The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 11, 1916, Image 10

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    Rexatt Violet
Talcum lc
A High Grade
Delightful violet
odor. An ideal tal
cum for baby’s
use. Contains fin
est grade of Talc,
Rice Powder, Bor
ic Acid.
Small Size—One Can 15c 2 Cans 16c
Large Size—One Can 25c 2 Cans 26c
Cream of 1
Renders the skin
white, soft and pli
able, and is practi
cally a liquid cold
cream, that prevents
roughness and chap
Standard Price
One Bottle
This Sale
Two Bottles
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 11,12,13
You Ask Us, “What Is a One-Ceat Sale?”
It is a sale where you buy an item at the regular price—then another item of the same kind for lc.
As an illustration: The standard price of Rexall Tooth paste is 25c. You buy a tube at this price and
by paying lc more or 26c you get two tubes. Every article in this sale is a high class standard piece
of merchandise just the same as we will sell you every day at regular prices, and have sold you for years.
You Ask Us, “Can You Afford to Sell Merchandise at These Prices?”
Our answer is “We Cannot.” This sale was developed by the United Drug Co., as an advertising
plan. Rather than spend large sums of money in other ways to convince you of the merit of these goods
they are spending it on this sale in permitting us to sell you a full size package of high standard merchan
dise for lc. It costs money to get new customers and the loss taken on this sale will be well spent if th?
goods please you. *
Peerage Chocolates
4 A quality assortment of car
amels, ^lougatines and real
fruit centers. Thirty-five
pieces to the pound — each
piece contained in a special
white brown-edged cup mak
ing an attractive appearance
Standard Price
One Pound
This Sale
Two Pounds
10c Doz. High-grade Thumb Tacks.2 for 11c
35c Doz. Tally Cards, asst, designs.2 for 16c
10c Doz. Place Cards, asst, designs.2 for 11c
5c Fountain Pen or Pencil Clip.2 for 6c
25c Box Writing Paper, White Fabric
Finish . 2 for 26c
10c Ink Tablet, Fabric Finish.2 for 11c
5c Ink Tablet, Smooth Finish . 2 for 6c
50c Illuminated Crest Initial Stationery . .2 for 51c
5c Penholders, Cork Grip.2 for 6c
5c High-grade Lead Pencils.2 for 6c
10c Package Fabric Finish Envelopes_2 for 11c
10c Package XXX High Grade Envelopes,
6* .2 for 11c
10c Doz. Steel Pens.2 for 11c
Rexall Toilet Soap
\ | Unexcelled in quality for
| I 10c. Lathers freely in any
| ) water. One trial will eon
! I vince you there is nothing
better for the price.
Standard Price This Sale
One Cake Two Cakes
10c He
Toilet Articles and Soaps
50c Violet Dulce Liquid Comp. Powder_2 for 51c
50c Alma Zada Comp. Powder.2 for 51c
50c Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream.2 for 51c
50c Violet Dulce Cold Cream.2 for 51c
25c Violet Dulce Talcum Powder.2 for 26c
50c Arbutus Vanishing Cream.2 for 51c
25c Blemish Soap.2 for 26c
25c Medicated Skin Soap. 2 for 26c
Rexall Shaving Cream
Gives a rich, creamy lather and
does not smart or dry on the face.
In hermetically sealed, collapsible
Standard Price This Sale
One Tube Two Tubes
25c 26c
Household Needs
25c Little Liver Pills .2 for 26c
25c White Liniment.2 for 26c
25c Arnica Salve .2 for 26c
25c Carbolic Salve.2 for 26c
o.»c Ligget’s Pure Extract of Vanilla,
2 oz.2 for 31c
25c Rat & Roach Paste.2 for 26c
25c Blackberry' Cordial.2 for 26c
25c Foot Bath Tablets.2 for 26c
25c Carbolated Witch Hazel Ointment . .2 for 26c
25c White Pine & Tar.2 for 26c
50c White Pine & Tar.2 for 51c
Rexall Cold
> Cream
An antiseptic and healing
cold cream, specially recom
mended for chapping and
roughness of the skin caused
by exposure to sun and wind.
Standard rnce This Sale
One Jar 25c Two Jars 26c
Red Rambler Hot
Water Bottles
The largest selling bottle in the
The price everywhere is $1.60
Full two-quart capacity. Guaran
teed for two years.
Standard. jrice This Sale
One Bottle $1.60 Two Bottles $1.61
Avoid the Saturday Rush
Owing to the fact that the quantity of goods offered at this one
cent sale is limited, shoppers are advised to come as early as pos
sible if they desire to take advantage of these prices. After the
alloted supply of an article is sold out it is impossible to place any
more on sale.
Standard Price
One Cigar 10c
Flor De Murat
Havana Cigar
! Only the highest class mild
Havana tobacco is. used in
the manufacture of this cigar.
This Sale
Two Cigars 11c
Harmony Shampoo
A highly concentrated, cleansing
shampoo. A few drops makes a de
lightful thick foam which cleans the
hair and scalp thoroughly. Leaves 1
the hair soft and glossy and free from
stickiness. Daintily perfumed.
One Bottle 65c Two Bottles 66c
Standard Price This Sale
Miscellaneous Items
25c Perfume Atomizer .2 for 2Gc
5c Liggets Gum . 2 for 6c
40c Household Rubber Gloves. 2 for 41c
$1.00 Rexall Coaster .2 for $1.01
25c Vanity Box .2 for 2Gc
10c Duster .2 for 11c
25c Shaving Cup .2 for 26c
15c Bath Powder.2 for 16c
25c Wright’s Condensed Smoke Flavor 2 for 26c
25c Ant, Bug & Roach Powder.2 for 26c
$1.50 American Beauty Water Bottle. .2 for $1.51
25c Stork Nurser.2 for 26c
5c Stork Nipple..2 for 6c
25c Ear and Ulcer Syringe.2 for 26c
5c Medicine Droppers.2 for 6c
Lord Baltimore Linen
Standard Price
One Package 25c
Writing Paper
A high-grade white, fa
bric-finish writing paper.
24 sheets of paper and 24
envelopes to the package.
This Sale
Two Packages 233
Household Remedies
50c Kidney Pills.2 for 51c
50c Kidney Remedy.2 for 51c
$1.00 Kidney Remedy.2 for $1.01
50c Pile Treatment.2 for 51c.,
50c Rheumatic Remedy.2 for 51c j
$1.00 Rheumatic Remedy.2 for $1.01
$1.00 Wine Cod Liter Oil Extract .......2 for $1.01
50c Asthma Pencils.2 for 51c
50c Blood Tablets.2 for 51c
50c Catarrh Spray Liquid.2 for 51c
$1.00 Celery and Iron Tonic.2 for $1.01
Tangora Fabric
A white fabric finished
writing paper with a narrow
tinted border on both paper
and envelopes. The envelope
is a new cut and the paper is
regular correspondence size.
Border comes in assorted col
Standard Trice
One Box 35c
This Sale
Two Boxes 36c
Rexall Tooth Paste
A perfect dentifrice, antiseptic and deodorant.
Cleans and whitens the teeth. 'Comes out Mat on the
Standard Price
One Tube
This Sale jl
Two Tubes "1
26c ?
Harmony Cocoa
Butter9 Cold Cream
A wonderful building cream. A
true skin food. The well known
assimilating properties of Cocoa
Butter makes this a distinct im
provement over any other.
Standard Price This Sale
One Jor 50c Two Jars 51c
Violet Dulce Complexion Powder
The name stands for the highest
quality, being one of the famous Vio
let Dulce Complexion requisites. One
of the best qualities of this com
plexion powder is that is does not
“show” when used properly. De
lightfully scented with the Violet
Dulce odor. Brunette, White and
Flesh tints.
Standard Price This Sale
One Box 50c Two Boxes 51c
The Rexall Store
WM. GRAEFE, Proprietor
Bouquet Jeanice Talcum
Is one of extreme fineness and delicate
fragrance. It brings to you the com
bined odors of the tuberose, the vio
let, the heliotrope, the geranium, the
jasmine and other choice flowers, all
of which are delightfully blended in
Bouquet Jeanice Talcum Powder.
Standard Price
One Can
This Sale
Two Cans