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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1916)
Loup City Northwestern A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN *. ■ ' 1 • — — — — -■—'■ - — - ~1 ■■■■■' — — — ■' ' ■■ — — ■ - VOLUME XXXV. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1916 NUMBER 32 COUNTY CONVENTION — Pursuant to call, the republican county convention in and for Sherman County, Nebraska, called to order by the Honorable Aaron Wall, chairman of the republican county central com mittee, the call for said convention read, and the convention proceeded to temporary organization by elect ing Aaron Wall as temporary chair man and J. S. Pedler as temporary secretary. On motion made, seconded am} carried the list of delegates named from the several townships, herewith handed to the secretary, viz: Thos., * Caddy, Aaron Wall. Otis White. J. S. Pedler, H. J. Johansen, J. W. Conger,. Mat Janulewicz. and Edward Zakrzew- j ski, of Loup City. A. E. Wanek. Lewis I Jamrog. A. Anderstrom, and J. L. Uhl, i of Ashton, Geo. W. Wolfe, Geo. Van. I G. A. Engleman, Geo. Sweeley, and p. T..Richmond, of Litchfield, be and j hereby are the accredited delegates and entitling to vote in this conven-, tion. On motion made, seconded and made permanent. The following named elected as delegates to the State convention: J.! S. Pedler. Aaron Wall. P. T. Rich mond, Geo. W. Wolf. F. P.. Hartman, R. P. Starr, Jacob Ritz. J. H. Welty, and August Zochol. Moved, seconded and carried, that whereas a vacancy exists and the re publican party of the county have no nominee or republican candidate for the office of state representative. That Alonzo Daddow, be and hereby is nominated as the republican candi date for such office. On motion made, seconded and un animously carried the outgoing chair man. secretary and members of the county central committee be and here by are instructed and authorized and empowered to ratify and certify the said nomination. On motion made, seconded and un-! rmimously carried, that the incoming chairman, secretary, and members of! the county republican central com mittee be and hereby are instructed and empowered to ratify and certify t said nomination. On motion made, seconded and tarried the county central committee are instructed to fill and place in nom inataion candidates for office in case any vacancy ma>* arise resulting in the republican party being without a candidate or nominee for any county office. The following were named as mem bers of the republican county central committee: Aaron Wall, Loup City, E. L. Tracy, Loup City, Logan township. Elm township. H. J. Bertner, Litch field, Harrison township, G. W. Wolf. Litchfield, Scott township. John Witte, Litchfield, Ashton township. A. Au derstrom, Ashton. Clay township, F. Eastabrook, Litchfield, Bristol town " _ ship, Don Holmes. Ravenna. Oak Creek township, Mike Kaminski, Ash ton, Washington township. J. H. Wel ty. Arcadia, Rockville township, Fred Dunker, Rockville, Hazard township, Fred Fuller. Hazard. Webster town- j ship, Wellington Hawk, Loup City. i On motion made, seconded, and1 carried the delegates present at the State convention authorized to cast the entire vote of the delegation and that no proxies be allowed. The unanimous thanks of the con vention tendered to A. B. Young for his loyalty to the party, his kindness and generosity in allowing us the use of the opera house for the convention. r On motion the convention adjourned sine die. Attest AARON WALL, ! J. S. PEDLER Chairman Secretary. YARROW HELD NEW YORK MOB. i Dr. George Gibbons Yarrow, who [lectures here during our Chautauqua, had an annual experience in New’ York not long ago. ■ He w’as advertised to lecture in Hope House, on lower East Sde, New York. He got more response than any of them expected. When the doors was opened, 300 little street urchins rushed in and oc cupied the front seats. The crowd of 1 grown-ups blocked the street in from of the building. The man in charge asked Yarrow 5f he thought he could manage such a howling mob. To which he replied: ‘ Just leave it to me! I have six broth ers, and am somew hat of a prize fight !er myself.” He did hold them alright, though he had to referee four tights during his short stay in the hall. At the close the youngsters climbed up on the stage and literally swarmed around him to take his hand. The audience was surprised; some of the men were alarmed lest the urchins would mob Mr. Yarrow. Three of the men rushed up to the platform and pulled the lads down, believing that they meant harm to him. The man in charge, Rev. John Ells worth Fleming said: You will prob ably never have an audience harder to control than that mob of howling, restless young ‘East Siders.’ ” BIG PLAY MONDAY NIGHT. •The management of the Loup City opera house has secured an attrac tion of unusual merit to play here on Monday night. July 31. “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine” is the play and is said to be very much like the popu lar book of the same name.. The com pany is composed of recognized a> tists headed by Dainty Marie Muller who will be seen in the part of Barn foot June. Mr. Charles Bailey, late of the Eva Lang Compamy, will have a prominent part in the play. All special scenery will be used as well as beau tiful light effects, etc. This company i will no doubt play to a packed house as the book has been read by many people here who are already awaiting an opportunity to see the play. Popular prices are announced. The manager j of the opera house informs us that1 the curtain will not ring up until j 8:45 in order to give the many farm j ers who want to see the play plenty j of time to get here. _ I WEEKLY BAND CONCERTS. The band gave the first of a series ' of summer concerts in the band stand ■ | in the court house yard Monday even ing and the same was much enjoyed by the crowd on the streets. These concerts will now be a regular Mon day evening feature and in addition Director Prichard announces that the regular Friday evening practice will be held in the band stand. In another column will be found the program foi next Friday evening. Some arrange ments should be made for seating those in attendance and several of the carpenters of the city have volun teered to donate their time to build the seats if the business men of the city will buy the lumber. We beleive that there will be no trouble to obtain material for the seats. Jlrngram iFriftag iEtmuurj Saul* (Cmtrprt IS. N. Jlritrbarih Sirrrtnr 1 1. March—“Boy Scouts” .Mackie-Boycr 2. Overture—“Pastime” .L. P. Laurendeau 3. Duet—“In the Hills of Old Kentucky”. .Shannon and Johnson Messrs. Polski-Pritschau. 4. Waltz—“Danube Wayes”.J. Ivanovici 5. starch—“Under the Stars”.Geo. D. Steck 6. Seranade—“Midnight Moonbeams”. ..T. J. Bartholmu 7. Overture—“Grand National” .F. H. Losev 8. March—“Triumph of Peace”... .Cameron Dawson THE LONGEST DAY OF THE YEAR ' AIHT YOUR MA HOME 1 W J n THE REO A CLASSY CAR. Anyone who has had an opportunity to ride with A. C. Ogle in the new Reo Six that he brought to town some time ago has been treated to a demonstration of speed and power that is not to be equalled by any ear of the price that the Reo sells at. As concerns speed, it has enough to sat isfy even the wildest of the spe’d maniacs, making.sixty or more miles per hour without any apparent effort When it comes to power the cat seems to be overstocked, as there seems to be no place the car cannot travel. Tuesday evening the writer took a ride with Mr. Ogle and was treated to an exhibition of the Six climbing a sand hill on the Arcadia road near the Garner farm. Not sat isfied with making the ascent once Mr. Ogle sent the car over the hill three successive times, and came down the steepest point in the hill, which shows the brake control of the car. Mr. Ogle has sold nine of these cars this season and informs us that the^e has not been a kick of any kind regis tered from any purchaser. That he himself has unlimited confidence in the Reo is shown by the fact that he has ordered twenty-five of the cars for next season and expects to sal! more than that number if it is pos sible to obtain them. Anyone con templating buying a car should at least get a Reo demonstration before making a purchase. BARNES-SMITH WEDDING. With the best wishes of this paper and a host of friends, we are pleased to announce the marriage of Ada Gale Smith, daughter of Couny Judge, E. A Smith, to Arthur L. Barnes, of Chap pell. Deflel county. Neb., the ceremony being performed this forenoon by the Rev. L. V. Slocumb of the Methodist Episcopal church at the parsonage in the presence of relatives of the bride and groom. Mrs. Barnes was born and raised in Sherman county, and it is with regret that her many friends find that she is going to leave Loup City. For the past few years she has been one of the in structors in the Loup City schools. Mr. Barnes, as many of his friends will remember, was at one time a resi dent of Loup City, but last spring de cided to become a wheat raiser on a farm near Chappell, where they will make their future home, leaving for that place on the noon motor. That they may prosper and have a long and happy life is the wishes ol their many Loup City friends. THE CHURCHES. Methodist. Last Quarterly Conference of the year will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Dr. G. W. Isham will preach at 10:30 a. m. Sunday. Rev. C. E. Campbell, of Arcadia, will preach at the open air meeting at the Baptist church at 8:00 o’clock p. m. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. Gus Lorentz was taken sick last Monday and was confined to liis home for a couple of days, but is now at the store again. A merry party from the Frederick hotel autoed to Arcadia Tuesday even ing in A. O. Ogle’s big Reo. had re freshments and an enjoyable trip. Mrs. Katie Mostek and children., who have been lie'-e visiting with her brothers, George and Stanley Mostek, returned to her home at Duncan, Neb., on Wdnesday morning. K. T. Beusbausen UiW.- 3. V. Briial lev, accompanied by their wives and Mr. Smalley’s father, attended the auto races at Grand Island last Sun day. returning in the evening. Miss Alice Maron, of Fremont, Noh., and Miss Mary Ogan. of Hot Springs, S. D . who have been here visiting at the S. H. Richmond home, left Mon day morning for their homes. Manager Young has issued invita tions for a dance to be given in the opera house on next Friday evening. In the future a dance will probably be given there every two weeks. Loup City was quite well represented at Ravenna, Wednesday, to see the ball game between Ravenna and Scotia. We were unable to ascertain the names of\ those who attended. Mike Chiiewski. who has been ser iously ill at his home north of town for some time, was brought to Loup City last evening and taken to the Drs Bowman hospital, it being deemed best to have him wher he would have more quiet and constant attendance. Mrs. L. M. W’Uliams. who suffered a fracture of the skull by being thrown from a buggy last week, is reported tc be improving quile rapidly and is now able to sit up. Her many friends will he pleased to learn that she is out of danger, as her recovery from an aeei dent of this kind is almost miraculoim Misses Marie Cooper and Myrtle Phillips motored to Kearney last Fri day and returned Saturday. The young ladies took turns at driving and made the return trip in two ane one half hours, which time speaks some what eloquently for the driving abili ties of the ladies. The nine-months-old son of Mike Palu was thrown from a hay rake on Monday, alighting on his head and shoulders in such a manner as to pro duce temporary paralysis of the lower part of his body and limbs. He was brought to Loup City in an uncon scious condition and taken to the Drs Bowman hospital. He later recovered sufficiently to be taken home and is now reported to be getting along very well. Quite a party was the guest of A C. Ogle last Sunday and attended the auto races at Grand Island in Mr. Ogle’s new Reo six. The party con sisted of A. C. Ogle W. D. Zimmer man, Judge Aaron Wall. C. C. Out- ] house. Dr. J. E: Bowman, C. H. Ry an, and W. F. Mason. The gentlemen all report a good time, although the races were not greatly appreciated on account of the dust. They all hid much praise for the new car and seem ed satisfied with the .speed of the,; same. Mr. Ogle driving to the Island in an hour and twenty-nine minutes. _ RAVENNA TRIMS LOUP CITY. The. Jtavpnpa team came; over last Sunday and walloped the home team to the tune of 5 to 0. The game was devoid of any particular fea tures, outside of the work of the box men. who both put up good exhibi tions. although both had a couple of wabbly spelis. However, they hour made a quick recovery. East, the Ra venna hurler striking out 11 men, and Gilbert, for Loup City, fanning 7- i Gasli Prichard caught for the home team and put . up a good game, peg ging out several runners who oth?r wise stood a good chance of scoring The Loup City team shows the need i of batting practice and team work i but these things will come in time I and we will not make a business of ■ getting the short end of the score j Following is the score by innings: Loup City—0 0 0 0 O' 0 0 0 0—0 Ravenna —0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 *—5 LOUP CITY GOLFERS WIN. On Wednesday the 19th instant, six members of the Loup City Golf club autoed over to Ord to play against a like number of players representing Ord Golf club, the game resulting in a win for Loup City. Particulars of the game are as follows: Lou Seh waner beat Orin Mutter up. Rev. L. V. Slocumb beat Bud Shirley 6 up. J. W. Long tied with the Rev. Chamber lain. A. J. Johnson beat Ed. Clem ents 7 up. M. H. Worlock beat John Trosky 8 up, O. L. Swanson lost to Ed. Beranek. The Ord Golf club have greatly improved their course, hav ing lengthened it considerably and it is now. without, question, a very pleasant course indeed. The Loup City Golf players were shown, great hospitality at the hands of the members of the Ord Golf club, who entertained them to a fine dinner at the hotel, and left nothing undone to make their visit a pleasant one. NEW FIRM GETS CARS. Grassmueck & Maus, the new firm this week unloaded a car of Buicks and have a Four and a Six on display at their sales room, north of the First National bank. This firm has all the appearance of being hustlers and there is no doubt they will make good in this territory. AN are most cordially invited to call. WASHINGTON LETTER _ v» j I Northwestern Bureau. Washington D. C., July, 2G:—Jules Verne’s “Nauti lus” was no better than a tug boat in comparison to the Deutschland, which has brought a million-dollar cargo from Germany to the United States. The Germans gave ample notice to the world that they were going to do this, and the captain of the great new U-boat carried out his promise that he would not run the blockade of the British fleet, but would go under it. The achievement is one of the most remarkable in the history of naviR,» tion. Robert Fulton’s Claremont was no more of an object of curiosity at its time, than is the new Deutsch land, which avoids bad weather and enemies by simply going down to the desired depth, where it remains safe ly for a day or a night, or any other period. The Deutschland submerges 150 feet with comparative ease, and it dips out of sight in a minute and a half. In that way it has an armor pro ' tection a great deal more than that made by the Bethlehm Steel, or anv other of the interests that have waxed fat by selling their goods to Uncle Sam. There may be air-holes in the armor plate sold, to the government, there is always {hat chance. But 150 feet of salt water takes all the terrors out of dreadnaughts and torpedo boat destroyers, and other kinds of water craft. Washington is liberal and neutral enough to take off its hat in commemoration of this great accom plishment b the Deutschland. Ripon's Extraordinary Request. The established supposition that the public treasury exists for the benefit of individuals and the community that | c an pull something out of it, may have to be revised in view of the re cent action of the city of Ripon, Wis consin, which has made a request through a resolution of the city coun cil and commercial club and by a petition of many of its citizens, ask ing that $75,000 appropriated for its public building, be diverted to the use of the military aviation corps, or other purposes of preparedness. Mayor L. W. Thayer and Postmaster C. H. Ells worth, of Ripon, who were asked for a statement by the U. S. Press As sociation, have declared that the en tire course of the city of Ripon is based upon patriotic reasons. So far as known this is the first instance on record where anybody has refused to benefit from drawing on the federal treasury. Ripon claims that by right ir should have its public building, but i. prefers that the amount it will cost shall be, in substance, used as a con tribution towards preparedness. A numbsr of publications have con tained editorials to the effect that this is one case where “Pork barrel legislation’’ has been discredited by the citizens, intended to receive its benefit. Ripon is a fine city and en titled to a public building, and the fact that the action of its citizens may delay the erection of the same does not in any way disprove the con tention that public improvements should be made throughout the coun try for the uses of the government, and for the benefit of the people of the favored localities. The Farmer’s Lot. Congress has looked with favor up on the measure to extend better faci lities of credit to the farmers through out the country, while the good roads bill, made in the name of the farmer but secured at the instigation of the automobile users, will help to make the idea of the farm more attractive. In the hope that the percentage of farmers owning their land may be in creased. the federal government is providing the necessary machinery to make loans easier. This measure may produce wonderful results, if it accomplishes its purpose in making it possible for men of small means to divorce themselves from the fac tory and the “regular pay roll.” Uncle Sam's broad acres are hungry for men and women who will pro duce, rather than consume the natu ral products of life. Peary Changed His Mind. Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary re cently became a candidate for the United States Senate from his home state of Maine. When he entered the fight it was with the announcement that his sole idea was that if elected he might aid in the cause of pre paredness, which he considers the only issue before the country today. He expressed particular anxiety for the building of an aeroplane coast patrol and naval base in Maine. The Peary candidacy lasted a whole week, Engagement Extraordinary THE LOUP CITY OPERA HOUSE Engagement Extraordinary only MONDAY, JULY 31 “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine” The Snedeker Producing Company, proffer JUST LIKE THE BOOK Dainty MARIE FULLER as “Barefoot June’’and Ex ceedingly Clever Supporting Company SPECIAL SCENERY and LIGHTING EFFECTS 1 SENSATIONAL PRICES Children Over 8 years of age 25c Adults 35c Reserved Seats 50c Tiokets on Sale at the Rexall Drug Store 1 A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION MEMORIZE THE DATE—NEXT MONDAY ; ft in which period the Admiral decided to rest upon his laurels as the dis coverer of the North Pole, in prefer ence to adding to his autobiography the distressing fact that he "also ran” for the United States Senate. His previous "one idea” resulted in the discovery of the North Pole, and thereby Admiral Peary made a won derful dent in the world’s history. Hut the man who seeks election now adays under the apprehension that because he has an enthusiasm for any one single class of legislation, and expressed the belief that nothing else matters, is hound to find out just as did Admiral Peary, that the Ameri can voter has a much wider perspec tive of the needs of humanity and of the country. Admiral Dewey, as the hero of Manila Bay, was the idol of the American people, but when he at tempted to secure the presidency simply because he had directed a few hours of wonderful fighting, ho made the distressing discovery that he wras “not in it.”And Peary was likewise disappointed in discovering that because he often went hungry on the northern hikes was "quite another matter" from that of repre senting a state like Maine in the senate. The only real hero who <-11 - ceeded in landing a political office was Lieutenant Hobson. Hohson pos sessed qualifications as an orator of rare ability, and by the use of his splendid accomplishments as a “spell binder” he talked the people of the Alabama district into sending him to congress, where he “made good" and thereby secured several re-election/! The Humanitarian Cult. The Humanitarian Cult is publish ing advertisings signed by its founder and leader, Mischa Applebaum. on behalf of 184,899 members. Just at present the organization is buying ad vertising space for the purpose of sustaining views of the head of the institution concerning the garment workers strike of New York. Inci dentally the copy gets in a few para graphs about infantile paralysis and then winds up with a line of poe ry that breeds sweet sentiment. When one reads such sentimental messages to people, the query always is "Who pays for the stuff?” Thomas W. Lawson, 'in the days of sensational articles of "frenzied finance” intro duced this method of publicity, which has recently been utilized by Henry Ford in his campaign for peace, as well as by organizations advocating preparedness. Quite a number of big business interests in the country have also followed the plan in stating their views with reference to public questions before the American peo ple. Their theory has been that they desire to make a frank, open state ment, and that by using advertising space that their identity with the pub lication will become firmly fixed. Naturally the newspaper publishers and the advertising representatives have looked with favor upon this plan of propaganda. Its success in reach ing the desired aim has resulted in its use by Mr. Applebaum, whose copy is so extraordinary that it would per haps find no space in print except among display advertising. Keeping the Same Men. Most of the congressmen are strong ly convinced that the present repre sentatives should be kept in congress. Former Speaker Cannon is frequently quoted as favoring this proposition. Either he or some other, one of the old members, can be relied upon for a speech along this line most any time of the week. The theory is correct, in that a man who has proper quali fications and ability, is able to get better results when he “learns the road.” and the “ropes” and adds to his acquaintance at the National Capitol. Men grow in congress in the exact proportion that they do in private life. The rule, therefore, ought to be the same: a good man in congress, or a good man in the management of a business, or in another capacity, be comes more valuable as the result cf his experience. But a mediocre con gressman should be fired by the peo ple who selected him with as mm h freedom as would be applied in the case of the "hired man” who made a practice of showing up only on payday. You cannot make a good congressman out of an incompetent, simply by keep ing him in a job for which he is un fitted. INTERESTED IN SWINE SHOW. Omaha, Neb., July 26—From *11 parts of the Unired States inquiries are coming in regard to the National Swine Show, which will be held in Omaha during the first week of Octo ber. The show, the first of its ever attempted, is stimulating great interest in the swine raising industry. It is also directing unusual attention in the middle west, which provides the very fundamentals of swine develop ment.—alfalfa and com. That the show wll be successful goes /without saying. Entries are pouring in now which assure a most representative show with the best individuals being exhibited. Cali fornia has already sent entries as has Louisiana. Omaha's location, its railroad faci lities, the wonderful territory sur rounding the metropolis and the money prizes offered are the magnets yiat are drawing the fire. The show will be a big thing for Nebraska and Iowa. The “Trail of the Lonesome Pine,” at th* opera house Monday night.