The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 11, 1916, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
C. E. Aehenbach shipped a car of
hogs to South Omaha Sunday.
Our mayor has a beautiful yellow
garden in front of his pool hall.
Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs.
Plants were passengers to Ravenna on
Xo. 40. Wednesday.
D. W. Titus was a passenger on Xo.
40 east on Wednesday morning, re
turning in the evening.
Mrs. Anson Fletcher returned on
Xo. 39 Monday after making a protrac
ted visit at Grand Island.
Mrs. George Betz was a passenger
east on Monday morning. She re
turned Tuesday on Xo. 39.
C. E. Aehenbach is fixing his silo at
the elevator, putting in a cement
foundation that will stay put.
A. D. Jones, our Hampshire hog
man. sold his red Poland bull to N. P.
Xelyson. of Mason, to head his herd.
R. C. Carver came up on Xo. 43
Wednesday, looking after the com
pany's _business and returned on No.
Mrs. Joe Cording and Mrs. Ed.
Clancey went to Grand Island on No.
40 Wednesday and returned on Xo.
Anson L. Fletcher hacf the misfor
tune to have a hay knife fall on his
hand, making a bad cut on his fitt
Miss Alice Winkleman returned to
Ravenna on Xo. 40 Monday after a
short visit with relatives and friends
Grandma Duncan held a reunion of
her family a week ago last Sunday.
It was the first time they had all
been together for fourteen years.
The Gooch Brothers shipped their
Heford bull to Merna. Monday. Art
Rogus bought him for Thomas Chris
tiansen, paying one hundred dollars.
William Boecking and family have
moved into the house he bought of
George Lang. Geo. Lang and family
have moved into the Thrailkill proper
Mrs. Guy Dimmitt met with a seii
ous accident last week, by being
trampled on by a horse, breaking the
ankle bone and tearing loese the liga
Mrs. Pete Gade returned to her
home in Lincoln Monday morning.
She brought her baby here for burial.
She has the sympahty of the entire
Lars Holdt came up from Aurora
Tuesday on Xo. 43 where he has a
fine restaurant, to look after his bu3i
^e«s interests here, returning on No. :
44 in the evening.
L. H. Robinson has been reappointed
to fill the position of marshal, street
and water commissioner. He has made
a good officer all around, attending
strictly to business.
A. D. Norling, our old time mer
chant, had quite ?. painful accident
last week. He stepped on a box to
reach something and the box broke,
breaking the skin all down the shin
Mrs. Joe Cording left on No. 40
Monday morning for McCook, wheie
she represented our local Eastern Star
lodge in the Grand Chapter. Mrs.
Cording is the Worthy Matron in
this lodge
Mrs. Charles McCormick is home
from the hospital again very much im
proved and looking quite like herself.
She is staying with her daughter, Mrs.
George Heapy. Clyde is staying on the
farm visiting ith his brother.
Harve Nelson has finished his har
ness and shoe shop, and is now a very
busy man. Harve intends to put in
a stock of harness and A. L. Fletcher. |
our hardware man. will sell his har
ness and repairs to him, so go to'
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Rydberg and daugh
ter, Lillian, and Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Myers, in the Doctor’s car and Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Burt in their car. mo
tored to Broken Bow Sunday to at
tend the evangelistic meetings being
held there.
W. D. Fisher is ready for the car
penters. Ray Musselman has his ex
cavation for his house. Charles Pot
ter will build this summer or fall, a
modern home north of Dr. Rydberg's.
F. C. Purcell, I understand contem
plates building, and there are some
rumors that our Banker. D. W. Titus,
intends to build this summer, and
there are others bent on improving
their properties and incidentally the
town. Of course every one knows we
are building a new school house and
so let the good work go on
There are some very substantial
improvements going on in Litchfield.
George Slote is putting some good and
lasting work around his residence, a
cement block walk on the north side
of his lot high enough to protect it
from the road, a cement curb on the
front some distance from the walk,
that he will fill in with mould and so a
blue grass and a cement driveway from
main street to his double garage.
Owen' Slote has his bungalow weil
under way. It is 26x34 with a cement
block basement the same size, with
modem arrangements.
Preaching at 10:30 followed by the
receiving of new members and the or- j
dinance of baptism. B. Y. P. U. at!
7:00 led by Miss Fawthrop.
Preaching at 8:00 followed hv the
receiving of new members and the or
dinance of baptism.
Ladies' Aid society will, meet Fri
day aftrnoon at the parsonage.
The B. Y. P. U. will have an ex
change at Mr. Travis’ store Saturday
beginning at 10:00 A. M.
Regular services next Sunday, May
14. In the evening services will com
mence at 8 o'clock, "The Voyage of
Life" being the subject. You are in
vited to attend both services.
Services at Wiggle Creek church at
3:30 p. m.
Octavia Handworth, one of the fore
most stars of the silent drama, will
be seen at the opera house in “The
Path Forbidden," from the book by
John B. Hymer^ in five reels. This is
the story of a girl who went rignt
and the play pleased New York audi
ences for a year. The book, which
was one of the “best sellers.” is an
absorbing story of the gay New York
set. There is hardly a town in Iowa.
Nebraska. Minnesota, Wisconsi 1.
Missouri or the Dakofas where Miss
Hand worth has not played and those
who have not seen her on the stage
may be familiar with her on the
screen as leading lady in “The Na
tion's Peril." and “The Great Ruby."
“The Path Forbidden” will be at the
opera house on Thursday evening.
May 18.
Events of Commencement wreek:
May 21—Class Sermon, Rev. E. M.
May 26—Eighth Grade Graduation.
Address by Hon. R. H. Mathew.
May 29—High School Commence
ment. Address by President R. B.
Crone of Hastings College.
All meetings at the opera house.
at Loup City, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on May 1, 1916.
Loans and discounts .$235,335.43
Total Loans . $235,335.43
Overdrafts, unsecured. $769.52 . 769.52
U S. bonds to secure circulation (par value) . 7.000.00
Total U. S. bonds. 7.000.00
Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including
stocks) owned unpledged . 3.385.26
Total bonds, securities, etc. .. 3,385.26
Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank. 3.000.00
Less amount unpaid . 1.500.00
Value of banking house (if unencumbered) . 8,708.61
Equity in banking house . 8.708.61
Furniture and fixtures . 1.852.70
Net amount due from Federal Reserve Bank . s!234.43
Net amount due from approved reserve agent in New
York, Chicago, and St. Louis . 3.998.12
Net amount due from approved reserve agents in other
reserve cities . 43.779,75 47.777.90
Outside checks and other cash items . 5,480.54
Fractional currency, nickels, and cents .. . . . . . . . . 135.39 5.615.93
Notes of other national banks .’' ’ 5.00
Coin and certificates . 9,117.10
Legal-tender notes . 2.S45.00
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from
U. S. Treasurer . 350.00
Total . $332,497.23
Capital stock paid in . $ 25.000.00 ;
Surplus fund . 25 000 00
Undivided profits . 7 513 46
Reserved for . 7^13^46
Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid. 4.284.71 3 228 75
Circulating notes outstanding . 7.000.00
Net amount due to banks and bankers. 2,201.44
Individual deposits subject to check . 115,408.27
Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days. 32,658 77
Total demand deposits . 148,067.04
Certificates of deposit .. ’_’. 122,000.00
Total . $332,497.23
State of Nebraska. County of Sherman, ss:
I, L. Hansen. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemenly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
L. HANSEN, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of May. 1916.
(SEAL) E. A. MINER, Notary Public.
W. P. Mason. C. H. Ryan. A. B. Outhouse, W. T. Chase, Directors.
Youngster they
OTHER people's
I _____
Somebody slipped him
Notice is hereby given, that City
Ordinance No. 105 provides that the
marshal has authority over the park
ing or placing of automobiles in Hie
city streets. As the placing of auto
mobiles at the sides of streets inter
feres with the sprinkling wagon, and
also interferes with business coming
to the merchants in front of whom
such automobiles are placed, auto
mobiles hereafter are to be placed
and parked in the center of the busi
ness streets as directed by the mar
By Order of the City Council and
Mayor of Loup City, Nebraska.
Attorney Robert P. Starr received
a message Saturday announcing the
sad news of the death of his agf-d
mother, who died at American Falls.
Idaho. She was 87 years old and while
frail and weak in body was an un
usually brilliant woman and retained
her wonderful mental powers to the
end of her long life. She will be re
membered by many in Loup City for
her many sweet and gentle qualities
of mind and heart and many of these
friends who were permitted to knfiw
her will with her son Robert and his
“Sigh for a touch of a vanished hand
“And the sound of a voice that is
Mr. Starr and his family have the
sympathy of a host of friends who
kno mother Starr and loved her we'l.
In the County Court of Sherman
County, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, county of Sher
man, ss.
To the heirs, legatees, devisees and
to all persons interested in the estare
of Charlie O. Johnson, deceased:
On reading the petition of Emma
Johnson praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 9th day cf
May 1916, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and
testament of Charlie O. Johnson, de
ceased; that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the administra
tion of said estate be granted to Em
ma Johnson as executrix. It is hereby
ordered that you, and all persons in
terested in said matter, may. and do,
appear at the County Court to be held
in and for said County, on the 31st
day of May, A. D. 1916, at ten o’clock
A. M.. to show cause, if any there be.
why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted, and that no
j tice of the pendency of said petition
and that the hearing thereof be given
to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this order
in the Loup Cty Northwestern a
weekly newspaper printed in said
I county for three successive weeks
| prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court, this 9th day of May, A. D.
21-3 County Judge.
An exchange says some women
have all the grace of an angleworm
when it comes to charming by the
poetry of motion. But we’ll let it
; go at that.
One of the largest crowds that has ;
been in Loup City, except on some
special occasion, assembled here last j
Saturday. The principal cause of the
crowd was James Bartunek, who gave
away a fine set of heavy team harness
and a washing machine.
At 1:30 o’clock Mr. Bartunek as-1
sisted by M. C. Mulick and Dar Grow,
staged a foot race for thes mall boys,
with a coaster wagon as the prize for
the winner, the same being won b>*
Max Grow. The time was not givi n
Shortly before the drawing took
place an auction sale of summer lap
robes was held at the store. Earl
Keeler was the auctioneer in charge
of the sale and disposed of a goodly
number of dusters. The drawing was
held on the street in front of the store.
Claus Plambeck, of Ashton, held the
lucky number and got the harness.
Charles Placek held the number that
won the washing machine.
This is the second lot of premiums
to be given away by Mr. Bartunek and
the success of the plan is no longer
in doubt, as the size of the crowd on
Saturday was evidence of the interest
taken in them. Mr. Bartunek has an
enviable reputation as a harness ma
ker and the fame of his team har
nesses extends beyond the borders
of our state. It is highly probable
that he will make another offering in
the near future.
Leaves 7:05 A. M.
Due Aurora.10:20 A. M.
Lincoln .12:50 Noon
Hastings .3:10 A. M.
Omaha .3:30 P. M.
St. Joe.6:25 P. M.
Sioux City.7:00 P. ?.I.
Atchison .7:39 a. M.
Des Moines .8:35 P. M.
Kansas City.8:40 P. >*.
Red Oak.6:07 P. M.
Creston.7:45 P. M.
Topeka .10:15 P. M.
Burlington -1:26 Next A. M.
Davenport -2:05 Next A. M.
Chicago .7:00 Next A. M.
St. Louis.7:19 Next A. M.
St. Paul .7:30 Next A. M.
Call or phone for rates, time of
trains anywhere, when interested.
Usual summer excursion tickets will
be on sale.
Ticket Agent.
Owing to the fact that I am at all
times swamped with the cheap post
card work, (on which the customers
expects as good a photo as if he were
paying $4 or $5 pr dozen), I have de
cided to quit making post cards un
less the patrons are willing to pay me
for them in proportion to the other
work. The continued advance in the
price of photo materials, makes it
necessary for .me to advance my
prices accordingly.—Eisner Studio,
Loup City, Neb.
On Thursday, June 8, will be the
eighteenth annual opening day of
Jenner’s park and we feel confident
in saying that little by little and with
many ups and downs it is now con
1 ceded to be the most original, unique
and best kept park between Omaha
and Denver. The park always proves a
great surprise to the many visitors
and is a revelation that such a beau
tiful park can be found in so small a
It is useless to try to explain the
many interesting features, for every
few feet one goes something of inter
j est is to be seen.
The zoological features this yeai
l are greater than before and many new
improvements and attractions have
been added.
Let us all work together and make
the eighteenth annual opening of
Jenner’s park a grand success. Loup
City is justly proud of owning one
of the best parks in the state and
wishes the surrounding towns to
help celebrate the success of this
great enterprise.
While traveling in an auto on the
new road south of the Schneidereit
place last Sunday afternoon the grade
slipped and carried the auto with it
down into a ditch, a distance of about
ten feet upsetting the machine. Joe
Eurick was driving the car, being ac
companied by Joe Lewandowski and
Frank Janulewicz. Mr. Lewandowski
was the only one injured, having sev
eral ribs broken and being badly
bruised up. The machine was being
driven slowly at the time, or the ac
cident might have resulted more
The Freshman class of the Loup
City High school entertained the Jun
iors to a May supper. Friday night
at the home of Mrs. Dieterich. The
supper was served in three courses,
as follows: First, rice potatoes.
. creamed chicken, pickles, hot rolls,
and tomato jell; second, pineapple,
cabbage, olives and marguerites and
the third, blackberry mousse and
cake. At each place was a small
May basket, with salted peanuts in
them, the baskets being trimmed in
the class colors. The evening was
spent in numerous games and all en
joyed themselves very much.
A. B. Outhouse has returned from
St. Louis, where he attended to im
portant business matters.
Act Quickly
Delay has been dangerous in Loup
Do the right thing at the right time.
Act quickly in time of danger.
In time of kidney danger Doan’s Kid
ney Pills are most effective.
Plenty of Loup City evidence* ef
their worth.
Mrs. D. L. Adamson, Loup City,
says: “For the past ten years, we
have used Doan's Kidney Pills in our
home and they have always done
just as represented. I have been a
suffrer from my kidneys for a long
time and many weeks was laid up so
that I couldn't do a thing. My feet
and ankles were swollen and my sight
became affected. Backache made me
nervous, stiff and lame. After using
Doan’s Kidney Pills, which I got at
the Rexall Pharmacy, I rceeivd re
Price 50c„ at all dealers. Don’t sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. Adamson had. Foster-Milburn
Co.. Props. Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Emma Jung was a Loup City
visitor Monday between trains.
S. C. Fletcher sold a car-load of
hogs to Gray & Olson last Monday.
Niels Jensen, of Boelus, was a Rock
ville visitor Friday afternoon of last
Gray & Olson shipped a car-load of
hogs to the South Omaha market last
P. K. Petersen, of Ashton, was a
Rockville visitor Tuesday and Wed
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dwehus and chil
dren were visitors at Dannebrog last
Rudolph Kosch purchased a new
Ford car from Kozel & Sorensen last
The Misses Elida Lund and Alice
Tangerman were Loup City visitors on
Andrew Hetzel purchased a new
Ford runabout from Kozel & Soren
sen last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berndt, of Dan
nebrog, were Rockville visitors Mon
day afternoon.
Sheriff Williams, of Loup City, was
in town between trains Friday after
noon of last week.
Eugene Stein, G. W. Brammer, and
Leo Celmer, autoed to Loup City Sat
urday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. William Karel, of Ra
venna. were visitor^ at the Kozei
home Sunday afternoon.
Peter Larson and daughter, of near
Loup City, visited at the Louis Han
sen home Monday afternoon.
Kozel & Sorensen shipped in seven
new Ford cars last week from the
Ford branch house at Omaha.
Robert Starr, of Loup City, was in
town Friday afternoon in connection
with the hearing at the city hall.
T. T. Bell, of St. Paul, was in town
last Friday in connection with the hear
ing at the city hall Friday afternoon.
Mr. Mann, an attorney from Lincoln,
was a Rockville visitor Friday in con
nection with the hearing at the city
S. E. Sorensen and Andrew Hetzel
were at Omaha last week for the
purpose of purchasing a new Ford
car for Andrew.
Arthur Lorenz, assessor for Rock
ville township, is again busy assess
ing the values of property and laDd
for the 1916 taxes.
The Rockville township board met in
regular session last Friday afternoon
for the purpose of allowing road claims
and bills against the township
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wickstrom and
Frank Sundstrom. of Palmer, were
here visiting friends and relatives on
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
The pessimist, when he hasn’t any
thing else to kick about, growls be
cause the sunlight of happiness shines
in his eyes. (Multum in Parvo).
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Smith returned
to Rockville from Austin Saturday on
the afternoon motor. They had been
visiting at the Peter Larson home.
For rent.—A house and ten acres
i of ground in Rockville. Terms are
j reasonable. For particulars inquire
; of Geo. W. Woten. Rockville. Neb.
j The Kensington club members met
| at the home of L. E. Dickinson on some
secret mission last Thursday evening,
j Oh! yes it's “leap year" all right girls
we still bear that in mind but you
| wouldn’t believe it though, would
! you?
W. A. Jacobs of this place and F.
i C. Sundstrom and Fred Wickstrom,
j of Palmer, made a deal last Tuesday
I hereby W. A. Jacobs sold out his in
| terests in his barber shop and pool
i hall to Sundstrom & Wickstrom.
! A few of the boys and girls have
commenced to work on the tennis
court up at the school grounds this
i week. We are sure that if all those
j who desire to play tennis this year
; would turn out and help a little at
j preparing the tennis court your work
; would be appreciated.
The results of the baseball games
in the Slierman-Howard league last
j Sunday were as follows: Boelus took
a double-header from Dannebrog iu
two seven inning games, the scores
being 7 to 3 first game and 15 to
5 second game, in favor of Boelus.
Ashton defeated Farwell at Farwell
in a nine inning game by the score
of 5 to 4. Next Sunday Dannebrog
crosses bats with Boelus at Boelus
in two seven inning games and Ash
ton plays Farwell at Ashton. This
makes four straight victories for Boe
lus and two straight for Ashton put
ting both teams into first place with
a percentage of 1,000.
Last Friday afternoon at the city
hall the rillage dads gave a heading
on the Sundstrom remonstrance,
against granting a license to Frank
Dymek. to sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors. Attorney R. P. Starr
of Loup City, appeared on behalf of
Mr. Sundstrom and Attorney T. T.
Bell of St. Paul, looked after Mr. Dy
rnek's interest, while the city dads,
not to be outdone, engaged Attorney
Mann of Lincoln. E. T. Strom acted
as shorthand reporter. The following
witnesses were placed on the stand:
G. \\ . Woten, G. W. Woten, Jr., Altom
Woten. C. H. Stepheus, Jens Lange,
E. Dwehus, S. E. Sorensen. Oliver Wil
son. Frank Dymek, Peter Roschnial
ski and R. W. Sundstrom. After a'l
the tetimony was taken, the hoard
recessed for a short time, after which
they reassembled and by an unani
mous vote overruled the renions
; trance, but adjourned without setting
a date for granting the license. At
i tbe call of the chairman the board
met at special session Saturday even
i ing, at which time R W. Sundstrom,
! the remonstrator and his attorney
i both personally appeared before the
board and waived ail rights of appeal
! to the courts in this case. The board
j thereupon granted Mr. Dymek the
saloon license, wherefore all take no
tice, we are still a wet town.
Rev. Langseth went to Broken Bow
T. A. Donahoe went to Grand Island
Mrs. Charles Hull went to Ravenna
Mrs. William Peterson went to Ra
venna Wednesday.
R. Russell went to Ravenna Friday
evening on business.
T. A. Donahoe returned from Grand
Island Tuesday evening.
A. B. Hageman, of Mason City, was
in Hazard Monday on busines.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Donahoe were
Grand Island callers Wednesday.
Mrs. G. E. Vining returned from
Hemmingsford Friday evening on No.
Hans and William Robertson, of
Mason City, were Hazard callers Mon
Otto Walthers went to Grand Island
Thursday. He brought home a new
Reo car.
Mrs. V. E. Cunningham and daugh
ter, Lettie, went to Grand Island
Mrs. Lew Simmonson went to Eric
son Friday to look after the interests
of her farm there.
Miss Lettie Cunningham came homo
last week on account of her mother
having a sore hand.
Mrs. John Olson and daughter-in-law.
Mrs. William Olson, visited Lewey Ol
son and family, Saturday.
Albert Helgseson, of Broken Bow,
visited with O. A. Larson and family
Sunday, returning Monday.
Miss Alta Shottenkirk went to Wood
River Saturday to visit friends and
relatives, returning Sunday evening.
Roy Brewer has purchased a new
Ford delivery car. He will be able to
deliver fresh meats at short notice.
Mrs. Erazim. Ernest Peterson, Lud
wig D„ and Benedick Larson, were
business callers in Ravenna Saturday.
Charles Ernst, Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Robinson and V. E. Cunningham, were
business callers in Ravenna Tuesday.
Klea McNulty visited home folks
at Loup City Sunday. Fred Anderson
was also a Loup City visitor Sunday.
George Haddenhorst, of Seneca, was
a business caller in Hazard Friday
looking after the interests of the Bur
lington telephone.
Mrs. J. J. Smith, of Kansas City, is
visiting her brother, Mike Cronen,
and other relatives. She arrived here
Monday morning.
P. M. Peck, of Litchfield, was a busi
ness caller in Hazard Thursday. He
has moved to his farm three miles
northwest of Hazard.
T. E. Gillaspee. of Lincoln, was
in Hazard with C. W. Trumbie in the
interests of the Central Life Insurance
company, last week.
Lem Foreman, of Lincoln, agent for
the Nebraska Mutual Fire Insurance
company, with Fred Copellan, has
been working around Hazard.
George Bent went to York Sunday
moniing to visit relatives, returning
Monday morning. He came from Ra
venna in a car with Mr. Tominski. the
Ravenna dentist.
Frank Cronnan and Miss Bertha
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo.
Smith, were married at the Catholic
church by the priest Wednesday at
Kearney. Otto Walthers took them
from Hazard in a car. They will be at
their home six miles west of Hazard
on a farm.
Church Notes.
Rev. Troy preached Sunday morn
ing. Rev. Troy will preach next Sun
day at eleven. There was a good in
terest at Christian Endeavor. V. F.
Cunningham was leader. A. C. Robin
son will lead next Sunday.
There were seventy-six present at
Sunday School. The names of those
for perfect attendance for last quarter
are as follows: V. E. Cunningham,
superintendent; E. H. Robinson, teach
er; George Bent, teacher; Estella
Hane. teacher. Scholars: W. H. Hane,
Ray and Guy Ward. Willie Spangsbeg,
Winnie Sanders. Waldo Johnson, Mary
Hane, and Melvin Johnson.
An old hen has a much larger liver
than you in proportion to weight or
food eaten. Then it follows that they
get bilious just like you do. They are '
grouchy, cross, unhappy. Start her
liver and make her happy. Then she
will lay egg* all winter. Come and
get a paekag ' of B. A. Thomas Poul
try Powder. Feed it occasionally. See
your hens perk up—hear them sing—
look for eggs. Your money back if
it fails.—J. J. Slominski.
The City Clerk requests that ail
claims against the city will be filed
the first Monday of each moifth, the
reason for this request is that each
one having claims against the city
must sign the claim record.
PETER ROWE, City Clerk,