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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1916)
... I W. F. MASOX, C. H. RYAX, L. HAXSEX, = President. Ass’t Cashier Cashier. I The Value of Thrift = We believe if the children of the present genera = tion were taught in the schools and in the homes the = methods and principles of economy; were taught = that if they do not save their pennies they will not = save their dollars, and that if they ever expect to = acquire a fortune or enough to keep them in old age, | they must spend less than they make, and that it is = disgraceful to live beyond their means—when they come to manhood and womanhood they wold realize =j come to manhood and womanhood they would real = ize to a far greater extent than they do now what = economy means. ! First National Bank | We Pay Five Per Cent Interest on Time Deposits BRING YOUR GRAIN | TG THE w [ Loup City Mill & Light Co. \ Furnishes all the light and power and also makes the best of Hour. Handled by all Merchants. BUY FLOUR THAT IS MADE IN LOUP CITY 8 HEADQUARTERS FOR | ALL KINDS OF I \ Hard and Soft Coal Pi | TAYLOR’S ELEVATOR | i LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA Let Us Insure Your Home and Other Property Do you know that 1600 dwellings burn every week in this country'? Is your home insured? Are you sure your policy has not expired? Do you know $1500.00 a minute is the average fire loss in the United States? Examine your insur ance policy, note the date of expiration, and especi ally whether or not you have sufficient amounts on the different items. If your insurance has expired—if you wish to increase the amounts—or make any changes, bring us your policies and let us advise with you. Do it now. Tomorrow may be too late. FIRST TRUST COMPANY Loup City, Nebraska SWAT THE FLY Or better yet keep them out of the house. Now is the time to fix up those screen doors and windows, replacing those that have outlived their usefulness with our white pine screens. We have just received another carload of the famous Atlas Red TV ood stock tanks. We have them in sizes from 2x3 to 2ixl0 and all are guaranteed against decay for twenty years. KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. \ Yards at Loup City, Ashton. Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia . . ..... TEY THE NORTHWESTERN AD SERVICE_IT PAYS Dally sells for less. I Try Chase’s first—it pays. Garden seeds—James Bartunek. _ Palmolive soap sold at the Rexall ’ store. — Good organ for sale. See Willis Holcumb. -. William Shumaker was at Ashton last Friday. Sure hatch incubators. Sold by J. J. Slominski. House for rent. Inquire of the Northwestern office. Jack Amick was a Grand Island passenger Saturday. Mrs. E. G. Taylor and daughter. Lu cile, visited at St. Paul last Saturday. j Clifford Puddy, of Elmwood. Neb.. I is the new man at Smalley's barber ; shop. Miss Florence Reed went to Ar cadia last Friday evening to visit with friends. Mrs. W. O. Brown was a Grand Is land visitor Saturday, returning in ■ the evening. Mrs. O. C. Noyes left Saturday for Arapahoe, Neb., to visit her father, who is sick. Sioux City seeds have gained the reputation of being always fresh. Sold at Lewandowski’s. Miss Anna Jensen went to Boelus Saturday to visit a few days with relatives and friends. Miss Ernestine Odendahl visited with her brother. William, and wile, at Ashton last Friday. Mrs. Chris Christensen left Satur day morning for Weeping Water, Neb.. to visit with relatives. E. G. Taylor returned home last Thursday evening from Omaha where he had been on business. C. C. Carlsen is sojourning in the Ozarks in Arkansas. He expects to spend several weeks there. _ Mr. and Mrs. John John went to j Ravenna last Friday morning to spend Easter Sunday with relatives. E. Dwehus and S. E. Sorensen were up from Rockville last Friday, mak ing the trip in Mr. Sorensen's car. D. C. Mulick was a Grand Island visitor last Friday morning to visit with his sister. Mrs. Frank Goodwin, Miss Louise Bartunek was a pas senger to Rockville last Friday on a business trip, returning again in the evening. Henry Roenfeldt, who has been visiting at the Henry Thode home, returned to his home at Grand Island Saturday. Mrs. A. T. Forcell returned to her home at Central City Saturday morn ing after a few days’ visit here with relatives. , Mrs. Susan Wardyn came up from her home at Ashton last Thursday evening for a short visif at the Frank Gappa home. Mrs. R. D. Sutton came up from Ash ton last Thursday evening and visited at the T. D. Wilson home, returning home on Friday. Mrs. Howard Smith and baby were passengers for North Loup last Fri day morning to visit with her father and other relatives. Miss Virginia Welty. of Arcadia, was in our city last Friday doing some shopping, returning to her home the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Riseher re turned to their home at Rockville Saturday after a short visit here with relatives and friends. Fritz Johansen left Saturday for Omaha for a visit with his daughters. From there he will go to Falls City and Humbolt for a visit. Miss Emma Bartunek went to Far well Saturday morning to spend Sun day visiting with relatives, returning home Monday evening. The Misses Alice, Edith and Mae Hendrickson, of Austin, visited with their sister, Mrs. Alfred Minshull, last Friday and Saturday. Miss Mable Depew went to Rear-1 nev last Thursday morning for a few days’ visit with her sister, Florence, who is attending the Kearney normal. Mrs. J. W. Amick was an eastbound passenger to Omaha last Thursday to visit with her daughter. Mrs. J. B. j Martin. She returned home Monday evening. Saturday was a legal holiday. Arbor day. In the business rush everybody' had forgotten that it was a holiday.' with the exception of the bankers, i county officials and postmaster. Members of the library board went to Kearney last Friday to inspect the library building there. As soon as the plans are completed and accepted work on the Loup City township li brary will -be commenced. Special sale for ten days only at Vic Swanson's. Embroidery, curtain scrim, house dresses, children's hats, ladies' skirts, and corsets, and a lot of other bargains. Don’t fail to get in on these low prices.—Vic Swanson's where you get good merchandise. J. S. Pedler made a trip to York . in his Sedan car one day last week, leaving Loup City in the morning at tended court at York and returning here in the evening, traveling over i 200 miles and getting back before | seven o’clock. It is considered quite a performance. _ During the past week A. C. Ogle has sold seven Ford cars to the follow ing named parties: John Lewandow ski, Henry Kowalewski, James Ling, Martin Nelson, Gus George. Nelson Fisher and George Whittaker. Mr. I Ogle informed The Northwestern man that these sales make thirty Ford i cars that he has sold since the first : day of October. ——■ AT VIC SWANSON’S i I I am going to close out my entire line of men's, women’s and children's shoes. If you want good shoes at low prices now is the time to buy. Every pair must be sold as 1 am making room for other lines of merchandise. Remember the place. VIC SWANSON Where you always get good mer j chandise at low prices. I -- --- Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Garden seeds.—James Bartunek. Palmolive soap at the Rexail store Sure hatch incubators. Sold by J J. Slominski. Buy your Palmolvie soap at the Rex all drug store. W. T. Gibson was a passenger to Austin Monday on business. A. B. Outhouse left Tuesday noon for St. Louis on a business trip. Miss Minnie Gilbert was a business visitor to Grand Island Tuesday. Mrs. John Ohlsen went to Omaha Monday to consult an eye specialist. Pure German millet seed for sale. Inquire of D. B. Carpenter. 15-6 J. I. Depew made a business passen ger to Hildreth, Neb.. Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Obermiller and bany went to Boelus Tuesday to visit with relatives. 1 will make special deliveries of ice to any part of the city any time now. —Jas. W. Conger. Mrs. E. S. Hayhurst and daughter. Miss Harriet, were Grand Island pas sengers Tuesday. Mrs. Katie Stellmack visited with relatives at Ashton Monday, returning home in the evening. Smithie and dad returned Monday evening from Grand Island where they had been on business. Miss Celia Krakowski. who has been at Rockville visiting with relatives, returned home Monday evening. Harvey O'Bryan came up from St. Paul Monday and visited between trains at the O. Benschoter home. Mrs. Floyd Janulewiez and children visited with her parents at Ashton Tuesday, returning in the evening. Miss Minnie Johnson returned to Palmer Monday morning after a few days’ visit here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. William Odendahl came up from Ashton Saturday even ing to spend Sunday with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Flanders went to Grand Island Tuesday where Mrs. Flanders will have a goiter removed. Mrs. Clara Hawk left Monday morn ing for Craig, Missouri, to attend the funeral of her sister. Mrs. Nan Wise. Mrs. John Cvnova returned home Saturday evening from Schaupns where she had been visiting with rela tives. Sheriff L. A. Williams returned on Saturday evening from Ashton and Rockville where he had been on busi ness. Fred DeCamp and wife, of Grand Island, are here visiting at the home of the former's sister. Mrs. S. A. Allen. Mrs. Frank Warlvn came up from Ashton Tuesday evening to visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Jezewski, and family. Miss Winnifred Gasteyer, who has been in Chicago attending the Presby terian Training School for Nurses the past year and a half, is home on a va cation. Mrs. May Pierce, wrho has been here visiting with Mrs. Edith Hoadley. re turned to her home at Grand Island Monday. Mrs. S. A. Pratt, who has been visit ing here at the T. M. Ward home, re turned to her home at Pleasanton on Tuesday. Miss Anna Kwiatkowski returned on Monday evening from Rockville where she had been visiting with relatives and friends. , Mrs. Dr. Valor and son, who have been here visiting at the J. B. O'Brayn home, returned to their home at Grand Island Tuesday. _ -miss, wiiiium r leiLiier auu son. Al bert, were in our city Monday doing1 some shopping. They returned to Aus tin the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pruss and baby went to York Monday morning to be at the bedside of her brother, who is reported as being quite ill. Mrs. Mary Hull, who has been here visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Burr Robbins and family, returned to her home in Grand Island Monday. Mrs. J. A. Smalley returned to her home at Sutton Neb., Saturday noon after a few days’ visit here and at tending the funeral of Mrs. S. N. Smal ley. Andrew Fowler came up from Au rora Saturday evening and spent Sun day visiting with the Misses Emma and Verla Fowler, and Miss Grace Conger. Notice.—Remember traveling op ticians have no dark room, therefore cannot fit your eyes successfully. I have installed an up-to-date .dark room,—H. M. Eisner, Registered Op tician. Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Garden seeds—James Bartunek. Palmolive soap.—The Rexall Store. T. E. Gilbert was an Ashton visitor Saturday morning. A complete line of toilet soap at the Rexall store.—William Graefe. I Mrs. Elba Smalley and baby visited with friends at Austin Tuesday. Wanted:—A good girl for general I housework.—Mrs. II. A. Hinman. — P. E. Hansen was a passenger to Grand Island la.-: Friday on business. Tomato and other plants are now ready.—Werner Pritsehau. 18-4 Miss Verla Fowler and brother. Ray. | went to Aurora Wednesday morning to ' visit w-ith their sister. Mrs. A. B. Cou j ger. Mrs. Thomas Dinsdale came up from Palmer Tuesday evening for a visit at the home of her brother. Alfred Min shull. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Itel, of Portland. Oregon, are here visiting with Mr. ltel’s sister. Mrs. Ollie Williams and family. Mrs. Frank Goodwin, of Grand Is land. is much improved in health and able to leave the hospital last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Eisner were east bound passengers for Omaha Monday • morning where Mrs. Eisner will under-! go an operation. Will Loup City have a ball team j this summer? Nothing much has i been said or done to date. The sea-, son is here, so let's get busy. The Loup City band will give their irst open air concert in the band stand on Friday evening, April 28. Come out and hear the music. Gus Lorentz purchased E. G. Tay lor's garage, which he will move to his place. Mr. Taylor will build a larger garage to house his two new autos. Lamont L. Stephens and wife re turned home Monday from Rockville where they had spent Easter with Mr. Stephen's mother. Mrs. Anna M. Stephens. Mrs. C. H. Ryan and sister. Miss | Fay Bond, returned from Gresham on I Monday evening where they had been visiting with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Bond. W. E. Henry, of Fort Morgan, Colo., was visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Henry, and the J. P. Leinin ger family last week. He returned to his home Tuesday. .Mrs. Anion lapoisKi arm uaugmer. Miss Victoria, came up from Sc-haupps Tuesday evening for a visit at the home of their son and brother, Frank ! Tapolski, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheppard and, children, were passengers to Arcadia ; Monday evening to spend a few days I visiting with relatives. They returned < home Wednesday morning. Mrs. Ed. Janulewicz and children came up from Ashton Saturday even ing for a few days’ visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Johns, and the Mat Janulewicz home. Rudolph Schmaljohn and family, and Miss Amy Vanscoy spent Easter with their mother, Mrs. Vanscoy. and i grandmother. Mrs, Robert Johnson, j at the old home on Davis Creek. Mrs. E. A. Miner left for Pleasant ville. Iowa, yesterday to be at the bedside of Mr. Miner's father, who is very ill and not expected to live. Mr. Miner has been there for the past two weeks. Mrs. Emerey Bly. and daughter, Mrs.! Ed. Comsack. and children, came up from St. Paul Monday evening for a visit with their sons and brothers, Lee and Louie Bly, and families and other relatives. Remember that I have just installed a dark rcom with all the latest and up-to-date instruments, which no traveling optician can carry with him. Therefore it will pay you to see me first.—H. M. Eisner, Registered Op tician. T. A. Taylor arrived in our city on Monday noon from Everett. Wash., to visit a while with old time friends. He will visit with his son at Omaha and a daughter at Curtis. Neb., before returning. He expects to be here for about a month. Mrs. L Banks Hale and little daugh ter. Madeline, of Odgen, Utah, and Mrs. William Minshull and two chil dren. of Seattle. Wash., came up from Grand Island Tuesday evening for a visit with the Alfred Minshull family and Mrs. A. H. Hansel. Clifford Thornton met with a costly accident last Friday morning while plowing back of William Garner's resi dence. The team broke through the top of an old cess pool, one of the animals being injured so badly that it was necessary to kill it and put it out of its misery a couple of days later. The other horse was severely injured, but has about recovered. A. B. Young sold his residence and lots and barber shop to Elba Smalley last Saturday. Mr. Smalley taking pos session of the shop at once. Mr. Young will remain in the shop until school closes and has not announced his plans for the future. Mr. Smalley has been a fixture in the shop for some time and no doubt will make good in the new role as proprietor. Success to him. Last Saturday morning several Loup City families were very much startled when a pair of blood hounds ran howling past their places. A store was robbed at Arcadia the night be fore and the dogs were sent for and put on the trail. The trail was fol lowed from Arcadia to the B. & M. de pot here, the supposition being that the thieves took the early morning passenger from here. Up to this time they have not been apprehended. vytaca/uiiuX oVvom: ITUmiAV A/YL 4yL 4tVAvk c)i dk£ 4u/ Awtrnt W'i {xdJateMefiiy^m | £, »ru^2^ ARE YOU A DADDY? YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY; PERHAPS YOU WASTE A LOT OF MONEY IN “DRIBS AND DRABS” THAT IF PUT INTO THE BANK WOULD GROW TO A BIG SUM. IF YOU LIVE “YOU” CAN ENJOY YOUR MONEY, IF YOU DON’T IT WILL PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN. YOU ARE SETTING YOUR BOYS A GOOD EXAMPLE WHEN YOU PUT MONEY IN THE BANK. BANK WITH US. Loup City State Bank llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli||||||ll||||||||||||||">t]|-;i;;!||1|||||||il||||]||1,||, BUY YOUR MEAT FROM US It is good meat. It has the right flavor. It is tender. It is easy to digest. It is a relief to that tired, overworked and disordered stomach. It means LIFE. Pioneer Meat Market O. L. TOCKEY, Proprietor The De Laval Separator Call and see one at my store and get prices on them. The Best Separator Made JACOB RITZ Rockville, Nebr. When looking for a good lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS W e earn- a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten tion given to all special orders. The Best is What You Want IS WHAT WE GIVE And It Costs You No More The economical selling of groceries has been reduced to a science at this store. It is the logical result of conscientious en deavor to satisfy our customers and give them the best possible returns for their money. It is the result of learning from long experience how to buy the right ar ticle at the right time and at the right price, and it enables us to sell to you as we buv. Watch for Palmolive ad in Northwestern Coupons Redeemed here Loup City Cash Store WM. LEWANDOWSKI, Proprietor