The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 03, 1916, Image 2

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Brief Mention of What is Transpiring
In Various Sections of Our Own
and Foreign Countries
Augustin Gomez, a Villa chieftain,
and ten followers were captured and
executed in Zacatecas by Constitution
alists under Captain Rodarte.
* * *
Reports have reached Terlingua,
Tex., that 200 bandits are operating
south of the Rio Grande beyond Kan
• * *
The official report on the killing of
Colonel M. C. Butler at Alpine, Tex.,
last week by Harry Spannell, com
pletely clears the name of the dead
* * •
Application for release from service j
of guardsmen with persons dependent
upon them are pouring into army
headquarters at Fort Sam Houston at
the rate of 1,500 a week.
* * *
Closer and closer are the cordon of
Carranzista troops being thrown about
Villa and the remnant of his main
band in northern Durango, according
to dispatches received in El Faso.
* * »
Preparation for a quick movement
of General Pershing’s entire column
in Mexico is seen in the arrival at
Columbus, N. M., of new shipments j
of motor truck and of a special train
of truck drivers.
• * •
Corroboration of the reports that
Francisco Villa is personally directing j
a campaign that has for its immediate j
object the capture of Torreon, was i
contained in a report from General j
Pershing to General Funston at San j
* * *
Luis Cabrera, minister of finance in
the Carranza cabinet, will lieail the
Mexican commissioners who will con
fer with representatives of the United
States in an effort to reach a solution
of the difficulties involving ttie two •
# * *
The full report of Major General |
Tasker H. Bliss, assistant chief of j
staff, on his inspection of over 30,000 :
national guardsmen along the boarder
just made public, says reports that
have appeared in newspapers about j
Inefficiency and bad rations were i
found to be wholly false.
* * *
All restrictions upon the movement
of exports into Mexico, except muni
tions of war and machinery for their*
manufacture, were' removed by order
of the United States government. The
munitions embargo probably will be
maintained rigidly until conditions in
northern Mexico are more settled aud |
differences between the United States I
and the de facto government have
been adjusted.
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat has
Increased the price of its daily edi
tion in St. Louis from 1 cent to 2
cents. The high cost of print paper
Is given as the cause.
• • *
The New York Society for Preven
tion of Cruelty to Animals reports j
that since the outbreak of infantile j
paralysis 73,000 cats and 8,000 dogs j
have been killed in New York City.
. * . j
The opening of the Puehlo-Los An
geles automobile highway, via the
Grand Canyon of Arizona, will be cele
brated August 21 at Wolf Creek Pass,
on top of the Continental Divide in
* * •
Drunkenness among women in Colo
rado has been slower to decrease un
der the state prohibition law than
among men. Juvenile court authorities
at Denver declare.
• • •
Styles of shoes, especially for wo
men, will be of the "common stock
variety instead of the excessive high
top kind” next season, according to
statements made at the Illinois Shoe
Dealers' association meeting at Chi
cago. The colors will be dull grays
and champagne, due to the shortage
in dyestuffs.
Dr. Charles E. Aked of San Fran
cisco has resigned as chairman of
the neutral peace conference In
Stockholm, which was established as
an outgrowth of the Ford peace ex
pedition last year.
• * •
Combined exports and Imports of the
port of New York for the year ending
June 30 amounted to 12,169,000,000, ac
cording to the annual report of the
Chamber of Commerce. During the
last fifty years, the report shows, more
than 60 per cent of the country’s im
ports have come to New York.
• a •
Freddie Welsh, lightweight cham
pion, and Charley White of Chicago,
have signed articles for a title bout of
twenty rounds to a decision, to take
place in Colorado Springs, Colo., La
ihor day, September 4.
a * a
July 24th was Chicagos hottest day
in six years. Five died from the
heat on that day. It is estimated that
the present heat wave in the plain
and Pacific coast states has levied,
{trectly or indirectly, a toll of 200
a * a
Six persons were killed and forty
four were injured, thirty-seven serious
ly, when an infernal machine was ex
jploded in a crowd viewing a great pre
i pared ness parade at San Francisco, in
jjrklch 60,000 were parching.
Twenty-three cases of infantile
paralysis in various parts of Iowa
' have been reported to the State Board
i of Hegjth a' Des Moine3.
* * *
S. S. McClure, American publisher,
Mho arrived at Liverpool, La gland, ou
the American liner Philadelphia, was
refused permission to land by British
authorities on account of pro-German
articles, which have appeared in his
American magazine.
* * *
indications that a well of natural
gas was uncovered by the tunnel ex
plosion at Cleveland, O., which caused
the death of twenty-three mem was
reported by the government expert
sent there. The tlow of gas may pre
vent ihe completion of the tunnel, it
is said.
A joint resolution to extend leaves
of absence with credit to homestead
ers on public lands M ho are with the
National guard in federal service was
adopted by the house.
* * *
Nearly $700,000,000 for national de
fense in the fiscal year 1017 is the ag
gregate of proposed appropriations
reached in the senate with passage of
the army appropriation bill carrying
in round numbers $314,000,000.
* * *
Only determination of a few minor
details remains to complete negotia
tions of a treaty betM-een the United
States and Denmark for acquisition
of tlie Danish West Indies by this
government at a purchase price of
a * *
Official word has been sent to the
capitol that President Wilson stands
behind the construction program of
the naval bill as it passed the senate,
including four dreadnaughts and four
battle cruisers to be built im
• • *
Warning lis.s been issued to the pub
lic by the Department of Agriculture
to look with extreme suspicion upon
any preparation put on tlie market
and offered for sale as being effective
for the treatment of infantile paraly
* * *
President Wilson nominated Charles
E. Lobdell of Great Bend, Kan., Geo.
W. Norris of Philadelphia, W. S. A.
Smith of Sioux City, !a„ and Herbert |
Quick of Berkeley Springs. W. Va.. as
members of the farm loan board
created under the rural credits bill re
cently passed by congress.
• * *
Prices of meat animals went up-one
half of 1 per cent during the month
from June 15 to July 15. the Depart
ment of Agriculture reports, and were per cent higher July 15 than a
year ago, 8.7 per cent higher than two
years ago and 19.9 per cent higher
than the average of the last six years
on that date.
• * •
Texas gets the largest slice—$291,
927—out of the $5,000,000 available be
tween n«nv and Ji*ne JO. 1917. in the
$85,000,000 good'roads fund voted by
the present, congress, to he spent in
live years. New York is second with
$250,720. Other states' apportionments
follow: Iowa. $146,175; Kansas, $143,.
207; Missouri, $169,720; Nebraska,
$106,770; South Dakota, $80,946; Wyo
ming. $61,196.
Emperor William of Germany is re
ported to have moved his headquar
ters from the western to the eastern
front, where the Russian menace ap
pears to be increasing.
* • •
The fourth German war loan has
been paid fully in cash. Money bor
rowed from loan banks on collateral
for the war loan totals only 6 percent
of the entire amount of the loan.
* * *
General ChouvaiefT. Russian minis
ter of war. declared recently that the
war could not end this autumn. He
asserted that Germany still has the
power to resist and the struggle must
go on.
• • *
Russian armies have battered their
way through the German line beiow
Riga and have shattered temporarily
resistance to further advance toward
northeast Galicia and Hungary, Petro
grad reports.
For the first three weeks of July
British casualties among officers were
1,108 killed, 2,834 wounded and 491
missing, a total of 4,433. This brings
the aggregate loss since the beginning
of the war to 33,857.
• • •
Tuberculosis has caused the dis
charge of 116,000 soldiers from the
French army up to April 1 of this
year, according to figures by William
P. Hollingsworth, vice president of the
American War Relief Clearing House
for France and Its Allies.
• • •
A French army aviator has flown
across Germany dropping proclama
tions on the city of Berlin. The air
man, Sub-Lieutenant A. Marchal, was
compelled to land within 60 miles of
the Russian lines, and was made a
prisoner by the Austrians.
• * *
An indication of the importance the
Germans attach to defending their
third line on the western front is
found in the report of General Haig,
that troops have been brought from
before Verdun to lend strength to
General von Einem.
* * *
An official statement issued by the
Austro-Hungarian general staff says
that only 100,000 soldiers were taken
prisoners by the Russians during their
present offensive. The statement
brands as untrue the claim of the Rus
sians that they took 266,000.
• • •
According to a Berlin dispatch by
way of Amsterdam, Turkish troops
are to be sent to help the Austro
Germans against the Russians on the
Galician front and in the Carpathian
j Nebraska]
istate news;
4 4 I
t +
Avg. 7 to 11—Tractor Week in Fre
Aug. 7 to 10—State Press Association’s .
North Platte Valley excursion.
August 7 to 12—Merchants’ Market j
Week in Omaha.
August 7-12— Platte Valley district
reunion at Central City.
Aug 9 to 12.— Frontier Days Celebra
tion at Silver Creek.
August 11—Harvest Home festival at
Seward. >
Aug. 17-27—Seventh Day Adventists’
Conference at Hastings.
Aug. 17 to 20—Biennial Nebraska
Saengerbund festival at Brand is
land. •
Aug. 21-25—Mo. Valley Photographers’
Association Convention at Lincoln.
Sept. 4 to 7.—Nebraska State Fair at
Sept. 12-1C—Central Nebraska Fair at
Grand Island.
Sept. 13.—Annual Convention State
Federation of Labor at Fremont.
Sept. 13 to 15- Old Settlers’ reunion
at Mitchell.
i Douglas county, according to the
19If. assessment report ol' County As
sessor Counsman, is more titan $17,
00".him richer than last year. Unim
proved lots in Douglas county, as
sessed ;n 1915 at an average valua
lion of $384. are now listed at an
average tigure of $568.12. an increase
of 48 per cent. Improved lots in the
county, assessed at an average valua
tion of $1,572 in 1915, now are listed at
$2,005.35 average, an increase of 28
per cent. Acreage, listed a year ago
at an average valuation of $81.75 per
acre, now goes on the rolls at $88.73
per acre, an 8 per cent increase. The !
total assessed valuation is $257,735,- j
According to a report submitted to j
the United States League of Local !
Building and Loan associations during j
their convention at St. Louis recently
Nebraska ranks eighth in building and
loan assets among the thirty-three
states which were represented, stand
ing next to Indiana and leading ali
states west of the Mississippi river.
For the fiscal year 1914-15 tiie reports
showed Nebraska had a total of $41.
(160.870 and will exceed $43.00(*,iino in
the state report for 1910-16, now being
The itinerary of the big United
States government “safety lirst" spe
cial train, carrying a dozen cars load- j
ed with exhibits for tlte promotion of i
industrial safety, lias been announced
by the Union Pacific for that part of
the trip that applies to Nebraska. This
train will he at Sidney August 22; at
North Platte August 22; at Grand
Island August 24; at Omaha August
26; at Lincoln August 28. and at Bea
trice August 29.
Nebraska's share of the $5,000,000
just apportioned by the federal gov
ernment for public highways under
the new good roads act ^mounts to
$106,770. To be entitled to its share
the state must provide an equal
amount to that put up by the govern
ment. A campaign Is a start at once
by Commercial clubs of the state to
create good roads sentiment.
Two Nebraska harvest hands, Clar
ence Sandquist of Geneva and J. E.
Longmore of Lincoln, were killed in a
wreck of a Milwaukee freight train on
which 200 harvest hands were beating
their way to the wheat fields of the
Dakotas. The accident happened near
Judge Bagiev of Papillion handed
down a decision at Blair in the Her
man saloon case, upholding the action
of the Herman village hoard iu grant
ing a saloon license to an applicant
May 1. to which remonstrance was
Bids were opened a few days ago
for the proposed new $20,000 mu
nicipal building at Creighton. All of
them were surprisingly high, running
from $2,000 to $6,000 more titan the
town officials had expected they would.
Norman Peal, the Industrial Worker
of the World, who was mortally shot
in a fight with bandits in the Rock
Island yards at Fairbury several days
ago, finally succumbed to his injuries.
Work is expected to begin on Fre
mont’s six-story, all modern $200,000
hotel about August 15.
West Point will have the Redpath
Horner Chautauqua for one week,
commencing August 4.
The city council of Superior turned
down the license for a carnival com
pany that the lire department had ar
ranged to have show there the last of
the month after a petition signed by
leading business men filed asking
them to refuse the license.
Doane college at Crete has just re
ceived a check for $5,000 from the
estate of Edward Whitin, of Whitins
ville, Mass., as an endowment for the
new Whitin library. The library build
ing is virtually a gift of the Whitin
Tom Taylor, a prominent young far
mer, was drowned near his home
south of Valley when the horse he was
riding threw him off in a lake. Marks
on the body indicated that he had
been trampled upon by the horse.
Fire destroyed the Nye-Schneider
elevator at Clarkson together with its
entire grain contents, causing a loss
of over S15.000.
Over 2,000 persons attended the
dedication of St. Paul’s Lutheran
church at Hastings recently. Work
on the new church has been In prog
ress a year. It cost $20,000.
Mayor C. W. Bryan of Lincoln re
ceived by express recently a young
American eagle from a former Lin
coln girl now living on a ranch in
Wyoming. She had captured the bird
herself and sent it to the Antelope
park zoo.
Two brothers, John and Adolph
Euhlmann, aged 22 and 17, were
drowned in the Loup river at Monroe.
The tragedy was witnessed by many ;
bathers. Neither victim could swim.
Hail did considerable damage to
buildings and growing crops in Suther
land and vicinity early last week.
Sixty Alliance citizens in automo
biles responded to a call for help from
the Frank Jesse ranch, six miles east
of town, one day recently and after
two hours of hard fighting they put
cut a prairie fire which had burned
over a square mile, consuming several
haystacks and some small buildings
and threatened ranch houses and
Pansy, the 2-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Pickerill, who re
side near Syracuse, lost her life in a
sad manner. The little girl was play
ing about the home and iier mother,
missing the child, began to search and
discovered her head downward in a
targe jar, site having suffocated in the
three inches of water.
Owing to the seasonable weal iter
that has prevailed, contractors on the
Burlington’s Cliaico-Yutan cut-off have
just .about completet the fifteen miles
of grading on the line that will con
nect up the Sioux City branch. The
work will be finished and ready for
the ties and rails within a month.
At a special election Shubert voted
$l>,500 or electric light bonds, the is
sue carrying by a large majority.
Stella had carried bonds for $8,000 at
an election held in May. A transmis
sion line will he built from Stella to
Humboldt, which will supply the cur
rent to Shubert and Stella.
Republican uew-spaper editors of
Nebraska to the number of about
fifty organized a Republican State
Press association at Lincoln recently,
the aim of which, it is said, was to
form an organization to advance the
interests of the party through co
Plans for the new county jail arul
jailers’ residence will be received by
the Gage county board of supervisors
Tuesday, September 5. This was de
cided on by the county board at a
meeting held recently. The new jail
i sto be a modern structure and will
cost in the neighborhood of $22,000.
At Schuyler a few days ago August
Kaasch found his wife. Mary Kaasch,
lying dead, face downward in four
inches of water in a bathtub. How
Mrs. Kaasch came to fall into the tub
is not known. She had been-apparent
ly in good health.
Orualm lias ils first case of infantile
paralysis since February, the disease
which lias been claiming so many vic
tims in New York. According to
Health Commissioner Connell the pa
tient, a littie boy, will recover with
out any serious effects.
Rev. \V. \V. Whitman, pastor of the
Methodist, church at Hooper, has in
stalled a moving picture machine in
las church, to be used in illustrating
hi? termons. This is the first church
in Nebraska equipped with moving
picture apparatus, it is believed.
Two giant stalks of corn, fourteen
feet high, with the ears growing ten
feet from the ground, were exhibited
in a department store at Omaha. The
corn was raised by “Uncle Sam" Rou
vier of De Soto.
There are 78.659 savings accounts
in the banks and ,tlie building and
loan companies in Omaha. This is ex
clusive of the nostal savings accounts.
These thousXn? of accounts aggre
gate $.15.84.'!,502 in savings.
There is a movement on foot in
Merrick county to submit to the voters
at general election the proposition of
abandoning the supervisor form of
government and returning to the com
missioner form, as in the days of old.
The cornerstone of the new St.
Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran church at
Falls City was laid last Sunday. This
building is to cost $16,000. of hrick
veneer and will be completed in No
Jesse C. McXish. chairman of the
republican statp central committee,
plans to open headquarters in Lincoln
August 15 and begin active campaign
Joe Steelier of Dodge and Harold
Christenson, the Danish wrestling
champion, will meet on the mat at
Fremont August 9, during the tractor
Herman Riderhagen, au engineer of
a threshing outfit, backed his engine
in a creek near Springfield and was
crushed to death.
A case of infantile paralysis has
appeared in Fremont. The victim is
the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Roth.
Nebraska City is making prepara
lions for its annual home-coming week
August 14 to 19.
Kearney citizens are agitating the
question of holding a big fall festival
early in November.
The Tecumseh Commercial club is
making an effort to land a canning
factory for the city. A committee has
been appointed to communicate with
the Lang ('aiming company of Bea
trice relative to the company install
ing such a plant there.
The annual report of F. J. Vogi
tance, county superintendent of Col
fax county, shows that the county
has sixty school districts, with a total
of 4.286 school pupils. There are 109
teachers, whose average wage is, for
men, $77.64; women, $54.55.
A field of corn planted on a piece of
alfalfa sod by F. J. Pimper, near How
ells, and given three good cultivations,
on the 15th day of July many of the
stalks measured ten feet in height.
A total of 1.926 automobiles and
motorcycle licenses have been is
sued by County Treasurer Andrew
Andersen of Gage county from De
cember 1, 1915, to July 20.
Nine hundred and ten bushels of
oats were threshed from a ten-acre
field belonging to Fred Haveman near
Avoca, making a yield of ninety-one
bushels to the acre.
Before a crowd of onlookers at Fre
mont Al. Goldsbury, aged 24, drown
ed at Park bathing beach. Mrs.
John Goldsbury, the mother, was on
the bank and saw her son go under.
The Northwestern Nebraska Med
ical society at their recent meeting at
Long Pine selected Wood Lake as the
place for holding the next meeting,
October 31.
Extra rations funds, including
$207.50 raised under the supervision of
the Hastings Democratic club, have
been forwarded to Company G from
Hastings, now at Mercedes, Tex.
Items of General Interest Gathered
From Reliable Sources Around
the State House.
Western Newspaper Union News Service.
Nebraska guardsmen now stationed
on the Texas border are to have bet
ter food or in the vernacular of the
soldier, better mess.
Major General Tasker 11. Bliss, as
slstant chief of the staff of the United
States army, visited Llano Grande
camp last week and was favorably im
pressed with all he saw except the
quantity and quality of the food given
the guardsmen.
More fresh meat, vegetables and
fresh baked bread daily were some
of the recommendations given by the
head to the commanding officers here.
“There’s no reason at all.” said Gen
eral Bliss, “why the commissary of
ficers cannot get fresh jeef daily from
Brownsville or other Texas cities
I i-i
Editor Fairfield Independent. Second j
Lieutenant Co. H, Fifth Nebraska,
now stationed near the Mexican
where large packing plants are oper
ated. I cannot see the need why men
should be given all canned rations j
while in camp. Those kind of rations
were meant only for use when the
men are called into service. One of I
these days if the call is given the
officers will be up against it when it
comes to traveling rations.
"I shall ask that large ovens be
erected and bakers from among the !
enlisted men provide fresh bread. !
Hard taek is all right in its place, j
but it was never meant for any per- ;
manent camp."
General Bliss stated that the sani- !
tary conditions of the camp were good. :
He continued his inspection tour to |
the lower border and departed for Fort
Sam Houston.
Take Care of Health.
Nothing has been overlooked by !
way of safeguarding the bealih of the j
men and bringing up to the highest j
standard the living conditions around J
Camp Llano. At all hours of the day
and until the late hours of the night 1
Co lonel Eberly can be seen walking
about the camp, stopping here and
there, giving fatherly advice to some
of the men: instructing others and!
ordering others to do this and that.
Naval Exhibit at State Fair.
Tf the plans of J. B. Zimmerman,
navy recruiting officer at Lincoln are
carried out, the department will have
an interesting exhibit at the state fair
this year. A booth has been obtained
for the purpose and Zimmerman is
waiting for the approval of the depart
ment at Washington. He contemplates
showing models of dreadnoughts, sub
marines. the U. S. S. Nebraska and
other types of naval vessels as well as
materials and paraphernalia. The ex
hibits would come from the depart
ment headquarters.
An appropriation to allow a thor- I
ough investigation into the cause of I
the settling of the east wing of the !
capital building will be asked by As- j
sistant State Engineer Steckelberg. In ]
▼lew' of the reports that this side of j
the building was erected on a sand- j
pit, although the foundation was ; ,
arched, it is said, to overcome the
difficulty. Mr. Steckelberg believes that
it is not too late to instigate a com- (
prehensive survey to determine the
actual cause of the sinking, to enable
proper measures to be taken to remedy ,
the situation. i
Col. H. J. Paul of the Fifth Nebraska
received a startling shock when he *
was bit on the foot by a scorpion at
Camp Llano, but he was relieved when ]
the doctors assured him that the Texas
scorpion is not poisonous. The colonel's 1
foot was swelled for some time, but he '
was not otherwise inconvenienced. i
Many of the boys of the Fifth Ne- t
braska at Camp Llano are becoming <
fluent in the use of the Spanish lan- j
guage under the tutelage of Sergeant s
Fred Bailey, who is a veteran of the ,
Spanish-American war, and Private a
Nick Megras, who is of Greek descent. ,
General Bliss Commends Conditions
in Nebraska Camps.
Sanitary conditions, appearance of
the ramp and the personnel of the
officers and meu of the two Nebraska
regiments at Camp Llano were "highly
satisfactory” and pleasing to General
Tasker II. Bliss, chief of staff of the
United States army who with General
Edward Plaummer in command made
a tour of inspection of the entire camp,
Colonels Ebe'rlv and Paul were con
gratulated by the distinguished visitor.
General Bliss suggested to command
ing officers of two regiments that they
would profit “very materially” by a
visit to the Nebraska camps. Sanitary
conditions in the Nebraska quarters
could not be improved upon said Gen
eral Bliss. Captain Herbert Smith of
Fremont and Major John Birkner are
in charge of sanitation.
New General Hospital.
A general hospital has been estab
lished at Brownsville, forty miles from
Camp Llano, and all soldiers from
Brownsville to Sam Fordyce who be
come ill will be sent to this hospital.
Emergency field hospitals will be main
tained at all camps along the line,
where sick or injured men requiring
immediate attention can be eared for.
A sanitary train, provided with all
hospital facilities, will leave Browns
ville every day, stopping at each camp
and picking up sick and injured.
The Fifth Nebraska regiment field
hospital under Major John F. Speal
man of Lincoln, was assigned to care
for all sick and injured of all the
troops encamped here. Under the new
erder this unit will care only for those
needing immediate attention School
of instructions for the hospital men
will soon be established.
Must Name Specific Gravity.
Shipment of naptha into this state
to mix with gasoline and thus form
low-grade products sold under the
name of the latter will not be toler
ated. according to Oil Commissioner
Harman. The latter has announced
that prosecutions would be started at
once in the case of parties who have
done this. The gravity tested out at
less than fifty, according to Harman,
and he proposes to prevent the sale of
the mixed products. Likewise, he has
announced that he will require all
dealers to label containers of gasoline
with the specific gravity. This pro
vision of law. he says, has been wan
tonly abused during the past several
State’s Expenses for Second Quarter.
State expenses amounted to $1.0!2.
457 during the months of April, May
and June this year. The quarter pre
vious the expense amounted to $1,
421.S40, according to the quarterly
statement of Auditor William Smith.
Of the amount used during the past
quarter $335,073 was spent by the
board of control for the fifteen state
institutions under its charge.
The governor's department spent $2.
042, practically all of it for regular
salaries of employes.
The national guard spent $8,730 of
which nearly half was for armory
rental, a charge that is not on the
books at the present time owing to
the absence of the guard on the border.
Many Members Ask for Discharge.
More than one hundred men of the
Fourth Nebraska regiment at Camp
Llano have made application for dis
charge from further duty under Presi
dent Wilson's recommendation that all
militiamen who have persons depend
ing upon them should be discharged.
Each application for release must be
accompanied by affidavits from three
witnesses substantiating the claims of
the soldier. It will be at least ten days
before final action can be taken ou
these cases. The Fifth regiment will
also lose some of its men but the num
ber of discharges in this regiment is
expected to be much lower than in the
Goes Into Reserve.
The first Nebraskan at Camp Llano
to become a member of the reserves
under the new Chamberlain bill is Otto
G. Hallgren. Company B. Fourth regi
ment. Three years ago Hallgren en
listed in Company B. Most of the men
who are now officers of the company
were privates then. His term of en
listment expired July 13 and he is now
ready and most eager to start for the
Nebraska Ecys Take Daily March.
Nebraska troops on the border, prac
tising daily marches, have reached an
average speed of four miles an hour.
\ program has been outlined for the
first five weeks of camp prescribing a
iailv hike of tea to twelve miles, grad
ually increasing in length through the
weeks. The first week the march is to
be taken wtih canteens full. The sec
ond week canteens and haversacks
will be carried. The load will be
gradually increased until full equip
ment is carried.
Captain Leedom Celebrated Birthday.
Wednesday, July 19, was the birth
lav of Capt. J. W. Leedom. As a
uirthday gift his company was mount
;d as guard and he was therefore offi
cer of the day. To add to the joy of
he occasion the canal carrying the
vater supply broke down and a trip
m foot was made in a hurry out to
shut the gates controlling the stream,
rhe captain says that it was one of
he busiest birthdays he has cele
jrated in some years.
ioldier Boys Get Pink Underwear.
New equipment is arriving at Camp
dano daily and is being issued daily
imong it being shirts, shoes and un
lerwear. Contractors in government
upplies seem to have a grudge against
he soldier. When this last shipment
f underwear was uiicrated, it was
ound to be of a delicate pink color—
omething not exactly fitted for a war
ior of Uncle Sam. However it was
11 to be had, and the boys are now
,caring it.
S1.2C0 Taken and Cashier Licked ".
Vault.—Fosse Capture Men and
Recover Stolen Money.
Sydney, Neb. —A large por " rf
farmers and people of th - p!a<»,
Sunol and Lodgepole capture! tv,
men following the robbery la- Fi
day afternoon of the Farmer' St»i>
bank at Sunol and the killing of iwu
farmers taking pari in the pur-jit of
the robber. The robbers secured
41,200. One of the men r.r.'ured,
identified as the bandit, b the
cashier of the bank, gave h u<mt*
as J. W. Cornwall of Denver rhe
other gave his name as H. G . e;i
of Insmont, Colo. The bandi'
Cashier W. C. Smith in the vrj.- ami
in making his escape killed ira 1
and Paul .Cacik. who tried to < -;c
him. According to the story told •
Smith, the man entered the tank dur
ing the noon hour. He preset'.1 i r j
draft on an Ohio bank and crr>r*..
Smith with guns while he - timed
the payer. After taking all curt m
in sight the robber ordered Sn. •
into the vault and closed the do
! but failed to-turn the bolt. As he of?
the bank and entered an autonwl ;•
which Lukens was driving. Smith
emerged from the vault and g... e «*
alarm. An attempt to stop them
caused a fusillade of shots, in wine:
Paul and Cacik were killeu Th<
bandits secured the automob' - oi
a traveling man.
In response to a telephone nos
sage, Sheriff McDaniels led a pos~*
pursuit, which surrounded and ,,p
tured the robbers about two ,niV*
from Sunol. Approximately $1._
was recovered. The coroner's jury
Sunol returned a verdict that Cacik
and Paul were killed by the bandi*.
Frank Cornwall. The two revolvers
were found all reloaded and sever;
boxes of cartridges. Both prisoner'
deny their guilt. Paul had a wife
and three children, Cacik had i v. ifi .
having been married tut ten it t»11.
U. S. Accepts Carranza’s F an.
Washington. General Carra:.z> v.; s
informed, in a note handed to an.
bassador here, that the Wa-i;.
government is prepared to submit
joint international commission \ •
task of seeking a solution of herb
The proposal of the de facto govt r
ment for a commission is a'•■• t
however, with the suggestion tl.i ...
power of the commissioners be er
larged beyond the limits proposal
the Mexican note of July 12.
Agreement to this suggestion - - •
petted and it, was stated officially tin.
the American members would be ap
pointed and the commission be as
sembled at some point in the ’.'niter
States at an early date.
Hot Weather Boon to Corn.
Washington.—The sustained h-at < *
the past two weeks, registering big
marks throughout the middle «<
was a boon to the corn farmer at
cording to the 1'nited States Depar
ment of Agriculture. Corn «r p-.
the government experts, are preg:,->
ing very satisfactorily and are sash
ing as far north as the Ohio valley in
the east and Minnesota and North Ik
kota in the west. More rain mus:
come within the next two or thre,
weeks, however, they say, or the cor.
crop will suffer. This is the critical
period for the crop. The lack of rair
says the department, is adversely at
fecting vegetation in the central great
plains region and in the central va
ley states.
Tariff Board May Tour Europe
Washington.—One of the first task
assigned to the tariff commission. t<
be created by the pending revenu*
bill, may be a tour of European cour
tries, including the belligerents, to
study the effect of the war on Indu*
trial and trade relations of the t nften
States, to report particularly inform;
tion which might aid in the adjust
ment of tariff duties, likely to follow
the declaration of peace.
Administration officials have •: o .
it known that the plan to send the
proposed commission abroad was h*
Ing seriously considered.
Huge Sum to Dependents.
Chicago—Nine Protestant denom
nations paid In one year $2,500. 'tK>
pensions and relief to aged preacher
and their families, asserted a comm t
tee of churchmen here.
Would Oust Memphis Officers.
Memphis.—Ouster proceedings were
filed in the name of the state again*'
\V. T. McLain, vice mayor and fir<
and police commissioner, who is
charged with wilful negligence of ofl
cial duties and violation of the liquor
President Signs Waterways Measure
Washington.—President Wilson !■„
signed the rivers and harbor* cpp
priation bill, carrying approximate
$42/00,000. Most of the m >n v .
existing improvement project*.
Chicago Labor Leaders Sentenced
Chicago.—Fourteen labor lea!
convicted of conspiracy to extort : .
destroy property during a strike. w
sentenced to serve penitentiary ter
ranging from one to three years ai
the others to pay ffnes of from
Prize Baby Has Infantile Paralys
Sioux City, la—Dorothy Glllin. *
2, one of the prize winners in t: -
"Better Baby” contest at the inter
state fair here, is a victim of infantile