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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1916)
ROUTE 2, LOUP CITY Mrs. John Czarnek is about the same. H. A. Woody is working for Clark Alleman. W. O. Brown put in a field of alfalfa last week. William Behrens lost a valuable cow last week. Charlie and Emma Gray spent Sun day at J. Holme’s. Chris Oltjenbruns was seen in our vicinity Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mickow spent Sunday at W. O. Brown’s. Austine Neisner spent Sunday at Mrs. Olga Young’s at Boelus. Potato planting seems )to be all the rage on Two this week. Miss Ethel Lewis spent the week end with Mrs. Tom Mcllravey. Daisy Fletcher returned home last Saturday from Frank Fulliton’s. Miss Smith has been visiting at 'the Plambeck home the past week. James Psota marketed a load of porkers at Loup City last Friday. Carrier Foster sold his mules and has purchased horses in their place. Henry Plambeck returned home from his visit to Madison, last week. Mrs. Minnie Fross and baby came home and surprised her folks last week. Mrs. Rosa Gray spent Sunday with her daughter, Fay Koch, on the east side. Everybody is busy working in the fields and gardens. Spring sure is here. William Behrens has rented a field of alfalfa of Fritz Bichel for the com ing summer. Nellie Kaminski and her sister, Flora, were visiting in Litchfield Mon day afternoon. Miss Amelia Hansen has secured the school in the Tracy district for tne next term. Mr. and Mrs. John Wiecore had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ka minski Monday. The measley ones in the Wilkie home are getting along dandy. There is more yet to follow. Please get your refrigerators ready. My ice wagon starts the 1st of May. Harry Gardner drives. Mrs. Peter Kaminski was visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Tony Spotanski, last Thursday. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mickcw and Mrs. W. O. Brown, were Grand Island visitors Saturday. E. J. Pugsley and children attended the revival meetings in Loup City on Friday and Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boeeking spent Saturday and Easter Sunday with re lations and friends in Litchfield. Mrs. Earl Thompson and Mrs. R. D. Hendrickson attended the Rebek kah district convention at Arcadia. Annetta Peterson is staying home this week instead of going to school. She is helping with the work at home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheppard left with their car of household goods for their claim in the western part of the state Monday. Glen Cash’s condition seems to be much improved. His temperature has not been above 100 for several days. This is good news. James McBeth has been a rheu matic sufierer the past week, being confined to his bed part of the time. At this writing he is great deal im proved. Vern Alleman and Albert Snyder have each rented several acres of land of Professor Burwell. Glen Cash was unable to fill his contract with Mr. Burwell on account of his sickness. Horace Easterbrook brought a load of road drags from Litchfield to the Wiggle Creek church last week. Now Clay township is equipped with nine good road drags three for each dis trict. We hope that the road bosses use them right away while the weeds are just starting. If the road drag is used now until fall there will be no weeds to cut. Three times as much road work can be accomplished in a day if there are no weeds to contend with. To Route Patrons: When you are returning a package to a firm in the east or any where, be sure that you have your letter attached firmly tc the package so that the package and letter will arrive at the same time This will avoid a good many delays in your orders. Be sure you stamp your letter before attaching it to the pack age. Also be sure to write your re turn address plainly in the left hand corner. No package is allowed to leave unless your name and address is on it. Please see that your package is well wrapped. Elmer Johnson in company with Francis and Elnora Spencer and Miss Alice Johnson, were buggy riding last Sunday south of town when they met an automobile. One of the horses be came frightened and the team ran away, but they were finally stopped before any damage was done except to the nerves of the girls. This happy bunch of trouble did not end here. For when they were opposite the new high school building, the team tried the running stunt again with more success this time. The tongue was broke out of the rig with no other damage except more shattered nerves. LITCHFIELD EVENTS John Duncan shipped a car of cattle to the Omaha market Sunday. Adam Keiboiz and wife made a trip to Ravenna Friday, returning on 39. Calvin Lewis came in on 39 Friday night from Aurora, here he had been visiting his brother. E. B. Elsworth came up Saturday to look after his land interests here and returned on 40 Monday morning. Mr. Bernett, who bought the J. Campbell place north of town, ship ped a load of hogs to Omaha Sunday. Jack Rightenour made a flying trip down the road last Friday. His brother, George, returned with him cn 39. Mr. Nelson and family visited with his father-in-law, Mr. Nelson, and re turned on 39. Mr. Nelson left again on Monday on No. 40. Ed Robinson, wife and daughter, of Razard. were up visiting with relatives and attending the meeting at the Methodist church. They returned on 40, Monday morning. Mrs. Thos. Chamberlain, of Clear Creek, was a passenger on 40 Monday morning for Craig, Mo., She goes on a sad errand to attend the funeral of some near relative. The Rev. H. W. Haycraft wasa pas senger to Broken Bow, Saturday, on 39. He was called there by the serious illness of John Armour, son of B. C. Armour, appendicitis was the trouble. Bert Achenbach was a passenger to Kearney, via Grand Island, Sunday morning. He goes to bring home their car that his father, C. E., was com pelled to leave on account of the muddy roads and came home by rail. T. S. Belding, of Omaha, an ex pert electrician, is working on the old switchboard in our telephone office, and making preparations for the new one that is expected to be installed in the near future. Ira Williamson and Anson Fletcher arrived home with Ira's auto truck he bought of the Avery people. They left Omaha, Saturday at 10 a. m., drove to Schuyler the first day. Grand Island the second and home Monday. The roads were in very bad shape, but she rambled right along. Ira is at work this morning. The Rev. Fred Johnson, after two weeks of successful labor in the meet ings here, returned to his home at Hershey, Monday morning. There were 22 conversions and reconserva tions. and great spiritual interest re vived in the congregation. They were altogether very successful meetings. A collection of $117 subscribed for his services, showing the interest was deep enough to reach the pockets. Celebrate Lodge Anniversary. The Odd Fellows of Litchfield lodge celebrated the anniversary of their order Monday night, April the 25th, in the Plaza opera house. Their pro gram was very good indeed. It was especially instructive to any one not thoroughly acquainted with the grand principles of the order. It certainly was inspiring to hear of their growth from so simple a start, and the many good and noble things they have ac complished not only for their mem bership. but for their fellow men, who can be astonished at their marvelous growth and who wouud not be sur prised that the young men of the coun try should desire to associate them selves with such an order. The meeting was called to order by their secretary. If. E. Mallery, in a short and appropriate manner. The opening ode (America), was then sung by the audience to the accompaniment of Mrs. A. E. Barnett, then the invoca tion by Rev. Wagner, next came. Mrs. A. E. Barnett with a piano solo that was masterly executed and highly appreciated. Mr. H. E. Mallery gave a very able address on the order, divid ing his subject into two parts. The Brotherhood of man and Odd fellow ships which he kept the audiences at tention in a masterly way. The recita tion of Helen Lang, also of Blain h Engleman and Lulu Benson were out of my hearing, but were said to be ap propriate and well rendered. The address by Past Grand Master, Mr. Frank John, of Grand Island, who ranks with the highest of them in the order, gave a very descriptive account of the commencement of the order by three laboring men at Preston. York shire, England. Its progress and its introduction into this country and a very comprehensive account of the building of the Oddfellows’ homes and schools, hospitals, etc., and the ways provided for the care of the unfortu nate members in their old age, and also of their orphans and their care and education until they can gradu ate and care for themselves. The tjuestion arose in my mind, who wouldn’t be an Oddfellow? The duet rendered by the Mallery Sisters was exceptionally good and re ceived well deserved applause. The song given by Miss Lillian Rydberg and Miss Litha Mallery was exceedingly well rendered and re ceived loud and well deserved ap plause. The address by the Rev. Carl Knapp certainly clinched the statements of the previous speakers in a sound and able manner by able comparisons of both the Bible and New Testament, made some statements that even our churches might profit by. He received marked attention and was wrell re ceived. Closed by the chairman in a few ap propriate words of thanks for the at tention of the audience. HAZARD NEWS Mrs. Jacob Benson and Mrs. Charley Hall went to Ravenna Monday. Mrs. V. Cunningham and son, Ho mer, went to Ravenna Monday. James ICreeko went to Grand Is land on a business trip last Friday. Klea and Lila McNulty went to Ra venna Saturday on a business trip. Miss Lizzie Frinck and Anna Dor man went to Grand Island Saturday. Phillip Haddox, of Seneca, visited his daughter, Mrs. Joe Miller, and family, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCormick came home Saturday. Mrs. McCor mick had very poor health and is tak ing treatment at Columbus. O. A. Woods and Sheriff Williams, of Loup City, and Arthur J. Itel, of Portland, Oregon, were in Hazard and vicinity on business Tuesday. Miss Anna Nistrum, of Litchfield, visited with Miss Minnie Croston last Saturday, during which time they went to Lincoln on a business trip. The Knights and Ladies of Security lodge initiated Mrs. Hio Aden, Mrs. H. L. Wiest as beneficiery members and Miss Tola Hand as social member. Mrs. Herman Lighthill returned home Saturday morning. She has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mizner. Mrs. Lighthill lives at Per 'dum. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wiest went to. Wrood River Sunday to visit Mrs. Wiest’s parents, Mr. Moore and friends. They will return home Wed nesday. Hans Robertson, of Mason, has been visiting the Robertson brothers this week. They took sohie cat tide in Matt Robertson’s new Ford, purchased of Otto Walther’s. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daugh ter, Vera, went to Litchfield Saturday to attend the meeting conducted by Revs. Johnson and Troy, and to visit relatives. They returned home Mon day. Mr. C. W. Trumble took Mary, Em ma and John Erazin in his car to Cairo last Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mike Proehaska. brother of Mrs. Erazin. Albert Cole and wife, Cliff Roberts and wife also attended. Rev. Gudmundsen and family of Calender, Iowa, are visiting Mrs. Nel son Cole and family and friends of Hazard community. Rev. Gudmundsen was former pastor of the Norwegian church. He went to Iowa about a year ago. Albert Cole and family have moved to Cairo on Anna Prochaska’s farm. Mrs. Proehaska will stay on the farm J with Mr. Cole and family. Mr. Cole sold his interest in the crop on the David Brown farm to Frank Crift'ield, who will take possession of the farm at once. Mr. Cole started to Cairo the 22nd. Churteh Notes. Rev. Troy will preach here next Sunday morning at eleven. The Ladies Aid will meet wTith Mrs. I'C. W. Trumble Thursday. Mrs. C. W. Trumble and Mrs. Fred Fuller will en tertain. Good attendance at Christian En deavor and good interest Sunday night. Miss Alta Shottenkirk as leader. Miss Klea McNulty is leader next Sunday night. Rev. Langseth preached at the Nor egian church Sunday. There were fifty-six present at Sunday school Sun day. The collection went for Mission ary purposes. The boys’ junior class received a pennant for the best gain in attendance over last quarter. AUSTIN SIDELIGHTS Harold Daddow was absent from school Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jack visited Sun day at John Gregg’s. The bonds carried for the new two-room school house at Austin. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fulliton Sunday. Daniel McDonald purchased a valu i able horse from Mr. Fulliton Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kdwards, of Rock ville, visited at the AVm. Couton home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Heil and family spent Monday evening at the N. T. Daddow home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sickles and son. from Loup City, spent Tuesday at the A. R. Jack home. Mr. and Mrs. Fulliton returned home ' from California Wednesday, being i absent all winter. Mr. Harry Billings, of Steel City. I visited friends at Austin over Satur i day and Sunday. The ninth grade have finished their “Physical Geography” and have taken their final examinations. Helen Ogle and Mable McFadden took dinner with Bernice and Bessie Ogle, at Loup City, Saturday. Miss Rhea Rentfrew finished a suc cessful term of school Tuesday. She treated her pupils to ice cream and cake. Harold and Ethel Daddow, Adelle, Agnes, Franklin and Vernon Mickow spent Tuesday evening with the Couton young folks. The following people attended church at Loup City Sunday evening: Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Daddow and family, Mr. and Mrs. McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Couton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg, Rhea Rentfrew and Homer Ogle. CLEAR CREEKSAND _ C. J. Whitmore hauled hogs Tues day. John Mead hauled hogs to town Tuesday. Clear Creek was blessed by a shower of rain Wednesday. It was reported that Grant Stickney has a new automobile. Mrs. W. M. Stouffer called on Mrs. A. D. Jones, Wednesday. Miss Mabel Mead went to Loup City to consult a dentist, i Miss Retta Gastyer visited home folks Saturday and Sunday. Good Friday is the day most every body is busy planting potatoes. Mr. E. Garnet and wife visited with Ray and Mamie Waterbury, Sunday. Frank Boroff ate the most eggs Easter day. He claimed he ate six teen eggs. J. C. Wall is going over the town ship getting next to everybody’s M-. nancial affairs. Martin Burtner and sister, Martha, took in the Oddfellows entertainment Monday evening. Seth Richmond and wife visited with Seth's parents on Clear Creek Satur day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Clark were vis itors at the Jerry Shetler home, Wed nesday, at Loup City. Mrs. Lizzie Hill went to Broken Bow to visit her son, Boyd, who is going to high school. Mr. G. A. Richmond autoed to Loup City Sunday evening, taking Seth and wife back, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Parsley and E. Garnet and wife were present at the Oddfel lows program Monday evening. Fred, Jr„ and Jesse Richmond and Will Miller went to Litchfield to the entertainment given by the Oddfellows lodge. Mr. G. W. Hager took Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Curry to Litchfield, from there they are going to Excelsior springs for Mr. Curry’s health. Easter Sunday was a reunion day for the Richmond’s. Guy and wife, Sennet and wife and Seth and wife were all home with their folks, T. F. Richmond, on Clear Creek. PASTURE. Good pasture for a few head of stock.—L. N. Smith. 18-3 DAVIS CREEK NEWS John Garvel was at John Pelanow ski’s Tuesday. Frank Klatka spent Sunday with Charles Peterson. Orin and Deraid Manchester were in Ashton Saturday. Tony Orent and Tony Zaruba were in Ashton Thursday. Mrs. Garvel and son, John, were in town the last of the week. Lorence White and little son. Tony, were in Ashton Saturday. John Peianowski and Frank Klatka took wheat to Ashton Thursday. A large crowd from here attended Easter services at Ashton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manchester and children were in Ashton Saturday. Ed. Manchester took Lloyd McCord to Ashton Saturday to take the train to Loup City. Frank Manchester built Norman Hulverson’s chimney for him the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Manchester and family, spent Easter Sunday at the j home of Jess Manchester and family.' • Mr. and Mrs. John Peianowski and family, visited at the home of Peter: Kuffel and family last Sunday a week i ago. Frank Trump and son, Clyde, and Charley Glauss. were in Asnton on Saturday and brought corn home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barnett and daughter, Nettie, drove to Ord Sat urday and remained for Easter with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kaminski and John Palu, were in Ashton Saturday to meet John’s father who came in on the evening train. Mrs. Frank Trump visited at Geo. Barnett's last Monday and report her father-in-law as getting better which we are glad to hear. John Garvel dug out a den of wolves in Jess Manchester’s pasture, consist ing of the mother and eight young ones, last Wednesday. Mrs. John Peianowski got a pretty good hatch from her new incubator. She got eighty chicks out of eighty five fertile eggs. It pays to buy. Morris Hassel, wife and daughter, were in Ashton Saturday and took home a nice new spring wagon which he purchased from Jamrog Brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wolf and daughter, left Friday in an automobile for their new home in Deuel county where Joe is located for the season. Good luck to Joe ana ms wile. John Rapp will make his route daily instead of three times a week beginn ing on Monday, May 1st. The farmers along his route will be glad to get their mail every day. Raster Sunday came to a close with a heavy rain and considerable hail fell in parts of Davis Creek. The rain wms sure needed as the ground was getting a little dry, but the hail was not needed. Our mail carrier came very near having a runaway last Tuesday as his mules became frightened at some thing along the side of the road Sut Johnnie knew how to handle them even if he did get his hand bruised up a little. Mr. and Mrs. William Zaruba drove to Ashton Saturday evening where Dr. Wanek and the former autoed to Ravenna where Mr. Zaruba took the train for Omaha to be doctored for some skin disease. We hope he will be relieved of his troubles in a short time. Mrs. Zaruba returned to her home Saturday evening. Charles Brown and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gorley and Miss Lillian Smith, autoed to Ashton Saturday to spend Easter with Lillian's parents. Miss Smith will finish her school Fri day, then will bid good-bye to Davis Creek for a while. We are in hopes that Miss Smith will teach on Davis Creek next year as she is a most pleasant teacher. ASHTON NEWS Dr. Main was here Monday on busi ness. Rev. Radka was an eastbound pas senger Friday. William Wheby was a passenger for St. Paul Monday. V. Beza, Sr., was a business visitor at St. Paul Monday. Charles Taylor, of St. Paul, was here on business Monday. R. P. Starr, of Loup City, was a busi ness visitor here Monday. Mrs. Vincent Wroblewski was a pas senger for St, Paul Saturday. Stanley Dymek, Sr., bought a new Ford of C. L. Wilson this week. Frank Dymek. of Rockville, was in our town Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. William Odendhal visited over Sunday in Loup City. August Stobbe, Sr., purchased a new Ford of C. L. Wilson last week. Jos. Sowokinos went to St. Paul on Saturday, returning on the passenger. Cash Tapolski and his sister, Miss Victoria, of Schaupps were here Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Jamrog were in Loup City Monday going up via auto route. Lawrence Polski. and family, were here over Easter at the home of Mike Polski. August Zochol. Sr., went to St. Paul Monday on business, returning in the evening. Mike Pawloski and William Calvin of near Farwrell were here Monday on business. Albert Werner as here Friday on business, returning to his home at St. Paul Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gappa were pas sengers for St. Paul Saturday, return ing the same day. Miss Annie Moore, of St. Paul, was here over Sunday visiting friends, re turing Monday morning. Mrs. Kalkowski and daughter, were passengers for Farwell Monday morn ing to visit with relatives. Mrs. Charles Jamrog left Monday 1 for Omaha where she will spend a | week visiting with relatives. - — 7 Mike Polslii, Jr., came in from Oma ha Friday to spend Easter with his parents. He returned Tuesday. Dr. Ubl returned Monday after a few days’ visit at Wahoo, Neb. The Dr. reports a lot of rain in that sec tion. F. S. Janulewicz and family, of Loup City, spent Sunday here, with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. St. Dymek. ' Miss Teckla Polski, who has been here over Easter at the home of her parents, returned to her school duties at Columbus Monday. Ed. Hann and family, of Grand Is land, came up Saturday and spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Hann’s mother, Mrs. Peters. Miss Sumovich, who is teaching school near here visited over Sunday with her parents in Elba, returning to her duties here Monday. Edward Badowski, wife and family, came down Sunday from their home at Scotia and visited at the home ot Professor and Mrs. McDaniels. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pruss went to York Saturday to see their son, John, who has been quite ill. They returned Tuesday reporting him much better. The Ambler players show arrived Moijdav and are playing a three nights engagement here. Their plays are good and they are drawing a big crowd every night. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lind visited at John Lind's place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Slason visited at Charles Jewell's place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hager and the Malm family, visited at R. P. Me Clarey’s place Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson and Miss Lucy Deck, visited at John Carl son’s place on Sunday. Miss Cora Burns closed a very suc cessful school year on Saturday. A fine program was given and all had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Terhune and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Anderson, vfs^ted at J. H. Welty’s place Sunday. A fairly good crowd attended the ball game at McClarey’s last Sunday. A team was organized. Manager Welty states that he has a matched game for next Sunday. Be sure and come and if the performance is not perfectly satisfactory your money will be cheer fully refunded. Game starts at 3 o’clock sharp. DEER CREEK NUGGETS Frank Goc hauled wheat to Ashton last week. August Maschka sold a fine pony to Paul Rein last week. Mr. Tesmer is working for Thomas Polski this spring and summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goc visited with John Maiefski and family, Sunday. William Siefert has fenced part of his SO acres which he recently bought. A. E. Lorenz is just about through assessing among the Deer Creek far mers. Miss Prudencia Peters spent Sun day with her friend. Miss Rosa By dalek. Leon F. Lubash went north of Ash ton last week to take some post card pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lubash and fam ilyily were guests of F. J. Maciejewski Monday. Lew Thompson was again on Deer Creek this week buying horses for the war zone. Jurgen Plambeck was! at Boelus last Friday after some Boelus high patent flour. John H. Maiefski was a busy man last week marketing his last fall’s wheat at Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nowicki and baby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Bydalek Sunday. John Weiss was a passenger to Loup City last Monday on business, return ing home the next day. Garret H. Lorenz took a number of his voters in his car to Rockville last Tuesday at the election. A few relatives from Ashton enter tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Maschke Sunday. Last Monday no work was going on in the fields as it was a holiday for nearly all of Deer Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Haremza and daughter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. r. macirjcvyaiu ouiiuav. Tony and Ignatz Kalkowski were busy hauling hay from St. Dymek's which he recently purchased. A number of our young folks went to Ashton last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to attend a show. Jos. Lubash is figuring on running for township assessor on the next election. We wish him success. Mr. and Mrs. Thed Smedra visited with the latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Kezior. of Farwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bydalek visited with the former’s nephew. George By dalek, near Farwell. last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Kaminski, Alonzo Bydalek and Marie Block, were guests of Frank Bydalek and folks. Some of the farmers are late with their plowing for check corn. Some are through and ready to check corn. Mrs. Claus Plambeck and daughter, Minnie, visited with their daughter and sister, Mrs. George Ritz last week. Miss Sallie Haremza is a new pupil in school district No. 58 and now the enrollment has increased a little bit more. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maciejewski were guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Zochol, of Ash ton Sunday. Frank Bonczynski, Sr., was busy , he past week delivering his wheat ] to the Ashton market. Wheat is at , top price now. ^ Miss Clara Peters came up from Jrand Island where she is employed o visit with her mother. Mrs. L. Peters 1 jver Easter Sunday. Messrs. George and Charley and the ! Misses Emma, Della and Laura Car stens, attended the dance at Boelus ast Saturday night. 1 The school in district No. 6 was i dosed after a very successful year of r school. The pupils now can enjoy their t] 'our month’s vacation. Mrs. Sorenson and daughter, Marie, i if near Boelus went to Loup City to v tisit over Saturday and Sunday at the e S. C. Kilpatrick home. c Beautify Your Home j Make your kitchen clean and bright by a coating of our Hygienic Kalsomine. = A Room 12x16 May be Kalso- | mined for One Dollar All colors. Many pleasing combinations can be arranged. Hygienic Kalsomine is instant death to all infectious germ life. Has no disagreeable odor and water accidently spattered on a Hygienic Kal- = somined wall, dries out perfectly. = Ask For Color Card. = The Rexall Store | ‘■■■■IIDaSliailliaiaBailllllliiiiiiaaiiaiiaaaia... “ The Hub Clothing Store j Has Reopened With a new and complete line of Gent’s Furnishings. Also a com plete line of Boys’ Suits. The latest styles for all ages. Come in and look. The Right Goods at the Right Prices * The Huh Clothing Store L. G. Lofholm ~~ — - -- ■■ .... — _ - COMING 4‘The Ambler Players^ At The Opera House Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday May 4th, 5th and 6th The Greatest Stock Company on Earth 12 PEOPLE 12 Band and Orchesirc Special Scenery Up-To-Date Plays High Class Specialties Between Acts. Featuring Vetter Bros., The World’s Greatest Boy Clog Dancers Some of Onr Specialties Between the Acts of the Play: Walter Ambler .“Nearly Human” Mae Ambler.“As Big As a Minute” Minnie Tansey.“Something Silly” Herschell Weiss.“Something Different” Harmony Four Quartette .Cabaret Songs Vetter Bros. “Real Dancers” POPULAR PRICES. Leon Dominski is ordering clothing from the Progress Clothing Co. If any one needs any go to Leon and take a choice of good clothing. Deer Creek is visited once in a while by little showers nearly every day. We hope we will get a rain and not a shower in the future. August Maschka is doing some im proving around his house this week, bv putting in a cement walk. It sure will look fine when he gets through. F. J. Maciejewski came down from Loup City last Saturday where he is building a house, to visit with relatives and friends over Easter Sunday. Alexander and Bennie Maciejewski and Alonzo Bydalek, were in Boelus Monday exchanging wheat for flour, also to see the electric construction 'here. Thos. Lubash recently purchased a lew spring wagon from Thos. Jam rog of Ashton last Saturday. He sure does need a spring wagon for his 'amily. Leon F. Lubash recently purchased i fine second handed Indian twin cy inder motorcycle from Tophel Bon zynski last week and now is trying o stay with the sports. Jos. Lubash has worked for two ailes on the road running east and ?est between Hansen’s and Wiezor ks and has done some good work. It ooks like a paved road. Henry Bydalek came up from St. ’aul last Saturday where he is work ag for James Vincent, to visit with elatives and friends over Easter Sun ay, returning Monday. J. W. Peters and son, Adam, accom anied by W. R. Henkens, of Rockville, ere passengers to Omaha this Wed- ] esday morning where they will pur- < base a car and will drive home in it. < We hear that these school boarders are trying to take a man for a teacher this next coming season, so girls you i better get up and beat the man out of j teaching schools for it is only a girls ) u Z ar,e, sorry to that John H. Maiefski failed to get nominated for county assessor. He has been a good man and served as township assessor for seven years and we hope next time he will get elected as he lost only by a few votes. A picnic was given in school district No. 6 last Saturday. A fine crowd of youngsters were present. The day was spent in games of basket ball and later a light lunch was served for all. All returned to their homes with reports of a good time. A surprise party was given at the home of Sylvester Bydalek last Mon day evening. A large crowd of rela tives and friends were present The evening was spent in card games. Ligh. refreshments were served and all departed for their homes reporting a good time. Hurrah! Hurrah! we are glad to iear that our friend. Garret H. Lorenz, got nominated for county treasurer last Tuesday at the primary election He is a good man of good habits and lonest and reliable and is on the right une with everybody. He has lived on Jeer Creek many years. He now runs i store in Ashton. Mr. Voters, you vill know where to mark your cross vhen the general election comes the irst Tuesday in November, and he will lure appreciate your votes. y Mrs. R. P. Starr and son, Howard k )layed for a dance at Arcadia Wednes- * ay evening, returning home Thurs lay morning. urs