The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 03, 1916, Image 5

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P. O. Reed is working at F. Bichel’s.
Gerdell is sporting a new top buggy.
Miss Fay Zeigler is working for Mrs.
Anna Cash.
A nice rain covered the route on
Monday night.
V. T. Wescott marketed a load of
hogs Tuesday.
Vincent Bogacz had hogs on the
market Monday.
Laura Bramer will teach in the Tom
Garner district.
Lawrence Keyser purchased a new
Ford car of late.
W. H. Hughes hauled wheat to the
market Saturday.
Eli Fisher helped . Wm. Knoepful
during the harvest.
Wm. Hawk cut the weeds along his
west line Tuesday.
J. E. Roush cut the weeds along his
•south line Tuesday.
Clark Alleman marketed a load of
hogs last Thursday.
Fred Daddow cut the weeds along
his line last Friday.
Allen Cash visited over Sunday at
the Whitaker home.
Geo. Plambeck went fishing and
made quite a catch.
James Hausen and family visited at
James King’s Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Iossi visited at
John Haesler’s Sunday.
J. E. Roush and son hauled loads
from Loup City Monday.
E. G. Taylor had a car of corn on
the track the past week.
James McBeth hauled out a load
of lumber last Thursday.
Fred Daddow has dressed his barn
with a new coat of paint.
John Haesler has been haying north
of the mill race this week.
Iver Lhynne cut the weeds along
hts south line last Thursday.
Sim Criss, Jr., spent Sunday at his
grandma's home in Loup City.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Foster autoed
out on route two last Sunday.
Wm. Behrens has been painting the
Philbrick house the past week.
Chris Oltjenbrums has been down to
Trenton on business this week.
Mrs. Lizzie Stark bought a new Reo
car of Pete Ogle the past week.
Mrs. Tweethouse, from Missouri, is
visiting at Vern Alleman’s home.
Orol Young has been working for
V. T. Wescott the past ten days.
Earl Thompson has been building
a new chicken coop the past week.
Wm. Behrens made a killing of the
weeds along his line last Saturday.
There was a big social at the home
of Ed. Liebhart's last Friday night.
Ike McDonald has been working for
Henry Biehel the past three weeks.
John Galiaway and sons had hogs
on the Loup City market Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gurdeil are looking af
ter Tenis Biemond’s place on route 2.
A good many on the route took in
the big tent shows at Loup City Tues
Fritz Biehel went to John Peter:
son’s and did his job of thrashing last
E. G. Taylor and son, Earl, were
seen autoing west on the Divide last
Sigvald Clausen, from Chicago,
visited at James Hausen’s the past
Simpson & McNulty laid the found
ation for the school house in district
No. 79.
C. J. Tracy has the foundation ail
laid for the new Wiggle Creek school
John Haesler has rented the farm
land on Mrs. Plambeck’s place for
next year.
The old river has been groaning
under the heavy load of bathers the
last month.
Mrs. Daisy Fletcher has been suffer
ing the past week with a bad case of
poison ivy.
Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Constance'
Jenner were seen driving on Route
two Monday.
There never has been a year when
there has been as much grain stacked
as this year.
H. W. Brodock helped F. W. Kuhn
put his hogs on the Loup City market
last Saturday.
Mrs. Wm. Knoepful has been a very
sick woman but at the present time is
much improved.
There is a new school house being
built on J. T. Garner’s east line in
district No. 79.
There is no place like home. Route
two sure looks good to me after a fif
teen days absence.
Lewis Hunker is again at Vern Al
leman’s after an automobile trip
through several states.
Alfred Jorgenson found a shawl on
the cemetery road. Party can have
same by proving same.
Henry Miller assisted C. J. Tracy
on the foundation for the new school
house on Wiggle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kulil and the
Kulil brothers attended the big dance j
at Rockville Satnrday night.
Miss Grace Adams and Miss Lila j
Goodwin will teach this term in tie
new Wiggle Creek high school.
Glen Cash has had some very p rj
days the past month, tie may teel j
better if the weather cools a little.
During the heavy wind oi last week
Plambeck’s had their ha.> ra . blown
several rods over into a deep draw.
Wm. Rettenmayer and son. Call. |
commenced the frame of the new high
school on Wiggle Creek last Sainr j
Harry Gardner and Clinton Conger j
hauled a load of straw from Geo. Me- j
Faddeu's to the ice house last Thurs
Those who have thrashed the past [
week are. Homer Hughes, Tom Me-j
Fadden, C. W. Burt and James Me-!
Wm. Rowe and son Art. Norton |
Lambert and Carl Dieterichs put up ■
the new Garner school house the past
Roll Hendrickson and James Lee!
and Earl Keeler aatoed into L mp j
City and attended the Odd Fellows I
Patrons will please have their box
numbers on all letters mailed. This I
will some times prevent delays v m; j
your letters.
l.. jvi. w imams, earner on r _■ i
three finished his fifteen days' v.
tion and went back to work again on i
last Thursday.
Dr. Bowman has the best kept lawn
in Loup City. But it costs the Dr.
something to keep it like this. It
looks beautiful.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Conger autced
down from Arcadia and went out to
the home of their son, Roy, and visit
ed over Sunday.
Henry Bichel commenced to thrash
| Saturday. He is going to make a
fall run in this neighborhood. Henry
has a dandy gasoline outfit.
Burt Kay went to Rockville Sun
day and returned by the way of Eu
gene Patton's and stopped off and
visited with him until Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Conger and
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Henry autced
out to the home of John Gallaw.v
and took dinner with them-Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McFadden, Mr.
and Mrs. Winifred Hughes and Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Daddow, spent Sunday
at the H. W. Hughes home in Loup
Last Friday there were three mov
ing wagons passed along on route two
enroute from Southern Arkansas :c
Canada. Quite a jump for a wagon
H. W. Brodock purchased the mu
Wiggle Creek school and will mote i
near his house. We understand the
Farmer's Union will hold their me:.-,
ings in it.
Sam Gallaway and family, James!
Gilbert. Miss Emma Fovw-tr and John
Turrentine, camped from Saturda
til Mondav in W. O. Brown’s ti:. r
on Cobb Creek.
John Hr.- - on roue has
' ral hundred head of well red w
fated cattle. They make a beau
picture in the pastures ail standing j
close together under tires.
L. A. Bangs got badly hurt while
unloading lumber last Wednesday. Ho I
took hold of a piece of lumber to pal! j
it out of the car when all at once let
loose throw-ing him out of the car.
E. M. Marvel autoed up from Ham !
ilton county on business. It is re
ported that the Marvel family will !■
make their home in Sherman county ’
again. We hope the report comes true, j
Carrier Williams on route three will
get twenty-four dollars a year mart
and Carrier J. W. Conger on route two
will get seventy-two dollars more from
now on. We get paid now $24 for
every mile over thirty that we travel.
This will help quite a little.
J: E. Roush returned home from his
trip to the Chicago market Saturday
with two loads of baby beeves. He
reports striking a very goad market.
He also reported the crops in need of
rain but standing the weather in fine
shape. He visited his brother and
other relatives while away.
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Main and Mr.
and Mrs. L. Hansen returned hor e
last Wednesday from a sixteen days'
auto trip to the west. They report ihe
trip up Pikes Peak was made in a
sleet storm and that there were meu
shoveling the ice and snow out of the
toad so the automobiles could get
Carrier on route two drove route
three for fifteen days last month and
we got our tongue so twisted in try
ing to speak the great number of Pol
ish names that when we got back on
route two we could speak English, sc
the Dr. advised us to go on a camp
ing trip about seventy-two miles north
of Loup City. We will leave Satur
day morning at three o’clock. Don’t
work too hard while we are gone.
There are over 1.000 rural routes in
Nebraska and the most money the
United States government appropri
ate for the use of each state will be
spent on mail routes. The state be
fore receiving the one hundred and
sixty thousand dollars must put up
an amount equal to that appropriated
by the government. This i to con
tinue for five years and the amount :o
be given by, this government will in
The past week has been extremely
hot. The only corn that has suffered
is corn that was too thick, too weedy,
or on sandy soil. Two-thirds of the
grain is in the shock or thrashed. Al
falfa is all put up the second time.
Corn silking is good, wild hay stood
the hot weather fine. Pastures ha'-e
got very short. Flies have been hard
on cattle and horses the past month.
Winter wheat is making from 18 to
28 bushels per acre. Oats from 25 to
50 bushels per acre. Potatoes are hurt
quire badly. Fall plowing is general.
Route patrons on route two. The
carrier wiil be away on a fishing trip
for fifteen days and will not get back
until the 20th of August. Everybody
rlease think and plan something for
the parade. Let us make it as good
or better than last year. It will be
a hard time parade. All automobiles
instead of heading the parade will
bring up in the rear, showing hard
times in the front and prosperity in
the rear. Plan your float now. Pon’t
wait until the last minute. Build up
your float in your mind and it wWl
not be so hard to decide on the way
and the kind at the last minute. Re
member the day and the date. The
first Monday in September or Labor
day. By the time I get home it will
be only a few days until the day of
the pieinc. This year you will get
two bottles of pop for five cents and
two ice cream cones for five cents.
Burt Kay a"d Gene Phi ton will pul!
several - stui^s that day The ball
game will be between Upper and
Lower Wiggle Creek. John GaP.away
will be Sptain of the Lower and A1
bert Snyder c aptain of ice Upper. The
parade will form at W O. Frown's
as in former years and leuv a: 10
o'clock. Commence to form at ''.'SO.
Remember the pi cine is for route two
patrons only. Please do not ask to
let some one in to the park on your
ticket unless they are risking a: vour
home or working for you. Everybody
boost. Remember its ycur picinc a;>
much a? mine.
Chase's for fresh groceries.
The big talker often says little
Villa, in the number of his lives, has
shoved the cat off the map.
Every man is supposed to be the
architect of his own fortune, but many
of the forget to build.
This is good, bur it isn’t ours: "In
ternational law is an old fiddle upon
which any tune cvan be played.
"Who is to blame because our army
is net supplied with machine guns?'’
asks the Illinois Manufacturers’ News.
Carranza, of course. Wilson raised
the embargo on arms and ammuni
tion going to him, and Carranza corn
ered the market on machine guns.
Ccitie Market Steady to 10c
Lower; Liberal Supply
| ^ from”
Lambs About Steady With Close of
Last Week; Largest Run of Season.
Sheep Somewhat Lower; Offerings
Large. Feeders Sell Steady Prices.
Uii.on Stock Y’uids, South Omaha,
i Nebr., August 1, 1916.—The week
j opened with a liberal run of cattle,
! some 244 loads, or about 6,100 head.
| Prices were steady for desirable offer
j ings of all weights. Some choice long
j yearlings brought $9.75. Bulk of tho
| fair to good 1,000 to 1,250-pound cat
j tie sold around $8.85@ 9.35. Supplies
of cows and heifers were limited, and
with a broad demand for them, prices
were firmly held. No corn feds of
any consequence are coming and
prices are around $7.50@ 8.50. Strictly
good to choice grass stock is selling
around $6.60@7.35.
Quotations on cattle: Good to
choice beeves, $9.50@10.00; fair to
good beeves, $8.90@9.35; common to
fair beeves, $7.75@)8.75; good to
choice yearlings, $9.00@9.75; fair to
good yearlings, $8.25@9.00; common
j to fair yearlings, $6.75@7.75; good
I to choice heifers, $6.75@7.50; good to
| choice cows, $6.60 @7.25; fair to good
; cows, $6.00 @6.60; canners and cut
ters, $3.75@5.75; veal calves, $9.00@
' 12.00; bologna bulls, $5.50@6.25; beef
j bulls, $6.25@7.25.
uue to me excessive runs ana snarp
: breaks at other markets, gave buyers
a valid excuse for pounding prices
here. Some of the early shipping pur
chases were made around 5@10c low
I er. The packers bought most of their
hogs at about a 15c lower basis than
at the close of last week. A good
share of the packers hogs sold at
$9.15@9.25, many strings selling at
| $9.20. There was a fair showing of
i the good to choice lights, and butch
ers on up, the top being $9.70.
Receipts of sheep and lambs for
- Monday were the largest since the
! range season opened, some 63 loads
| or about 17,000 head were reported
in. Owing to the heavy supply pack
ers made their early bids on a 15c to
some instances a quarter lower basis.
Bulk of the lambs sold at $10.50®
10.65, nothing going above the latter
figure. The supply of native mutton
on hand here was very large, and
prices were weak to 10@15c lower.
Yearlings and wethers stopped at
$7.70. One bunch of feeding lambs
sold at $9.55, which is a nickel higher
than any ever sold here before today.
Quot ions on sheep and lambs;
j Lambs, good to choice, $10.50®
! 10.05; lambs fair to good $9.75® 10.35;
Iambs, feeders, $8.7£.*r9.55; yearlings,
ood to choice, $7 50® S 25; yearlings,
lair to srood. $7.00 • 7.50; yearlings,
feedrrs, S6.50 ■ 7.60: wethers, fair to
! choice, $6.75*: 8.00: ewes, good to
hoH-e. S7.00 '/ .' 40: ewes, fair to good,
! $5.75®7.00; ewes, plain to culls. $4.00
I ® 3.75: ewes feeders, $4.50® 6.00;
; i wes, yearlings, $7.50® 9.00; ^wea,
breeders, 2s and up, $G,00@8.00.
With com above 50 cents hogs eat
their heads off very quickly. The
hog that takes two or three months
to get on full feed never brings you
! a profit.
When you are ready to put your
shoats on feed, begin with the B. A.
Thomas Hog Medicine. Use regularly
and watch your shoats round out
int o fat hogs in nine months—hogs
; going well over 200 pounds and as
high as 240 pounds. Figure the av
: erage feeding and you will see why
the B. A. Thomas medicine is a good
investment. Try feeding out your
hogs on this plan and if you are not
more than pleased, we will refund
i the cost of the medicine. —J. J. Slo
Buck up. trade liberally, and keep
your money in circulation. We are
l gunning for our share.
A good front is a good front is a
, good thing in business, but the back
must also keep the pace.
Liggett & Platt Spiral Spring
These springs are the
products cf two of the
largest exclusive Led
spring factories in the
world. Guaranteed for life at a price within
the reach of all.
We also have a complete line of brass and
steel beds, steel couches and cols.
Come in and inspect our rugs and linoleums.
We carry a complete line cf ail grades.
Get cur special prices on porch and lawn
In the County Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska.
S a.e of Nebraska. She.'tnan Co m
ty, ss.
To the heirs, legatees, devisee? a id
all persons interester in the estate of
John Olson, deceased.
On reading the pati ion < \
Mason, Administrator praying a ■
settlement and allowance of his uc
ount filed in this Court on the lttn
day of July, 1916. and for a decree ot
distribution of the residue of said es
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matte,
may, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said Coun
ty, on the 11th day of A - :
1916, at 10 o'clock A. M. to shov
cause, if any there be. why the pr: :
of the petitioner should not be grant;
ed. and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing there
of be given to all persons interested
in said matter by pus hr - ■<.
of this order in The Loup City North
western, a weekly newspaper printed
in said county for three successive
weeks prior to day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this 19th
day of July, 1916.
31-3 E. A. SMITH,
(SEAL) County Judge
It may be that beauty is only skin
deep, but the well turned ankle catches
the public eye.
Quality in construction, design,
finish, appearance—a really high
class motor car — that is your first
and last impression of the Maxwell.
In first cost it is several hundred
dollars less than any other car offering
the same quality and advantages.
In operation—the cost of gasoline
and tires is so low it means the utmost
This combination should make you
consider the Maxwell — should mean
that you will buy it if you really want
value. Let us prove these statements
Touring Car $595; Roadster $580; Cabriolet SO65; Town Car $915; Sedan $985.
Fully equipped, including electric starter and lights. All prices f. o. b. Detroit.
' ZIMMERMAN & WAITE, Loup City, Nebraska
TO THE - 1'
Loup City ' ight Co.
Furnish os all the light a: 1 pev.-er a ad also xnuk ? the
best of flour. Handled by all Merchants.
ITT * 1 ~ O ■% l
I itAi u. caaIIw Q*_Ks&di
CS»aUSH£» 1659
Pianos S2UU*o$noO Player Ptenos *37S*%&00 5
Are instruments of artistic excellence and have stood
the test of forty-seven years.
They are constructed under our direct supervision
of the best material and contain all the latest im
They are guaranteed unqualifiedly for 25 years under
all conditions.
Our conven.ent payment plan, $o.00 and upwards
per month, makes buying ea. .
No better piano—No more liberal firm to buy from.
Everymstrument sold Direct from Factory to Home,
saving you middleman’s profit of $lC0.00'or mere.
Write today for free illustrated catalog and special o£er to first buyers in
your locality—it means do.iar3 to you.
ScliMOLLER & Mueller Piano Co.
Dept. D 1E5 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
The will to do invariably sees that it!
is done.
Speaking a good word is like kis
sing a pretty girl. Yea want to do it
You never have to spe-.k twice to
start a knocker to going.
We have a hundred million people in
this country, and each one is just 4
little smarter than the other