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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1916)
COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. May 23, 1916. | Board of supervisors met this after- j noon with all members present. Minutes of last meeting read and on j motion approved as read. Tax sale on SVs SE’4 8-14-16 sold in error ordered refunded in the sum of $14.78. Tax protest of Grant Stickney on motion disallowed. Tax protest of John Paulsen on mo tion disallowed. George Sheets tax protest on mo tion disallowed. W. O. Brown instructed to buy a gate and posts for end of Tryba and Chilewski road. Board on motion adjourned till 9 a. m. May 24. 1916. Met this forenoon with all members present. Petterson consent road petition on j motion allowed. Board on motion adjourned till 1 p. m. Met after dinner with all men pres ent. C. W. Fletcher road petition on mo tion allowed. The chairman appointed W. O. Brown . Dan McDonald and L. B. Poi ski, to rent a suitable location for the Clerk of the District Court's office. Claims committee reported that they had allowed all claims that are stamped, with exception of deduction made for delinquent taxes, and claims of W. T. Owens, H. C. Sample, and Harry Johnson, which report was on motion accepted and clerk ordered to draw warrants on the respective funds. General Fund. William Hancock, serving on elec tion board and mileage. $9.70. Iian McDonald, serving on election board, $6.90. Stewart McFadden, serving on elec tion board. $6.90. Hiram Hartwell, serving on elec tion board. $6.90. F. N. Mickow serving on election board $6.90. School District No. 2, voting place, $2.50. Burr Robbins, serving on election board. $7.20. W. T. Owens, serving on election board. $7.20. H. A. Hinman, serving on election board. $7.20. Art Hansel, serving on election board. $7.20. Gus Lorentz, serving on election board. $7.20. Mrs. Amelia Jung, rent for voting place. $5.00. George Brill, serving on election board, $7.20. Mont. Worlock, serving on election board, $7.20. W. P. Reed, serving on election board, $7.20. John Jezewski, serving on election board. $7.20. Robert Jentier. serving on election board, $7.20. Vern Alleman, serving on election board and mileage, $9.30. Alfred Jorgenson, serving on elec tion board. $6.30. James Roush, serving on election board. $6.30. Ira Daddow, serving on election board. $6.30. Horace Eastebrook, serving on ele iton board. $6.30. School District No. 36, rent on vot ing place. $2.50. W. G. Tucker, serving on election board and mileage. $9.60. Clark S. Reynolds, serving on elec tion board. $7.20. Roy Conger, serving on election board. $7.20. Clifford Bone, serving on election board. $7.20. Grant Rogers, serving on election board. $7.20. School District No. 72, rent on vot ing place, $2.50. O. J. Walthers. serving on election board and mileage, $10.00. Myers Peterson, serving on election board. $6.00. Peter Jacobson, serving on ejection board, $6.00. John Boeeking, serving on election board, $6.00. Ernest de la Motte. serving on elec tion board. $6.00. C. W. Trumble, rent on voting place $5.00. John Vandrala. serving on election board and mileage. $10.70. James Huryta. serving on election board. $6.90. Herman Polenz, serving on election board, $6.90. YV. P. Snyder, serving on election board. $6.90.' Don Holmes, serving on election board, $6.90. School District No. 42, rent on vot ing place, $2.50. Andrew Coppersmith, serving on election board and mileage, $9.20. Guy Richmond, serving on election board, $5.70. O. A. Clark, serving on election board. $5.70. Charles Whitmore, serving on elec tion board, $5.70. Dwight Chamberlin, serving on elec- j tion board, $5.70. School District No: 36, rent on vot ing place. $2.50. Emil Cords, serving on election board and mileage. $10.00. E. Dwehus, serving on election board. $6.60. Thos. Jensen, serving on election board, $6.60. Jacob Ritz, serving on election board. $6.G0. Albert Seabeck, serving on election board, $6.60. Rockville Village, rent on voting place, $5.00. Wenzel Rewolinski, serving on elec tion board and mileage, $9.00. S. S. Lewandowski. serving on elec tion board. $6.00. Ed. Manchester, serving on election board, $6.00. Barney Gappa. serving on election board. $6.00. School District No. 56. rent on vot ing place, $4.00. J. H. YVitt, serving on election board and mileage. $9.70. J. J. Else, serving on election board. $5.40. W. H. Douglas, serving on election board. $5.40. Arthur Minshull. serving on election board. $5.40. Henry Diefenbaugh, serving on elec tion board. $5.40. School District No. 63, rent on voting place. $5.00. D. D. Charlton, serving on election board and mileage, $9.50. Jud Burns, serving on election board. $6.00. \V. P. Minnie, serving on election board. $6.00. Clarence Landon, serving on election board. $6.00. Emil Aufrecht. serving on election board, $6.00. School District No. 43. rent on vot ing place, $2.50. <J. L. Polski. serving on election board and mileage, $9.50. Ed. Jamrog, serving on election j board, $6.60. Alex Gappa, serving on election j board, $6.60. ignatz Maiefski, serving on election j board. $6.60. A. Adamski. serving on election j board. $6.60. Mrs. Eleonora Jezewski, rent on vot ing place. $5.00. ■\Vm. J. Heapy, serving on election j board and mileage. $11.90. E. A. Slote. serving on election : board, $8.10. P. Brundige. serving on election board. $8.10. C. L. Greenhalgh. serving on elec tion board, $S.10. F. T. Richmond, serving on election board. $8.10. j Litchfield Village, rent on voting j place. $5.00. D. L. Jacoby, serving on election board and mileage. $8.20. Charles Quartz, serving on election board. $5.70. John Augustvn, serving on election board. $5.70. Joe Kontor, serving on election board. $5.?0. Jay E. Pray, serving on election board, $5.70. School District No. 31, rent on voting j place, $2.50. St. Mary’s Hospital, keep of John ! Parteka. $11.48. Jake Friedman, keep of Mr. Dicker j son four months, $48.00. Mrs. Ida Boet nurse service to Mrs. Dunlap, two months. $24.00. L. Hansen, labor and team work on ; Loup river bride at Rockville, $7.50. Road Dragging Fund. Loup City township, dragging roads, j $60.00. - Scott township, dragging roads. : $90.00. Board on motion adjourned till June 16, 1916. . L. B. POLSKI. County Clerk. Going East This Summer? If you contemplate spending a week, a month or a year at any of the resorts in the Eastern States, vou will find that the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and its wonderfully equipped Information Bureau can be of great service to you. This Bureau publishes each rear a most complete *‘LhS( >RT DIRECTORY.” containing a detailed list (a over /.000 hotels of the Eastern States, including maps, etc t opy of this book together with the latest copy of The Eagle, v ill be sent to you on receipt of 4 cents for mailing. Address BROOKLYN EAGLE INFORMATION BUREAU,' Brooklyn. N. Y. SWAT THE FLY Or better yet keep them out of the house. Now is the time to fix up those screen doors and windows, replacing those that have outlived their usefulness with our white pine screens. e have just received another carload of the famous Atlas Red "Wood stock tanks. We have them in sizes from 2x3 to 2ixl0 and all are guaranteed against decay for twenty years. KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. "iardsat Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia CLEAR CREEK SAND (Crowded out last week.) O. A. Clark lost two valuable colts, j Mrs. H. J. Burtner is on the sick list. Mrs. Rose Goethe is on the sick ; list. . A. D. Jones drove to Loup City to mill. George Ellinger is doing some road work. Frank Kusek's children have the measles. Walter Shettler's little girls have the measles. G. A. Curry is not feeling a hit well the last few days. James Hill lost a couple of cattle from green alfalfa. G. A. Richmond and wife autoed to Loup City Thursday. Ben Speltz was at the county scat Saturday on business. Mrs. Lulu Burtner was out to visit the folks Friday afternoon. Ladies’ Aid met with Mrs. E. A. Kohls Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rose Goethe were in Loup on business Tuesday. George Curry’s sister, of Arcadia, is visiting with him and family a few days. F. T. Richmond left Tuesday morn ing to attend board meeting at Loup City. Mrs. Nellie Hager and little daugh ter. are visiting Mrs. Laura Peterson near Hazard. Mrs. Bishop, of Huxley, visited with the Hill family and attended the Deco ration exercises. There was a surprise party held nt the home of Henry Reed in honor of his daughter, Ella. The road is in fine shape. Mr. Bar nett dragged the road from his place to Burtner’s corner. Fred. Guy and Sennet Richmond and families, visited at the A. D. Jones home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left Wednes day to visit with Mrs. Wilson’s daugh ter before going home. Decorating of the soldiers’ graves took place at the cemetery north of town Sunday afternoon. George Wolfe. Virgil Weller and James Hager dragged the roads last week. They are in fine shape now. Boyd Hill finished the term of high school at Broken Bow and arrived home for his vacation with home folks. Mrs. Tom Parsley and Winnie Gar nett. who have been visiting friends and relatives at Burwell, arrived Sat urday evening. Mrs. Burtner; Miss Martha Ea5!" I brook, Mrs. Richmond and Mrs. Wolf attended the Royal Neighbor lodge Tuesday afternoon. Tom Palmer, of Columbus. Neb., came up to attend the Memorial ser vices. He is visiting with his brother in-law. James Hill. Some of the farmers are in distress about having to plant their corn over the worms and wet weather is getting away with the lots of seed and it is a scarce article in this neighborhood. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. As it was said 2,000 years ago that all roads led to Rome, so we can say in Nebraska today that all roads in governmental matters lead to a Con stitutional Convention. It matters little whether you are interested in securing more efficient and up to date state, county and mu nicipal government; in developing Nebraska’s natural resources; in ju dicial reform; in getting a tax system that will distribute the taxes more equitably and lower them generally, or anything else, you get only a short distance before you run up against some obsolete or out-grown provi sion in our present constitution of 1875. With all the states around getting into line by revising their constitu tions to meet changed economic, so cial and political conditions, Nebras ka with her “one-horse shay” lags in the rear. The only way, the least expensive way. the proper way, is for the peo ple of Nebraska to call a Constitu tional Convention to make our funda mental law meet present day needs. —Circular. Notice of Sale of Reel Estate by Adiministratrix. In the District Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. Cora M. Niesner, administratrix of the estate of Henry' Niesner, deceased, plaintiff, vs. Cora M. Niesner. Austin Niesner, a minor, Margaret Niesner, a minor, Cloyd Neisner. a minor, and Frederick Neisner, a minor, defend ants. Notice is hereby given that in pur suance of an order of the Hon. B. O. Hostetler, Judge of the District Court of Sherman. County. Nebraska, made the 23rd day of February, 191G, for the sale of the real estate herein after described, there will be sold at the South Door of the Court House in Loup City, Nebraska, on the 19th day of June, 1916, at the hour of one o’clock of said day. the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: The Southwest Quarter and the South half of the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section Twenty one (21), Township Fourteen (14), west of the 6th P. M., in Sherman County, Nebraska, excepting a tract described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the said West half of Section Twenty-one (21), run ning thence west along the south side thereof 70 rods, thence north along the east side thereof 182 6-7 rods, thence east parallel with the south side thereof 70 rods, thence south along he east side thereof 182 6-7 rods to the point of beginning. Said real estate to be sold to the best and highest bidder for cash. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 27th day of May. 1916. CORA M. NIESNER, Administratrix of the Estate of 24-3 Henry Niesner, deceased. -a__ Change of program every night at the opera house. ORDER OF HEARING AND NOTICE ON PETITION FOR SETTLE MENT OF ACCOUNT. j In the County Court of Sherman j Counjy, Nebraska. , State of Nebraska, Sherman Conn 1 I tv, ss. To the heirs, legatees, devisees, j j creditors and all persons interested! in the estate of Jozef Celmer, de i l c eased. On reading the petition of G. W. Brammer. Administrator praying a fi-; nal settlement and allowance of his j account filed in this Court on the 22nd day of May. 191G, and for decree of; j distribution of residue of the personal; property of said estate, a decree of' possession of real estate and for final settlement of said estate and dis i ! charge of administrator. It is hereby ! ordered that you and all persons in terested in said matter may. and do. | i appear at the County Court to be held j m and for said County, on the 16th ! day of June A. D. 1916 at one o’clock, j P. M„ to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner > should not be granted, and that no tice of the pendency of said petition | and the hearing thereof be given to I all persons interested in said matter j by publishing a copy of this order in The Loup City Northwestern a weekly newspaper printed in said county for j three successive weeks prior to said ' day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of May, 1916. 23-3 E. A. SMITH, (SEAL) County Judge. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of Ordinance No. 104 of Loup t City, Nebraska, which orders that the | following described real estate to wit: A tract of real estate commenc ing 100 feet north and 50 east of the northwest corner of the court house ! square in Loup City, Nebraska, run ! ning thence north 140 feet, thence running east 25 feet, thence running south 140 feet, thence running west to point of commencement, shall be sold, that on the 12th day of June, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. bids will be opened and read and said real estate sold at the office of the j City Clerk and Council of the City j of Loup City. Nebraska, that the terms of sale shall be for cash, and | i he manner of said sale shall be as follows: by prospective purchasers delivering to the City Clerk of said City sealed bids for said real estate on or before said time, that the sue j cessful bid must be accompanied by , cash for the amount of the bid, to ! be paid to the City Clerk not later ; than said time, on acceptance of bid. the City Council reserving the right | to reject any and all bids. R. H. MATHEW, Mayor of Loup City, Nebraska. PETER ROWE. City Clerk of Loup' City, Nebraska. (SEAL) 22-4 _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The State of Nebraska. Shermap County, ss. In the matter of the Estate of Charlie O. Johnson, deceased. To The Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified, that I will I sit at the County Court room in Loup | City in said County, on the 9th day I of September, 1916, at 10 o’clock a. m. | and on the 9th day of January, 1917. j to receive and examine all claims ; against said estate, with a view to J their adjustment and allowance. The Ime limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is the 9tli day of January. A. D. 1917. and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from the 2nd day of June 1916. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 3rd day of June, 1916. 24-4 E. A. SMITH, (SEAL) County Judge. FOR SALE. Three and one-half acres of land. Also another tract of four and one half acres; six lots fenced chicken tight, half in cherry and plum trees. Also a bran new two seated spring wagon, set of double harness and a stack of alfalfa hay.—Alfred Ander son. CHICKEN LIVERS. An old hen has a much larger liver than you in proportion to weight or food eaten. Then it follows that they get bilious just like you do. They are grouchy, cross, unhappy. Start her liver and make her happy. Then she will lay eggs all winter. Come and get a package of B. A. Thomas Poul try Powder. Feed it occasionally. See your hens perk up—hear them sing— look for eggs. Your money back if it fails.—J. J. Slominski. MOTHERS. Should see that the whole family take at least three or four doses of a thorough, purifying system cleaning medicine this spring. Now is the time. The family will be healthier, happier and get along better if the blood is given a thorough purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the germs of winter, accumulated in the system driven away. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is the very best and surest Spring Remedy to take. Get it at once and see the difference in the whole family. Their color will be'better, they’ll feel fine and be well and happy. 35c. The best spring tonic laxative, purifier.—Graefe Pharmacy. Miss Mable and P. E. Hansen went to Hastings Tuesday to attend gradu ation exercises of the Hastings high school. Among the graduates are Miss Dorothy and Duff Hansen, a brother and sister of Miss Mable and P. E. Hansen. If it be true that man is descended from the apes we fear the apes would be ashamed to admit the relationship to some of us. When a fellow ahems and fidgets and squirms he is generally getting i ready to say something or tell a whopper. The progress of events in Mexico prove that Wilson is the man wiio put the ‘puny” in punitive. The Price, As Slim As The Suit TO look at Adler’s Colle gian Clothes, you might think they are a little out side of your purse-range—but “appearances are deceitful.” Just you take a look at their price-tag and you’ll see that thev are within vour reach. * • You were probably puzzled! because there’s more style, fab ric and workmanship-yalue | crowded into eyery suit or oyercoat of ADLER’S Collegian Clothes than into others at the price. It’s a logical mistake. L. G. LOFHOLM We Have a Real Cream Separator Sensation At Our Store Come in and examine the VIKING It has made a big hit in Europe and is making a big ger hit in the United States. You will enderstand why when you figure up how many good dollars it will save you. r. Come in and look at it and see for your *elf why it is the biggest Cream Separator value on the market. For Sale By J. J. SLOMIHSKI LOUP CITY, NEB. PRINCE ALBERT Black Spanish Jack. Prince Albert is a big. black Span ish Jack. 7 years old, 16 hands high, and weighs 1,050 ponds. He has good action and is a sure foal getter. Will stand the season of 1915 at my farm, a quarter of a mile south of Schaupps. TERMS: $10 to insure live colt. Persons disposing of or removing mare from vicinity where bred, $10 becomes due the same as if mare was known to be in foal. Care will be taken to prevent accidents but will not be responsible for any occuring. HARRY OBERMILLER, Schaupps, Neb. Owner. For Light and Heavy Hauling Call BERT FIEB1G DRAY AND TRANSFER LINE Loup City, Nebraska I Business and professional Guide ROET. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA R.^. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA AARON WALL Lawyer Practices In All Courts LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA LAMONT L. STEPHENS Lawyer First National Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Only Set of Abstract Books In County LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA 0. E. LONGACRE Physician and Surgeon OFFICE, OVER NEW BANK Telephone Call No. 39 A. J. KEARNS Physician and Surgeon Phone 30—Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telepone Central LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA A. S. MAIN Physician and Surgeon LOUP CITY - - - - NEBRASKA Office at Residence Telepone Connection J. E. SCOTT Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director With Daily Furniture Co. Loup City, ... Nebraska C. R. SWEETLAND Plumber & Electrician For good, clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and Get My Prices 0. S. MASON Plumbing and Heating. Tinwork. Loup City, . . . Nebraska WALTER THORNTON Dray and Transfer Call Lumber Yards or Taylor's Elevator Phone Brown 43 J. E. Bowman, M. D. Carrie L. Bowman, M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN Physicians and Surgeons ''hone 114 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA S. A. ALLEN Dentist Office Upstairs in the New Stats Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA W. L. MARCY Dentist Office: East Side Public Square Phone Brown 116 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA E. T. BEUSHAUSEN Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Graduate in Anatomy, Sanitary Science and Em balming of Barnes Embalming School. New Elliptic Springs and rubber tired Funeral Car. Calls answered day or night. Phone 104. Lady Assntant. BRING YOUR GRAIN TO THE Loup City Mill & Light Co. Furnishes all the light and power and also makes the best of flour. Handled by all Merchants. BUY FLOUR THAT IS MADE IN LOUP CITY HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF Hard and Soft Coal TAYLOR’S ELEVATOR LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA Cf Great Interest to Every Local Merchant An Opportunity to Double Your Dollars We Desire to bring to your attention our appointment as WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS and JOBBERS for Iowa and Nebraska of— - i Columbia Grafonolas And Records We are in a position to allot territory for those famous Phonographs to live merchants and to supply * promptly all requirements of established agents. A request for terms, prices and catalogs will bring immediate response and full information of the best money making proposition for a hostler. Write today for first privilege, as one dealer only will be established now in each city. send ,hu co-pon f.r d„i„'. Schmollep & Mueller Piano Co. v_ Largest Retailers or Plano* in the World Established 1850. Address .1311-18 Fanwm St. - Omaha, Jfeb. -:-■ _ Change of program every night at the opera house. Try Chase’s first—it pays. “Silas Mariner,” Saturday, June 10. This is guaranteed to be a high class feature. Daily sells for less.