The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 13, 1916, Image 4

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Entered at the Loup City Postoffice
for transmission through the
malls as second class matter.
CHIPMAN & HARTMAN, Publishers.
Every subscription is regarded as an
"pen account. The names of subscribers
will be instantly removed from our mail
ing list at the expiration of time paid for,
f publishers shall be notified; otherwise
the subscription will remain In force at
the designated subscription price. Every
subscriber must understand that these
"auditions are made a part of the con
tract between publisher and subscriber.
Washington, July 12. (Special cor
respondence.—Democratic leaders in
congress find little consolation in a
review of election figures in the so
called "doubtful” states. With repub
licans and progressives united and
working in harmony, it is little wonder
they view the outlook with despair.
The combined votes of these two par
ties is enough to give democrats the
cold shivers. For instance, in Indiana
in 1912, the republicans and progres
sives vote was 313,274, while the demo
cratic vote was 281,890. In Illinois, 640.
011. against 405,048 democratic; in
Ohio. 506.393 against 432,152 democra
tic; Michigan. 369,828 against 150,751
democratic; Minnesota, 193.190 against
11*6,426 democratic; Nebraska, 127,124
against 109, 109 democratic; Iowa 281,
51*4 against 183,376 democratic; New
York, 845,440 against 655,476 democrat
ic; New Jersey, 234,245 against 173,289
democratic. This is what Wilson
leaders are up against and they know
The way some of the leading demo
crats, most of them from the south,
opposed aid to the families of soldiers
who enlisted for service in Mexico,
caused considerable unfavorable com
ment about the capitol. The fact that
men prominent in that party in the
senate succeeded in defeating the
proposition occasioned no end of dis
cussion. Many republicans have been
heard to express the view that it ia
i he duty of this nation to care for
the wives and children of the soldiers.
They say that it is cheaper than main
alning a great standing army and that
the humane act is an encouragement
to the volunteer to enlist.
Senatoi Gallinger, of New Hamp
shire, nipped in the bud a scheme lu
boost the salaries of some of the at
torneys, special agents and examiners
in the recently organized Federal
Trade Commission. Under the leader
ship of Senator Hollis, a democrat, a
plan was on foot to raise the pay ol
these assistants from $5,000 a year tc
$7,500 which would have caused the
reduction of the small-salaried clerks
in order to get the money to boosl
these well-paid attorneys. Senatoi
Gallingersaid: “If larger salaries are
given to the lawyers of the commis
sion, certain other employees drawing
smaller salaries would of necessity bt
dismissed, because it is not proposed;i
to Increase the appropriaton. It has i
been the custom in this body for sena- i
tors to make appeals for those draw
ing small salaries and not for those i
drawing large salaries, and I was i
quite surprised to hear the sugges
tion made by the mover of this
amendment." The proposition was
voted down by a vote of 43 to 28, and
thus another democratic "economy"
proposition fell by the way-side.
Nearly every republican senator and
member of congress is receiving the
most encouraging reports from the
people "back home” relative to tii
! outlook for party success at the com
ing elections. Letters and personal
j visits from constituents tell of many
! voters who supported Wilson four
I years ago who will vote for Justice
I Hughes this fall. Word oalso comes o:
■ the return, almost unanimously, of the
i former progressives to the republican
I The attempt of the present adminis
tration to muzzle the periodical press
'of the country by placing in the hands
of the Postmaster General power to
| put almost any magazine out of busi
ness by sending it by freight, has been
' given its quietus in the senate, and an
other un-American proposition foster
ed by the present postoffice depart
ment has been snuffed out by proper
publicity and the showing up of the
offensive provision proposed in the
postoffice bill. ,
May, 1916. found us at the full tide
of our war-order prosperity. During
the eleven months ended in May our
exports totaled $3,867,000,000, imports,
‘$1,951,000,000, favorable balance oi
! trade, $1,916,000,000, to which should
' be added millions of dollars formerly
1 spent by our tourists abroad who have
1 lately betrayed a cordial desire to seo
“America first.” Everytime a demo
cratic politician sees a laborer or a
farmer with a dollar in his fist h.
climbs a tree and yells “prosperity!
Then he slides down and takes away
one-tenth of that dollar by way of
taxes. The democrats are trying to
claim credit for the transitory pros
perity which we receive from the Eu
ropean war. Meanwhile they are dc
| vising 57 varieties of taxation to make
up for the deficiencies of their tar i
bill as a customs revenue producer,
'and at the same time the evils result
ing from ther blundering legislation
and inefficient administration are laid
!to the foreign fracas. The best proof
of their crass stupidity is that they
actually believe the people are addlo
| pated enough to believe them. The
war temporarily restored our prospeii
,ty. The w*ar is not to blame for demo
! cratie mismanagement.
“Patriotism in democracy is net
merely an instinctive affection for
one’s native or adopted land, or exul
tation In national power. Patriotism
In democracy is devotion to the rule
of the people, love of its ideals, and
; pride in those achievements wlib h
realize its common aspirations aiuU‘1
lustrate the progress made possible
by equality or rights. It is the pat
riotism. whose ardor is kindled by the
keen sense of human brotherhood, and
Loup City Mill & Light Co. I
Furnishes all the light and power and also makes the 1
best of flour. Handled by all Merchants. ^
Hard and Soft Coal j
A GOOD PIANO will last a lifetime.
A POOR PIANO, under very favor
able circumstances, may be in condition to
be used at the end of five years. WHICH
The Schmoller A Mueller Planoe and Player
Pianos have an Established Reputation.
„ .r« manufac.iired of the beat material, and by thoroughly .killed workmen. They
■ra model, of good mate, beautiful tone aud aniatM workmanahip and. la.t but not lea.t
. art aold from factory to home, aaving you the uaual (100 to (ISO retail profit. **
We pay all freighta and our 57 year, experience ia youre if yoo give ua yonr trade
inatrumentf “d ^ offer “ Tour home, the only way to teat aa
n.™wn.“rnunli?i.,e<n‘U*r*"f^b,ck!d b-r °?r eo,ir« "*»«•• »f over (1,000.000 and our ea.y
payment plan 3 to 5 yeara if deaired. afford, you abaolute protection and make, buying eaayT
| or giv^,L,<^^;^^^,^l^7 *• * >*“ -d«
Largest Retailers of Pianos In the World. OMAHA, NEB.
B1® Eatahliahed 1859 *• Capital aud Reaourcca, over (
■ 1®5 ADDRESS.
hat counts as traitors all those who
ake up against the State the arras
>f injustice or seek to turn to selfish
ises the agencies designed to pro
eet the common interest. The matter
>f primary importance is fidelity to
lie fundamental laws of our institu
ions, and the endeavor to destroy
hose influences, on whatever behalf
sxerted. which are hostile to free gov
ernment itself. ” This lofty conception
>f Americanism did not come from
he lips of Woodrow' Wilson. It came
rom Charles Evans Hughes. Even as
i phrase-maker President Wilson has
net a worthy foeman, hut there is
nore than mere words to the expressed
■onvictions of Charles Evans Hughes.
Preparedness has been given a big
boost by the threatened war with
Mexico. That effect is a certainty
■egardless of whether war is declared,
doth houses of congress have loosened
ip on preparedness appropriations. In
die house of representatives $2*1,
100,000 was added to the army appro
priation bill, bringing it up to $182,
100.000. This was in addition to a
leficiency appropriation of $25,000,
100 to cover the cost of mobilizing the
militia and other immediate military
preparations. The army approprta
ion bill has now gone to the senate
where the military committee has al
ready agreed upon additions totaling
575.000. 000, and it is believed that the
Bill may mount as high as $275,000.
100. In the senate, the program of the
general naval board has been agreed
to by the naval committee and is like
ly to be adopted by congress. This
calls for an appropriation of $315,
S36.843 in 1917, and contemplates a
total expenditure of $538,180,576 'or
construction in the next three years.
The impetus given to preparedness is,
in our opinion, one of the most un
fortunate things about the whole un
fortunate Mexican situation. A for
eign policy about which the people
have not had a word to say is shaping
our domestic affairs. This shows that
until the people have something to say
about the foreign relations of the
country they really will not have con
trol of their government. —Nebraska
''One or the reeeut interesting-dis
cussions that has been on, is the
proposition to change the number of
months in each year from twelve to
thirteen. The plan as proposed would
make each month have exactly four
weeks. This would give thirteen
months in the year of four weeks each
and one day over; the extra day, it is
proposed to assign to New e\ars'
Day, not incorporating it in any month
and it being a universal holiday, it
would not interrupt the business lines
that would be followed under the new
With thirteen months of four weeks
each and the odd day se aside with
out reference to any month as New
Years’ Day. there would still Ve 'ett
unaccounted for, the odd minutes and
seconds that go to make up the com
plete year. These minutes and sec
onds would accumulate enough to
make another day in something over
four hundred years and if the new
calendar were adopted, it would have
to provide for leap year once in four
hundred years instead of once every
four years as at present. Leap year
as we have it at the present time,
would be wiped out and it would only
be once in four centuries that the ex
tra day would have to be accounted
for in the calendar.
The new plan is more of a scien
tific plan than the present division
of the year into months, and in this
way, there is much force In the argu
ment for the change. With thirteen
months for the year, and exactly four
weeks to the month, the first day of
the month would always fall on the
same day of the week. The first day
of each month would probably be
fixed on Sunday as the first day of
the week. Sunday would always be
the first of the month, and every
month would be shortened to twenty
eight days. This would, on monthly
salaries, involve sore ^adjustment
in business. It would involve a read
justment on loans but there would be
a tremendous advantage in the even
time that would cover all transac
tions. There would be no months with
odd days or even days and there would
be a multitude of complication in figur
ing time that would be obviated
through the even months of four
weeks each.
It would not be on the whole, diffi
cult at all to adjust affairs of very
kind and character to the thirteen
months a year basis. After the ad
justment was made, there would be a
certain amount of satisfaction as well
as larger convenience through always
having equal months.
While the discussion is on concern
ing the setting of the clock ahead =.n
hour, why not discuss the more ';n
portant and more scientific project
of making thirteen mouths a year in
stead of twelve months? The advanc
ing of time an hour a day would un
doubtedly be advantageous in the
long day period of the year, providing
it was universally accepted. There
would be no advantage in it in the
short days of the year and for that
reason, it would not be an tlll-the
year improvement. The changing of
the months to even periods of four
weeks each, would be advantageous
all the time. It could be universally
accepted in every line of business
without great disturbance and once
changed, would be so much more sat
isfactory that there would be no dis
position to ever revert to the old fra<>
tional method of days in a month that
we follow now in order to have simply
twelve months in the year . The
difference would be entirely optional
between twelve months or thirteen
months making up a year, and the
separation of the odd day. the setting
aside of New Year's day, without
reference to any month, would be no
Inconvenience or interruption and at
the same time it would emphasise
that day and its observance as the
commencement of a new yeur and
thd marking c* a new period of time.
A flower in your front yard looks
vastly better than a weed. Speed up
the flowers. I
Real Estate Auctioneer.
See me for terms and full
particulars,. I am associated
with some of the leading real
estate auctioneers in the United
States and solicit your busi
Phone 8711.
The school board of district No. 2,
Austin. Sherman county, Nebraska,
will sell at public auction for cash,
the old school building in said district,
at 1:30 o’clock p. m. on Friday, July
14, 1916.
By Order of School Board
With corn above 50 cents hogs eat
their heads off very quickly. The
hog that takes two or three months
to get on full feed never brings you!
a profit.
When you are ready to put yourj
shoats on feed, begin with the B. A. i
Thomas Hog Medicine. Use regularly
and watch your shoats round out
into fat hogs in nine months—hogs
going well over 200 pounds and as
high as 240 pounds. Figure the av
erage feeding and you wUl see why
the B. A. Thomas medicine is a good
investment Try feeding out your
hogs on this plan and if you are not
more than pleased, we will refund
the cost of the medicine. —J. J. Slo
Although the United States marine
corps has no reserve, hundreds of for
mer members have volunteered for
service in the old corps in case of
emergency, it was announced at ma
rine corps headquarters today.
The marine corps forms the first
line of the national mobile defense,
and the volunteers are likely to get
quick action in case of war. as the
marines are usually “first in” when ac
tual hostilities commence.
About 4,000 of the less than 10.000
“soldiers of the sea" are now active
ly suppressing revolution and restor
ing order in Hayti and Santo Domingo.
My, oh my, how the democratic
newspapers now hate Teddy Roose
velt because through his leadership
the progressive party has dissolved
and the republican party stands solidly
united. And three short weeks ago
Roosevelt, in the estimation of these
newspapers, was a real darling dear.
That was when they believed, hoped
and urged that he be the progressive
candidate for president and thereby
aid in keeping the republican party
divided. Strange how a man's worth
can dwindle—in the estimation of
democratic newspapers—but demo
cratic newspaper estimation of a re
publican never amounted to much any
way. When a democratic newspaper
takes to praising a republican leader
then it is time for Wilson to believe
everything Carranza tells him.—Ex.
Uncle Sam is about to dip into the
road-building business. His Incursion
into that field depends only upon the
signature of the president to the bill
passed by congress appropriating $85,:
000,000 to be used in the next five years
in building roads in co-operation with
the states.
turn in (to Uliwiliiitiiicu a uicaouic,
it seems to us, us congress ever has
passed. We <*an see no good reason
why the federal government should
have anything to do with roads In the
states, aside front furnishing informa
tion. The people must pay the bill—•
federal aid is not a gift—and for the
most part by a system of taxation
that is even less equitable than the
general property tax by which state 1
and local revenue are raised. Just '
at this time especially, when treasury 1
olTicials are talking about a bond is- 1
sue to replenish the national money 1
chest, it seems most inappropriate to 1
make large expenditures of federal ‘
funds for work that belongs properly '
to the states and counties.
Worse than the fiscal features of
federal aid to road building, however,
is the centralization of road authority.
Talk about centralization of road au
thority ut the state capitol—that is
nothing to the centralization caused
by this bill. No road into which a *
dollur of federal funds goes can be
built until the plans have been sub- t
mitted to, and approved by, the secre
tary of agriculture. Think of the
absurdity of nskiug the secretary of
agriculture what kind of a road should j
he made In some Nebraska township! j
The tendency of the times to remove
authority in ail matters to some point
well out of the reach of the people is t
one that must be resisted if we do i
not wish to find ourselves in the grip (1
of a beauracratic government.—Ne- o
braska Farmer. f
^" 1 " 1 ~ " ======"
New Spring Rugs
The largest and finest line j
. ever brought to Loup City
AVe have them in almost every size and colorings to match any
room decorations that you may choose. The colors are dainty
and the workmanship all that is possible in first class floor cov
erings. If you contemplate buying a new rug this spring you
should call while the assortment is complete and make your
selection. When it comes to the prices we have put on these
rugs you will be delighted and surprised.
Our line of linoleums is most complete and, notwithstanding tin1
general rise in price, you will find pleasing patterns at prices
that are well within your means.
We handle the Wisconsin
and the Peerless
The warm weather season is at hand and the refrigerator ques
tion again bobs up. It does not pay to buy anything but the best
cooling devices, as the health of the family, in a measure, de
pends on the sanitary condition of food. AVe handle only the
best refrigerators and at prices that bring them within the reach
of all—and we have them in all sizes.
Your money’s worth or your money back
Iii the County Court of Sherman Coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska. Sherman County
To the heirs-at-law, devisees, lega
tees, creditors and all persons inter
ested In the estate of Ole Molfield. de
On reading the petition of Ernst H
A. de la Motte praying a final settle
ment and allowance of his accoun
filed in this court on the 3rd day o
July, 1916, and for a decree of heii
ship of distribution of residue o
personal property, and for settlemen
and discharge of administrator of sail
It is hereby ordered that you am
all persons interested in said matte
may, and do appear at the Count;
Court to be held in and for said Coun
ty, on the 2nd day of August, A. D.
1916, at one o’clock P. M., to shov
cause, if any there be, why the praye
i)f the petitioner should not be grantei
and that notice of the pendeey of sail
petition and the hearing thereof b<
given to all persons interested in sail
matter by publishing a copy of Ihis or
iler in The Loup City Northwestern
x weekly newspaper printed in sail
county three successive weeks prioi
to day of hearing. *
Witness my hand and seal this 3rt
lay of July, 1916.
29-3 County Judge
Breathes there a man with soul sr
tame, that when his home team wins
t game, he doesn’t throw a fit? Whc
loesn’t help to make a noise, or taki
liis place among the boys who on the
ileachers sit? If such there be, go set
lim down as an incumbrance to the
own, a break upon its wheel; for any
bellow is a crime who doesn’t at the
jase ball time a glow of rapture feel
[f he can view unmoved the score
.vhich shows us how the home team
jore the foeman off the map, the soul
vitkin him is decayed; our council
nen should take a spade and plant
hat kind of chap. For he’s the man
vho always grunts when we’d put on
mprovements, and pave the village
itreets. who always beefs about his
ax, and sticks to pennies tight as wax.
md prices downward beats. He is
he skate who never gives much satis
action while he lives; whose worth
ve can’t discern; but when at last he
ashes in, the people raise a joyful
lin, and costly fireworks burn.—Walt
My eight room house. Good barn
nd outbuildings with twelve lots in
herry and plum trees. Also 4% acres
f land and another tract of 3% acres
11 in alfalfa and fenced chicken tight.
1 early new two seated spring wagon
nd a Jersey red sow with six pigs.—
.lfred Anderson.
One red sow, weight about 175
ounds. Slitted in each ear.—W. J.
Some folks would give anything if
hey could get rid of constipation.
lolli8ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea will
o the work and do it quick, lake it
nee a week to be regular, happy and
•ee.—Graefe’s Pharmacy.
- ' __
Do not let the Summer slip by without joining the vacation
. throng. With Europe out of the question, with industrial, linan
eial and agricultural prosperity throughout the land, you will
■ lind large numbers of pleasure-seeking Americans wherever
t you go.
TO TIIE EAST: .V complete scheme of low excursion fares
f arq daily in effect to all resort regions of the East,—New Env
t land, Atlantic Coast, etc.; diverse routes that embrace the his
1 orical and most beautiful sections.
i TO THE BLACK HILLS: Here is a Summer vacation r
• gion that is increasing its patronage each year.
THE YELLOWSTONE PARK: Commencing July 1st we
. have through standard sleepers direct to Cody, the scenic and
[ automobile gateway. No tour of the Park is complete that dot s
L not include this 90-mile automobile journey.
TO COLORADO: Low daily rates to Denver and Colorado
Springs. Colorado is ideal for a vacation. Rates are low. T •
change is complete. Beautiful Estes Park, Colorado’s typical •
sort, is reached over night. We have low rate tours ever\ wliei .
Tell us what you have in mind. Let us help you.
J. A. DANIELSON, Ticket Agent.
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
Young man, you will never reach
your goal so long as you spend your
time resting on the way.
If you know a few things an<) know
them well you are a wiser man than
the fellow who knows it all.
No matter how dark the clouds may
be, there's a world of cheer on the
other side. Break through.
You, of course, have your own opin
ion on current affairs, and believe that
you are right. Your neighbor has his
and is equally firm in his belief. Re
spect the rights of each, and don't
What makes a calf scrawny—off
its feed? Germs—parasites—in the
intestine?. Why not free them of
this trouble? If you will give the
calf some B. A. Thomas Stock Rem
edy in its feed, within a week you
will see it brighten up and in four
or five weeks you wonW know the
calf. Costs you but a few cents-and
we will refund that if it doesn’t do
as we say.—J. J. Slominski.
i •.
■ ■ ■ . 1 .... J.—'"T- !
f i
Calls attended night and day. Resi- <
dence Phone Black 5. Office
at Wood’s livery barn.
Loup City, Neb.
Change of program every night at
the opera house.
Chase’s for fresh groceries.
Black Spanish Jack.
Prince Albert is a big. black Span
ish Jack, 7 years old. 16 hands hign.
and weighs 1,050 ponds. He has good
action and is a sure foal getter.
‘ Will stand the season of 1915 at
my .arm, a quarter of a mile south of
TERMS: $10 to insure live colt.'
Persons disposing of or
nare from vicinity where bred, $10
lecomes due the same as if mare was
mown to be in foal. Care will be
aken to prevent accidents but wdl
lot be responsible for any occuring.
Ichaupps, Neb. Owner,
For Light and Heavy Hauling
Loup City, Nebraska