The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 11, 1916, Image 5

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Entered at the Loup City Postoffice
for transmission through the
mails as second class matter.
/ CHIPMAN & HARTMAN, Publishers.
► . ___
Every subscription is regarded as an
open account. The names of subscribers
v. m be instantly removed from our mail
ing list at tne expiration of time paid for,
if publishers shall be notified; otherwise
the subscription will remain in force at
tne designated subscription price. Every
subscriber must understand that these
conditions are made a part of the con
tract between publisher and subscriber.
The magic of Wilson’s name seems
to have lost its power in the House
of Representatives. In spite of an
urgent letter from the white house in
favor of the bill to "scuttle” from the
Philippines. The democratic caucus
revealed twenty-eight recalcitrant
members who will not support the
measure. The bill now seems to be
on the rocks. Time was when Wil
son’s nod swayed all action on capitol
hill—but that was before the pie had
been distributed and when the demo
cratic majority was so huge that it
required - widespread revolution
- evercome it. With a more slendor
margin now and with a keener sense
of responsibility now that a national
election is at hand, congress show'-,
a disposition to do a little thinking
^ on its own account. We wish there
might be more of it. No matter who
is president, it is no good condition of
affairs when the white house can
draft and pass all the legislation. The
constitution is a sturdy and useful am!
sensible document in spite of the ef
torts of those who seek to make ii
appear that our progress is hampered
by constitutional impediments. The
three divisions into which the fram
ers of the government separated the
national machinery should be kept
apart, as the fathers intended. If it
requires a political revolt within a
party to emphasize this fact, then
we welcome revolution, no matter
where it occurs.
Never was there a time in the his
tory of this country when the peopl
at large were as constant and invel
erate readers of newspapers as the;,
are today, and this is especially sc
in the matter of newspaper adver
People who a few years ago would
hardly look at an advertisement nov
‘ digest every word in it. and they do i'
with a purpose. The human mind i:
broadening and expanding and be
coming more liberal. It demands food
and particularly that class of food
that conserves the financial interests
of the reader. And the well worded
advertisment appeals directly to
every well balanced mind. It point.
the way to economy.
And the wise business man advei
tises accordingly.
A Mr. Kramer of Montana, ha;
ben selceted to succeed the lamented
Tom Pence as secretary of the demo
cratic national committee. Pence it
lamented more and more every dav
as the difficulties of the administra
tion multiply and become more evi
dent. Pence was a politician and a
diplomat than whom there was no
body in the party who was then
whomer. As an official explainer!
Pence was in a class by himself—
and the democratic party never in
quired such a man more desperate
ly than it does—and will this year.
A Bryan newspaper takes some
satisfaction in recording that the
Commoner has “enough money to
make himself comfortable for the
rest of his life.” He will therefore
feel free to make Mr. Wilson very
uncomfortable for the rest of his
Homer S. Cummings of Connecti
cut, enters a polite disclaimer to the
reports that he is to become chair
man of the democratic national com
mute. This may prove to be one
place where the administration will
have to resort to conscription.
The New York “World’s” insis
tence that the republicans also nomi
nate Wilson indicates that the
“World” knows the only way it is
possible for Wilson to be re-elected.
A New York man is said to be dy
ing from inability to yawn. Has any
one of those off again, an again, O'o
dent's German notes to him?
The pursuit of Villa seems to be
one of those off agin, on again, Ob
regon again affairs.
Washington. May 10—(Special Cor
respondence). One of the signs cf
the times in the House is the fact that
usually when that body is in session
in committee of the whole, the repub
lican members outnumber the demo
crats. Faithful count of this has been
kept time and time again by employes
and different members. On the whole,
the average attendance during this
session has been largely in favor of
the republicans. When a roll-call
> comes, the democrats pour over from
the office building. This means that
the demaerotic members have little
time to attend to the public business,
hut are in their offices handling cor
respondence. in an effort to save their
political scalps from the people back
j home. With the almost certain pros
! peet of the next house being republi
I can. democrats in close districts ar^
' having not only very busy, but anxi
| ous days, just about this time.
A few months ago the president dc
11ermined to “get next" to Tammanv
! nail by appointing one of their
favored braves as postmaster of New
York. The independent democrats of
the metropolis made a great outcry
1 and the president deferred action. In
characteristic fashion he has now
tried to dodge the issue by naming a
member of the state senate who has
friendly relations to Tammany, but
the senator refuses to be the goat.
He will not take the postmastership
and the president is once more placed
I between the devil and the deep sea.
in either event he loses. He lacked
i for nerve to go through with a
i -traight Tammany appointment, and
i if he now takes someone who is ap
j proved by the independents, he will
| fail to placate Mr. Murphy.
Wilson headquarters are already
' open in New York. The administra
leaders recall that it was not unt 1
August, four years ago. that they got
their party machinery in working or
| der and this year they intend to be
; forehanded. But in 1912, the result
would have been the same even if
| the democratic headquarters had
j never been opened at all. That year
j the republican division insured Wil
son’s election. This year there is no
premium high enough to insure his re
election. They may open headquarters
now and run them on a three-shift a
dav plan until election time if thev
wish but it will make no difference.
“I believe the provisions of this
bill are a great advantage to the boot
and shoe industry of the United
States,” said Representative Peters,
democrat, of Massachusetts, during
the debate in 1913 on the Underwood
bill. Experience proved him a poor
prophet. Department of Congress
figures show that imports of shoes
increased 70 per cent for the period
October, 1913. to July, 1914, compared
with a similar period under republi
can law. October. 1912, to July, 1913.
The present tariff placing shoes on
the free list, during the few months !
of its operation, had already stimu
lated shoe importations and its effect
would have been seriously felt by in
roads made in our home market hal
not the outbreak of the present war
stopped foreign shipments of shoes.
"It looks to me as though the pres
ent administration is looking for an
excuse to get our troops out of Mexi
co,” said a southern democrat mem
ber of congress to a group of col
leagues. "I venture the prophecy
that the day such a step as this is
taken, it means the end of our party
in power. The people of this country
are growing weary of the Mexican
policy of the president, and while no
body wants war, yet I believe the
sentiment is in favor of ending the
murder and looting that is taking
place in that revolution-ridden coun
try. The fact that during the past
few weeks vast quantities of ammuui
! tion have been shipped to Carrenza
I forces will not be pleasing to the
American people. I do not think
j there is much difference between
Villa and Carranza and I think the
administration and the people of this
country will find it out.”
Miss Dora Glinsman was a passen
ger for St. Paul Friday.
Clair Kettle as an eastbound pas
senger Monday morning.
Thomas Galczenski was a passen
ger for Loup City, Tuesday.
E. B. Corning was here from Loup
City between trains. Friday.
William Dunker as a business visit-.
[ or here Tuesday and Wednesday.
Louis Deminski, of near Boelus,
transacted business here Saturday.
Lukszewski Bros, shelled corn here
the past few days for E. G. Taylor.
Leon Woitseweski was an eas
bound passenger for Grand Island.
Monday, returning the same day.
Joseph Sack, of St. Paul, visited
: here over Tuesday, coming up in his
I car.
Mr. and Mrs. John Skibinski and
daughter, were Grand Island visitors
: over Monday.
Mrs. Charles Jamrog returned Sat
urday from Omaha, where she had
1 been visiting relatives.
Miss Sperir.g came in from St. Paul
I Friday evening to spend Sunday witn
her mother. She returned Monday
Wm. Owens. Sr., of Loup City, was
here Friday, greeting his many
friends. We are always glad to meet
Uncle Billy.
Mrs. E. B. Corning same down from
Loup City, Monday, to spend a fete
days here with her daughter, Mrs. A.
Mrs. John Relowinski and little
Louie, were passengers for Farwell,
Friday, where they spent the day visit
ing relatives.
Wm. Dunker, of Lincoln, dropped
off of the passenger here Friday even
ing for a few minutes, he being bound
for Loup City.
Forty Devotion was Meld at St.
Francis’ church Tuesday and Wednes
day, quite a large crowd being in at
tendance each day.
Mrs. L. W. Dilla and children spent
several days last week, visiting at
the home of her sister, Mrs. John
Tyma. near Boelus.
Record 2:16 1-2. Trial 2:10 1-4. Weight 1300. 16 hands.
Raise a few army horses. Breed your big mares for artillery
and your small mares for cavalry, the high priced horse.
Orin Bishop, of St. Paul, is here,
putting down several hydraulic wells,
one of Lou Dzingle’s, and one on the
Stanley Kosmicki farm.
Ed Janulewizc completed a very
nifty garage at his home here to keep
his Hupmobile in that he recently
bought while in Omaha.
Floyd Janulewicz and L. B. Polski)
dropped off of the passenger here for
a few minutes Monday evening, on
their return from Omaha.
Mrs. Anton Jayzenka and children,
who have been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harve Badura. near
Loup City, returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. L. B. Polski and baby visited
here for several days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Polski, returning
to her home in Loup City Monday
The bans were announced Sunday
at St. Francis' church for the wedding
of Leon Woitseweski and Miss Slti
binski, a well known couple of this
John Liss and Mr. Kszionzek, of
near Columbus, came up Saturday via
auto and are spending a few days
with the Kszionzek and Grella fam
ilies here.
Frank Gappa, of Loup City, dropped
off here for a few minutes Monday,
being enroute to St. Paul Mr. Gappa
intends to move to St. Paul in the
near future.
Peter Pruss returned Friday from
York, where he had been the past
week, staying with his brother. John,
who has been quite sick. Peter re
ports his brother improving.
Ashton won again at Farwell Sun
day by a score of 5 to 3. Nearly
every car in town was put into service
to take the crowd down from here.
The game was a good one, consider
ing. although the weather was very
Mr. and Mrs. William Odendahl
loaded their household goods here on
last Thursday and shipped them to
Loup City. They have not decided
where they will locate yet. Mr.
Odendahl is going to Montana with
a view to locating there.
A horse that refrains from eating
is using the horse sense method of
curing itself of some intestinal trou
ble. Nature sometimes fails, so take
no chances but go to the aid of na
ture as soon as you see something
wrong with your horse and give it a
dose or two of B. A. Thomas Stock !
Remedy. If it does not respond at
once, this medicine costs you noth
ing and its just as sure with cows
or sheep. We give you your money
back.—J. J. SLOMINSKI. '
On account of the condition of the
. seed corn this year there may be a
tendency to plant thicker than usual
to make up for poor germination. The
College of Agriculture says that this
is a doubtful practice. Often the ger
mination is better than expected and
too thick a stand results. It seems
better to use corn that will germi
nate well if such is to be had in the
community and then plant only the
usual amount.
John Maeifski is listing corn this
A. E. Lorenz was in Ashton Sunday
attending church.
Joe Goc spent Sunday at the home
of August Maschka.
Elmer Koch had some trouble with
his well last week.
Leon F. Lubash visited with his sis
ter, Mrs. Frank Maeiejewski, Sunday.
Joe. Maiefski. of Ashton, visited
Sunday at the home of August Masch
John Maiefski recently purchased
a fine com lister from Thomas Jam
Martin Bydalek sold some corn to
Mrs. John Peters near Boelus last
i week.
Edward Bydalek attended the
dance at Farwell given by the Mart
vetska brothers.
Chris Hansen marketed hogs at
Ashton last week. They sure are at
a good price now.
Clemens Maeiejewski went to Far
well Sunday to play hall in the league |
with the Ashton team.
Mike Gappa is again working for j
Tony Stobbe. Tony is sure all right
when it comes to work.
Joe Goc recently purchased a fine'
second handed bicycle from Joe Ger
mata. of Ashton last week.
Walter Bydalek went west of
Rockville last Monday to Anton Ha
ck’s to select some good seed corn.
Tuesday and Wednesday not ve-y
much work was done in the fields on
account of a holiday held at Ashton.
Stove Maeiejewski came over from
Lo in City Tuesday where he has been
building a house for the past few
Sunday afternoon a strong wind
came up from the north. It looked j
like it would blow up a rain but it
Paul Kretski. who was kicked with'
a horse last week is still lame and is i
around everywhere with the aid of
a cane.
Frank Bydalek was busy hauling j
hay the first of the week from An-:
drew Bouczynski's which he recently
Elmer Koch was seen going to Rock
ville last Friday to get some seed
com from his father, returning home
the next day.
F. J. Maeiejewski returned home
from Loup City where he has been
building a new house. He has it
completed now.
Jack Pageler, of Loup City, was
in this vicinity soliciting subscribers
for the Loup City Times. Good
luck to old Jack.
Miss Emma Peters came from
Holt county where she has been visit
ing the past few months with her
brother and sister.'
Alex Maeiejewski is unable to
work on account of blood poison in
one of his fingers which he got cut
a few weeks ago.
A barn dance will be given at the
Tony Stobbe home on Sunday, May
28. Don’t miss it for we are going to
have a good time.
The Misses Emma and Prudencia
Peters and Thressa and Clara No
wicki spent Sunday with their friend.
Miss Rosa Bydalek.
B. H. Lorenz autoed to Farwell on i
Sunday to attend the ball game be
tween Ashton and Farwell of the
Sherman-Howard league.
Edward. Harry and Loyd and sister,
Vernie, autoed over to Midway last
Tuesday to attend a dance there.
They reported a fine time.
As we understand it Miss Agnes
Mogenson is our next teacher in the
school here in district No. 12. We
are glad she was appointed.
Thomas Lubash has put. up an ad
dition to his buggy shed as he now
owns a spring wagon and it takes
more room than a top buggy.
Frank Bilster autoed from Omaba
last week to visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Smedra and family.
He returned back the next day.
Plambeck brothers are proud pos
sessors of a fine new 191G Model
Dodge car which they purchased from
Kozel & Sorensen, of Rockville.
Geo. L. Robert of St. Paul, agent for
the S. F. Baker medicines, was in
this part of the vicinity the first of
the week, selling medicines, extracts,
Corn planting is in full swing on
Deer Creek. All you can hear now
from those who check is, ‘‘fer stick,”
and will probably will be going on for
some time.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kas
lon. last Wednesday a fine average
iveight baby boy. Mother and baby
are doing nicely and Frank is pass
ing the cigars.
George Leschinsky came over from
Loup City last Saturday to visit over
Sunday with his uncle, Geo. Ritz. lie
also looked about for a school to teach
for next year.
Ben Maeiejewski and Daniel By
dalek were absent from the St. Fran
cis school at Ashton this Tuesday and
Wednesday due to the forty-hour Je
tion held there.
Paul Kryski was an eastbound pas
senger to Columbus last Friday to at
tend the funeral of his brother's wife,
who died last Wednesday, returning
home Monday evening.
The Deer Creek first team took a
little warm-up upon their local dia
mon for the first time this year, and
are sure doing good. Come right
through now and challenge us a game
and we will skin you from head to
feet. So you had better be watching
us and our great team that just came
into order.
We advocate preparedness in this
shop. We are prepared to receiut
subscription bills six days in the
week, and if you can't- get around in
the six days we'll grab it on Sunday
without batting an eye or turning a
We want an airship. We want to
get up among the clouds and see if
we can locate the cost of living.
"00 bushels of seed corn for sale.
1914 crop. $1.50 per bushel. Inquire
of Mike Euruck. Phone 9230. 16-6
Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock eggs
for hatching. Inquire of P. O. Lewan
dowski at the old Jone's place.
One 25-foot steel tower, with air
motor mill, also pump and pipe con
nected. in good working order.—Call
at the Wharton Plot el.
Three and one-half acres of land.
Also another tract of four and one
half acres; six lots fenced chicken
I tight, half in cherry and plum trees.
Also a bran new two seated spring
wagon, set of double harness and a
stack of alfalfa hay.—Alfred Ander
Should see that the whole family
take at least three or four doses of
a thorough, purifying system cleaning
medicine this spring. Now is the
time. The family will be healthier,
happier and get along better if the
blood is given a thorough purifying,
the stomach and bowels cleaned out,
and the germs of winter, accumulated
in the system driven away. Hollister's |
Rocky Mountain Tea is the very best ]
and surest Spring Remedy to take.
Get it at once and see the difference
in the whole family. Their color will ■
be better, they’ll feel fine and be well [
and happy. 35c. The best spring tonic i
laxative, purifier.—Graefe Pharmacy.1
• -*
Black Spanish Jack.
Prince Albert is a big. black Span
ish Jack. 7 years old. 16 hands hign,
and weighs 1,050 ponds. He has good
action and is a sure foal getter.
Will stand the season of 1915 at
my farm, a quarter of a mile south of
TERMS: $10 to insure live colt.
Persons disposing of or removing
mare from vicinity where bred, $10
becomes due the same as if mare was
known to be in foal. Care will be
taken to prevent accidents but will
not be responsible for any occuring.
Schaupps, Neb. Owner.)
Loup City Mill & Light Co.
Furnishes all the light and power and also makes the
best of flour. Handled by all Merchants.
Hard and Soft Coal
Let Us Insure Your Home
and Other Property
Do you know that 1600 dwellings burn every
week in this country? Is your home insured? Are
you sure your policy has not expired?
Do you know $1 500.00 a minute is the average
fire loss in the United States? Examine your insur
ance policy, note the date of expiration, and especi
ally whether or not you have sufficient amounts on
the different items. If your insurance has expired—if
you wish to increase the amounts—or make any
changes, bring us your policies and let us advise with
you. Do it now. Tomorrow may be too late.
Loup City, Nebraska
Spend Your
Vacation in
Colorado’s Rockies
You will find more here in real rest rest combined with sightseeing
than in any other section of the Rockies. And it is so near by that
practically no time is lost enroute—a short over-night ride from prac
tically any point in Nebraska, providing your ticket reads
Union Pacific
the line that is double tracked, gravel ballasted and protected by Au
tomatic Electric Block Safety Signals all the way to Colorado.
Low round-trip fares in effect June 1st.
Handsomely illustrated booklet, “Colorado For the Tourist,” and
complete information about rates, routes, etc., may be had upon appli
cation to Local Union Pacific Agent, or
General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
OttesiPianoIfouse int/ie%st |
! -PlS»»*200>M50 Player Pianos *375*>*600
Four Reasons
Why you should buy now of us who are
manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
First—The magnitude of our business enables us to
place a price on our instruments that small dealers
cannot duplicate, quality considered.
Second—Our guarantee for 25 years is the strongest
offered and is backed by our entire resources of
$1,000,000.00 and by our 57 years of experience in
the piano business.
Third—Our easy payment plan, monthly, quarterly
or annually, makes it convenient to buy for people
of moderate incomes.
Fourth—Our direct Factory to Home selling plan
eliminates all dealers' profits and saves you over $100.
Write today for free Illustrated catalog and special at&ei to first buyers in
Iyoor locality—it means dollars to yon.
Dept. C 165 1311-13 Famam St., Omaha, Neb. |