The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 23, 1916, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
Paul Maciejewski quit school this
week due to spring work.
Prudeneia Peters spent Sunday
with Thomas Lubash Sunday.
Joe Lubash and wife were guests j
of F. A. Maciejewski Sunday.
Leon F. Lubash will begin working
for his brother Joe next week.
Henry Bvdalek will work this spring
for James Vincent, near St. Paux.
A number of farmers went to Rock
ville this week to attend a sale.
Joseph Lubash fenced his house last
week and has made a first class job.
Ignac Kalkowski helped Stanley
Dymek haul hay one day this week.
Tony Bonczvnski is working out
west in the sand hills for a farmer.
Emma. Clara and Emil Brammer
were guests of Jurgen Carsten Sun
Carl Rasmussen, of near Rockville,
visited a few days with his brother.
L Joseph Lubash sold some young hogs
to William Kaiser of Howard county
last week.
Messrs. Ed and August Carsten
stopped school last week due to the
spring work.
Andrew Bonczvnski shelled corn for
Jurgen Carsten with his big corn shel
ler last week.
S'anlev Dymek did some painting
last week on a hog shed that he just
recently built.
Andrew Binder ox Rockville,, is go
ing to work for Andrew Bonczynski
this spring.
Leon F. Lukash, our photographer,
was out north of Ashton last week
taking pictures.
Henry Peters came over from his
farm near Schaupps last week to visit
with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dymek and
family were guests of Mr. and Mrs
Ignae Haremza Sunday.
A few of the Deer Creekers took
in the St. Patrick's dance at Rock
ville last Saturday evening.
lgnatz Miefski. of Ashton, the Ash
to. . ity marshal, has been on Deer
Creek last Monday on business.
R. Lemburg. of near Farwell. has
been hauling baled hay from his son.
Harry, near Rockville, last week.
We have had some very pleasant
weather the past week. Several of
the farmers started in the fields.
Frank Dymek and family and Pete
Roschnialski and family visited with
relatives on Deer Creek Sunday.
Our mail carrier, M. J. Vincent, has
a new mail carriage, which he recently
bought of Frank Smith, of Ashton.
Miss Thobby Hansen of Howard
county, is taking a music course on
the piano from Mrs. B. H. Lorenz.
Ole Rasmussen was a passenger to
St. Paul last Monday to visit with
relatives and friends for a few days.
John Miefski was a passenger to
Loup City last Thursday on some busi
ness matters, returning home the next
Carl Rasmussen was a visitor at
school district No. 6 last Monday.
Come again. Carl; you are always wel
Frank Kaminski, of near Farwell,
has been helping his father-in-law.
Frank Bvdalek. cure his horses last
Claus Sass. of Pine Bluffs. Wvo.,
who has been visiting a few days here
with relatives and friends, returned
home last week.
A numerous crowd of Deer Creek
farmers attended the sale of Jacob
Maciejewski, near Ashton, which teas
held last Thursday.
Misses Clara and Thressa, and Mas
ter Martin Nowicki and Leon Lu
bash. were guests of Mike Plambeck's
folks last Sunday.
Martin Rasmussen was an east
bound passenger to St. Paul last Fri
day to visit with relatives. He re
turned home Monday.
Anton Peterson, who has been visit
ing the past week with his cousin.
Martin Rasmussen, returned to his
home at St. Paul last Tuesday.
Elmer Koch and wife and William
Bowen were seen going to Rockville
last Wednesday for a visit with rela
tives, returning home the next day.
Nearly all of the farmers in this vi
cinity have just about finished sowing
their spring wheat and oats as this
year’s spring is earlier than last years.
F. J. Maciejewski and son Steve,
were passengers to Loup City Mon
day last to help build a new house on
the two acre tract which he recently
Mrs. W. J. Maciejewski and son,
Alexander, were passengers to Loup
City last Sunday to visit with rela
tives and friends. They returned the
same day.
F. J. Maciejewski began to build a
new house in Loup City last Tuesday
on the two acre tract which he recent
ly purchased. Frank Lorchick has
the contract.
Don’t forget the basket social and
program which will be held at school
district No. 6 next Saturday evening.
Ladies, please bring your baskets and
gents, your purse.
Ignac Kalkowski hauled a load of
porkers to the Ashton market last
week. While unloading them one hog
fell and broke its leg. The market
would not pass it through so he had to
I return with it. This is the third time
hogs have done the same thing.
A few relatives and friends were en
tertained at the home of Mrs. Claus 1
Plambeck last Sunday. The day was
spent in music and games. Light re
freshments were served and later in
the evening all departed for their j
homes reporting a pleasant time.
We understand that John Maiefski
is a candidate on the democratic
ticket for county assessor. He has
been a successful farmer for a number
of years and is on the right line with
everybody and so now lets us be the
same and lead him to the nomination.
Gael Gilmore has been on the sick
list the past week.
Arthur Couton has quit school on
account of spring work.
Pete Larson and family spent Sun
day with John Needham.
John Needham purchased some hogs
of William Couton Tuesday.
Mrs. R. E. Gilmore and son. spent!
Tuesday with Mrs. Etta Hartwell. i
Mrs. Haver has been visiting with i
Miss Agnes Vandegrift since Friday. '
Mrs. Pete Ogle and family of Loup
City, spent Friday at D. B. Carpen
Mr. and Mrs. Burnett and Mr. and
Mrs. Hartwell were trading in Loup
City Monday.
Dan McDonald went to Columbus on
Monday on business, returning Tues-1
day evening.
Miss Lois Steen of Loup City spent
Saturday and Sunday with her friend.
Miss Irene Jack.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gilmore and Mr.
and Mrs. William Fletcher, autoed to
Sargent Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Couton and
family took dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Carpenter and
daughter Lelia. spent Sunday at the !
D. B. Carpenter home.
Alma McCall has been staying with
her teacher. Mrs. Lulu Burke, during
the absence of her mother.
Alice Hendrickson hurt her foot I
quite badly while playing with her
schoolmate. Helen Ogle, last Saturday.
Mrs. J. H. McCall and four children
left for Creston, Iowa, where she in
‘ends to spend several weeks visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Daddow and fam-!
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Van Austine. of
Arcadia, spent Sunday at A R. Jack’s.
The schools around Austin have
again taken up their duties after a
weeks’ vacation on account of the
Mr. and Mrs. S. McFadden and
family and Donald Burke spent last
Thursday at the home of T. A. Mc
Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Daddow and son
Harold, and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jack,
attended services at Loup City Sun
day evening.
Mrs. Ida Ogle and daughter, Mr. and !
Mrs. Rentfrow and daughter Rhea.!
and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sickles, and
family, spent Sunday with Frank Hen
Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell. Mr. and Mrs.
Rentfrow and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Heil and family Mrs. Curtis. Mrs.
Lulu Burke, and Margaret McFadden
were seen it^Rockville Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Jack gave a party |
Saturday evening in honor of their
daughter Irene, it being her sixteenth
birthday. The evening was spent in
music and games after which a dainty
luncheon was served.
Albert Fletcher went to Loup City
Tuesday to have his eyes treated. Al
bert has been suffering with severe
headaches lately and unable to at
tend school, but we hope he will now
be able to attend school regularly.
Kenneth Mead is on the sick list.
William Weber is plowing for corn.
Helen Heines is on the sick list
this week.
A. D. Jones is remodeling his house
this week.
Quite a number of farmers are disc
ing their fields.
E. H. Bennett is putting down a well
for S. C. Eastabrook.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill visited at
C. D. Brookshier’s Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hager were in
Litchfield Thursday morning
Martin Burtner made a business
trip to Grand Island Thursday.
Clear Creek aid society met with
Mrs. J. W. Heapv last Thursday.
G. A. Curry is putting in a tele
phone and will be on line No. 25.
J. H. Reed and family, visited with
Jont Duncan and family Sunday.
John Heapv purchased several dozen
chickens of the Rhode Island type.
Ross Goethe and George Curry, are
vaccinating their cattle this week.
Mr. Stouffer and son, did some car
penter work for S. C. Eastabrook last
Earl and Mable Mead attended re
vival meetings at Litchfield Sunday
Rev. Wagoner preached his regular
sermon at Beulah chapel Sunday
Chester Chamberlain was hauling
corn from Loup City Wednesday and
J H Rainforth and family, attended
revival meetings at the Christian
church Monday evening.
Seth Richmond and wife, from Loup
City, visited with F. T. Richmond and
family- Friday and Saturday.
There was a chicken pie social at
Beulah chapel Friday night. A good
time was enjoyed by all those present.
J. E. Rainforth and family and J.
A. Bowser and family visited at the
Ralph Peters home Wednesday even-,
Mrs. William Beck went to Ravenna
to have some dental work done. Site'
was accompanied by her sister. Mrs. i
G. A. Richmond.
Oscar Johnson. Onie Bradley, Paul
Hickman, and Jesse Richmond, at
tended revival meetings at the Chris
tian church in Litchfield Sunday even
Mrs. O. A. Clark and Mrs. I). W.
Titus, were passengers to Holdrge.
Monday where they will spend a week
or two visiting with relatives and
Ross Goethe received a message on
Monday evening from his folks at
Marquette, stating that his mother
was not expected to live. He left
for there Tuesday morning.
£1. G. Taylor of Loup City was here j
Monday on bas:i:ess.
.Miss Dora Glinsman was an east-;
bound passenger Friday.
Rev. Weise. of Paplin, was an east
bound passenger Monday.
John Zaworski drove to his farm up j
near Loup City last Thursday.
Mrs. Hendrickson, of Loup City was
here Tuesday between trains.
Klein Jensen is up and around again
after a severe attack of plnersy.
Mrs. Frank Tapolski of Loup City,
was here Tuesday between trains.
Miss Clara Polski was a passenger
for Loup City Monday to visit rela
A. B. Outhouse was here Monday,
returning to Loup City on the pas
Mr. Erwin’s solos are pleasing large audiences each evening at the
revival meetings at the Opera House
S. F. Reynolds of Loup City spent
Tuesday here, returning home on the
Adam Gehring was a passenger to
St. Paul Tuesday, returning on the
Rev. Father Jarka was here Tues
day between trains visiting with Rev.
Father Radka.
Jack Pageler of Loup City came
down Tuesday to "cry” a sale for
George Adamski.
Clare Kettle was an eastbound pas
senger for Donophin Monday, where
he went to attend a horse sale.
Quite a number from here attended
the sale of George Adamski Tues
day. As usual everything sold good.
Fritz Hapke. of Loup City came
down Monday to spend a few days
with his son, Henry, here on the old
Planting trees, cleaning gardens,
etc., is the order of the day at pres
ent, and prospects are for an early
Bob Mills and Louis Pilikowski re
turned to their work at Farwell after
spending Sunday here with home
Floyd Janulewicz dropped off the
freight here Friday, coming up from
Farwell where he had been on busi
William Dunker of Lincoln, was in
Ashton Saturday on business. Not
quite a little behind time—but the
passenger took Bill aboard.
Hans Werner is again employed at
the Ashton garage. Hans is a first
class mechanic and his services come
in pretty handy at the garage.
John Sehroll returned last week
from Laeona. Iowa, where he had been
the past couple of months. John says
Iowa is all right but. oh! so dry.
Emil Ojendyk left Saturday for
Lincoln to join his brother William,
where together they will go to Alli
ance to try their luck in the land
drawing at that place.
A car of household goods arrived
here Thursday for Messrs. Schellev &
Tollen. Mr. Schellev has rented
the Felix Jiorasczewski property and
Mr. Tollen the Stanley Dvmek place.
We understand a deal has been
made between C. L. Wilson and Leo
and Frank Haremza in which the
Messrs. Haremza purchased the
garage of Mr. Wilson. They will take
possession the first of July.
Frank Grudzenski. and family, of
Sargent, came down Saturday and
visited over Sunday at the home of
the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Woitsewski. Sr. They left Sat
urday for Aurora where Mr. Grudzen
ski will be employed by the Burling
ton section foreman.
If you want seed potatoes, now is
thetime to get them. Prices right.—
k uopyneni; ivio .
\ General Rooting X
\ Manufacturing
\ Co /
/ 1' Fr$m Ureenlarut s icy jnwunta ins^<£
A. Fnm India's c$ral strand, , \
-~JVherje Afric's sunny ftuntains /
RUrVn^KjJuieyflden sand,
W many nneiffrTnrh-nzjfr, I
From many a palm\ plain,
Th'fy call us U deicer”
Their heads fr»m sun and rain
YMi \^ill fink CERTAIN-TEEcj affofedinL equalprote^tion froiri^.
and the sun &nd rain of the Tropjics. literally j th^ roof of the
o Making^effrrgTsTfiei Generars^cFnefta^aess^He rrihkes one-third
^^Arrrenca—thirty-nine dther manufacturers maked^fe4)alance.^Sat;h
Ny"^ General’s ability to make the highest quality roofing at theTowest
\6foy Vdvantag^hatinmrTTroifcyHn^apdAafchinery 9^n offer i
maiMain^aadityTand lower the/cost. Xf^re^ult is that today CERT
cjual^^cQSts less than inferior roofirwycbst t^try^ars ago. \
©BRJAIN-TXED is oofing .
felt, thoroughly saturate d of soft/
asphalts, the^f&hrM}iav©f boafdNof expert
chemists. It hardp>asphalts,
which keeps the inne prevents the
dnying-out process so destructive to ordinary roofing
CERTAIN-TEED is guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years,
according to ply (1,2 or 3). Experience proves that it
lasts longer.
CERTAIN-TEED is made in rolls; also in slate-sur
faced shingles. There is a type of CERTAIN-TEED
for every kind of building, with flat or pitched roofs,
from the largest sky-scraper to the smallest residence or
CERTAIN-TEED is sold by responsible dealers all
over the world at reasonable prices. Investigate it
before you decide on any type of roof.
World's Largest Manufacturers of Roofing and Building Papers
Lm Am In
(The following correspondence from
Litchfield was omitted last week on
account of an error in the Loup City
postoffice. the envelope being put in
a wrong box by mistake. We very
much regret this error and trust that
it will not occur again.)
Paul Nemott of Ravenna loaded out
a car of horses last Friday.
Ed Achenbach shipped a load of
hogs to Omaha last Sunday.
Frank Wyman left for his home at
York on Friday after closing his deal
A. L. Farnsworth is putting an addi
tion on the A. D. Jones home north of
Cole Lang and one of the Howard
brothers went east on No. 40 Sunday
morning to buy corn.
Fred Douglas is commander-in-chief
at the Fairmont cream station dur
ing George's absence.
R. L. Farnsworth has the house that
he is building for Frank Wyman ready
for the plasterers. Lew Sadler is doing
that work.
After being married thirty-six
years, the stork left a fine baby boy
at the home of Anson Fletcher on
Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie
left Sunday morning for the east
where George goes to undergo an
operation for rupture.
Rev. Troy went to Hazard to fill
his appointment there on Sunday. He
had not kept it for several weeks on
account of an epidemic of the measles
Lee Engleman shipped his emigrant
car of stock, and goods, on Sunday
evening for Brush. Colorado, where
be has taken a 320 acre homestead.
Good luck to you Lee.
Mat Robinson bought the Regis
tered Belgian horse of John Mead last
Saturday at George Lang's sale. It
sold for $237.50. Mat shipped it to Ra
venna the same evening.
Thomas Haller shipped a mixed
load of cattle and hogs from Litch
field, and George Haller shipped a
load of cattle and one of hogs from
Hazard on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. A. L. Fletcher left last Wed
nesday on No. 43 for High River. Al
berta. Canada to attend the funeral
of her brother, William E. Green. She
will arrive there Friday night.
John Mead sold five head of young
horses to Paul Nemott last week, and
H. J. Burtman sold him four head of
dapple garys that were good ones,
and in fine condition. They brought
him around $700, and they were well
worth the price.
Frank Wyman and Wheeler Fox de
cided to settle the difference between
them in regard to the acceptance of
the farm after the house was burned
down, by arbitration. Alfred Flint
and George McKenzie were chosen
as arbitrators, they selecting John
Minshull as third man. and managed
to settle the matter to the satisfaction
of the parties concerned.
Ben Robinson, one of the very old
timers of the Clear Creek valley,
came in on No. 39 Saturday. He home
steaded 160 acres of the Hotchkiss
farm and afterwards lived on the
school land now owned by Mrs. Alber
sen. He is a brother of Mrs. Green
and uncle to Mrs. A. L. Fletcher. He
like many other settlers of that time,
thought that this country would never
amount to anything. Now he has the
surprise of his life.
The wolf hunt held on Monday, and
covering Scott township, was not alto
gether a blank. General George Slote
held the north line well protected and
the advance from the northeast and
west was well protected, but it was
too rapid, and the ground not thor
oughly worked. I saw one step
through the north line. One wolf was
killed but more rounded up before
the close.
Mrs. A-. L. Fletcher has just re
ceived a telegram from her nephews
in Canada announcing the sudden
death of her brother, William Green,
from heart failure. He died this morn
ing, t£e 14th, about one o’clock. Mr.
Green will be well remembered by all
the old settlers. He was a prominent
and well informed Mason. He visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher for a week
two years ago last Christmas. He
was one of those genial, good natured
fellows that we are glad to meet, well
informed, and good company. He has
been a very successful man in Canada,
and has sent two sons to the Euro
pean war. WTe certainly condole with
the bereaved relatives.
St. Josephat’a Catholic Church.
Every Saturday evening at 7:30
Rosary devotion.
Services on Sundays as follows:
Morning service at 10:30, Mass, and
the usual Polish sermon, except the
ast Sunday of each month, when the
English sermon is given instead of
he Polish.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all to attend all our services, and es
pecially the English services.
Horses For Sale.
Four head of good, young work
horses. Inquire of George F. Doug
las.' Phone 7503. 13-2*
Amidst all of the excitement of wars
and rumors of war, don’t lose sight
of the fact that you can hear a mighty
good sermon in this town any Sunday
in the year.
Daily sells for less.