-fcoup City Northwestern A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN 0 \ < / VOLUME XXXV. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1916 NUMBER 23 EVENTS AT LITCHFIELD Kanute Ladegaard left on No. 39 for Berwin and returned on No. 40 Mon day morning. Reuben Sanders, of Springfield. I1U a cousin of N. J. Phipps, is here visit ing with him. Air. and Mrs. George McKenzie left on 40 Saturday morning for Grand Is land and Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson were passengers to Hazard on 40 Sunday, returning on 39. The Speltz brothers shipped a car of mixed hogs and cattle to the Oma ha market on Sunday. I understand that Arnett and the » Speltz brothers settled their dispute over the mare they bought of him. The Rev. Ambrose went to Sweet water on 40. Sunday morning to hold services there both morning and even f ing. Miss Lillian Rydberg left for a pro tracted visit with friends and relatives at Stromsnerg on Wednesday morn ing. Airs. Lewis Leurey and daughter, came down on 40 Tuesday to attend the Decoration exercises here, return ing on 39. Airs. C. E. Aehenback and Mrs. Geo. Slote were passengers to Ravenna uu No. 40 Saturday morning, return ing on 39. Alayor AlcKenzie left on 40 for Grand Island. AA’e understand that Air. McKenzie was operated on at the hospital there. Thomas Palmer, of Fullerton, was p on business attending to his wife's monument. He returned on 40 Wed nesday morning. George McKenzie and John Ander son. came in Thursday evening from Colorado after doing a good business t elliug nursery stock. Mrs. Clyde Lang came down from Broken Bow on No. 40 Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lang. Clyde jumped off 44 in the evening. Miss Martha Kenyon came in on 40 Monday. She has been teaching tii t ighth and nineth grades at Lode, on Woodriver, south of Broken Bow. She * is home for vacation, ft Mr. and Mrs. Claude Marragon and son, were down visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thompson one day last Week and returned on 38. .Mrs Marragon