxprass. ii jpj 1, ST HAHGLD SOME-RS, 150 DeKalb Ave. Srook'^rijN. <. EAifalfa St>. Sweet. Clover ?'-* fn rm« for sale ;:nd rent or* eft>i> »:»• r».«-a • • J. Mi L1I AL!,, too C ir *. l,v>, KB W;«tAo3 ErCok'n.AD.tVfvr lni'i- n.D.C. Booksfme. £Lch references Best n-: - Children Cr-y For What is CASTORIA CastorJa is a harmless substitute for Castor 03, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Piarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Ex&U Copy Ci Wrapper, TMB ceNTAUW «mkcrr>. Wer.t With the Load. An Irishman, having arrived in New York a few days ago. got employment with a lumber merchant. I.nter lie was ordered to take a load of lumber some distance away. Having gone half his journey, he came to a steep hill, and while the horses were struggling to get t< the top liis boss happened to meet him. and seeing the horses in such a difficulty, and l’at standing on top of the load, he stopped him and exclaimed: “Do you think the horses haven't got enough to do without hauling you up tlus hill?” Pat, fixing himself more comfortably on top of the load, said: “is that what you stopped me for?” Then, with a crack of his whip, Pat concluded: “Gee nit. it's a poor ship that can't carry the captain.” SWAMP-ROOT STOPS SERIOUS BAGKACHE _ When vout back aches, and your blad der and kidneys seem to be disordered, re member it is needless to suffer—go to your nearest drug store and get a bottle of I>r. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. It is a physician'* prescription for diseases of the kidney* and bladder. It has stood the test of year* and ha* a reputation for quickly and effectively giving results in thousand* of caaes. This prescription was used by I>r. Kil mer in hie private practice and was ao very effective that it has been placed on sale everywhere. Get a bottle. 30c and H.00, at your nearest druggist. However, if you wish first to teat thi* great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer £. Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for a <ample bottle. When writing be *ure and mention this paper.—Ad*. Willing Worker. An •;musing incident is told which took place in one of the occupied dis tricts of P-elgiuin where the German occupier doles out potatoes to such of the starving people as agree to work for him. One recipient presenter! him self before tile German authorities and declared himself quite ready in return for a supply of itotatoes to work for the Germans and only for them. He seemed quite decided and genuine in his offer of work. “Then you are quite willing to sign the declaration?” asked the German officer. “Yes, quite willing.” “And what is your trade?” “1 am a grave digger,” replied the Belgian studitlly.—London Everyman. f " Affected His Speech. “My father wants a bottle of red dick,” said Fanny. “Reddick,” said the drug store man, “what is that?” “It is something you write red with.” “Then I guess you mean red ink.” “My father said reddick, but he didn't get much sleep last night and talks kind of thick this morning, and that may be the reason.” Too Hard to Find. “I’ve got about enough of that scala wag.” “Easy, son. Always try to see some good in everybody.” “I have tried. But it gets tire some when yon have to look for it with a microscope.” — Louisville Courier-Journal. Extension of Governmental Activities. Knicker—Fishing by parcel post? Boeker—Yes, I mailed a hook to a trout HORSE SALE DISTEMPER You know that what you sell or buy through the sales has about one chance in fifty to. escape SALE STABLE DISTEMPER. “SPOHN’S” is your true protection, your only safeguard. for as sure as you treat all your horses with it. you will soon be rid of the disease. It acts as a .sure preventive, no matter how they are "exposedJ* ."*0 cents and $1 a bottle; $5 and $10 dozen bottles, at ail good druggists, horse goods houses, or delivered by the manufacture! s. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemist*, <.<mben, ln«2.. If. S. A. Five Giant Fingers Bind Cities. j Tlie five giant spans of steel, which. ; I like gargantuan fingers clutch the two I sides of East river, binding New York , ; and Brooklyn together, cost Atueri- | ! ca’s metroiKilis half as much as the | Panama canal cost the federal govern- I | meat. Three of them are suspended I front rubles, the wires of which, if i placed end to end, would more than ! twice girdle the earth. If placed side i by side, these five great structures ! would provide a roadway as wide as | the Washington monument is high, and ! | if placed end to end they would make j i a great bridge over six miles long, j Across the Brooklyn bridge alone 125,- j 000 surface ears travel every 24 hours. | with other vehicular traffic in propor-! tioa.—National Geographic Magazine, j Tempting Fate. It was behind the scenes of a barn- . storming theatrical company. “Macbeth Part low is timid about ; apjiearmg tonight." said one of the ' tr* mpe. "How foolish." replied another. "He shouldn't have stage fright. Why, lie's been on tiie hoards for years." "True,” replied the first speaker, “but this is the first time he was ever \ billed for two nights in one town.” Shop Talk. She—I've heard that men prefer to i make love to short girls rather than | to tall girls. He (a broker)—Yes. it's the shorts ! that you always hear of as getting* ; squeezed.—Boston Transcript. Husband’s Protest. With « view to advertising liis busi ness. a certain dentist announced that he would supply artificial teeth to the first twelve aged ladles in poor cir cumstances who applied for them. The earliest application on the «}e poiuted day was an elderly woman in shabby but respectable clothes, who was politely ushered into the waiting room. Scarcely was site seated when a red facod old man came to the place, and announced that he had come “about them teeth.” ‘ You are making a mistake," the dentist replied. “I only made my offer to ladies. In fact, there's one lady waiting now.” “Ay, an’ it's abont 'er I’ve come," re torted the old man. gruffly. ‘Tell, 'er ’er ushand's waitin’ for 'er, and if she don’t 'op out juick, there’ll be trouble. She’s got a liappetite like an ’obs al ready, and if yon set 'er up wl’ a strong lot of teeth, she'll eat troth roe an’ ’er into the work his in a week. Send 'er out at once”’—London Tit-Bits. Promoter of Patriotism. "Have you doue anything to pro mote patriotism?" "1 have. My efforts to hold down compensation for an enlisted roan en able him to prove his unselfishness.’’ At Parting. “Good-liy, Nell; I'm off to the bor der.” “Good-by. lack; I hope the Mexican* will miss you. too.” I IjpE A package of New Post Toasties provides servings for ten people—a delicious breakfast dish—corn flakes with new form and new flavour. New Post Toasties are known by tiny bubbles raised on each flake by the quick, intense heat of the new process of manufacture. They bear the full, true flavour of prime, white Indian com, not found in corn flakes of the past; and they are not “chaffy” in the package; and they don’t mush down when milk or cream is added, lilc#» ordinary corn flakes. Try some dry—a good way to test the flavour, but they are usually served with rich milk or cream— New Post Toasties Sold by Grocers everywhere.