The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 06, 1916, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Washington, D. C„ July 5:—Speakei
Champ Clark says that it has been
estimated that at one of the long
sessions of congress two whole months
* of time was wasted in calling the
roil. It takes fully forty-five minutes
to call the roll of the 435 members ol
the house, and when the obstruction
ists and filibusterers get busy they
waste days at a time with one roll
call after another. Doubtless the
present session would have been fin
ished before this, except for the time
consumed in roll calls—but the end
is not in sight. The House of Repre
ss ntatives is seriously considering
^^egulating itself in the line of better
efficiency. It has been giving con
sideration to a resolution authorizing
the purchase and installation of Bob
rod's system of electrical and mechani
» ral voting. Wisconsin’s lower house
has already accepted the new voting
devise, and therefore it is reasonable
to expect that the House of_Represen
tatives will follow its usual practice
of putting an O. K. on all the progres
sive methods of the Badger state.
House of Congressional Efficiency.
B. L. Bobroff, an efficiency engineer,
of Milwaukee, is the inventor of a new
voting device which congress is con
templating adopting. He has been
working long and ardously in trying
to* put his idea across—but it has al
most arrived. When the thing is done
iJobroff's statute ought to grace the
hall of fame, since congress evidently
ias long loved its lazy methods.
Czars" and "Rules” that bind but
io nor help legislation, will receive
sort of solar plexus wlieu members
of congress are compelled to be in the
louse and watch the process of legis
lation. in place of answering the eleo
trie signals that bring them from the
House office building to the chamber
\nd when the new way is adopted so
hat a vote can be recorded in a few
-aconds. instead of consuming the bet
or part of an hour congress will have
onquered a big part of its own in
efficiency and will be in better shape
10 further regulate the internal af
fairs of the nation. All the members
of congress who have seen the Bob
^roff invention, which has been ex
^ ibited before the committee on Ways
and Means and the committee on Ac
counts, are enthusiastic in its Braise.
11 will likely be adopted by the pres
1 oil session of«ongress.
[ tes between the interests and the
Is Uncle Sam Keeping a Cool Head?
These are strenous days in Wash
iugtou-*-something • like the times our
fathers’ told us about a generation or
two ago. There is a determination to
keep cool heads, and while Uncle Sam
is trying to uphold his dignity and
honor, yet the deep sense of justice
i of American influences them to be
lenient toward poor old Mexico, even
though Carranza and some of the other
Mexicans are unreasonably stubborn
One red sow. weight about 177
pounds. Slitted in each ear.—W. J.
j McLaughlin.
My eight room house. Good barn
and outbuildings with twelve lots in
cherry and plum trees. Also 4% acre ,
lot land and another tract of 3% acre-*
all in alfalfa and fenced chicken tigh
Nearly new two seated spring wagon
I and a Jersey red sow with six pigs.
! Alfred Anderson.
Regular services will be held a:
the M. E. Church next Sunday morn
ing. Rev. J. L. Dunn will preach at
: a union service to be held on the
M. E. Church lawn at eight o’clock
p. m.
German Evangelical.
As usual there will be German
church next Sunday morning at lo
o'clock. On account of the storm two
Sundays ago the meeting of the young
, people was postponed. So next Sun
! day evening there will be English ser
i vices and the young people will or
ganize a Sunday evening league.
Everybody invited. Beginning at 8:00
Do you know of a person in this
I whole community who would be will
I ing to go through life mouth by month
j and year by year without a knowledge
I of the news features of the townshin
'in which he resides? Would you like
to be that person? It is difficult to
convince the average reader of the
‘ real value of his home paper unless
he has at some time or other bee >
. forced to do without it. Then it is tha.
its value is brought home to them
Most people subscribe for the hom
! paper, read it. enjoy it. and absorb
the "news it contains as a matter of
course, giving scarcely a thought to
the vast amount of labor entailed in
! the production of the issue. And yet
that issue means a tremendous con
1 centration of thought and energy anil
perseverance on the part of both the
editor and his entire force of em
ployees. The work thus represented
on an issue of this paper, for instance,
costs the reader the trifling sum of
three cents. Would you like to fill the
editor’s shoes for a week, or a month,
or permanently? Would you consider
that the labor thus involved had met
with just compensation?
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mason,
on Thursday. July 6th. a nine pound
girl. All concerned are doing nicely.
Vho Looks After the People’s Case?
An examination of the advertising
and news columns of a large part of
;he metropolitan press shows that the
industries of the country, commonly
Known as “Big Business," are spend
ing money by the bucketful in trying
m “educate" the people that the gov
ernment is incapable of forming its
f,wn conclusions in reference to arm
or plate or the manner of regulating
's railroads. But as far as known,
there is no one sufficiently interested
<o spend a dollar of cash to tell the
eople the other side of the story.
This being the condition it is very
• •asy to figure out why so many people
conclude that affairs of government
might be better run. It also makes a
• asy to predict who will “come out at
• lie little end of th? horn” in the con
The Fly Season
is again here and you will need fly protec
tion for your horses and other animals. We
have everything in that line and at all prices.
Leather Nets, Cord Nets, Buggy Mesh
Nets, Burlap and Nemco Covers
£ asonable Hardware
Oil Stoves
Everything needed in the kitchen or dairy
during the hot weather season. Look our
line over before you buy. You are sure to
find something that you need.
Stacker Rope
No. 1 pure 4-ply Manilla rope at 22 cents
per pound.
Hardware and Harness
W. E. Herbst, who runs a general
merchandise business at the town of
Western, has recently proved again
that when it comes to supporting a
town, to contributing towards its
business growth, to joining with the
business men in entertainment fea
tures, for the trade of the territory,
that the mail order houses have no in
terests in that line.
Mr. Herbst, after all of the business
men of Western had contributed to
the Old Settlers’ picnic that will be
held in August in that place, wrote
to Sears-Roebuck & Company, telling
them what the merchants of Western
were doing and asking them for a con
tribution towards the success of the
picnic. He received a reply, a letter
which among other things, said:
“It is simply impossible for us to
help you. We have ct stomers all
over the United States and we feel
unable to contribute to picnic*- or
The eastern mail order houses do
not fail to enter Western as other
other places, pull out all the business
possible from under the local mer
chants and give nothing in return. The
local merchant pays taxes along with
the rest of the community, pays for
police protection; for lights; for good
roads, for all that goes to make a cont
inuity a pleasant place in which to
live and when he does this, he is forced
to do business in competition with big
houses that take all they can get and
give nothing in return to the local
The question has been discussed
from time to time and it is worth con
tinued discussion,—the question of se
curing legislation that will make
houses that take from a community,
pay back to the community a percent
age according to their volume of
trade, proportionate with the expense
that the local merchant has in doing
business and building a community
and maintaining its public interests.
Undoubtedly, if Sears-Roebuck <K
Company contributed proportionately
for the Old Settlers’ picnic in Western
along with the local merchants, that
picnic would be financed" as no other
such entertainment was ever financed
before. If mail order houses from
other states were required to report
their sales in every county in the
state and then were taxed on those
sales for the good of the community
proportionate with other mercantile
institutions, there would be more jus
tice in the whole business.
Peddlers who enter towns and sell
goods from house to house, are com
pelled to pay an occupation tax. There
ought to be a way found to require
eastern mail order houses to pay taxes
in different localities proportionate to
their business. They are the only
ones that now escape entirely. Mean
while, such showings as this merchant
in question at Western has made, re
garding the attitude of one mail order
house, ought to awaken the community
to a realization of the selfishness of
the foreign mail order houses and
help to engender a broader community
spirit so that the buying public will
put its money among those who in re
turn use their means to protect, de
velop and support their home town and
county.—Trade Review.
When the first clash came between
recognized Carranza troops and the
men of General Pershing's command
the meager reports contained this
short but significant sentence: ‘-A
machine gun used by the Mexicans is
| reported to have done heavy execu
tion.” Probably more than a score
of American soldiers fell under that
rain of fire.
There is not in all Mexico a plant
for the manufacture of machine guns
or of machine gun ammunition.
Therefore it is reasonably safe to as
. sume that the dreadful weapon which
was turned unexpectedly upon our
boys was manufactured iu the United
States and was one which President
Wilson in his vacillating moments of
indecision, allowed to be taken across
the Rio Grande. According to the
best information obtainable, there arc
quite a number of machine guns
among the Carranza troops. And if
more encounters occur between Mexi
can and American soldiers many of
our men are likely to fall pierced with
the bullets from these terrible instru
ments of war.
Various Cannarnza leaders boast
\ that their men are plentifully sup
plied with munitions of war. It seems
highly probable that they could
have secured means of carrying on
any ambitious campaign against the
American troops had they depended
upon any other nation than our own
for their fighting machinery. The
fighting in Europe has effectually cut
off any supplies from that source, and
South Amherica and Central Ameri
can states have little to spare from
their slender stores. There have been
no reports of any received from Ja
President Wilson lifted the embar
go upon arms at a time when he
was coddling the unspeakable Villa
as a patriot and a deliverer of his
people. Villa was permitted to im
port unlimited quantities of arms and
stores from the United States for the
ostensible purpose of restoring order
in Mexico. During this bright period
for Villa activity the bandit made
ostentatious display of his pretended
friendship for this country and he
seems to have fooled not only the
government at Washington but some
of its highest military officers as well.
At least, these officers did not hesi-.
tate to have their pictures taken with
Villa or to accept gifts from him
which were, of course, part of the
loot from his many raids upon the
homes and rEftiches of his enemies.—
Kansas City Journal.
Surprise is often expressed that
there are so many veterans of the
civil war still living. The fact is that
the war was fought, at least on the
northern side, by boys. Of the 2.159,
798 enlisted there were only 46,626
who were over twenty-five years old.
The official figures of the age at en
listment in the civil war were read in
the house of representatives the other
day by Joseph C. Cannon and they
are as follows:
Those 10 yrs. and under. 25
Those 11 yrs. and under. 38
Those 12 yrs. and under. 225
Those 13 yrs. and under. 300
Those 14 yrs. and under. 1,523
Those 15 yrs. and under. 104.987
Those 16 yrs. and under. 221.051
Those 17 yrs. and under. 844,891
Those 18 yrs. and under.1,151,438
Those 21 yrs. and under
(these two classes make the
total number of enlist
ments) .2.159.798
Those 22 yrs. and over (these
two classes make a total
numb’er of enlistments)... 681,511
Those 25 yrs. and over. 46,626
It will be noticed from this state
ment that the greatest number of en
listments were boys of eighteen and
under. In a great number of cases
they were twenty, some of them reach
ing the rank of captain. The methods
of war have so changed that in fu
ture armies there must be a far great
er portion of mature men. There
must be a large number who can
handle the intricate, complex and
death-dealing machinery and engines
of destruction.
But as far as the civil war was
concerned the fighting was done by
boys, and the phrase “boys of sixty
one” is a literal expression of the
truth,- and not metaphorical. The
men of big business, the represents
NOW, W£R£ LUCKy if W£
tives of hundreds of millions which
they were able to accumulate by the
sacrifices of these boys, assembled at
Chicago the other day to hold a na
tional convention, but they forgot all
about the "boys.” There are still
400,000 of them alive.—Star Herald.
The republicans of the state of Ne
! braska are called to meet in conven
tion in Lincoln on Tuesday. July 25,
1916, for the purpose of adopting a
platform and selecting a state central
committee and for the transaction of
such other business as may properly
come before the convention. Sherman
county is entitled to nine delegates to
the convention. The total number of
delegates in the state is 1.151.
* No proxies will be delivered and
the delegates present from each of
the counties will be authorized to cast
the full vote for their delegation.
In accordance with the rules of the
Republican State Central committee,
credentials of delegates to the con
vention should be filed with the Sec
retary of the State Committee at least
five days before the date of the con
The members of the County Central
Commitee for each county, who are
to conduct the 1916 campaign, must
be chosen at the Delegate County
Convention and reported at once to
the State Committee.
Some times the editor “sees it” and
some times he don’t, but he writes
right along just the same, for he is ex
pected to see everything and know
everything and tell everything he both
sees and knows. But he don’t. If he
were to publish everything he sees
and spread everything he knows a cy
clone would be mild in comparison to
the storm that would sweep over the
community. And yet, our fair baili
wick is no worse than the normal com
munity the world over. But few peo
ple ever realize the^amount of patience
and discretion the average publisher
must observe. He hears and sees
many things. Their publication could
serve no legitimate purpose, could re
sult in no good whatever to the com
munity, could be of benefit to no hu
man being, but on the contrary would
bring grief and suffering to many
innocent people. It is in such matters
that the humane, publisher tempers
his actions with mercy and adulterates
it with the milk of human kindness.
Yet but little of this consideration is
ever extended to the publishers them
If you meet a man who is down in
the mouth, who thinks that his town
is all wrong, just take him aside or
out for a ride and hand him this
quaint little song: “There are fancier
towns than our own little town; there
are towns that are bigger than this,
and the people who live in tinier
towns all the city excitement must
miss. There are things you can see
in the wealthier town that you can’t
in the town that is small, and yet—
up and down, there is no other town
like our own little town after all.
“It may be the street through the
heart of your town isn’t long, isn’t
wide, isn’t straight, but the neigh
bors you know in your own little town
with a welcome your coming await.
In the glittering streets of the glitter
ing town, with its palaces and pave
ment and wall, in the midst of the
throng you will frequently long for
your own little town after all. You
measure a town, not by money, or
miles its border extends; the best
things you can have, wherever the
town, are contentment, enjoyment and
friends. If you’ll live and work and
trade in your town in spite of the fact
that it’s small, you’ll find that the
town—your own little town—is the
best kind of a town after all.”—Spot
light, Portland, (Ore.) Ad. Club.
L. A. Williams was a Rockville visi
tor Wednesday.
Special feature at the opera house
Tuesday night. July 13.
Irvin Rowe came up from St. Paul
Tuesday to spend the fourth.
Miss Emma Anderson visited from
Saturday until Tuesday at Austin.
Bud O’Bryan, wrife and baby came
up Wednesday evening for a visit
with his parents.
Miss Louise Bartunek spent the
fourth with friends in Ord. return
ing home yesterday.
R. M. Hiddleson was a business
passenger at Dannebrog Monday, re
turning in the evening.
Mel Gordon and wife, of Arcadia,
were in our city Tuesday attending
the celebration at Jenner's park.
Dr. J. E. Bowman operated upon
Fritz Bichel on Sunday morning.
Mr. Bichel is getting along nicely.
Mrs. C. R. Conger and children, of
Dannebrog. came up Tuesday to spend
the fourth and visit with relatives.
T. M. Wall returned from Grand
Island Wednesday evening where he
had been taking medical treatment.
Miss Nellie Stanczyk was a pas
senger to Schaupps Wednesday to ac
cept a position in the general store.
Roy and Robert Kieth came in Mon
day evening from Omaha for a visit
here with relatives and many friends.
Miss Bessie Fisher returned Wed
nesday evening from Ashton where
she had been visiting and taking in
the celebration. J
the season the Loup City ball team
defeated the Arcadia team at Jeu
ner’s park on July 4 by the score of
3 to 1. Gilbert pitched for the locals
and held the visitors down to a few
scattering hits. At no time was Loup
City in danger^of losing the game,
playing a steady and strong game
the entire nine innings. A large
crowd attended, it being estimated
that neary 450 people attended. St.
Paul will play Loup City on the home
grounds on Sunday, July 9. Be sure
and attend this game.
C. A. Clark died suddenly from
heart failure at his home in Ravenna
last night. Mr. Clark was a veteran
in the creamery business, having
creameries at Ravenna, Loup City and
Ord. He had been enjoying good
health, and was in Loup City last
Saturday looking after his creameiy
interests. Mr. Clark tvas well known
here and had a large number of
friends who will regret to hear of his
sudden demise. Obituary will be
printed next week.
Joe Stecher and Ed. Lewis wrestled
for four hours and fifty-five minutes
at Omaha on July fourth and at the
end of that time the referee stopped
the match and declared it a draw.
Lewis stalled the entire time and at
no time made any attempt to wrestle,
but was busy keeping out of Stecher's
way. Ten thousand people saw the
match. Lewis stalled for time, as
many of his friends had bet that
Stecher could not throw him in a cer
tain length of time. He won for his
Eriends but disgusted all who like good
■lean sport.
Following is the recapitulation rec
ord of personal taxes in Sherman
jounty for the year 1916 as taken
'rom the assessor’s books:
Actual Assessed
Value Value
3ak Creek .$ 95,080 $ 19,016
Logan . 160,845 32,169
Washington . 141,415 28,293
Elm . 96,085 19,217
Webster . 120,460 24,092
A>up City . 167,895 33,579
3ity of Loup City 474,350 94.S70
\shton . 82,910 16,582
tshton Village... 99,985 19.997
Rockville . 186,225 37,215
Rockville Village 65,710 13,142
-lay . 188,450 37,690
larrison . 164,900 32,980
Atchfield . 201,815 40,363
Scott . 13(1.000 30,000
Razard . 173,255 34.651
lazard Village... 54,905 10,981
3ristol . 204,235 40,847
Total $2,828,820 $565,762
J. B. O'Bryan returned home on
last Saturday from Grand Island
where he had been on business and
pleasure combined.
Mrs. E. C. Kilpatrick returned home
Wednesday evening from Grand Is
land where she has been in the hos
pital for treatment.
Miss Victoria Lisy came up from
Rockville Wednesday and visited be
tween trains. She is the new teacher
.11 district No. 42.
Miss Lucile DeC&mp came up from .
Jrand Island Tuesday to spend the
.'ourth and visit with her sister, Mrs.
S.’A. Allen and family. <
- 1
Mrs. Williard Lay and children, of
North Platte, arriver here Monday
evening for a visit at the Tockey and
Lay homes a few days. j
Mrs. Floyd Janulewicz and three
children arrived home Monday even
ing from Omaha where she had been
the past two weeks visiting with rela
Mrs. Ed. Brown, of the Brown Fruit *
Company at Grand Island, came up <
Wednesday evening for a short visit 1
at the C. W. Conhiser home and with 1
other friends. t
- t
Mrs. F. B. Martin returned home t
Monday from Bradshaw, Neb., where <
she had been visiting with her mother, ,
Mrs. L. M. Johnson, who accompanied £
her home for a short visit.
The Misses Carrie and Olive Bog
seth. and Blanche and Fay Warner, of f
Erickson. Neb., and the Misses Eva 1
and Lila Goodwin, of Wiggle Creek J
are visiting at the Sam Daddow home 1
this week.
The old school building at Austin I
will be sold to the highest bidder for 1
cash on Friday afternoon, July 14. at
1:30 o’clock. The Austin district will (
soon commence the erection of a new 1
school building. I
... 4
Street sprinklng was out of the
[uestion Monday because there was
inly three feet of water in the reser
oir and the supply was fast being
ised up. The water shortage this
ime was explained as being due to
hree pumps being broken at one
ime. While the gasoline engine and
ne windmill were in operation the
rater was being used about as fast
s it was beng pumped.
According to the view of The
Jorthwestern the frequent shortage
f water in Loup City would not ex
st if the city had a larger reservoir,
ne that would hold water enough
o carry a supply equal to all emer
;encies and then if anything went
rrong with the pumps the water sup
ly would not be exhausted before th"
ceded repairs could be made.
We believe it is up to the city
ouncil to provide another or a larger
eservoir, and not depend upon the
lumps to keep the city supplied with
rater and then be out of water when
he pumps fail to work. To allow
he water supply to get so low ts
angerous business. We hope to see
onditions improved before long, as a
ire undeit conditions existing here
his week would be a disasterous
hing for the little city of Loup City.
Some folks would give anything if t
they could get rid of constipation, t
Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea will c
do the work and do it quick, lake ft <
once a week to be regular, happy and j
free.—Graefe’s Pharmacy. t
Miss Maud Stephens, of Salt Lake 1
City, stopped off here last Saturday
on her return trip from Chicago and
visited over the fourth with her bro- (
ther, L. L. Stephens and wife, re- j
turning to her home in Utah yester- .
day. I
Special feature at the opera house 1
Tuesday night. July 13. “The Beloved 1
Vagabond” in six reels of motion pic- 1
tures. These pictures are beautifully 1
colored—the first colored pictures ever 1
shown in Loup City. These pictures
will please you. 1
J_ t
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sorenson and >
daughter, Lucile. Mr. and Mrs. George 1
Kinsey and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1
James Grow, and Mr. and Mrs. Moneil 1
Milhurn and baby, were among those c
from Arcadia attending the celebra- '
lion here July 4.
- \
Miss Hattie Froehlich, proprietor
of the Busy Bee Hat Shop, will leave I
for the eastern markets tomorrow, f
where she will spend some time pick- i
ing out the latest models and purchas- <
ing new goods for her store. Miss t
Froehlich will send new goods from
time to time during her absence and 1
invites you to call and see them with t
Pizer & Co. 1
- t
In one of the fastest ball games of i
With an increase of more than,$107.
00,000 in the bank clearings for Oma
a for the half year closing June 30,
iresperity manifests itself in no un
ertain way. With this same prosperi
y reflected throughout the great ter
itory which Omaha serves, is it any
Fonder that the nation's eyes are
urned to the bread basket of the
The best part of it is that the pros
erity is not onesided. It isin evidence
verywhere. Grain receipts for the half
ear show a gain of 7,000,000 bushels;
eal estate transfers are nearly a mil
ion more with a total of nearly ten
lillions; new buildings show a gain
f nearly three quarters of a million
ritli a total of more than three mil
ons; bank transactions for the period
rill total one and one-half billion dol
And to show that the prosperity is
ermanent, the savings accounts have
rown correspondingly. On the clos
ag day of the month, savings asso
iations in Omaha declared dividends
otalling $605,810.
Live sock receipts go right along
a an interesting way with other ac
ivities and, of course, the packing
allows the receipts. In the end, Ne
raska, Iowa and Omaha can well be
atisfled with the evident develop