The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 08, 1916, Image 3

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    I)iefc 2lbtcihmg ift fiir hie
^amtlienglieber, mclcfyc am
licbftcn Deutfa Icfcn.
$3Di Sftautilofic
6c-? curouniidicn
Anon it bos ilangfannscrbcii be;
beuridjeu Slngriffs nielfad) als Pr-I
lahmen aufgcfatt nirb, barf man;
nidjt nergeffen, bat e* fid) bei 3?er*1
bun md)t urn raidje Sdjldge be*
fjelbfriegci tjanbelt, roo man burd;
embeitiidjen Pmfat) geroaltigcr i'iaj*
jcii an ber entfdjeibenben 3telle einen
rafdjeit Prfolg ergielen fann. t£s!
roirb erft fpdtcr, nacbbem man Pin-!
blicf in bie Pingeltjeiicn be* iier- j
iant* ber .Wamofe befommen bat, mit
nmger Sidjertjeit beurtent roerbenj
tbnnen, ob bie franjofiidien Dffen- j
ftncit in ber Pbampagne nidji am
Pnbe baran fcpcitcrten, baf; bie bort
oufammengejogenen £>ccrc uad; ben
bisberigen ISronbfdtjen bei fvelbfrie*
ge» angefefct tnorben finb, fo bat bem
?lngriff bie 9iad)balhgfeit nnb t'lu*
bancr febitb, bie gur lleberroinbung j
be* reinblidien Siliberuanbe* notroen*
big tit. lie £rieg*erfat)rnngen aui!
Cftafien baben in ib.rcr uunerdnbcr*
ten t'lnroeubung any beu europdifdjcn
i!rieg*fd)aupldbeu noUftanbig ner
fagt. t'lud) feit itriegibegum bat
bie 2aftif fid) mclyrfad) gednbert,:
roa* im .'perbft 1914 riduig roar, ift
bentc Idngft iibcrlebt. 9lud) in ber
dcutfdjcn titmice fmb mandje Xog
mcn, mit benen fie in ben itrieg ge= j
treten ift, laugft iiber ^orb geroorfen
roorben 9iur groei 3?cifpiele: P*
roar ein abfelut fefliieficubrr Vebrfa’j,
bat in ber ILicrteibigung mir cine
3te£luug gerrdbtt mib mit alien pir
i'crfugiuig fiebcnbeu 2)iittcln au*ge
bam roirb. Pin fpibrer, ber Ijciitc
*ro Sk’ftcn bcnad) banbeltc, fdimre
nibig jeinen Albfdyicb liebmcn mib
uadi am’c ferren. pn cincr '.Breite
non ."punbcrteii non W-ilomctcrn liogt
ein t'k-roirre non SdjiipcngrdL'ca,
?pi:ibernnien, i9erbiubuiig*gEdbcn,
ltmerudnben, SUocfbdufern u. f. ro
in grower iiere iuntercinanber, fo
bat bon einen; rafdjeit Surdptotcii
gar feme 9iebe metjr feiu fann. ;J,ur
rrd)Iad;t foliien alle uerfiigbaren
Wrdite fo jutammengegogen roerben,
bat ’ie 511 eimieititdier ©irhing fom
Jueu fdnnen. Cm ber 3dyladit non
ilk'rbuu ift e* nod) gar me pi gleid).
jcitigeni Pinfap gang grofjer .Warner j
, .r_ -v
gnoimnen. otnmer waxen c» mtr,
S eil all ioncr., berm grirgre cine1
rrom pon fount ittclir ok 2(1 ftilo
ueiern cimiatiin. SWan pcrgleid)e
Dattut 5. tB. Me fvrontau-bebnung
Dor Xeutjdjen in ber 3diiad)t bet
doibringen (25. iHugtift lyiJi, rco
jloidtjeittg ottf enter 3trede non ■
rber To ^ sUiomctcrn aiigenriffett
rnrbr. tsoldje f'imberiiitgeu in ber
•iri ber tivnoenbung ber ihnupfmii
.cl |iitb nur mbgltd) in citter t'irmec,
de im *rieben griinblid)c tUrbeit in
ber f'lttvbilbung ber tfiiijrcr oiler
©robe gcleiftei hot, bemt nur fo fbn
nen bie neitett ©ebanfen Don ben
Uliterfuljrcrn BerftanbnkooII attfgt
nommen uttb Dor bent ^einbe fadjge*
rntif; angcrocnbet toerbett. ©etoifj
Sing biefe Ummonbinng ber i'lnfd)an
nngen ttid)t oime fHcibungcn bor fid),
aber biefe tnaditen fid) toeber nod)
aitfjen nod) im gnbergcbitk fiiblbor. i
Xrill, fo noaoenbig er in, reid)t bo
fiir allein nid)t au$. lie Xeutfdien
baben and; in ber letter. 3odie bo?
oon ?[nfang an cingefdjlagcnc
rtampfoerfabren ^rtgefett; nod)
dnem Sfngriff, ber griinbiid) norbe
reitet nor, loffcn fie cine 'i'aufe ent
treten, bie jur SBorbereitung eincs
iteiten Sprunges nod) portDcirk be
nittt mirb. Xicfcc llntcrbrud) in
oer detocgung baucrt je nad) ben
Serbditnifien cincn abcr mcfirere 2a
gc. G» ift roofil moglidj, baij
in bicfcr 3cil flnfdye gcmadjt tocr
bcu, uorjugetien. banit abcr aurgege-'
ben tnrrben, roeil matt erf emit, ban
bie Sadjc nodi nidit jur 9tcife ge
fommen iit. 3oldie SSerfudjc crfdiei
nL'u bonn ganj naturgematj in ben I
franjoHdjen 2ageSbcrid)tcn alS ab-1
geidilagene Jlngrirre, todtjrenb fclbfi- j
oerilanbltdi bie beutidicn amtlidien
2elegramme bariiber fd)toeigen. i
fiber niemnnb glanbt im Grnitc, baijj
bie 5°rtnUirung bed Slngriffed fo
glatt nad) bem SSillcn ber beutidicn
,2iifirang Dor fid) gefje; baju finb bie
ivranjofeit oiel ju tiidjtigc (Segncr.
'fiber anf ber auberen 3citc iit cs>\
and) fail'd), immer mieber jeben ab
getoieienen Sngriff aid 3icg anju
feben. benu bie Grfalirung jeigt bodi
jur Weniige, bafj bae- ailed nur oor
iibergelienbe Grfoigc find, bie ben
sHerhnt cities Don ben Iicrtndcfigen
2curidien angegrirfenen iJJimfted
mobl auffditfcben, nidit abcr enbgiiltig
Dcrhntbern fomien. 2aju reidit bie
gegenrodrtige franjofiidje flbtoclu
2aftif nidit an*. SMe 3d)Iad)t Don
’T'crbnn inirb Don ber frangdfiidini
£ccresleitung nidit gefiibrt roie cine
GntidieibungSidiiadit, fonbern rote
pin ftambi nm Beitgetoinn. ber
GittfdieibuiigSidiladit fann nur ber
Hngrirf ben 3ieg an Jbie etgenen
fvabnen teficln, in bem fiamuf urn
Beitgetoinn geniigt bad ^inbaltcii.
Derbunbcn mit gelegnitlidhcn Heineit
&or*tofjen. ffber ber Santof um
Beitgetoinn bat nur bairn feine 33c
rcditigung, Duenn in ntifclidjer f3rifi'
SP—dnbcmngen in ber aflgemeiuen
£age 511 crroartcn finb, bie gefxattcn,
miter giinitigcreii Scrgaltniffen fnofl
bir limtfdjcibung 3U fudjeii, alfo aii
jugreifcix. (is ift cerrriibt, bariibcr
jejjt fd)on xirteilcix ju rooflen, 00 bie
franjbftfdjc ^ecceSleitung bci Serbia?
bcsbalb riditig Ijanbclt, rocxl fie be
redjtxgt ift, aixf ba? Gingrcifcxi fri
fdicr Strafte linb emeu fid) baraus er*
gebenbejx 3ieg ju lioffen. Xcnfbar
ift es ja, ban englifdje unb ruffifdje
t'Irmccu fndjen rocrben, bie Gntfdjei
bung Ijerbeijufuljren, rociin fie bie
Xaitfd)cu bxtrd) bie Miimyfe cor
Serbun alv geniigenb gcfdjroddjt er
adjteix, unb rs roirb fid) jeigcn, ob
biefe )lied)!iung nidjt xnel)rere ^-ebier |
llngrftort rnnbl Cnglnnb nnfcrr Soft
2lnterifanifd)e ©efdjdftdleutc in
Xeutfcblanb bcfdjmcren fid) bariibcr,
bafj bic Softccrbtubung in it tlirein
$ciniatlaube burd) Cinglanb miter
brodjeu ift. Unter ben Umftdnben
ift ed fiir fie fo gut toie uumbglid),
(^cfdjaftdDerbiubungen aujtccbt gu
28ie au§ Scrlin braliilod gemel
bet teirb, treffen bort jest einige
Sriefe ein, bie 'Snfangd ^aiuiar tn
'.'Inter if a nuf bic Soft gegeben rour
bcti. ^citimgdpoft fdieiucu bie 6ng*
Idnber iiberbaupt nirtit rnebr burd)
gulaffen. 28ie ber 'Berliner Morre
fponbent ber ..Seorlb" brabtlod met
bet, crbielt er itn dWcnat Sfpril uur
pier amenfamicbe efeitungcn.
Slit ber beutfdjen, fiir Jlmerifa ’
bcftinuuteu Soft frelit ed. mic bier |
fd)on mehrfad) ertudbitt xrurbe, eben
fo fdiliimn. Xic roenigett Brie re,
bie con ben (fngldnbern bnrdrgc
laffett merben, treffen nut etner
Serjpatnng Don mebreren Sionatcn :
ein. Site ffeitxtngen merben grunb- j
fcifelid) non trnglanb gcitoblen.
Sic Stnatd - Srfretdr ilanfing
crflfirt. unrig uufcrc fHegierimg fid' |
in ibren Serbanblungcn mit (Jug- i
lanb megeu cnglifdrer Serlceung be; :
Bblferrcdit; nod) eittent beuebenben !
Sdtieb-jgeridrtdocrtrng ridrten. Bid
biefed Xdjiebdgericbt enlfd)icben bat j
merben mbbl itecb einige v,nbre Per
geben. Unb bid babin tann (rug
lanb ruljig feine Sofiraubereien fort
fefeen. ■
Xtrnfc ber irifdirn ^frbrUcnfiilirrr gn
Xie (frmerbung ber irifdren ^ba
rer. b:e mit ibrem Xobe iit bie rHuii-,
mce-batle be; um feine f>-reibeit fain- j
pfcitbeu irifcfjen Bolted ciutretcn,
lafet fid) uur burdr bie nollftiinbige j
Storfiofigfeit ber brixifdjcn illegic- j
ruugemiiuuer erfliiren. 23ie ^.r- j
lanb non jelrer bnrdi bie cugiifdyen !
x'iu .neuter unb ibre iWcgierungdroert- j
geuge mit ausgeiudjter tpurie beban- j
belt merben ift, fo and; bicdmal. |
Xie Jlufftiinbifdjcn in Siibafrifa
murben beguabigt; 2ir libroarb
Uarfon, ber giibrer ber Ulfter-fHc
bellen, iit cine ber mndjtigftcn Ser
fbnlidifetteu in SRcgicrxiiig^freifen.
v-bn befiinftigtc man burd) einett
Soften im Stoalitiondfabiuett; fur
Scarfe unb feine iWitrebellen giebt
e; uur Sniper unb Blei. Scibft
Sritenbldttcr, bie foitft iiber feinen
2ltt ber britifdjen ,vtcrrfd)artdfligue j
ein StifeTalleit mtdbriicfcn, fmb gum
Xeil entfefet bariibcr, bafg bie ?ld
guitbd unb Slopb (Georges fid) nidjt
beffer beratcu lichen unb ibrem
Blutburft geboten. Xer Unnnlle i
iiber btefe Bluxtat Chtglanbd padt 1
; fdDbft jene ^rlattber, bie bidber nod)
1 bent Bcrrater fRebmonb Jyolge Iciftc
; ten. Xad Slut ber (frfd)offcneit
mirb bie irifd)e 'Jtaffe incur aid je
i gufammenfitten.
SBier-(J?rolMftion nintmt nit.
i SB a f I) i n 1 o n. Xrofc ber Xat
fadje, bafe (prohibition? - Wejebc in
fieben Xtaaten feit bem 1. ^uli 1915
in it raft getreten finb, ift im I at if at
ben fvi?faljahr, cnbcnb 30. £nni
1916, forocit fct)en ntebr SBIiisfctj in
ben (Per. Staaten crjcugt aorben air
fc juror. (Bericbte an ba? ^nlanb- ,
fteuer - (Bureau jdniben bie (Sefanit- |
jimabme ber (Bbi?feriprobuftion fiit !
bar J\i?falfalir auf anndbernb 1U-- j
000,000 (Saflotten.
SBahreub be? gleidjcu 3citraum? j
tit bic $erftefluttg bon (Bier juriitf
gegamjen. Xie gefamte '-Pterpro
imftion fiit- ba? Jvirfaliaftr, cnbcnb
| 30. Juni, roirb auf 60,000,000 (Sal*
. lonen treniger gefebabt, air in ban
: tioraiifgegangenen J\irfaijaljre.
Xn? ncuc (Bdgicn be? (Hcitli?tar.j!fro
- i
SB a f ft i tt g t o n. Xc§ 9?cidi?- j
| fanjlcr? jiingfte Seufjcning betreffr !
j einer „neiten i'elgiat?", ai? cine ber |
! bcutfdicn Jjriebenrbebingungen, fin
bet jetjt SBeridjten an? Berlin nad),
dfuffldrung. Xeutfdilanb, fo ireifjt
Or, befteht auf cine gefonberte (Per
roaltung be? uldntifdien Jcil? nor.
(Bclgien. Xie fylamliinbcr, etroc bie
£>alfte ber SBcroifcrimg Selgien?, 3.
700,000 Xeelen, fallen ilne cigcne
(Serroaltimg befommeu, miter befen
beren Sferiirffidjtigung Hirer Xr ra
the/it nb SSaHe. Sfeibe (Pbu’eddjaften
jeoodi, foroeit c-i (Tertretung naii
aiiBcri augdtt. nutcr enter IfcurraLe
gieruitg ftcljcn.
National, Political, Personal and Other
Matters in Brief Form for All
Classes of Readers.
Tiie reorganized Serbian array has
landed at Saloniki. 80,000 strong, to
aid the entente allies.
* * *
David Llovd-George has been as
signed to the difficult task of settling
the trouble in Ireland.
* * *
Sir Roger Casement has been In
dicted for high treason by a grand
jury in London. He will be brought
to trial on June 26.
* * *
Major Moraht, military critic of the
Berlin Tageblatt, writing of the
Austro-Italian campaign, says the
Italian casualties thus far are not
less than 80,000 men.
* * *
The Germans have captured French
positions on a front of approximately
two miles between Dead Man hill and
the Cumieres village, nortliw'est of
Verdun, according to Berlin reports.
* * *
Since the beginning of the war D50
persons have been killed and 1,616
injured in the British Isles hy German
attacks by sea and air, according to a
statement made in parliament hy the
home secretary.
* * *
Paris financiers are perfecting a
plan to “corner" the battlefiieids of
the west at the end of the war and
making their fortune out of charges
to tourists for permission to inspect
the scenes of big fights.
* * *
The portable field kitchens, which
the soldiers call “goulash cannon," are
being introduced into the streets of
the poorer sections of Berlin, selling
warm dinners to all comers for “5
pfennigs per portion.
* * *
Out of the 80.000 Austro-Hungarian
prisoners confined in the camps at
Orenhurg. eastern Russia. 17.000 have
died owing to the absence of good san
itary measures, bad food, lack of
clothing and exposure to the cold, ac
cording to a report of the American
embassy at Petrograd. dated March ir>.
* * *
A mother who gives birth to twins,
or triplets, in Germany, is entitled
not only to the nursing money and
the weekly war assistance which the
government provides, hut may collect
the prescribed sum in duplicate or
triplicate according to the number of
children born, according to a ruling
published by the Imperial Insurance
Out of the G4U,0'iii people who have
heard Billy Sunday in Kansas City,
7.O00 have hit the trail.
* * v
James J. Hill, railroad builder and
capitalist, died at his home in St. Paul.
Minn., after Slaving undergone a crit
ical operation.
» * *
Evelyn Nesbii Thaw, who was di
vorced by Harry K. Thaw, last
month, and Jack Clifford, her dancing
partner, were married in Baltimore.
* » *
The Rockefeller foundation has an
nounced that it has appropriated
$1,000,000 for war relief in Poland.
Serbia. Montenegro and Albania.
* * *
Martial law will be continued
throughout Ireland until further no
tice. according to a proclamation
posted by the military authorities of
* * *
Directors of the Union Pacific rail
road have elected Edgar E. Calvin
president to succeed A. L. Mohler.
whose resignation, due to ill health,
takes effect July 1.
* * *
Seventeen deaths was the Memorial
day toll this year. Six persons were
drowned, four killed in automobile ac
cidents and one in a runaway in New
York Four persons were killed at
Dallas, Tex., when a wooden awning
collapsed, and two persons met death
in an auto accident at America Forks,
Utah. The injured total over forty.
* * *
Henry Ford, of Detroit. Mich., who
organized the Ford peace expedition
which sailed for Europe last winter,
may return to Europe soon to'Tenew
his efforts to bring about peace
among the warring nations, it is said.
* » •*
Submission to the voters of consti
tutional amendments providing for
woman suffrage and for four-year
terms for all state officers who shall
be subject to recall, was advocated
in resolutions adopted, by democrats
of Arkansas in state convention at
Little Rock.
* • *
Universal jitney transfers are
available now in Topeka, Kan. The
jitney owners announced that passen
gers can now go to any part of To
peka where the jitneys are in opera
* • *
More than 200 Mexican men and
women were murdered a short time
ago when rebels fired on a train be
tween Mexico City and Cuernevaca.
according to private advices. Women
and children were among the victims.
All were government employes.
* e •
Prices paid producers for meat ani
mals continue to increase.♦ From
April 15 to May 15. the increase was
1.7 per cent compared with an aver
age decrease of 1.6 per cent during
the same period in the last six years.
I Boise, Idaho recalled its mayor.
J. W. Robinson. Charges of incom
petent police administration figured
i in the recall.
* » *
The Methodist general ccnfi.-cjce
voted 434 to 360 at Saratoga. N. Y„
to retain the rule that Methodists
must not play cards, dance or attend
* * *
Three men at MacGregor, la., were
drowned following a cloudburst which
caused the flooding of the town. The
water rose six feet in five minutes
and the men were unable to escape.
* * *
Dr. Arthur Warren Waits, New
York poisoner, was sentenced io die
in the electric chair during the week
of July 10—the penalty for the mur
der of his father-in-law. John E. Peck,
of which he was convicted.
* * *
A rough place in :i road near Tulsa,
j Okla., detnoated 200 quarts of nitro
! glycerin causing the death of two
; men, l he destruction of a school-house
i and damage to windows in Tulsa,
j four miles awaj* No trace of the
men could be found.
* * *
The town of Merrill, W1s„ is to
have a "fly week.” A committee har
offered prizes for the best fly traps
made by the boys of the city or
others who are interested. A first
prize of $.1, a second prize of ?3 and
: a third prize of *2 have been offered.
* * *
New print paper made from hither
'o unused woods, under direction of
the forest service laboratories, has
been successfully tried by two large
: newspapers, and in all eleven kinds
of wood never used before have given
promise of being suitable. A number
of tree.- have been found suitable for
maniia paper and box boards.
Barney Oldfield set a new record
for the speedway track at Indianapolis
'ecently. Taking ids life in his hands.
Barney tore around a slippery track
over tlie two and one-half mile course
at a speed of 102.6 miles an hour.
* * *
Tlie Omaha high school won the
Missouri Valley Interscholastic trade
: meet at Kansas City. Omaha scored
41 points. St. Joseph being second
with 25. Lincoln. Kansas City. Kan.,
and Kansas City Manual were the
' other schools entered.
* * *
Missouri won the ninth Missouri Va’_
lev track meet at Columbia. Ames,
la., was second, and Nebraska finished
fiLh. SiRmson of Missouri broke his
own world's ceeord in tlie 120-vard j
! hurdles with a time of 14.3. In the
320-yard hurdles Simpson tied the
world's mark of 2: ::;. which lias stood
for eighteen years.
* * «
Dario Resta won the sixth annual
international sweepstake; on "the Tn
dianapolis motor speedway Memorial I
(lay. completing the 300 miles in 3 j
' hours, 30 minute and 10.82 seconds, j
He finished two minutes ahead of Wil- i
bur D’Alene, who was second, and j
j tbrea minutes ahead of Ralph Mulford :
third. Rf sta won the $12,000 first |
I prize and the usual trophies; D'Alene's j
i reward was $6,000 and Mulford’s j
The senate passed the rivers and I
| harbors appropriation bill carrying
: about $43.Oi'Mt.0i by a vote of 35 to •
32. after adding many amendments.
4 S *■
Half a billion dollar: will be the ■
government's internal revenue tax roll !
for the fiscal year ending June 30 next, i
according to a statement issued by I
Secretary MrAdoo.
* * *
; A naval building program of from j
sixteen to twenty-five battleships, 250
submarines and thousand < of airships I
is being advocated by Representative i
\ Farr of Pennsylvania.
* * *
Prices of foods in the United States
! have increased on an average of 1 per
cent from February 15 to March 15,
! according to figures made public by
' the Department of Labor.
• * *
A committee of Syrians from New
| York appealed to President Wilson
j and Commissioner Polk of the State
I Department to seek permission from
I Turkey and the entente allies to get
j food to Mount. Lebanon, an autono
mous Turkish state, where they said
80,000 persons already had died of
starvation and many are suffering.
* * *
Cornell with total of 45 points won
the forty-first intercollegiate associa
i tion meet at Cambridge. Mass. Two
records, one in the 440 yard run and
the other in the 12'l-yard hurdles, were
broken Points scored were: Cornell.
45: Yale. 29: Stanford. 22: California.
22; Pennsylvania. IS; Dartmouth, 14;
Michigan, 13; Harvard. 11; Princeton.
J 10; Bqwdoin. 5; Syracuse. 3: Penn. I
State. 2; Massachusetts Institute of j
Technology, 1.
* * *
| President Wilson has issued a proc
lamation calling upon the people of
| the United States to celebrate Flag
! day. June 14. with patriotic exercises,
j giving expression to “our thoughtful
| love of America.”
» r *
Congressman Reavis has introduced
a bill providing that small fruits, ber
ries and vegetables shall not be j
i shipped in interstate commerce in |
! containers other than those contain- j
■ ing a full quart, pint, half-pint, or
multiple thereof.
* * *
The end of a protracted struggle
came Just recently in the grant of
transportation and a camping conces
! sion to the “Old Faithful" camping
company of Livingston. Mont, by the
Interior department.
• * *
A new note from General Carranza,
asking for a definite explanation of
the continued presence of American
1 troops in Mexico and renewing his
| previous request for their withdrawal.,
j has been received by the State de
This photograph of Verdun was taken recently during a lull in the terrihe bombardment. The city is a mass
cf wreckage and ruins, hardly a house remaining untouched, and has been utterly abandoned hr the civil popu
For her devotion to duly in the Red Cross work in France. Serbia and Macedonia. Mrs. Harley (t.nten, sister ol
General French of the 3ritish army, was recently decorated at Saloniki by General Sarrail (man with folded urm$ at
right) with the French military cross. The decoration took place in the presence of British. French and Greek officors
am- a number of Mrs. Harley's coworkers in the Red Cross.
A trio cf the czar's husky fighters, wearing many decorations attesting
their bravery, aiding the British Red Cross by the purchase of St. George's
flags in the Strand, London.
t if* •-TTrtMATttXA^
The feeling of unrest existing in El Paso is expressed vividly In this
photograph showing the machine-gun platoon of the Twentieth infantry en
camped in front of the courthouse at El Paso.
The strength of tungsten filaments
haS been Increased more than 300 per
'cent since they began to be used for
electric lighting in 1908.
Chinese railroad embankments are
protected from floods by planting them
with a native grass with tenacious
roots that resist erosion.
An English inventor's soft collar
for men or women has loops under
the ends through which to pass a
aecktie to draw the ends together.
A baby coach built to resemble an
automobile has number plate, wind
shield. lamps, fenders and mud guards.
French cotton spinners have estab
lished a laboratory for determining the
percentage of moisture or any abnor
mal dryness in cotton, that which is
too dry being regarded as defective.
German textile experts have suc
ceeded in treating wool yarns by a
process similar to that of the mer
cerization of cotton, the wool being
given a bath of bisulphate of soda at
| high temperature.
Statue of George Washington un
veiled recently at West Point by Miss
Charlotte Delafield, a descendant of
the late Maj. Richard Delafield of the
institution. It was presented by Rev.
Dr. Slattery of Grace church, New
York, and was accepted for the gov
ernment by CpI. Clarence P. Towns
ley. superintendent of West Point.
The donor was described only as a
■ patriotic citizen, a veteran of the
Civil war.” The gift of the statue was
the vesult of a conversation between
the unknown donor and Colonel
Townsley in which the former learned
that West Point possessed no statue
of the first president.
A Canceled Debt.
Hemmandhaw—I notice Bennie
Iieanbrough is wearing his nose in a
Shimmerpate—Yes. It's a little
debt he collected from Utah Umson.
“Little debt?"
^ es. Umson owed him a grudge
for several months and last week, you
remember, was Pay Up Week.”
It's a Motor Age.
Truly we live in a motor age. When
a Fayette parson drove down the
street there in a spick and span a>a
chine a mule colt gave its mother o.‘W
farewell look, then followed the cgi
down the thoroughfare.—Kansas City
Larger Bills.
"Is Dr. Goofer your family physi
cian V'
“Not any more."
“Wasn't he satisfactory?”
“Yes, but he taught an automobile."