The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 03, 1916, Image 10

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    _ - , - ■" — Y-ar ■ ----■■ =
The Universal Car
The 1917 Model
F. O. B. Detroit
Distributor for Loup City Territory
Chris Hansen delivered hogs to Ash
ton last Friday.
F. J. Maciejewski hauled wheat to
Ashton the past week.
Frank Kwiatkowski is working for
Frank Wardyn this year.
Rd. Plambeck was on the sick list
last Saturday and Sunday.
F. J. Maciejewski sold some corn
to B. H. Lorenz last week.
F. J. Maciejewski marketed fat pork
ers to Ashton last Thursday.
Garret Lorenz, of Ashton, visited
with his brother, Art, Sunday.
Louie Lorenz went to Austin last
Sunday to visit with his friends.
Jens Steffenson w^s a county seat
caller last Friday on business.
John H. Maiefski was reported as
being quite sick but is well again.
Alonzo Bydalek helped Frank Goe
thrash his wheat and oats last week.
Frank Bydalek bought some more
corn from his brother, Martin, Mon
Paul Wroblewski is the water jeck
for the Deer Creek thrashing com
Tony Wroblewski helped the Plam
beck brothers stack speltz last Sat
Miss Thressa Kezor. of Farwell, is
staying at her sister’s home, Mrs. Ted
Henry Lemberg returned home from
Farwell. where he helped his father
stack wheat.
Haul Kryskl, who was suddenly
taken ill last Monday, is reported as
being well again.
Frank Hackbert sold his old (tin
can) Ford to W. R. Henkens, of Rock
ville, last Saturday.
A large crowd of young folks went
to Rockville last Saturday to attend
the German Varein dance.
Miss Minnie Plambeck was an east
bound passenger to St. Paul, where
she took medical treatment.
L. S. Galczenski, the Ashton tele
phone man, was busy repairing usual
parts on both lines last Friday.
Geo. L. Roberts, of St. Paul, agent
for the S. F. Baker medicine, was so
liciting on Deer Creek last week.
Elmer Koch and wife went to Rock
ville Sunday to visit with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowen.
A few farmers began to plow but
stopped on account of being too dry
and are all waiting for a good soaking
Butch Janulewicz, of Loup City, was
busy Ailing a few tanks and barrels
of gasoline for car owners the pa3t
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seabeck visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smedra and
also got acquainted with the young
Miss Rose Bydalek was a passenger
to Loup City last Saturday to visit
with friends and relatives, returning
home Monday.
Frank Hackbert is a proud possess
or of a new Hupnjobile which he pur
chased from W. R Henkens, of Rock
ville, last Saturday.
Mrs. Martin Bydalek and sons, Cy
rus and Daniel, were on Davis Creek
Sunday visiting with her mother, Mrs.
j jtwrence Woitlewtcz.
Miss Maggie Peters was an east
bound passenger to Farwell last week
where she accepted a position work
ing in the Bennett Maschka store.
Mrs. Joe Haremza and sons return
she had been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Peter Haremza, and will leave in a
fe wdays for her home in Menneapolis.
A barn dance was given at the home
of Ignatz Kalkowski last Sunday. The
scraps were reported. The Stobbe
Maschka brothers furnished the music.
Ed. Plambeck went to Loup City
last Monday va horseback to attend
the case between Maiefski vs. Plam
beck. returning home the same day.
Miss Agnes Maiefski returned home
from Rockville Sunday, where she is
employed at the L. C. Weaver store,
to visit relatives, returning again on
Alex Kalkowski was appointed road
overseer of district No. 17. We are
now looking for him to put up good
ed from Loup City Tuesday, where
roads. We wish him success.
Miss Maggie Peters arrived from
Farwell last Saturday where she is
employed in the Bennet Maschka
store, to visit with her mother, Mrs.
L. Peters, returning Monday.
Deer Creek will play ball with the
Austin team next Sunday on the
Smith diamond, if the weather per
mits. Everybody come and see these
two teams fight for the bacon.
Among those who entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smedra
last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Smedra and family, Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Smedra, Father Mynaski, of
Rockville, and Mr. and Mrs. Felix
Kezor, of Farwell.
Sunday the Deer Creek ball team
played the Rockville team and lost "he
game by a score of 6 to 9. Deer Creek
played fine against the spikers. A
few days for her home in Minneapolis,
penant winners. Batteries for Rock
ville, Dwehus, E. Strom and Lemberg.
For Deer Creek, Stobbe, Ojendyk and
Maciejewski. *
Aid society meets this week with
Mrs. Hartwell.
Everyone of the Austin people at
tended the big circus at Loup City
The Hancock, Johnson and Nicho
las young people were seen enroule
for Boelus Sunday.
Several of the Austin young peo
ple autoed to Boelus Sunday to view
the canal at that place.
Mrs. Sam Daddow and children
have been visiting with the Alonzo
Daddow family this week.
Judge Smith and Mrs. May, of Loup
City, spent Sunday with the latter’s
sister, Mrs. N. T. Daddow.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and Mr.
and Mrs. John Needham and family,
took dinner at the Fred Jack home
Mr. and Mrs. Miner and sister, of
Loup City, viewed the Austin ditch
Sunday and called at the N. T. Dad
dow home.
Christian Endeavor meeting next
Sunday evening with Chris Larson
as leader. The topic, “Consecration
of Friendship’’ will be discussed.
Mrs. Maher, sister of Mrs. Wm.
Fletcher, was taken seriously ill while
visiting relatives in St. Joe. Mr. and
Mrs. Fletcher left on the noon motor
Monday to bring her back to her home
in Grand Island.
Messrs and Mesdames Alonzo Dad
dow. Norton Lambert, of Loup City.
Frank Daddow, of Wiggle Creek, and
Art Rowe and Mable Daddow, autoed
to St. Paul and spent the week wi*h
Mr. and Mrs. Balliman.
H. J. Burtner is on the sick list.
F. T. Richmond is stacking grain
this week.
A. D. Jones is helping W. H. Hale
stack grain.
Mr. and Mrs. Shettler drove to Ar
cadia Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Clark visited
in Litchfield Sunday.
Mrs. Goethe entertained the Ladies’
association Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jont Duncan visited
wth Henry Reed Sunday.
Harvey Burtner visited on Clear
Creek with relatives Sunday.
M. Stouffer painted the woodwork
of the Clear Creek high school build
ing this week.
Miss Letha Hickman left Monday to
attend the assembly and visit with
her grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Golliher, of Ok
lahoma, visited a few days with the
John Heapy family.
a delegate to the Sunday school con
Miss Letlia Hickman was chosen as
vention held at Lincoln.
Clear Creek had a good rain Mon
day. It did not come too soon as
the corn was needing it bad.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson is stop
ping a few days with their daughter,
Mrs. Mattie Heapy and family.
Guy Eastabrook and wife came in
from the west to visit with his bro
thers, Frank and Sam Eastabrook.
Seth Richmond and wife, and Miss
Ann Van, are visiting with the F. T.
Richmond and G. A. Richmond fami
lies this week.
Walter Shettler had the misfortune
to lose one of his cows by lightning
and another was struck but it will
probably get over It.
Ross Hager was agreeably surpris
ed Tuesday evening. About forty of
of the young people gathered and
played games until a late hour. Ross
will leave for the west to locate. He
was accompanied as fan as 'Clear
Creek by his brother, Jim.
Ed Stillman was in North Loup one
day last week.
George Barnett and family autoed
to Ashton last Tuesday.
Lester Hassel visited with Clarence
Manchester Sunday afternoon.
John Pelanouski and Albert Sowo
kins were in Ashton last Tuesday
ily goodness, but* the~corn is "’suf
fering for rain. It sure looks bad.
Clarence Manchester visited with
his cousin, Ralph Sperling, Saturday.
Frank Trump and son, Clyde, were
in Loup City last Tuesday on business.
Ed. Manchester was hauling sand
for the school the middle of last
Everet Wirght of North Loup, was
visiting last Sunday at the Sperling
George Barnett, Tony Zaruba and
son, Steven, autoed to North Loup,
Jess Barnett was in North Loup,
Friday and brought home a load of
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hassel and
children drove to Ashton Saturday af
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Manchester and
sons, took in the big show at Loup City
Mr. Sharp, of Loup City, is here this
week looking over a few matters on
his place.
Mr. and Mrs. E.'F. Paddock are en
tertaining relatives from Rock county
this state.
Clarence Stillman and Orin Ma i
Chester visited at the Sperling home
last Sunday.
Miss Amelia Osantowski, of St.
Paul, is visiting at the home of Mrs.
Pete Kowalski.
Miss Ollie Sperling assisted Mrs.
Adam Radka with her housework dur
ing thrashing this week.
Clarence Manchester helped his
uncle, Jess, cut weeds out of his corn
field the first of the week.
Miss Mollie Sperling visited the
forepart of last week with her sister,
Mrs. Murry Rich, of near North Loup.
Mrs. Tony Zaruba accidently step
ped on a rusty nail last week, causing
a pretty sore foot for several days.
Little Miss Alta May Rich, of North
Loup, is visiting at the home of her
grandparents, Mrs. Mary Sperling,
and family.
The Misses Jessie and Eva Sperling
and brothers, Lee and George, visited
with their aunt and uncle, Frank Man
chester and family.
The Standard Oil Co. wagon and
man was here last week and left sev
eral barrels of oil, and took dinner at
Frank Manchester's.
Frank Zaruba and Mr. Sharp went
to North Loup for a load of lumber to
build a new corn crib on the place,
where Tony Zaruba lives.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pelanowski and
children attended the big wedding on
Tuesday. The beautiful bride being
the youngest sister of Mrs. Pelanow
ski, of near Loup City.
Quite a nice little shower came up
Monday evening but it seems as
though it just can’t afford to leave
very much water for Davis Creek, but
we sure welcomed what did come.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorence White and
children and Mr. and Mrs. John Pelan
owski and children, attended church
at Ashton Sunday. The former had
their four-weeks old baby baptised.
Mr. and Mrs. Pelanowski standing up
with the baby.
Miss Jespie Sperling and neice.
Miss Alta May Rich, drove to Ashton
Saturday evening to meet the form
er’s sister. Miss Eva Sperling, wiio
returned home from St. Paul after
completing the normal course at
the St. Paul college.
The youngest son of Mike Palu had
a serious accident the first of last
week, as his team ran away with
the hayrack, causing him to get badly
hurt. He was taken home almost
dead, but later reports are that he is
getting better. This little fellow is
sure unfortunate. The family has
only been in Loup City a short time,
where they moved from Davis Creek.
We hope he will soon be able to get
out with his playmate again and that
nothing,, very serious is wrong.
Stanley Krulikowski went to Loup
City Tuesday evening.
Anton Sedzyk was a passenger for
Loup City on business Tuesday.
Mrs. Nitkowski was a passenger
for Farwell Wednesday morning.
Joe Jehorek of near Farwell, was
here transacting business Monday.
Mr. Vatt, of Columbus, is here at
present at his old job selling fruit
Albert Skornpa went to Ravenna
Monday morning on a short visit with
Mrs. A. Anderstrom and little son.
returned from Loup City Monday
where they had been visiting.
Miss Mary Swanek returned to Far
well, where she is staying at present.
She spent Sunday here with her par
Miss Victoria Tapolski came in
from Council Bluffs Saturday and is
at present visiting her parents at
Mrs. Mat Jayzewski, who is visiting
here from Omaha, spent a few days
near Paplin at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Jayzewski.
Cement walks are being laid from
the main street to the Catholic church
on the south side of the street which
will be quite an improvement.
Mrs. John Jezewski and children of
Loup City, came down Saturday and
visited over Sunday with relatives,
returning home Monday evening.
Andrew Bogus and daughter, re
turned Tuesday from Columbus,
where they had been the past week
visiting with relatives and friends.
Quite a number from here went out
to the Ignatz Kalkowski farm Sun
day evening where a big dance was
held. Everybody present enjoyed a
pleasant evening.
A good rain visited these parts on
Monday evening which helped, the
corn and alfalfa, gardens, etc. quite
a lot. With a couple of more good
rains there will be a bumper crop.
Mrs. Simqn Wroblewski has been
laid up the past week with a very
sore foot. The lady having stepped
on a rusty nail which came very near
resulting in a case of blood poison
The Ashton married men’s ball
team drifted over to Paplin Sunday
! and defeated the Paplin team in a
! dandy game the score being 10 to 6.
j We were surprised at the fine work
j that “Chudy” of the Paplin bunch
did with the big mitt on first. We
hope Paplin will return the game
in the near future.
Mrs. Wm. Jewell’s sister from Oma
ha. is visiting here.
Mrs. E. E. Erickson visited at the
John Nordstrom place on Monday.
Dave and Jay iTujvey and wife
visited at James Turvey’s on Sunday.
Mrs. R. P. McClarey and Mrs. G.
W. Anderson visited at Malm’s place
on Friday.
Gustave Anderson, of Greeley Colo.,
is here visiting with his nephew, G.
W. Anderson, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Anderson and
Charley Anderson, took dinner at the
August Anderson home Sunday.
Cole Creek had a ball game staged
for last Sunday with Austin but the
rain caused a very short game of
only two innings. They promised to
finish it on some clear day.
Mrs. R. P. McClarey left Tuesday
morning for Missouri, where she will
visit with friends and relatives and
also to help celebrate her father’s
and mother’s golden wedding.
Route 3 was well represented at
the ball game in Arcadia last Sun
day. It was a good game and “ye
scribe’’ can see no use of importing
pitchers as long as we have the likes
of "Stub” Conger in our possession.
One day last week while cutting
oats on a side hill, C. E. Johnson turn
ed turtle with a self binder throwing
him a considerable distance down the
hill but luckily he escaped with a
sprained arm and a slight bump on
the head. With due care and medical
attention Mr. Johnson is now able to
perform his duties on the farm.
This section of the country received
a fine rain last Monday evening. We
have no government gauge in this
vicinity but if tin can and rain bar
rel measurements are sufficient evi
dence we must have something like
an inch and a half or probably more
which means that with a very little
more and ordinary weather, this vi
cinity will be blessed with a bumper
of a corn crop.
Lew Simonson went to Grand is
land Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Donahoe went
to Ravenna Sunday.
Fred Rasmussen shipped a car load
of hogs to Omaha lately.
N. F. Jensen went to Omaha Tues
day, where he will work for a while.
The Willing Workers will meet with
Mrs. H. Palison on Wednesday, Aug.
Several parties from Litchfield and
Ravenna attended the dance Satur
day night.
Wm. Olson returned from Hast
ings Saturday evening to visit with
home folks.
Toba Nelson returned home from
Roland, Iowa, where he has been
teaching school.
A. C. Robinson went to Thedford
Mongfiy. He is working as extra
operator for the Burlington.
Mrs. R. Reinertson entertained the
Ladies’ Aid society on Friday. There
was a good attendance despite the
rainy day.
Ray Ward motored to Kearney on
last Saturday. He reports that corn
is damaged more from drought than
it is here.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jacobson visited
their daughter. Mrs. Wm. Hurley, and
family, of Mason City, Sunday even
ing and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rasmussen went
to Grand Island Saturday to visit
with Carl’s brother, Pete, who is In
the hospital there.
Charles Trumble, wife and two
children, visited their uncle and fam
ily, C. W. Trumble, Saturday and Sun
day. Charles lives near Omaha.
Dr. A. Johnson has gone to Deshle:
to see his wife who has been there
visiting for several weeks. We think
the Doctor became tired of batching.
Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Stenberg,
of Omaha, visited with their sister.
Mrs. Ole Olson and friends. They al
so attended the wedding of their nep
hew, Carl Olson.
Some of those who attended <the
Chautauqua at Ravenna, were: An
drew and Hans Anderson, Carrie An
derson, Winnie Sanders, Geo. Bent.
Fred Anderson. Dr. A. Johnson and,
Edith Crfffield.
One of the season’s prettiest church
weddings took place at the Swedish
Norwegian Lutheran church on Wed
nesday at 2 p. m., when Miss Selma
Nelson was married to Carl Olson,
both of this place. Th^ bride wore a
beautiful dress of (white lace e.r.d
crepe with veil and wreath and was
attended by her sisters, Mazda, Agnes
and Mable and the groom’s sisters,
Eda, Margareite and Georgia, who
were also dressed in white. The
best men were Jul and Norman Ne1
son and Edward Olson. The church
was prettily decorated. The march
was played by Miss Olga Nelson and
Rev. Langseth officiating. A rec°p
tion was given at the bride’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelson, at 7
o'clock p. m. to about 110 friends.
The spacious rooms were beautifully
decorated in pink and white as was
the long table seating thirty-six
guests. The presents mostly silver,
cut glass and china were costly and
A delightful evening was spent on
the lawn lighted by Japan lanterns.
The Sweetwater baud gave several
pleasing selections. Ice cream and
cakes were served. The younger
people enjoyed games and all had a
delightful time. It was not until the
small hours of the morning that the
w-eddng party broke up, each guest
carrying away a slice of wedding
cake and wishing the bride and groom
much happiness.
The newly weds will reside on the
groom's farm northwest of town.
Church Notes.
There were sixty-four attended the
Sunday school.
Rev. Troy preached at eleven
o’clock. He talked to the children.
Mrs. W. H. Hane was leader at the
Christian Endeavor.
Rev. Troy will change pulpits with
the Ravenna minister for the month
of August, here and at Litchfield.
Rev. Goman will preach here.
Omaha. Neb.. Aug. 2.—Efforts to i
rate a land bank in Omaha have be*
started through a business -Men's O
ganization, whicli includes evei
terest in the city. The art crr.r
! the land bank stipulates these ha:
shall be located with respect t*
farm loan need3 of the commu lit
Under this stipulation, Omaha
’unusually timely and convenient
; cation for one of these bank
which there are to be twelve. W.
: more than JGO.OOO.OOO in farm Iona
Nebraska, Omaha offers a parti *1,
ly fertile location for a land bank
The territory that would be dire
ly contiguous to Omaha in r gard
land bank transaction consist of X
braska, western Iowa, the Dakota
Wyoming and Montana. Omaha <
fers direct mail facilities with th
rich agricultural producing territor
which means economic and efficie.
Omaha is relying on her natural a
vantages to secure a back. Not on!
are Omaha's claims being pushed b
those of Nebraska and Iowa as wel
and if Omaha cannot secure a hard
its influence will be thrown to at.
city in this territory which his
better chance of securing one c.. th
"Nebraska. Iowa and the Dakota
first” is Omaha’s slogan with Omaha
claims respectfully submitted for *
When Adam’s Eve began to d • t!
( housekeeping for Ad. m. she had i
cares such as pursue the mode
Adam's madam. She did not kn.i
what was the rage, because tie-re w:
no Woman’s Page.
She did not get a Daily Hint froi
Paris full of passion to start her
a daily sprint to keep up \ itl. fit
fashion. She did not haunt the heat
tv stores in order to keep open pore
When Adam capered home at nigl
(he was no wearied plodder) he d:
not shiver lest he might be serve
with curious fodder. There were i.
papers, so you see there was n
Household Recipe.
Old Adam was a happy bloke at
lived a life most cheery. He did n
know that he would choke som d;
with his bacteria. Adam and Eve h:
never read Health Articles to sea
them dead.
Eve never went through Allan:
breeks when he was sweetly dreas
ing, because there were no Barga
Weeks to tempt her to such s hemin
The serpent thought she was a goo
She was too good for any use.
The serpent was a clever brut
Though he'd not been through collcg
his sanctum made him mighty cut
It was the Tree of Knowledge. “Aha!
he said. “I'll publish, free. The Dai!
Eden Apple Tree!”
The first edition raised a row who:
scandal shocked creation. Since the
first issue Adam’s brow is wet wit
I perspiration. It told the scandal, rit
j perspiration. It told«thC scandal, ri
Carranza wants to force foreigne,
in Mexico to renounce their right t
appeal to their own governmen
when the victims of outrages and pe:
seditions. That, though, is no! sm
prising, as Carranza wants everythin
that is not legitimate.
| Having bought out the large stock of J. A. Arnett & Son also the entire hardware
E stock of the Waco Merc. Co., we find that we are over loaded and in order to reduce
E stock and get acquainted with the people that come to Loup City we have decided to
E put on sale our entire stock for fifteen (15) days commencing
I Saturday, August 5, and Ending Saturday, August 19
1 We will sell everything at a discount except nails and amunition.
| Below are a few of the special bargains offered.
| 2 Fine Rugs .$24.00 Now $19.50
E 2 Fine Axm. Rugs ... 27.50 Now 23.75
E 1 Fine Axm. Rug. 25.00 Now 21.50
E 1 Small Rug. 6.00 Now 5.00
E 1 De Laval Separator
| No. 12 . 75.00 Now 65.00
E 1 Primrose Separator 85.00 Now 68.00
E 1 Empire Separator... 75.00 Now 62.50
S 2 Ice Chests . 13.50 Now 11.00
E 1 Ice Chest . 18.00 Now 15.50
E 1 Quarter Sawed Oak
| Sideboard . 35.00 Now 28.50
E 1 Quarter Sawed Oak
E Dresser . 25.00 Now 21.75
S 1 Quarter Sawed Oak
! Dresser . 19.00 Now 14.95
E 2 Golden Oak Dressers 12.00 Now 9.85
E 1 Golden Oak Dresser 14.00 Now 11.45
E 1 L. $ Sawed Oak
| Buffet . 20.00 Now 16.00
= 1 Dresser . 18.00 Now 14.95
;£ 1 Birdseye Maple Dress
| er . 25.00 Now 21.85
E 1 Birdseye Maple Chif
5 fonnier . 25.00 Now 20.35
£ 1 Birdseye Maple Dress
S er . 24.00 Now 19.98
| 1 Oak Buffet. 22.00 Now 17.50
E 1 Satin Walnut Dresser 27.00 Now 22.35
E 1 Quarter Sawed Buffet 25.00 Now 19.85
E 1 Quarter Sawed Dining
! Table . 24.00 Now 19.85
S 1 Quarter Sawed Dining
1 Table . 26.00 Now 22.65
5 1 Cupboard . 12.50 Now 10.75
E l Cupboard . 11.00 Now 8.90
= 1 Leather Setee & porch
! Swing . 14.00 Now 9.00
1 Wardrobe . 11.50 Now 9.35 E
1 Kitchen Cabinet ... 20.00 Now 17.25 E
1 Kitchen Cabinet.35.00 Now 29.75 E
1 Kitchen Cabinet .... 21.00 Now 17.85 E
1 Leather Couch . 17.50 Now 14.00 E
1 Davenport . 32.00 Now 27.35 E
1 Library Table. 9.00 Now 7.50 E
1 Cedar Chest. 12.00 Now 10.25 E
1 Humming Bird Sew- E
ing Machine . 35.00 Now 17.50 E
1 Humming Bird Sew- E
ing Machine . 15.00 Now 11.00 E
3 White Sewing Machines, 10 per cent off. E
1 Singer Sewing Ma- |
chine. 5.00 EE
1 Large Rocker . 14.00 Now 10.75 E
1 Leather Morris Chair 12.00 Now 8.75 E
1 Dresser . 21.00 Now 16.35 E
1 China Closet . 25.00 Now 21.75 E
1 Buffet . 25.00 Now 19.85 E
All our framed Pictures at Half Price
1 Library Table. 14.00 Now 11.65 |
1 Library Table. 12.50 Now 9.95 e
1 Library Table. 7.50 Now 6.45 =
1 Commode . 10.00 Now 7.85 E
1 Buggy . 85.00 Now 75.00 ~
1 Buggv . 80.00 Now 62.50 =
1 Cast Range. 45.00 Now 34.50 jjj
1 Monarch Malleable E
Steel Range. 62.50 Now 54.00 jjj
1 Diamond Steel Range 35.00 Now 29.00 jjj
1 Buck Steel Range... 55.00 Now 46.50 =j
1 Estate Steel Range, __ E
Special . 60.00 Now 41.25 =
All Heating Stoves at Bargain Prices.
All Fly Covers and nets at 20 per cent off. E
All Harness Strap Work and Shelf Hard =
ware at 10 per cent Discount. E
f D. T.