LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN Entered at the Loop City Postoffice tor transmission through the malls as second class matter. CHIPMAN A HARTMAN, Publishers. $140 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Kvsry subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly removed from our rnail log list, at the expiration of time paid for, if publishers shall be notified, of her wire trie Subscription wi;; remain In force at It.e designated subscription price. Kvery subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the con tract b-t ween publisher and subscriber. POLITICAL G08SIP FROM WASH INGTON. Washington. May 4 1 Special Cor respondence ) "Farmers all over this country are considerably stirred .tp over rural credits legislation," said a southern member of congress. "The idea has come to be quite prevalent that, the administration has ‘cold feet' on the rural credits proposition and that the proposed bill, which has the hacking of the president, is merely makeshift and not. what, the farmers of the country want. My mall Is filled with protests from farmers, and other members tell me the name thing. It is being quietly whispered about, that the administration, which two years ago was in favor of rural credits, has grown lukewarm on the subject. The farmers throughout the country are not to he fooled and they are giving the men who are back of this rural credits proposition some anxious mo ments. It Is stated about the capitol that the plan was to pans a rural credits bill just previous to adjoutn merit at. this session, which falls far short of the demands of the farmers of the country. I think It Is a mighty good thing the farmers are 'smoking the president out' on this proposition.” "I have aerveu in many congreatteK, but J muat aay that thla aeaalon of the almost entire republican delegation to the next congress. "i t an tell you the administration is ‘sweating’ some on this Mexican pro position," said a democratic - . man from one of the border state "President Wilson has at la t dis covered that, when h<- Joined hand*, with Carranza he got hold of a red hot poker. He is trying to let loose now and he cannot. I arn pretty well satisfied that he Is looking for a chance lo hack out of Mexico and get the American troops away. 1 am not a good democrat, but let me say one thing. If the administration pulls the troops out of Mexico after all this ado and after what has happened down there, then In my oplnino, you can sing the ‘swan song' for our party. We will he hurled beneath the Votes of the American people and we ought to be." THE EXPECTED HA9 HAPPENED. The Issuing of bonds in time of peace for the purpose of paying gov ernmental expenses Is purely a demo cratic procedure. Cleveland did I*; and now Wilson will do it. The army hill which has just passed the senate contains a provision for he expenditure of fifteen million do! lars for the establishment of water power plants for the manufacture of nitrates to he used in the production | cate a road commencing at the S. W corner of section 36-13-16, west of the 6th P. M, and running thence north along the section line between sec tions 36 and 35 and sections 25 and 26, and terminating at the X. W. cor ner of section 25-13-16, ha3 reported in favor of the establishment thereof All objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerk's office on or before noon of the 1st day of July A. D., 1516, or such road will be established without refer ence thereto. Dated this 21st day of April A. D.. 1916. L. B. POLISKI, County Clerk. MOTHERS. Should see that the whole family take at least three or four doses of a thorough, purifying system cleaning medicine this spring. Now is the time. The family will be healthier, happier and get along better if the blood Is given a thorough purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the germs of winter, accumulated in the system driven away. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is the very best and surest Spring Remedy to take. Get it at once and see the difference in the whole family. Their color will be better, they’ll feel fine and be well and happy. 35c. The best spring tonic laxative, purifier.—Graefe Pharmacy. PASTURE. Good pasture for a few head of stock.—L. N. Smith. 18-3 Eggs for Hatching. Pure Bred Barred Rocks—$1.00 per 13; $3.50 per 50; $6.00 per 100.—R. L. Arthur. SEED CORN FOR SALE. 200 bushels of seed corn for sale. 1914 crop. $1.50 per bushel. Inquire of Mike Euruck. Phone 9230. 16-6 EGGS FOR HATCHING Thoroughbred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. Inquire of P. O. Lewan dowski at the old Jone’s place. Eggs For Hatching. Rose Comb Rhode Island Red eggs. 20 cents a dozen. White China geese eggs for sale.—Mrs. William Critel. Phone 9013. 15-3 FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE. I have about 100 bushels good 1914 yellow seed corn raised in Sherman county that I sell at $1.25 per bushel. Also have good 1915 yellow corn at $1.00 per bushel.—E. G. TAYLOR. 19-2 FOR SALeT” Three and one-half acres of land. Also another tract of four and one half acres; six lots fenced chicken tight, half in cherry and plum trees. Also a bran new two seated spring wagon, set of double harness and a stack of alfalfa hay.—Alfred Ander son. Ordinance No. 104. An ordinance setting forth the date of purchase, a description of the prop erty, the purpose for which the same was acquired, the abandonment of the same, and that a sale is deemed expedient of the hereinafter de cribed real estate, and fixing the time, place, terms and manner of sale of said real estate and reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Loup City: Section 1. That the City of Loup City did on October 22, 1913 purchase the follow ing described real estate to-wit: A tract of real estate commencing 100 feet north and 50 feet east of the northwest corner of the Court house Square in Loup City, Nebraska, run ning thence north 140 feet, thence run ning east 25 feet, thence running south 14C feet, thence running west to point of commencement, for the purpose of buildiug a city hail thfereon. That the said purpose of building a city hall thereon has been abandoned and that said real estate has been abandoned and that the City Council and Mayor deem a- sale of said real estate expedient. Sec. 2. That on the 12th day of June. 1910, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. bids will be opened and read and said real estate sold at the office of the City Clerk and Council of the City of Loup City. Nebraska, that the terms of sale shall be for cash, and the manner of said sale shall be as follrjwis; by prospective purchase* delivering to the City Clerk of said City sealed bids, for said real es tate on or before said time, that the successful bid must be accompanied by cash for the amount bid, to be paid to the City Clerk not later than said time, on acceptance of bid, the City Council reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication ac cording to law. Passed and approved this 3rd dav of May, 1916. (SEAL) R. H. MATHEW, Mayor of Loup City, Nebraska PETER ROWE, City Clerk or Loup iCty, Neb. A lot of people make a noise, but only a few are ever heard. i_ ] Business and professional Guide — ROBT. P. STARR -7— Attorney at Law LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law t _ And Bonded Abstractor LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA — AARON WALL Lawyer Practice* In All Court* LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA LAMONT L. STEPHENS Lawyer First National Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Only Set of Abstract Book* In County LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA 0. E. LONGACRE Physician and Surgeon OFFICE, OVER NEW BANK Telephone Call No. 39 A. J. KEARNS Physician and Surgeon Phone 30—Office at Residence Two Door* East of Telepone Central LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA A. S. MAIN Physician and Surgeon LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA Office at Residence Telepone Connection /. E. SCOTT I Licf.-n.rfcd Embalmer and Funeral Director With Daily Furniture Co. Loup City, - - . Nebraska — C. R. SWEETLAND PI umbe r & Elect ri <■ ian For good. clean and neat work Satisfaction Goar^atMd Cone and Get M7 Prices 0. S. MASON — Plumbing and Heating. Tinwork. Loup City, - - • Nebraska - _ WALTER THORNTON Dray and Transfer Call Lumber Yards or Taylor's Elevator Phone Brown 43 ___ J. E. Bowman, M. D. Carrie L. Bowman, M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN Physicians and Surgeons | Phone 114 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA S. A. ALLEN Dentist Office Upstairs In the New State Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA W. L. MARCY Dentist Office: East Side Public Square Phone Brown 116 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA E. T. BEUSHAUSEN Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Graduate in Anatomy. Sanitary Science and Em balming of Barnes Embalming School. New Oliptic Spnngs and rubber tired Funeral Car. Calls answered day or m*ht. Phone 104. Lady Assistant Seasonable Announcement of Vacation Tours TO THE PACIFIC COAST, THE WORLD S GREATEST RAIL JOURNEY: Round trip Summer Tourist rate general basis only $00, daily, commen cing May 1st, good to return to October 31st. Slightly higher for the circuit tour, including Pacific Coast steamer voyage or Shasta Route. The Burlington's through-service Coast routes via Denver and Scenic Colorado or through the Northwest direct or via the Denver-Casper Big Horn Basin line give the holder of a Burlington Coast ticket a com bination of routes that includes the scenic, the highly developed regions and the attractive cities of the West. NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR YELLOWSTONE PARK: The Cody, East and Scenic entrace to the Park will have excellent auto mobile service to the Lake Hotel. This is one of the world's scenic auto tours, —via the Government Shoshoni Dam, through the Forrest Reserve and over Sylvan Pass during Park season. Pacific Coast passengers may go into the park via Cody, resume their rail jour ney out via Gardiner, paying extra only for such Park side-trip accommodations as they take. If you will inquire you will learu 'how Burlington through coast lines offer you the greatest induce ments. J. A. DANIELSON, Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. ESTABLISHED I85S > O/c/es/ Pumo House in theWest ! Pianos *200 *° *450 Player Pianos *375to *600 5 Are instruments of artistic excellence and have stood the test of forty-seven years. They are constructed under our direct supervision of the best material and contain all the latest im provements. They are guaranteed unqualifiedly for 25 years under all conditions. Our convenient payment plan, $5.00 and upwards per month, makes buying easy. No better piano—No more liberal firm to buy from. Every instrument sold Direct from Factory to Home, saving you middleman’s profit of $100.00 or more. Write today for free illustrated catalog and special offer to first buyers in your locality—it means dollars to you. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PlANO Co. 1311-13 Farnain St., Omaha, Neb. C. E. WATKINS Veterinarian Calls attended night and day. Resi dence Phone Black 5. Office at Wood's livery barn. Loup City, Neb. For Light and Heavy Hauling Call BERT FIEBIG URAY AND TRANSFER LINE Loup City, Nebraska Horse Sense. A horse that refrains from eating is using the horse sense method of curing itself of some intestinal trouble. Nature sometimes fails, so take no chances but go to the aid of nature as soon as you see something wrong with your horse and give it a dose or two of B. A. Thomas Stock Remedy. If it does not respond at once, this medicine costs you nothing and its just as sure with cows or sheep. We give you your money back.—J. J. Slomtnaki.