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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1916)
X>iefe 2lbtetlung iff fiir bie t ^amiltenglieber, melcfye am licbften Deutfcfy lefen. . 2*oiii Stliaiiulalic tie*? nirooiiiicfictt 2*olfcrfricip. 3eit ber (Tinnabme don ^aucourt burd) bie Zeutfdjeti ift im franjofi fdjen Sager cin SSedjfel eingetrcten, ber jebem, ber franjofifdje ©encral* ftabsbcridjte bcbadjtig lieft, nid)t der> borgen bfeiben fann. SEdbrenb fid.) bcr franjbfifdie ©enerafftab nantlid) bi§ber bartnddig geldeigcrt bat, and) nur bie geringften 3ugefidnbniffe ju inadjcit, ift er feit bent Jade t>on §au cenrt ju foldjen bereit. Scitt Zag ift feit ber ©roberung ^aucourte der> gangen, an bem bcr franjbfifd)c 23e ridjt nid)t bie feitbem gcmad)tcn ftortfdjritte bcr Zcutfdjcu 3ugegebcn foitte, obne ba3u burd) dorfjergeljenbc Beridtfc be§ bcutfctjcn ©ctteralftabeS ge3toungett tuorbett 3U fein. Z*bdfto logifdi lcifd fid) biefe derattbertc Zal* Ad dielleid)t baburdi erfldren, bag bie vHmtabme bee angerorbeutlid) ftarf befeftigten Crtc-3 cine groge ©nttdu fd)ung getdefen ift unb bag fie ber itforbote tecitercr Zerrainderlufte ift, tnie 3. 2*. bie SWdumung oon 23ctbin court unb ber gansett frangofifdjen Stellung ndrblid) don ber Sinie 2ldo» court-©ene§-£f)attancourt. Zicfe Sittie in beutid)en §anben toiirbe eine SIngriffefront dott ruttb 10 Stilometern barftelleit, gegett bercn tBudjt felbft bic grdgtcit fratyofifdjen Sfnftrengungen fid) al» dcrgebenS er roeiien rouroen. si^ar ooa) jetoit ate jetjige ftarf jerriffene unb eingcbud) tete grant 311 ftarf, um ant 2>or ftofcen nad) 2iibcn aufgetjalten rocr bcit sit fdnncn. <2ef)t Did ift non bent friiberen Steil ber franjofifeben grant, ber fid) mit SJJalcitcourt al» 2pifce in bie beutfdjen Siiticn srodng-1 te, nidit mebr iibrig geblicben. Turd) ben gall pan SDfalancourt, ^ancourt | unb bie fiiblicb bapon gelegenen 2tdhmgcn ift ber Soil nid)t nur: feiiter gefabrlidicn 2pi$e beraubt,j fonbern bcrntaBeu eingebriieft roar- j ben, bat) ber norblidie diefi ber altcn SteHung, ber bei 2fctbincoiirt 311 fin ben ift, in ber grafeten ©efafjr ftebt, | abgcfdmitten 3U tperben. Ginmal in Gbattancaurt, ift bar- Sorgdbnbe ber *2Seftfort» Pan 3?erbun erreid)t unb c» oerbleibt nur nad) ben beutfd;en •i'attcrien, fie fturmreif 511 fcbicfien,: trenn bies! btsber ait§ grofjercr Gut- ! fernung nad) nidit gefdjelicn ift. Hitter biefent ©efidbispunfte ift bac- langfame aber unaufbaitfame! i'ormdrtsrallen bcr bcutfdjcu Siriegs-, mafdjiiic gegen bie 2'abulntic 2>er- i bun - '1'ari; citte mirflicbe uttb grof)c j (Sefabr fur bic frati)bfifd;e geftung,1 unb feber 2d)ritt PorlPiirts uergrb-! Bert biefe ©efabr. Tier erfliirt autb I ben bdbeitmiittgen ffiiberftanb ber grangofeu, bas bartuddige 2lnlan fen gegen bie tteuen beutfeben 2tel ittngen tin bas aabe gcftbalten an ber 2tdlmig in i'etbincourt, bie ber i'lajdme ben 2d eg uadi 2ubcn uerle- j gen fad. Unb bod) finb ade 33emubuiigen oergebetts?. Side $inbcrniffe nieber breebenb, relit bie fdiafdjinc in be bdditigen aber totfidiern 23etoegungett mm) cuueu, r.uo jur ois jvrangoieitj gibt e§ fcin (sntrinnen. ©enn je | nod) 3®eifcl iiber bus 3diidjal Ser bunl beftanben baben, biefiiimpfe ber i lepton ©ody Ijabeit fie enbgiiltig be-' feitigt, rocil fie beroiefen Ijaben, baf; bie fefbfi ailergroKfcn Sfnfircttgun gen ber [franjofen, bie Xeutfdjen; auf3uba!teu, Dergebens gcrocfen finb,1 unb toeil bie lepten Xagc gc\;cigt ba bon, baf; bie ©udit bc-3 boutjdjen Pin* grirfeS mit bent Sorbrcdjcn nad) 3ii* bon nod) furditbarcr getoorben ift, als fie es friiber fdjoit roar. Son ©idjtigfeit ift in biefer Se giebung bie non Serlin, geinclbetc i Xatfadje, baB fid) unter ben tteuen ©efangenen ber Iefcten Xage fdjott | bie afleriungften ^aljibangc befiu ben. fHefruten be-3 Safjrgattges ?916, bie nod) bci SSZuttern roeilen jber auf bent Saferitcnbof ftcfjen foil ten; finb angefcfct roorbcit unb cs ift fein ©uttber, baf; fie bem bcutfdjcn Siifanterifteu feinen ©iberftanb lei* ften fbnncn, trap afler Xapferfcit, bie man ben gran'jofen nidjt abfprc* djeit fann. 3d)on in ber Sortrrodje teurbe an ber Xatfacfje, baf; bie Sriten iljrc [front im 'Jlerben perlangcrn tniif; ten, um fraitgofifdje Solbatcu fiir bie Scrbmi * [front frei 311 rnadjen, gc* geigt. baf; bie frangofifdjcit fReferncn erfcfjopft finb. ©an mttB fid) fra* gen. roas ffranfreid) tun roill, roenn and) biefe lepten Xnippen fid) perbht tet baben. 3» ber in ber (sntentc Sreffc angcfiinbigteu allgemeiucn Cffenfibe auf ber gangert ©eftfront Iangt e§ fictjcrlid) nidit meljr. Xer pfgdiologifdje SRoinent fiir cine fol tbe ift infolge be£ fortfdjrcitenben SngrtffeS auf Serbuit iiberljaupt fdjon perftridjen. 9icutralen Scobadjiern finb biefe Xatfadjen and) nidjt unbenierft gc btieben. Xer ©ert ber [franc 3rigt feit eittigen Xagen cine ftnfenbe Xen beng, unb ba§ nunmebr oorgcfdjlage f tie Ginfubreerbot non alien nur eben entbebrlidjen ?lrtifeln biirfte bi. f 3ad)Iage nur roenig anbrrn. Xer ©ert beS [franc roirb aud) auf ben: 3elbe entfdjieben. Sluf ben iibrigen Teilen bet 23cit* front bat fid) bie 2age faum perdu bern. gm SjpePh - Sl6fd)nitt f)aben bie Gngldnbcr iljreiOZinentridjter icie ber ncrloren, unb ber eiferne £alb frefa um 2)pcrn blcibt nad) mic nor befteben. * 2Tuf politifebem ©ebicie ift bie eng lifd) - bofldttbifdje Slontronerfe info fern bom militarifdjen gntereffe, als fie ein betoaffneteS Gingreifcn .§ol* lonbs in ben 33ereid) ber l>Zbg[id)feit gcriidt bat. Tie Cage ift jebod) nod) 3it unfiar, afa bafj ficb nabere 93e trad)tungen baran fniipfen lichen. Sin ber oftlidjen gront tjaben bie grogen griibiabrsiiberfcbrDemmun gen, bie lieuer febr friibe eingetreten finb, ben ignfantericfdmpfen ein Gn be bereiiet, uacbbem fid) bie Stuffen febon borber in nergeblidien Slnldu fen gegen bie beutfebe gront erftffapft. Siigen fiber Stbdclinnngriffc. 3J2it ed)t beutfd)er mdunlidjer Cf fenbeit bat ber auf ber Tbemfe in ©efangeufdjaft geratcnc 2uftfreu3er fi'ommanbant ipreitbaupt ben SPritcn iit’d ©efiebt gefagt, baf) fie liigen, toenn fie bebaupten, bie 3eppetin 'Pombeti batten faft nur grauen unb .ftinber getotet. Tie beutfdjen 3fPPf line unb ibre dJZannfcbaften fetjen il;r 2ebeu nidjt auf’» Spiel, um unfajul bige SSZenfdjen lunjubringcu. SBcnn bie bcutfdje SiriegSlcitung biefe gc fdbrlidjen Grpebiticnen unternebmeu tafet, fo b*tbfid)tigt fie bamit, bie Sriegsmittel GuglanbS 311 treffen, unb fie erreicbt ibre Slbficbt in ben meifteii gotten aucb. Tie 2iige, bag bie beutfd)en 2uftfreii3er bei febem Iteberfalt auf Gnglanb nabeau au> fd)lief?Iid) grauen unb ttittber getrof fen batten, tnirb ia audi bier non int* feren amerifaitifdjen tPritenbldtiern oerbreitet. Tiefc 2iigcn miiffcn bie 2?afi» abgebcn fiir bie dben Sdiim pfereien, benen jufolge bie beutfdjen Srieger SParbaren unb i'Zdrber feu: fallen. Xieo Oeiofift bnfj Xeutidjlaitb genii gfut) Solbaten Ijnt. Berlin, brabtlo3. (lleberfcc ?iadjridjten - Slgcntur.) 21 u 3 iKiim djen mirb beridjtet, bag bie jciner 3eit bort eiugeftellten Sanbfturmleu te ber gabredflafieu 1899 unb 187U unter riefigem ber ikmolfe rung mit flingcnbem Spiel burdi bie Straiten ber batjerifdjen vauptftabt in ifire ftafcrne toieber einge^ogen finb. Xie port ibnen gebiibeten Xrup penteile finb aufgeloit unb bie Slnge bbrigen berfelben in bie veimat ent> laffen merbcu. Sdjon nor einigcn SBodjcn founte | ber preufjifdje .^riegsminiiter in ber Sitting bee- 2)7 ei cfjij a it 6 rj al t -X - ?lu3* 1 fdjuffe? befannt geben, bap, bad beut jdje veer iiber geniigenb 3icfruteu nerfiigc unb e3 babet nidjt notig fein ; miirbe, bie dRilitdrbienfiseit iiber bad 45. Sebenljabr binau-3 ju Derain* gern. Xer tWinifter fiigte Ijinsu, bag allc Solbaten an ber gront, mel cbe ba3 45. 2cben3jabr errcidjten, nadj ber ivimat cntlaffen toerben I toiirben. I'tilitarit'djc Tdtiflfcit in £oHanb. Xie boEaitbtfrfje SRegieruttg bal burd) ifjre militiirifdien 'HiaBnabmen nidjt gcringe Sutfrcgung beroorgerit fen. SJoit citter Seite btcp e3, bie. SJiaBnabtncn feien gegen einen bent fdjeit GittfaU getroffen unb cine an bcrc Seite crftiirtc, baft e§ fid) um Sltmcbr ei:tc§ englifdien GinfaEeS banbele. SBir baltett bafiir, ba>g ba3 Icptcre rrofil eljcr ber SBJabrbeit ttd Iier fotnmt. $oEanb [jat Don Xeutfcblanb itid)t* 311 befiirdjtcit. ifott Gnglanb aber alle*. Gitt GinfaE in iioUanb marc aud) gartiidit fo un benfbar. 2t?drc £>oEanb nid)t oorbe reitet, nxire e§ fiir Gnglanb febr leidit, geniigenb Xrtippcn burd) bol ldnbifd)e3 ©cbiet 311 treibcn, bie bann bett Xeutfd)cn in ben fRiiden faEen fonnten, train — Xeutfcblanb nid)t auf aEe SGorfommniffe corbereitet trare. G§ bat fidjer and) fold) eittcn Sd)adigug mit in Siedntmig gc3ogett unb treitgebcnbe SlbtDebruorbereituu gen getroffen. Xie .'eatnmcrfdiloge einc3 nnbeficg* baren SJolfce. Xer Drcttfjtfdje Jfrtegsmimfler ©e ucral SSilb Don £obenborn bat ficb in feiner Siebc tm beutfcben 'JJeid)3tag iiber bett tPerbnn - ^clbgug folgcn ennaBen geduBcrt: „Xie3 finb nid)t, toie uttfere adttbc 311 glaubcn borge* ben, bie lefctcn Slnftrettgungen einer erfd)dpften Station, fonbcrn bie $am itterfcfildgc eine§ ftarfen, unbefiegba ren 3SoIfc3, bent geniigenb fReferren an 2Jiantifd)aften unb aEe fonftigen ftilfSmittel gur Sortiebung ber ,v>ammcrfd)Idgc gu ©cbote fteben. Xie ,?<aninterfcbldge trcrbcn aitban ern, bi3 uttfere ©egner tiiiirbe ge macbt finb." 2Rit ber Sidierbeit eineS llbrtecrfS unb ber IBucbt Don .<oantntcrfd)ldgen, nimntt ber bcutfcbe aelbgug Dor 3?er buti feitten ffortgang. 33ie ein in 'Pctregung geratetter ©Ictfcbcr idiiebt iidi. ftctig unb iinaufbaltfani, bie fefte SJiaffc bcutfdjcr Streitcr gegen bie Seftung Dor. _AMERICANS GIVE AMBULANCES TO RUSSIA ''"• ifn'iTi''i*^3'~'''"'ifitr,'n Wf-P fllrft~~TrTW^WTBnBrTl'l,|| PimnTP BTl^M^Mir]TMirinnrTw~~' n • ~ hi iiw— Crowds gathered in Washington square. New York, the other day to witness the dedication of a string of army ambulances presented to the Russian government by Americans. At the right in the illustration is seen a prient of the Orthodox church blessing the ambulances. APACHE SCOUTS HELPING GENERAL PERSHING These are the Apache Indians who have beea sent to the front in Mexico as scouts to aid General Pershing in tracking Villa. POINCARE VISITS THE VERDUN TRENCHES M. Poincar*, president of France, accompanied by officers, on a visit to ihe trendies in the Meuse district. M. Poincare is attired in a military cloak and cap of a color not easily discernible from the enemy’s trenches. NO ONE WILL EAT THESE BAD EGGS I 1 llll I III il llllli I . till Hill ... It required fifty gallons of kerosene and five hours time for two deputy United States marshals to cremate 89,280 bad eggs, which were condemned by the supreme court of the District of Columbia as being unfit for use These eggs were seized in the municipal market where they had been offered for sale bakeries being the usual purchasers of the canned product. MEN AND MATTERS Secretary of State Lansing is an ex pert fisherman. Kansas has not had a legalized brewery or saloon for 35 years. Czar Nicholas of Russia has a watch made from scraps of metal and china. Kansas has fewer millionaires and paupers than any other state in the Union. William G. Sharpe, the American ambassador to France, made a fortune from the manufacture of chemicals. There are 26 museums of safety and institutes for the study of industrial hygiene in the world, 22 in Europe, three in the United States and one in Canada. Instruments invented by a German to register the electricity produced by the heart and its distribution enable physicians to diagnose diseases of that organ more accurately. James Montgomery Flagg, the illus trator. was only fourteen years of age when he sold his first picture, which was a comic. HERO OF KUT-EL-AMARA Gen. C. V F. TownshenU, command er of the British expedition against Bagdad. He has been holding off a superior force of Turks for months on the Tigris at Kut-el-Amara. CAMP BARBER AT WORK ‘v,v,-‘ .v/#-%y/-?'wXv>>X%vXvXv>;v;iv>¥y®v.:<v>;v;v>};<-v The camp barber of one of the de tachments of the American force pur suing Villa is here seen doing his best to make a soldier presentable. Chirography. School Teacher (to anxious parent) — ‘Your son is bright, intelligent and getting along in everything but hand writing." Parent—“That is all right; his writing doesn’t matter, 1 am going to make a doctor of him." Putting on Aire. "I don't like that man Twobble." “Why not?” "Every time I get to arguing with him about the Mexican question, he disconcerts me by pronouncing Villa’s name ‘Vee-ya.’" t THE EUROPEAN WAR A YEAR AGO THIS WEEK — May 1. 1915. Germans gained ground along Ypres canal, but lest near Baga telle and in Le Pretre forest. Germans invaded Russian Baltic provinces. Russians defeated in Kovno and at Orawa and Opor valleys. Two German torpedo boats and one British destroyer sunk in North sea battle. Dardanelles and Bosporus forts bombarded. American tanker Gulflight torpe doed. May 2, 1915. British and French vainly at tacked Germans northeast of Ypres. Great battle developed in Plain ot Rawa, Central Poland. Austrians took offensive in re gion of Ciezkowice. Allies made further advance on Gallipoli peninsula; Australians lost heavily. German aeroplanes bombarded Epinal and other places. Last of the landsturm called out. May 3, 1915. Germans made violent attacks near Ypres and in Champagne. Teutons under Von Mackensen won great victory in West Galicia Continuous bombardment of Dar danelles maintained by allied fleet. British steamer Minterne and four Norse steamers sunk by Ger man submarines. May 4, 1915. Germans took three villages near Ypres. French gained in region of Steenstraete. Fierce battle near Stry between Russians and Teutons. Triple alliance treaty denounced by Italy. Turks defeated allies near Avi Surnu. Lloyd-George introduced second British war budget. May 5, 1915. Germans drove British back but were checked by French. Russians retreated along Galician line and from Carpathian slopes. Teutons captured Gorlice. Turks checked allies at Sedd-ul Bahr. May 6, 1915. German line around Ypres gave way in places, and French won ground in Alsace. Teutons took Tarnow, Jaslo and Dukla and drove Russians from □unajec and Biala rivers. Russians defeated Turks In Cau casus. Desperate fighting in Gallipoli. Five British vessels sunk by sub marines. IViay 7, 1915. Cunard liner Lusitania sunk by German submarine; 1,154 persons lost, including 102 Americans. Germans made more gains near Ypres. Turks captured ten British guns at Sedd-ul-Bahr. Russian aviators dropped bombs | on Constantinople. 8 - — 1 PICKED UP AT RANDOM About twelve marriages out of every 100 are second marriages. There is no federal institution in the continental United States for the reception and care of lepers. The coal mines of Sweden do not produce enough fuel for that country’s needs and scientists are trying many experiments with peat, of which there is a vast supply available. So serious was a recent invasion of Uruguay by locusts that an agricul tural and live stock census of that country was postponed for three months. To enable persons to take breath ing exercises systematically and on a progressive scale is the purpose of simple apparatus invented by a French doctor. Elephants have been put to work in England. Horses are scarce, due to the great demand for war horses, but a Sheffield firm broke the horse famine by hiring a retired elephant from a circus, which pulls as much as five horses. By photography, with a vibrating lens, an English scientist has timed a lightning flash at one-nineteenth of a second. Parachutes to bring an aeroplane safely to land after it had met with a mishap in flight are a French inven tion. 1 Hawaii will be equipped with a lighthouse giving a double flash o! light of 940,000 candle power every ten seconds. The mineral production of Alaska last year is officially estimated to have been worth J32,000.000, the greatest amount on record. Simulated Erudition. "Do you always understand the sub jects on which you deliver speeches?” “No," replied Senator Sorghum “Sometimes I have to talk about them in a way that makes people think they’re too hard for anybody except myself to understand, even when I am trying to explain them.” That Child! Tommy—Oh, mother, look at that man! He’s only got one arm. Mother—Hush! He’ll hear you. Tommy—Why, doesn’t he know it?— 1 Thousands Tell It !>.v dally along with backache and kidney or bladder troubles? Thousands tell you how to find relief. Here's a case to guide you. And it’s only one of thousands. Forty thousand Ameri can people are publicly praising Doan’s Kidney Pills. Surely it is worth the while of any one who has a bad back, who feels tired, nervous and run-down, who endures distressing urinary disor ders, to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial. A Nebraska Case Mrs. Harriet Stump. MeLane and "Fi-tv Picture Teds iStwy" says: “For years I $A suffered terriblv {h from disordered kid-W neys. The trouble fH affected my b a c k Ms and sides and later® developed into rheu- E2 matism. Finally. IF! J used Doan's Kidney IJ Pills and three boxes vu cured me. The swell ing:s in my limbs went down and all left me. That happened years ago and I am glad to say that the trouble has never returned." Cat Doan’s at Any Store. 50c a Box DOAN’S “pVJL" FOSTER-M1L3URN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. THIS ELECTRIC BELT FREE. No Need to Suffer from Ner vous and Painful Divascs. CURE YOURSELF WITH OUT DRUGS. We desire to place one of our Belts in each locality. We depend on Cures they make for sales. Special affe* to secure this Patented and Gen uine Electric Belt Free. Write. Electro Medical Belt Co.* Canton* Ohio DATCNTC Watson K. Coleman, | rnm I ^la B Paieni Lawyer,Wash-.ngion. " " w DO. Advice and books Ire.. Kales reasonable. Highest references. Best services. Sorry He Did It. It was with considerable trepida tion that we approached the shade of Sir Francis Bacon, whom we had crossed the Styx to interview. “Is it true,” we asked, “that you wrote the plays usually attributed to | Shakespearel”' “Yes,” he replied, sadly. “It's true j enough, but since I've seen some of j the Broadway productions of my stuff I’m not bragging about it." HOW TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Itching and Irritation of the Scalp With Cuticura. Trial Free. On retiring lightly touch spots of dan druff,itching and burning with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo thoroughly with Cuticura Soap and hot water. These super-creamy emollients do much to keep the scalp clean and healthy and to promote hair growth. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura. Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adv. Legal Day of Rest. The New York court of appeals has given a decision sustaining the “one uay-rest-in-seven” law that meets the strong approval of progressively minded citizens. The following sen tences are worth quoting: “We have no power -_,f decision of the question whether it is the wisest and best way to offset these conditions and to give employees the protection which they need, even if we had any doubt on that subject. Our only inquiry must be whether the provision on its face seems reasonable, fair and appropri ate. and whether it can fairly be be lieved that its natural consequences will be in the direction of the better ment of public health and welfare, and therefore that it is one which the state for its protection and advantage may enact and enforce.—Chicago Eve ning Post. British Red Tape. It is quite easy to be awarded the | Victoria Cross the Distinguished Serv j ice Order, or any other coveted dis ! tinction, and not knew anything about it. You would think that the authori ties would communicate the intelii gence directly. Not a hit of it You must apply to them when you see your name in the London Gazette or the newspapers, but you will not hear from them otherwise. So He Gets Around. "Why do you lace so tight when Clinton comes around?’’ "Oh! the poor fellow's arm is so short.” Skillful men should know how to dis guise their skill. The apple plants roses in the cheeks.